Enmei's armor (personal)

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Enmei's armor (personal)Apr 3, 2021 19:30:37 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Enmei Avatar
age 40 years old birthday 11/30 rank Elite Jounin occupation

Weapon name

OWNER:Enmei Uzumaki




RESTRICTIONS: Personal armor


At first glace the user is drawn to the black open hooded robe. Upon the sides of the sleeves of the robe are two vertical lines  of crimson that wrap about the  sleeve. Wearing a composite material of chakra enhanced metal that was made into pauldrons, gauntlets, chest and elbow plating along with leg armor that covers his thighs and legs. The metal as a darkened coloring to it.


Enhanced Durability: When worn the user has increased durability. due to the unique nature of the material. Forged from a fallen meteor that was found to contain chakra composite metals within it. The armor is extremely resistant to Blunt force damage. However it is not a perfect defensive. Such as the legendary weapon the helmet splitter can cut through the armor. It has some minor cutting resistance to edged weapons such as shuriken and kunai. 
last edit by Enmei on May 4, 2021 13:56:32 GMT -5
Walker has written 9 posts
Enmei's armor (personal)May 11, 2021 10:21:00 GMT -5
New Member
Dull Avatar
age 34 years old birthday rank occupation New Member
I think it is fine but you should review weapon rules. S-Rank equipment usually has 3 abilities and a chakra reactive or conductive ability. Since you'd only be allowed a B-rank equipment alongside this you should probably get your money's worth and such.
last edit by Dull on May 11, 2021 10:23:05 GMT -5
Dull has written 10,047 posts