Befriending fire [Kazuto]

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Befriending fire [Kazuto]Apr 27, 2020 18:15:30 GMT -5
Nara Shun
Do what you want but understand why you're doing it.
Nara Shun Avatar
age 12 years old birthday March 12th rank Academy Student occupation Student


-  t h e  t a l e  o f  -

B E F R I E N D I N G  F I R E

”I mean, how hard could it be, right?” Shun spoke aloud while setting down a book on ninjutsu that she had been reading.

The eleven year old was experimenting. She had never attempted a jutsu of that kind but her curiosity was getting the best of her. Shun had wandered out of the city center to an outskirt near the canal. There was hardly any traffic there most days – only the odd fisherman here or there. It was somewhat secluded, next to a body of water and didn’t have much besides wet grass around so nothing could really catch fire. The location was perfect for her experiment. The raven haired Nara would attempt to do a fire element jutsu. The areas near her home were mostly forests so she couldn’t just go and attempt to produce flames there. Shun refused to be single handedly responsible for burning down the Nara forest – she was too young for such bad fame.

”Right…” she reassured herself thoughtfully, left the book open in the grass and took a few steps backwards.

”Ok, most of these need a tiger sign so if I just combine a couple, I should be able to create something.”

After such a logical thought, the grey eyed girl lifted her hands up and formed a Ram hand sign with her left hand over the other. She would gather chakra in her hands and her core as much as a student could. Right after the girl formed a dragon seal and a tiger one before pushing her hands outwards in front of her. The idea was to produce a flame but what happened was something entirely unexpected.

”Wah!” The chakra output exploded in front of her and, while the blast wasn’t big for any seasoned shinobi, the young teen was sent flying backwards a good few feet and into the canal. Perhaps, as good as the location was, she should have stood further away from the water.

Slowly but surely the fair skinned academy student climbed out of the water and chose to drop into the grass on her back. Now she was wet and humiliated by her attempt to produce anything with flames. ”You know what would come in handy right now?” she asked herself. ”A fire jutsu to dry myself. Good job, Shun!” the girl scolded herself in her thoughts and let out an annoyed groan.

”Why can’t it be easy?” she complained aloud and threw her arms and legs open wide. Now, from above, she looked like a weird starfish dressed in a moss green t-shirt, dark grey cargo pants and dark grey ninja boots. The Nara clan symbol on her left sleeve was clearly visible. Her waist long hair also soaked but the day was warm – there was little chance she’d catch a cold. Instead of dealing with it now, Shun decided to just lie there and gaze at the few clouds in the sky. They were so fluffy and tranquil.

”I want to be a cloud!” the grey eyed girl declared to the world. ”Or a comet. Both get to see a lot of the world and don’t have to live too long.”

Shun: 96d13d

last edit by Nara Shun on Apr 27, 2020 18:46:14 GMT -5
odango has written 136 posts
Befriending fire [Kazuto]Apr 28, 2020 1:12:57 GMT -5
Senju Kazuto
No Remorse, No Fear!
Senju Kazuto Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 25 years old birthday 03/20 rank Jōnin occupation ANBU Captain

As ever, Kazuto enjoyed the quiet respite betwixt missions, the rest period between his occupations as leader of a clan and commander of the ANBU. And whilst almost certainly the prospect of spending time with his friends and of course his fiance was something that he looked for, this time alone was something that he also enjoyed. There was only the quiet sound of the trees, the rustle of the leaves as they sailed in the cold breeze and the soft streaming of the water by the river. As he would set the fishing rod, allowing the line to float as an invisible thread and the sinker to float and bobble as it awaited for a fist to take the bait.

Satisfied with that the Senju would lean on the grass, allowing the breeze and the soft sunlight to caress his features as he closed his eyes as he was serenaded into a nap by the symphony of nature. Suddenly the sound of a blast was heard and as the young man would scowl, eyelids pressing against each other as if by the act the sound would simply fade from existence. With a sigh, Kazuto would open his eyes, grunting at her rubbed the tiredness from eyes that had grown heavy with the circular motion of thumb and index fingers from his right hand. Raising to his full height he would begin the slow walk towards the sound from which the small detonation had occurred.

