Behind Closed Doors [Closed]

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Behind Closed Doors [Closed]Jan 20, 2020 18:12:18 GMT -5
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The Jinchuuriki frowned as he stared at the assailant in his living room. "Why are you here?" Akira wasn't expecting the man to be in his living room, much less be who it was - and... so strangely.

"I'd have preferred Yoko..." Akira grumbled to himself quietly, leaning over the "window" edge of his living room and dropping his groceries into the kitchen. The woman being there with heels - and just that, fantastic. Tanaka Kaito? Not really. The man was attractive: but Akira was not of the type.

Well. He'd known why the man was here, but why he in particular had chosen to be here for it, he did not know. "Where's Yuuna?" Akira asked him, unless he had come for a very different reason at his allocated therapy session at the same time and date, and inside his house without so much as a hair out of place: likely using the key that Akira had dropped off at her office for her.

Akira would sit on the second sofa to his left, and backing up against the wall of the kitchen, and sat himself down with his fingertips touching, elbows resting upon his knees. Moreover, the man had been busy enough - and was one of Akira's acquaintances. "And shit, you're like, a friend enough. Why does it have to be you?" Akira wasn't about to be disarmed by the man into talking about his problems.

The unfortunate reality was that Kaito had very likely been given a nice thorough read through of Yuuna's notes so that he could be up to speed on everything that he had spoken about, from the hypomania, grandiosity, jealousy, avaricious-ness and narcissism. The biggest, Akira's known temper, one thing that Kaito would've known about first hand from his ANBU duties - not that Akira would know about that specifically - would have a good read through of. Everybody had their own little cocktail of issues, and he himself was no different.

He was trying to be his own kind of different.

dandy ♫
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Behind Closed Doors [Closed]Apr 2, 2020 17:20:36 GMT -5
Tanaka Kaito
I saw the universe hidden in your heart, wish I told you that before it got too dark.
Tanaka Kaito Avatar
age 34 years old birthday 29th July -31SD rank Elite Jounin occupation ANBU



don't come apart at the seams
sweat out the nightmares
and live in your dreams


When Yuuna had passed on his medical files through to ANBU at Ryohei's request, it had been Kaito's proverbial desk that the files had landed on. Not that Ryohei would likely ever have given the lad a chance to be in the Corps, but the other was a sadist and liked to figure out people when they intrigued him. The Village Jinchuuriki, it seemed, had greatly interested the ANBU Captain. 

As the resident and best trained psychologist, of course it had fallen into Kaito's hands to participate in the technical dissection. At first it had been an order and then... it had been his own interest. Not to dissect but to figure out why ANBU were having an increasingly harder time dealing with the lad and his protection. Kaito could have called it teenage rebellion, but Akira was long past that stage. He'd only just been promoted to Jounin too... there were greater things at play. 

Would he have considered Akira a friend? It had been on Kaito's mind as he had wandered the streets he'd memorised to get to Akira's home. They had met a couple of times, granted, and Kaito had acted as dutiful babysitter even when he wasn't on shift. Perhaps a friend was too close for comfort, but a decent acquaintance was likely highest on the list. 

Fair enough, Kaito had a lot of decent acquaintances and not many friends, but that was by his own doing. As he trudged up the stairs he had considered using the key Yuuna had passed in the dossier. But why waste a good effort to break in? The Jounin crouched, senbon in hand and twisted the lock. Ninja art at its finest. 

Kaito wouldn't make a move to nosey around the house. Regardless of how Akira viewed him when he came in, the other was a shinobi first. Any good shinobi would know when their belongings had been rummaged through. He'd remove his shoes first of all, learning from last time.

Instead he chose to sit on the sofa, back to the window that laid adjacent to the garden. He'd not see Akira coming home but he would hear the noise of bags on the doorstep as the other. Maybe at first Akira would be startled. Kaito wasn't wearing his shinobi gear: a simple black hoodie and jeans. If anything he looked... almost civilian - if it weren't for the tattoos and scars that criss crossed over his body. 

