Jou's New Bestfriend (Enyo)

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Jou's New Bestfriend (Enyo)Mar 30, 2022 15:12:30 GMT -5
Himishi Jou
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age 18 years old birthday June 12 rank Adv. Genin occupation
It has been a day since the second fights in the Chunin Exams have concluded. There was only one more round left and Jou did not seem all that concerned. In fact, Jou did not seem as depressed as previously, even cracking a small smile as he traveled into the town, planning to buy various ingredients to cook up something.

This surge of confidence did not come from Jou winning his previous match, but from what he gained from it...a better understanding of himself. There was still some tension on how he was going to perform in the final fight, but mostly, Jou felt as if a large baggage had been lifted off of his shoulders. He had Ichi to thank for that. Jou pondered on if he should cook up something for the Kusa genin as a token of gratitude...but of course, Jou was not even certain of what he would like so Jou didn't even know what to make. Hell, he didn't know what he was going to cook in general. He was planning to buy various ingredients for various dishes, not that the young Himishi minded since he would find any excuse to cook.

Before heading to any food stands or markets, Jou stopped and took a folded-up piece of paper from out of his pocket before unfolding it, revealing a lengthy list. "Okay...Where to first?" he muttered to himself, that small smile still on his features.

[REDACTED] has written 254 posts
Jou's New Bestfriend (Enyo)Mar 31, 2022 16:11:21 GMT -5
Kuronmeru Enyo
"My blood runs thicker than yours."
Kuronmeru Enyo Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday January 13, 1009 rank Genin occupation Genin Team 1
blood as black as the ocean
The chunin exams were actually quite exciting, the food was interesting and there was plenty to do if one didn't want to watch the chunin wannabes beat each other up. Some of the battles were horribly disappointing, Enyo had wanted more bloodletting. There was simply not enough of that. Also all of the friendships, it was nauseating, he wasn't here for inspirational speeches and all that. Why weren't the contestants more bloodthirsty? Truly a disappointment. Even Taru - though expected - wasn't doing that well. She had failed twice now to murder anyone, and he was questioning her abilities to actually stand up for herself.

But, he was taking a break from viewing. Instead, he had come down from the bleachers wearing a rather festive red outfit with long red sleeves with a large embroidered Kuronmeru sigil over his back. A yawn and a smile on his features as he sniffed out the food all around, an afternoon of watching fights did get one's appetite going, or perhaps it was the death he had witnessed? Maybe it was that. A fiery bewildering explosion was enough to make him smile.

As he wandered he noticed a semi-familiar mop of white hair. Of course, he couldn't help but comment.

"Oh! You're that one boy..." He snapped his fingers together, he couldn't remember his name. "The one that ... Oh," He let out a small giggle. "It really is a disappointment you aren't ACTUALLY dead."

aeron at thq
Han has written 353 posts
Jou's New Bestfriend (Enyo)Mar 31, 2022 20:18:00 GMT -5
Himishi Jou
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Himishi Jou Avatar
age 18 years old birthday June 12 rank Adv. Genin occupation
Jou was still looking through his list, making sure to check it twice. He wanted to be sure that he wasn't going to miss anything, but as he did this, the young Himishi heard a younger voice followed by a snap of fingers. "H-huh?" Jou looked over and noticed the younger boy and looked at him with a bit of a puzzled expression. Seems that he knows Jou from somewhere which confused the Himishi at first, but then again he was attending the exams so he should be surprised that more people haven't been approaching him like this.

Now what Jou wasn't expecting was that final sentence. "U-Uh...I'm sorry...?" Jou blinked a few times as he looked down at the kimono-wearing boy. Did...Jou hear him correctly? Jou was briefly reminded of his fight with Haruka which was most certainly the source of that comment...unless word got around about the poison round somehow. Jou was still mostly focused on the rather 'pleasant' child. Jou was honestly at a loss for words. He looked around, wondering if the boy's parents were nearby. "Were you...talking to me?" Jou pointed at himself....although it was obvious that he was talking to him.

Maybe this had nothing to do with the exams and the kid mistook Jou for someone least that's what Jou was hoping. "I-I think the wrong...person?" Jou rubbed the back of his head, feeling a little awkward, which was made more obvious by the small sheepish smile he was giving the lad. "Anyway...I have errands to do s-so..." Jou then tried his best to walk away.

