Waterway - [A-Rank]

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Waterway - [A-Rank]May 9, 2022 11:50:16 GMT -5
Senju Kazuto
No Remorse, No Fear!
Senju Kazuto Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 25 years old birthday 03/20 rank Jōnin occupation ANBU Captain

The scent of the sea brought placid memories to him. Memories of a more halcyon days in which he thought that the future would bode well. A smile had appeared as he looked to the clear sky and the sound of seagulls. His smile died then, the sounds of construction, the shouts from orders coming from foremen as cranes began to lift tons of bricks, mortars, wooden planks and steel. His sights looking through the different gantries that held workers making sure that this project would succeed. As Kazuto stood on the prow of one of the boats that ferried more supplies through the new waterway, he leaned forward against the railing and rested his chin on top of his knuckles.

He knew that to some, this missions would be seen like a punishment. But the Senju understod the importance of it, he saw the commercial and military opportunities on the waterways, the ability to deploy squads or even entire companies, to keep a continues flow of income and commerce from one nation to the next. All the good that it could be done would be good for Konohagakure and of that he would be glad to contribute. At the very least be there to provide help and security.

But at the same time, he understood that this would be a bait for other parties that wanted to reap and profit from the toils of others. As the waterway closed to its completion, he considered that there would be many renegades, bandits and even traitors that would seek to take this area for themselves. Konohagakure was by large and far a secure place but he also knew that there were some sectors that could not be policed effectively. And for that he would need to be ready. At least ready enough for the garrison that Konoha was preparing to take hold.








Harukei has written 2,184 posts
Waterway - [A-Rank]May 9, 2022 12:03:03 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ren Avatar
age 33 years old birthday June 18 rank occupation
The work was proceeding rather smoothly and one of the three waterways planned by the Hidden Leaf Village was entering its final stages of construction. There were some lower ranking shinobis, mostly Chuunins garrisoned along the way, just to make sure the workers were not harassed or hurt in any way by criminals or renegade shinobi, but ultimately, they proceeded to this point without any major incidents, other than a scattered, small-scale skirmish here and there. Kazuto was aboard one of the boats responsible for providing supplies, and as it stopped near a few cranes, he would see a Hidden Leaf Chuunin there, talking to one of the construction workers.

It was still too far for him to really see or hear what they were saying, but with a closer inspection, the Jounin would notice that the man was injured. There was blood dripping from his arm, and the workers looked deeply concerned due to whatever it was that he was saying. He had not noticed that Kazuto was aboard the ship yet, neither did the workers, but something was definitely going on.

Something bad.
Ren has written 286 posts
Waterway - [A-Rank]May 9, 2022 14:14:23 GMT -5
Senju Kazuto
No Remorse, No Fear!
Senju Kazuto Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 25 years old birthday 03/20 rank Jōnin occupation ANBU Captain

His eyes looked above as the boat began its stop to the pier that had been constructed to download materials and personnel. Above them, his eyes spotted one of the Shinobi that had been sent by the village to patrol the waterway. The garrison had been, in his opinion, properly assigned and trained. A work that might have been overwhelming was made easy by the professional demeanor of the new unit and the compliance of the would be commander once the construction was ended and Kazuto was allowed to return to the village. Seeing a Chunin by the gantries, bridges, peers or barracks around the project was nothing out of the ordinary. But there was something odd, as the man was talking to a member of the construction crew.

Kazuto narrowed his eyes, trying to find something to read on the body language and doing so he found something startling. Bending his knees, the Senju would create momentum out of nothing and as he did, he would land on the railing of the crane, the sound of his land seemingly cushioned, his presence barely a blip to the Chunin and the wounded man. He stepped quietly, his form merging with the shadows created by the high sun of midday, his eyes looking at the scene as he saw blood, plenty of it, a worker and a chunnin over him unsure of what to do.

"Report." The Senju spoke, making his presence been known as he would appear after behind the Chunin, a man maybe a couple years younger than him who he had fought with during one of the skirmishes in the past few weeks. The man was wounded, but not dead it seemed. He knelt to both of them before he looked at the Chunin once more. "Has he said anything at all?" Kazuto asked, trying to get all information as possible.