When Akira dropped the shopping down in the kitchen and turned to ask him what he was doing in his home, Kaito would look up at him with a pleasant smile.

"I'm a professional at magic, didn't you know?" it was a light jibe back to their previous encounter where for a moment a drunken Akira had thought the man had simply telekinetically opened his front door.

Kaito waved his hand dismissively at the joke, save Akira from bristling at the comment before running his hand through his dark shaved-at-the-sides-and-back hair. 

"Yuuna transferred your patient files to more specialist care," Kaito explained simply with a shrug, pulling his hands from the back of his head onto his knees not too dissimilar to Akira's posture, except his hands were clasped loosely together. 

"I'm the best at psychology," it was said without a brag, "think of it this way, you are in 'mostly' safe hands."

sweet golden rose, don't ever rust

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Aika has written 1,100 posts
Behind Closed Doors [Closed]Apr 3, 2020 17:04:37 GMT -5
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Satori Akira

So he found himself a joker?

"Ah. My mistake." his fingertips lightly tapped against one another. But he was quick to answer, and causing Akira to stare quizzically. Defensively, even. "And what is specialist care meant to entail?" already off to a negative start with the evident frown on his face and in his voice.

Akira had no suspicions of Kaito being in the forces of ANBU. To him, everything he said made sense. From the hospital work to the good advice. Kaito had been there for him. Even if... weirdly so. "Do you want any tea or coffee? Water?" Akira would ask him, standing up for better lack of word, which was stalling. And himself, quickly pouring a glass of water and fulfilling whatever desire he had of liquid, if any. At the least, Akira felt it was good to extend the invitation the same he would do to Yuuna every session.

There wasn't going to be getting out of it now.

But it also meant whatever relationship they had now was compromised with everything that Kaito would've read about Akira, whatever that was: Yuuna hadn't shared her findings with Akira - of what she truly thought. A shame. He would sit himself down in his former position. Now... to talk.

By the fact that until he'd been the Tsuchikage's Assistant and Lady Takara had forced him to his sessions, he had never regularly tried to do them. Just like his family, pushing it away, delaying, delaying. As was his internal desire to think himself perfect. "So... 'doc. What's the news?"

Jinchūriki, Stalwart Hide, Bukijutsu Maverick, Hawkeyes, Seal Weaver, Speed of Fury [Always Active]

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i hate that i love
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Behind Closed Doors [Closed]Apr 3, 2020 17:29:49 GMT -5
Tanaka Kaito
I saw the universe hidden in your heart, wish I told you that before it got too dark.
Tanaka Kaito Avatar
age 34 years old birthday 29th July -31SD rank Elite Jounin occupation ANBU



don't come apart at the seams
sweat out the nightmares
and live in your dreams


So the joke hadn't really worked, it seemed. Akira didn't seem to be too happy to see the man which... Kaito didn't blame him. Therapy was never anyone's open choice, there were often consequences and events that led them there. Kaito only kept the pleasant face up as Akira squinted in mistrust. 

He didn't like his case had been passed on and that was fair, likely assuming that he had either been abandoned by Yuuna or deemed too ill to be treated by her. Little did he know that in fact the opposite was true, Yuuna had complied because military jurisdiction demanded her to. Not because she wanted to. Kaito had been a good middle ground between military and medicine and so there he was. That was hardly a help to Akira though.

"Someone who deals with both mental health and the health of shinobi," Kaito responded evenly after Akira's question as if it were pretty obvious. It wasn't all a lie, Kaito did specialise in psychology and shinobi practices. Though it wasn't entirely the reason. And he knew by Akira's response his lack of faith in those who supported him was still at an all time high, making note in his head Kaito sat back against the sofa. 

"I'm fine, thank you, though I will be pausing to take a smoke break in the session. I wouldn't assume you like the idea of smoke filling the house," Kaito mused as Akira got his glass of water. Normally he'd light up a cigarette during the session, but the last time he'd asked if he could smoke in a house Yoko had given him a sickly sweet okay that had been designed to placate him rather than her own desire. 

