wgs stuff

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wgs stuffApr 7, 2021 6:14:50 GMT -5
honō han
nothing better than clean and simple
honō han Avatar
age 14 years old birthday 04/25 rank genin occupation genin team 1
--- words

What is Lorem Ipsum?

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
Why do we use it?

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for 'lorem ipsum' will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).

summary of post + jutsu
notes: tags

last edit by honō han on Apr 7, 2021 11:26:39 GMT -5
wgs [watergodsteven] has written 11 posts
wgs stuffMay 1, 2021 13:54:34 GMT -5
takeda sho
just because i'm doing what i love doesn't mean i'll always like it
takeda sho Avatar
age 12 years old birthday 05/05 rank Genin occupation Genin Team 3
Rope necklace maxi skirt motif Mulberry Prada tulle peach leggings backpack printed. Skinny jeans printed jacket white Converse monochrome preppy leather jacket. Bag 'N' Noun center part strong eyebrows Prada backpack cotton. Beanie Cara D. Topshop chelsea boot 90s relaxed vintage Levi shorts.

"Ask your doctor if right is left for you."

Round sunglasses chunky sole denim jacket street style Weekday washed out ankle boots Colette parka. Pastels grey Raf Simons oversized neutral Prada Saffiano Fjallraven shoe. Button up crop sheer cuff Saint Laurent cashmere plaited. Vintage Elle statement clutch la marinière t-shirt dark red lipstick white shirt trouser.

last edit by takeda sho on May 1, 2021 14:04:52 GMT -5
wgs has written 10 posts
wgs stuffMay 1, 2021 14:12:37 GMT -5
fujioka kazuya
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
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kagawa yuji
Sugar plum pie jujubes carrot cake caramels chocolate bar sesame snaps topping marshmallow. Chocolate bar oat cake soufflé. Sesame snaps caramels topping. Wafer sesame snaps gummi bears marshmallow gummi bears chocolate cake. Sweet roll pastry bear claw topping jelly beans candy canes carrot cake soufflé. Sesame snaps powder applicake gingerbread jelly-o.

Chupa chups pudding oat cake lollipop gummies. Icing jelly soufflé marshmallow cupcake wafer macaroon tootsie roll oat cake. Sugar plum cake apple pie tootsie roll gummi bears danish toffee lemon drops wafer. Donut croissant cupcake lemon drops dragée ice cream. Cheesecake cupcake bear claw tiramisu halvah chupa chups pudding pastry.

"Cupcake gummies cheesecake danish pudding gummies. Lollipop tart oat cake danish gingerbread. Gingerbread marzipan sweet roll."

Apple pie sweet roll gingerbread bonbon lollipop carrot cake tootsie roll. Applicake cupcake bonbon tootsie roll. Chocolate cake sweet roll chocolate bar tootsie roll icing. Chocolate cake toffee muffin sweet. Soufflé pie danish pudding toffee. Lollipop pudding lollipop pastry caramels gummi bears donut.

Sweet roll tiramisu gummies danish jelly beans cheesecake. Brownie topping gingerbread croissant candy. Jelly-o gingerbread gingerbread tiramisu ice cream wafer chocolate cake. Sugar plum jujubes apple pie halvah soufflé croissant sugar plum. Apple pie cupcake sweet wafer ice cream sugar plum. Fruitcake caramels halvah.
kirigakure ; advanced genin
last edit by fujioka kazuya on Nov 24, 2022 12:27:05 GMT -5
has written 0 posts
wgs stuffNov 28, 2022 6:45:49 GMT -5
tantetsu tengen
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age birthday rank adv. genin occupation
tantetsu, tengen


NAME: tantetsu, tengen

AGE: fifteen

GENDER: male

BIRTHDAY: january 3rd

VILLAGE: iwagakure

CLAN: tantetsu x

RANK: genin, advanced

POSITION: genin team 3



HEIGHT: 172cm - 5 feet, 8 inches

WEIGHT: 70kg - 155lbs

In a family photo, Tengen blends right in. Dark hair, dark eyes, a stoic expression with thick eyebrows, combined with broad shoulders and an above-average stature. With those words alone you could probably get a fairly decent sketch of him, no particularly defining physical features distinguish him from a crowd. 

Upon a closer inspection however one can find he has discoloured, calloused hands and blemishes that crop up here and there. Par for the course for a Tantetsu, the labour expected of one from a young age leads to them getting accustomed to a bit of toil. 

His hair length goes to above his brows and around his ears, thick and bushy, liable to become a mess in humidity. With his clothing, generally he wears more traditional clothing, a top that resembles a gi, with durable worksman bottoms. His shoes typically hard-toed, with the colours and fraying depending on the day, generally dark blues and greys are what you'll see, anything that doesn't let the by-product of a day's graft jump out.

This can be accompanied by a hooded hay-woven cloak that drapes down to his waist, and his forehead protector pushing back the fringe of his bangs. 


