Demon Desert

fallen blades
Demon DesertOct 25, 2018 2:58:51 GMT -5
Fujioka Isamu
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age 20 years old birthday June 10 rank Genin... occupation




Damn the plans never ended… She got the idea though. Fight through. Protect the kid behind her. That was easy enough to plan and do. Everything else would at least be genuine to her, right? She didn’t have to pretend she had a scroll. And that she had no idea who had it wouldn’t be too far from the truth at this point.

As for their bonding activity… it was a little dumb and ridiculous. But what the hell. The journey was long. Between her and Squeakers, they might have shared certain similarities, amusingly enough. Orphans. Not quite adopted, but taken under the wing of a teacher. It was all the family Isamu ever had. Whatever their bond was in the past, it was her most cherished one. And that was family enough.

Little bonding was cute and all, but time would have it that Squeakers gained more important information. Someone ahead. Just one. Isamu nearly scoffed at the thought. Just one? Versus all of them? She could take on one with no issue just herself.

There were a lot of options. Isamu couldn’t boast she knew what to do, but everyone spoke up. Disagreeing. She nearly grunted at the irritation of it all. Pretty boy wanted the clone to work on it and they could go around. Not the route she liked but… maybe her way wasn’t always best either. The bloodthirsty girl was more her style. Beat them. Push through. But… Bah. But what? It was so irritating. They just needed to get this delivered and be done with it. The sun was fucking hot!

"Just push through. One can’t stop us all. If he fights, leave bloodthirsty chick to pick up the slack.”

And that’s exactly what Isamu would do. Unless someone made a really good argument. She’d lead them straight into the path of the puppet master boy person. Straight at him, and straight past him. If he engaged her, she’d be sure to beat the living tar out of him, then keep moving. Sabishi meant to ‘pick up the slack’ and keep him there. Isamu then moving on. The outpost. Their goal. She’d lead them right through the desert like a bulldozer. And they would get there not too long after that clone. Everyone best be ready.

deltra of gangnam style
Isily! has written 294 posts
Demon DesertOct 27, 2018 14:32:47 GMT -5
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age 31 years old birthday January 30th rank occupation

The young had to be honest, he was failing to understand why the plans were constant and ongoing. They just needed to stick to one, so he stuck to having the scroll. They didn't need a million different plans to confuse everything. Just one was enough, and he liked the general idea of having two fake scrolls, and him acting as the first target. It was enough. He could easily dodge oncoming attackers, his dexterity was quite impressive and generally superior to others. There was one, in Sato's mind exhausting themselves with a fight now seemed foolish. What if more showed up to support, then they would be stuck in a fight.

The boy took pause as they walked and then eyed Isamu.

"If the clones can defeat the solo enemy, then they should. We shouldn't attempt to exhaust ourselves as a team this early on." He commented, hoping that the rest of team would agree at least even a little bit. "If he signals to more potential enemies then we would be stuck in a full on fight. We don't need that." In fact if you asked Nobohiro, they should be playing the defensive role above all else, and avoiding conflict if possible. Their goal was to deliver the scroll, there was no reason to take on enemies if it wasn't necessary. That wasn't the mission and he would stand by what he had said. Although he had a feeling, that if the rest of the group disagreed, he would simply have to go along with the plan. This was a team effort, not a time to a disagree or go against the grain when the rest of the group agreed on something. That on its own would be suicide.

Han has written 499 posts
Demon DesertOct 28, 2018 15:54:51 GMT -5
Mikatakujira Tetsuya
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He managed to grab the clone's leg and stop them from going any more forward. That didn't stop it completely however as it created two more clones and vanished from his doll's grip. One half of the duo started running again and Tetsuya started to sweat as he realized he couldn't just let it go. The other clone seemed to challenge him with a blade at the ready but he was not quite interested in a full on fight. Not yet anyhow.

His doll flung itself at the katana weilding clone and weaved handsigns with its tentacles as water dripped down the tendrils and with two makeshift claws raised it released a barrage little shurikens made of liquid. Tetsuya chased after the retreating clone as fast as his legs could carry him with an arm outstretch, an arm that shot out from his elbow tethered to more black tendrils as it shot out to reach the clone as he followed a few feet behind him.

Oki the Doll
NAME:Nagai-shi no Jutsu [Long Limb Technique]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu | Hijutsu
By utilizing their kinjutsu, the user will extend on of their limbs. They can then direct the limbs to attack opponents with the maximum length of the limbs being 35 meters. Along with lengthening the limbs themselves the user can move a mass of tendrils and a heart with them into the limb, allowing it to act independently from the main body.

NAME: Suiton: Mizu Shuriken [Water Release: Water Shuriken]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu, Shurikenjutsu
The user creates 10 shuriken, made out of water, and throws them at the opponent in quick succession. These water shuriken have the same cutting power as their metal counterparts.

99 genin on the wall.

has written 52 posts
Demon DesertOct 29, 2018 19:49:56 GMT -5
"When you do things right, people wont be sure you've done anything at all."
groupRain Shinobi
age 24 years old birthday JUNE 6TH, -15SD rank SP. JOUNIN occupation AMELORD
Much traveling had been done between the four of them by this this point in their journey. The post was far from where they started, but given the amount of training he'd done prior to this he managed to make it through without wasting too much of his energy. Having to pace himself with the rest of the group made things easier than expect as he was sure everyone else was going through their own struggles. His mostly having to do with the swords he was carrying. With that extra weight being carried he'd be forced to take two more sips from his canteen to give him just enough energy to properly survive the trip. The post wasn't much bigger than Akuram outside looking in, but now that they were here the time for site seeing had to be limited only to the mission.