Akira came back to the living room, sat back down, queried Kaito. Polite enough but Kaito could tell Akira was on edge. He didn't like he idea of not being 'right' for someone, it said oodles about how he projected himself. And thought of himself.

"How have you been? Last we met you were falling down hills and decorating your toilet with a weeks worth of alcohol," he'd ask courteously.

sweet golden rose, don't ever rust

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Aika has written 1,100 posts
Behind Closed Doors [Closed]Apr 3, 2020 17:43:16 GMT -5
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Satori Akira

That seemed like an easy cop out to what would've been an answer of 'you're fucked in the head.'

So instead Akira grunted in response. Even again, to him asking about smoking. "That's fine, just open the door the to garden when you do." Akira asked of him. He had long since cared. When he first moved into the house: it was all about that due diligence. Now he'd settled in and the house was firmly his own, he was a bit more lax on the rules.

So they'd settle right into it. Akira still wondering whether or not Kaito was the best for the job considering his personal stake in the night he spoke of. But, he answered. Just as he was trying to be - which was honest to himself.

"Resolved." Akira hadn't directly answered his question about how he felt, but that the issue that had been about that night had been resolved. But the way he spoke made it sound very unresolved. "My life has been fine. Work, training, studying: sometimes I'll go out. That doesn't happen as often now." Akira was a workaholic, he didn't ever stop breathing his occupation. But, to be expected of the village's Jinchuuriki, he had risen into the position.

"I uh, I've been doing well as things go." His head lost its weight on one side and he tilted. "Performed well in some missions, beat up some people: got dragged away by others. Didn't perform so well. Nearly blew up Iwagakure. Swings and roundabouts." Everybody had heard the screams piercing through Iwagakure no Sato, and it'd all started when Kosuke first took the reigns as the Hancho. But everything that was coming out of his mouth was providing all sorts of avenues for him to explore.

Well, it was what he was here for. Right?

Jinchūriki, Stalwart Hide, Bukijutsu Maverick, Hawkeyes, Seal Weaver, Speed of Fury [Always Active]

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i hate that i love
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Behind Closed Doors [Closed]Apr 22, 2020 16:19:59 GMT -5
Tanaka Kaito
I saw the universe hidden in your heart, wish I told you that before it got too dark.
Tanaka Kaito Avatar
age 34 years old birthday 29th July -31SD rank Elite Jounin occupation ANBU



don't come apart at the seams
sweat out the nightmares
and live in your dreams


There was an answer and boy oh boy was it an answer. A rambling answer, nonetheless, Kaito remained passive, the polite smile on his face as he listened to Akira. 

Of course he had heard about the trouble the man had caused not so long ago and of course he had not been surprised to hear Kosuke had been involved. Kaito trusted very few people and the Jounin Hanchou was not on his list. He hadn't just 'heard' of the trouble, Kaito had almost been assigned along with Ryohei to deal with it, though he had been allocated another mission out of the country the same day and frictions with the Captain were high. There was never any doubt that in the face of danger Kaito wouldn't have Ryohei's back... but it was good to socially distance where possible. 

But despite the incoming information it wasn't what Kaito was looking for. He had asked how the man had been, not what he had done. Kaito looked over Akira's body position idly, watched the head tilt. There wasn't shame in it, perhaps regret. He didn't comment. 

"While I'm sure you tearing up the mountains was an interesting event, I didn't ask what you'd been up to Akira, I asked how you had been," he commented with a passive tone, still some humour and warmth in his voice the Jinchuuriki had come to know him with. 

"So," he'd motion idly, "how are you?"

How Akira reacted, both verbally and physically, to the question would answer for itself. But Kaito displayed no signs of aggression, simply asking a question relative to what they were here for. Akira.

sweet golden rose, don't ever rust

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Aika has written 1,100 posts
Behind Closed Doors [Closed]Apr 22, 2020 18:58:41 GMT -5
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Satori Akira

Well. It was called out, Akira knew that he'd tried avoiding the question and it had backfired. There wasn't anything that Kaito could do differently about it, and there was nothing coming to his mind, logical or illogical that he could latch on to or pick about his response.