Harukei has written 2,184 posts
Waterway - [A-Rank]May 9, 2022 15:52:34 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ren Avatar
age 33 years old birthday June 18 rank occupation
The man didn't notice Kazuto's presence until he was made himself known and when he spoke, it spooked the man, who quickly turned around, standing in between Kazuto and the worker and grabbing a kunai. His left arm was limp, too injured to move, but he still had fight in him and that he was still ready to defend the worker there. However, upon seeing Kazuto, he lowered the kunai and bowed with his head. "Kazuto-sama, I apologise, I didn't see you coming." he said, making a grimace.

When asked for a report he nodded. "Well, further ahead, near the end of the waterway, I was guarding the workers as per usual when we were suddenly attacked. They were too many and too strong, so I did my best to evacuate the workers, they were injured, but no casualties. Still... I was about to send word to the village to ask for help, because with these people there we won't be able to finish the waterway." he sighed, shaking his head.
Ren has written 286 posts
Waterway - [A-Rank]May 15, 2022 1:03:45 GMT -5
Senju Kazuto
No Remorse, No Fear!
Senju Kazuto Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 25 years old birthday 03/20 rank Jōnin occupation ANBU Captain

The Senju appreciated that the younger shinobi had been ready for an ambush, what worried him is that he didn't had followed procedure to the letter in this instance. If there were indeed a group of enemy shinobi, renegades or bandits then he should have retreated as he did, but also set up a flare to alert any other nearby units to come and plug that gap. The garrison dedicated to the waterways should have been more than sufficient to contain any breach. It had done so before, even with the steady attrition of combat, the replacements had risen to the chance to prove themselves. Now, he could only guess that with the retreat no one had come to stop however was attacking.

Silence overcame him for a brief second. Most shinobi assigned were for the most part Chunin, just like the man before him. Their commander was a Jonin like himself and had proven to be a seasoned leader, but if he didn't know then it meant that he was too far to mount an effective counter, or a search and capture mission. "Have you not flares on you? Your radio?" He asked in a quiet tone, questioning the man as he found many flaws in procedure, but aware that chastisement would be a waste of time now. He narrowed his eyes at the evidence before him. Failure to follow protocol was a possibility but so many failure were enough to arouse suspicion.

"Where's the breach." Kazuto asked, accepting the inevitability of going in person to contain the presence of enemies. Surely if there were any survivors from the last fight, his sole presence should be a deterrent. But at the very least that would buy them time until reinforcements actually arrived and a sweep in the surrounding area could be conducted. As he rose to his height, he placed a hand on the Chunin, discreetly leaving the mark of his hiraishin no jutsu on the shoulder, just in case that his hunch was well proven. "See that this man is properly attended to and alert your commander, have as many come to the breach." He said, taking a step and forming a sign.








Harukei has written 2,184 posts
Waterway - [A-Rank]May 15, 2022 12:55:09 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ren Avatar
age 33 years old birthday June 18 rank occupation
The Chuunin sighed and looked to the ground. "I won't make excuses for my short comings, sir. But they were targeting the workers, so I focused my efforts in keeping them from harm... My radio was blasted before I could use it..." he said, grabbing the busted radio from his backpouch and showing it to Kazuto. "And I honestly feared that if I stopped to use the flares, I might have lowered my guard... They were way stronger than I hoped for... They looked like well-trained shinobi." the man admitted.

As Kazuto asked for him where the breach was, the man opened up a map and pointed to a location further up the waterway. It was near some woods, which could serve as hideout of sorts. And when pointing out the direction in which they came from and attacked, it made sense that they would've come from the woods. "They seemed organised enough, and could fight well together..." he added, grimacing as he kept on trying to hold down the pain.

Ultimately, after passing on the information to Kazuto, he ordered people to attend to his injuries and he bowed. "Thank you, sir." he said as he walked towards a bench, so that the paramedics posted there could do their work.
Ren has written 286 posts
Waterway - [A-Rank]May 16, 2022 1:36:40 GMT -5
Senju Kazuto
No Remorse, No Fear!
Senju Kazuto Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 25 years old birthday 03/20 rank Jōnin occupation ANBU Captain

Kazuto simply nodded towards the man as his thanks, hoping that he would listen to his commands and alert the commander of the garrison, bringing enough people to plug the gap and repel the invaders, moving so that the enemy would be pushed back and the construction would be finished. The best that the Senju could hope for was to stall and harass, and whilst they knew the terrain he would have the advantage to fight on a forest, his natural element. His hand would move towards the claps that held his cloak in place, undoing it, allowing for the hot breeze of the forest to shroud away, his hand producing he helm of a demonic visage before the man vanished.

