The Great Debate [I]

fallen blades
The Great Debate [I]Dec 10, 2016 21:12:23 GMT -5
Ōgonshoku Mugen
If you wish for me to be struck down, do it with your own hands.
Ōgonshoku Mugen Avatar
age 33 years old birthday June 17th rank Jōnin | occupation
An interesting question from the young lord, indeed. Tonoda, for the first time in the debate, had finally come to a question which worried him. Though he had already brainstormed some provisions on the village's current state abroad, he hoped the entirety of the village could get behind it. He looked to the people, pausing to take a solemn look at the young lord, turning back to the people once more before going ahead with his plans.

"Indeed, many of the other villages are extremely powerful, Konohagakure especially, having many powerful clans and diligent shinobi," said Tonoda plainly still looking to the people "But to forget our honored dead, some of which who served to left and right of myself on the battlefield of the 2nd and 3rd Shinobi World Wars. We cannot forget their sacrifices and we cannot bow down to killers and enemies so easily just so they can stab us in the back after we've let our guards down." Tonoda paused for a second for the people to take it all in, showing that he wasn't all peace and love. "The best plan I could strategize upon finding a solution to this problem is calling a Kage Summit amongst all nations, calling all the representatives of each respective Ninja Village bearing nation to one central location, each secured with a support, and discuss each nation's wishes and plans for the future. If this is successful, then people can openly choose their allies and know where each respective nations stands simultaneously."

It was unprecedented but Tonoda hope his idea had a dynamic the people could understand. No leader who did his due diligence would miss an opportunity like this, especially in times like this when every nation is having tough times. "If this plan is successful we could secure new alliances and strengthen our faltering ones all in one pivotal moment. It would change the dynamic of how politics is done within our nations and possibly slow down the progression of so many festering wars. We must know our friends but we must also know our enemies. As a precaution of this summit if it is, indeed, accepted, all nations will have to call for a cease in movement until the summit is over and all Kage have safely returned to their villages so that no thoughts or whispers of wars can be conjured up. "

Tonoda's plan was shared and he hoped this would help his cause rather than hurt it. He knew the notion was far fetched and these people were still fearful of change.
last edit by Ōgonshoku Mugen on Dec 10, 2016 21:18:35 GMT -5
Mugen [Black] has written 64 posts
The Great Debate [I]Dec 12, 2016 12:05:14 GMT -5
Yutakako Takara
Long Live Iwagakure
Yutakako Takara Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 45 years old birthday 10/29 rank Elite Jounin occupation


► To Making History ◄

Takara would take advantage of her following Tonoda's lead, she'd look to his plan to solidfy her own. However she wasn't entirely sure the man's stance on the situation, in her eyes he made the mistake to belittle them to other villages level. Iwagakure prior to it's civil wars was hands down the strongest military village of all the great shinobi villages. They should still be a league if not leagues above their minor village counter parts. However Iwagakure held these smaller nations in greater liking than that of the great nations, it's strongest bonds had always been Amegakure and Takigakure. In other words Takara felt the man's words were in fact weakening the image of her village, besides the kages could and would meet the next chunnin exam.

There was very few reasons to call a kage summit a meeting of all great leaders, a meeting of the five kages as it always had been prior. Tonoda wanted all leaders of shinobi villages in nations to come though, it'd be a call to more heads than Iwagakure had capable spies of debriefing. There'd easily be one wanna be badass who'd attempt to end the kage and create even more chaos. "The world and this village is at a fragile state, we're however at peace right now. There's not a great war happening, it's typically a Kage Summit in which war is declared or resolved. I know there's a lot of new leaders in this world, but we need to know about them before we just ask them to all meet in one room." Takara would state with a sentiment caution, she was still a council member of the village. She couldn't break her recent routine of trying to look out for her village and it's leader's safety.

"I will admit Konohagakure is a powerful village and with it's placement so close to us, it is in fact a village we should keep in mind. If we're able to stand by my plan and you think an attempted alliance or strengthen neutrality with Konohagakure is necessary, then we could easily give them Kouen and frame the man for their Hokage's death. I believe Toshu had discussed the plausibility of such a trade, but I personally recommend we focus on an alliance with Kirigakure first. We also need to reward Takigakure and Amegakure for participating in our civil war. I think actual gifts and compensation towards them would in fact take out alliances to the next level. Making our enemies like us will be hard, but making our friends love us will be easy." Takara was confident in her string of words, she'd even used the earlier question to her advantage.

Takara could almost tell the room didn't like her earlier Kouen response, but she didn't intend it to sound like she'd be saving the man. Instead she meant he was still a tool very capable to them in other facets, it just so happened she'd be able to bring light to one of them right now. She assumed the question and it's specifics to Konoha meant there was some word in the peoples mouths and the Daiymo's that an alliance might be wanted. She didn't like the idea of turning a foe to friend, but she did feel she had the better plan to do so. Tonoda's vagueness also lacked a truly positive message, she didn't see the hope at the end. It sounded to her like he wanted to gamble so much on chance, his relations with Kusagakure and now his extremely risky plan to meet with all the great ninja of the world.

