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Spar!![Mission]Feb 16, 2021 17:12:34 GMT -5
Senju Miho
The Next Chapter.....No Spoilers Please
Senju Miho Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 21 years old birthday April 21st rank SP. Jounin occupation Medical Corps Head

There were many things that people loved in this world. Some was a good meal, others fresh water and a clean bill of health.

But for those who were no longer content with such small but important things, or simply had them and could not be fulfilled with just that alone, they settled for different forms of entertainment. Such was the case when it came to the mission or...rather obligation that was presented to the two Konoha nin this evening.

They had been instructed to travel to the Capital of Hi no Kuni, Tengoku Shihon, in which they were to compete against fighters from across the country for the entertainment of the noble class. It seemed like a poor waste of time, and a dangerous one at that, but the revenue that came from their success was great and could provide for more than a bit of extra spending for the village itself. Not just for the village, but the participants as well were given a small prize for their completion of this task.

Though the event was indeed that of a fighting match, it did start with a small party in which they were to mingle with their future opponents, as well as their prospective patrons. One of which is the one that requested them, a noble lord by the name of Sengi Otoru...

As Miho sat within the cartridge, her eyes narrowed somewhat as she wasn't exactly thrilled with having to fight for someone else's pleasure, she looked toward her partner for this assignment, her expression blank as she began to speak.

"Do you imagine that the lords here will be content seeing us dressed up before we fight for them or should we not have bothered in entertaining the idea of this party in the first place?"

The Senju lady was in her finest attire for the time being, her other gear currently within her room for later that evening when the contest began. As she stared back toward Uchiha Umetaro, she'd then close her eyes as she hoped that he was having as much fun as she was in doing this.
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Kaze has written 1,320 posts
Spar!![Mission]Feb 17, 2021 9:20:27 GMT -5
Uchiha Umetaro
"Fire is the lifeblood of the universe."
Uchiha Umetaro Avatar
age 17 years old birthday November 16th rank occupation
Man, Umetaro was really a glutton for punishment, wasn't he? After what happened with Kazui and Hotaru, he was desperate for work. He couldn't go after the two of them as a genin. They could be halfway across the world by now, and he was stuck roaming the roads of Hino Kuni, useless and alone. He needed to qualify for Chuunin before he could even attempt to do some more digging. 

The first C Rank mission he qualified for was... this. Not exactly a martial arts tournament, but it was closer to that than anything else Umetaro could come up with. It would be a good notch to mark on his application for Chuunin Exams, at the very least. Kazui had mentioned something about a formal sparring section: but then again she got blown to high heaven during that, so who really knows what was going on there. 

He was with a woman by the name of Miho. A medic of some sort. He knew of her vaguely: one of his brothers was a medic and doctor, so Umetaro had grown up knowing hazy things about Konoha's medic corps, but nothing too substantial. He was awful with chakra control, so it wasn't something he was interested in. 

"Yeah..." Umetaro said, and grimaced. He was dressed in full Uchiha garb, which was stiff and uncomfortable. But it was all for the performance. "I hope it all goes well. I feel a little... silly. Dressed like this."
Achilles/Thetis has written 223 posts
Spar!![Mission]Feb 19, 2021 9:34:15 GMT -5
Senju Miho
The Next Chapter.....No Spoilers Please
Senju Miho Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 21 years old birthday April 21st rank SP. Jounin occupation Medical Corps Head

"Would it help if I said that you look very sharp?"

Miho would smile as she then placed her hands back within her lap, looking on as they began to approach the temple that the event was being help. It was hardly modest in the scale of it, of course when wealth flowed so did influence and appearance. It was no surprise to see such glamour on display as the vessel came to a halt, the driver opening the door to allow for the two to make their exit. Waiting for Umetaro to do the same, she would begin to walk toward the entrance beside him, her hands resting at her back as she then began to scan the exterior.

It was lively in the way that such circles would like it to be. Guest mingling with one another, drinks flowing from every corner of the grand room. As she began to make her way further inside, she'd release a breath before brushing the side of her dress as she spoke.

"We should perhaps introduce ourselves to our employer. Lord Sengi said that he would meet us at the entrance, but I have yet to see anyone matching his description..."

