Himishi Raisuke | Iwagakure | Jounin Hanchou [WIP]

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Himishi Raisuke | Iwagakure | Jounin Hanchou [WIP]May 31, 2014 9:04:10 GMT -5
Himishi Raisuke
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Himishi Raisuke
Iwa's Silver General


NAME: Himishi Raisuke
AGE: 53 yrs.
VILLAGE: Iwagakure no Sato
CLAN: Himishi
RANK: Elite Jounin
POSITION: Shinobi Council

Councilor Himishi [Country]
As a member of the shinobi council, it is his responsibility to act as an advisor to the current Tsuchikage. Formerly his duties also consisted of deciding on new Tsuchikage to take the place of old ones, but with the recent democratic reforms instituted; his main priority is advising Nohime Yoshiko. Apart from that he will often act as a dignitary when someone prominent is required to be present in foreign nations or an important guest needs to be received.

Grand Marshal [Group/Village]
Formerly having held the Head Warden position in his younger years, Raisuke's rise to Grand Marshal was inevitable in his own eyes, not only due to his own pride, but the simple logic of the choice seeing as how he used to be part of the Blasting Corps. as the Structures Lieutenant. This previous position giving him more knowledge on how better to make the Guardian Corps. and Blasting Corps. work in tandem.

Structures Lieutenant/Fuka-Taichou [Group]
Having formerly been in charge of the structures division within the Blasting Corps. there are still a fair few within that organization who might accidentally slip into referring to him with his previous title. Typically Raisuke is quick to correct them, but does not by any means dislike what he views as a lingering loyalty to him.

Ginshō no Iwa- [Silver General of the Rock] [World]
There are many rumors as to how Raisuke first earned this nickname. Some say it is due to Raisuke's heavy reliance on his Silver Generals in Shogi while others say it is just a reference to his silver hair and his former position as a member of the War Council. After the Third Shinobi war however, other villages came to refer to Raisuke as this due to his erratic, but succesful defensive manuevers on the relatively small, but ultimately important border Tsuchi no Kuni shared with Nohari no Kuni which helped to buy enough time for the main assault force to lay siege to Sunagakure no Sato.

Daichi [Clan/Village - Limited]
A nickname that has sprung forward from rumor, it is whispered that the great Himishi Daichi utilized a Himishi kinjutsu to transfer his consciousness to his grandson Raisuke's body in order to prolong his life. While this is entirely untrue, it has not ceased the rumors and speculations from creating this name for Raisuke.


HEIGHT: 6'3''
WEIGHT: 247lbs

At a distant glance the only details most people can give about Raisuke is that he is getting on in years a bit and has a fair complexion. Taking a closer look however reveals that while Raisuke is nearly fifty years old, he is in better physical condition then some people thirty years his junior and easily matches if not outclasses even other shinobi who are near his age.

With his large muscular frame, rugged stubble and piercing violet eyes it could also be said that Raisuke is a rather intimidating man to most people. This fear inducing demeanor he carries himself with is only worsened in those rare moments where a smile pulls at his lips and actually manages to reach his eyes. For such times are only when great destruction or suffering has occurred.

As far as Raisuke's clothing is concerned, it is a fairly accurate representation of his personality. No matter what the situation is, Raisuke will always wear what he considers as efficient and useful clothing. Generally this means earth toned shirts and pants paired with black or earth tone flak jackets that have been modified to remove the sleeves and widen the sides to give him a wider range of motion.


NINDO: "Sacrifices must and will be made."

While there are several facets to Raisuke's personality, it is his harsh nature that is the first and often the only one that others see. In truth, there is no denying that the man's demanding and strict nature make it difficult to see anything else and as the years go on his cold harshness seems to be eroding away at his other emotions.

Still, one has to understand that this harsh nature comes both from the time period he was born in and had to live through as well as the upbringing he had at the hands of his father. Being born in the middle of a war and losing just about everything you cared for, only to be thrown into another before you could even catch your breath would make anyone a bit rough at the edges, let alone when you had a father like the one Raisuke had.

