Sourei Kiyoshi | Kiri | Sp. Jōnin | Bodyguard

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Sourei Kiyoshi | Kiri | Sp. Jōnin | BodyguardFeb 16, 2022 10:47:31 GMT -5
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Sourei Kiyoshi


NAME: Sourei Kiyoshi
AGE: 18
BIRTHDAY: September 1st
VILLAGE: Kirigakure no Sato
CLAN: Sourei
RANK: Tokubetsu Jonin
POSITION: Mizukage’s Bodyguard
OTHER ALIAS: Kiyo [Close Friends/Family] - A nickname originally given to him by his childhood crush, Kiyoshi never truly enjoyed it, but after the girl’s passing he began to embrace it with all of his heart, even going as far as mistakenly referring to himself as such when greeting new people.

The Fleeting Spirit of the Mist [Intercontinental] - A moniker given to Kiyoshi originally by a small village he had helped years ago, it quickly began to spread as his renown continued to grow. Due to the mastery of his clan’s kekkei genkai as well as his proficiency utilizing the body flicker technique, the boy gives off the impression of being a spirit who is there in one moment, and is gone in the next.


HEIGHT: 6’0” | 183cm
WEIGHT: 185lbs | 84 kg

Kiyoshi’s appearance is somewhat typical for a guy his age, he doesn’t stand too terribly tall and he isn’t a brute nor is he a twig of a man. His frame is more or less average, however his build is what truly makes him stand out from the average joe. Despite having a thinner frame than most, Kiyoshi’s muscles are compact giving the impression that he may be some sort of weight trainer or some super athlete, though that just isn’t the case, the boy can thank his years of bukijutsu training for that. Numerous scars, much like an artist’s paintings, display the vivid tales of past encounters - pain that he’d love to forget but is unable to truly escape from.

Calm hazel eyes and vivid red hair often makes him stand out compared to those with more neutral tones such as the common black or white hair, and dark eyes. Peering into those orbs of light brown will often lead one towards a strong unwavering soul, one that exuberates a ton of confidence and conviction behind the boy’s somewhat somber demeanor.

When it comes to his attire, Kiyoshi often wears a black turtleneck shirt with thin silver linings running vertically across the cloth. Over this layer, Kiyo tends to wear a leather shoulder plate and arm sleeve with a white cloak usually draped over his shoulders. Normally, only one of his arms is exposed while the other is covered by said sleeve, though it’s not uncommon to see him with either side sleeved or exposed. Around his waist, the jonin typically wears an old brown leathered belt that wraps over his shoulders and across his back as well. Black and red tape is often worn around his wrist as well as small metal cuffs that serve little use to him outside of aesthetics. His ears are adorned with diamond earrings as well, and to finish it all off Kiyoshi wears his Kirigakure headband proudly across his forehead.


NINDO: "Those who make the most of their time, are the ones who are ahead of it.”

Despite being so young, Kiyoshi has seen his fair share of bad…there hasn’t been much good, if any, that could help alleviate the struggle, but to him that’s just how the dice rolls. From losing his parents horrifically, to having his closest friends betray him, it’s safe to say that Kiyo hasn’t had the best of luck so one can only assume he is a product of his environment.

An intelligent being with a soft spoken nature, when Kiyo talks people tend to listen. His confidence only aids in everything he does, he’s a smooth guy who normally doesn’t have a lot to say. Neutral to the world as it is, he doesn’t pick sides if there is no need to do so. He treats everyone as he would like to be treated - left alone for the most part with little to no interest in the business of those nearby. Despite this fact, Kiyoshi is still very much a team player and even works flawlessly with others if given enough time.

Deep down beneath his stoicism and year-round mean-mugging, there beats a heart of gold that cares deeply not only of those he truly enjoys being around, but for Kirigakure as whole as well. It may be hard to tell by his actions as he can sometimes come off as brash or rude to those who drain his patience low, but nonetheless his heart belongs to those whom he remains loyal to.

Kiyoshi lives a true shinobi life, his time and energy is often dedicated solely to his craft and he doesn’t complain about it in the slightest, nor does he share the same childish dreams as some others, hoping to unify a world that has never known unity - instead he relishes what he is and has wholeheartedly accepted the fact. Though, at the end of the day there is always the desire for complete normalcy - away from being a weapon at the village’s disposal.