Calmly, he would find a girl, speaking to herself as she wished out loud to become a comet or a cloud. As green eyes would stay in the girl, an eyebrow would raise at her comments and he would allow a moment for her to continue because he cleared his throat to get her attention. He took a stock at the burn scent that lingered around her and the singes of heat upon her clothes. "You know, if you seek to fade away, there are far easier ways to do that than trying a fire release technique." He told her with a barely perceptible smile as the rest of his face retained the stoic nature for what he was known. "That is what you were doing correct? You probably scared all the fishes."








Harukei has written 2,175 posts
Befriending fire [Kazuto]Apr 28, 2020 11:27:40 GMT -5
Nara Shun
Do what you want but understand why you're doing it.
Nara Shun Avatar
age 12 years old birthday March 12th rank Academy Student occupation Student


-  t h e  t a l e  o f  -

B E F R I E N D I N G  F I R E

”!” Someone else was there after all. In all the commotion, the girl hadn’t really noticed anyone near her. The man was probably disturbed by the commotion that she caused and this made her feel a little guilty. There she was being inconsiderate to someone minding their own business. Her mom would scold her at that point.

Quickly, the girl pulled herself up to a sitting position, pulled her knees in and turned towards the stranger. Shun got on her knees and bowed. ”I’m sorry for any disturbance I’ve caused.” The girl spoke very politely and lingered in a bow for a bit. In a few moments, she did get up to her feet.

”Fade away?...” she repeated and tilted her head while curiously peering up at the man. The kid didn’t know what exactly he meant but assumed it had something to do with her being reckless. He certainly had a point. She had just attempted something that could have endangered her life. The girl was getting a little cocky. Shun should have probably attempted this later in life with a tutor or with someone showing her how it worked. Thus far, Shun had only read about fire release in books and she had a feeling it’d work. The young one had a bad habit of her curiosity getting the best of her. As a very young child, she would wonder off constantly. It was so bad that her parents had to – without exaggerating – watch her constantly without blinking when they were outside. There had been many cases where Shun noticed something interesting further away and just walked off. It still occurred at her current age.

”Yes. I wanted to try a fire jutsu. I’ve read about them in my books and…”
she paused to look away over the canal. There was a slightly disappointed look on her face now and her eyes narrowed lazily. ”… I thought I could do it. Perhaps, it’s too soon.” The girl always learned everything extremely quickly in theory and she was even working on her stamina and chakra storage through training every day. Each day she was getting a little bit closer to maintaining her Shadow possession jutsu just a little longer and, one day, it would be complete. Then, why couldn’t she get this done? When were techniques going to come easy? Was there even such a thing?

Now wearing a bit of a knot in her brow, the soaked Nara looked back up at the man and spoke: ”Mister, does learning jutsu ever get easier?”

Shun: 96d13d

odango has written 136 posts
Befriending fire [Kazuto]Apr 30, 2020 1:21:41 GMT -5
Senju Kazuto
No Remorse, No Fear!
Senju Kazuto Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 25 years old birthday 03/20 rank Jōnin occupation ANBU Captain

"No." He replied almost immediately. It was quite obvious that as time went on, as more powerful you grew and as more tools became accessible to you, the more time you would need to invest unto learning more advanced techniques. His eyes would find the girl as she awaited for his answer to be expanded, he would agree that a simple no would simply not cut it. "But nothing worthy is easy." Kazuto replied as he looked around, looking at the small area of detonation and finding the grass wilted and singed but not destroyed. There was some skill here, he thought before he would look at the girl.

"But don't worry about waking me up. It happens all the time, at this point I'm used to it." He would say to the girl. He began collecting information from her attire and demeanor and quickly surmised that the girl was from the Nara clan, or at the very least it appeared to him that she was. But still trying to learn a technique, even the most basic technique as a genin was something that he was under the impression was something nigh impossible for a genin. Either she had a natural chakra control or she was blessed with ample chakra reserves.

"My question for you is, why are you trying to master something as advanced as an elemental technique? Hardly something in the curriculum of the academy, I think." He would ask. If anything the girl was ambitious and he had to applaud her for that, but she would need to learn how to measure herself, she wouldn't be any good for the village if she were to die out of chakra exhaustion. "It's not something you should be trying unless you have a couple months as a genin." He would tell her before clearing his throne. "Also, you're a Nara right? Shouldn't you be practicing your clans techniques?"








