beyond the horizon [Group 1]

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beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jun 27, 2022 13:48:23 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ren Avatar
age 33 years old birthday June 18 rank occupation

Beyond the Horizon [Event]
"advanced outpost contruction"

With one enemy captured, Wahei sent one of his water clones to report to Kazuto, while Issei took care of interrogating their enemy, offering relief from his pain and imprisonment rather than the more dire fate of his companions. Still, the man didn't seem intimidated by that, and when Issei finally asked the questions, he scoffed. "You idiots will soon taste defeat! Do you think this is the end? Hahahaha!" his tone was confident despite the sound defeat they had just suffered. "I won't tell you anything! But this bay will never be safe! This fort of yours will fall very soon!" the man, and then he silenced. There was no lies in his words, but he was not very cooperative.

Kojirou watched Issei and Wahei fighting from the distance, which kept him alert and aware, but nothing bad got passed the other shinobi, so they were safe for now. The workers were finally calming down and sighing in relief. With that in mind, Kojirou decided to look around the area and left the other water clones to guard the workers.

He ran into Ayukawa, but the two were quick to recognize one another and no incidents happened. The next day would come and work would continue, but with this eerie feeling in the air that something was about to happen.

[Issei has the opportunity to interrogate the man, please state what you tried and I will give the results. Kazuto may help with the interrogation if he decides to. The others just state your actions to contribute with the construction this next rotation]

Rotation: 7/11

No further issues this rotation.

Next rotation will be posted on June 30th at 11:00 pm EST.

Group 01:

Ren has written 286 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jun 29, 2022 9:18:29 GMT -5
Honō Kojirou
I have an entire world filled with reasons to become stronger!
Honō Kojirou Avatar
groupGrass Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday March 17th rank Chūnin occupation Academy Instructor
He didn’t expect the sweet words of approval towards his actions. At first, he thought that she… yeah, she, right? Their voice was what he’d associate with a female’s, right? R-Right?


Suddenly hearing those words made him chuckle a bit. He really liked compliments, reacting by leaning the back of his head on one hand and gently stroking his hair in a posture that expressed slight shyness and warmth. "T-Thanks, I… it kinda just jumps out of me,” he tried to explain, unsure of what his mind processed in that instance. Sometimes, he really did feel like his mind went into a void when he prepared to strike like that… as if he was able to move way before he even planned to. That must’ve been from Shigure-senpai’s spar – maybe the actual Hyūga’s short but impactful session of poking and slapping this Honō-descended Grasshopper awakened some sort of secret power inside of him. Could the Gentle Fist do such a thing?!

For real, he only began noticing this state of mind after that spar. Strange…

"We can’t let our guards down just yet. I have an inkling that our work isn’t that appreciated by someone,” he preached the choir slightly louder in that case, "… But I’m sure we’ll make it. We do need some rest, though…”

The next day would embrace them in a relative sense of peace. No one else had attempted to invade the construction site with ill intent, so Kojirou had decided to return to his duties; fixing broken tools, carrying building materials around and showing how he made his clones to Wahei – clones out of tar and ashen embers were definitely cooler than clones just made out of water, right?

Koji has written 370 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jun 29, 2022 18:45:46 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
age 21 years old birthday OCTOBER 12, -13SD rank SP. JOUNIN occupation WAR COUNCIL
It was pretty clear that whoever this guy was had completely bought into the mission he was on. The likelihood they were going to success with so many talented Shinobi on hand was slim in Issei's opinion, but for some reason this man was convinced otherwise that more was to come and that they might actually have a chance to ruin their mission. "Hmm. You sound convinced? Sad." Issei noted as with his Sharingan he could tell the man believe every bit of what he was saying without hesitation.

"Well, since you're certain your people will be able to destroy this fort would you mind telling me who sent you, and more importantly why they are trying to destroy this fort?"

The Uchiha asked casually while he formed three handseal before throwing four Chidori senbon needles at the man. One to each shoulder, and one to each of his thighs. Not only would experience the pain of them going right through him like nothing, but it would send out a shock strong enough to numb the effected limbs completely. He hoped the pain would remind the man the nature of the situation he was in.

Issei hoped that he was all talk, but given the seriousness of their mission they needed to be absolutely certain that the opposition supposedly coming their way could be dealt with in a manner that wouldn't risk the construction getting destroyed. He hoped that once Wahei's water clone came into contact with Kazuto on the other side that he might have more information than what his capture was trying to provide.