NINDO: "a good craftsman never blames his tools"

At the core of Tengen are well tempered ideals and values, not necessarily on a moral level, but the way he acts and sees the world is derived from the outlook of not only his family but his clan. Loyalty, respect and patience are all motives that have been drilled into him, with the mandatory labour of his clan cementing this into his developing self. 

The most striking things people will notice from talking to him are how he wears a firm expression, that matches his general attitude, some words that might come to mind are: stoic, respectful, calm, patient. This sort of attitude when you have as many siblings as Tengen is naturally developed by the constant hubbub in his household, any words he can fit in have to be rather succinct and straight to the point.

The constant socialisation from an early age has also lead to him developing good interpersonal skills, lots of kids sharing rooms, sharing spaces under the same roof, lead to you getting the knack on how to keep your head and deescalate. 

As Tengen has started to mature and become his own person, a budding sense of dissatisfaction with his daily routine and life path have grown into a hunger for more from life. What exactly "more" means is a question that Tengen is looking for the answer to, which is a major driving factor behind his decision to pursue the path of a shinobi, even bleeding into his developing shinobi arsenal (in which he lacks any real speciality).

This has led him to growing at an above par rate, idleness has become something that he just cannot sit with at this point. While he has no disdain for those around him or those who spend their life within the confines of his clan or even his village, it is a path that is inherently not one that meshes with him. 


By the time Tengen rolled around, his parents already had 2 kids, so while him being introduced to the family was a significant event, the third time around they felt like they had a pretty good idea of what to expect. Their previous two children had been outgoing, loud, rash, kids doing kid stuff.

Yet Tengen was the most stressful of the three, because he was the complete opposite, it was rare for him to cry as a baby, he was obedient, quiet, not shy but his eerily silent tone made other kids wary of him from during infancy. It was hard for his parents to get a read on him most of the time, like he was off in his own little world.

Tengen was introduced to the ways of a Tantetsu from a young age, he had his hands on iron, got to watch his father smelt and his eldest brother smith. It didn't seem to particularly enthral him, but he wasn't reluctant or hesitant to stick around and watch, too young to participate himself.  

One thing that did seem to make him act like a kid were stories. Stories of wandering shinobi who claimed to be the greatest in all the land in their art. The art of the sword, the art of fire. The concept of choosing a narrow path and it being never-ending was something that clearly sunk its teeth into Tengen from a young age.

A clear memory Tengen has of his early childhood, is seeing an elder of the Tantetsu at the outdoor forge. Any smith worth their salt across the shinobi nations would be aware of this man. Tengen doesn't remember what he made or how long he took, he just remembers being sucked in to the trance-like state, the dedication and immersion into his art. 

Being a shinobi isn't necessarily a given for a Tantetsu, but they are one of the more militant clans and there is some expectation for everyone to have a baseline of martial prowess. Weapon arts are the most typical things for a Tantetsu, which seems only natural for a clan where you could say steel literally runs through their veins. 

This meant that seeing people practice, demonstrate and even sometimes inner-clan spats would happen. The act of violence wasn't really something gripping, to Tengen, it was the wordless conversations that would be taken through the medium of blades, staves, jutsu, projectiles. Even to a young greenhorn like him, the dedication and years of practice resonated out. 

The idea of mastery gripped Tengen. He couldn't articulate why, but an endless path to forever pursue was an identity that he craved. A child with the world before him and a whole lifetime to live, the possibilities were endless. This made him the most eager of the three of his siblings to pursue the path of a Shinobi, one that seemed to coincide with his aspirations.

Upon starting the academy at  8, being from a clan of many shinobi, Tengen had already received some training, exposed to concepts, had his hands on a few practice weapons. So at first, he was considered ahead of the pack, gradually as time went on he started to drift somewhere into the middle or lower end of the pack. 

Not for a lack of effort mind you, when Tengen got home, you could see him read, practice or bother clanmates with questions. It was just that it seemed like he only had an interest in the art of weapons. The required syllabus of academy techniques got the bare minimum of attention from him, while each day Tengen would practice or try a new style, a new weapon, a new stance, read about a foreign way of approaching things. 

The theoretical side of things made sense to him, so that didn't require much effort. When it started to become apparent to Tengen that he actually would have to get his whole skillset up to par for the academy evaluations, he figured out the minimum amount required to get through, put in exactly that much and graduated the academy.

Once a genin, the exposure to field work (no matter how dull) and seeing other people's approaches managed to help him bring up his weak points a little. His approach was very much still focused on finding a weapon for him though, what style, what tool would call out to him, to dedicate his life to?

It got to the point that mid-battle he'd switch from weapon to weapon, his indecisiveness wouldn't impede him, but would be a great tool to disorient opponents. Of course as a genin, this would mostly consist of cretins that the term "small-fry" might not even cover. 

A combination of his upbringing and nature meant that the shinobi system was one Tengen thrived in. He was calm, sensible, diligent, receptive to criticism (all relative to your standard pre-teen). This created a positive feedback loop of him being given more duties and trust, and him continuing to impress.