The travel was quick, he had learned all the routes that would take him from the main hub and the habitation block to the location were the constructions were happening. Sticking to the shadows, the Senju began his survey, the scene of the construction efforts was just as the Chunin had explained to him. Construction had halted and locations had been torn down, collapsing the efforts of weeks, even months in a savage attack. He saw the evidence of bodies that had been slain, mercifully few, a handful of construction workers, another shinobi from Konoha, but no enemy that he could discern.

As his hand began to weave signs and another seized one of his marked kunai, he also noticed the fact there weren't any sentries visible to overwatch the territories that had been gained. This was the textbook definition of an ambush, a kill zone of sorts that would surprise any bigger force that would come to reclaim this area. This was a trap, now he had to find a way to spring the trap and buy time for whoever came.









Jutsu Used:

1 Jutsu prepared.

Equipment in Use:

Shadow Raiment
Harukei has written 2,184 posts
Waterway - [A-Rank]May 16, 2022 20:21:28 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ren Avatar
age 33 years old birthday June 18 rank occupation
In fact, they were a bit short in personnel; it was not like the village could afford to garrison the whole construction site. One thing that Kazuto could notice, however, was that the body of the man who had been killed, the Leaf shinobi, was covered in small bites. Bug bites. The wind howled, coming from the forest. Ominous, dangerous even. But not attack came, nobody moved, and other than the sound of the wind, the place was quite like a graveyard. Unfortunately quite fitting for the scenario.

Reinforcements should be on the way, there were some shinobi posted more down the waterway line, but they would take a good ten to fifteen minutes to arrive. In the meantime, what would Kazuto do? The woods were close by, but there were no tracks leading towards it. However those people attacked, they were quite competent in covering their own tracks.
Ren has written 286 posts
Waterway - [A-Rank]May 20, 2022 1:28:55 GMT -5
Senju Kazuto
No Remorse, No Fear!
Senju Kazuto Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 25 years old birthday 03/20 rank Jōnin occupation ANBU Captain

The Senju kept his silence as he surveyed the situation. Behind his mask he would see much of the world. But no movement, no indication that there were waiting for him or for anything. He saw the dead, noticing the bite marks on one of the corpses, far too small to be that of larger predators. An Aburame? He thought as his eyes narrowed. He couldn't think of any name in the bingo book that would match the clan, nor anyone in that clan that had been reported as AWOL or missing in action from that clan. But they were a secretive lot, and he could figure that they would keep such a blemish from the public knowledge of the village.

He supposed that he didn't have much of a choice. He leaned forward, pressing his hand against a crate as a means of feign that he was trying to pick something else that he hadn't seen before and in the process leave another mark was left in place for him to retreat, covert enough that the marking would be ignored as the stenciled words a bored worked that passed himself as a poet. Having done so he raised from his position, continuing to stick to the shadows before he finished the hand seal, allowing his chakra to cover him with a light bending aura just before he emerged from the shadows.

Silence was barely interrupted by the sound of the forest that welcomed him. The creations of men began to give way to the bounties of nature, his steps trading silently over concrete to then do the same branches as thick as the length of several men, almost making him remember those trees in the forest of death. He now threaded carefully, a hand holding one of his marked kunai, the other ready to cast a technique, trusting that his skills in infiltration, his jutsu and armor, would carry him this far.









Jutsu Used:

NAME: Meisaigakure no Jutsu [Hiding with Camouflage Technique]
CHAKRA USAGE: Medium [Continuous]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
With careful chakra control, a shinobi is capable of manipulating the means to which light affects their body as well as what odors escape them, completely concealing oneself from both sight and smell. While in this state, the user will fail to even cast a shadow. This leaves the shinobi in a state that makes them almost impossible to detect outside of chakra-detection, the other three senses, and noting disturbances to their surroundings.

1 Prepared

Item used:


SA Used:

Might of Heroes

Descendant of a great lineage, the blood of great and legendary heroes of the clan courses through the veins of Kazuto as they do with any other Senju. As such he has been bestowed with robust pools of chakra upon his birth. Through intense training and countless missions these pools of chakra have expanded quite considerably, becoming a Furnace of Might within him, allowing him to fight for longer periods of time and casting powerful techniques without much concern to run out of stamina. Although this chakra makes his control suffer, his impressive reserves make up for this deficit in control.