As though on cue, the older male would appear from the side of Miho, his hands spread wide as he laughed joyfully.

"Ah haha haha! If it isn't my champions! You two must be the ones from Konoha that I asked for! Grand place is it not!? Don't let the ceiling startle is not in danger of falling upon you! Hah hah!!"

Seeming to reach out, he'd gently kiss the hand of Miho, moving over to extend his arm out to shake that of Umetaro.

"I'm Lord Sengi! You two are just in time! The Contest will begin in only a short time and I imagine our competition is eager to see just what their up against! Not that a peek at you two will do little for them! Most of them are from parts far within Hi no Kuni...backwater locations and such! I have the mighty of the Will of Fire on my side!"

Reeling her hand back, Miho would smile politely as she then nodded her head.

"We will do our best to provide evidence to your faith in us my Lord...I am Senju Miho...and this is Uchiha Umetaro..."
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Kaze has written 1,320 posts
Spar!![Mission]Feb 19, 2021 15:03:50 GMT -5
Uchiha Umetaro
"Fire is the lifeblood of the universe."
Uchiha Umetaro Avatar
age 17 years old birthday November 16th rank occupation
Umetaro barely had time to register Miho's somewhat apologetic comment before they were introduced to their employer, a genuinely bizarre man. He was not expecting such a loud of boisterous man. On reflection, he wasn't exactly sure what kind of person would hire shinobi to fight in mock battles for their amusement. Maybe he was expecting someone with a little more... bite. Perhaps preparing for evil employers was a little much here in Hi no Kuni...

Umetaro awkwardly shook hands with the man, and ended the physical interaction as quickly as was humanly possible. He was quite grateful for the fact that Miho was willing to introduce him without so much as a word from Umetaro. Did she foresee this happening? The unexpected physical contact was sending Umetaro's mind reeling into the back of his skull, cowering from the sensation. He wanted to dip his hands in ice water, or stick them into a hot fire to rid himself of the feeling of someone else's skin lingering on his fingers. 

"Uhh... Yeah, that's us," Umetaro managed to make out, blinking several times. Trying to recover from that kind of sensory shock was quite difficult, but he was trying. Thankfully, his sharigan didn't immediately turn on, like it had been lately. That would have been hard to explain.
Achilles/Thetis has written 223 posts
Spar!![Mission]Feb 20, 2021 17:02:13 GMT -5
Senju Miho
The Next Chapter.....No Spoilers Please
Senju Miho Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 21 years old birthday April 21st rank SP. Jounin occupation Medical Corps Head

While Umetaro seemed somewhat offset by this physical contact, Miho was by now used to such things when mingling in such circles. Though it did worry her about leaving him too long alone in this large gathering. After all, they were now acting as representatives of Konohagakure, as well as Lord Sengi. The last thing they wanted was to make an offense or to appear stand-offish in such a crowd. In the end, it seemed that the Lord had not noticed this, simply laughing as he patted the young man upon the back.

"Excellent! Most Excellent! Well..I have guest I must attend to, and you two have a night to enjoy! Just don't feast too much! You have only a few short moments before the contest begins!! Hah hah hah!!"

As the older male made his leave, Miho would look briefly over toward the Uchiha, her expression blank for a moment before then looking off to the side as she examined the surroundings once more. It appeared that most of these people were indeed of the higher class, yet there were stranglers that were certainly keeping close to their patrons. The ones that were stood out like a sore thumb, clearly as a display of strength. It made sense for them wishing to make an impression, perhaps to create doubt for their opponents.

"We should mingle with some of the other contestants so that we will know what we're up against...Unless you would rather we do so separately?"

Asking this was her way of giving him the choice. She did not wish to put him on the spot, since they were indeed a team in this. Everything that happened tonight would depend on them having the trust of the other.
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Kaze has written 1,320 posts
Spar!![Mission]Feb 22, 2021 9:42:46 GMT -5
Uchiha Umetaro
"Fire is the lifeblood of the universe."
Uchiha Umetaro Avatar
age 17 years old birthday November 16th rank occupation
Umetaro was quite glad the man left just as quickly as he appeared. It give him the precious few moments he needed in order to reset. He took a deep breath, and then shook his head from side to side as he breathed out. Okay, that was better. In a fight, adrenaline took over, and dulled the senses. Fights were so much more manageable than social interactions, by a large margin. 