Harukei has written 2,175 posts
Befriending fire [Kazuto]Apr 30, 2020 10:27:50 GMT -5
Nara Shun
Do what you want but understand why you're doing it.
Nara Shun Avatar
age 12 years old birthday March 12th rank Academy Student occupation Student


-  t h e  t a l e  o f  -

B E F R I E N D I N G  F I R E

"Eh?” She was a bit surprised by the instant response from the man. ”He’s not sugar coating it at all…” Shun thought while looking up at the guy. ”I knew it.” Her shoulders dropped a bit and the young Nara gave a sigh. ”Life’s only going to get harder, isn’t it?” she mumbled under her breath.

The man had a point. Even at her age, Shun understood worth of some things. It’s just that she was getting impatient. Judging from her first experience, perhaps it was best to attempt elemental techniques with a supervisor after all – at least the beginning. The raven haired girl reached up and gathered all of her hair up in her hands before ringing it until as much water dripped out as possible. Then she repeated the same action on the bottom hem of her shirt. Luckily, the day was sunny and she had already began to dry but she would like to speed up the process.

Shun couldn’t help but giggle a bit when the stranger said he was used to getting woken up. Of course, it was a little sad but something about the way he said it and how serious he looked all together made the grey eyed girl laugh.

”Why, you say… well, I thought I could do it.” Quickly, the girl closed the distance between her and the book she had left out in the grass, picked it up and came back to the man. ”See? I’ve read this about three times now and I think I get it. Well, at least, I thought I did.” she explained while pointing to a diagram of couple of hand signs and the description of basic fire release techniques. The book was a theory collection on overall ninjutsu that Shun had picked up a month ago. She had already read the one on basics so she was moving on.

”You’re probably right, mister. I shouldn’t have tried this but I wanted to know what happens… dad and mom say that curiosity is going to kill me, haha.” she laughed light-heartedly even though her parents probably meant it seriously.

The man assumed correctly. At first, this guess came as a surprise to Shun. She hadn’t said that she was from the Nara clan and, with all the events of the day and being so used to her attire, she had forgotten the signs. ”How does he-oooh, right. Sleeve.” The raven haired student glanced over to her left sleeve where the Nara symbol was clearly visible.

”That is correct. My name’s Nara Shun. Who are you, mister?” She introduced herself politely and bowed her head lightly. The girl had been told to respect her elders.

”And I would practice the clan jutsu but I need dad for that. I’m too young to walk around with the scrolls myself. Besides, the jutsu I know I can’t properly maintain yet. So I figured I’d attempt one of the elemental ones. And fire always seemed cool, so…”
The girl didn’t know if he’d accept such an explanation but she could understand her own logic there.

Shun: 96d13d

odango has written 136 posts
Befriending fire [Kazuto]May 2, 2020 4:02:54 GMT -5
Senju Kazuto
No Remorse, No Fear!
Senju Kazuto Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 25 years old birthday 03/20 rank Jōnin occupation ANBU Captain

"No, it won't. The older you get, the more responsibilities you acquire." He told the girl a faint smile perching on his lips as he gazed upon her. but we're shinobi. We endure." It was as much encouragement as he could provide after telling her the truth and hardship that had awaited him and for certain would await for her. At the very least the girl seemed to have a cheerful disposition when it came to dealing with what the future held for her. It was a good trait so long she had a more pragmatic approach to the life of a shinobi, being cheerful all the time wasn't exactly a healthy thing in his point of view. As she would grant him her name. "Shun..." He repeated. "It's a good name."

As she would then ask her his name, he wondered if he should tell her. Under normal circumstances he would be quiet about his last name, preferring for people to judge him for who he was rather than for the name of his clan. He was well aware that the name of his clan carried weight, it was for all intent and purposes a symbol on its own. But he never used it as a way to flaunt his own status, if he had any. Still he was sure that the girl would know who he was, or at the very least she would have heard about him.