[REDACTED] has written 254 posts
Jou's New Bestfriend (Enyo)Apr 2, 2022 5:33:27 GMT -5
Kuronmeru Enyo
"My blood runs thicker than yours."
Kuronmeru Enyo Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday January 13, 1009 rank Genin occupation Genin Team 1
blood as black as the ocean
"Well of course I'm talking to you, who else is around?" The truth was, was that there was a crowd in the area, plenty of people moving through the festivities. But there was only one contestant in front of Enyo, so in this instance, Jou was the only one that Enyo was speaking to as to Enyo there was no one else around because no one else was garnering his attention. He was still smiling, it was hard to tell with the genin if it was a polite smile or a judgmental one.

Not one to take 'no' for an answer - a toxic trait that his entire family seemed to possess - and with absolutely zero filter or ability to leave well enough alone, he would turn on his heel to follow shoulder to shoulder with Jou.

"I definitely don't have the wrong person, you have that little sister or whatever... Ha-Ha..Hanabi." It was wrong, but he didn't care, he didn't really care to remember names that he viewed as beneath him - which was more or less everybody he came across. Of course, he remembered some names out of necessity but he found some Iwagakure shinobi to not be of necessity to him.

Maybe, Jou, one day could be useful.

"What kind of errands?"

aeron at thq
Han has written 353 posts
Jou's New Bestfriend (Enyo)Apr 4, 2022 11:40:24 GMT -5
Himishi Jou
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Himishi Jou Avatar
age 18 years old birthday June 12 rank Adv. Genin occupation
There were clearly other folks around, but it was obvious to Jou that he was, unfortunately, the center of this weird kid's attention at the moment. He knew that it was only wishful thinking that maybe the boy was thinking of someone else. Still, why did this little boy decide to poke fun at him of all people? It vaguely reminds Jou of the little bully situation he deals with back in his village...but for whatever strange reason...this boy seems a lot more of a menace compared to the people Jou deals with.....He couldn't put his finger on why...but Jou did not want to stick around and figure it out.

With that, Jou attempted to take his leave, but the boy practically latched onto him, immediately walking by the poor Himishi's side!

" mean..." Jou stopped talking and continued to look forward. He was referring to Haruka. "Sh-She's my cousin...and also older..." he added, muttering the last part. So the boy most certainly was referring to that battle. Jou wasn't exactly beating himself up over it anymore...but it still stung a little to think about it...and to be teased about it. Still, Jou tried to focus on his errands...and subtly trying to get away from this kid.

"'s..nothing of...importance..." Jou claimed...really wanting to put a 'to you' at the end of that, but Jou couldn't bring himself to be mean to a child...even if they very much deserve it. He continued to make his way to some market stands selling various food which could be used for cooking. "It's boring stuff honestly...N-Not really worth sticking around for, y'know?" Jou added with a sheepish smile, trying his best to shake this kid off of him without being mean...

[REDACTED] has written 254 posts
Jou's New Bestfriend (Enyo)Apr 5, 2022 9:16:16 GMT -5
Kuronmeru Enyo
"My blood runs thicker than yours."
Kuronmeru Enyo Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday January 13, 1009 rank Genin occupation Genin Team 1
blood as black as the ocean
Enyo was more interested in talking about himself, and well the things he had witnessed, and thus as the other stated that the errands were of absolutely no importance, Enyo continued on with his own string of thought.

"Did you see how that kid got blown up? Boom. What an idiot...." He trailed before returning to the conversation at hand. Of course, he wasn't particularly interested in the conversation, he was more fantasizing about the death of one of the genin in the exams and the disappointment he felt finding out that this particular genin he was speaking to was in fact very much alive. Truly, he wanted to see as much death as possible. A true shame.

"Nothing of importance? Boring? Well, I have nothing better to do until tomorrow when I get to watch more of you blow each other up. So until then, I'm going to hang out with you." Now there was no way for Jou to hide, at least in terms of trying to shake Enyo off of him. Enyo was about as sticky as they came, he reveled in being a nuisance sometimes, but he also very much enjoyed simply being around people, getting to know them, so that he could manipulate them later, well or at least attempt to manipulate them later.

"My name is Kuronmeru, Enyo." He finally introduced himself.

aeron at thq
Han has written 353 posts
Jou's New Bestfriend (Enyo)Apr 5, 2022 13:00:07 GMT -5
Himishi Jou
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age 18 years old birthday June 12 rank Adv. Genin occupation
There was no use. This kid didn't seem like they were going away anytime soon. How Jou ended up in this situation he will never know. Was this somehow karma for something bad he didn't remember doing? Was this some sort of divine punishment!? Did Jou even believe in such things??? SO many questions, but they were all drowned out by the bothersome child...

"Oh yeah...that..." Jou's voice slowly drifted as he thought about that death. It was something that was very unsuspecting, even though that Jou was aware of death being a risk. He still did not imagine that it would not have happened to anyone. It was clear that Jou felt a little bad for that Yoru person. Such a simple mistake yet with drastic consequences. Jou was also positive that this was only going to make Konoha and Kiri's already shaky relationship even worse...