Miho continued explaining her plan to mingle with the other contestants, and a certain dread formed in Umetaro's heart. Heaven and earth, dealing with more people... This was the nightmare scenario. The worst part about it was that she had a point: knowing your opponent was never a bad thing. Something, something, if you know your enemy and yourself, you need not fear even a hundred battles? There was definitely more to that quote, but Umetaro wasn't in a place to remember that. 

But, a plan was forming in his mind. 

"I have an idea," Umetaro said. "You take point, and I'll follow behind. I've been practicing for something like this."

He grinned, exposing a row of sharp teeth, Finally, all of that practice coming in handy. He withdrew into the nearest shadow and placed his hands in a single seal, and then vanished entirely from sight. Being invisible had plenty of benefits in information gathering...

NAME: Seishin gijutsu o kiite [Listening spirit technique]
This jutsu needs only the snake handseal, once it is done the user fades out and becomes invisible to the human eye completely not even their shadow is shown.The user has to constantly focus on only the jutsu and cannot attack or make physical contact with others at all while using this jutsu it is used only for recon missions and nothing more.

This jutsu cannot work on anyone with the Sharingan,Byakugan or Rinnegan it also doesn't work on Shinobi who can track scent or summon animals who can track scent.If a user attempts to draw a weapon , attack physically or stops focusing their chakra on it , the jutsu will deactivate automatically.

Achilles/Thetis has written 223 posts
Spar!![Mission]Feb 22, 2021 14:44:24 GMT -5
Senju Miho
The Next Chapter.....No Spoilers Please
Senju Miho Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 21 years old birthday April 21st rank SP. Jounin occupation Medical Corps Head

Miho would raise her brow as she heard Umetaro state that he had a plan, something that he had prepared for something like this. In that moment, it appeared as if he had vanished from sight, prompting the young woman to then look around as she remembered how he had stated that he would stay behind her.

It would mean that she would be doing most of the talking, but at the very least, it would allow for some insight into the actions of these opponents. Though she had hoped that there would be nothing nefarious about these matches that would warrant such secrecy.

So as Miho began to move about the area, it seemed that her encounters would go as smoothly as one would expect. Most of those involved in this came from Hi no Kuni, were honored to be chosen and intended to give a good show. Others were more so here for the prize rewards that came with victory, and then there were some that simply wanted the honor of being in a fight with the strongest fighters in the country.

In leaning back against the wall, Miho would release a breath as such talking did get to be tiring after some time, yet then she noted someone moving closer to the other fighters than most.

"If ya are still there...did you notice that?"

As her head lingered toward the distance, there would look to be a fashionably dressed individual, his presence calm as he moved within the crowd. His hand resting around a glass, yet his eyes moving from one side to the next. It was possible that he was just as out of his depths as Umetaro, but his other hand appeared to be more or less rested at his side, the palm out in the open and twisted in a way that could not be natural in form.
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Kaze has written 1,320 posts
Spar!![Mission]Feb 22, 2021 19:06:12 GMT -5
Uchiha Umetaro
"Fire is the lifeblood of the universe."
Uchiha Umetaro Avatar
age 17 years old birthday November 16th rank occupation
Hidden behind a veil of illusion and shadow, Umetaro kept his distance. His ears worked fine, so it wasn't like he wouldn't be able to catch the gist of any conversation he decided to pay attention to. But he decided to focus more on the people themselves. His eyes swirled with one tomoe, revealing to him things that were unseen. 

He wasn't like Kazui, he didn't have any special chakra sensing tricks to scope out the competiton. But seeing chakra itself? Well, that could shed light on a quite a few topics. Were people gearing up for powerful techniques? Did they have equipment that pulsed with chakra? Anyone looking out for the two of them would catch ligt of Miho without any issue. They were dressed so ostentatiously, they were hard to miss. 

Was anyone mentioning their names specifically? It wouldn't surprise Umetaro to catch his name out of the mouths of their potential opponents. The moniker "Uchiha" tended to turn heads. They were quite famous for being some of the most versatile and dangerous shinobi in all of Hi no Kuni for a reason, after all. Umetaro would be sure to give them a reason to remember that. 

