Juno's Notes/Templates

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Juno's Notes/TemplatesFeb 14, 2020 21:17:41 GMT -5
吉益 Juno
Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.
吉益 Juno Avatar
age 25 years old birthday August 5th rank Advance Genin occupation Healer
Just a Traveling Healer... [ACTIVE]

The Healer & The Bleeding Sun [ACTIVE]

Juno Yoshimasu

Words: 000

With black span
[div align="center" style="background-color:rgb(0, 0, 0);padding-top:50px;padding-bottom:50px;"][table style="height:450px;width:500px;"][tbody][tr][td][div align="center" style="background-color:rgb(0, 0, 0);"][div style="text-align:center;padding:10px 10px 10px 5px;letter-spacing:5px;text-transform:uppercase;"][font face="times new roman"][span style="font-weight:bold;font-size:x-large;color:rgb(255, 255, 255);"][span style="font-style:italic;color:rgb(255, 255, 255);"]Juno[/span] [/span][font color="#dadebd" size="5" style="font-weight:bold;"]Yoshimasu[/font]
[/font][/div][/div][/td][/tr][tr][td style="width:500px;" align="left"][div style="background:url(https://i.imgur.com/Rx3KjHN.jpg);background-repeat:no-repeat;"][div style="background-color:rgb(0, 0, 0);opacity:0.60;padding:20px;text-align:justify;font-size:13px;height:410px;width:460px;overflow:auto;"][font color="#ffffff"]Words[/font]

[/div][/div][/td][/tr][tr][td style="background-color:rgb(0, 0, 0);width:800px;background-repeat:no-repeat;vertical-align:top;" align="left"][div style="background-color:rgb(218, 222, 189);width:490px;padding:3px;opacity:0.75;font-size:11px;margin-bottom:1px;"][font color="#272c31" face="trebuchet ms"][b]OOC:[/b][/font][/div][div style="background-color:rgb(218, 222, 189);width:490px;padding:3px;opacity:0.75;font-size:11px;margin-bottom:1px;"][font face="trebuchet ms" color="#272c31"][b]Words: 000[/b][/font][/div][div style="background-color:rgb(218, 222, 189);width:490px;padding:3px;opacity:0.75;font-size:11px;"][font color="#272c31" face="trebuchet ms"][b]Tagged:[/b][/font][/div][/td][/tr][tr][td][div style="width:500px;text-align:center;"][font face="times new roman"][b][i][font color="#dadebd" size="2"]OUT OF SUFFERING EMERGE THE STRONGEST SOULS[/font][/i][/b][/font][/div][/td][/tr][/tbody][/table] [/div]

Juno Yoshimasu

Words: 000

Without black span
[div align="center"][div style="background-color:rgb(0, 0, 0);width:510px;"][table style="height:450px;width:500px;"][tbody][tr][td][div style="background-color:rgb(0, 0, 0);" align="center"][div style="text-align:center;padding:10px 10px 10px 5px;letter-spacing:5px;text-transform:uppercase;"][font face="times new roman"][span style="font-weight:bold;font-size:x-large;color:rgb(255, 255, 255);"][span style="font-style:italic;color:rgb(255, 255, 255);"]Juno[/span] [/span][font style="font-weight:bold;" color="#dadebd" size="5"]Yoshimasu[/font]
[/font][/div][/div][/td][/tr][tr][td align="left" style="width:500px;"][div style="background:url(https://i.imgur.com/Rx3KjHN.jpg);background-repeat:no-repeat;"][div style="background-color:rgb(0, 0, 0);opacity:0.60;padding:20px;text-align:justify;font-size:13px;height:410px;width:460px;overflow:auto;"][font color="#ffffff"]Words[/font]