For now they had the advantage of being at the location first, but that did not mean that there wasn't a chance that they might be receiving company any time soon. With that in mind he quickly went to work on carrying out their plan. Enough talking had been done between the group for them to each know what they were supposed to do. His plan was setting up explosive tags around the area to set off whenever he or anyone else managed to spot them in the distance. First thing first was planting his flash light 50 meters from the entrances of the post. It would be centered from the entrance to the gate. The flashlights position would act as a means to get their opposition to think before acting. No explosives would be planted directly around the light. The light was to merely exist on its own for them to interpret themselves.

Initially Sanosuke thought that might not be a good idea, but the likelihood that they were to get here without any issues at all was something he was sure might not cross their minds. Just as they had to assume they were behind them it was safe to assume that they were to believe the opposite. With that in mind about 25 meters away on each side of the light he'd grab a kunai, wrapping them with at least 2 tags before planting another 25 meters from where he planted the first. He'd continued to do this until he had 5 kunai planted on each side of the light. Each kuani 25 meters apart from the other stabbed neatly into the sand where no one would see it, especially with the wind constantly blowing the sand throughout the terrain.

With that his part was done. It wasn't perfect, but it left them with very little room to decide how they were going to get into the post without first giving themselves away first. His job was to spot them the best way he could so that once they got within reach he could ignite the explosives to disrupt or even damage them. Once that part was done it'd be his job to use his eyes to find out which one of the opposition approaching had what they needed to take so that they could head back in the opposite direction and go on to the next round. Easier said than done, but he was sure that once everything got underway that it'd be pretty hard from they to keep a good act up without revealing who really had the intel based on how they defended. One was more likely going to be important than the others.

3/5 Of Canteen Drank
10/10 Kunai used.
Flashlight planted firmly into the sand.
20/30 Explosive tags used.

Misunderstanding on the overall range of the Byakugan of what he can see which is strictly limited to 2 meters, where as I thought he could see out as far as his normal eyesight with a telescopic zoom of 2 meters much like how it is used canonly. As far as what he's able to see is dependent on how close he is to said person. If their within the 2 meters he can see what they have hidden in their clothing, and see their chakra if need be. The likelihood of him choosing to see what kind of seals she might have on her is extremely unlikely as he would not care to even try looking for something like that, let alone see it during combat. He might notice the difference in chakra, but given the amount of people he's gotten the chance to use it on he might just assume her reserves are just much higher than the normal Shinobi. So no worries in regard to that if thats got you bothered lol

| AP has written 801 posts
Demon DesertOct 31, 2018 15:19:56 GMT -5
Yutakako Ryuu
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You'll never get away
when you're running
from the past

Ryuu finally went silent as the plan had been set. He watched as Sanosuke began making his moves to prepare for the eventual engagement. As he did, Ryuu dropped into a crouch and closed his eyes, calming himself and letting his mind formulate his own personal plan. He opened his eyes a few moments later and watched where Sanosuke was planting his explosive notes. He quickly took inventory of his own items and sighed at not carrying more of certain items. However, having limited supplies made him think through where they would be most effective. His brain began firing as he stood and began moving about the area, taking care not to mess with what had already been set up.

His first stop was the flashlight. He pulled out a flash bomb and set it up right behind the flashlight as another surprise for anyone who wandered over to it. He would then move to the far left of the entrance and set up a smoke bomb in the middle of the minefield that Sanosuke created. He'd then go to the far right and do the same thing. He'd move back to the center and tie the last two flash bombs he had to two kunai so he could throw them later if needed. He took another quick inventory and thought for a moment. He moved towards the entrance before turning and looking out at the field they'd set up and nodded. So far things were moving smoothly but he also knew time wasn't on their side.

He would look at the others for a moment before looking back out at the sand before them and nodded a bit. He woud make his way back towards the entrance and looked towards the others. "Quickly, finish setting up and get into hiding. Then, we wait..." He was stating the obvious but he still felt that stating it out loud would reaffirm it within each of them. Soon, they would find out if Tetsuya had managed his task and then, the true test would begin.


3/3 Flash Bombs Used

2/2 Smoke Bombs used.
has written 53 posts
Demon DesertNov 1, 2018 12:57:40 GMT -5
Masahiro Kaiya
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With Life There Is Always Another Chance

In The Light There Is Always Darkness

They had reached the outpost. First? They could only hope… no one had interrupted their path and told them it was all for naught, so they should only continue on with their plan. The entrance to the outpost, setting up traps and tunneling whoever their target was directly to them. It was a simple plan, but simple things were only as nice as one who didn’t think about the flaws. This situation was almost impossible to set up for. Their targets should be coming from this general direction. It was the entrance to the post, afterall. But what if they for some reason all hailed from some clan that burrowed into the ground like scarab beetles? The child’s skin shivered even in the heat at the thought.

All they could do was prepare, so prepare they did. The larger boy setting up traps with kunai and explosive notes, the blonde child also going about with a few traps of flash bombs, and Kaiya… looking over the field. Studying it and trying to remember where everything was placed. Knowing the path they wanted to direct people towards. And then approaching the larger buki user with sensitive eyes.

"Here. Take a smoke bomb. In case we can’t reach you, it could benefit you most.”

Handing over one of her inventory over to him. If he got one down on the ground, hopefully she could get there to supplement the first one thrown and keep the smoke up longer. And with everything in place, the order was given to finish and hide. Behind supplies stacked outside the outpost walls. Out of sight and out of mind, Kaiya would settle in and peer through cracks in the wooden crates and barrels alike.