Raisuke's harsh personality primarily stems from his demanding nature. Whether it be his subordinates, his children or a baker making his bread; Raisuke demands perfection in every little detail set before him. Some whisper that this is a slight madness gained from extended usage of the Tomokenzangan and it's ability to see the slightest flaws, but the truth of the matter is that even if Raisuke were to deactive his doujutsu, he'd still demand perfection out of everyone around him. In the end, the best approval anyone can get from Raisuke is just his silence.

Some individuals might think this harsh nature means that Raisuke is an angry person who screams the loudest during a fight. With Raisuke, this is simply not the case. Rather than burning hot with anger, Raisuke instead dwells in his own world composed of bitter cold apathy just barely tinged with disgust and hatred.

This freezing emotion is most apparent at the times when Raisuke should be angry, such as when his child disappoints him. Rather than scream and yell, the Jounin is more likely to just casually backhand his kid and proceed to calmly instruct them to do better or what mistake they made that required them to be punished.

Apart from his distant and cold apathy, there is only one sort of situation where Raisuke is able to show his emotions to others freely. Most of these moments happened while the Second and Third Shinobi Wars raged on, some people mistakenly thought that Raisuke enjoyed the act of killing. Many others soon realized that it was not the death or destruction that Raisuke enjoyed. Rather, Raisuke enjoyed the simple act of winning or more specifically seeing his plans come to fruition.

Whether it was killing an enemy squad, blowing up a building or even simply winning a game of Shogi; a genuine smile would always appear on Raisuke face when he was able to enact a plan and have it all work out perfectly. It could be said that the only time Raisuke is capable of being happy is when he feels he has done a perfect job, one up to his own extreme standards.


Born to Himishi Sadao and Himishi Nao, much was expected of the boy the moment he was born. While there was the normal expectations placed upon him as the heir to the Himishi clan and as a boy destined to become a shinobi, there was the additional expectation placed by Raisuke's father that he be more than a footnote in the history pages.

Himishi Sadao had lived a life of medicority compared to his own father Himishi Daichi or the other prominent names within the Himishi clan or even Tsuchi no Kuni in its entirety. For that reason Sadao promised to push his son to become a shinobi that was worthy of having not only pages in a book dedicated to him, but entire books detailing his son Raisuke's accomplishments.

As such it is not surprising that Sadao created a difficult life for Raisuke. As soon as the boy was capable of walking and talking he was put through the wringer by his father with the boy's mother turning a blind eye. Academic lessons on every and any subject under the sun during the morning and physical training from noon until the boy collapsed from exhaustion. While this started six monthes before Raisuke entered the academy, it would proceed all through his attendance of it.

While the academy served as something of a sanctuary from his father's displays of disappointment and harsh pushing for his son to do better, it only made the young boy's suffering all the worse. Not only did Sadao try to push his son harder than he had the first six months, stating that they had to make up for his slacking at the joke of an academy. His father said that if he was going to have it easy at the academy and if he would be given less time to make his son a proper shinobi that they'd have to advance plans ahead of schedule. . .

In the evening Sadao met with Raisuke in a small garden behind their family home. As Raisuke went to ask what his father required of him, he felt a sudden sharp pain in his abdomen and looked down to see his father holding the hilt a small shortsword and a steady stream of steaming crimson pouring out in the cold winter air.

Even as his brain raced to process what was happening, his hands were moving to feebly strike out; not at his father, but at the blade attempting to snapp the steel at the hilt where it was weakest to little avail. As the puddle below him grew in size his mind raced faster and faster with every lesson he had ever undergone flashing through his mind, desperately searching for any answer to remedy his current situation.

While there were several options found based on scenarios discussed that had been framed similarly to the one he now found himself in, there were none that did not require him to lash out at the man who most terrified him in life. As he had no other options before him all the young teen could do was stare deep into his father's purple eyes with a silent question of why left lingering in the air among the soft snow drifting down. As his eyelids slowly slid closed the last thing he saw was his father's lips curl into an almost fanatic smile.

Waking in a hospital bed, Raisuke immediately moved to jump to his feet with restraints digging into his legs, arms, chest and abdomen; the last of these causing his stitches to tear slightly. Pain coursed through his body letting him know that the previous events had been real and more importantly that he still was alive. Within seconds medical-nin entered the room and pushed him back to lay as comfortably as he could against the sterile sheets. They informed him that he had suffered a grievous injury while training his father and would be there for several days while they ensured he did not reject the transfusion and that his punctured intestinal track had not poisoned his blood. Immediately he voiced that he would have to be more careful in his training sessions and apologized for the work he had made for them. He knew better than to state the truth.