[/div][/div][/td][/tr][tr][td align="left" style="background-color:rgb(0, 0, 0);width:800px;background-repeat:no-repeat;vertical-align:top;"][div style="background-color:rgb(218, 222, 189);width:490px;padding:3px;opacity:0.75;font-size:11px;margin-bottom:1px;"][font color="#272c31" face="trebuchet ms"][b]OOC:[/b][/font][/div][div style="background-color:rgb(218, 222, 189);width:490px;padding:3px;opacity:0.75;font-size:11px;margin-bottom:1px;"][font face="trebuchet ms" color="#272c31"][b]Words: 000[/b][/font][/div][div style="background-color:rgb(218, 222, 189);width:490px;padding:3px;opacity:0.75;font-size:11px;"][font face="trebuchet ms" color="#272c31"][b]Tagged:[/b][/font][/div][/td][/tr][tr][td][div style="width:500px;text-align:center;"][font face="times new roman"][b][i][font color="#dadebd" size="2"]OUT OF SUFFERING EMERGE THE STRONGEST SOULS[/font][/i][/b][/font][/div][/td][/tr][/tbody][/table] [/div][/div]
last edit by 吉益 Juno on Feb 28, 2020 9:08:00 GMT -5
Juno has written 10 posts
Juno's Notes/TemplatesFeb 25, 2020 10:36:06 GMT -5
吉益 Juno
Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.
吉益 Juno Avatar
age 25 years old birthday August 5th rank Advance Genin occupation Healer
Juno Yoshimasu
OOC: Herro!
Words: 000
Tesssst all the words go here, yadda yadda, here comes the garbble... Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam et lorem in tellus laoreet tempus quis sit amet est. Vivamus quis diam id eros auctor tempor. Vestibulum varius, felis a dignissim molestie, purus massa dapibus felis, eget cursus arcu quam in lorem. Morbi tincidunt nunc ac velit euismod venenatis. Fusce neque arcu, tristique ac odio sit amet, scelerisque sollicitudin ex. Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas ac metus id erat ultricies tincidunt. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nunc molestie elit id ex mattis, sed porttitor velit aliquet. Curabitur ut felis et justo finibus ullamcorper nec non orci. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nullam quis blandit arcu. In eget mattis lectus. Mauris elementum, diam eu accumsan convallis, nisi ex hendrerit purus, vitae congue quam dui in urna.

In luctus, velit et cursus cursus, libero massa mattis libero, non ullamcorper nibh eros nec lorem. Proin tempus rutrum lacus sit amet hendrerit. Pellentesque interdum diam cursus congue laoreet. Duis ornare a tellus a euismod. Vestibulum porta enim non enim scelerisque pretium. Pellentesque vehicula bibendum sollicitudin. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent a dolor quis augue viverra pellentesque eu a nibh. Nam eget pharetra mauris. Suspendisse mattis lobortis arcu, in sodales libero gravida quis. Cras ornare dolor a auctor mollis. Vivamus nec tellus urna.

Sed et convallis nisi. Curabitur libero elit, mollis id facilisis sit amet, venenatis at massa. Mauris imperdiet enim risus, vel facilisis lacus condimentum dignissim. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque fermentum sapien ligula, ut molestie lacus varius id. Donec feugiat eget mauris tincidunt lobortis. Quisque at massa et nibh rhoncus sagittis ut id turpis. Donec eleifend aliquet augue eget ullamcorper. Ut facilisis ipsum nunc, in feugiat neque mattis nec. Aenean sed sem orci. Proin gravida sollicitudin nisi, ut venenatis nibh laoreet id. Maecenas hendrerit venenatis est ultrices tincidunt. Proin tincidunt porttitor erat, non posuere sapien.

Aenean lobortis diam a enim eleifend, porttitor blandit nisi fermentum. Vestibulum efficitur a lorem a rhoncus. Phasellus quis ornare nisi. Integer eleifend nisl et arcu dapibus, eu venenatis diam consequat. Pellentesque orci tortor, sagittis ac pulvinar ut, semper ac purus. Ut eleifend metus vel mi mattis finibus. Cras varius interdum fringilla. Cras efficitur aliquet nulla, sed accumsan neque euismod vitae. Sed vel justo lectus. Donec eu urna ante. Praesent vel aliquam orci, non blandit elit. Quisque ornare vel lectus eget varius. Vestibulum varius elit eget dolor condimentum mattis.

Donec nisl lorem, vestibulum ac cursus quis, faucibus non metus. Ut sagittis fringilla orci id sollicitudin. Proin sed metus vulputate, fermentum nulla et, suscipit neque. Praesent pretium leo ipsum, eu iaculis lectus eleifend at. Pellentesque at ipsum et turpis facilisis pellentesque ut vel tellus. Duis in ipsum massa. Cras viverra interdum felis, in vestibulum nisi congue vel.

Nulla facilisi. Pellentesque varius imperdiet nibh non pellentesque. Curabitur scelerisque volutpat sagittis. Sed luctus tempor sem, vitae gravida neque porta eget. In sed felis vel magna luctus interdum. Nullam bibendum ut massa eu fermentum.