"What do you want to hear? Fine?" Akira crossed his arms and legs away from Kaito, leaning back in his chair. Akira didn't have emotions, he was in a constant state of work: there wasn't time for them. But the only ones that wanted to come out was anger. It was hard for him to be the same around Kaito as he did with Yuuna. "I'm still being watched by ANBU despite being a Jōnin. I'm still stuck in the role that I only wanted to use as a stepping stone to prove I could lead. I'm despised by most of Iwagakure's population. I'm not okay. I'm too good for all of this and I'm not okay." he listed a few of the things on his mind monotonously, that despite how he tried to mask it: he was angry.

Always angry.

Akira had been facing him directly though, speaking to him directly - eyes fixed to Kaito as well.

There was much more, but Kaito hadn't earned the right to that yet. Not for what Akira was going to speak to him about. Whether about him alienating his own family because he couldn't stop himself, to wanting to be the Tsuchikage. To be loved by someone who did not love him in return. There were a lot of things in his mind that needed to be explored.

There was a lot more below the surface though: there was more than anger to his personality. He knew it, there was a calmer softer side to him. But he did. He did have emotions.


Jinchūriki, Stalwart Hide, Bukijutsu Maverick, Hawkeyes, Seal Weaver, Speed of Fury [Always Active]

Genjutsu Innovator [Inactive]
Political Orator [Inactive]


i hate that i love
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Behind Closed Doors [Closed]Apr 24, 2020 15:07:10 GMT -5
Tanaka Kaito
I saw the universe hidden in your heart, wish I told you that before it got too dark.
Tanaka Kaito Avatar
age 34 years old birthday 29th July -31SD rank Elite Jounin occupation ANBU



don't come apart at the seams
sweat out the nightmares
and live in your dreams


The anger that pooled in Akira's voice was as plain as day. It didn't take a psychiatrist to notice that much. Kaito still sat unphased, he listened intently, watching as Akira turned to him with defiant intent. 

Touchy subject, Kaito thought to himself, I wonder when the last time was that someone asked him if he was okay, truly.

Beyond the anger, though, Kaito sensed an immense sadness. Not of the things Akira had done, or what had been done to him, but of the situation he was in, that he was - though he'd never admit it - out of his own depth. His destiny had been decided for him and he'd never had that choice. So now he was of age and given some levy in his fate? He was spiralling in the worst of ways. Well, perhaps not the worst, but not precisely the best of ways. 

"What do you want from the world, Akira?" Kaito would ask without intonation in his voice. Nothing could be perceived from his tone, neither hostility or sarcasm. It was simply a question. But a heavy one at that.

Much to his own Kaito would remain sat without moving a muscle, he looked... calm. Relaxed, even. Then again it was clear as day that this wasn't Kaito's first rodeo with someone troubled. 

sweet golden rose, don't ever rust

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Aika has written 1,100 posts
Behind Closed Doors [Closed]Apr 24, 2020 17:56:48 GMT -5
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Satori Akira

This was the problem with a lot of the therapies, because Akira was more of the type to do and not to talk about it: less about asking for permission than asking for forgiveness. So when Kaito gave little, all Akira wanted to do was give little back. But, this was the way with any and all of his sessions - they were always a little forced on his part. He had bene put off guard by his presence to begin with, but this was for his benefit. For his improvement.

Still, Kaito posed a valid question, and one that Akira would answer as simply as he can. "Peace." Akira sounded like it was a full sentence. But he added on another bit. "For myself." he thought about it some more, leaning his head back against the chair - arms and legs still curled around him like a stone statue.

"I am so angry at the world all the time. It's what I respond well to. It's what drives me, why I get things done. People, Iwagakure, The world, may not accept what I am but they will be forced to respect who I am and everything I did to get where I am." It was known by someone like Kaito moreso than others that Akira was an extremely active person. Even if tied up inside, his study was continuous: his training was extensive to the point of what people would consider excessive.