Still, it was nice to get to show off some of the skills he had been working on. Who was Miho talking to, now?
Achilles/Thetis has written 223 posts
Spar!![Mission]Feb 22, 2021 19:58:06 GMT -5
Senju Miho
The Next Chapter.....No Spoilers Please
Senju Miho Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 21 years old birthday April 21st rank SP. Jounin occupation Medical Corps Head

It was moments like these that she wished that perhaps she might have been wearing a communicator or something that was less revealing than what she had on now. In truth, blending into a party was part of it, though she imagined she had gotten more than a few glances. In the end, with her not getting a response from Umetaro, her attention shifted back toward the strange man who was moving rapidly.

As she began to make her way toward him, one of the guest seemed to fall ill, prompting their collapse suddenly to the ground. Soon another would follow, then another, and then a next. The pattern being that each of them were fighters. Looking over to see if the man was still there, the stranger seemed to have vanished without a trace, leaving her with the choice to either attempt at finding him, or dealing with the sudden string of illness fallen upon the fighters.

The choice was far simpler than she had imagined.

"Move out of the way! I'm a medic..."

Quickly approaching one of the ill victims, she'd look over them as she began to check their vitals and seem to begin working towards helping them.


With Miho distracted, Umetaro would find that despite his attempt at being invisible, there was a set of eyes upon him. The smaller female would look on as though she were staring directly at him, her purple pupils looking in his direction, not leaving, even as the panic of this strange assault came upon the guest.

As the strange girl would continue to look on, she'd soon seem to make her way forward, her frame slow, unphased before moving directly past him. Yet before fully moving on by, she whispered something softly so only he could hear her.

"I see you...."

That said, she would then move on, shuffling forward as she moved toward another room.
One Male...?



Sensory Adapt: Able to sense out Chakra at a high level rate

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Kaze has written 1,320 posts
Spar!![Mission]Feb 23, 2021 16:52:45 GMT -5
Uchiha Umetaro
"Fire is the lifeblood of the universe."
Uchiha Umetaro Avatar
age 17 years old birthday November 16th rank occupation
When he locked eyes with the strange, purple girl, Umetaro froze completely. He was not expecting that. Just what was with all of these weird chakra sensing people he was coming into contact these days? First it was Yamanaka Tomomi, then Kazui learned some of that magic, and now, completely out of nowhere, there was this girl! 

She then came over and whispered that she could see him. Well, that he had a good idea of, but the confirmation was... polite? He guessed? Nobody gives you a playbook of "correct social etiquette when you are completely invisible". 

Well, that was a terrifying experience. They hadn't even gotten to the fighting itself, and it seemed that all sorts of nonsense was happening already! Now, some man had fallen ill and Miho rushed to save him. Was it poison? It had to be poison. Nobody comes down with illness like that. 

Umetaro retreated into darkness, and dispelled the illusion. This was a perfect opportunity to blend into the crowd, now with everyone completely distracted. He'd report on his findings to Miho once she was done, yknow, trying to keep this guy alive. Knowing one of their potential opponents was a sensor was way less time sensitive. 
Achilles/Thetis has written 223 posts
Spar!![Mission]Feb 23, 2021 17:18:16 GMT -5
Senju Miho
The Next Chapter.....No Spoilers Please
Senju Miho Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 21 years old birthday April 21st rank SP. Jounin occupation Medical Corps Head

The time spent with Miho and other medical personal working to help these people seemed to take up much of the evening. Before no later than 11, it looked as though things had finally stablized, with Lord Sengi pacing from one side to the next as he awaited news.

Assuming that Umetaro had been keeping up with the events, Miho would soon emerge from out of the large room, her hands clean from her experience as she released a breath of relief. It hadn't been a habit of her to treat so many patients at once, but thankfully their common symptoms made the task much easier. Though it did not do any justice for those infected.

"The good news is that your guests will recover...the toxin introduced into their systems was more or less a paralysis. It shut down their bodies to the point that it looked as if they were having seizures..."

"Well...that is good to when will they be ready to fight?"