"I'm Senju Kazuto." He would murmur. Without any pomp, without any title that he knew his father or her brothers would have presented themselves with. He was just who he was. Although he wasn't sure if he quite liked being called mister, oddly that made him feel old. But he would not bring himself to tell her to stop if she meant it as a way to show her respect. "My advise to you is to start working on your fundamentals. These are the foundations of all the skills you will develop in the future."








Harukei has written 2,175 posts
Befriending fire [Kazuto]May 5, 2020 11:12:53 GMT -5
Nara Shun
Do what you want but understand why you're doing it.
Nara Shun Avatar
age 12 years old birthday March 12th rank Academy Student occupation Student


-  t h e  t a l e  o f  -

B E F R I E N D I N G  F I R E

”Hmmm… I’ve heard that name…” Shun let out thoughtfully while looking up at the sky. A couple of clouds were effortlessly floating by. Such a scenery often helped her think. Certainly, her father and mother had mentioned the name. She was pretty sure that someone at the academy mentioned it, too. Perhaps, she was half asleep but she couldn’t remember exactly what the man did. The clan name, however, she knew. Senju were seen as royalty in the hidden leaf village. As far as Shun knew, they were a really old clan – similar to hers.

”Ah! So we’re the same!”
she let out finally, coming to a simple yet true conclusion. Well, true to her.

”We’re both from old clans and we both want to be awesome shinobi. Therefore – the same.” she grinned while resting her hands on her hips despite holding the book and looking back at the man in front of her. The cheeky girl knew they were different in appearance, age, built and a lot of other ways but she chose to note the only ones that mattered. Her grin grew into a wide smile as she was proud of her conclusion.

”Well…” she continued when another thought struck her,: ”you might be a lot further along the road then me, though.”

The girl finally shut the book and relaxed her arms at her sides. She felt drier by the moment. This was one of the benefits of living in a mostly warm and sunny village. Had it been a different season or time of day, she would have already gotten a cold.

”By fundamentals you mean… just focusing and exercising? If so then I feel my life needs some variety.” she spoke like someone who had already lived enough decades to dislike routine and sighed. It was a bit amusing coming from an eleven year old – even if she was slightly grown up for her age. ”I already train that daily. I need to have fun, too, you know, Kazuto-san. And by fun I mean learning new things – otherwise anyone could start disliking the other stuff, you know…” she explained referring to the stamina training.

Shun: 96d13d

odango has written 136 posts
Befriending fire [Kazuto]May 6, 2020 13:58:48 GMT -5
Senju Kazuto
No Remorse, No Fear!
Senju Kazuto Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 25 years old birthday 03/20 rank Jōnin occupation ANBU Captain

If anything he was surprised. Most people knew of him when he mentioned his name, specially those that were part of clans as venerable as his. But at the very least he was glad that there was a person that saw him just for what he was and not the rank and position within the village. For all he knew, the girl could think that he was a genin. Although the fact that he called him 'sir' would discourage that idea as quickly as it had come. When she said they were the same he would nod. "In a way." He said before she would ask him about what he meant about the fundamentals he spoke about.

"Well that, but there's more just simply exercising and meditation." The Senju would explain. "There's an balance that you need to find." Kazuto told the girl. It was a truth that to create chakra you needed spiritual and physical energy in equal measure. That unto itself was the basis of all ninjutsu. "But you need to have at the very least a modicum of understanding in the basics of each of the ninja arts." He argued as he would go towards his fishing rod and basket, waving at Shun to follow him.

"And know how to apply that knowledge too." He would tell her as he picked up the fishing rod and began to reel in the line. He hadn't caught anything. He simply shrugged at that fact and began to disassemble the fishing rod, tying the components in rope. "That way you could, in theory, understand the workings of an enemy technique for example." He said as placed the rod inside the basket and sat on the grass. "But I would advise you to master the academy techniques first. When you have it will become easier. And well, even for such basic techniques they're overlooked, but they will serve well to any shinobi with a clear mind."