But there was another side, that excessive workload meant that he also had to match it in desire. Akira was hungry for more. Always looking for the next nook in the mountain of power. That too, was obvious given some of the things that had caused him to be punished by Takara in a very visible fashion.

Jinchūriki, Stalwart Hide, Bukijutsu Maverick, Hawkeyes, Seal Weaver, Speed of Fury [Always Active]

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i hate that i love
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Behind Closed Doors [Closed]Apr 26, 2020 18:40:06 GMT -5
Tanaka Kaito
I saw the universe hidden in your heart, wish I told you that before it got too dark.
Tanaka Kaito Avatar
age 34 years old birthday 29th July -31SD rank Elite Jounin occupation ANBU



don't come apart at the seams
sweat out the nightmares
and live in your dreams


There was so much given in Akira's answer that Kaito likely could have spent days analysing it. Except Kaito didn't have days, he had a matter of seconds to give a reply. 

But 'peace'? Seldom did one have peace, unless all sides were appeased. Which meant that in Akira's head he felt he was at war with someone... or everyone. And peace for oneself always meant that someone somewhere was losing out. Kaito had to wonder just how far Akira would go for that self-serving peace. Probably very far, if he had a smart guesstimate. 

But then he'd never be truly at peace with himself, not when the world would turn on him. What a vicious circle Akira had gotten himself into. Could Kaito have preached to him about acceptance? Yes. Would it have gotten him anywhere? No. Not without irking the man. 

Instead Kaito would draw his arms behind his head. Most sessions would see a psychiatrist taking avid notes of their subject. Kaito didn't need pen and paper to make notes. 

"Interesting sentiment, Akira, although I wonder though how much of the world has to burn before you achieve that peace.." Kaito mused as if he was idly thinking to himself. There was no judgement in the open line of thought.

Blue eyes would draw to blue and Kaito sat forwards again.

"I'd like us to take it in turns to talk, if that's alright. Your turn to ask a question, any you'd like and I'll answer to the best of my abilities. Much more interesting for both parties that way."

It might have seemed random place for Akira's perspective, but to Kaito it worked wonders when one felt like they had more control on the situation. 
sweet golden rose, don't ever rust

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Aika has written 1,100 posts
Behind Closed Doors [Closed]Apr 26, 2020 18:56:46 GMT -5
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Satori Akira

Kaito did bring up a good point. If he were honest? A lot. But he couldn't be a King of the Ashes, and he was sure that Kaito was speaking about his own metaphorical world. There were a few different directions to take that line of statement. Should he answer? Was it good to? The answer slipped from his mouth with all the grace of the former Tsuchikage's Assistant, versed in some level of diplomacy.

"Yes." Akira didn't specify exactly how much, just that he agreed with the sentiment. Indicative of what he wanted to say but enough with plausible deniability to get around it if questioned. Akira simply wanted peace. Yes, that was right. That anger ran deep and he didn't know why. There were some obvious motivators in his life: but they had been there before those motivators even popped up. It ran back further than before he was in the academy: was a child.

A lot of his time was spent watching Kaito as he moved, because Akira hadn't yet averted his gaze from the man he was able to see every nook and cranny in the method in which he moved, all familiar to the level of language he'd learned in the books he read to enhance his study and knowledge of the mind. "Right..." Akira would listen to Kaito's suggestion, his expression showing one of distrust but ease in the 'low-key' of the situation.

The Jinchuuriki wasn't even sure if he wanted to. But his hands came uncrossed, ending up languidly lying atop his knees pensively instead. That wasn't to say that Akira didn't have questions though. There were few chances for Akira to be able to openly ask questions otherwise not thought to do: never the right situation. A blank pass. Kaito was getting somewhere. What did he want to know about Kaito?

"You were Kouen's right hand. How did you get there?" Akira had sat in on the meeting which decided his own fate on returning to Iwagakure. The man tired of killing for senseless violence had returned. His own father hadn't agreed on the sentiment - but Akira understood. Even if he had been shut up by Takara.