Unfortunately, Jou's suspicions were true. Looks like this kid was here to stay...latching onto Jou like some sort of parasite. "O-Oh....yay..." Jou said in the most unenthusiastic way possible as he looked away. If only Jou were a little mean... then maybe he could scare this kid off. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. Somehow, Jou was just going to have to work with this as he finishes his errands.

The kid finally gave his name...and Jou now at least had something he could properly call this boy...other than a nuisance. "Ah...uumm, hello...Enyo..." Jou still tried his best to be a little formal...despite not wanting to be. "I'm...Himishi Jou." Jou introduced himself with a hint of reluctance.

Soon they, assuming Enyo was still following would make it to a stand selling some fruits and vegetables. There was no one else in line so Jou was able to walk up right to the stand. "I would like to buy three carrots, potatoes and celery please." Jou claimed and as the shopkeeper turned to gather the things, Jou waited idly, looking around...but making sure not to make eye contact with Enyo. Maybe ignoring him will work instead....?

[REDACTED] has written 254 posts
Jou's New Bestfriend (Enyo)Apr 5, 2022 16:26:43 GMT -5
Kuronmeru Enyo
"My blood runs thicker than yours."
Kuronmeru Enyo Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday January 13, 1009 rank Genin occupation Genin Team 1
blood as black as the ocean
It was strange to Enyo how the other boy shook off the conversation of the death in the exams. Perhaps he did not like talking about such things? But that would be quite odd, death was so commonplace in the shinobi world, well it was practically an everyday occurrence. He wished his parents dead, his siblings dead, it was almost synonymous with well... Normalcy! So the way the other brushed it off, without any excitement, Enyo found himself a little confused, but decided not to show it and instead keep on smiling as he followed along behind the white-haired boy who looked like an albino if he had to be perfectly honest...

Enyo did not notice the tone in the other's voice, perhaps he was just bad at picking up social cues? No. That couldn't be the case, Enyo was a very strangely sociable boy, he knew his way around a good speech, even if it was him listening to himself most of the time. The lack of enthusiasm did not touch him though he just kept moving along there was even a seemingly cheerful pep in his step.

"Joouuu." He sounded out, rolling the name around in his mind, he felt it press against his lips. He would likely forget it. This boy wasn't that important was he?

They got to a stall, a boring food stall. Was this kid trying to cook?

"You're a cook and a shinobi? You don't have servants who do that?" Himishi, well it seemed that they were a clan - based on what he saw in the exams anyway - and so for the other boy to be a capable cook it was strange beyond all reason.

aeron at thq
Han has written 353 posts
Jou's New Bestfriend (Enyo)Apr 6, 2022 12:11:55 GMT -5
Himishi Jou
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Himishi Jou Avatar
age 18 years old birthday June 12 rank Adv. Genin occupation
Jou winced a bit the moment Enyo shouted his name. Here he thought the kid couldn't get any more...bothersome. "Y-Yeah. That's my name..." Jou added, still not enthusiastic about this at all. This was going to be a long day...

With the talk of death fortunately not overstaying its welcome, the duo ended up at the first stand on Jou's list and so far as he was buying his stuff, things were rather calm...though Jou should've known better that it wasn't going to last long.

"Hm?" Jou looked over at Enyo, taking a few seconds to process his questions. "Oh u-uh...yes." Jou claimed as he rubbed the back of his head. "I started cooking when I was a kid, and it stuck with me." Jou added. The young Himishi didn't really see this as a big deal, being both a shinobi and cook that is. Jou was also not the only shinobi cook here...who also comes from a noble clan. Jou was honestly surprised to meet someone like Shigure...but it was a pleasant surprise.

As for the servant question...

"U-uhh..." Jou really didn't seem prepared for that one. "W-Well yes...Our clan has...hired...helpers..." Jou claimed, not wanting to call them servants because he felt that was a little mean..."...but I like to cook. I don't mind it at all." Jou claimed, smiling a little...a sort of genuine one now since he really does enjoy cooking.

After that, the stand owner came back with a bag of the things Jou asked for. The young Himishi then paid for it and took the bag. "Thank you." Jou nodded, but before he could leave, the owner held an apple in his hand, specifically towards Enyo. "For your little friend." the guy claimed, causing Jou to blink a few times. "O-Oh uh...I...we're not..." Jou muttered...but was still finding it hard to be blunt about this.