Paragon of War

His mind is as keen and sharp as blade recently sharpened by a whetstone. Through the learning of tactics, records, on field experience and on the fly ingenuity, the Senju is able to plan before, during and after a fierce fray. It is thanks to this that he can discern the correct course of action and what stratagems and actions should he take. He is able to read and keep the Flow of Battle as flexible as possible. His tactics range from the most subtle ambush within dark corridors to even the most brutal and grim battlefield.


After much study and training, Kazuto achieved the ability to weave hand seals and cast techniques with just One Hand. A rare skill among shinobi and a sign of great prowess, the Senju is able to form hand signs forgoing the need to bring the digits of both his hands together, he is able to string a number of techniques without worrying during a fray to be unable to complete techniques if someone targets his hand, as he is able to defend himself with the off-hand by either the use of a technique or by wielding a weapon.


An adept of shadows, Kazuto has shown himself to be quite proficient in the art of Assassination. He acts as a clinical apparition as he moves towards his enemies, driven by a relentless and ruthless zeal to dispatch his target and those that stand between him and his quarry with a cold and calculated fury that is unleashed in quick bursts as he launches himself against the enemy, striking fear as he leaves an ever present trail of vanquished enemies behind and very few, if any enemies behind at all.

Harukei has written 2,184 posts
Waterway - [A-Rank]May 20, 2022 12:50:22 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ren Avatar
age 33 years old birthday June 18 rank occupation
An Aburame was a very good guess, and upon a closer look, the bites did resemble that of the kikaichu, which meant that this guy was definitely a problematic foe to have. On top of that, the person was unlikely to be working alone. With that information on hand, Kazuto would head towards the woods nearby, using his technique to disappear from sight, also concealing his smell, shadow and all that; nothing but chakra detection would be working on the Senju now.

The trees were large and full of leaves, making that forest a dark place, not unlike the forest of death in the Hidden Leaf Village. As he slowly made his way through the forest, he would eventually come to a makeshift watch tower atop of a large tree. He could hear people talking inside of it, but it was too far for him to be able to understand what was being said.
Ren has written 286 posts
Waterway - [A-Rank]May 27, 2022 23:40:02 GMT -5
Senju Kazuto
No Remorse, No Fear!
Senju Kazuto Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 25 years old birthday 03/20 rank Jōnin occupation ANBU Captain

The Senju advanced slowly. Silence steps like a hunter on the prowl and a mimicking the environment through his technique. As he placed a hand on the bark of the tree, finding what seemed to be a watch power perched on top of a tree. The distant sound of voice mingling with the sound of nature, their conversation too hard to make out due the distance. He considered his options, any frontal assault would give blow his cover. And besides whatever their conversation was it could give him actual intel to plan around the enemies plans. That he could use. Information was victory after all.

He raised a hand and began to weave hand sings with a hand. Fingers moving in a blur as what seemed to move with quicksilver efficiency as chakra began to flare within him and he suddenly began to sink within the branch of the massive tree, merging with it as the tree became receptive to his chakra, surrounding him as it were a liquid until where the invisible man had been there would be nothing but the giant limb of a tree that had remained untroubled as if no one had been there.

The world inside the trees was a cosmos of energy as his chakra signature became one with the trees and thus he would make his way, descending through the tree he had merged with and travelling through the roots beneath the soil, climbing once again until he stopped just beneath the watchtower that had been build on top of the tree. The contour of his features emerging through the irregularities of the tree as he would begin to listen to whatever the enemy said within the watch tower and for him to begin to act.









Jutsu Used:

NAME: Mori no ō no yurikago [Cradle of The Forest King]
CHAKRA USAGE: High to activate, Low to Maintain
ELEMENT: Mokuton
HANDSEALS: twelve hand seals

A highly advanced infiltration technique the shinobi performs it by flooding their system with Mokuton chakra thus letting the user merge with the forest traversing from tree to tree and plant to plant through root and branch contact. While doing so their chakra signature becomes one with nature making it incredibly difficult for any, but the most superior chakra sensors to detect them. Though those with the knowledge of senjutsu find it far easier to discern their whereabouts.

Item Used:
Shadow Raiment

SA Used:

The Branching Path

A true-born Senju, Kazuto has mastered Mokuton. Hailed as the one greatest master of the Kekkei Genkai, his abilities with Mokuton are held in high regard, mastering the many techniques for which the clan is renown whilst also bending his ingenuity to create a discipline of his own referred by those within the clan as merely the branching path and by him as Senbonzakura. His techniques can either be great in power and scope or subtle and deceptively simple, creating either durable wooden constructs, imaginative tools for a wide range of occasions or deadly hails storms of cherry blossom petals which Kazuto wields with great mastery.