Jinchūriki, Stalwart Hide, Bukijutsu Maverick, Hawkeyes, Seal Weaver, Speed of Fury [Always Active]

Genjutsu Innovator [Inactive]
Political Orator [Inactive]


i hate that i love
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Behind Closed Doors [Closed]Apr 27, 2020 11:41:06 GMT -5
Tanaka Kaito
I saw the universe hidden in your heart, wish I told you that before it got too dark.
Tanaka Kaito Avatar
age 34 years old birthday 29th July -31SD rank Elite Jounin occupation ANBU



don't come apart at the seams
sweat out the nightmares
and live in your dreams


It was a dangerous question of Akira to ask. Kaito knew the honest truth was that it had been because he was one of the most skilled ANBU at the time. It might have been Ryohei who had taken the right side of Kouen had he not been ANBU Captain, but Kaito as second in command of ANBU and scarily good at destroying everything he came in to contact with had been a very good choice as the sword of the Tsuchikage. 

But explaining that to Akira would also have meant explaining that he had had affiliation with ANBU. And it was not an area Kaito deemed smart to walk into. Instead the Jounin would sigh and sit back, as if the question was not a comfortable one. It wasn't exactly, but it was the least of his concern about his past.

Kaito had to wonder why Akira was so desperate to know. It might have been curiosity but then again the other had just explained that they felt the world owed him... raising to an elevation such as the Tsuchikage's Sword was a fine way to set off on the path to self 'peace'. Except it wasn't, in Kaito's experience. 

So in the end Kaito would explain with a half dose of lies, a semi-truth, for what he said wasn't precisely wrong. 

"I am one of the foremost practitioners of destructive medical ninjutsu in Iwagakure, I have an ability that stops pain and damage impacting on me immediately, I am smart and... at the time I didn't say no to those I was loyal to. I didn't have much of a conscience. At least not one that I thought would ever be an issue, for Kouen that was a perfect reason to have me quell any dissent foreign or in house." 

Kaito shifted in his seat, just a little, not quite uncomfortable but not quite relaxed as he was. 

"Why do you ask?"
sweet golden rose, don't ever rust

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Aika has written 1,100 posts
Behind Closed Doors [Closed]Apr 27, 2020 14:34:19 GMT -5
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Satori Akira

The sigh gave Akira the desire to smirk as if 'he'd gotten him good'. Well. He had, but Akira felt at least partial to know why, from being there for the trial.

Akira's head nodded as he listened to him. It made sense in his head and subconsciously the other things that stood out slotted into place correctly. It checked out. But really it was the conscience, the morality: things were grey in the line of Shinobi and while Akira wasn't the "shut up and do" type of person, he did understand why other people were like that.

And why people had to die because of an order. But with Akira watching Kaito likewise he'd see the response as he explained his position. Akira relaxed a bit more from it.

"I was there for the trial, and some of the things you did for him....I know you have some form of relationship with Ryohei-sama through his daughter and that when I see you, you generally have a drink in your hand that remains the same level-" though he didn't realised he'd touched something there, Kaito would realise by by Akira's blank delivery without any emphasis was just saying what he saw at face value. "- and aside that, I know nothing about you. Even the things I did know, were already lacking - hence the question. And no doubt, you've had lots of time to study what Yuuna has kept over the years." It wasn't stuff that Akira had not ever known about: he'd had the liberty of accessing documents through Takara's Tsuchikage library: granted access by none other than Takara herself.

Tit for tat. As it were. "I was too young, too politically avoidant to know what was going on. What did he do?" He didn't need the history: of course he knew now. But that's not what he was asking: he was asking of the man who's will was subdued by Kouen's.