Miho would simply blink as she looked at the older man. The clear lack of concern for these people, who came out of their way for his event, only to be made ill was truly amazing to her. If she hadn't remembered her position in all this, she might have yelled at him for such candor. Rather containing herself, she would put her hand upon her forehead, soon gesturing it outward as she began to explain.

"My lord...they won't be...such a shock isn't something that you simply walk off...they need rest..."

Sengi seemed to hit almost near a panic, his hand resting upon his chest as he shook his head.

"No no no no no! We have nobles here! Their champions are out and people still wish for a fight! Do you realize how it will look if I do not deliver as such!? The money gathered for this event would have to be returned! All of it!!"

"On the contrary my will find that you still have fighters left..."

As a voice was heard from down the hall, an older woman would approach the small group as she began to speak with a fan close to her face.

"Truly worry much too often...while most of the fighters have been...disabled..I still have mine remaining and you have yours...I would think that should be more than enough so long as it is..spectacluar...."

Miho would look over to the woman, her regal robes dragging behind her as she soon was beside the man as he seemed to consider this.

"That is true...but...only if they are as good as you say...Lady Tena"

"Oh they are Sengi..they was most fortunate that they arrived to the event late...such travel from the countryside does take time...had they been here...there is no telling what may have happened..."

One Male...?



Sensory Adapt: Able to sense out Chakra at a high level rate

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Kaze has written 1,320 posts
Spar!![Mission]Feb 24, 2021 9:50:24 GMT -5
Uchiha Umetaro
"Fire is the lifeblood of the universe."
Uchiha Umetaro Avatar
age 17 years old birthday November 16th rank occupation
Umetaro watched the scene happen with rapt interest. Of course it was poison. It was always poison in these kind of stories. Miho was quite impressive: how did she ascertain all of that so fast? She must have a really in depth background in poisons to be able to identify a potential toxin just on symptoms alone. Umetaro definitely could not do that. Could his brother do that, even? He'd bet that Miho was way better than him at this sort of thing. 

And then the older woman came out and all but said "oh what a surpise, it wasn't like I poisoned all of the competition, hohoho, I would never!" They really were living in a chapter of a manga. But they weren't hired to investigate sabotage, they were here to fight. And it seems that the duels were still on. Umetaro breathed in to steady himself. This was just exhibition, right? Then why was everything in his mind screaming that this was a trap? 

He scanned the room for the people who were still in fighting capability. That strange girl with the violet eyes was definitely one of them. Who was she here with? Who was she associating with? She was set up to be a more supportive unit: where was their main damage dealer? 

Achilles/Thetis has written 223 posts
Spar!![Mission]Feb 24, 2021 11:03:02 GMT -5
Senju Miho
The Next Chapter.....No Spoilers Please
Senju Miho Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 21 years old birthday April 21st rank SP. Jounin occupation Medical Corps Head

While the arrival of the older woman had not been much of a surprise to Lord Sengi, it certainly was to Miho as she remained silent as she stated that her Champions were in perfect shape, and conveniently had not been among those that had been poisoned. While she was far from foolish enough to believe this, it truly wasn't her place to investigate just what was going on in the background. So long as it didn't effect their mission, which it hadn't.

Neither her nor Umetaro had been injured, and they were still standing. That meant that they could continue with their objective. Though she couldn't help but be curious as to who would be their competition now that most of them had been taken out.

As Lady Tena would laugh beneath her veil of a fan, she'd then begin to lead Lord Sengi toward another room, smiling at the two before Miho shook her head as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"This just became more complicated....I saw one individual moving among the party. It's likely he's one of the Lady's champions. I can only see a medic being capable of such a toxin and knowledge in the field to be sure that it didn't kill anyone. They simply wished to win the contest by default...Did you see anything else out of the ordinary?"
One Male...?



Sensory Adapt: Able to sense out Chakra at a high level rate

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Kaze has written 1,320 posts
Spar!![Mission]Feb 24, 2021 15:30:24 GMT -5
Uchiha Umetaro
"Fire is the lifeblood of the universe."
Uchiha Umetaro Avatar
age 17 years old birthday November 16th rank occupation
With the two nobles gone, Umetaro walked back over to Miho, definitely glad that both of them were out of sight for the moment. Why couldn't this be an easy mission? Truly, Konohagakure no Sato was the biggest madhouse in all of the world. First, fighting for the amusement of nobles, and now this? Sabotage? This wasn't the Uchiha Clan Family Reunion. 