  • E.P.T. | SOLE REFLEXES | HANSHA 反射 - Fighting up close in combat with Issei will prove difficult to opponents seeing as his ability to see others movements almost before they even fully develop puts them at a disadvantage. 
  • SHARINGAN | 2 TOMOE KG - Issei Sharingan now has the full reactive and Genjutsu capabilities that were withheld from him in its premature state such as being able to reactively dodge fast moving projectiles; as well as predict an opponent's moves just by watching minuscule twitches of their muscles. Issei can also see Chakra in physical form. With it Issei can not only distinguish what is being used based on its color, but can also break lower level Genjutsu.
  • SUPERIOR CHAKRA | RESERVES - with this he is able to perform use a larger repertoire of jutsu without the consequences of running out of chakra like most are accustomed to, and thus isn't limited to the amount of jutsu he can use at once. Also this ability grants him the power to user higher ranking jutsu with little to no consequences given the fact that he has a greater amount of chakra than most.
  • ENHANCED AGILITY | E.P.T - Issei is now capable of moving his body without the consequences of his muscles inability to handle his own body weight and speed. With this, he can move around almost as if the laws of physics don't apply using his near perfect movement precision.
  • DRAGON BREATH | JUTSU ENHANCEMENT - Issei can not only use the Fire Ball jutsu without handseals, but the size of it in Comet form is doubled. In addition to that its burning prowess has increased to the level of causing critical levels of damage. Likely death with a direct hit.
  • ENHANCED SPEED | E.P.T - Issei speed has reached its peak for his current class and as a result there aren't many others who can keep up him. The combination of his raw athleticism and speed make him a nightmare for anyone wishing to take him on in close range combat.
  • ----
  • ----
  • ----
  • NAME: Chidori Senbon [One Thousand Birds Needles]
    RANK: A
    CHAKRA USAGE: Low to High
    ELEMENT: Raiton
    HANDSEALS: Dragon → Horse → Bird
    DESCRIPTION: This is one of many variations of the Chidori that uses shape transformation. In comparison to the standard Chidori, it further specialises in speed, by being transformed into countless sharp senbon, which are all aimed and fired at the enemy. Said Senbon can travel in a straight line from where they are formed up to 20 meters in any direction, but may not change trajectory. The user may throw the senbon up to 40 meters, but at this range their power is lessened. By increasing the amount of chakra used, the number of senbon also increases proportionally. When used in tandem with the Dojutsu, it becomes far more effective and deadly, as it allows the user to precisely shoot for the target's vital points. Said needles are strong enough to pierce most materials, including high ranking weaponry. Even able to leave large pinholes in solid rock the depth of about half an average senbon. Should the needles come in contact with their target they will pierce straight through the body, but not before delivering a strong enough shock to forcefully contract the affected muscles in the area they hit forcing any held item to be dropped and any action canceled, while also rendering the affected limb unresponsive for a single round(doubling the range loses this stun effect). Depending on how many needles are formed the cost of the jutsu can vary from a few dozen at medium cost of chakra to a few hundred costing a high amount of chakra. As such the user must judge how many they should create before they actually perform the jutsu.

| AP has written 653 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jun 30, 2022 11:02:32 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Wahei Avatar
age "15" years old birthday "September 28th" rank Chūnin occupation Iryō (Medic); Ne; 'Scientific'

"beyond the horizon".
"Sometimes we don't get what you want because we deserve better.
And the best is yet to come!"
Kazuhira Tsukuru Wahei


The sensation of contributing was good. Although he had that weird feeling that the worst was yet to come. - Senpai. My clone went straight to Kazuto to report and I think he may reach to us soon. - Wahei mentioned, complementing his previous report. But taking the chance that he had Issei's attention, he would say before the jonin could proceed with his interrogation - I've double-inspected him and didn't find nothing. - he pointed to his white eye - The area is also clear, although being here exposes us. We should get back to the site and then take care of him. - with his suggestion, Wahei would go for anything that could represent danger to the site, the workers and other fellow ninjas - the man's ninja gear included.

After being sure he would not be able to offer any harm, Wahei would also put his own ear protector (common PPE for construction site) to  deaf him temporarily, as well blindfolding him using the man's own clothes.

This way the prisoner wouldn't be able to collect any information about the site or the people working on it. Specially the ninjas. - "Better safe than sorry" - Finally, he would scouting him with Issei towards the HQ, where the jonin could finish his interrogation.

There, Wahei would use his chakra blade to damage his wrists and tendons with surgeon's accuracy. Not to cause him pain, but to make him incapable of fighting or physically resisting. Albeit it wouldn't mean a serious damage, the man would be prevented of using hand seals or even stand. - He is all yours, Senpai. - he nodded to Issei.

"And people say you Iryō-nin are harmless" - "Medical knowledge is made for heal. Though we also know how to inflict pain and harm in very different manners" - "There is no knowledge that is not power".

Getting closer to the door though, just before leaving, Wahei stopped for a while and then turn to Issei again. - I have this bad feeling. I'm no expert on reading people but my instincts tell me he was not bluffing. There's more of them coming. - he said again to Issei. Hopefully, Kazuto would also be there at this point.

- We need to set a new COA using our plenty capable hands available. Perhaps we should even take a better look into our crew just in case to be sure no one is spying or sourcing the enemy - he said, referring to the labor work force - I know I'm just a genin, and I have caused enough trouble for the village in the recent past, though as much as I don't want to cause further problems or crossing any lines here, my guts are telling me that we really need to keep our guards raised. The success of this mission is at stake. - the boy bent in respect, specially for giving his opinion when it wasn't asked. Albeit his tone was serious and firm, there was preoccupation in his voice. - Please, let me know should I can be of any assistance. I'll do anything that I can to guarantee they won't sneak on us. - the boy raised his fist gripped, as a sign of a promise.