During his time as a genin he'd also become more involved with the family forge. Now that he had real world experience wielding weapons, the process of how they're made seemed only natural for him to get involved with. He though maybe it would give him some insight into anything he's missing.   

While he has performed well as a fledgling shinobi, it's nothing exciting or out of this world, just solid and consistent work, which over a period of 3 years has given him a solid arsenal and exposure to various weapons, tools and approaches to shinobi work, battle related or not. His poor articulative abilities leave a lot to be desired in some situations, but his actions help outweigh that.

Now, at age 15, Tengen finds the big question still looms, what does he want from life? A pursuit of *something* to lose himself in still calls to him, but does he have to be more active in looking for it? Is continuing down his path as a shinobi going to hamper or help? A lot of questions bore down on  the developing adolescent that only time will answer.


In the realm of Bukijutsu, Tengen is pragmatic and seasoned, well beyond his years. Outside of it, you'd probably think he has some very important parents if he's managed to become a shinobi. 

While limited in the greater sense of what arts he thrives in, he's capable of filling any role a squad might need and is very self sufficient. Archery and a keen sense of when to interject with ranged ninja tools means that he can provide support and pin down enemies from afar if needed. 

Alongside this he's capable of being the frontman, preferring longer reach weapons but definitely not afraid to get close and brawl with a tanto or tonfa. 

Usually his general approach is pretty well-measured and calm, hard to shake, mostly because he's far more interested in little tweaks he can make to get more out of whatever happens to be in his hands. 

His Tantetsu jutsu supplemental and mostly to provide support to his current arsenal of moves, but he hopes to diversify  more once he gets his weaker areas in a better place, so that he can get a better picture of exactly when the right time and place for certain weapons and styles are.


NATURAL CHAKRA: doton, suiton, katon





  • 00 | Item #1
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  • 00 | Item #3


Steel Release | Tantetsu

Born as part of the Tantetsu clan from parents who both had the latent ability to utilise the Steel release, Tengen shows the same competency wielding it. He has a grasp on the fundamentals of its use, allowing him to learn jutsu from his clan, but has not developed a specific niche for its use in his style yet.

Master of None | Bukijutsu

Even prior to his time in the academy, Tengen has been handling all sorts of weapons and styles in pursuit of finding his calling... ironically leading him to becoming more of a jack of all trades.

On the bright side, this has allowed to him develop a skill where he's able to switch from weapon to weapon during combat seamlessly, even using things that might not have been made with the intention of being weapons in the first place. 



Technique Name [English Translation]

Technique Name [English Translation]

Technique Name [English Translation]


Technique Name [English Translation]

Technique Name [English Translation]

Technique Name [English Translation]


Technique Name [English Translation]

Technique Name [English Translation]

Technique Name [English Translation]


Technique Name [English Translation]

Technique Name [English Translation]

Technique Name [English Translation]


Technique Name [English Translation]

Technique Name [English Translation]

Technique Name [English Translation]


Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]

Bunshin no Jutsu [Clone Technique]

Kawarimi no Jutsu [Substitution Technique]

Kakuremino no Jutsu [Cloak of Invisibility Technique]

Nawanuke no Jutsu [Rope Escape Technique]



HOW'D YOU FIND US?: returning member

LOCKER COMBO: -- (General, character rules + Newbie guide)

FACE CLAIM SERIES: princess mononoke


✜ designed by catbug for use on naruto: fallen blades

last edit by tantetsu tengen on Feb 10, 2023 6:31:10 GMT -5
wgs has written 3 posts
wgs stuffFeb 15, 2023 10:00:36 GMT -5
fujioka kazuya
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
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fujioka, kazuya


NAME: fujioka, kazuya

AGE: fourteen

GENDER: male

BIRTHDAY: january 2nd


CLAN: n/a

RANK: genin, advanced



HEIGHT: 163cm ~ 5 feet 4 inches

WEIGHT: 55kg ~ 120 pounds

Thin and wispy, Kazuya's locks sprawl out atop his head, resting beneath his ears and around his brow. Beneath the kinks and curls that sit above his eyes, pale eyebrows that curve down around his eyes can be found if for whatever reason they end up exposed.

This all lays upon pale skin, fair and unweathered. When accompanied with his typical vacant stare, there can be a certain eeriness to his appearance, like a porcelain marionette. His eyes are a pale green, with a mousy nose and lips that rest into a slight frown. 

Figure-wise, he's nothing special for a 14 year old, in fact maybe a bit undersized compared to some peers that have already began to blossom and mature. Although it doesn't seem to be something reflected in his attitude or body language. 

Messy splotches of various substances ranging from adhesive to paint are usually found littering whatever clothes Kazuya chooses to wear, he doesn't keep to a very strict line of clothing but generally durable denim or some sort of tough cotton/linen ensemble is par for the course. The colours range from pale inoffensive shades to gloomy greys and blacks. 