Kiyoshi was born on a stormy September night within the borders of Mizu no Kuni, just north of Kirigakure to his mother Sourei Chiyo and his father Sourei Toshi - years after the two had defected from Kirigakure and sided with the daimyo. Perhaps it wasn’t the best idea to bring a child into the world while tension was so high, yet they did it regardless and ultimately this decision had a great impact on Kiyoshi’s childhood.

Growing up, the boy’s parents were extremely strict, Kiyoshi was never given the chance to play, relax, or enjoy the youth he had like most other kids. Instead, the boy was brought up and raised to have a warring mindset and the skill to defend himself though this wasn’t uncommon to him at the time, as any other child who may have been around his age was being taught how to defend themselves as well. The boy had no clue of what he was born into and what was brewing beneath the surface of the place he called home.

His training lasted for years on end, but by the time he reached the age of 7, Kiyoshi was clear as to why everyone was so hell bent on training the shinobi arts. News spread like wildfire that the Mizukage had been assassinated, and at first this brought about great news and joy amongst the adults and those who were aware of the situation, however their happiness was soon converted into pain and grief as Kirigakure’s hand had been forced. In the coming weeks, the boy watched as his loved ones were slain before his eyes. All of the preparation that he endured had no carryover and was utterly useless when conflict turned into war. Almost as if he hadn’t learned anything, all that Kiyoshi could do was hide and watch as numerous battles waged on and the rivers of blood continued to flow.

After his father was slain in battle, Chiyo took Kiyoshi and ran off to a small town where she believed they would be safe until the battles passed over. They hid in a small shack for a total of five days before the area transitioned into a battlefield. The haunting sounds of screams, pleas of mercy, and crying echoed throughout the shack for hours on end, but like always, silence was the only thing that came afterwards. Chiyo comforted her child during this time, that was until they were eventually discovered. Loud knocks and arrogant shouting shook the foundation of the shack, and of course Kiyoshi was more or less forced to hide. After receiving a kiss on the forehead from his mother the boy hid as best as he could, watching as his mother fought and begged for her life. No mercy was shown however, and this burned a sense of hatred into Kiyoshi’s mind as he watched the man walk through his mother’s blood. Memorizing the attacker's face, the boy vowed he would make the man beg for his life one day, but for the time being he would cry until he couldn’t cry anymore.

By the time Kiyoshi reached the age of 9, he had already buried everyone he had ever truly known - from his mother and father, to the girl he had developed feelings for, his entire world was taken from him and all he could do was pray that he be taken next. Unfortunately, that day never came. Despite being so young, Kiyoshi had grown cold-hearted and was torn apart by the things he experienced, very much so that when the Daimyo ordered all of his forces to seize Kirigakure - the boy had recklessly followed behind those such as Kobashi and was ready to die there on the battlefield.

Willing to give his life for the honor of those he lost, Kiyoshi never got the chance to do so. Upon arriving at the place he had known as Kirigakure, their forces were ordered to surrender, and this left the boy empty and even angrier than before. Seeing the face of the man who had murdered his mother amongst the Kirigakure forces before him, Kiyoshi would rush forward, blade in hand before one of his allies snatched him up by the collar. "Let me go! Let me kill the bastard!” He cried out at the top of his lungs with tears welling behind his eyes, however despite his scrappiness, Kiyoshi was handcuffed and taken into custody along with the rest of the Daimyo’s troops - seeing the inside of Kirigakure for the first time in his life.

Upon being released, there was a strange sense that Kiyoshi felt everywhere he had gone. He found it incredibly difficult to integrate into Kirigakure’s society, though he ultimately got in the hang of it. By the age of ten, the boy had been enrolled into the academy where he began to meet others from clans he didn’t even know existed before. Nevertheless, he took his studies seriously as he knew that if he wanted to turn his dreams into reality then he would first need to excel in the academy - which he did even after the sanbi rampaged through the village, nothing was able to stop him from focusing on the goal at hand. Graduating from the academy at the age of eleven, Kiyoshi proudly became a genin of the mist despite everything he had gone through, though it was probably best not to draw any unnecessary attention to himself as most people still shot him disgusting glares from time to time just for being a Sourei.

He was a genin for approximately five years, taking on mission after mission to build his track record and experience. There was no mission too big or too small for Kiyoshi, he wanted as much experience as he could possibly get. Trust was slowly gained over time which ultimately led to him being a part of numerous operations for Kirigakure which in turn led to his promotion to chunin, rather than going to the chunin exams.