The truth as he understood it to be was that his father had been desperate enough to try something that the clan itself had warned members was folly to attempt and even those who knew the full details of the situation like his father knew that it almost never worked. That word almost though gave his father the only evidence he needed to proceed with the previous night's events.

In Sadao's min his son was to be the stuff of legends and he truly believed that no Himishi could ever really be worth anything without the precious eye of their clan.While the chances of such a drastic measure had nearly been nill; the fact that his father had lucked out and succeeded only deepened Sadao's insane belief that Raisuke was some sort of chosen one or reincarnation of his own father. The belief in glory that Raisuke would bring and more importantly to Sadao, that he would have set that glory in motion more than covered the risk taken to make Raisuke the youngest Himishi to unlock the doujutsu. With this success more risks would be taken as the years progressed.

Over the course of another year Raisuke's spirit slowly broke down, the boy becoming little more than a puppet trying to please his father. Even when Raisuke managed to have a perfect day with not a single hair out of order the most he got from his father was some dismissive comment. In Sadao's eyes it was not something worthy of praise, but rather something worthy of no punishment.

With the start of the Second Shinobi War, Raisuke saw less of his father who was forced to spend much of his time in the field. While many children may have unconciously tried to revert to their former mindset during this calm in the storm, it only made Raisuke begin to push himself harder than his father ever had. Deep down Raisuke believed that if he could graduate the academy quickly that he might be able to show his father how good of a shinobi he was, that he might even be able to join his father on a team so that he might see his skill in the field.

Within two years after the war started, Raisuke would graduate the academy at the age of eight. While this was partially due to Iwagakure wanting to field as many shinobi as possible, it war still largely due to the perfection Raisuke displayed in his academy skills and even skills that were beyond the academy.

No fanciful graduation ceremony or celebration was held. After passing the test Raisuke was merely handed a headband bearing the symbol of Iwa on it and instructed to report back to the academy one last time the following day to pick up his first orders and that he best not disappoint them. The following day proved to be a very pivotal moment in Raisuke's life it was the day he was placed upon a genin team as well as was the day he met a girl who stirred some semblance of emotion in the puppet of a boy.

Her name was Nerukō and she was everything that the boy was not. Where Raisuke had largely had his emotions beaten out of him by that point and acted reserved and strived for perfection Nerukō was hot tempered and cared more about finishing things more than how they were done or whether something was "perfect", only caring that it worked. While Raisuke was not so pulled from his father's lessons as to try and convey his feelings, he did enjoy the time on the team even more due to her prescence.

Raisuke would not get to enjoy his sanctuary within his genin team for long however. During the war a day came when the frontlines had critical intel that was too important to entrust to a messenger bird or radio communication and the lines were already stretched too thin to send any high level shinobi on the run. So, a mission was issued to Raisuke's genin team to travel to a forward command post, pickup the intel and deliver it back to Iwagakure sealed as quickly as possible.

The trip to the command post was of little issue, but on the return trip their squad ran into a group of Suna shinobi who had managed to get behind their lines. While their sensei stayed back to hold the trio of attackers he instructed the genin to run. The genin moved, dashing through the rock strewn hills towards the direction of Iwagakure. As they moved along the path though a fourth attacker would appear minutes later.

Being confronted by this Raisuke's training kicked into action and he immediately tossed out a flashbang as the enemy closed the distance, blinding both he and his comrades, a tactic that seemingly harmed the genin as much as the attacker and as such had not been expected. In quick succession he activated his doujutsu and viewed the past to perfectly recall the terrain he had seen. Moving on memory and feeling alone Raisuke quickly bypassed the enemy and pressed on with all speed.

A small voice in the dark recesses of his mind screamed at him to go back, to help his team, to help Nerukō; his body however ignored these faint calls. For the majority of his being there was only one matter of important. . . the mission. All other concerns were of a secondary nature compared to that. And so he continued to run, he ran until long after his vision had cleared and the site of the attack laid miles behind him. He ran for what seemed like forever, scarfing down soldier pills, concentrated caffeine and a myriad of other things to prevent sleep until finally he found himself in a well guarded base of Iwagakure no Sato.