If the clone had made it through their teammate? At least they were somewhat ready. And with one, her own team would possibly just let it continue. A single person was hardly the threat they were looking for… right? Or maybe one of them should approach in a subtle manner. Quiet child couldn’t voice her thoughts nor could she see what they were thinking. So time would pass on. And certainly, their target was either present or not far off. Time was drawing near and thin. Taking a deep breath, she settled her palm. Her armor was back in Akuram… she felt quite naked without it. But it was what it was…

Masahiro Kaiya
has written 179 posts
Demon DesertNov 3, 2018 19:07:44 GMT -5
Mikazuki Aikawa
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groupRain Shinobi
age 23 years old birthday March 3rd rank Chuunin occupation
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I really can't remember if I'm insane or insomniac

Well, they all had some pretty good points on what to do about the situation. But, as it happened... Squeakers didn't want to waste time trying to reason out the best course of action all over again. They weren't just traveling anymore, things were starting to become real. A choice had to be made. And, although minimal conflict was obviously preferable...
    Squeakers didn't want the possibility of an enemy being able to sneak up on them from behind.
    So, it was probably better to face him head-on. The whole group would probably be able to easily take out one person, right? The energy they used here would be a lot less, than fighting an entire group of opponents. Then, it would be every person against another person--much more energy used, there. It was... somewhat more efficient to take out enemies one-by-one, wasn't it? Especially when they had the advantage of more people? Not to mention, if there were more enemies in a group elsewhere... Their numbers would have dwindled when they defeated this solitary puppet boy...
    "Although conserving energy is very important, I think it could benefit us more to take this opponent out," Squeakers stated after weighing it out in his head. "I think if we disable him, it'll benefit us most." Killing, although possible, wasn't necessary. If they maimed this guy, there was a possibility that he would bleed do death if they stranded him, so... although Squeakers didn't want to give a finishing blow, he didn't wish to harm this kid to the point where death was highly possible, either. Though, if he chose not to surrender and wanted to fight, he probably would receive serious injuries, which couldn't be helped... but... "If we can just break his legs so he can't chase after us, then keep moving on to our destination, that might be the fastest way to handle this. Though, of course, if we can't do that, it's fine, too," Squeakers stated. He would try to disable this kid first, if possible, but if he had to shed blood if this guy proved too dangerous... well... he wasn't against that, either.


If the shark-toothed kid thought that Clone #2 would just... stand there, and let him go after Clone #3, he was sorely mistaken. Sword already drawn, he quickly lashed it outward, the blade clashing against the various liquid shuriken and countering the weapons back at their source--depending on their stability. He dashed forward, using his superior speed to get in between the shark-toothed kid and the other escaping clone. He would attempt to stop the kid, though whether his opponent came to a stop or ran into the physical clone was up in the air. Either way, Clone #2 wasn't going to let anyone tail after Clone #3. Not that his interference was desperately needed, as the clones moved at a speed greater than what would be normal for your average genin.
    And, as the shilouettes of the group appeared in the distance, Clone #2 realized his time was up. Although he'd stick around, it seemed that Isamu and Squeakers, if nobody else, were approaching. How the shark-kid would respond to this new confrontation... The whole group, plus Clone #2, plus Sabishi's rock clones probably had to look extremely intimidating to a solitary genin...

Enhanced Physical Trait

Due to her extensive training in her early ninja days, Mikazuki has heightened speed, stamina, and endurance. Every day that she has an opportunity to, she still trains to further strengthen each trait. This ability was not gained from heritage or being born into a clan.

NAME: Kumo-Ryu Mikazukigiri - [Cloud-Style Three days' Moon Beheading]
The user swings their sword in a single, large, crescent moon-shaped arc, which occurs with such ferocious velocity that the technique can be employed in situations where only a very limited time to react is available. The swing can be used to counter attacks from multiple opponents simultaneously.


Clone #3 was fast--just as fast as his original, Squeakers. And although Squeakers usually held back on his ability to better blend in with most genin and seem less capable, Squeakers was much faster than most other genin. Which, naturally, gave him, as well as his clones, quite the unsuspecting edge over others of his rank. In the sense that he could move with more agility than most others, and thus escape and get further out of range easier, and it would prove more difficult to gain on him once he made a run for it. Usually. There were other ways around it, of course, but... a simple game of cat and mouse probably wouldn't do the trick.
    However, as he approached the outpost where his original was probably supposed to deliver the scroll, Clone #3 found, there, set in front of the entrance was a... flashlight?
    He slowed to a stop and looked at the little object that stood erect in the sand, a little distance away.
    Was it possible that this was a diversion to confuse him, then strike while he stood there in wonder?
    Did it matter?
    Not... really.
    But, whatever it was there for, it certainly caused Clone #3 to stop and stare, pondering it. I wonder if this is a trap. I mean, it seems pretty obvious that it's a trap. Was it set up by puppet dude? Possibly. But, what does it do? It's a flashlight. If I were to go and pick it up, would it trigger something? Maybe some strings? He moved a couple of feet to his right, eyes fixed on the flashlight. No, I don't see light catching on any strings from different angles. Maybe if I pick it up, there's actually a bomb on the bottom of it? Or maybe quicksand all around? Ugh, then again, if that's the trap, it's pretty dumb. Do I look stupid enough to wander up to a random flashlight in the middle of the desert and pick it up like some fool? It's obviously a trap of some sort. And my original can easily climb a wall elsewhere and enter the outpost a different way without having to pick up the flashlight. Unless it's like... he scratched his neck. Maybe we need the flashlight for the next exam? And it's been presented by a proctor? I don't know, man...
    Clone #3, feeling conflicted with what to do about the flashlight, drew a single shuriken from his right pocket. And, if allowed, he would throw the shuriken with all the masterful precision of a bukijutsu user to strike the flashlight and knock it down. In reality, this would probably do nothing other than make the masked figure look like a fool, but the clone didn't know that.

Enhanced Physical Trait

Due to her extensive training in her early ninja days, Mikazuki has heightened speed, stamina, and endurance. Every day that she has an opportunity to, she still trains to further strengthen each trait. This ability was not gained from heritage or being born into a clan.

