Sanemi Personal Technique

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Sanemi Personal Technique Oct 31, 2021 15:44:54 GMT -5
Shinomasu Kuro
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
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Masahiro only
NAME: Dai Enkai [Great Flame Commandment]


CHAKRA USAGE: High/Very High/Colossal/Exhaustive 




  • Dense Chakra SA
  • Chakra Reserves SA
  • Buki no Tairyō Tōei [Mass Projection of Weapons]
  • Buki no Funka [Weapon Eruption]
  • Buki no Tenka [Weapon Ignition]
  • Masahiro Hijutsu 

The masterpiece of one Sanemi Masahiro, created in pursuit of the perfection of the Masahiro clans Hijutsu. To him, it is unmatched in power and scale among the clans arsenal, and has proven his superiority and cemented his place as the clans strongest. It is the amalgamation of everything he has learned about the art of Weapon Projection, taking the ideas and concepts of several individual techniques and combining them into one of monstrous, unreasonable power.

This technique requires enormous amounts of the Masahiro's signature dense chakra, and the application of handseals. While utilizing this technique the users chakra will be released around them, imparting a physical pressure that can deal slight damage to their surroundings. As the user preforms the required handseals the Chakra will began to grow hotter and hotter as the weapons that up this technique are projected. Depending on the number of handseals done, the amount of weapons projected can increase. When the final handseal in the chain is released the users chakra will be deployed. This creates a cacophony of exploding flames in various directions, launching the projected weapons at a incredible and terrifying velocity. Upon impact with any physical or chakra obstacle, they explode into fiery rubble, causing immeasurable destruction.

Three Seals (High):  The most basic, yet fastest to preform, version of Dai Enkai. This creates five projections, to be launched in any direction the user wishes.

Seven Seals (Very High): Futhering the amount of chakra used, a array of 20 projections can be created to be launched at the users discretion. The intended use of this version is to destroy groups of enemies, such as a collection of Shinobi Ops Teams.

Twelve Seals ( Colossal): At this point, the amount of chakra used is dizzying. Creating a massive sixty projections, this version can level an entire Fortress. Due to the amount of chakra used, the user must rest for a entire day before any techniques above D-rank can be used. 

Nineteen Seals  (Colossal): An explosion of firepower, the penultimate use of this technique creates 100 projections. This technique can blow a hole through a mountain or level a city block. After use the user will have difficuly moving and requires a significant period of rest.

Twenty Seven Seals (Exhaustive): The ultimate version of Dai Enkai. Hundreds of projections are created, enough to destroy a army or possibly even a shinobi village. The chakra used to power this technique will drain the users reserves dry, to the point that they will die after use if they do not receive immediate medical attention.

last edit by Shinomasu Kuro on Oct 31, 2021 17:24:03 GMT -5
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Sanemi Personal Technique Oct 31, 2021 17:13:51 GMT -5
Shinomasu Kuro
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Shinomasu Kuro Avatar
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To reviewers; I have the permission of snake to use Amaterasu technique, the character it was made for was never finished, and make changes to it to fit another character as I have done here. Most of the changes made are purely thematic, and the mechanics are largely the same. I can provide a screenshot of the exchange if need be
last edit by Shinomasu Kuro on Oct 31, 2021 19:00:36 GMT -5
has written 0 posts
Sanemi Personal Technique Nov 1, 2021 19:45:22 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Han Avatar
groupGlobal Moderator
age 31 years old birthday January 30th rank occupation
This jutsu needs to be separated into approximately five different techniques.

Whilst they can belong to the same 'family' or 'branch' of katon ninjutsu. As it is right now, it's not feasible for an S-Rank to vary this much in power, and moreover start at only three hand seals as most S-Ranks especially ninjutsu and fuuinjutsu would have a substantial amount more.
Han has written 492 posts