He passed the orders to the jounin in charge of the base and promptly fell face down from exhaustion. He had managed to press through harsh countryside that should have taken a full week to traverse in the span of a little more than three days. It was a few days after that which his team joined in at the base far removed from the frontlines with both their Jounin team leader and Nerukō quite injured. The second genin compatriot made an attempt to slug Raisuke for abandoning them and Raisuke was prepared to allow the blow to land, seeing it as his team member's right to do so even if it had worked, but just as the blow was about to land Nerukō intervened and caught the clenched fist. While she may not have been thrilled about what had happened they had all survived and the job had gotten done and as usual something working trumped all other things in Nerukō's eyes.

After recuperating Raisuke rejoined his team and found himself back on the frontlines for nearly a year. There were many missions his team undertook and time after time Raisuke's ingrained training from his father won out and proved that the mission came before his team. While Nerukō did not really seem to care so long as his actions ensured the mission's completion, his other teammate felt different with a deep divide forming between them.

Eventually however, Raisuke's time with the team would come to and end. His tenacity at ensuring the mission was done at the cost of all else and positions as the Himishi clan's heir aparent made Kamizuru Akatsuchi select him as his assistant. Within this position Raisuke began to learn the ins and outs of many different facets of the village, with Akatsuchi taking on a mentor role as he had with many others through the years in an effort to groom a new generation of capable individuals that he could depend on.

- 09 Work under the Tsuchikage for a time as his assistant
- 11 Second Shinobi War Ends
- 11 Has the bethrothal with Char's Tantetsu char fell apart
- 12 Third Shinobi War Begins
- 15 Becomes a chuunin by executive order of the Tsuchikage
- 17 Given rank of Sp. Jounin and placed as a member of the War Council
- 20 Becomes Jounin & given command of the Blast Corps. when the previous commander falls in battle.
- 24 Named Jounin Hanchou when the Tsuchikage becomes irritated with the old Hanchou's inability to push the battlelines.
- 24 Quickly puts into place a plan that pulls Iwa out of its stall and quickly pushes Iwa to victory
- 24-25 Helps Takigakure/Kusagakure hold the line against Konoha
- Plans the final assault against Sunagakure, using the Blasting Corps to precisely blast a hole through Suna's protective wall while a feined assault launches against the primary opening. Forces move in through the whole with the Kazekage being killed.
- 25 Third Shinobi War Ends
- 26 A marriage is arranged between Himishi Raisuke and Hisakawa Yukana
- 28 For a time is assigned to bring the Daimyou up to date on village's current situation and provide an overview of the past three years worth of recovery efforts post Third-Shinobi war. In that time Raisuke does his best to
- 31 Takes an interest in Jiro's character Tantetsu Kyoya
- 31 Starts trying to mold him into what he considers a "proper" shinobi
- 32 Kyoya backpedals from the cold nature Raisuke hoped to instill the hanchou's plans derailed by a woman once again
- 33-34 Kyoya continues to work under Raisuke with his squad. Raisuke continues to push the boy and attempts to mold him into a "proper" shinobi. He teaches him shogi and beats him down mentally in an attempt to strengthen him. Kyoya argues with him at times, but in these arguements Raisuke remains composed and merely cuts the boy with his words.
- 36 Ame-Suna Border Conflict
- 36 Acts as an advisor to the Ame Lord and his forces, but is largely there just to show that Iwa supports Ame.
- 37 Son is born // The new is brought to him. Raisuke just thanks them for the report. A moment of silence before he looks up to tell them that they may leave.
- 38 Son is taken away by Raisuke's wife in hopes of protecting the boy from Raisuke.
- 39 Raisuke sends Kyoya & friends to find a missing team which had Raisuke's niece Himishi Miyu on it.
- 40 Raisuke replaces his aging war council with fresh blood promoting Kyoya and his teammates to the positions hoping to get the three younger shinobi to feel more beholden to him.
- 45 Gains custody of his child after setting up his mother's death.
- 45 Raisuke redoubles his effort to push Kyoya readying him for the possibility of taking his own seat should the need arise.
- 46 Idly starts considering the possibility of enacting a coup of the Tsuchikage
- 47 As the Tsuchikage begins to gear up for war, Raisuke wonders as to whether it is truly the best path for Iwagakure or not torn between what another war might win Iwagakure as well as the Himishi clan and himself, but cautious of what the war might potentially cost them as well.
- 48 Privately speaks to the Tsuchikage about possible war plans, stressing that if they were to go to war they'd have to ensure Tsuchi no Kuni's infrastructure would have to be far beyond any other village to ensure proper supply lines. Akatsuchi in a rare show of annoyance with Raisuke ordered him to leave his office and if he could not find his spine outside, then he had no need of him as Hanchou. That he had not took cowardice or reluctance to be aggressive from his predecessor and he surely would not take it from him. Dismissed from the office like a child, Raisuke began preparations for an eventual coup by handing in his resignation from Hanchou and spending a great amount of political favors and tactical usage of blackmail to secure a seat on the Shinobi Council for himself. His goal was to continuously bring up any and every issue possible with any strong candidates, an easy enough task with his perfect memory an previous access to all records in the village. From there he would suggest some candidates with no overwhelming problems, but lackluster recognition before bringing up that the only viable options left was one of them.
- 49 Nerukō comes into the Tsuchikage's office full of fury and after an arguement with the Tsuchikage moves to attack him. His carefully thought out plans were quickly unraveling. His first instinct was to kill Nerukō to alleviate suspicion later on when he removed Akatsuchi, but some small bead of emotion for Nerukō made him hesitate. Unable to attack Nerukō he instead moved to put in a sneak attack as well to help weaken the Tsuchikage before diving away from the administration building to clear Neruko's rage fueled attacks. As the fight finished, Raisuke having to explain his reasoning for being on the scene quickly concocted a new plan. He knew that he'd never be able to get the title of Tsuchikage for himself since he had been too closely involved. Upon seeing Kyoya though his course was decided. He would push for the man who could have potentially been his son had things gone differently in his life to be the Tsuchikage in his place and hope that his mentoring of Kyoya would allow him to push the younger man in the right direction for Iwagakure.
-51 / Horonigai's hands were frozen in place for good measure as they escorted him to an interrogation room. Horonigai watched in silence as his hands in stone cases were suspended by stone pillars, effectively holding him in place. Minutes felt like hours in the room until a man walked in. He greeted himself as Himishi Raisuke. Stating it didn't matter if he knew his name. If Horonigai truly wanted to join, Raisuke would be an ally to him; if he proved lying and was secretly a malevolent agent, he will die. Horonigai gulped as the tall, aged man approached him.