[REDACTED] has written 254 posts
Jou's New Bestfriend (Enyo)Apr 16, 2022 14:14:00 GMT -5
Kuronmeru Enyo
"My blood runs thicker than yours."
Kuronmeru Enyo Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday January 13, 1009 rank Genin occupation Genin Team 1
blood as black as the ocean
Enyo looked a bit shocked at Jou to say that they had 'hired helpers' whatever that meant.

"Call a fish, a fish." He remarked towards the other boy a bit bluntly. "A servant is a servant." The Kuronmeru had a few underpaid servants too, they mostly just lived with the families they served for a long time, and were given small stipends to spend on occasional things they wanted for recreational reasons but they didn't have a lot of recreational time serving the Kuronmeru. Of course, Enyo had his own set of family only servants that did not abide to the rest of the Kuronmeru clan.

The boy glanced over when the stall owner was reaching out towards him with an apple. He smiled brightly and took it into his hand.

"Oh thank you!" It seemed like his voice changed on a dime, a bright little thing with the most polite expression. He took the apple and held it in his hands. The second they moved past the stall though he'd mutter.

"Old disgusting geezer," It was a passing comment before he returned to the topic that he had brought up, throwing the apple off to one of the bins nearby.

"Cooking is servants work. It has nothing to do with MINDING it, but rather the act of it. You shouldn't do that, if you're from a decent clan... Unless you're one of those low lives.. A disgrace who can't even use his kekkei genkai or hijutsu properly."

aeron at thq
Han has written 353 posts
Jou's New Bestfriend (Enyo)Apr 21, 2022 20:45:45 GMT -5
Himishi Jou
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Himishi Jou Avatar
age 18 years old birthday June 12 rank Adv. Genin occupation
It was very clear that Enyo has no problems with being blunt which is something Jou was picking up on quickly. He acted like a true noble which Jou didn't see at all as a compliment. Jou decided not to comment further on what servants should be called, not wanting to get into an argument over this...and also because the boy wasn't exactly wrong, no matter how much Jou didn't like it.

Jou was caught off guard at how quickly Enyo's attitude changed the moment he was given that apple. For a second there, he almost seemed like a sweet and innocent child, which certainly fooled the shop owner. As the two left, the owner waved at the two boys which Jou did in return a bit sheepishly. Jou picked up on Enyo's mutter, but couldn't make out what was said, and honestly...Jou didn't even want to think about what Enyo must've said under his breath.

Hopefully, after getting that apple, Jou thought that the boy would be preoccupied enough with it not to speak, which would make the remainder of this errand run feel at least a little pleasant...But then the subject of cooking and servants was immediately brought back up. If one were to look closely, they would've seen Jou's expression practically sink the moment he heard Enyo's voice. Enyo seems really adamant about cooking being only for servants...but what really got a reaction out of Jou was the mention of potential being a disgrace...

Jou narrowed his eyes a bit but continued to look forward at where he was going. That part certainly struck a nerve...but Jou wasn't going to get caught up in this, so instead, Jou decided to remain focused on the cooking part of this conversation. He then closed his eyes almost as if he were trying to remain calm and peaceful. "Cooking is a hobby of mine which I really enjoy. So again, I do not mind doing it." Jou said, his tone remaining calm but a clear hint of sass in his expression, a bit surprising coming from someone like him. Jou then opened his eyes and continued. It was starting to get a little crowded as they went through this area leading to a shop selling spices. With luck, a part of Jou believes that he might be able to lose the kid within this growing crowd.

[REDACTED] has written 254 posts
Jou's New Bestfriend (Enyo)Apr 22, 2022 2:53:12 GMT -5
Kuronmeru Enyo
"My blood runs thicker than yours."
Kuronmeru Enyo Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday January 13, 1009 rank Genin occupation Genin Team 1
blood as black as the ocean
Cooking as a hobby? Well, that certainly made Enyo raise a brow. Proper nobles, children that belonged to great clans had other hobbies, reading, writing, practicing caligraphy things that were befitting that of their status in the world. The Himishi were clearly sided more with the dirty clans it seemed despite their kekkei genkai which from Enyo's own observations, he still did not fully understand the extent of its use. Was it like any other dojutsu? Horribly overpowered until you aimed for the eyes and stabbed them out? Or were they just one of those basic little things underdeveloped and weak in comparison to the rest?

Enyo was leaning towards the thought of underdevelopment. Or perhaps it was just Jou, he seemed like a reserved weakling. Enyo was a bit sad he wasn't in these exams, it would have been very fun to go up against the boy, poison his blood, degenerate his eyes the idea made him smile to himself, a giggle bubbling in his throat making itself audible he pressed dainty fingers to his lips. It sounded as if he were giggling at the comment Jou made about cooking being a hobby.