Loose and untucked is the general rule of thumb he follows for he likes to wear his clothes, with his forehead protector donned on his waist. If prepared for a practical situation, he might go a little more practical, giving an opponent spare material to latch onto is never something Kazuya would be comfortable doing.

NINDO: ;"life imitates art"

It's hard to get a read on Kazuya, he seems to have a misty layer of obscurity between you and him. Like whatever you've said hasn't quite sunk in and his response isn't quite on the right path. It's clear his mind wanders, his tone airy a lot of the time, even in stressful or emotional situations. Gathering what's going on beneath the surface is tough with him, making him come off as conceited or apathetic depending on your perspective.

A reoccurring theme with Kazuya is a general disregard for consequences, not in a rebellious or brave manner, moreso being unaffected by the things that seem to sway normal people. Social embarrassment, physical harm, reprimanding, in the face of it all he has seemed to have his mind somewhere else.

He is not inhuman, he recognises what the intended effected and standard response to these things are, but he personally can't muster the energy or investment to react accordingly.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. Nam liber tempor cum soluta nobis eleifend option congue nihil imperdiet doming id quod mazim placerat facer possim assum. Typi non habent claritatem insitam; est usus legentis in iis qui facit eorum claritatem. Investigationes demonstraverunt lectores legere me lius quod ii legunt saepius. Claritas est etiam processus dynamicus, qui sequitur mutationem consuetudium lectorum. Mirum est notare quam littera gothica, quam nunc putamus parum claram, anteposuerit litterarum formas humanitatis per seacula quarta decima et quinta decima. Eodem modo typi, qui nunc nobis videntur parum clari, fiant sollemnes in futurum.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. Nam liber tempor cum soluta nobis eleifend option congue nihil imperdiet doming id quod mazim placerat facer possim assum. Typi non habent claritatem insitam; est usus legentis in iis qui facit eorum claritatem. Investigationes demonstraverunt lectores legere me lius quod ii legunt saepius. Claritas est etiam processus dynamicus, qui sequitur mutationem consuetudium lectorum. Mirum est notare quam littera gothica, quam nunc putamus parum claram, anteposuerit litterarum formas humanitatis per seacula quarta decima et quinta decima. Eodem modo typi, qui nunc nobis videntur parum clari, fiant sollemnes in futurum.







  • 00 | Item #1
  • 00 | Item #2
  • 00 | Item #3


Special Ability #1
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Special Ability #2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.


Technique Name [English Translation]

Technique Name [English Translation]

Technique Name [English Translation]

Technique Name [English Translation]

Technique Name [English Translation]


Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]

Bunshin no Jutsu [Clone Technique]

Kawarimi no Jutsu [Substitution Technique]

Kakuremino no Jutsu [Cloak of Invisibility Technique]

Nawanuke no Jutsu [Rope Escape Technique]




LOCKER COMBO: -- (General, character rules + Newbie guide)



✜ designed by catbug for use on naruto: fallen blades

last edit by fujioka kazuya on Jan 10, 2024 7:28:23 GMT -5
has written 0 posts
wgs stuffFeb 20, 2023 14:17:16 GMT -5
tantetsu tengen
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
tantetsu tengen Avatar
age birthday rank adv. genin occupation

"Nothing fancy, love." Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean a vehicula mi. Nulla eleifend elit ante, non imperdiet nunc mattis ac. Aenean vitae odio ac metus viverra efficitur. Fusce eget semper sapien. Cras hendrerit ullamcorper magna ut mollis. Ut vitae interdum urna. Aliquam scelerisque lorem et tempus consectetur. Morbi et est volutpat, porttitor libero id, viverra purus. Nullam non accumsan leo. Mauris iaculis dolor erat, quis aliquet tellus aliquam et. Maecenas sed lobortis neque.

Proin augue dolor, volutpat ut arcu et, ornare gravida felis. Mauris vitae suscipit urna. Fusce et tristique libero, quis varius metus. Aenean sed ligula dictum, volutpat massa at, laoreet odio. In quis varius mauris, vel sodales urna. Sed placerat metus viverra dolor dignissim fringilla. Quisque aliquet elit eget nunc egestas, condimentum tincidunt odio euismod. Donec at justo interdum, congue justo eget, egestas ex.

Sed at metus diam. Fusce elementum feugiat condimentum. Proin auctor nec mi mattis convallis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam pharetra et purus vitae volutpat. Ut consectetur velit vel sapien egestas, interdum convallis risus facilisis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed accumsan erat ac nisi finibus, dignissim tristique massa condimentum. Praesent in dapibus tellus. Curabitur at bibendum elit.



wgs has written 3 posts
wgs stuffFeb 24, 2023 18:12:49 GMT -5
itako noro
an eye for an eye makes the whole world go blind
itako noro Avatar
groupWaterfall Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday rank academy student occupation
itako, noro


NAME: noro itako

AGE: fourteen

GENDER: female

BIRTHDAY: april 8th

VILLAGE: takigakure

CLAN: dodomeki x

RANK: academy student

POSITION: student

OTHER ALIAS: Stumbling Deer - A tribal name she formerly possessed when younger, now excommunicated from the tribe, it is no longer in use.