1/10 shuriken used

If in range, the only thing Sanosuke would be able to figure out from this clone is that it has a massive pool of chakra. I'll leave any details discovered about the real Squeakers to be discovered for later~

NOTES: notes here
last edit by Mikazuki Aikawa on Nov 3, 2018 19:09:47 GMT -5
Mika has written 1,146 posts
Demon DesertNov 5, 2018 0:28:25 GMT -5
Yugao Akio
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a moth named snowflake
such horrible things
As requested Akio had taken up the rear of the group. This meant that at this point he could simply follow its flow. Seemed with the leading force wanting a fight and the flag holder wanting in. That'd be the route they followed, but the butterfly boy wanted to more follow the line of their middle man. The stranger to the group though being new and now almost odd out, it'd be sadly decided they'd likely all take this one individual on.

Luckily the rear position provided more than just a lack of control over their direction. It'd also mean this hopeful unfair advantage fight wouldn't need him involved. He could guard the rear in case of a trap, but more importantly, he'd be continuing to fuel chakra to his moths. At this point he should be more than able to stun lock the enemy with genjutsu. The only problem would be the delivery, he couldn't expect his white friends to not stick out.

When combat would brew he'd plan to use his smoke bombs, then with their cover both travel and send his snowflake guardians out. With the white of the smoke they'll hopefully be able to land undetected on each other opponents. Allowing Akio to give each enemy they might face a false summon to fight against. It'd leave him quite drained of his already lacking reserves, but this and maybe one more big genjutsu were all the boy planned to have in him. It so long as the team delivered should get them to the goal. At least the flag barer.

Akio is also charging his moths. >->'

tag: // notes: You can't speak moth don't try me

has written 91 posts
Demon DesertNov 6, 2018 23:26:58 GMT -5
Nōhime Sabishī
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age birthday January 7 rank Chunin occupation Iryo Nin
In all sincerity, Sabishi Nohime listened to Squeakers and found his plan of action was not bad, nor good. "The enemy is a puppeteer. Breaking their legs isn’t good enough. In order to make sure they won’t be a nuisance, we have to break their fingers as well. Ignore the puppet if possible and go straight for the controller.” She’d leisurely walk behind them all as her clones picked up the pace, and like that, the puppeteer might notice the group coming now in full, and with their presence, he’d find he was utterly outnumbered by clones. While his puppet was a single entity, and perhaps with himself, two. However, it became clear when they came close that Squeakers already had the condition under control. Assaulting the puppet master as advised, Nohime Sabishi turned her clone’s attention elsewhere.

"Find the enemy if present. Cut them down if possible.” With that mention, the clones would nod and rapidly spread out, close enough to see each other, and the explosive clone straight in the middle. Ready to be triggered anytime. However, they’d still stay close enough for everyone to see. As for the real Sabishi? She formed handseals for a basic technique and held the last seal in the event she needed to cast her defensive ninjutsu at any time. A simple jutsu she had mastered considering she wanted a basic barrier technique. Simply staying at a far away enough distance from the conflict, she’d call out to the group. "I’ve prepared a defensive ninjutsu. Change formation and allow me to take the front in case of ambush. Akio-San. Prepare a genjutsu and ready it to trigger as soon as my wall is to break if possible. Squeakers-San. Fujioka-San. Prepare to be my vanguard. I have area of effect ninjutsu as well.”

Having made her plan clear as well as her own strategies developed, she was prepared to assault the enemy ahead if there was any such need for it. Her five clones stepped forward, hopefully past a debilitated puppeteer, but were prepared to engage in combat at any time if needed. If they listened to her, she’d be taking the front soon enough. Now then. What now? What was next? What was coming from her soon to be foes exactly?

Name: Doro Gaeshi - [Mud Overturn]

Rank: C

Chakra Usage: Low

Type: Ninjutsu [General]

Element: Doton


Doro Gaeshi is a defensive Ninjutsu utilizing the Earth Element. After striking the ground with their hands, a large wall of earth will rise into place as defense. The defense is not perfect though, a hard or drilling impact can puncture the wall.

Note: Her clones will move ahead and prepare for enemy assault/engagement/traps. Though, in the event mister puppet shark man tries to put up a further fight, they will likely flank and assault them. The explosive stone clone is in the middle of the posse. Prepare for war everyone!
last edit by Nōhime Sabishī on Nov 6, 2018 23:30:11 GMT -5
dandead10 has written 167 posts
Demon DesertNov 8, 2018 12:38:45 GMT -5
Fujioka Isamu
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age 20 years old birthday June 10 rank Genin... occupation




Ignored. She ignored every damn thing that came out of their mouths now. They all squabbled and didn’t shut up. Fight. Don’t fight. Hide this. Hide that. So she was sticking through her guns.

"I’m pushing through. Waste time if you want.”

And she did. With shouts and talks of nonsense behind. Preparation from the one she told everyone to just leave with the single enemy, Sabishi the bloodthirsty, Isamu would carry on. And eventually… notice that no one followed. Past the small battlefield leading nothing. Out of sight and out of mind? Infuriating. With a loud shout and a swing of her javelin at the air, she wished she could have fought the desert right then and there…

Stubborn anger, she pushed on. Harder and faster. She was done with that night and day shit. She’d arrive at Akuram. One of Squeakers clones was present. Er… Clone right? Who even cared at this point. A kunai would have been thrown towards a flashlight. Danger or no, the shout of the woman that approached would be snarled and aggressive.


That one might have a scroll. Or something. Maybe not. Who even cared. It wasn’t like anyone followed her…

"Straight at him, and straight past him” Isamu meant to enter the field of the puppet boy. Not being stopped, she pushed through. Arriving at Akuram.