"Definitely poison, and definitely too convenient," he said, and shook his head. "The girl with violet eyes: she can sense chakra. Possibly housed in her eyes."

Umetaro tapped his left temple for emphasis. 

"No doubt that they're connected," Umetaro said, and shook his head again. "Funny how we just so happened to be spared, as did them. We'll have to be quick about it if we want to win. I've had enough of combat medics to last a life time."

A chill came over Umetaro's spine, but he resisted the urge to shudder. After what happened with Hotaru, Umetaro was well aware of what a medic could accomplish if they were left to their own devices for too long. He didn't want to end up someone else's puppet, or worse: a walking corpse. 

They had to get ready for this duel, sooner rather than later. 

Achilles/Thetis has written 223 posts
Spar!![Mission]Feb 24, 2021 16:25:18 GMT -5
Senju Miho
The Next Chapter.....No Spoilers Please
Senju Miho Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 21 years old birthday April 21st rank SP. Jounin occupation Medical Corps Head

Miho would nod, a smirk crossing her lips as she began to lead the way toward their chambers in order to prepare.

"Thankfully...I'm one too..."


It would only take a few moments for the two to finally gather their gear and begin to make their way toward the center arena. Naturally, it was housed right within the very chambers in which the previous events happened. It was much like a professionally organized event, with many of the nobles at ringside. The area was large enough for the two teams to move around, and the space extended out to them was at the very least gated off. The conditions could have been better, as the marble flooring would pose a problem if they wished to use certain earthly Ninjutsu. But for Miho, it was more or less a minor issue.

Especially for someone who could crush rock with a single punch...

Yet as they descended the stairway, it looked as though Lord Sengi was there to greet them, his expression full of delight in having his Champions now ready to fight.

"Excellent! Most Excellent! You two certainly look the part now! Now! Just wait here! Just a moment!"

As the rather spry man seemed to move ahead, he'd begin to speak as his yell echoed across the chambers.


"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!!!! I thank you once more for coming to my...little gathering! Though we have had an unfortunate shortage of fighters for this, we would not disappoint you! No no no!! For tonight! We have a special treat for all of you here! Tonight! We are to have a Team match up!!!!"

Cheers resounded from below, the room growing dark as a single light shined down upon the lord.

"Thats right! It has not turned from a competition of individual strength, to one of true team effort! To which brings our two groups here today!! introduce them! From the eastern lands of Hi no kuni! Near the ocean's gentle yet fierce tides, we have Lady Tena's Champions!!!!! Ukada Toji and Minako Usiga!!!!"

With the light changing from upon him, it would swiftly show the other side of the room, another set of stairs. It would be there that two shadows would be revealed. One was the same girl that Umetaro had met before, Usiga would be her name. The other, a taller male whom wore a vest across his chest, and a shark tooth around his neck. As the two stood in the light, Miho would narrow her eyes. His featured certainly were enough of a match, now it was simply seeing if their possible theory was correct in his abilities.

"I'm guessing thats the that would make him our possible medic..."

Miho would whisper this toward Umetaro, yet there was hardly time for a continued discussion as it appeared that the lord was not done.

"Look at them! Such prime examples! But the best has been saved for last! From the Village of Shinobi! The ones who put Fire in its and all of our hearts! We have.....Uchiha Umetaro and Senju Miho!!"

A flicker of light would then be placed upon them next, prompting Miho to hold a sheepish grin as she waved slightly and then looked over toward their opponents. Already they appeared to have a dead locked stare in their direction, despite the distance between them.

Usiga was eying Umetaro...while Toji was clearly eying Miho.


Ukada Toji

Medical:Clear understanding of poisons, ranging from C-B Rank. Along with Adept Medical Training

Minako Usiga

Sensory Adapt: Able to sense out Chakra at a high level rate

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last edit by Senju Miho on Feb 24, 2021 16:26:04 GMT -5
Kaze has written 1,320 posts