Precious Cargo[B-Rank Mission]

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Precious Cargo[B-Rank Mission]Jan 17, 2022 10:46:05 GMT -5
Senju Miho
The Next Chapter.....No Spoilers Please
Senju Miho Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 21 years old birthday April 21st rank SP. Jounin occupation Medical Corps Head
Precious Cargo

The battle was over, and while Miho was indeed prepared for more, it looked as though she had more than handled the situation and the path was once again clear. Still, it was a bit horrific to imagine how quickly she had turned the field into a smoldering area of ash and crimson threads. The charred bodies were scattered and those smart enough to realize the danger had begun a hasty retreat, despite the promise to their now departed employer. It was indeed now assured that their journey should be without any further issue.

As Kazuto mention how hard she had fought, the young woman would release a breath as she seemed to work toward restraining herself, her hands resting at her side as she closed her eyes.

"Perhaps too much...Did you get enough"

In that moment, Miho would find herself growing a bit faint, her body leaning to the side as she her drew closed and a soft breath escaped her lips. Her legs seemed to give out from beneath her, her vision becoming blurred. Overexertion was always a concern when you were indeed burning the candle from both ends. Miho was not only tending to her own needs, but that of the lives that lived inside her, still growing. While she may have been in good health, that did not provide her with an excuse to push herself as much as she had.

Her efforts, amazing as they were, had indeed pushed her past a point that would at one time been nothing.

-Jutsu Used-

-S.A Used-
Samurai Legacy
The Adachi clan was a prominent group of samurai that were established within Tetsu no Kuni(The Land of Iron), before the group transferred a select few to the Hidden Leaf Village as to their alliance to Konohagakure. These traits have been ingrained into the girl very soul as she carries their blood within her. As such, along with the training she received from her father and those in the clan, Miho has developed enhanced reflexes. This allows her to react much more quickly in combat, better enabling her to avoid dangerous situations and defend herself almost instantaneously than normal.

Enhanced Chakra Control
Training within the land of Snakes has given more than just experience in Senjutsu, it as also taught her precise control over her chakra and it's supply available to her in exact moments of need. Though she never fully mastered Senjutsu, her ability to control and execute techniques with limited resources have proven to display an understanding of control over her own supply of internal energy and granted her the ability to make each strike count, knowing full well that it might be her last attempt at making an impact against a pressing opponent.

-Tools Used-
x Miho's Gear

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Kaze has written 1,305 posts
Precious Cargo[B-Rank Mission]Jan 18, 2022 1:01:05 GMT -5
Senju Kazuto
No Remorse, No Fear!
Senju Kazuto Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 25 years old birthday 03/20 rank Jōnin occupation ANBU Captain

Kazuto opened his mouth, the words in response forming in his mind only to die in his throat as he saw her flicker, the strength that had been there fading away like the dying died of a candle leaving only ambers, her words stammering as she lost her step and he reached for her, cradling his wife in his arms and guiding her to rest her weight against him, kneeling as his eyes would go through any obvious wound, any injury that might have weakened but he found nothing besmirching the flawlessness of her skin, eyes that had widened with worry slowly narrowed and settled on her face, fingers pushing away the locks of hair as a smile appeared.

"No... Not enough." He said with a chuckle admitting that he felt exertion upon his body. Part of him screaming to take a rest and settle down, but otherwise strong enough to at the very least do this. "You know me, I'm too stubborn for my own good." The Senju replied as he still held the smile and cradled her in his arms, allowing her to gather herself before raising to his feet and moving towards the wagon, the last of his clones standing vigil and hurrying to give him a hand before he shook his head, deciding that he was enough at least for this.

"You did splendidly Miho." He said in a more serious tone, saying this perhaps more for her than to reassure himself, recognizing her strength, telling her that she was more than just a mere damsel he had to protect. She had grown strong, she had fought even when her pregnancy left her a toll in which there would be a backlash in her energy as their children grew within her. "I think... No. I think you deserve to be promoted to Tokubetsu Jonin... But for now." He said as he entered the wagon from a side entrance, and gently placing on the same spot her had used to rest as little as he could, the eyes of the occupants following the shinobi couple. He leaned forward and held her face within his hands and spoke in a whispering tone. "You rest, love, for our children have seen too much exhilaration."








Harukei has written 2,174 posts
Precious Cargo[B-Rank Mission]Jan 18, 2022 1:31:32 GMT -5
Senju Miho
The Next Chapter.....No Spoilers Please
Senju Miho Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 21 years old birthday April 21st rank SP. Jounin occupation Medical Corps Head
The darkness of the world seemed to renew with light as she felt herself almost weightless. As she opened her eyes, she'd see Kazuto holding her, his arms cradling her frame as she found herself looking at him with a calm expression. As she heard him, her smile seemed to return as she eased back onto her feet with his support.

"I think we both fit that description...I did not imagine that they would take that much of a toll on me..."

It was true. She had not seen or heard any record of this before within her family. But then again, she had not known anyone in her clan to have children with a Senju. Or perhaps it was simply her own body struggling to balance chakra between three individuals, no matter how small two might be. As they returned to the wagon, their path now clear, it seemed as though the road ahead would at least allow for some peace. If anything, her display had been enough to deter further attacks, and their client was more than pleased with such news. As they rested within the wagon, listening to him speak to his workers, Miho would rest her head briefly against the back of the cart, looking at Kazuto as spoke.

Perhaps it should not have felt as though it mattered so much. In truth, he recognized her strength in almost every way at times, at least in a way to assure her. But in this moment, it felt different. She knew that her husband was strong, and that he often had to protect others and even her. But in that moment, when it came to her to do the same, she had. Hearing him truly recognize her for it was more than she could ask for, and in a did help to vindicate her from a lingering doubt that had concerned her for some time. Though she was surprised to hear him state that she might very well be ready for a promotion, prompting her to blink as she looked at him.

"Really? Heh heh...I almost hope so...I would celebrate more but in truth...I do not think I have the energy..."

Her grin would flash in his direction as she felt his hands against her face, allowing her to rest against him as he said that she should. In closing her eyes, her hands rested upon her lap, the young woman would finally allow herself a moment to breath and sleep. Perhaps for the first time in a long time....freely and without doubts...

Kaze has written 1,305 posts