With that, Issei would proceed with the investigation on the man and, hopefully, Wahei would get a new COA. Not being the case, he would coordinate his water clones to improve their defense position, updating them about the situation, including Kojirou and possibly the hooded girl (Ayukawa).

Finally, Wahei would find a strategic and safe high ground position (considering the site itself, if possible) where he could use his byakugan to keep sure reinforce their watch and making sure to make up for his promise. Even though he couldn't keep the byakugan activated for the whole night, he had learned how to otimize time usage and chakra by making a surveillance routine in minor breaks. - "Having this byakugan is a great privilege. But having someone to teach me how to use it is priceless. Arigato, Shigure-san!".

"From the very moment we're thrown into this world, we're fated to bring each other nothing but pain, suffering and misery. I was also blindly obsessed with a trivial and irrational need for vengeance. But I was left behind. Alone. Forgotten. Abandoned. Forsaken. But now, the fog has been truly lifted. One can never run from its ghosts. And that’s exactly all that I am. A lost memory. An undying shadow, in this world of light. From now on, I’ll have to live up to this semi-charmed kind of life. Regardless of this phantom pain. This is my fate. This is my Destiny. It’s not the light which will guide us through the darkness, but the darkness that shall guide us through the light. Never forget. Always remember."

Ra-Ri-Ru-Re-Ro (らりるれろ).

Hold Position ! ! !
- Building up an advance post -
[ | | |  ]
[678 Words]

last edit by Wahei on Jul 25, 2022 15:19:25 GMT -5
MissingNo has written 491 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jul 1, 2022 9:02:40 GMT -5
Saeko Ayukawa
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Saeko Ayukawa Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday October 15th rank Chunin occupation Operation Team Member
Beyond the Horizon
"Heh heh...I think your right...

While the situation with the mistaken identity had been handled quickly, Ayu knew that sooner or later, she'd have to reveal herself just to keep from conflict with any of the others. After all, they were supposed to be acting as a team. Still, it just felt like the moment for such things was still a ways off. Especially with the threat to their position now having been handled.

With a nod in agreement to the idea of them gaining some rest, she'd soon begin to make her way toward the camp as to hopefully, get the rest of the workers to become more settled into their place for them to finally get the peace of mind that came with being under the protection of such talented shinobi. Though whether that would be enough remained to be seen.

For the moment, it seemed that quiet had been restored and perhaps, that would be enough for them all to sleep and get the energy they needed to begin again in the morning. But, considering the events of the day, the young Suna nin would be sleeping with one eye open.
    Tag: | Words: xxx | Notes:

-Jutsu Used-
NAME: Henge Hitomi no Jutsu [Eye Transformation Technique]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
Much like it's parent technique Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique], this justu focuses on transformation. However, this is to a far lesser degree. By making a single rat handsign and with slight focus of the user's chakra towards their eyes. They are able to change the colour easily. This is most often used by those within the ANBU alongside the Henge Kaminoke no Jutsu [Hair Transformation Technique] for use in missions that require the Shinobi to be undercover. Thanks to the low chakra cost needed to maintain such a justu; many users keep it active throughout their day.

-Item's used-
xPuppet Arm

-S.A Used-
Lion's Sleep
Hunter instincts and experience on the hunt have granted Ayukawa insight into the minds of the prey she encounters. Animalistic encounters have allowed her to track and be capable of following those that she intends to target, at times giving her brief, but small insight into their intentions. While not fully developed, they have improved over her continued use and natural development, allowing her instincts to be heighten to a point where she isn't caught off-guard when activated or in an intense moment that requires a reaction. It also allows for her to at times get inside of the heads of her target, mostly due to their movements and their patterns once discovered. It is a skill that is constantly growing, though has yet to reach it's full potential.

In the Jungle
To survive in the desert, one must be able to keep up with not just the prey, but also to outrun the wild predators as well. Ayukawa training and life in the wilderness and vast landscape has prepared her for such events. Her genetics in relation to the Saeko Clan have given her an edge in physical combat, along with making her much more agile. Living out in the desert has also made her incredibly durable due to the intense environment surrounding her, along with possessing a high amount of physical stamina.
Kaze has written 559 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jul 4, 2022 9:57:46 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ren Avatar
age 33 years old birthday June 18 rank occupation

Beyond the Horizon [Event]
"advanced outpost contruction"

Issei decided to use less than pleasant methods to interrogate their captive and with the Chidori Senbon, the man eventually caved and let it out that they were a mean to test how well-protected the place was, and that if they did not return, then the 'others' would know that they needed to come at full force. No matter how hard he was pressed, the man insisted he was just a foot soldier and he didn't truly know more of the plan, but at least now they knew that there was more to come and they could at least prepare accordingly.

The man was completely unable to escape and Wahei made sure of that, so that also helped convincing him to spill the beans. Following that, Wahei made some more water clones to be on the lookout and improve their defensive position, and instead of continuing to help with the construction, he would try to use his Byakugan - mostly at night - to surveil the area around them.

Kojirou continued to focus on maintaining the tools, fixing them as needed and doing a pretty good job at that, as well as carrying materials around using the aid of his clones. And so did Ayukawa upon waking up.

The day progressed well, and the construction advanced, but at the nightfall, Wahei would spot something approaching from the ocean. It was a small vessel with two people on it, and he could see that they had chakra inside of them.