Might of Heroes

Descendant of a great lineage, the blood of great and legendary heroes of the clan courses through the veins of Kazuto as they do with any other Senju. As such he has been bestowed with robust pools of chakra upon his birth. Through intense training and countless missions these pools of chakra have expanded quite considerably, becoming a Furnace of Might within him, allowing him to fight for longer periods of time and casting powerful techniques without much concern to run out of stamina. Although this chakra makes his control suffer, his impressive reserves make up for this deficit in control.

Paragon of War

His mind is as keen and sharp as blade recently sharpened by a whetstone. Through the learning of tactics, records, on field experience and on the fly ingenuity, the Senju is able to plan before, during and after a fierce fray. It is thanks to this that he can discern the correct course of action and what stratagems and actions should he take. He is able to read and keep the Flow of Battle as flexible as possible. His tactics range from the most subtle ambush within dark corridors to even the most brutal and grim battlefield.


After much study and training, Kazuto achieved the ability to weave hand seals and cast techniques with just One Hand. A rare skill among shinobi and a sign of great prowess, the Senju is able to form hand signs forgoing the need to bring the digits of both his hands together, he is able to string a number of techniques without worrying during a fray to be unable to complete techniques if someone targets his hand, as he is able to defend himself with the off-hand by either the use of a technique or by wielding a weapon.


An adept of shadows, Kazuto has shown himself to be quite proficient in the art of Assassination. He acts as a clinical apparition as he moves towards his enemies, driven by a relentless and ruthless zeal to dispatch his target and those that stand between him and his quarry with a cold and calculated fury that is unleashed in quick bursts as he launches himself against the enemy, striking fear as he leaves an ever present trail of vanquished enemies behind and very few, if any enemies behind at all.

Harukei has written 2,184 posts
Waterway - [A-Rank]Jun 1, 2022 8:51:23 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ren Avatar
age 33 years old birthday June 18 rank occupation
Kazuto approached unnoticed so far, he was keeping most of his chakra contained and the two seemed to be distracted as they engaged in their discussion. Merging with the tree came naturally for the Senju, who descended to the roots before going back up, his face taking a sort of distorted shape that was not immediately recognized by the two arguing there.

? Hakuto

"I still think this is a freaking bad idea, Inori. We should crush them completely and get the hell away from here, you know, to..." the man with an eyepatch and a large scar on his face started, but when he did so, the woman laughed in mockery, shaking her head.

? Inori

"I was under the impression you had lost an eye, not both your balls, Hakuto-kun. Hehehehe." she said, cracking a grin with the corner of her mouth. The man paused for a moment, staring at the blonde and blinking twice before he scoffed, shaking his head. "You Leaf people are insane... I prefer to be cautious! That's how I survived this long!" he retorted, glancing over to the window and taking a look on the outside. He had a couple kunais in his hand, just in case, and a long bow tied to his back, with a quiver full of arrows.

When he said that though, the woman got up from her seat and approached the man. "Call me that one more time, and you will lose your other goddamn eye." although her tone was calm, and the grin remained on her face, she seemed serious enough. The woman blew the smoke of her cigarette on the man's face, making him cough and wave his hand to try and get rid of it. "Can you, like... Not do that?! I'm beginning to get rather anno-!" Inori interrupted the man by placing her index on his lips and she frowned her brows, looking more concerned for a moment. "What?!" he insisted, and she shushed him, now looking indeed annoyed.

"I feel something... Someone is here." she announced, sitting on the floor and closing her eyes. "Keep up the watch, I will try to pinpoint their location." she said as she started to concentrate. Meanwhile, the man started looking around the area, from all of the three windows available. If she was a sensor, it was a matter of time before she would notice Kazuto.

? Hakuto:

? Inori:
- Sensory

last edit by Ren on Jun 1, 2022 8:51:54 GMT -5
Ren has written 286 posts
Waterway - [A-Rank]Jun 7, 2022 1:18:02 GMT -5
Senju Kazuto
No Remorse, No Fear!
Senju Kazuto Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 25 years old birthday 03/20 rank Jōnin occupation ANBU Captain

There words were mundane. Nothing to be troubled for, no information that could be scry from what they were exchanging until there was a mention of someone being from the Leaf. In his tree form, Kazuto would restrain the need to widen his eyes in surprise not to blow his cover. He didn't recognize either of them, there had been too many of the shinobi assigned to the garrison to get to know each and everyone of them. But he had been assured that the regiment would be at the very least loyal, with the presence of a traitor however it did shook his belief that no one would betray the village in this. Enemies could be everywhere.