If Nobihiro does follow, yay!!! Isamu will mostly act the same, but probably grunt towards him in angry confirmation he’s there.

deltra of gangnam style
last edit by Fujioka Isamu on Nov 8, 2018 12:39:12 GMT -5
Isily! has written 294 posts
Demon DesertNov 12, 2018 10:53:50 GMT -5
Mikatakujira Tetsuya
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The liquid weapons erupted into water as they were swatted away like flies. Tetsuya couldn't even get close to the escaping clone as the other one suddenly jumped in front of him. His efforts were weak, his spirit was weak. All the boy could do was stop dead in his tracks as he watched the other clone get away, creating not only the biggest blunder he's had all day with this test but also a hint of fear in his heart(s) as he tried to think of what to do. With a few steps backward he tried to get away from the clone blocking his way until he heard something else. The sound of others. The calvary had arrived and he knew he was screwed.

"No no no no no no n-no no."

His words were his only breaths as his mind could only picture the disappointment his team would have with him. He was a failure. He had one job. And he was a failure at it. His breaths got heavier and heavier as time seemed to slow for him and the world got a little bit darker. What should he do? What could he do?

What could it do?

The puppet suddenly jumped up onto the boy's shoulder and reconnected with its host as it sunk its tentacles back into Tetsuya's body, sending with it not just the second heart but a wave of new feelings the boy couldn't describe. He just knew one thing.

He had to stop them.

He had to eat them.

With a scream of pain the boy's body erupted into a mass of tentacles that seemed to come from nearly every joint in his body and wriggled in anticipation of the desert air. From his chest a single long tentacle burst forward and attempted to wrap itself around the clone's katana and pull it free from its grip.

He didn't need utensils to eat his food with after all.

Oki the Doll
Jiongu | Earth Grudge Fear
Tetsuya could hardly be called human when he has a single heart powering the mass of black tendrils inside of his body that keep him immortal. A parasite that constantly craves for more human hearts that manifests as voices in the boy's head yet many say its a small price to pay for the boon it grants. Immortality is the biggest covet from this gift but having a body made up of tendrils that can act on the hosts will is a great asset in combat as well as the fact that once Tetsuya has obtained a heart he gains its affinity for elemental chakra which allows him to expand his repertoire.

99 genin on the wall.

has written 52 posts
Demon DesertNov 12, 2018 21:35:17 GMT -5
"When you do things right, people wont be sure you've done anything at all."
groupRain Shinobi
age 24 years old birthday JUNE 6TH, -15SD rank SP. JOUNIN occupation AMELORD
"I see we finally got ourselves some company...."

The Takeda muttered to himself in hiding somewhere inside the entrance as he used his Byakugan eyes to literally see past the wall in front of him. His range was not the best, but for now all he needed to do was to see what was going on the outside 50 meters from the gate. At this point he couldn't quite make out who the person approaching was, but as they got closer to the flash light he begin to take notice of the features. Well I'll be damned. Is that the weird guy that interrupted my training? He didn't know anything about the guy, but one thing for sure was that the guy had some acrobatic abilities. If anything deep down he was excited to see the guy made it into the exams. Not only that, but made it past the first round. Unfortunately the support had to die there.

Sanosuke nodded to the others around him letting them know that someone was here. He was shocked to see that the person had gone out of their way to literally approach the Flashlight. Something that was a not a good move at all. If the graders were out here watching then that sort of move had to be an automatic failure. There was no telling what was around that light. This inevitably lead him to assume the person standing before his flashlight couldn't be real. Not to mention the fact that they were alone. One might assume that the weird pale kid managed to take out all the rest, but given the calm nature of the masked person there was no way to know. Either way they couldn't waste the traps on just one person. It'd be foolish to do such a thing right?

The Takeda shook his to Ryuu signaling that he was not going to do anything. Hopefully the guy would understand and might possibly be thinking the same thing that he was thinking. The Masked figure seemed conflicted, and out of that confusion appeared to draw something from his pouch before throwing it at the flashlight knocking it over. A slightly immature Sanosuke placed his hands over his mouth to prevent himself from laughing briefly. Despite the seriousness of the Exams it was interesting to see the way he was pondering over what to do with the flashlight. Nevertheless, something had to be done soon. They didn't have all day to be messing around like this.

However, before he'd even get the chance to think of what to do next a kunai would be shot toward the flashlight followed by some dramatic yelling. Another one! Thought the Takeda as he spotted a female figure approaching the mask guy he met some time ago before the exams. Well I guess my assumptions on what might have happened with the other boy might not be true. Maybe he lost, but somewhere along the lines managed to slow some of them down. Either way this girl approaching changes things. The Takeda knew not what to do, but given the amount of time they had left something had to happen. Two was not worth the explosion, especially if the other was not real, but they needed to do something.

As it stood both of them where standing right in between where all of his bombs were planted. The one that just came, much like the girl in his group but more aggressive seemed hellbent on getting this mission taken care of. If she was as bold as her mouth let on she was going to roll up into the gates without a worry in the world. Compared to the mask figure she was much more imposing, and if her body showed anything it was that she might be the perfect match for him. Nevertheless, a sigh escaped the lips of the Takeda toward the rest of the group before using the handseal to activate all the explosive tags set in line with the flashlight.

With the Mask person already being there and the much taller woman approaching now was the perfect time. The concussive force from 20 tags would definitely be enough to cause some issues. It wouldn't win the fight for em, but it definitely was going to give them an advantage. To make matters even better Ryuu planted a flash bomb right behind the flash light and some smoke bombs on the father sides of his planting. With the ignition of the 20 explosions--spreading down over 100 meters--the force from the wave would easily ignite the flash bomb blinding the two just as they'd try to take cover. Now that he actually thought about it, the setup wasn't half bad. With all the explosions being in a straight line the force theoretically should just blow them back in a straight line as the force coming them is sure to blow them away.