[Wahei noticed the approach of a vessel. He can inform others or keep the information to himself]

Rotation: 8/11 [Paused starting next rotation due to attack]

Next rotation will be posted on July 7th at 11:00 pm EST.

Group 01:

Ren has written 286 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jul 5, 2022 18:14:49 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Wahei Avatar
age "15" years old birthday "September 28th" rank Chūnin occupation Iryō (Medic); Ne; 'Scientific'

"beyond the horizon".
"Sometimes we don't get what you want because we deserve better.
And the best is yet to come!"
Kazuhira Tsukuru Wahei

Konoha Shinobi!

Getting approval from his iniciative, Wahei nodded firmly and started doing the preparations for his new assingment during the mission. A most interesting one, considering his personal objectives.

Not that he undermined the hard work his fellow allies was doing on helping bulding the site. He knews that every single person mattered and every single task was equally important - "every tiny ant makes an anthill, and the real queen is the will to keep the group alive" - something humans would call legacy.

Though he was still making an extra effort to help how he could, since his defense formation patrol with the water clones took into account the work flow he developed moments earlier to keep things progressing.

This was not only his will of keep helping, but an important part of his strategy. After all, Wahei's eyes wasn't only worried about enemies that could come from 'beyond the horizon', but also trying to find anyone else sneaking around.

Having his water clones around working and patroling was a good chance of getting a close inspection over the others without raising any suspicion. 'Trust' was something too delicate, so he couldn't afford having his intentions recklessly disclosed, so no time would be wasted fooling around.

"Why are you doing this?" - "What do you mean?" - "You're getting soft again. Working for them like this... puting this much effort" - "I've always did my best to accomplish missions we were assigned to. So I'm not getting your point." - "Bullshit! I can feel it into your heart. Why do you care about them?" - "I care about Konoha. Meaning that I care about it's people and allies" - "I thought you have forsaken this naive nature of your, Fear. But it seems Wahei is still around after all. You just can't get rid of him, can you?" - "Our minds are... unstable. You could say that right now we are something... unique... sui generis" - "I can't understand how can you stand up for those bastards. No one would blame you if you just played cool and did your stuff. Jonins are the ones responsible for the security, and you're not in the position of doing so much" - "I am stronger than I've been back then. Though this is not easy to handle, I know my own limits and capacity. Improving is not just about training, y'know" - "You're helping people who had turn back against you. The village helped you out for politics, but everyone blame you for what happened back at the CE. Doing this effort won't make them see you like a hero... like... they see that friend of yours..." - "Listen, Envy. I know where you're getting at, and cut it off. I'm not trying to become a hero. My redemption is something I do for my own sake. I don't care what people say or think of me. - Yes - I still think what happened was unfair and that we were victim of a tyran's plan. This world is rotten. Though it won't change a thing. I'm over to what happened. I've took responsability for letting my guard down because of my naive feelings. I've been learn what means to be a shinobi. And my conclusion is... it doesn't matter if we have to walk under the sun or moon line, as long as we do what is needed for the sake of those we want to protect" - "And who exactly are those you want to protect? The ones who turned their backs on you? Ha-ha. Don't make me laugh. You have anyone else. Even the people you're close too... are not that close anymore really... you are... alone, on your own." - "Precisely. This is the price of walking in the shadows... but this is exactly what I decided to become..." - "And what the heck is it?" - "A Konoha Shinobi".

The group progressed well for the day, as the construction advanced. Envy was right though and as the better Wahei was coordinating and handling his simultaneously usage of his clones, tasks and skill, he was feeling the weight of working so hard. - "It's not easy, but I know I can handle it. I will have plenty time to rest when we get back home." - he thought, sharpening his will with discipline and determination. Though he knew there was yet a long way to go.

And so, at nightfall, Wahei spot something approaching from the ocean - "Huh?" . A small vessel. Two people on it. - "Who the hell are you?" focusing on those two suspects, he noticed they had... chakra inside of them. - "What the hell?" - he quickly thought, but cutting loose that line by shooking his head - "I need to report, but I don't want to alarm the workers" - the boy 'jumped' out of the site using chakra in his legs to slide down safely, reaching to one of his clones, saying in low tone:

- Two people in a vessel. Spread the message. The enemy is coming. - Wahei would point towards the ocean, even though mentioning 'vessel' would made it clear already. By spreading the message, the clone will know he was suppose to inform the ninjas around, starting with another clone - so he could then complete the cycle - and immediately after going to Issei at the QG - Keep discretion though, at least until we have a clear COA. Iku! [行く, Go!] - he added, even though the clones were familiar with the plan.

Since the patrol was made to be around the site, the clones would notice when original Wahei jumped out from the top, meaning he want to report. Thus, when they notice he wasn't there, they would knew he should accelerate the patrol rythm.

The clone who would met original Wahei would be the most important of the formation, since he would have to hurry on informing  another - so the message could be spreaded among the clones - and then get to Issei, instructing him that Wahei would stand in his post at the top of site to get more INTEL. Eventually, he could met him there ASAP.