But Enyo was already changing the subject still tagging along, seemingly weaving through the crowd without much issue.

"I wonder what the powerful users of your dojutsu are like."

aeron at thq
Han has written 353 posts
Jou's New Bestfriend (Enyo)Apr 26, 2022 10:22:41 GMT -5
Himishi Jou
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Himishi Jou Avatar
age 18 years old birthday June 12 rank Adv. Genin occupation
Even among the crowd, Jou could still hear Enyo's giggling, causing the young Himishi to give him the side-eye. Was he...making fun of his hobby? This child really does lack manners of any kind, Jou thought, but the young Himishi refused to stoop to his level. It seemed that Enyo was just as capable of getting around these folks and keeping up as much as Jou, meaning there was no way for poor Jou to 'lose' this kid within the crowd. Looks like he was going to have to bear with him a little longer...

Sadly, things just continued to get worse....

Jou easily picked up on that underhanded comment from Enyo. Was he trying to say that Jou is weak...? It was clear that this kid cared little about others' feelings, maybe because of his age or how he was raised...probably both. Jou opened his youth a bit as if he were going to say something, but was quick to close it. He wasn't going to let this little demon get the better of him. Jou was still inexperienced with his eyes so he wouldn't exactly call himself strong to begin with. Jou instead thought his words over a little. "They're strong, wise...and not lacking in any manners...." Jou claimed...muttering that last part.

Soon, Jou would make it to a stand selling various spices owned by a young woman. "Hello there. What can I help you with?" she asked. Jou was now focused on the spices, taking his attention away from that....thorn in his side. "Do you have any red-hot chili flakes, and maybe garlic powder....Oh! Oregano as well?" Jou said as he pulled out his list, looking at any other spices he might be missing.

[REDACTED] has written 254 posts
Jou's New Bestfriend (Enyo)May 2, 2022 2:59:49 GMT -5
Kuronmeru Enyo
"My blood runs thicker than yours."
Kuronmeru Enyo Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday January 13, 1009 rank Genin occupation Genin Team 1
blood as black as the ocean
"Well of course they're strong and wise... Well I hope anyway." He didn't hear the last part, if he had though it likely would have flown over his head. He didn't really care what others thought of him in the way he acted. Only in the way he looked, and of course, he knew he looked absolutely perfect. The prettiest of boys. Prettier than any of his brothers, including his twin. He simply had all of the characteristics of someone who could perform kunoichi espionage. He smirked to himself thinking about it, it was a source of pride strangely enough whilst for some it might have seemed very emmasculating.

Unsurprisingly when they pulled up to the spice stall he looked over all the spices. "What's an oregano?" That was not a very common herb on the island, and not one which was used in Mizu no Kuni cuisine often. Most of the time other spices were used like red chili, filtered seaweed. That was always nice. There were hot and mild flavors, but Enyo enjoyed them all. Still he was curious about this 'oregano' and if it was some sort of exotic thing if he should try and convince his family to import it for them to try at their next meal.

aeron at thq
Han has written 353 posts
Jou's New Bestfriend (Enyo)May 4, 2022 21:04:18 GMT -5
Himishi Jou
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Himishi Jou Avatar
age 18 years old birthday June 12 rank Adv. Genin occupation
Jou took his shifted his attention from the boy and rolled his eyes. For someone who was never mean-spirited and wished bad things onto others, a part of Jou honestly wished that someone could knock this child off of his high horse. Surely there was someone out there who'd be a little meaner...and aggressive enough to give Enyo a taste of his own medicine...or at least torment him to some extent like he has been doing to Jou so far...

But no matter! Jou was going to see these errands through...regardless of the headaches he'll have to endure. So Jou made it over to the spice shop and asked for the spices he needed. Unfortunately, the owner said they had no oregano, but as for the others, he started to gather them. Jou was a tad upset about that, but it wasn't a huge loss. He then heard Enyo's question, causing Jou to glance over at the boy. For a second there, Jou was honestly contemplating whether to ignore the kid, probably thinking that he was still trying to tease him. But....Jou could not pass up the opportunity to educate someone a little on something cooking-related!

Jou sighed a bit, that goody-two-shoes nature of his getting the better of him as he looked away. "I guess they don't have oregano in this country." Jou muttered before turning to face Enyo. "Oregano spices are herbs made from the dried leaves of an oregano plant." He said as he got the bag of spices from the owner, paying them for it. "The purple flowers from the Oregano are also edible. They're quite delicious." Jou added with a bit of a smile. There was now one more place he needed to head to as he checked his list. "Now I need...some new pots and pans." he said, mostly talking to himself.

[REDACTED] has written 254 posts

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