About That Date [Koncho]

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About That Date [Koncho]Mar 8, 2022 3:39:51 GMT -5
Uchiha Tokaku
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Uchiha Tokaku Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday rank Adv. Genin occupation Genin Team Member

Tokaku was alive. That much was clear. She was glad she made the right choice in the end to sacrifice herself for the sake of the mission. However, since she was alive that meant she had to keep a Iwagakure no Sato shinobi, one Chizawa Koncho to his word, as she herself was a woman of her word. He said he owed her a date if she lived, so here she was walking next to the shorter boy as she walked around with him throughout town. They had some time off before the next exam round so this was the best time as ever to go on a date. She wasn't wearing her shinobi attire this time.

Sporting a nice yellow crop top and blue short shorts, thus showing her flawless skin. She wore a little bit of make-up, using a more natural look, but all of that added together would make a lot of people turn their heads upon gazing at her. However, she didn't say much for the moment due to the awkwardness of going out with a lesser shinobi from a third rate village such as Iwagakure. To her, they were all scumbags and deserved to be annexed by a greater county, her own Hi no Kuni. But she would keep her word as he did. She wasn't even sure what to say to him, being silent.

"So… Uh. Mmmm. Do you see any place that looks good, Chizawa-kun? I'm letting you choose." Tokaku finally said, looking at him for the first real time since they left the dorms to wander.



Tag: @

Weapons Used:


Sharingan [1 Tomoe]
The girl unlocked her Sharingan after teammates died in the last chuunin exams she was in, her mother died after the chuunin exams ended. The trauma has given her One Tomoe in both of her eyes. They allow her to see chakra in color, although not as good as a Byakugan. It also gives her a better view of the actions of her opponent, although not as good as a Two or Three Tomoe Sharingan. It can help her keep track of movements well enough to aid her in combat, nonetheless.

Chakra Control
Tokaku always had good chakra control and only perfected it as she’s now gotten older. It helps her keep up with the toll of jutsus, by using almost just the right amount of chakra.

Jutsu Used:

Ember has written 187 posts
About That Date [Koncho]Mar 8, 2022 10:24:47 GMT -5
Konshō Chizawa
Konshō Chizawa Avatar
age 15 years old birthday 01-01 rank Genin occupation
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notes go here! they look best at two lines but you can go wild if you want since they start to scroll~



Unbenounced to Konsho, this event would be very different to what he was imagining. He was unaware of the social expectations that came with treating someone to dinner. To Konsho he was using the money he didn't use to pay someone back. It was the least he could do given she was ready to die for the team.
So when he showed up in his usual attire- black t shirt, pants, and a white cloak- he found himself somehow a mix of over and under dressed. At first he couldn't help but notice how beautiful Tokaku was. It was interesting how much more time you had to admire someone when not under threat of death.
Shaking his head, and using his cloak to obscure a small blush, Konsho refocused himself. Pay your debts. Konsho would lead the two to a fairly popular resuraunt in this strange capital. "Yes. It's a large sea food restaurant. I had to call ahead do to how popular it is. I know it's high quality though." Chizawa-kun. That was new. Most names given to him were not very respectful. "And please, call me Konsho."


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last edit by Konshō Chizawa on Mar 10, 2022 9:52:47 GMT -5
Belac has written 366 posts
About That Date [Koncho]Mar 15, 2022 19:51:44 GMT -5
Okada Taki
I'm an Okada First and a Shinobi Second
Okada Taki Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday November 7th rank Jounin occupation Sage

Taki "Bakudan" Okada

A loser like you ain't got no guts!

As Round 2 came to an end the girl made her way around the grounds she had a good amount on her mind, she had just finished having a conversation with Kasumi but something had been at the back of her mind the entire time, ever since she’d seen Konsho lying on his hospital bed after the end of the rounds. He was fine and didn’t seem to kick the bucket in round 1 which was a sigh of relief, next to Kasumi he was the one person she worried about the most they’d been through a lot together and while he might not’ve picked up on things like she did. His mother made sure to let Taki know to watch out for him even if he was old enough to take care of himself.

But today was not one of those days! Today Taki was on her own ready to go and try some of the local eats and play tourist for a bit sure there were Konoha scum to crush but everyone needed a little RnR right? The girl made her way down the roads salivating at all the flat roads and rails around how she desperately wish she’d brought her skateboard with her since these would be some nice lines to shred.

But for now she’d have to settle to just jamming out to her cassette player listening to her usual tunes shaking her head and jamming out in the streets as she enjoyed the day. But as he turned a corner she’d spot something was that Konsho…? With that Bimbo from Konoha…? No it couldn’t be. Spotting them out of the corner of her eye the youth would follow along just to see exactly what it was they were doing together.





House of Fire

During Taki's training she learns that she has a significant amount of energy and after graduating to the rank of genin she began to learn how to properly make use of them under the tutelage of Midori Chizawa. As a result the girl is now able to perform a bevy of powerful techniques for longer periods of time without tiring as quickly as others.

[Heavyweight: Super Strength SA]

With the rigorous training that Taki's now able to throw down with the best of them boasting monstrous strength fitting for her professional wrestling background, having combined that with the training she performed at the academy has now made her able to performs ridiculous feats such as being able to crush stones in her grip causing concussions and snap bones with her powerful strikes and holds. Taki has also increased the amount of weight she is able to lift by a massive margin in a way that makes her an even more fearsome taijutsu practitioner than before.

[Wrestling Genius]

As a result of her training, and advancements as a genin. Taki's grappling ability has increased even further making her wrestling based techniques far more difficult to deal with and escape from. As a result, her slams, holds, submissions and suplex's are far more damaging and harder to escape from then that of a genin who is not trained in these particular abilities.

deltra of gangnam style
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