Upon becoming a chunin, Kiyoshi decided it was finally time. Searching all over the village for one particular person, even asking around for the guy, he was ready to enact revenge - but upon speaking to one of the elders, it seemed as if the man had perished during the sanbi attack many years ago. The news was disheartening enough to bring Kiyoshi to his hands and knees in tears as he wasn’t able to defend his late mother’s honor.

Only fate knows what would have happened if the man remained alive, fortunately however for Kiyoshi’s own benefit, he wasn’t. It took years for the boy to get over it and heal, for a moment he even held a grudge against those who held him back when he was younger, but ultimately found that he was simply just being childish. There was nothing he could do about it now, so what was the point?

As a Chunin however, this is where Kiyoshi truly made a name for himself not only as a shinobi, but as a staple of Kirigakure. He had been on a hot streak, having successfully completed close to a hundred missions without failing a single one of them. This opened the eyes of those around him and was the main deciding factor to him being promoted to Special Jōnin, and being assigned as the Mizukage’s bodyguard at the age of 18.


Kiyoshi’s fighting style consists of numerous avenues, but the most common one that he lives and dies by is the way of the blade. Being born and raised as a true Kirigakure child, Kiyoshi was taught kenjutsu since he first learned to walk and talk - so of course overtime it has become his bread and butter, rarely wanting to deviate from it. Despite the fact that kenjutsu is his specialty, the boy also has a plethora of ninjutsu at his disposal just in case his style of fighting becomes a bit predictable or complacent.

During battles, Kiyoshi remains calm and collected but can easily get heated if his feelings are rubbed the wrong way or if something traumatic happens. Nevertheless, he likes to analyze his opponents as the fight goes on, so he is typically the one who tries to dictate the flow of battle by being the first to strike.

Overall, Kiyoshi is a very brave soul who no longer fears death. He never runs away from a battle and will fight to his last breath, the same way his parents did. He is not the type to cower in fear, he’d accept the presence of death, whenever he comes knocking at Kiyoshi’s door.




  • x | Raijin Ken [God of Lightning Sword]
  • x | Standard Katana
  • 10 | Kunai
  • 10 | Shuriken
  • 10 | Wakibishi
  • 25m | Ninja Wire
  • 02 | Fuma Shuriken (sealed)
  • 03 | Small Scrolls


Density Manipulation:
Since a young child, Kiyoshi has had the ability to pass through objects or make himself immovable. Of course as a child he never knew how or what the ability was or how he even got it, let alone know how to utilize and master the technique. As he began to grow older, his bloodline abilities began to become almost second nature to him, almost activating itself on its own accord in dire situations. The guy has mastered the ability to manipulate his density in ways most members of his clan could only dream of.

The Demon Swordsman:
Ever since Kiyoshi was a child, he was blessed with the ability of being a natural born combatant. His perception is sharp as well as his way with the blade. Her swings are as quick as lightning with surgical precision, accuracy, and power. The boy is capable of throwing a fury of attacks within a blink of an eye, and can even pull an attack in a moment's notice, stopping his blade on command. Even the most common and weak blades have an added degree of lethality when it's in his hands, regardless of size he wields all blades with ease. This mastery also allows Kiyo to wield a sword with either of his hands.

Body Flicker Magician:
Dubbed one of his signature jutsu, studying the technique thoroughly in and out over the course of several years has given the boy a newly found mastery over it. Skillful timing and without the need for hand sealing allows Kiyo to create great confusion amongst a battlefield. Shortly after utilizing the technique, there is often an afterimage left behind - usually giving the guy ample enough time to strike his opponent down before they realize just what is going on. Referring to it as the "true flicker”, Kiyoshi is capable of leaving behind multiple afterimages giving off the impression that he used the technique multiple times in rapid succession but that isn’t the case.

Chakra Control:
Having always been mindful of his chakra, Kiyoshi has mastered the art of utilizing the bare minimum of chakra needed for a technique to be utilized to its full extent. While others who may have been blessed with larger reserves are able to be wasteful when it comes to their own. This allows the boy to fight for extended periods of time before exhaustion comes into play.