Harukei has written 2,175 posts
Befriending fire [Kazuto]May 12, 2020 13:34:00 GMT -5
Nara Shun
Do what you want but understand why you're doing it.
Nara Shun Avatar
age 12 years old birthday March 12th rank Academy Student occupation Student


-  t h e  t a l e  o f  -

B E F R I E N D I N G  F I R E

This man was totally unaffected by her charm. Usually, she would joke around with her dad when she would speak like an old woman but this time it seemed a little different. He didn’t even find her reaction cheeky. So much for thinking she had people skills. The girl calmed down and became more attentive as a result. It wasn’t every day she met someone like Kazuto.

He motioned her to come along and she did but a part of her remembered the stranger-danger talk they got at the academy. Then again, it was relatively open space and it’s not like she could run from a grown shinobi so the girl chose to trust in Kazuto and regained more confidence in her step.

She listened carefully and observed the man. He was fishing before?

”Isn’t that a hobby usually cultivated by older people?” Shun thought to herself while letting out a barely audible ”hmmmm….”. This guy was interesting. He had shown only a fraction of a facial expression since she met him and now he was giving her advice like an old man reminiscing of his youth.

He mentioned learning the basic jutsu and she could feel herself tense up a bit. It was true she had gotten the hang of some of them but not all that they had learned at the academy. It was like listening to her father or teachers all over again. This made her again realise that they were, probably, not speaking for their health.

”You have old people wisdom. I respect that.” she spoke up after sitting down next to him. The girl didn’t know if he had experience teaching younger people – perhaps his own children, if he had any? Shun couldn’t tell exactly where adults ranged on the 20 to 40 spectrum so she didn’t know how old Kazuto was.

”Kazuto-san? Have you been a shinobi for long? Do you like it? Is it as exciting as the story books say?” she asked with a sense of keen in her tone as she stared at the bigger man before looking out at the water.

”I decided already. I’ll be the best shinobi I can be - Even if it’s a bit of a drag. So that I can experience the world in my own way.” The raven haired Nara spoke her dream out aloud.

Shun: 96d13d

odango has written 136 posts
Befriending fire [Kazuto]May 14, 2020 14:59:05 GMT -5
Senju Kazuto
No Remorse, No Fear!
Senju Kazuto Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 25 years old birthday 03/20 rank Jōnin occupation ANBU Captain

Kazuto looked at the girl after she had spoken and raised an eyebrow at her remark. Did she just called me old? He quietly mused but decided against correcting her. He would only think on the time that he had served as a shinobi since he had entered the academy. That was a thought that made him stop for a brief second. He held his chin with his thumb and index finger as he pondered about all his time of service. "I'm twenty-one." He muttered, more for himself than for the girl, almost a confirmation of his line of thoughts. "I've been a shinobi for almost ten years, not sure if that is long enough for you. But that is how long I have been serving."

But then it came the more delicate issue of what of whether or not it was exciting. He knew that other shinobi that craved the excitement, the glory, fame and fortune would tell her that it was. But for him, he saw it his duty. He had seen the best and worst qualities of humanity in his line of work and some things that would hound the memories of others he had simply compartmentalized or acted on them with a cold, dispassionate detachment. He wasn't entirely sure if he liked it or not. It was simply what he knew to do best. Being a shinobi was something that was ingrained unto him as much as he rest of his generation. He decided as ever, that he would be honest with the girl.

"This profession of ours." He told her, making an emphasis that she would too become a shinobi as well. "It has much of good and the bad." The Senju would offer Shun, not wishing to dissuade her from stopping becoming a shinobi. But there it left the matter of whether he enjoyed it. "Not sure if all of it I would have enjoyed, but there are times I have felt awe, majesty even. I've seen a golden sun raise above the highest peaks you can it imagine, the pale sunlight glinting over snow-capped peak. I've seen brothers become sworn enemies and find a sense of forgiveness as they died. I've seen people lay down their life for the conviction they held to their hearts. Moments of the deepest despair and greatest hope." He said with and the nodded. "I think those might be sights worth seeing with your own eyes." He told her.








Harukei has written 2,175 posts
Befriending fire [Kazuto]May 15, 2020 11:49:13 GMT -5
Nara Shun
Do what you want but understand why you're doing it.
Nara Shun Avatar
age 12 years old birthday March 12th rank Academy Student occupation Student


-  t h e  t a l e  o f  -

B E F R I E N D I N G  F I R E

”You’re twenty-one? Cool. That’s so far in the future…” the girl thought out loud after hearing out Kazuto and all his wisdom. It was odd to imagine spending a decade doing something. The only thing she had done longer than a decade is breathe… she didn’t remember at what age she started walking, really.

