Arashi no Kuni Map

fallen blades
Arashi no Kuni MapJul 4, 2019 8:11:42 GMT -5
Shikaka Tatsuo
Be the lightning in me that strikes relentless
Shikaka Tatsuo Avatar
age 30 years old birthday rank Jounin occupation Lord Fourth
arashi no kuni map

Lo and behold! The map of Arashi no Kuni, including key points of interest!

Now you can explore Arashi no Kuni at your leisure and hopefully get better info on where things take place on your character threads!

It may surprise you to know that the Land of Storms isn't all stormy. The northern regions of Arashi no Kuni are actually drier than the south, they are still at risk of harsh thunderstorms but have a generally modest and sunny climate in comparison to the south near Amegakure no Sato and beyond. The southern regions of Arashi no Kuni are where the name comes from, almost always battered by harsh rain and the odd crackling electric storm. Nearer the drier climate of Kaze no Kuni heralds the most spectacular of storms, out towards the barren area near Jansune Keep and Hidaka harbors some feisty tempests.

The Storm Country, surprisingly, isn't as grey and dreary as canon anime represents! The country is actually made up of swathes of grassy green plains, nestled with water ways and rivers, dotted around forests that make the place arable. A natural borderline of mountains runs up the edge from the southern tip of Kaze no Kuni all the way up to Tsuchi no Kuni. 

last edit by Aika on Jul 4, 2019 8:30:01 GMT -5
Aika has written 155 posts