The last clone to be notified in the cycling formation would be in charge of evaluating the situation and, being the case, run towards the group 2 to report. Meaning four of them would gather around the formation while one would go inform the group. If all of them managed to play their role, the communication among the group one would be effective enough to reach the others in due time, without alarding the workers at their tents.

"From the very moment we're thrown into this world, we're fated to bring each other nothing but pain, suffering and misery. I was also blindly obsessed with a trivial and irrational need for vengeance. But I was left behind. Alone. Forgotten. Abandoned. Forsaken. But now, the fog has been truly lifted. One can never run from its ghosts. And that’s exactly all that I am. A lost memory. An undying shadow, in this world of light. From now on, I’ll have to live up to this semi-charmed kind of life. Regardless of this phantom pain. This is my fate. This is my Destiny. It’s not the light which will guide us through the darkness, but the darkness that shall guide us through the light. Never forget. Always remember."

Ra-Ri-Ru-Re-Ro (らりるれろ).

Hold Position ! ! !
- Building up an advance post -
[ | | |  ]
[1121 Words]

last edit by Wahei on Jul 5, 2022 18:16:10 GMT -5
MissingNo has written 491 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jul 6, 2022 23:07:43 GMT -5
Saeko Ayukawa
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Saeko Ayukawa Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday October 15th rank Chunin occupation Operation Team Member
Beyond the Horizon
"I miss nights like this....the sky is bright out...I can almost see the stars that shine over Kaze no kuni...oh wait...they all do...I think?"

Ayukawa would look upward toward the stars as they came into view once more over the site. The day had come and gone once more, and things had once again begin to slow in pace. As the work crew relaxed within their camp, singing and talking about the previous night's events, there was still some sense of concern over the attempted attack. But, there was also a stillness within the air that things would be okay. They certainly didn't lack for confidence in their defense, especially with how Issei and the others had handled things. It was quite the sight to see everyone work so diligently and in sync with one another.

With her eyes lingering to the sky, feeling the tingle as the chakra within her pupils began to flicker out from strain, her head would lower as she focused hard once again to maintain their appearance, finding herself once more with a yellowish tint to her gaze yet again.

"Why don't I just tell him?... I's bad enough that I lied...well...I mean...I didn't...really lie...right?"

Speaking to herself softly, Ayukawa would stare upward into the night yet again, her hood draw down briefly as she felt the night wind cool her face, her hands resting on the back of stacked post as she sat upon them. But in feeling a small flicker of chakra move in passing, her senses became more alert as she drew her hood back over her head, looking around as she saw a figure that looked like the boy that had been with Issei rushing around the camp grounds. In more places than one. It seemed as if he had duplicated himself to be in multiple places at a time, leading to her glancing around as there was certainly something up.

"Whats going on?"

    Tag: | Words: xxx | Notes:

-Jutsu Used-
NAME: Henge Hitomi no Jutsu [Eye Transformation Technique]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
Much like it's parent technique Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique], this justu focuses on transformation. However, this is to a far lesser degree. By making a single rat handsign and with slight focus of the user's chakra towards their eyes. They are able to change the colour easily. This is most often used by those within the ANBU alongside the Henge Kaminoke no Jutsu [Hair Transformation Technique] for use in missions that require the Shinobi to be undercover. Thanks to the low chakra cost needed to maintain such a justu; many users keep it active throughout their day.

-Item's used-
xPuppet Arm

-S.A Used-
Lion's Sleep
Hunter instincts and experience on the hunt have granted Ayukawa insight into the minds of the prey she encounters. Animalistic encounters have allowed her to track and be capable of following those that she intends to target, at times giving her brief, but small insight into their intentions. While not fully developed, they have improved over her continued use and natural development, allowing her instincts to be heighten to a point where she isn't caught off-guard when activated or in an intense moment that requires a reaction. It also allows for her to at times get inside of the heads of her target, mostly due to their movements and their patterns once discovered. It is a skill that is constantly growing, though has yet to reach it's full potential.

In the Jungle
To survive in the desert, one must be able to keep up with not just the prey, but also to outrun the wild predators as well. Ayukawa training and life in the wilderness and vast landscape has prepared her for such events. Her genetics in relation to the Saeko Clan have given her an edge in physical combat, along with making her much more agile. Living out in the desert has also made her incredibly durable due to the intense environment surrounding her, along with possessing a high amount of physical stamina.
Kaze has written 559 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jul 7, 2022 17:12:29 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
age 21 years old birthday OCTOBER 12, -13SD rank SP. JOUNIN occupation WAR COUNCIL
It was unfortunate that he couldn't get more from the man, and in the future he would see to it that his visual prowess was capable of doing so in the future with more training; however, they were able to get some details on what they were doing here in the first place. This group he was apart of was looking to test the defenses of their fort, and while Konoha might have had some misfortunes in the past they weren't in such a bad spot that they could take on bandits like them.

The people who were in charge of him had to be worth more than what they got. Wahei probably could have taken these guys out by himself. He'd argue the same could be said for Kojirou. Nevertheless, after getting what information he could from him Wahei offered his Suiton services to keep the man at bay so that Issei could focus on monitoring the whole project altogether without having to worry about him getting away or causing more problems.