The woman wasn't sure the resolve of the room, she did however know if she failed to win it, then she'd have a tough council ahead of her. Tonoda lacked a strategy the Yutakako could agree with, but he'd been away awhile and had a different perspective to the world. She'd try to respect that as she'd wait for the next question or retort.

last edit by Yutakako Takara on Dec 12, 2016 12:07:03 GMT -5
Yoshiko has written 464 posts
The Great Debate [I]Dec 22, 2016 19:49:26 GMT -5
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Sega Avatar
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For the longest time, the village of Konoha had been firmly opposed to Iwagakure. The two villages each had their own interests and ideologies that put them against each other since the First Shinobi War. The continued relationship with Iwagakure was one that brought the attention of all in attendance, but in varying degrees. The elderly who were fortunate enough to live through it all found it harder to change their views against Konoha's treachery. Conversely, it had been almost three decades since the shinobi world had a conflict on such a scale. Despite this, the people Iwagakure had seen plenty of death in their squabbles with one another. What the majority of them desired was a relatively peaceful stability. How they should go about it however, had multitudes of opinions.

Tonoda spoke first, stating his disdain for their avowed enemies, and made it known that he believed Iwagakure's dead must be remembered. This seemed to be the standard plank for most officials regarding their opponents and it garnered support from most of Iwagakure's elderly. However, his next words would be seen as rather forward-looking. He wanted to call for a Kage Summit, a meeting of all the major villages, to discuss their relations and alliances. It seemed he wanted to solve the issue quickly in one comprehensive meeting and raise the standard of international relations via transparency. The idea was not exactly innovative, Kage Summits had been done before, but it was progressive in that the man seemed to see the better in people. However in the eyes of most shinobi in attendance and pragmatists, they could only see their village, of all villages, calling for it or hosting the Summit as fantasy.

The very reason the topic of Iwagakure's relations abroad were brought up was because the village's respect, reverence, and fear was plummeting. For one to call a Kage Summit, it typically required all of those things. The officials who had set up this debate had known this and they would chuckle at his words. In addition, there had been no Great War, just like Takara had said. To simply put it, not everything in the world revolved around Iwagakure. There had to be some important issue that was pertinent to all villages to gain widespread attention. Iwagakure's problems were for Iwagakure.

Takara's pragmatism aided her cause once more. She offered a simple, concise way in which both civilians and shinobi could understand: Give Kouen to Konoha. Those in the audience looked at one another and wondered if they could really do such a thing. Then they came to the conclusion that if they could hand over Kouen to Ishi. Why couldn't they give him over to Konoha?

"TRAITOR!", an ardent loyalist supporter would stand up and shout. He and like minded loyalists thought the notion was a disgrace. But the majority of the village, even other loyalists, were not completely opposed, squashing the previous thoughts that she had some sympathy for the previous regime. Momentum in the debate was now with Takara, but she had now had now built in a deep seated hatred with a portion of loyalists.

"Thank You, Tonoda, Takara.", Kuumoto looked at them both in acknowledgement then let out a small smile upon looking at the next page of his notes. He hoped he had done his father and Tsuchi no Kuni proud."In two weeks, the people of Iwagakure will be heading to the polls. With this debate coming to an end, what would you like to let them know as the overriding message and theme of your respective campaigns?"
OOC: Once again, I apologize for the wait. In respect to the holidays, we understand that you both will likely be busy. There will be no time slot for you both to post by or post order. We just ask that you post prior to the end of the year.

Happy Holidays~
last edit by Sega on Dec 22, 2016 19:50:08 GMT -5
has written 514 posts
The Great Debate [I]Dec 28, 2016 22:06:35 GMT -5
Ōgonshoku Mugen
If you wish for me to be struck down, do it with your own hands.
Ōgonshoku Mugen Avatar
age 33 years old birthday June 17th rank Jōnin | occupation
    Tonoda slightly bowed to the daiymo's heir. Taking a step forward to the podium, he looked at the people around him in the audience, taking a glance over to Lady Takara before returning his gaze to the people. Taking a small breathe and letting it out again, he addressed them once more. "Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?' We all wish for a better Iwagakure, from the delegate to the small business owner but many of us are scared to take the first steps for change: for a unified front. The rich and the poor, clansmen and the nameless, even the rebel and the loyalist, all the people of this fair land working together for real progression. This is what we want but we must take the actions to make it happen. We must be willing to take those first steps. But we all must have faith!"