The only hard part was how far, but that wasn't going to matter for the Takeda. He had 2 meters of radius to use to his advantage and pure athleticism. Once the explosion set off he'd give it about 5 seconds for the force to start clearing. This way wherever his kunai went and the sand would not cause him any issues. Afterward he'd dash out full speed toward the smoke 50 meters ahead of him. It wouldn't take much time to clear that length given his speed, but that was the easy part. The hard part was going through what was left of the smoke and explosion looking for the girl or the masked figure. So instead of rushing through he'd wait until he started hearing any coughing from initial impact and the smoke while he himself waited through the back of where everything started. His jacket pulled over his mouth so he wouldn't give his own position away by coughing.

If everything worked out as planned, if he was able to hear one of them he'd immediately rush into that direction using his 2 meter radius of vision to help try to find them. It was now or never at this point. If he even wanted to be considered for Chuunin it started here. People had died in these exams, and to acknowledge those who did give their lives in hopes of a promotion he'd take his fight with whomever dead serious. Maybe not to the point of aiming to kill, but definitely to the point of making them give up at least. Clenching his right he'd activate his Devil Bringer once he felt they were in site. He didn't care too much about hiding his clans stuff at this point. Regardless, none of them would know the strength it gave him anyways.

NOTES: Sanosuke fires off all explosions, including flash bomb in front. Waits 5 seconds, runs off 50 meters to were the explosion started. He will not do anything else until he starts hearing sounds from the others ( Mostly likely the cloud girl as the Clone should blow up from the impact ). If by some miracle he doesn't hear them then he wont do anything further, but if he does he will charge into that direction, and only then does he activate the Devil Bringer.

BYAKUGAN ACTIVE: 2 Meter radius of clear vision. Anything outside of that will be a problem which is why he is looking to hear sounds from them.

NAME: Akuma Sakenomi ( 悪魔酒飲み ) Devil Bringer
CHAKRA USAGE: Medium (Activation) - Low (Drainage)
CLASSIFICATION: Bukijutsu - Taijutsu
ACTIVATION In order for one to utilize this power the user must feel a great deal of emotion. By channeling those feelings into power, and stabilizing that feeling does one achieve this transformation, with the clenching of right fist being the final step into obtaining this form.
DESCRIPTION: The true power of the Takeda clan, a transformation only achieved by the strongest members within the clan. This power transforms the right forearm and hand of the user. The transformation acting as a physical manifestation of the clans demonic power. Like the previous transformation, the users emotions are required to activate it, but also unlike the previous form the user must be control of them. A tight clenching of the right fist is all that is needed to activate this transformation. This arm possesses superhuman strength, which it can also manifest through a larger, spectral arm. Like the previous transformation, this form increases the physical power of the user based on its current strength. However, the strength of the user is only increased within the limits of that one arm, in return its power outmatches that of its predecessor. Unlike its predecessor though, the amount of drainage this transformation has on ones chakra is minimal, given that the user must be in complete control while using this transformation. The Devil Bringer is highly durable, and with its physical strength can be highly effective at blocking attacks, giving the user advantages against their opponents in hand to hand combat. The Devil Bringer can also be highly effective in sword combat, enhancing the strength of the weapon when utilizing the right hand as a means of attack. Its increase in strength can be used to further empower the strength and durability of the blade.
Non-Specialized ➠ Primary Buki - Tai Str
Secondary Buki - Tai Str ➠ Sole Buki - Tai Str
Primary Buki - Tai Str ➠ 1 Rank Increase With Sole Buki - Tai Str
Sole Buki - Tai Str ➠ 2 Rank Increase With Sole Buki - Tai Str

| AP has written 801 posts
Demon DesertNov 12, 2018 22:55:26 GMT -5
Yutakako Ryuu
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You'll never get away
when you're running
from the past

"So... It begins..." Ryuu peaked carefully from the wall he was hiding behind, making sure to keep checking on his teammates. He'd slowed his breathing a bit, so as to allow him to focus his mind and let it flow freely. He locked his sight on the newcommer who wandered up to the flashlight. His eyes moved to Sanosuke who motioned that he was going to hold for the time being. Ryuu nodded in return and turned his attention back to the enemy. Ryuu knew that they may not really be enemies but for the sake of any plans he may come up with he had to view him as such. This also meant that once Ryuu was let loose and combat started... He would be attacking with killing intent and he only hoped anyone that stood before him could take it.

As Ryuu watched the other boy silently he saw him remove something from a pouch and throw it at the flashlight. The young Yutakako couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the move. It was juvenile at it's core but also lacking any real thought or consideration for ones own safety. Beyond that, how was it that one lone enemy had come to be here... If the boy they'd left behind had failed then surely the entire enemy team would have arrived at once. No, this had to be a forward scout and judging by the actions taken, a clone most likely. If the flashlight had been a trap it could have taken it out and notified the real body. Though, Ryuu had no real evidence to support this thought. For all he knew, the kid could have just been an idiot. Still, he wasn't about to make a move unless he had to.

Then, another one arrived, this one much louder than the first. Ryuu shook his head at the girl who almost immediately started shouting and threatening her own teammate. The fact that his team was hiding had to have crossed her mind, though again, he wouldn't put it past someone to not think of something so simple. But to just start shouting and effectively give away your position like that. It was either pure genius, or abject stupidity. Either way, they knew where two opponents were and that gave them the slight advantage. However, the arrival of the second enemy gave Ryuu pause as he wondered if their decoy had, in fact, failed. His mind began to race as he began to run through different scenarios. The fact that only two had shown up, and in such a staggered fashion could mean that the rest were slowed enough to give them a chance to wipe them out as they came. However, another option judging from how the girl was acting, was that she abandoned her team and pushed forward without them.