The girl took a moment to watch the sky and then fell back in to the grass. She let her body topple backwards and, as her back hit the ground, her legs went up as a result – only to fall back down in a moment of laziness. Her arms were stretched above her head and her long hair looked like a tiny dark pool under her head and back.

”You make it sound difficult… but rewarding. I think it’s pretty to encounter all emotions. Rain in beautiful even though it’s sad, you know? Maybe that’s what life is about… who knows…”
she spoke in a somewhat nonchalant tone to the man next to her. ”I think you’re right, Kazuto-san.” Shun said in response to his last statement.

The girl hummed a tune to herself. A slower worker song not really sung anymore but it had stayed in the culture. The older generation would hum it a lot while doing hard work and so would the people who got it passed down to them. It was a light tune at the first listen but it also had sad intonations and the rhythm was that of a slow waltz.

”By the way, Kazuto-san? Do you think you could teach me some amazing shinobi skill one day? You seem like you could know a lot.” She asked sincerely before propping her upper body up on her elbows on the ground.

”Also,” Shun began while starting to wiggle her feet out of too much energy in the young body, ”have you met a lot of Naras before? People say that we’re all similar in nature but I don’t think that’s true.” The girl was just genuinely curious.

Shun: 496b36

last edit by Nara Shun on May 15, 2020 11:50:09 GMT -5
odango has written 136 posts
Befriending fire [Kazuto]May 17, 2020 0:20:30 GMT -5
Senju Kazuto
No Remorse, No Fear!
Senju Kazuto Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 25 years old birthday 03/20 rank Jōnin occupation ANBU Captain

The Senju was pleased that at the very least the girl didn't seem discouraged by his words. If anything she seemed resolute, ready to take her position on the walls and guard their village and nation. Good. He thought with an approving nod. That shall serve her well when duty calls upon her. Although he could not say if that mentality that she had right now would last when she found herself in the hardship of actual combat. "I'm glad my experience can be of your service." He told the girl. "Just remember to have a reason or a something to fight for." He said, speaking from his own experience. "I can't tell you what it that reason, only you can find it."

It was a simple thing that most shinobi would struggled all their life to comprehend and accept. The Senju wasn't entirely sure that his reason was the most valid, but it was his reason to keep going even against all the situations that would curl the blood of veteran shinobi. When she asked then that he would be willing to train her at some point he would nod at her. It wasn't a rarity that the younglings of the village would seek his counsel and experience. "If it is within my abilities and I have the time, I will be more than happy to aid you to the best of my abilities." He gave the girl a promise before the conversation changed once more.

The Nara were an interesting clan to say the least. Cold and analytical, yet some of its members could be extremely lazy. Still they were intriguing, their techniques that weaved shadows were incredibly useful if a commander understood how to best take advantage of them. "I know a few, a couple of them are just acquaintances, but one of my closest friends is a Nara. Not sure if you know about Shikajin, he can be an acquired taste but he's a good and true friend."








Harukei has written 2,175 posts
Befriending fire [Kazuto]May 17, 2020 18:13:53 GMT -5
Nara Shun
Do what you want but understand why you're doing it.
Nara Shun Avatar
age 12 years old birthday March 12th rank Academy Student occupation Student


-  t h e  t a l e  o f  -

B E F R I E N D I N G  F I R E

”A reason?” It was something Shun hadn’t really found yet. Well, of course she would want to protect her home and her family but she didn’t know there was supposed to be a special one. The "real” one, so to say. It was a new concept and would make her put a lot of thought in it. Perhaps there was a way to understand such things quickly through some untold adventure?

Kazuto agreed to teach her. Shun didn’t expect it, to be honest. A lot of adults were constantly busy so the man agreeing made her very happy.

”Oh? Really??” the raven haired Nara exclaimed as the turn of events pulled her up to a sitting position. She looked genuinely surprised and blinked a few times. Kazuto had given such a stoic answer… ”Thanks, Kazuto-san! That’s great!” she broke out into a wide smile. ”Teachers always say that becoming a real shinobi will test us in ways we can’t imagine. It would be great if you could show me a little what that’s like.”