Ittoryu: Kiretsu [One Sword Style: Crack]

Nami Sāfin [Wave Surfin’]
Chinkonka no shizukesa | 鎮魂歌の静けさ [Requiem's stillness]
Raiton: Jibashi [Lightning Release: Electromagnetic Murder]
Raiton: Gian [Lightning Release: False Darkness]
Saaberu no Jutsu - [Sabre Technique]
Kiri Kankaku kōtingu [Mist Sensory Coating]

Suirou no Jutsu - [Water Prison Technique]
Takitsubo no Jutsu - [Waterfall Basin Technique]
Bulbun Yō tsukuru Mukei [Partial To Make Intangible]
Bulbun Yō tsukuru Kōkyū [Partial To Make Enduring]
Kasoku Suru [Accelerate]
Gensoku Suru [Decelerate]
Hikin Fuinjutsu - [Generic Sealing Technique]
Mimi Unga Satsujin [Ear Canal Killer]

Kirigakure no Jutsu - [Hidden Mist Technique]
Yō tsukuru Kōkyū [To Make Enduring]
Yō tsukuru Mukei [To Make Intangible]
Kinobori no Waza [Act of Tree Climbing]
Suimen Hokou no Waza [Act of Water Surface Walking]
Shunshin no Jutsu [Body Flicker Technique]


Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]

Bunshin no Jutsu [Clone Technique]

Kawarimi no Jutsu [Substitution Technique]

Kakuremino no Jutsu [Cloak of Invisibility Technique]

Nawanuke no Jutsu [Rope Escape Technique]


CHAT NAME: Yams or Yamori

✜ designed by catbug for use on naruto: fallen blades

last edit by Deleted on May 12, 2022 15:45:27 GMT -5
has written 0 posts
Sourei Kiyoshi | Kiri | Sp. Jōnin | BodyguardApr 27, 2022 5:29:50 GMT -5
farewell, good hunter. may you find your worth in the waking world.
age twenty-seven years old birthday nov 10 rank legendary sannin occupation bad bitch
A new Yamori original!!

The Demon Swordsman: This SA is doing a lot: speed, perception, Improved Sword Use, and ambidexerity with swords all rolled into one. Please tone down the language regarding his increased speed and perceptive/reflexive abilities; though I like the flavor of the SA name, it should be clear that this is a general kenjutsu SA. Ambidexterity with swords can be rolled into this, with the understanding that it would mean Kiyo wouldn't be as effective with his swords as someone with just a dedicated kenjutsu SA--especially sacrificing extreme proficiency with one hand in order to be very, very competent with both hands.

Body Flicker Magician: I like this SA a lot, but I'm wary of reducing the handseal requirement for the Body Flicker tech from 1 to 0. Typically only taijutsu and bukijutsu techniques (and some genjutsu iirc) have handseal requirements waived, and as Body Flicker is still fundamentally a ninjutsu tech, even someone vastly proficient in it would presumably need a medium through which to mold their chakra--which is the point of the handseal. The tech also requires that the handseal be held for the duration of the technique, so removing the handseal requirement greatly impacts how the jutsu is used. I think a comfy middle ground would be that Kiyo is able to form the handseal for Body Flicker one-handed, which would allow him to use the tech with a sword in hand (which is the point of the SA, I'd imagine). This allows for greater flexibility and proficiency with the tech while still maintaining the balance of the jutsu itself.

Jutsu: I'm counting 20 E-B ranks and 1 A rank. You can also take 1 free C rank buki tech since buki is your primary spec.
- Chinkonka no shizukesa: not featured on the buki index page, please include the correct link to the tech.
- Hikin fuinjutsu: incorrect link, please link to the fuin index!
- Suimen Hokou no Waza: looks like ur code broke a lil at the end here

I'm not 100% on if you're able to take Kuuki Kata [Air Form], as it is partially classified as a taijutsu tech; as a sp. jounin, B-ranks have to fall under your primary or secondary spec. You can leave it for now as I'm consulting w/ other staff on the matter for clarification, but didn't want to make you wait for the rest of the review in the meantime!

Normally I'd be reticent to approve a new character since you haven't posted on Midori at all in the month of April, but given that she's pending a significant RP position change for plot purposes and you've been active on both Koume and Kazui, I think it's ok in this circumstance.
last edit by TACTICIAN on Apr 27, 2022 5:46:09 GMT -5
owochimawu has written 70 posts