The second option gave his team a unique opportunity in the sense that, if they could eliminate this girl and the possible clone/not clone, they would be up in the numbers game by the time the rest arrived. Ryuu turned his attention to Sanosuke as he began to unbutton his jacket. He hated that he had to do it but he also knew he needed what little extra speed he could muster should Sanosuke reach the same conclusion he did. Sure enough, the other boy sighed and brought his hand up. It was the perfect distraction for as the explosions went off Ryuu let his jacket fall off his body and thud to the ground, the sound of which was muffled by the blast of the traps. As the rush of smoke and debris came he ducked behind the wall again and covered his mouth and shut his eyes.

Then, he waited... His ears were open and his breathing slowed as much as he could. The fact that the dust wasn't nearly as bad on their side let him keep an eye on Sanosuke who he knew would be the key. He would be listening as well for any sounds of movement that would break the silence after the explosion. However, he'd wait for Sanosuke to move. The moment the boy did, Ryuu would be hot on his tail to back him up. Even if it wasn't the way he liked to really fight, he knew a two on one assault would give them the best odds of ending the fight quickly and without expending too much of their own chakra or physical energy. He would allow the excitement building within him to fuel him and allow his mind to fall into that place that seemed to make some of his former classmates nervous. That place that he went to when he lost a teammate just a few years back. He allowed that feeling to well up inside him and fuel that killing intent. Soon... Soon...


Notes: As with Sanosuke, Ryuu will follow him the moment he moves. Until then he is staying put. The only other change is that he has removed his weighted jacket (100lbs).
has written 53 posts
Demon DesertNov 13, 2018 3:13:48 GMT -5
Masahiro Kaiya
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With Life There Is Always Another Chance

In The Light There Is Always Darkness

Waiting and watching. It was something Kaiya had come to learn and do quite effectively. It was more true that it had been for observing weaponry and learning their subtleties, but this patience counted too. First one person. Just one. Scouting the area and looking about. Careful. Thoughtful. And a kunai thrown. Check the obvious mishap in the area without getting too close. Unlike the boys, Kaiya found the move to make sense. It was careful, like the rest of how the person was being.

Then another. A much louder and vibrant person that certainly WAS NOT being careful in the least. Shouting and screaming, looking more aggravated than Kaiya could even imagine, the little blonde was almost shocked at what was occurring. First this silent figure, then this loud one. Amazing. The only thing that could top that loud woman was…

… Explosive notes. She had seen her teammate’s signal to keep from charging, so she had. No questions asked. And there was why. The area before them lit up in a large explosion and the girl’s eyes widened. All for those two? She supposed it made sense but… what if there were more? They’d just have to take them on, obviously. Taking a deep breath, she assumed the one with the eyes would go. Into the smokescreen to take advantage of loss of sight. Kaiya would hang back.

So imagine her surprise when both boys left. The girl staggered and blinked in surprise, but didn’t move from her position overall. She’d guard. The glow of her seal more obvious without the armor she had shed earlier, but hidden behind wall and barrel would prevent her from being within a line of sight. Prepared. Ready. If she had to call upon her hijutsu than no trouble would be had. Two better be able to take care of it though…. She hoped the blonde boy wouldn’t misstep in that smog.

Masahiro Kaiya
has written 179 posts
Demon DesertNov 14, 2018 2:53:19 GMT -5
Mikazuki Aikawa
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Mikazuki Aikawa Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 23 years old birthday March 3rd rank Chuunin occupation
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I really can't remember if I'm insane or insomniac

When they approached the enemy boy, it seemed that, much to Squeakers's surprise... he didn't pay the entire group any mind at all. Sure, they were skirting around the area, and weren't heading straight at him, but... the guy didn't even look in their direction. Did he even know they were there?
    Suddenly, Fijuoka alerted the group that she didn't want to follow through with the whole "staying behind and overpowering one guy" plan. And, although Squeakers didn't want an enemy to be able to sneak up behind them, and he thought Fujioka was brash and hot-tempered, not giving too much thought to her actions... He felt that she wasn't in the wrong in this situation. This guy... didn't seem like too much of a threat. So, even if he did sneak up on them as they moved past him, would he really pose that much of a threat to the group? Squeakrs was starting to think not...
    Not to mention, he seemed very pre-occupied with the clone.
    If Clone #2 stayed behind to fight, as well as all of Sabishi's clones that had now surrounded the boy--including the one with the bomb... Would this kid even be able to catch up? Would he even pose a real threat after dealing with all of them, when he hadn't even been capable of acknowledging the fact that he was now surrounded by rock clones, as well as letting the real group of real shinobi pass by...?
    If they pushed through quickly enough, they could probably transport the scroll fast enough that this guy wouldn't pose any threat, and... maybe... they'd be able to get past whatever lay ahead as well...?
    So, despite how he'd previously wanted to fight off this one guy... Squeakers changed his mind. It was a bit brash, but he actually agreed with Fujioka on this.
    Hopefully, Akio wouldn't waste genjutsu on the situation, as it didn't seem necessary since the shark kid already seemed occupied fighting Clone #2, as well as being surrounded by Sabishi's rock clones, too, that was.
    So, taking Akio by the hand, he'd nod off to where Fujioka had run off to and would follow--though not as quick of a pace as she had. Hopefully the other two would follow as well. It would seem that they weren't really needed here... So, if the others didn't protest to moving past the shark/string/puppet?(Squeakers wasn't fully sure, anymore) kid, they would continue on to the next section where Fujioka was now running and yelling at Squeakers' other clone...
    She... did realize that Clone #3 didn't have the scroll, right? Only The Original Squeakers had it?
    She did know that, didn't she?
    Squeakers stood there awkwardly, some distance back as his brash teammate charged face-first into the range of the mysterious flashlight, that Clone #3 was still checking out. Squeakers rubbed the base of his neck and cocked his head to the side as he watched. This was the right place that they were supposed to deliver the scroll, right? There didn't seem to be any fights, or traps, or conflict of any kind from what he could tell so far, and since Clone #3 was still standing, that meant it must have been safe, right?
    Before he could even get relatively close, however, there was a sudden explosion that completely consumed Fujioka and Clone #3 from sight. He was out of range to feel the full explosion experience, but he certainly got hit by the corresponding shock wave of the bombs.
    Death: Via Explosion Tag.
    Squeakers deadpanned beneath his mask as the information was transferred, once the clone had been blown up. No, really? "Why do I always seem to have issues with explosions...?" Squeakers mumbled, recalling how he'd been blown up in the Amegakure exams as well. He frowned. Hopefully, Fujioka was alive.
    "Alright, I don't know if there'll be any more traps near the entranceway," Squeakers said to his teammates--if they were there and hadn't stayed back to observe the... rather oblivious shark boy. "Because of that, I think the best way to get past, now, since we're so close, finally, is to just go over." He'd hold out each of his hands, and look back and forth between Akio and Sabishi--if they were both present. "Lemme toss you guys, 'kay?"

