Round 2: Nagisa versus Roku

fallen blades
Round 2: Nagisa versus RokuAug 24, 2020 0:35:50 GMT -5
Yuki Nagisa
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Yuki Nagisa Avatar
age 16 years old birthday Nov. 24 rank Genin occupation Genin Team 2
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honesty is

the best policy


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As Nagisa entered the arena from the subterranean waiting area, he winced at the roaring of the crowd. Why were people so loud and excited when it came to violence, or in this case, potential violence. It made him want to use his Hidden in Frost jutsu and cover the area before the match had even officially started. At least it would quiet the crowd down.[break][break]

The Yuki stood at his designated side, waiting until he got the all-clear from the proctor to start the match. The muscles in his arm twinged slightly and he wheeled the limb to stretch it out. It had been damaged pretty badly yesterday in his first match, the lightning having created deep burns and severe nerve damage. The healers had done an incredible job fixing him up, but the Lichtenberg scars still remained and every now and again the muscles would seize slightly. Though a few stretches usually made the discomfort stop.[break][break]

Hopefully, to his opponent, it would simply look as though Nagisa was simply loosening up for the fight and not a weakness to exploit. But he honestly didn't know what to expect from the boy he had been pitted against for this match. He hadn't watched Gure Rokurou's fight, having been holed up in the infirmary, but he had gotten the play-by-play from Asuka when she had checked up on him. Not much had happened in that match, fighting wise. Trees were apparently thrown, the Konoha had run and dodged, but as for techniques, only a few illusions had come from the older boy before the timer had run its course.[break][break]

So he had no idea what to expect besides genjutsu. That, at least, told him his strategy from before probably wouldn't work as well in this match as it had against Zakku. So he would need to come up with something else to try and fight the Konoha teen.


Jutsu Used:
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SAs Used:
  • Ice Prince Nagisa [Kekkei Genkai][break]
    Nagisa is a genius with Ice Release. Though he is not yet aware of the extent of his own talents, his ability to comprehend and learn Ice Techniques may perhaps be the best that has appeared for quite some time. His use of Ice in his techniques would be more aptly described as a sort of command over the element rather than the simple use of it. Is almost as if it is an element which he can someday come to rule and use as freely as his own body. His chakra is so in tune with the nature of Hyōton that it is chilling in of itself as if imbued with the ability to freeze anything. There is no question that his chakra is more potent and stronger than even some of the greatest Hyōton users.
  • Adept Chakra Control[break]
    As a medical ninjutsu practitioner Nagisa has excellent chakra control despite his young age. Unlike most Ninjutsu users a medical ninja must be able to control their chakra perfectly in order to heal another person's injuries without doing harm to the patient. This control also allows him to use the perfect amount of chakra when molding his ninjutsu techniques so he doesn't use too much and wear himself out too quickly.

Items Used:
  • 00 | Item

[attr=class,punkiwofcredit]by punki
apalooka has written 116 posts
Round 2: Nagisa versus RokuSept 6, 2020 15:18:39 GMT -5
Gure Rokurou
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Gure Rokurou Avatar
age 19 years old birthday 03 May rank Chuunin occupation

[attr="class","hiraeth"]THE LOST UCHIHA
Rokurou was still somewhat rattled from the last match. Would he face another pine tree? It certainly hadn’t been a good match, but at least the two had tied… He wasn’t sure if it meant he had zero points, or some points. He would enter the arena once again, the crowd coming alive as the two teens approached each other. Dark, brown eyes settled on the opponent. Yuki Nagisa from Kirigakure. Oh man. He looked slim, pretty. In some ways he was reminded of a certain silver haired person from Konoha. He grit his teeth, his heart pumping faster in his chest.

At least the other didn’t look to be a bulky muscle mountain. If he had to guess, he’d be facing some pretty serious ninjutsu. It was a favorite of many. The Yuki clan was a famous one, many had been kages or had their names known throughout the land. Roku did not want to be face to face with an ice golem - or worse, an ice spear jutting out from his chest…

With his heart hammering against his chest, his thoughts spinning and starting to make no sense to the genin, his eyes snapped to the moving arm, no attack, thankfully. Roku would take a deep breath, then, as he let it go, his chakra surging and brown eyes firmly settled on the other as he made to run around the Yuki. 

But Roku’s path around the other would not be a full circle, instead he would make sure he was in range, leaving at least three meters between him and the Yuki, as he cast the fuinjutsu, aiming to glue the other to the ground before the match ever truly began. He was not a very interesting person to fight. At least, in terms of flashy moves and showmanship. Roku wanted to get this done with as fast as possible. And…. If he could, with little violence.

NAME: Kinbaku [Bind Tightly]







After three hand-seals, the user will slap both hands on the ground and summon an intricate spherical seal on the ground, ten meters in diameter, with the user at the epicenter. Anyone or anything standing on the ground within ten meters is then sealed to the ground itself, locking their feet in place. They will be stuck in place until the seal is broken, which can be achieved by destroying the ground it is summoned on. People who were not inside the range can move over the surface of the seal once it's been summoned without any issue.

✉ tag -- ( @someone )
✎ 000 words
※ notes here, please keep it short.


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Moro has written 242 posts