However there would be another disquiet when suddenly the woman became silent, her mood changing and then expressing that there was something odd. The fact that she would been able to sense him despite the fact that his own chakra had mingled with that of the trees and would be nigh unrecognizable. It meant the woman was a talented sensor. Time would run out as she would surely be able to pinpoint him and they would either attack him or escape and alert their companions. He needed to keep them here, gain time, do all that he could.

A decision was made, as he would retreat within the tree, deciding to move to make it more difficult for him to be pointed out, keeping himself through the branches and trunk, having a clear sight of their backs as they were trying to locate him. He needed to keep that element of surprise to him and he simply agreed that it would be a good moment to try that technique. The Senju simply jumped, breaking through the surface of wood as if had been made out of thin carton, splinters of wood flying as a hand plucked two of his marked kunai and tossed towards the pair, another forming a seal as chakra began to course through him in his attempt to catch his opponents by surprise.









Jutsu Used:

NAME: Mori no ō no yurikago [Cradle of The Forest King]
CHAKRA USAGE: High to activate, Low to Maintain
ELEMENT: Mokuton
HANDSEALS: twelve hand seals

A highly advanced infiltration technique the shinobi performs it by flooding their system with Mokuton chakra thus letting the user merge with the forest traversing from tree to tree and plant to plant through root and branch contact. While doing so their chakra signature becomes one with nature making it incredibly difficult for any, but the most superior chakra sensors to detect them. Though those with the knowledge of senjutsu find it far easier to discern their whereabouts.

1 Jutsu Prepared

Items Used:

2 Kunai

SA Used:

The Branching Path

A true-born Senju, Kazuto has mastered Mokuton. Hailed as the one greatest master of the Kekkei Genkai, his abilities with Mokuton are held in high regard, mastering the many techniques for which the clan is renown whilst also bending his ingenuity to create a discipline of his own referred by those within the clan as merely the branching path and by him as Senbonzakura. His techniques can either be great in power and scope or subtle and deceptively simple, creating either durable wooden constructs, imaginative tools for a wide range of occasions or deadly hails storms of cherry blossom petals which Kazuto wields with great mastery.

Crimson Fist

Gifted with a considerable physical presence, the Senju has taken his gifts and combined them with effort, dedication and patience. Thanks to this he has emerged as an Adept of Taijutsu, as such while he cannot claim his abilities don't quite rival those who can claim to be true masters of the art, he can confidently fight other taijutsu users. Making use of the Ascendant Fist style as the foundation of his prowess with taijutsu, he has become able strike his foes with great strength and precision in close quarters with great expertise.

Might of Heroes

Descendant of a great lineage, the blood of great and legendary heroes of the clan courses through the veins of Kazuto as they do with any other Senju. As such he has been bestowed with robust pools of chakra upon his birth. Through intense training and countless missions these pools of chakra have expanded quite considerably, becoming a Furnace of Might within him, allowing him to fight for longer periods of time and casting powerful techniques without much concern to run out of stamina. Although this chakra makes his control suffer, his impressive reserves make up for this deficit in control.

Paragon of War

His mind is as keen and sharp as blade recently sharpened by a whetstone. Through the learning of tactics, records, on field experience and on the fly ingenuity, the Senju is able to plan before, during and after a fierce fray. It is thanks to this that he can discern the correct course of action and what stratagems and actions should he take. He is able to read and keep the Flow of Battle as flexible as possible. His tactics range from the most subtle ambush within dark corridors to even the most brutal and grim battlefield.


After much study and training, Kazuto achieved the ability to weave hand seals and cast techniques with just One Hand. A rare skill among shinobi and a sign of great prowess, the Senju is able to form hand signs forgoing the need to bring the digits of both his hands together, he is able to string a number of techniques without worrying during a fray to be unable to complete techniques if someone targets his hand, as he is able to defend himself with the off-hand by either the use of a technique or by wielding a weapon.