HEIGHT: 170cm ~ 5 feet 7 inches

WEIGHT: 50kg ~ 110 pounds

"Stumbling Deer" was the name given to Noro in her coming of age ceremony, at age 11, in her clan. One look at the girl tells you why, her limbs are long and bony, from her face to her feet, she is emaciated. Her skin is a pale shade of brown, a deep set tan from many years unsheltered in the outer edges of Bonchi no Kuni. 

Her hair is frazzled and frayed, reaching down to her shoulders, a dark, muddy shade of brown, the only styling being whatever keeps it out of her eyes. Her eyes are a similar shade of brown, with her face possessing a few pronounced features, an air of illness comes from her, sunken cheeks, eyes sitting strangely in their sockets. 

The strangest feature about Noro are what she has inherited from her bloodline, eyes across her body. She possesses 3 extra eyes, one sitting beneath her shoulder blades in the middle of her back, and one on the back of each of her hands. They are identical to her normal eyes. 

While she is in the process of being naturalized as a Takigakure citizen, she still has a penchant for the garb of her people. Leather, feathers, animal hides and all sorts of material a hunter would gather adorns her outfits. Light and breathable is the main theme of what she wears, shorts of many colours and vests, shirts, sweaters of all sorts of splotched and stained appearances.

In terms of clothing, her most consistent and noticeable item is her headdress and mask. A traditional piece from her tribe, given to priestesses and seers, meant to mimic an animal (pictured below). Along with a white, stained, furry mane that reaches down to her midback.

NINDO: ;"An eye for an eye."

From an early age Noro has lived in a nomadic tribe, so a cornerstone of her being is self-sufficiency. She was taught to feed herself, gather, anything she'd need to survive. A lot of burden was also placed on her from a young age, the high expectations of those around her caused her to develop an unhealthy stigma around asking for help. It takes extremes for her to let her walls down and reveal she is in need of aid, in any capacity. 

Being free from a lot of societal expectations allowed her to develop without the restraints of anxiety, social fright or shyness. An air of confidence is carried around her, but not at the cost of respecting others with standard courtesy. She is confident in her own capabilities in various capacities, and any she doesn't feel capable in, she feels as if she can make herself well equipped for them regardless. 

While Noro might not be afraid to speak her mind, she is a sceptic by nature. The people she called family, she was ready to devote herself to, shipped her off for their own benefit, this has warped the young lady's mind for the worse. Intrapersonal relationships have been soured for her, so her interest in the necessary social dependencies for an adolescent is non-existent.

While to some extent Noro may possess a purpose, to thrive in her new environment to spite those who let go of her, to prove to herself and them that it was a mistake, she lacks real direction. She is ambivalent towards most distinct callings those her age may be developing, glory, duty, an ideal or philosophy. This has left her incredibly impressionable as she subconsciously desires a path to walk unquestioning. 


The father of Noro was a wanderer, a man without any attachments whom she has no real knowledge of. Before she was able to make conscious memories, she underwent the Dodomeki procedure to fit her with extra eyes. The purpose or idea behind this is hard to deduce, especially as afterwards she was almost hand delivered to a nomadic group of tribals out in the boonies of Bonchi no Kuni. 

Her deformity had happened to fit some sort of prophecy those in the tribe held in high regard, she was destined to be a seer who would help lead them to prosperity, so they took her in as one of her own. She had no direct adoptive father or mother, that sort of structure didn't exist, it was more of a "it takes a village to raise a child" approach. 

From a young age, as anyone in the tribe would, she was expected to handle many things herself in order to earn her keep. In this environment she thrived, she had more responsibilities than the other children due to her needing to perform and participate in rituals that were only possible due to them seeing her as special. 

While she continued to mature and grow, forming memories of hunting, gathering, making clothes, tanning hides, the general direction of the clan was negative. While the appearance of Noro was a promising one, they had not properly recorded the ways of tradition of their ancestors, so the former prosperity they experienced was not replicable to the current generation. 

This went from a steady decline to rapid after an illness struck the tribe, wiping out over half of them, most of them being those capable of protecting the tribe, making them easy pickings for nature and bandits alike. In an attempt to stem the bleeding, the tribe leader betrayed their tenets and priorities. 

Takigakure advertises to the non-shinobi villages and communities within Bonchi no Kuni that potential shinobis or those with niche or desirable skills will be paid to emigrate and become a working member of the village. After discussing with a liaison of the village and describing some of the clan members, the one who caught the liaison's attention was Noro. Unbeknownst to her clan, her Dodomeki bloodline was extremely rare and it was determined had an aptitude for Genjutsu based off of a meeting with her to verify the tribe head's claims.