The Senju would explain that he knew some Nara and was close with Shikajin. ”Hmmm…. I don’t think I know him.” The girl responded honestly after pondering for a couple moments. Maybe it was someone she had seen but just hadn’t really met yet? Shun didn’t really know everyone like her dad did. ”Have you known him for long? Is that why you’re very close?”

Her parents had told Shun a couple times – curiosity would probably get her in trouble. While she didn’t really wander off unprotected as much as she did as a toddler, the girl would take every chance to receive new information.

”Did it take you long to find your reason, Kazuto-san?”

Shun: 496b36

odango has written 136 posts
Befriending fire [Kazuto]May 19, 2020 1:10:47 GMT -5
Senju Kazuto
No Remorse, No Fear!
Senju Kazuto Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 25 years old birthday 03/20 rank Jōnin occupation ANBU Captain

"Your teachers are correct." Kazuto would appraise her words. The academy would give the basics of what being a shinobi is, but true experience can only be set through actually performing missions, training and eventually fighting. So the instructors telling her the truth was something that he appreciated. When the girl said that she had not met Shikajin he could not say to be surprised. Shikajin was an acquired taste and he wasn't sure he was rather popular even among his own clan. "I've known him since we were in the academy." He said as he remembered the days in which they had being more carefree and without responsibilities. "I suppose you could say that's why we're close."

He said in a quiet tone. Before long she would ask about the reason that he had mentioned before. He deviated his sight from Shun and stared blankly ahead to the flowing river, almost as if the running waters had the answer he desired for. He knew the reason that he had found not so along. The precepts of honor and loyalty had been ingrained unto him. He had fought for the village at first, having no desire to fight for a clan that had at first cast him away by the circumstances of his birth to then lead the clan that had sunned him and care for them. Reasons changes as much as people changed. Turning to look as the Nara next to him expected an answer.

"It takes some time." Kazuto would admit. Perhaps it wasn't the answer that the girl would like about that detail in particular but she needed to understand. "As you grow, as you get more experience you gain a larger understanding of the world." He said as he picked a leave and held it in his hand. "But so long your reason is just. To protect the village, to honour your clan. These are valid reasons, although I'm not sure if these would be your reasons."








Harukei has written 2,175 posts
Befriending fire [Kazuto]May 24, 2020 4:20:43 GMT -5
Nara Shun
Do what you want but understand why you're doing it.
Nara Shun Avatar
age 12 years old birthday March 12th rank Academy Student occupation Student


-  t h e  t a l e  o f  -

B E F R I E N D I N G  F I R E


The girl also took to looking at the body of flowing water in front of her as she thought of the answer. It wasn’t an answer she expected. After all, she had asked how long it took Kazuto to find his reason.

”Maybe he’s still looking? Or maybe it’s private… I guess such things should be private since they’re so personal.”

Shun pulled up her knees, hugged them with both arms and rested her chin on top of them. ”So, a reason is about something dear to you? Something worth protecting… Is it always a place or people, though?”

The thought made her straighten up a bit and look up at Kazuto again. An interesting idea formed in her head. Kazuto would probably know more about it.

”What if someone doesn’t have anyone they want to protect besides themselves? Or what if their reason is greed? There are all kinds of people, right? Are those reasons to fight bad? Do you think they work less? Survival is an instinct, right? So that would be everyone’s reason?” Shun asked a lot of questions but she always did. The girl’s train of thought was clearly mapped out in them and she hoped Kazuto would see the logic behind it – not a lot of people caught on quickly.

”Do you think people with selfish reasons are lesser shinobi because of it?” The raven haired asked thoughtfully before taking a little pause.

”It’s very interesting to think about, isn’t it?” she smiled. ”Mom says that I sometimes get carried away with questions… sorry.” she raised a hand apologetically.

It would soon be time to move on. Shun still had to train and she needed to change clothes. Getting some food was also a good idea. However, sitting there with Kazuto was fun. The man had a very calm nature and, for someone as curious as Shun, it created a very inviting atmosphere.

Shun: 496b36

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