The man's eyes swiveled to an odd pattern as he neared Kyōbō. He gripped Horonigai's face and stared into his eyes as Raisuke utilized his Tomokenzangan. He dug through Horonigai's memories as he searched through any sign of malevolence. Horonigai relived every painful memory and tears dropped violently as he relived practically his whole life, especially about Mako's death. He finally found the memory of him leaving his own clan to live in Iwagakure. The past memories painted a picture ass to why with the clans' greed as the pushing point using someone so young and damaged. He released the jutsu and walked away, not even caring about the boy's tears. "Welcome to Iwagakure." Horonigai cried gently, trying to return to the present. His tears fell in drops as the stone restraints crumbled away. The boy caught himself and breathed slower and slower, finally returning to the here and now. Eventually, he stood up as the doors opened again. He was informed that the Tsuchikage will be informed of these results until an answer was given, they will hold and care for him in a waiting room.

Thinking it would be a wait of days, weeks, even months, Horonigai entered the waiting room pretty calm after recollecting himself from the inconvenient interrogation Raisuke used. The boy went to the center of the room in an attempt to meditate. Before he could get comfortable, the door opened and Horonigai stared at the appearing man. A wave of slight anger flowed through him as he saw the Himishi man return, Horonigai bit his tongue, thinking the man had something important to say. "First order: Help clean the debris from the war. Try not to disappoint us." Horonigai just stared at the man, he would soon learn what the man meant.

Need to discuss Kyoya's death(?) / Kyoya would've appointed Raisuke as the Grand Marshal before death.
Need to cover Iwagakure civil war & Raisuke's ordering of the Wardens to stand down.