An adept of shadows, Kazuto has shown himself to be quite proficient in the art of Assassination. He acts as a clinical apparition as he moves towards his enemies, driven by a relentless and ruthless zeal to dispatch his target and those that stand between him and his quarry with a cold and calculated fury that is unleashed in quick bursts as he launches himself against the enemy, striking fear as he leaves an ever present trail of vanquished enemies behind and very few, if any enemies behind at all.
Harukei has written 2,184 posts
Waterway - [A-Rank]Jun 9, 2022 9:20:30 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ren Avatar
age 33 years old birthday June 18 rank occupation
The one named Inori was concentrating, trying to pinpoint the location of the chakra signature she had detected a short while ago, but the signature had all but completely vanished as Kazuto moved through the tree, but she was still suspicious. The man with the bow sighed and shook his head. "Aren't you just getting paranoid? Like... I get it. I'm stressed to, but the boss should be here soon and we can proceed to..." the woman seemed annoyed as she kept her eyes closed and the bird hand sight on her hands. "Can you shut up? I'm trying to focus here." she said in a rather brash tone.

Still, the presence was mostly gone... Until it wasn't and as she opened her eyes wide, she noticed the man jumping and breaking through the surface of the wood, throwing two weird-looking kunai at them. "Freaking called it!" she exclaimed as she somersaulted backwards, avoiding the kunai, but not by much. The male, however, wasn't fast enough, and although he tried to run, the kunai still hit him on his back. Luckily, he had a simple armour underneath that helped absorb part of the damage, but he still winced in pain. "Hell!" he exclaimed. Being too close to use his bow, he grabbed two kunais of his own and fired at Kazuto.

His precision was remarkable, as he was able to throw them right towards Kazuto's core despite the fact that he had just been hit and was turning around. But luckily, he had a technique to turn fast, one Kazuto might recognize as the Quick Rotation.

Meanwhile, the blonde just made a hand seal, leaping down from the watch tower and back to the ground. "I know who you are. Senju dog." she said, keeping the hand seal on, while nothing happened apparently.

? Hakuto:
Specs: Bukijutsu prim/Taijutsu sec
- Precision
- ?
NAME: Kuikkurōtēshon [Quick Rotation]
Utilizing chakra in the feet, ankles and legs specifically. It is a small amount of energy, but used precisely on reflexes and timing. This technique is gauged this way. When timed, the user can twist themselves abruptly out of the way of an attack. Like a speedy side-step, but a rotation of one's body to the side. A spin-move. This is only attacks in an immediate vicinity(three meters) anything else is too big an attack. Usually Taijutsu, but sometimes this technique is effective against close-range ninjutsu.

> Inori:
Specs: Ninjutsu sole
- Sensory
- Quick Reflexes
- ?
Technique: ?
Ren has written 286 posts
Waterway - [A-Rank]Jun 20, 2022 2:44:55 GMT -5
Senju Kazuto
No Remorse, No Fear!
Senju Kazuto Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 25 years old birthday 03/20 rank Jōnin occupation ANBU Captain

Surprise had come and gone as fast as he had emerged from the tree. Fragments and shrapnel of wood flew as he had violently emerged from the tree trunk. The kunai that he had thrown had been little more than a distraction that he had willed both of his new opponents to disregard. Yet he found it impressive that the woman would be able to react, moving away just enough before the kunai struck flesh. The man would not be as fast however, the kunai lodging itself on his armor as he move, spinning a way in a rather surprising show of technique and form that the armored man used to game some distance, moving with light feet despite the plates that covered him.

Time seemed to dilate as the woman revealed herself. Blue eyes and hair like spun gold, her fingers coming together in a stance that he seemed to recognize. As she would waste her time in empty insults, her companion moved to return the favor as he throwed two kunai that he judged where coming towards him. The woman, that he concluded was a Yamanaka would bring her hands together in a form that would be familiar to him. But before either the kunai or the technique would hit, the technique that he had left ready activated. Chakra ran through his system, flooding him in a brief glimpse of exhilaration before he simply vanished. Not in a puff of smoke, not as if he slowly faded but suddenly, abruptly, like if he had been ripped from existence and they had faced an apparition.

For Kazuto, the fading was a mere jump. A travel through a grey void that seemed to stretch endlessly but was brief like the blink of an eye. The Senju appeared just as he had left. His hand grasping the familiar handle of a kunai, the one lodged in the armor of the man. Chakra surged quickly, the air ionizing as chakra became electricity and sharpened the blade, using his own weight and momentum as he would begin to drive the kunai down, attempting to sever the man's spine and neutralize him as the lightning wreathed blade attempted to slice through plate, cloth, flesh and sinew alike.

