10th Anniversary Announcement

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10th Anniversary AnnouncementAug 1, 2024 8:01:39 GMT -5
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groupGlobal Moderator
age birthday January 10th rank occupation

NFB's Tenth anniversary
thank you all for ten great years, and to many more


It seems somewhat surreal to be writing this, to have that sudden realization that it truly has been ten years at this point and even longer if you count the time before we officially launched the site since I began slowly working on some rules and systems a year plus before that. I have made multiple sites before N:FB. A very few members on site might remember some of my older sites such as Fading Hope, Bleeding Blades (yes I know how edgy the name is), or Shinobi's Country and those are just the Naruto sites.

In this past decade, we've had great ups and downs. We've had darker moments of staff infighting and abusing their power, but we've also had staff going above and beyond to help members regardless of what the issue was. We've had members with nothing except bitterness between them, but also have had members supporting each other through nearly every important moment one's life can have. Going through school, college, trying to get that important job, getting fired from said job, finding a significant other, being heartbroken, having children of their own and the list goes on. While a great many of us have never met face to face, it is unquestionable that for many of us, this site has had a great impact on each other's lives.

I started this site for a variety of reasons, but perhaps the most prominent of these was admittedly my own frustration. Back then there were seemingly endless options for Naruto sites and honestly anime RP forums in general. So many of them boiled down to a great many people wanting to have the biggest numbers. I am not shaming this desire, but rather just pointing it out to say it was not what I was interested in and did serve as a catalyst for me making the site among other factors.

What I wanted from a site was somewhere it did not matter if you had been there for years or just joined, that you wouldn't be so far behind as to be turned into little more than a minor side character with no relevance. I wanted a place where your ability to try and tell an interesting story was not limited or outright blocked just because you could not finish five threads a day. A site where the story of a character was far more important than their ability to beat everyone in a fight easily. Most of all I wanted to try and make a site where staff were encouraged to actively work together to improve the site and endeavored to treat members fairly rather than one or two favorites being allowed to make anything/everything they wanted whether that be applications, plots or just being able to ignore rules when it suits them.

I don't claim that we have perfectly executed all of those ambitions, but I think the fact we're still here after ten years means N:FB got closer to them than most. Are there other decisions regarding systems I wish we had made or that I had pushed for? Sure. If I were making the site from scratch there are a hundred things I would probably do differently, stuff that is just too baked into the cake at this point to change. There will always be some choices one makes that are regrettable, but I can say that I don't regret the decision to make this site nor do I regret continuing to work alongside the rest of the staff and members to keep this place going in the years following its creation.

It admittedly saddens me a bit when I think back to all the members that have come and gone. Likely we're sitting at thousands of members and in the years we've had roughly fifty core staff and those are just the ones my bargain bin brain can remember. Of course, some of these old faces do show up from time to time, but there is a greater number that simply disappeared never to be heard from again. I hope all of you will join me in wishing that all these people are out there and doing well with whatever life has put on their path. Furthermore, while I'm sure a great many of you have had frustrations with members, with staff, or even just with the systems over the years; I hope everyone has overall enjoyed their time here and that even should you join this crowd of familiar faces that no longer visits; I hope you'll remember us and this place fondly. Lastly, let me simply say thank you all for the past ten years and I sincerely hope we will be here still in another ten.


With August being the month of celebration for NFB, staff has been very busy toiling over what would be best to do for everyone. And from that discussion came an idea that was almost unanimously agreed to.

As part of the celebrations, exp rewards for missions and exp training turned in (no matter how old) will be doubled for August. If you just turned something in, fret not - turn-in timers have been reset, giving everyone a clean slate as of August 1st. Get those threads new and old anytime before August 31st to get your doubled rewards!

That's not all. Overnight, a giant shooting star has passed over the continent, and in its path, bamboo stalks have mysteriously sprouted throughout the Hidden Villages and beyond. It seems if your character leaves their wish for the year here, it might just come true. Act fast, though. It appears that the bamboo will wither completely by August 31st, 2024, due to some strange chakra in the air. Maybe that has to do with...

A mysterious event will be starting to peek its head around the corner, starting with a mission board that is open for all shinobi from every corner of the world to come together and attempt - lead by our Global and NPC mods alike. More will be coming from this in the coming months, so stay tuned!


last edit by Yoritomo on Aug 1, 2024 8:17:39 GMT -5
Yofie has written 278 posts