Kaito had to fight the grin that crossed his face as the other insulted him. It was nothing more than a jibe but it was enough to amuse Kaito, oh how he wanted to take the other back into the arena and prove him right. But then again he had been foolish enough to underestimate the strength behind the teenagers blows, hadn't expected the knife to pierce his jugular so readily because he wasn't aware of his own young inexperience. It would be something he solved in time, but for now his reflexes weren't as sharp as he bragged about. The pressure upon his chakra control to maintain his hijutsu was beginning to dominate his mind. Kaito wondered just how much pain Ryohei was actually in with his shoulder and damaged body. The shoulder was no nice wound after all. [break][break]
He entered wordlessly, his back automatically straightening as he entered the room. Sure he was no show pony and lapdog like Ryohei obviously was, but he also wasn't stupid. Respect was due where it was due. And he was very used to working under a dominating individual, his eyes automatically fell to the floor as the Captain stood up. Hands had left their pockets and he adopted the same militaristic discipline expected of a soldier. [break][break]
The Captain stood in front of them, looking over the both of them with equally analytical eyes.
"Look at you both," he retorted gruffly. [break][break]
"Like a pair of fucking wild animals!" It was evident he was not happy.
"Where is your discipline? Or are you both moronic fools with nothing to lose?" [break][break]
There was a palpable silence before the Captain looked as if he expected one of them to speak. Kaito, growing paler and keen to get his punishment over with, was the first one to break the silence. His eyes came up to look at the Captain fearlessly, it wasn't lack of fear - everyone feared - but when the scariest thing you were terrified of actually laid behind your front door, there was nothing more to fear about militaristic discipline. [break][break]
"Permission to speak, sir?" he said emotionlessly, his eyes not yet making eye contact until he was given permission to speak. [break][break]
"Granted." [break][break]
"Sir, the proctor asked the recruits to disable one another, we were simply doing as instructed, sir." [break][break]
It was a hell of a cheeky thing to say to the Captain of ANBU. And the Captain knew it too. A small glib smile came onto the Captain's face as he moved to stand in front of Kaito. For the first time strong willed fiery blues met the Captain's gaze. It was very evident Kaito had some kind of deathwish, or at least a proclivity for destruction. No one openly jibed at an ANBU Captain without expecting retribution. [break][break]
"Did you forget the bit about attacking your superior, Tanaka?" [break][break]
A pause. Kaito was deciding how best to respond. [break][break]
"Training accident, sir." [break][break]
The Captain nodded slowly as if he was trying to get his head around the situation. And then suddenly a fist came out and punched Kaito in the stomach. The teen automatically pressed forward, with a grimace as his skin grew as white as snow. The breath left his lungs and he coughed a little as the Captain moved to stand in front of Ryohei. Kaito righted himself, running the back of his hand against his mouth to get rid of the spit. [break][break]
"And you, Ishiin? I suppose you were equally as following orders were you?" snapped the Captain. [break][break]
Kaito had his hands behind his back and his back straightened again, but he twisted his head to the side to look at the Captain, more sweat trickling down the corners of his temples. [break][break]
"Permission to go to the infirmary, sir?" he said thinly, with a fraction of the sarcasm he had had earlier. The Captain turned his head to look at him while standing by Ryohei, a grin crossed the Captains face. He knew what was about to happen. [break][break]
"Permission denied." [break][break]
Hijutsu Activated:[break][break]
[13 of 14][break][break]