If Sabishi and Akio went ahead with Squeakers, leaving behind Tetsuya, and they consent:
    Without too much warning, Squeakers would grab hold of the back of each of their shirts, then rush toward the wall of the outpost but away from the entryway--deciding to stay away from the cloud of smoke left behind by the bomb. Squeakers would muster all the might that he could, and, with surprising strength that he'd not even hinted to having so far, he shouted, "YEET!!!" and would chuck both of them far away--not only distant enough to travel beyond the wall, but with enough force that they'd soar high over the wall as well.

After the sealing of Gyūki, Mikazuki's body took on many physical changes.

    One of which, was a change of her natural chakra. It took on a monstrous form, raising to levels that exceed any other normal shinobi of even elite rank. The girl no longer has as amazing control on this new, horrendous amount of chakra as she used to, being unfamiliar with it.

    The second alteration is Mikazuki's physical strength. Gyūki is considered to be the strongest Bijuu out of the nine (the exception being when the Gobi uses its special abilities), and this incredible strength has been transferred over to his jinchuriki. Mikazuki's strength has multiplied, making her far stronger than she ever used to be--even on a day to day basis, her assault prowess and overall strength has been increased greatly for her rank.

    The third change is that Mikazuki now also has access to the tree of Ink Techniques, a style of jutsu that is unique to Gyūki.

If Sabishi and Akio stayed behind with Tetsuya and/or did not consent to Squeakers' suggestion of tossing them, he would, instead:
Simply shrug it off. Whatever. Akio was posing to have a scroll, same with that other guy, but at this point, Squeakers was starting to think that if he was quick enough to get the scroll to the outpost, the whole thing could be over with before anyone even got hurt. Well, aside from Fujioka, of course... Hopefully she was okay. Somehow. She was strong, but... to survive such a huge explosion--from such close range? Physical strength wasn't the same as defense. Squeakers hoped she somehow survived. It would, hopefully, all be over with soon.
    Squeakers didn't like the huge cloud of smoke in front of the outpost's entrance, though. It was unknown, he couldn't see in it, and he wouldn't be able to sense anything, either. So, Squeakers reasoned, it probably wasn't wise to enter it just because the outpost's entryway was there.
    What did these juveniles think Squeakers was?
    A normal human?
    He could walk up walls whenever he damn well pleased. All of the walls was an entry point, as far as he was concerned. And, if he didn't trust getting close, well... Squeakers had another option, too...
    Running to the right, Squeakers used his heightened speed to completely clear the entryway, to the point where it was nearly out of sight, even. He somewhat doubted anyone would even notice the random, strange raincoat-clad guy would be shying away from the action. Could anyone even see past all of that smoke?
    As soon as Squeakers was a good distance away from it all, it barely mattered if anyone had even noticed--Squeakers doubted they would be able to keep up with his speed. So, using his equipment, Squeakers would--suddenly shoot the grapples of his gear high into the wall surrounding the post and, shoot himself high into the air!
    Slingshotting himself up the wall, he retracted the coils so that he'd be soaring far past the wall and beyond--and would then use another shot of his equipment on either end to latch onto what appeared to be the main building of the outpost, where he assumed he was meant to deliver the scroll. The high speed of the equipment almost guaranteed a quick and successful travel.
    Squeakers Flight Agency, 2018.

Enhanced Physical Trait

Due to her extensive training in her early ninja days, Mikazuki has heightened speed, stamina, and endurance. Every day that she has an opportunity to, she still trains to further strengthen each trait. This ability was not gained from heritage or being born into a clan.


ooc notes: I would like to point out that Shadow Clones are a jounin-ranked technique, cannot be discerned from a normal clone (aside from Byakugan), and that most normal clones do not transfer information back to the original creator after being destroyed. So, who knows how Ryuu would have even been able to guess it was a shadow clone that would transfer info back to it's creator and not just a scout human being or usual, normal, genin-ranked clone~

Also, for Sanosuke: Considering Squeakers stays out of range for the explosion, I'm unsure if he'd be in range for Sanosuke to use his Byakugan on. However, just in case any information was misread or forgotten during all of the posts, I think it's only fair to remind you that if Sanosuke is, hypothetically, in range to see things, he might be able to see:
    1. Akio's scroll has something unique and peculiar about it.
    2. Sato also contains a scroll like object (he has a scroll, though idk if Sanosuke would be able to see through clothes and sense objects specifically, or if he'd only be able to see chakra-based things).
    3. Squeakers' chakra is back at only 1/2 of it's usual form (though it's still wickedly powerful: reference previous Jin SA). If Sanosuke is in range to discern this, Squeakers has:
                    1. a hypothetical seal on his back (S-ranked, Jin related)
                    2. a concentration of chakra/seal on his mask 
                    3. various scrolls in his pocket, one of which contains a seal

NOTES: notes here
last edit by Mikazuki Aikawa on Nov 19, 2018 0:05:18 GMT -5
Mika has written 1,146 posts