Momentum would have shifted to his favor. Time becoming a currency that he could ill afford to lose. His free hand moving to wave another hand seals as he used the man that he had hopefully killed as a shield, fingers flicking quickly, the tree and wood beneath them growing as natural chakra filled the and a construct emerged violently, seeking to subdue the woman in the form of restraints to keep her in place. Enough to give him a chance to get information should his technique be successful.









Jutsu Used:

NAME: Hiraishin no Jutsu [Flying Thunder God Technique]
OWNERS: Kawai Niko | Senju Kazuto
CHAKRA USAGE: Low to Very High
REQUIREMENT: Konoha Nin Exclusive
To activate this technique, the user places a special seal or "technique formula" (術式, jutsu-shiki) to mark an intended destination. After this is done, they can enter a dimensional void at will that instantaneously transports them to the location of the seal. The mark can be applied to almost any area through brief physical contact, including an opponent or some other surrounding feature. Because this technique is able to affect anything that is in contact with the user or somehow connected to their chakra, they can also use this technique to teleport other objects or people, though the size of the object dictates the amount of chakra required. Additionally, the marking formula never disappears from a marked target.

Chakra Use for Distance:
Short Distance - Low to Med
Medium Distance (across a village) - Med to High
Large Distance (across a country or to another country) - High to V. High

Chakra Per Type of Object:
Sentient - High - V. High
Huge / Large Object - Medium - High
Regular / Small Object - Low - Med

NAME: Chō Biburāto Raitontō - [Supervibrato Lightning Release Sword]
Without the need for hand-seals, the user will channel raiton chakra through their blade. No matter the shape, size or type of blade, spear, short-sword, Katana, even an arrow or Kunai. The blade will appear normal until it comes in contact with an object, such as other metal or stone, when it will glow brightly. This jutsu greatly increases the cutting power of a weapon, allowing it to cleave through most natural objects with ease. It cannot cut through other Chakra enhanced blades.

NAME: Mokuton: Jubaku no Jutsu [Wood Release: Tree Restraints Technique]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu/Kekkei Genkai
ELEMENT: Mokuton [Wood Release]
Using their ability to utilize Mokuton (wood release) techniques, the user will form the 'dog,' 'rat,' and 'snake' handseals and cause beams of wood to emerge from the ground. These beams will wrap around a target to bind it. Because the beams come from underneath the ground they are difficult to dodge initially. The user charges their chakra across them as well, making the beams difficult to break until the entrapped opponent has good physical strength or jutsu with equivalent power. While this jutsu is being held, no other techniques can be performed by the user however and they must remain stationary.

SA Used:

Might of Heroes

Descendant of a great lineage, the blood of great and legendary heroes of the clan courses through the veins of Kazuto as they do with any other Senju. As such he has been bestowed with robust pools of chakra upon his birth. Through intense training and countless missions these pools of chakra have expanded quite considerably, becoming a Furnace of Might within him, allowing him to fight for longer periods of time and casting powerful techniques without much concern to run out of stamina. Although this chakra makes his control suffer, his impressive reserves make up for this deficit in control.

Paragon of War

His mind is as keen and sharp as blade recently sharpened by a whetstone. Through the learning of tactics, records, on field experience and on the fly ingenuity, the Senju is able to plan before, during and after a fierce fray. It is thanks to this that he can discern the correct course of action and what stratagems and actions should he take. He is able to read and keep the Flow of Battle as flexible as possible. His tactics range from the most subtle ambush within dark corridors to even the most brutal and grim battlefield.


After much study and training, Kazuto achieved the ability to weave hand seals and cast techniques with just One Hand. A rare skill among shinobi and a sign of great prowess, the Senju is able to form hand signs forgoing the need to bring the digits of both his hands together, he is able to string a number of techniques without worrying during a fray to be unable to complete techniques if someone targets his hand, as he is able to defend himself with the off-hand by either the use of a technique or by wielding a weapon.


An adept of shadows, Kazuto has shown himself to be quite proficient in the art of Assassination. He acts as a clinical apparition as he moves towards his enemies, driven by a relentless and ruthless zeal to dispatch his target and those that stand between him and his quarry with a cold and calculated fury that is unleashed in quick bursts as he launches himself against the enemy, striking fear as he leaves an ever present trail of vanquished enemies behind and very few, if any enemies behind at all.
Harukei has written 2,184 posts