[div align="center" style="background-color:rgb(0, 0, 0);padding-top:50px;padding-bottom:50px;"][div style="font-family:times new roman;text-align:center;font-size:20px;letter-spacing:5px;padding-left:5px;text-transform:uppercase;"][b][span style="color:rgb(255, 255, 255);"][span style="font-style:italic;color:rgb(255, 255, 255);"]Juno[/span] [/span][font color="#ffd600"]Yoshimasu[/font][/b][/div][table style="height:228px;" width="450px"][tbody][tr][td style="background:url(https://i.imgur.com/hDtZKto.jpg;width:90px;height:228px;background-repeat:no-repeat;vertical-align:top;" align="left"][div style="background-color:rgb(0, 0, 0);opacity:0.65;padding:3px;font-family:times new roman;font-size:10px;margin-bottom:1px;"][font color="#ffd600"]OOC: Herro![/font][/div][div style="background-color:rgb(0, 0, 0);opacity:0.65;padding:3px;font-family:times new roman;font-size:10px;margin-bottom:1px;"][font color="#ffd600"]Words: 000[/font][/div][div style="background-color:rgb(0, 0, 0);opacity:0.65;padding:3px;font-family:times new roman;font-size:10px;"][font color="#ffd600"]Tagged: @juno                [/font][/div][/td][td align="left" style="width:350px;"][div style="background:url(https://i.imgur.com/JfMwtgs.jpg;width:340;height:228;background-repeat:no-repeat;"][div style="background-color:rgb(0, 0, 0);opacity:0.65;padding:3px;text-align:justify;font-size:10px;height:220px;overflow:auto;"][font color="#ffffff"]Tesssst all the words go here, yadda yadda, here comes the garbble... Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam et lorem in tellus laoreet tempus quis sit amet est. Vivamus quis diam id eros auctor tempor. Vestibulum varius, felis a dignissim molestie, purus massa dapibus felis, eget cursus arcu quam in lorem. Morbi tincidunt nunc ac velit euismod venenatis. Fusce neque arcu, tristique ac odio sit amet, scelerisque sollicitudin ex. Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas ac metus id erat ultricies tincidunt. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nunc molestie elit id ex mattis, sed porttitor velit aliquet. Curabitur ut felis et justo finibus ullamcorper nec non orci. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nullam quis blandit arcu. In eget mattis lectus. Mauris elementum, diam eu accumsan convallis, nisi ex hendrerit purus, vitae congue quam dui in urna.

In luctus, velit et cursus cursus, libero massa mattis libero, non ullamcorper nibh eros nec lorem. Proin tempus rutrum lacus sit amet hendrerit. Pellentesque interdum diam cursus congue laoreet. Duis ornare a tellus a euismod. Vestibulum porta enim non enim scelerisque pretium. Pellentesque vehicula bibendum sollicitudin. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent a dolor quis augue viverra pellentesque eu a nibh. Nam eget pharetra mauris. Suspendisse mattis lobortis arcu, in sodales libero gravida quis. Cras ornare dolor a auctor mollis. Vivamus nec tellus urna.

Sed et convallis nisi. Curabitur libero elit, mollis id facilisis sit amet, venenatis at massa. Mauris imperdiet enim risus, vel facilisis lacus condimentum dignissim. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque fermentum sapien ligula, ut molestie lacus varius id. Donec feugiat eget mauris tincidunt lobortis. Quisque at massa et nibh rhoncus sagittis ut id turpis. Donec eleifend aliquet augue eget ullamcorper. Ut facilisis ipsum nunc, in feugiat neque mattis nec. Aenean sed sem orci. Proin gravida sollicitudin nisi, ut venenatis nibh laoreet id. Maecenas hendrerit venenatis est ultrices tincidunt. Proin tincidunt porttitor erat, non posuere sapien.

Aenean lobortis diam a enim eleifend, porttitor blandit nisi fermentum. Vestibulum efficitur a lorem a rhoncus. Phasellus quis ornare nisi. Integer eleifend nisl et arcu dapibus, eu venenatis diam consequat. Pellentesque orci tortor, sagittis ac pulvinar ut, semper ac purus. Ut eleifend metus vel mi mattis finibus. Cras varius interdum fringilla. Cras efficitur aliquet nulla, sed accumsan neque euismod vitae. Sed vel justo lectus. Donec eu urna ante. Praesent vel aliquam orci, non blandit elit. Quisque ornare vel lectus eget varius. Vestibulum varius elit eget dolor condimentum mattis.