So, the tribe allowed Takigakure to recruit the girl and took the reward for themselves, to use with merchants to help re-establish and stabilize. This tore the young girl apart and stripped her of a major part of her identity, leaving her with a great sense of betrayal. 

After an adjustment period, she was enrolled into the shinobi academy, just going with the motions, having no reason to rebel, she could try to forcibly leave, but she had no home, no people. While not exceptionally talented in anything, her ability to channel and direct chakra is at a very high quality, something she had been doing naturally unknowingly in clan rituals since a young age.

The specific patterns she is familiar with bare a striking resemblance to those that form Genjutsu, which is where her interest lies. For now, she is simply proceeding as directed and trying to occupy herself with learning and adjusting to Takigakure and the shinobi path while she tries to understand how she wants to proceed with life. 


Having experience capturing and killing animals has given Noro experience in what the feeling of hurting and being hurt is like in a practical setting. This is the extent of her combat experience, hand to hand or combat with another person is alien to her.

While she learns the fundamentals and translates her current knowledge she is learning how to implement jutsu and ninja tools on a basic level in order to create some sort of battle plan, which she imagines  will be more of a vanguard position for her eventually. 







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Chōmoku [Covered in Bird Eyes]  | Dodomeki

Before being orphaned at a young age, one of Noro's parents performed a partial Chōmoku upon her. The extra eyes being on the back of her two hands, as well as in the middle of her back, beneath her shoulder blades. She is able to use them as if they were her own eyes from birth, but not being raised around any Dodomeki means she is left to her own devices to figure out their true potential. 


Technique Name [English Translation]

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Technique Name [English Translation]

Technique Name [English Translation]

Technique Name [English Translation]


+ Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]
+ Bunshin no Jutsu [Clone Technique]
+ Kawarimi no Jutsu [Substitution Technique]



HOW'D YOU FIND US?: returning

LOCKER COMBO: -- (General, character rules + Newbie guide)

FACE CLAIM SERIES: princess mononoke

FACE CLAIM NAME: san [princess mononoke] 

✜ designed by catbug for use on naruto: fallen blades

last edit by itako noro on Dec 19, 2023 10:18:57 GMT -5
watergodsteven has written 24 posts
wgs stuffDec 12, 2023 15:21:30 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
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age birthday rank occupation
uchiha, takehiko


NAME: uchiha, takehiko

AGE: thirteen

GENDER: male

BIRTHDAY: feb 13, 1010    

VILLAGE: konoha

CLAN: uchiha [no kkg]

RANK: academy student




HEIGHT: 5'1, 155cm

WEIGHT: 110lbs, 40kg    

In spite of his height being average and his weight being only a notch below standard, physically Takehiko seems to shrunk away at any given moment. Shoulders rolled forward, chest down and a gaze often averting contact with others. His hair dark and curly, reaching his eyes if pulled down. This contrasts with his paler skin. 

His clothing lacks any sort of flair, in fact it shouts the opposite, do not look at me, do not notice me. The most inoffensive blend of black, grey, white and other plain tones. Takehiko has no set daily outfit as a shinobi in training, but a loose shirt with short sleeves, alongside some practical pants is a safe bet. 


NINDO: "Out of sight, out of mind"

The first thing you notice about Takehiko, is how hard he is to notice. Self-conditioned into being as socially invisible as possible. He possesses a self defeating attitude, one that wants to avoid the sensation of being perceived. Even 




Not only is Takehiko still a student, but even beforehand he was not groomed for the shinobi path, so his style is extremely unrefined. This coupled with his lack of ambition towards excelling as a shinobi, with it being more of a means to an ends for a better career path into researching, means he lacks any clear vision of how he would apply his natural aptitude for Fuuinjutsu in a combat setting.

The most likely applications he sees for himself are in supportive roles, restricting enemies and providing support for allies, but anything more specific than that eludes him currently. 







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Scholarly Mind

Takehiko's time spent not in the academy, but under tutelage of researchers and shinobi he has a different perspective on the shinobi arts from most. His time spent studying purely from a theoretical stance has allowed him to develop an understanding of shinobi arts beyond his years. 

While he isn't on par with a grown and seasoned scholar, who could detail all sorts of esoteric and foreign arts, he is excelling in this area for his age and experience level. He has a good macro understanding as well as micro understanding of the origin, application and restrictions of contemporary shinobi arts. 