Construction continued to progress the following day without any issues for the most part. Some of the civilians were still abit shaken up, but most of them were experience and had dealt with many problem like this in their lifetime. Like Shinobi they were professional and were able to push past the fears of danger to continue getting the job done. Here and there Issei helped the best he could in the multitude of different task going on, but for now he was focused on security.

No one would want to sign a contract with the village if they weren't capable of keeping their workers alive. Most of them knew what they were getting to, but having Shinobi around typically eliminated most of those fears. Nonetheless, as night fall came Issei focused his attention primarily on the security of the site as the workers begin to settle in together. He thought about checking in on the hooded girl who helped him earlier, but he figured that could wait until there wouldn't be anymore problems.

All appeared to be going well until Issei got word from one of Wahei's water clones informing him that there was more trouble headed toward them. "Sigh.. Understood." Issei remembered where the real Wahei was posted and immediately made haste to reach him so that he could get more information on what was going on. His Sharingan would remain active in the event of any chakra related activity within the area that he could get eyes on.

"So what exactly did you pick up Wahei?" Issei asked immediately upon arriving on the scene. He hoped that whatever he spotted wasn't as close as the last people. If they were further out this time he hoped it might be a lot easier this time to take them out before they even got close.
| AP has written 653 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jul 8, 2022 11:11:29 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ren Avatar
age 33 years old birthday June 18 rank occupation

Beyond the Horizon [Event]
"advanced outpost contruction"

Issei had done a good job at extracting information. Of course there was always that feeling that there was more to be extracted, but in reality that was all that the man truly knew.

As the next evening came and Wahei spotted people in the distance, Issei asked him for further details and the boy. He could see that Kazuto had also noticed the group, and was at the frontlines to potentially intercept them; if they were to reach Wahei and Issei, they would have to go through the Senju first, and that was no easy task, and with one of the clones moving towards him to share the intel, he would be more than fine.

Still, they had other pressing matters to tend to. Suddenly, two of the clones Wahei sent out to cover the area were destroyed, and since the Water Clone works differently from the Shadow Clone, the only information that came from it was the dispersion of their chakra.

Luckily, with the Byakugan, he was able to quickly look in the direction: coming from the west was a hulk of a man. He wore nothing but white pants, and his physic showed he was likely incredibly strong. He was running towards the trio, and behind him another man with purple hair and black mask, trying to keep himself hidden.

Ayukawa and Wahei's senses allowed them to warn Issei in time, and with his Sharingan he could see their chakra even in the dark of night.

Issei's sharingan allowed him to anticipate what would be happening: the hulking man would be trying to punch the ground near them, while the other one would be leaping up and throwing two fuuma shuriken their way, one aiming at Wahei, the other one aimed at Ayukawa.

The Uchiha had just enough time to act before them and issue a warning to his allies. His speed and reflexes, together with his doujutsu giving him a great edge in reaction time.

[Two water clones destroyed. Issei predicts their movements and has a chance to warn the group and take an action. Ayukawa and Wahei's ability to react is dependant on Issei, otherwise, without enhanced reflexes, they will have a hard time avoiding the attacks. Kojirou is still at the camp, oblivious to the attack]

Rotation: 9/12 [No progress while under attack]

Next rotation will be posted on July 11th at 11:00 pm EST.

Group 01:

Enemies Info:

Top: Masked man
Specs: ?
SA: ?
Action: Throwing 2 Fuuma Shuriken, one at Wahei, the other one at Ayukawa

Bottom: Hulking man
Specs: Taijutsu [Sole]
SA: Enhanced Strength / ?
Action: Destroyed two clones with a punch, is heading towards Issei, at an incredible speed, aiming to hit the ground near him.
Technique used:
NAME: Sokudo [Literally Meaning Speed]
CHAKRA USAGE: High [Continuous]
Sokudo is a method of using chakra passively to reinforce the body's physical capabilities. Such things are movement-based rather than just brute strength would. It gives the user's muscle stimulation, allowing increased hand movement, wrist, arms, and even the legs. This can be used to just have everything work more proficiently. Though, after being used for more than seven posts, the user's muscles will be sore as if they just did an extensive workout. IF continued to be used, eleven posts will begin to break down muscle. Intense pain followed, forced technique shut down.
Ren has written 286 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jul 11, 2022 13:40:42 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Wahei Avatar
age "15" years old birthday "September 28th" rank Chūnin occupation Iryō (Medic); Ne; 'Scientific'

"beyond the horizon".
"Sometimes we don't get what you want because we deserve better.
And the best is yet to come!"
Kazuhira Tsukuru Wahei


His strategy went out very good so far. And when he noticed Issei getting to him, the boy waste no time but starting his report - Senpai! - he formally greet, as the Uchiha jonin asked for details he was ready to give - For now, all my clones reported to you is what I could reach. Kazuto is there though, and I've sent a water clone for his aid too. - of course it wasn't as good as having a shadow clone, but hopefully if they were in the right range, they could give the man a opening by surprise attack. Furthermore, Kazuto was pretty good himself to handle whatever.