    Tonoda took a second to take a breathe once again, giving the people time to look to one another. "Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase. We must all be willing to take that step together. Regardless of if the fair Lady Takara or I is elected Tsuchikage, we all must help each other facilitate this change that we all wish for so deeply. Iwagakure has been on a downward spiral for much too long. Our outside relations are secondary to our own progression. The main focus is to rise above the power and stability of all other villages and become the greatest shinobi village the world has ever seen. That is my wish. That is what I wish to facilitate if I am elected the Tsuchikage."

    Tonoda stood looking at the people in the crowd: their faces, their expressions, their various ethnicities and traits. He hoped that they could all overcome their differences. He hoped they truly wished for change and thethe would do the work. As citizens, they had a responsibility to their nation as well. A Kage couldn't change it all alone. The members of the organization had to work together to be productive. He wish for change and he was willing to do the work to do it. He hoped they all shared in his inclinations. He stepped back to his position, finished with his closing argument. Waiting for Takara to make her last stand.
Mugen [Black] has written 64 posts
The Great Debate [I]Dec 29, 2016 17:25:03 GMT -5
Yutakako Takara
Long Live Iwagakure
Yutakako Takara Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 45 years old birthday 10/29 rank Elite Jounin occupation


► To Making History ◄

Takara tried hard to remain the dominate candidate the majority of the debate, she felt she'd fought politically quite hard for the position of Tsuchikage. The return for her resolve wasn't exactly what she'd wanted, it seemed Tonoda's overly peaceful nature and vague plan fitted a calmer crowd. It seemed she brought the energy to the room at times, but it clearly wasn't all approved and looked up to energy. In her mind the village needed someone with the energy to drive others, but if she wanted and truly thought she should lead, then she knew she couldn't let herself over sell herself. She'd let Tonoda speak first knowing he could steal her thunder, as well as not wanting to seem so impatient to jump at the open ended question first. It was a question given to both of them at once, so maybe she could recover some of her perceived lack of discipline with a simple show of discipline.

There was also a strategic advantage to going second in debate, as well as an advantage to having the last word in a room. She wouldn't wait long for a reply as Tonoda both didn't let silence grow and made a relatively short end speech. She'd maybe said too much, but he'd left her feeling uninformed. She had questions for the man she hoped the room had too, but she couldn't feed off such thoughts too much. Instead she'd focus in on her will and determination, she'd give a light round of applause for her candidate as she'd step forward. "Those were good words for your final statement Tonoda, I can't help agreeing on so much of that. As a missionary for so many years on my free time, I've always believed faith is integral for hope and happiness to strive. We must pray for the best, as well as work to achieve it." Takara would start as she'd keep her focus on Tonoda, she opened with a compliment to his words. She didn't show enough admiration to the man in the debate, but she still felt he wouldn't fill the role as well as she would.

She'd met him in the past recognized the name well enough, but the past wasn't recent enough for her to truly trust him. She also had to question the legitimacy of his claims to relations with other nations, these were all important factors to the Tsuchikage. Things though even as council she'd probably still have to consider, she might be looking after this man after all. "I have faith as a village we can once again unite, I have faith that we can make Iwagakure greater and be seen as the greatest village. I however do not have faith in Tonoda to be the best one to accomplish this feat. He wishes to bring us to greatness but I know I can bring us to achieving it." Takara had been fairly aggressive the whole debate at least her words constantly honed on the need for the villagers to trust one of them to help bring Iwagakure to greatness.

It wasn't the nicest way to fight in a debate, but the fact Tonoda's past was largely hidden in a shroud. A past for Iwagakure in ANBU under a new name and then a life within the lands of foreigners and enemies of Iwagakure's past. He then came to this debate and spoke of a potential alliance with that very enemy at some point possibly. He needed to catch up on affairs and was vague on how he'd achieve all his goals, he had a couple radical ideas even. She could probably show him the way and help him with politics, but there was a point where it'd just be easier with her making the calls. It might of been a selfish thought, but at the moment she couldn't help thinking it in her own personal concern. Tonoda hadn't won her vote or vote of confidence, he wasn't incompetent, but he wasn't the better candidate in her mind.

"I have the political connections and the plans already drawn to help bring our village to true greatness. I know our focus first must be on the home front, but as Tsuchikage I believe I could tackle both and all fronts necessary of the position. I gladly pledge my life to the prosperity of this village and the liberty of it's villagers!" She'd make her pledge regardless of the results to this upcoming election, she knew nothing less than her everything wouldn't suffice the minorities or majorities. She wanted all demographics to side with her, because she was confident she could bring success to her village. She knew even if she wasn't elected she could hold to her pledge, but she hoped the people saw her as the one capable of such a noble task.

"I believe you all will make the right decision, so long live liberty and may the best candidate win." She'd end her own speech as she'd not lose touch of the main reason this debate was happening. It was a means to test the waters of individuals who'd wished and been nominated to run for the villages leader. It was the first true show of democracy Takara had seen, she was eager to see it in action and hoped it'd work out in her villages favor.

Yoshiko has written 464 posts