Donec nisl lorem, vestibulum ac cursus quis, faucibus non metus. Ut sagittis fringilla orci id sollicitudin. Proin sed metus vulputate, fermentum nulla et, suscipit neque. Praesent pretium leo ipsum, eu iaculis lectus eleifend at. Pellentesque at ipsum et turpis facilisis pellentesque ut vel tellus. Duis in ipsum massa. Cras viverra interdum felis, in vestibulum nisi congue vel.

Nulla facilisi. Pellentesque varius imperdiet nibh non pellentesque. Curabitur scelerisque volutpat sagittis. Sed luctus tempor sem, vitae gravida neque porta eget. In sed felis vel magna luctus interdum. Nullam bibendum ut massa eu fermentum. [/font][/div][/div][/td][/tr][/tbody][/table][div style="font-family:times new roman;font-size:12px;"][font color="#ffd600"]OUT OF SUFFERING EMERGE THE STRONGEST SOULS[/font][/div][/div]
last edit by 吉益 Juno on Feb 28, 2020 9:24:16 GMT -5
Juno has written 10 posts
Juno's Notes/TemplatesMar 18, 2020 10:30:49 GMT -5
吉益 Juno
Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.
吉益 Juno Avatar
age 25 years old birthday August 5th rank Advance Genin occupation Healer
Himiko Subaru
腐る桃 The Spoiled Peach

NAME: Himiko Subaru
AGE: 20
BIRTHDAY: October 31st
RANK: Chunnin

腐る桃 Kusaru momo | Spoiled Peach (village)
As a beggar child his village looked at him as damaged goods. His mental issues and dual personalities only fueling their fears as rumors spread that he killed his own mother. Due to his feminine looks he was often mistaken as a girl when he was younger and as his hair resembles the momo flowers in bloom he was coined the "spoiled peach".


HEIGHT: 5'6"
WEIGHT: 133lbs

Hair: Long and light pink with layered bangs that sweep to one side, he usually ties it up into a loose layered ponytail with some smaller braids woven in.

Eyes: one green and one blue they are heavily lidded and carry a lazy look to them.

Body/frame: Short for a man as he stands at 5'6" he has a lithe, slender frame with some defined muscles.

Weapons: Simple katana. tanto.

Accessories: Long beaded necklace wrapped many times over. Beaded anklet and bracelets. He was told they would act as a charm to keep his dark side in check, but they hold no powers and mostly act as a placebo. He often plays with the beads when he's nervous.

Dress: Loose and colorful yukatas and kashayas, wooden getas, bracer on shoulder opposite his kashaya and katana.


NINDO: "I don’t live in darkness; darkness lives in me"

---------------日美子 Subaru -------------------------------------------------
Quiet and shy, he keeps to himself for the most part. Though he will be friendly to those he meets, he's not very talkative. Kind hearted and gentle if ever he feels indebted to anyone he’ll go out of his way or do anything to pay them back somehow. Almost anything will make him blush and stutter. He is the complete opposite of his other personality- Yuyuko.

The thought of Yuyuko taking control drives him to be in constant fear, though he hides it well beneath a smiling facade. His alter personality is constantly whispering in his ear, urging him to do unthinkable things and while he can tune him out most of the time whenever Subaru becomes too emotional or loses his way/will for even a second Yuyuko will surface and take over to do the things that Subaru himself couldn't face the reality of.

Kind hearted

Emotionally detached

--------------- 幽々子 Yuyuko------------------------------------------------
Very reserved and regal, Yuyuko has a calm demeanor. Though their shared body is young and Subaru is naive at times, Yuyuko seems old and wise beyond his years and carries that wisdom in his expressions and posture. He is cold and uncaring, to him humans are like flowers, blooming and best "picked" before their prime. Life to him is a wasted gift he thoroughly enjoys snuffing out of those he deems unworthy. He likes to cause pain, revels in the expression it leaves on his victims. That is to say he's not manic or highly animated like some psychopaths, rather he's slow and deliberate. Calculated and cruel.



--------------- Physical/Mental health issues ---------------------------
Subaru/Yuyuko has a weak constitution and will often fall ill if under too much stress or if he doesn't take the time to sleep and eat (which happens when he doesn't have the coin to provide for himself). He doesn't do well in wet humid conditions with his weak lungs but prefers cooler climates, just not the freezing snow.