Further detail about the scene he saw would be given accordingly, but in the meanwhile, something odd - but at certain level expected - happened and Wahei sighted - Wait a sec! - he said to Issei, raising his hand with a close fist, just like in 'hand position'. The veins popped out more, revealing his special eye' were working at that very moment they were talking. - Two of my clones are down. They are here already! - his voice got a worried tone. - he said, with a serious expression than he had before, while fighting the other enemies with Issei.

- West. Two of them. Follow me! - he said shortly to make it a brief, but also heading towards the duo and again sliding down the site. At the ground he made two signs to one of his clone. A sign that mean "trouble". Another that mean 'two'. - "Double-trouble" - or more specifically: "Enemies around, tell the others and form up".

Meanwhile, now at the ground again, Wahei complemented his description to Issei. -  Tough strong guy in a 'white pants only'... and another man... purple hair and black mask... trying to sneak in - he'd give more details about that 'hulk of a man' based on what he saw, or even what he could learn in the meanwhile. Same for the 'purple weasel', estimated time for 'encounter' included. - I'd suggest we use our numbers to make advantage over them. But the COA it's up to you, Senpai. - he said, nodding as to confirm he had nothing else to report for now.

Hopefully, they'd get enough time to have the others to get to them in due time. His guts were telling him that this time they won't have just to deal with some random minions. Though he was ready to follow Issei instructions and show that Yuuta's students could make a hell of a team.

"From the very moment we're thrown into this world, we're fated to bring each other nothing but pain, suffering and misery. I was also blindly obsessed with a trivial and irrational need for vengeance. But I was left behind. Alone. Forgotten. Abandoned. Forsaken. But now, the fog has been truly lifted. One can never run from its ghosts. And that’s exactly all that I am. A lost memory. An undying shadow, in this world of light. From now on, I’ll have to live up to this semi-charmed kind of life. Regardless of this phantom pain. This is my fate. This is my Destiny. It’s not the light which will guide us through the darkness, but the darkness that shall guide us through the light. Never forget. Always remember."

Ra-Ri-Ru-Re-Ro (らりるれろ).

Hold Position ! ! !
- Building up an advance post -
[ | | |  ]
[435 Words]

MissingNo has written 491 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jul 11, 2022 18:42:32 GMT -5
Saeko Ayukawa
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Saeko Ayukawa Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday October 15th rank Chunin occupation Operation Team Member
Beyond the Horizon
"Wait! There's more of them?"

Ayukawa had just come upon the two with a calm expression, her hands resting at her side as she looked toward Wahei as he gave his report on the situation. Or at least, what he had managed to see...or his clones saw...or...whatever...They were all him in the end right? Still, the young female would let her eyes blink for a moment before then seeming to feel them shift as something came to her like a sensation. It was a foreign smell, and it was almost as if it were blasting her with a scent that was right in her face. As her eyes seemed to flicker in and out of their guise, the intense purple in them came to full view as the group seemed to be under attack.

As Wahei seemed to indicate that two of his clones were apparently gone, he'd instruct Issei to follow him as they began to move down into the site. Ayukawa, while not being invited, seemed to go along with it for now as she moved after them, her expression still narrowed as her attention seemed almost further away. He began to give descriptions of what this attack appeared to be, the presence of two men, one large than the other, and one of them was wearing a mask. While he continued to go on to signal two of his clones to form up, he'd begin to try and give an suggestions and perhaps even arrival time for their attackers.

Moment Music

Sadly, one seemed to already be there...prompting the world to slow down as Ayukawa had been paying attention to their surroundings and her instincts were hardly ever wrong. With what sounded like a whistle within the air, she'd turn to see two Fuma shuriken flying through the air, and both being aimed at herself and Wahei. While focusing chakra into her limbs, the girl would seem to flicker outward much like a blur, her figure jumping into the air and landing upon a single blade of the flying weapon with the tip of her foot. While briefly balanced, she'd slide herself off it, taking hold of it's center handle before throwing it in the path of the other blade, knocking both off course as she slide across the ground and stopping the surprise attack.

"One's already here!"

She'd yell this with a serious tone as Wahei seemed to be waiting for Issei to give an order, leaving her to stare down at the masked figure while bearing her teeth.

    Tag: | Words: xxx | Notes:

-Jutsu Used-

NAME: Sokudo [Literally Meaning Speed]
CHAKRA USAGE: High [Continuous]
Sokudo is a method of using chakra passively to reinforce the body's physical capabilities. Such things are movement-based rather than just brute strength would. It gives the user's muscle stimulation, allowing increased hand movement, wrist, arms, and even the legs. This can be used to just have everything work more proficiently. Though, after being used for more than seven posts, the user's muscles will be sore as if they just did an extensive workout. IF continued to be used, eleven posts will begin to break down muscle. Intense pain followed, forced technique shut down.

NAME: Kasoku Suru [Accelerate]
A very simple technique, by using chakra the user is able to instantly accelerate their selves to their max speed. This can be done in just about any condition, but any techniques that slow the user's movement (such as armor from jutsu or most jutsu that might slow an individual) will still affect them.

NAME: Toeken Dai [Sword Stand]
CHAKRA USAGE: Low - Medium
This being a more advanced version of the Mogura Tataki [Whack-a-Mole], the user focuses their chakra into the feet creating a thin layer under their feet that sticks and protects their feet. The chakra is strong enough to stick and protect the user for a second so the user is able to step/ jump on an incoming strike from a weapon being it a sword, spear or knife. The user would be able the step/ jump on in and balance on it for a second while delivering a counter-attack with the other foot.