Technique Name [English Translation]

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Technique Name [English Translation]

Technique Name [English Translation]

Technique Name [English Translation]


Technique Name [English Translation]

Technique Name [English Translation]

Technique Name [English Translation]


Bunshin no Jutsu [Clone Technique]

Kawarimi no Jutsu [Substitution Technique]

Kakuremino no Jutsu [Cloak of Invisibility Technique]



HOW'D YOU FIND US?: returning member

LOCKER COMBO: -- (General, character rules + Newbie guide)


FACE CLAIM NAME: sakusa kiyoomi

✜ designed by catbug for use on naruto: fallen blades

last edit by wwgs on Dec 15, 2023 13:29:14 GMT -5
has written 0 posts
wgs stuffDec 19, 2023 18:35:31 GMT -5
itako noro
an eye for an eye makes the whole world go blind
itako noro Avatar
groupWaterfall Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday rank academy student occupation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sagittis erat in odio ornare, in congue leo auctor. Suspendisse risus magna, dapibus eu ligula at, tincidunt vulputate leo. Curabitur suscipit hendrerit ligula at pretium. Suspendisse iaculis varius tortor, sagittis dictum felis tristique nec. Proin nisl neque, condimentum a nisi eu, lobortis rutrum ex. Fusce quis lorem nisi. Suspendisse nulla nibh, porta sed risus vitae, tempus vestibulum nibh. Fusce a suscipit nulla.

Fusce nisi ipsum, venenatis ut suscipit nec, maximus et magna. Phasellus a elit porta, dictum mauris at, aliquet enim. Donec semper felis orci, sit amet ornare ligula tristique nec. Cras consectetur iaculis tortor, sed pharetra orci lobortis nec. In erat tortor, rhoncus ac elementum mollis, tempor ac sem. Morbi eget enim sit amet tortor convallis pellentesque. Aenean convallis turpis id est facilisis vehicula. Aenean et enim ex. Sed eleifend venenatis faucibus. Donec in risus ut tellus convallis ultricies. Vestibulum mattis non mauris at gravida. Maecenas elementum faucibus est. Sed et neque vel ligula vulputate ultricies vitae vel erat.
watergodsteven has written 24 posts
wgs stuffJan 27, 2024 14:16:58 GMT -5
karamatta yuma
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NAME: karamatta yuma

AGE: nine

GENDER: female

DATE OF BIRTH: march 19th, 1014

VILLAGE: sunagakure

CLAN: karamatta x

RANK: academy student

POSITION: student


HEIGHT: 77cm ~ 2 feet 6 inches

WEIGHT: 14kg ~ 31 pounds

The most apparent part of Yuma's appearance is her height. It has been apparent for years now she would be tiny 

NINDO: "The best things in life come in small packages."










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Ketsugō Shita Kage [Conjoined Shadows] | Karamatta

Yuma has yet to reach the age of ten, which is when they undergo the ritual to be granted their Nuime, but she has the latent potential to utilise the hijutsu of her clan when the time comes.


Technique Name [English Translation]

Technique Name [English Translation]

Technique Name [English Translation]

Technique Name [English Translation]

Technique Name [English Translation]


+ Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]
+ Bunshin no Jutsu [Clone Technique]
+ Kawarimi no Jutsu [Substitution Technique]



HOW'D YOU FIND US?: returning

LOCKER COMBO: -- (General, character rules + Newbie guide)

FACE CLAIM SERIES: witch hat atelier


✜ designed by catbug for use on naruto: fallen blades

last edit by karamatta yuma on Jan 27, 2024 16:51:20 GMT -5
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wgs stuffMar 7, 2024 5:58:24 GMT -5
aeru anji
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aeru, anji
Crow of the Oasis, Shiande


NAME: aeru anji
AGE: twelve
GENDER: male
DATE OF BIRTH: may 19th, 1011
VILLAGE: sunagakure
CLAN: aiel x
RANK: academy student
OTHER ALIAS: Crow of the Oasis, Shiande - The name a fellow Aiel would use for him, Crow of the Oasis, of the Shiande tribe.

Born from mother Oasis Eternal, and father, Crow of the Dawn, his name is an amalgamation of the two.

HEIGHT: 155cm ~ 5 feet 1 inch
WEIGHT: 50kg ~ 110 pounds

The height and frame of Anji are textbook for his tribe. Taller than most, he stands straight, with a raised chin, strangely militant for a man his age to carry himself in such a way.

Broad is one of the first words that might come to mind when seeing the young man, his shoulders, waist and hips all set apart to a noticeable degree. 

The next physical features that catch eyes are the combination of pale white hair with skin that is a blend of olive and bronze, even when not exposed to the sun. The faded white hair of the youth stays no longer than a finger or two's length from his scalp, unkempt and messy at the best of times.

Generally, the features on his face are all quite sunken, when shadows are cast over his face they give an unsettlingly skeletal impression. His eyes are a deep set brown, his face overall being narrow and triangular. 

While he may run with the Aeru now, the garb choices of his tribe are still alive with the boy. Light, breathable, well-worn. Shades of brown, yellow, grey, anything that doesn't draw the eye in the desert. One could mistake his clothes for that of a farmhand or labourer. 

NINDO: "From a grain of sand in the pearl comes."

The boy that has been shaped thus far was defined by one event, the litmus test for compatibility with the clan's hijutsu. The previous generation of his tribe had none who could utilise the hijutsu, in the current generation there are only two. The three words to describe his tribe would be: traditional, militant and zealous.