Yuyuko is always laying in wait for Subaru to show a moment of weakness where he can take over. Therefore he sees and knows what Subaru is doing, but if he ever does take control, Subaru has no idea what happens while his dark passenger is at the helm. This is a moral conundrum for Subaru and a constant weight on his soul. Does he know what Yuyuko is doing but blocks it out to protect himself? Is he the personality that doesn't belong? Maybe Yuyuko is the original Subaru and he is a figment of his personality.  It's a terrifying sequence of thought that causes extreme anxiety at times.

Subaru never knew his father, at least he doesn't have any memories of him, or rather ones he knows for sure were of him. The only thing his family had of the man was a simple katana with a ornate end cap. It's always been he and his mother, a rare but poor beauty from who he got his good looks and Subaru doesn't like to talk about her as he isn't really sure what happened to her, only Yuyuko knows that...

Together they lived on the outskirts of a small village in Mitsu no Kuni near the boarder of Oni no Kuni. Subaru was always a sickly child his lungs weak since he was born so his mother worked herself to the bone to take care of him the best she could, sometimes taking on unsavory work that was frowned upon but paid well. The village was quick to paint her as a horrible harlot, stealing the village men as if she was some sort of demon. Because of this she often had to travel the great distance to the next village over to buy the things they needed, leaving Subaru home alone to fend for himself. It was in these dark lonely moments that Yuyuko started to surface.

It started as a grim whisper in his ear, voicing his disturbing desires to harm the ugly people around him for putting his mother through so much. Naming this constant companion Yuyuko his mother chalked up the eerie imaginary friend to the boy's loneliness as none of the village children were allowed to play with him. The voice grew louder, it's desires and emotions growing stronger with it and soon Subaru started noticing large chunks of time he was missing. It seemed as though every time he closed his eyes he would wake up in strange and unsettling situations.

Then everything changed.

One cold morning Subaru jolted awake in the forest outside his home a blizzard tearing through the area. He couldn't remember what he had been doing or how he had gotten where he was, but he was covered in blood from head to toe. Pushing against the raging winds he found his way home only to find his mother gutted and cold, her blood painting the walls of his small home. He hardly had time to process what had happened when the villagers appeared at his doorstep as a large torch baring mob. His mother hadn't been the only victim that night, and though no one could believe that he, a child of 5, had been responsible, it didn't stop the rumors from spreading that he had been the one to kill his own mother. But had he? He could have? Did he do it? Only Yuyuko could answer but it was too juicy a tidbit to give up to his moral counterpart. It would be something the devil inside him would torture him with for years to come.

Subaru became a beggar, wandering the streets of his village and neighboring ones. He found it unbearable to sleep in his home, the thoughts of his mother's corpse constantly haunting him. The only things he took from his home as he drifted, other than what little food he had, was his father's katana and a shawl of his mother's that he crafted into a kashaya. He became rather skilled in tailoring clothes and embroidering, having watched and learned from his mother between her "other" clients, and though it kept him fed at times it wasn't enough to keep a roof over his head. Before his sixth birthday he was forced from the village never to return.

Life on the road was hard for the boy, harder still as winter blew in. It was on a night much like the one he had lost his mother that he stumbled into a pair of katana wielding rouge samurai brothers from Tetsu no Kuni who took pity on him and took Subaru under their wing. Living in the woods, moving from place to place the three became an odd sort of family. The Samurai trained Subaru's body and soul every waking moment, teaching him meditation and advance chakra control in an effort to help him tame the unruly Yuyuko within him. Here with his new father figures he developed and learned to use fuuton chakra and trained in kenjitstu learning the Swift Windblade Style used by his masters. However it was Yuyuko who excelled in battle learning alongside his moral counterpart while developing his natural Raiton chakra abilities with the other brother who shared his affinity.

Together they lived and trained for a decade until the old men met the fate that most rouges do. Sending Subaru away on an errand they acknowledged the consequences of their actions and accepted death with dignity, ending the best ten years of their life with the mismatched family they had come to love. Subaru never saw them again and so with the skills he had learned set forth to wander once again.

For the past four years he's been wandering the world without a real purpose other than keeping Yuyuko in check for fear if he loses control the darkness within him will cause harm to others and spur unnecessary chaos in a time of peace. Yuyuko's blood lust and disdain towards humanity a terrifying force to be reckoned with.