Jinchūriki, Stalwart Hide, Bukijutsu Maverick, Hawkeyes, Seal Weaver, Speed of Fury [Always Active]

Genjutsu Innovator [Inactive]
Political Orator [Inactive]


i hate that i love
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Behind Closed Doors [Closed]Apr 29, 2020 14:39:22 GMT -5
Tanaka Kaito
I saw the universe hidden in your heart, wish I told you that before it got too dark.
Tanaka Kaito Avatar
age 34 years old birthday 29th July -31SD rank Elite Jounin occupation ANBU



don't come apart at the seams
sweat out the nightmares
and live in your dreams


It wouldn't have been too long ago that Kaito would have totally flipped his shit for the blatant, and slightly rude, comment on his drinking habit. Pretty much everyone in the Village knew the man had a drinking problem. He'd made a spectacle out of himself more times than he cared to admit; from Jiro threatening to lobotomise him for being drunk, to getting into so many brawls he was barred from half the establishments within Iwa to almost blowing up a city block when Ryohei found him. It had literally become part of his identity within the Village that he was the old drunk. Something he had been moving away from over the past year and had been mostly sober too for Akane's love. 

But then he found out he had damaged his liver beyond normal medical repair, he'd left Ryohei, Akane had almost died and he found out having a brother who he had blotted out of his memory. All of those things had led him to finding the bottle again and making more than one silly mistake; from Midori to almost Yoko. 

But with time had come the ability to burden his own issues and get on with it. There was no point wallowing or lashing out as he had done once, it was probably safe to say he was one of the most retrospective individuals in Iwa. Was he totally guilt free? No. But that didn't mean it had to bury him. 

So Akira's comment was met with a polite, close lipped smile, disregarding the almost insult and listening to Akira's next question. In his head Kaito noted that the other had moved swiftly away from focussing on himself and had started probing into Kaito's past. Whether it was debating where Kaito fit in in the Village hierarchy or working out how to pave his own past, Kaito hadn't worked out yet. 

Then the next question came. How did a man like Kouen guarantee Kaito's loyalty? That was really a simple question for Kaito and he didn't need to bend the truth to answer it.

"The Tanaka Clan are longstanding supporters of the Tsuchikage. They stand by the throne come what may and they raise their children with the same devotion. I knew nothing else other than to follow what was given, what caused me to follow is not half as enlightening as why I chose not to follow. My father didn't decree my clan call me Hazubeki for nothing." 

Kaito had answered his question, so this time the Jounin would change tact. 

"What are your thoughts on ANBU?" he'd ask. It was no secret to either of them that a regiment of ANBU were assigned to watch out for the Jinchuuriki, nor was it a secret that the organisation existed. Who were amongst their ranks, however, was. 
sweet golden rose, don't ever rust

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Behind Closed Doors [Closed]Apr 29, 2020 16:11:15 GMT -5
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Satori Akira

Akira's head would lightly tilt backward in understanding. An 'ahh'. For the first time since they'd began talking he had a drink from his own water, and then back to his own position as Kaito explained the obvious nature.

Clan pressure: loyalists. Of course. They had played a part during the civil war, that much Akira had learnt after the fact, as well as where all of the other clans stood. There was good reason to learning where and why which clan stood the way it did. Akira nodded. "That makes sense." he didn't want to say out loud the man's nickname, but repeated it in his mind.

"What do you mean?" Akira asked him to elaborate on the question. But would answer it as best he could. "I had a test with the ANBU. Presumably failed. I'd met the ANBU Captain on several occasions. Stuff hadn't been correctly... redacted. While I was the Kage's Assistant." Kaito would know of Akira's exam and how it went. "I have no feelings about them, other than those that follow me on a daily basis."

Akira disliked it: disliked them. Well, he didn't really feel anything for them which was why on numerous occasions he'd tried to throw off their scent. But ultimately, those feelings were neutral about the organisation at best, he felt his own skills were best placed there. But, apparently it could not be so.

But he would let Kaito explain all of that.

Jinchūriki, Stalwart Hide, Bukijutsu Maverick, Hawkeyes, Seal Weaver, Speed of Fury [Always Active]

Genjutsu Innovator [Inactive]
Political Orator [Inactive]


i hate that i love
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