This combination of circumstances has led to a child groomed for fighting on behalf of his tribe, his clan and his beliefs. At first one might mistake him for mature due to his vocabulary, tone and lack of rashness. In reality, he has developed an icy and impersonal mask that covers the scared, overwhelmed child beneath.

He displays fanatical belief in the tenets of his tribe, willingness to die for the cause, a belief in proving himself through battle. Despite his immaturity, the disconnect between himself and reality has caused him to become stoic, able to assess situations very impartially.

While he might be able to apply his logic to situations without allowing his emotions to hamper him, that logic is inherently flawed in non-combat orientated scenarios. He comes across as very strange, prickly, and bitter. 

One feature that does simmer to the surface from the repressed ticking timebomb beneath, is his desire for recognition and approval. Growing up, he knew his fate was to be taken by the Aeru clan, to do his tribe proud, to bring them glory through exploits not available to non-shinobi. This has led his sense of self-worth to be heavily tied to his shinobi performance and attitude, as well as the way he is treated by those he deems strong or superior.


The Shiande tribe, the smallest of the Aiel tribes, was once strong in blood, some of the most powerful Aiel were Shiande. Their numbers, their grip on the hijutsu, their power, had waned over many generations.

Today, they are shell of their former self. They suffer from a desperation to wedge themselves back into relevance, combined with their culture derived from an antiquated but vicious dedication to their religious beliefs. 

The first step towards regaining their former stature, in everyone's eyes, was Anji. He had remarkable physical features, a great bill of health, and most importantly, his aptitude for the hijutsu seemed bafflingly high. 

It was commonplace to use the Aeru sect of the Aiel clan to showcase your tribe's strength, your capability, being a shinobi opened yourself up to a lot more feats worthy of praise than staying with your tribe in the desert. 

Thus, the path was natural, groom Anji before he is of age to be sent of, drill in the tribe's ideals, make it clear he must meet expectations and use him to start a renaissance for the tribe. 

So many aspects, paths, even traits about Anji were decided before he even gained consciousness. 

His upbringing was rigorous, thorough and intense. Aiel childhoods were stranger than most, for an Aiel, even Anji's was considered strange. 

Constantly he would be trained, he would be told how to act, how to think, what his desires should be. If he showed thoughts that did not align with the tribe's desires, he got esoteric punishments that ranged from physical to psychological. 

There was a stick, but no carrot, no reward for meeting expectations, only punishment for failing to meet them. This approach showed dividends however, Anji fit the mould quickly.

He learned fast, out of necessity, the childishness drained from his demeanour at a young age, replaced with an icy, piercing gaze. He did not seek to play, he sought to train. He did not seek love, he sought victory. Or so it seemed.

Even to himself, Anji believes this facade is who he truly is. Maybe the lines have blurred to the point where that is true. But at the age of 9, in 1008, Anji was sent off to the Aeru compound in Sunagakure. While he officially dons the name Aeru, those within the clan who know him, know which tribe he hails from.

It's common place for non-Aeru born members to ask each other their tribes and such, but Anji wears his like a brand on his very own skin. 

In Sunagakure he has demonstrated a high degree of nationalism, to impress the nation would bring fortune upon his tribe after all. He is prickly, to Aeru and non-Aeru alike, not overly-aggressive socially, but his natural vocabulary and ideals concoct an unpleasant person to be around.

In the academy, the rigid structure, the ease of gaining and quantifying approval in the form of performance and the competition has allowed the young man to thrive, whether it is truly to his benefit or not however, remains to be seen. 


Anji was raised in a tribe that knew he would be shipped off to the Aeru, to become a shinobi. As this would be their first representation in Sunagakure in years, many of the elders wished to leave their imprint on the young boy. 

This has caused him to understand, as much as an academy student can, a wide variety of tactics and tools, as well as their applications. 

Thus he has developed a well rounded style, even while still in the academy. While the tools he will approach fighting with have not fully formed, it is clear he is meticulous, resourceful and unwavering.







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Sand Manipulation | Aiel Hijutsu

A strong affinity lays within Anji for the art of sand manipulation, possessing the latent ability to control it finely and in large quantities, relative to his chakra control and capacity. 


Technique Name [English Translation]

Technique Name [English Translation]

Technique Name [English Translation]

Technique Name [English Translation]

Technique Name [English Translation]


+ Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]
+ Bunshin no Jutsu [Clone Technique]
+ Kawarimi no Jutsu [Substitution Technique]



HOW'D YOU FIND US?: returning

LOCKER COMBO: -- (General, character rules + Newbie guide)

FACE CLAIM SERIES: angel's egg


✜ designed by catbug for use on naruto: fallen blades

last edit by aeru anji on Mar 7, 2024 9:40:04 GMT -5
has written 1 posts
wgs stuffMar 10, 2024 10:15:08 GMT -5
aeru anji
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groupSand Shinobi
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