Trained in Kenjitsu under the Swift Windblade Style by his masters his style focuses on speed and fuuton enhanced strikes. Though Subaru doesn't go looking for fights he'll often take on jobs others won't to fund his survival as he's not part of any major village. Though technically he's very skilled with a blade, often, because of sickness and his small size he lacks power and strength. Because of his weak lungs he can't fight for long periods of time so he'll naturally try to end things quickly before he starts coughing uncontrollably. If he pushes himself too far he may cough up blood and pass out.

Yuyuko on the other hand is a different beast entirely. Should he come into control in a moment of Subaru's weakness he will strike for no reason and often with deadly consequences. He hates humanity and takes cold sick pleasure in causing them pain in return for how he and Subaru were treated in their youth. You'll know when you're fighting Yuyuko when the sparks start to fly as he refuses to use the weak wind abilities of his moral counterpart.  Having no regard for his weak body or morals to hold him back, he is stronger than Subaru to a sickening degree.




  • 01 | Katana
  • 01 | Tanto
  • 01 | Water bladder
  • 01 | Sling bag
  • 01 | Pottery jug of sake
  • 01 | Coin purse
  • 01| | Med kit
  • 01 | Sewing kit 
  • 01 | Hand written cookbook
  • 01| Charcoal pencil 


Enhanced Chakra Control / Meditation
Trained by his Masters he was submersed in the art of chakra control in the hopes that it would help to keep his dark side, Yuyuko, in check. Training his mind with meditation he trained every day for great lengths of time and was able to master enhanced chakra control in the decade that he trained with the rouge samurai he called his masters.

Sword technique / ultimate prediction
Though he is not the strongest he makes up for it in technique. Having trained since he was five with his masters and for the past 4 years on his own he's come into his skills and made them his own. He can easily dissect an opponents style and predict their moves with his sharp eye after fighting for a short time.

Waifu status - Nimble fingers and culinary skills
Subaru is skilled with a sewing needle having learned from his mother since he was a child. He can embroider and sew clothing to suit his needs and was often mending his master's wardrobe while making his own clothes as he grew out of them. He is also a fantastic cook given he was forced to forage and cook for himself whenever his mother would leave him on his own for days at a time while traveling to the next town over. He perfected his skills cooking for his masters and has refined his palette and ingredient knowledge in that time.





---------------日美子 Subaru-------------------------------------------------
Baria-Fuuton Katana [Wind Barrier Sword]

--------------- 幽々子 Yuyuko------------------------------------------------
Chō Biburāto Raitontō - [Supervibrato Lightning Release Sword]
Shingō Giman [Signal Deception]



---------------日美子 Subaru-----------------------------------------------
Haiu [Shift]
Kaze no Omoi Dageki [Heavy blow of the wind]

--------------- 幽々子 Yuyuko-----------------------------------------------
Raiton: Tēzā no Jutsu [Lightning Release: Taser Technique]
Raiton: Zangeki - [Lightning Release: Slash]

Iaido [Quickdraw]
Iaigiri - [Iai Beheading]
Kagami Yaiba [Mirror Blade]


---------------日美子 Subaru-------------------------------------------------
Fūton: Karyu [Wind Release: Stream]
Fūton: Kaze Sanpo [Wind Release: Wind Walk]

--------------- 幽々子 Yuyuko------------------------------------------------
Raiton: Hōden suru [Lightning Release: Discharge]

Kuragashira Sutoraiki [Pommel Strike]


Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]

Bunshin no Jutsu [Clone Technique]

Kawarimi no Jutsu [Substitution Technique]

Kakuremino no Jutsu [Cloak of Invisibility Technique]

Nawanuke no Jutsu [Rope Escape Technique]


HOW'D YOU FIND US?: Your name was written on the cheese in the mousetrap. 
LOCKER COMBO: 33, iu, 103
FACE CLAIM SERIES: touken ranbu
FACE CLAIM NAME: souza samonji 

✜ designed by catbug for use on naruto: fallen blades

Juno has written 10 posts
Juno's Notes/TemplatesMar 18, 2020 10:32:14 GMT -5
吉益 Juno
Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.
吉益 Juno Avatar
age 25 years old birthday August 5th rank Advance Genin occupation Healer

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Juno has written 10 posts