During any battle that Raisuke might take part in, the man simultaneously fights an internal battle that rages within his mind. To be more specific, Raisuke debates whether to pursue efficiency or effectiveness in a fight. While in many instances, these two goals run hand in hand at other times they branch away from one another.

For example, if Raisuke were to be fighting a group of bandits, the more efficient attack would be the one that would potentially kill all the bandits at once and in doing so prevent him from wasting chakra or time in the engagement. At the same time though the more effective path might be to kill the bandits in a more brutal method and leave one alive to tell the tale and in doing so, possibly prevent or at least slow new bandits from rising to take the place of those he killed.

That being said, as far as the techniques and strategies that Raisuke utilizes in a fight, he prefers to give his doujutsu some time to evaluate the situation. Unless he believes he can get a quick and easy kill the Hanchou will simply focus on evading or negating enemy attacks while the present aspect of his eye searches for patterns, weaknesses or openings in his opponent(s) attacks.

When Raisuke has found one of these issues or at the least has finished his analysis he will then generally react with a precise measure of force, attempting to kill his targets in either the most efficient or effective manner. Most commonly, Raisuke relies on his advanced mastery of raiton techniques and hard to match speed, combined with a number of supporting suiton techniques to quickly overwhelm his opponent(s) with a well planned out and executed barrage of attacks.


- Doton
- Fuuton
- Raiton


  • 01 | Silver General's Gauntlets *
  • 00 | Silver General's Boots *
  • 00 | Item #3
  • 00 | Item #2
  • 00 | Item #3
  • 00 | Item #2
  • 00 | Item #3
  • 00 | Item #2
  • 00 | Item #3
  • 00 | Item #2
  • 00 | Item #3


Himishi - Tomokenzangan [All Seeing Eye]
As a member of the Himishi clan, it is not overly surprising that Raisuke developed the fabled Tomokenzangan [All Seeing Eye] of the clan. What is surprising is the level of mastery that Raisuke has attained in a relatively short period. While some might scoff and say something along the lines of "He's nearly fifty, of course he should have his clan's bloodline mastered." such people are simply idiots who do not comprehend just how difficult the Tomokenzangan is to master.

In his time on the planet, Raisuke has unlocked all three aspects of the doujutsu; namely the past, present and future aspects. With the past, Raisuke is able to perfectly recollect every memory he has. Additionally through the use of some jutsu he is also able to delve and manipulate the memories of others, although these require lengthy rituals and are not usable during combat.

From the present aspect, Raisuke is able to perfectly examine anything within his line of sight and extrapolate all the information pertaining to it with just a glance. For example Raisuke is capable of looking at a footprint in the dirt and just from a glance can tell the weight of the person who made it, the dimensions of the print, how long ago it was made, the speed at which they were traveling and just about anything else he cared to know about it. This of course is part of why he entered the Blast Corps. as Raisuke could easily look at a building and see all the micro-fractures and other weak points as well as be able to tell exactly how much force would be required to bring it down.

Lastly is the future aspect of the doujutsu. It is this aspect that people were most surprised to see Raisuke unlock. With this aspect comes the ability for Raisuke to near perfectly predict the future before him. While it is not some mystical ability to simply know the future, Raisuke is able to process every fragment of information at inhuman speeds and from there predict exactly what will happen based off of that information. An example of this would be his ability to blow up a large structure and from understanding the force of the explosion and the composition and integrity of the target, he could proceed to accurately predict where every single piece of debris would fall.

Naturally this ability has enhanced Raisuke's lethality to an entirely different level and given him a reputation as a man who never misses and never gets hit. While this reputation is exaggerated as Raisuke is only human, it is true that he is more capable of dodging and landing blows then most shinobi and will only fail to do so when he lacked information or his body simply could not keep up with his mind.

Raisuke was not placed as the Jounin Hanchou by accident. While some people might suggest that he was given the position solely due to his heritage, the truth of the matter is that Raisuke is able to out think most people in just about any situation. This is partially due to the abilities granted by his doujutsu which allow him to perfectly recall memories and effectively examine every minor detail before him in an instant, but it is also due to his own natural intelligence.

Looking at Raisuke, one might assume that he focused more on strength in his training, but the truth is that most of his muscle mass has been honed through speed and agility training. Due to his eye's abilities allowing him to more easily operate at higher speeds; Raisuke has done his best to ensure that he is among the fastest on the battlefield. While there are obviously shinobi who are faster than him, he is capable of moving at speeds that even some other dojutsu might struggle to keep up with and to the average human eye he may seem to disappear and reappear sporadically or look like little more than a blur of color and motion.

Masterful Chakra Control
While Raisuke's reserves are nothing to snort at, through out his entire life the jounin has focused his training towards being able to more effectively use the chakra he has. This in turn allows him to use lower rank techniques over and over without exhausting himself with wasted chakra. Additionally, Raisuke has utilized his excellent control over his chakra paired with his tomokenzangan to more precisely target with much of his jutsu, specifically his personal taijutsu style that incorporates the weighted rock techniques.

Silent Killing Technique
Due to Raisuke appreciation for efficiency, he has trained himself in the true manner of a shinobi and has perfected his ability to kill targets in a perfectly silent and quick manner. While it might require a little slower speeds and a little patience Raisuke has proven in the past to be capable of killing entire squads without a single one of them hearing their comrades die around them. This skill comes to him even more naturally due to his doujutsu allowing him to perfectly examine the terrain in an instant with little visibility and remember it, even should he then proceed to use some type of concealing agent such as a smoke bomb. This ensures that the Jounin is able to move freely without so much as rustling a leaf.

Weighted-Rock Techniques
Well on his way to mastering all of the weighted-rock techniques, his progress on this goal has been slightly slowed by his development of entirely new variations of the techniques which rely on both the tomokenzangan, superb chakra control and impressive intellect. By instantly analyzing information before him, crunching all the numbers in his head within the span of heartbeats and expertly manipulating his chakra just so; Raisuke is capable of increasing and decreasing the weight of targets simulatenously in nearly countless positions of a target, these extreme and rapid weight fluctuations generating monstrous levels of torque and kinetic energy within the target to effectively rip it apart from the inside out. While he earned a position as the Blasting Corps' Structural Lieutenant once upon a time due to this, he's earned an even fiercer reputation due to the effect it can have on a human body.


Kowasu Chikei [To Break Terrain]

Nagori Henka [Memory Shift]
Chō Ryōiki Kajūgan [Ultra Area Added-Weight Rock]
Ten no Ōdan [Heavenly Traversal]
Kowasu Kōzō [To Break Structures]
Kowasu Kokkaku [To Break Bones]
Kuwasu Kuji [To Break Handseals]

Keijūgan no Jutsu [Light-Weight Rock Technique]
Kajūgan no Jutsu [Added-Weight Rock Technique]
Chien Keijūgan [Delayed Light-Weight Rock]
Chien Kajūgan [Delayed Added-Weight Rock]
Shitei Keijūgan[Desiginated Light-Weight Rock]
Shitei Kajūgan [Designated Added-Weight Rock]
Kage Bunshin no Jutsu [Shadow Clone Technique]
Suiton Suijinheki [Reactive Armour]
Jugyō Fūin [Lesson Seal]
Kyōsei Akumu [Forced Nightmare]
Kenbōshō [Amnesia]
Nagori Shūkaku [Memory Harvest]

Ko Keijūgan no Jutsu [Minor Light-Weight Rock Technique]
Ko Kajūgan no Jutsu [Minor Added-Weight Rock Technique]
Kowasu Kōgeki [To Break Attacks]
Kai [Release]
Inazuma no Jutsu [Lightning Bolt Technique]
Fūton: Shinkūjin [Wind Release: Vacuum Blade]
Nagori Ijō [Memory Transfer]

Kinobori no Waza [Act of Tree Climbing]
Suimen Hokou no Waza [Act of Water Surface Walking]
Fukkō [Reconstruction]

Henge no Jutsu [ Transformation Technique ]
Bunshin no Jutsu [Clone Technique ]
Kawarimi no Jutsu[ Substitution Technique]
Kakuremino no Jutsu[ Cloak of Invisibility Technique]
Nawanuke no Jutsu [Rope Escape Technique]


CHAT NAME: Yoritomo

✜ designed by catbug for use on naruto: fallen blades
last edit by Himishi Raisuke on Dec 31, 2019 4:04:11 GMT -5
has written 1 posts