NAME: Onkyō: Gōsutosunatchi [Acoustic: Ghost Snatch]
A simple thief technique used to quickly steal an exposed item, equipment, weapon. The user must be within arm's reach of the target, roughly a 1 meter at most. Using Fūton chakra, the user speeds their arms to the point where it looks like the wind blows as the snatch the item inconspicuously. Another drawback is the strength aspect, a wallet everyone can snatch. A two-ton weight. Nope, not unless you have the required strength and skill to even carry it.

-Item's used-
xPuppet Arm

-S.A Used-
Lion's Sleep
Hunter instincts and experience on the hunt have granted Ayukawa insight into the minds of the prey she encounters. Animalistic encounters have allowed her to track and be capable of following those that she intends to target, at times giving her brief, but small insight into their intentions. While not fully developed, they have improved over her continued use and natural development, allowing her instincts to be heighten to a point where she isn't caught off-guard when activated or in an intense moment that requires a reaction. It also allows for her to at times get inside of the heads of her target, mostly due to their movements and their patterns once discovered. It is a skill that is constantly growing, though has yet to reach it's full potential.

In the Jungle
To survive in the desert, one must be able to keep up with not just the prey, but also to outrun the wild predators as well. Ayukawa training and life in the wilderness and vast landscape has prepared her for such events. Her genetics in relation to the Saeko Clan have given her an edge in physical combat, along with making her much more agile. Living out in the desert has also made her incredibly durable due to the intense environment surrounding her, along with possessing a high amount of physical stamina.

Law of the Jungle
The law of the jungle states that the strongest survive and the weak perish. In further effort to increase upon such a principle, Ayukawa has further increased her strength by the usage of training weights. Her constant runs, strikes, and combat acts have more impactful strides due to their instrumental usage. As such, while not yet strong enough to break boulders without applying chakra, she has improved the impact strength of her strikes to the point that she can fracture bones with more ease, much like the bite of a lion.
last edit by Saeko Ayukawa on Jul 11, 2022 18:47:59 GMT -5
Kaze has written 559 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jul 12, 2022 0:27:26 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
age 21 years old birthday OCTOBER 12, -13SD rank SP. JOUNIN occupation WAR COUNCIL
What were the chances that such a group of talented sensors were in the area with them. Wahei was kind of a no brainer once most of the village got wind of his Byakugan, but the hooded girl was definitely a surprise factor in all of what was going on. Fortunately they had Kazuto intercepting the people Wahai initially spotted, but it seemed as though they're brief success was cut short once Wahei took notice of something else happening in the distance. "Two of them?!" Issei exclaimed as his eyes followed Wahei.

"How the hell did they get in here?"

Issei muttered to himself as he utilized his visual prowess to take in all of what was happening. It was hard for him to not take notice of the much larger man as he was likely going to be the bigger problem. Well, his initial assessment could be wrong, but if they were looking to ruin the construction they had going on then it was likely going to come from someone extremely powerful, or someone with refined Ranged Ninjutsu abilities.

Nevertheless, Issei stuck to his gut and before the large man even attempted to start anything he'd weave three handseals. The amount of chakra molding within the large man appeared to be the kind that would be able to damage most of the worked they'd done, and if he thought he was going to be stuck out here for more time doing construction then this group of assholes were going to be in for a surprise.

The coordinates provided to him by Wahei would proved to be extremely affective as lightning burst from Issei's right hand before he vanished in a stream of lightning toward the man just as he was attempting to strike the ground. The surprise counter and speed of his attack would likely be too great for the man to defend as the Raikiri was definitely an end game tech. Issei would make sure to aim straight for the mans heart area to hopefully stop him in his tracks.

  • E.P.T. | SOLE REFLEXES | HANSHA 反射 - Fighting up close in combat with Issei will prove difficult to opponents seeing as his ability to see others movements almost before they even fully develop puts them at a disadvantage. 
  • SHARINGAN | 2 TOMOE KG - Issei Sharingan now has the full reactive and Genjutsu capabilities that were withheld from him in its premature state such as being able to reactively dodge fast moving projectiles; as well as predict an opponent's moves just by watching minuscule twitches of their muscles. Issei can also see Chakra in physical form. With it Issei can not only distinguish what is being used based on its color, but can also break lower level Genjutsu.
  • SUPERIOR CHAKRA | RESERVES - with this he is able to perform use a larger repertoire of jutsu without the consequences of running out of chakra like most are accustomed to, and thus isn't limited to the amount of jutsu he can use at once. Also this ability grants him the power to user higher ranking jutsu with little to no consequences given the fact that he has a greater amount of chakra than most.
  • ENHANCED AGILITY | E.P.T - Issei is now capable of moving his body without the consequences of his muscles inability to handle his own body weight and speed. With this, he can move around almost as if the laws of physics don't apply using his near perfect movement precision.
  • DRAGON BREATH | JUTSU ENHANCEMENT - Issei can not only use the Fire Ball jutsu without handseals, but the size of it in Comet form is doubled. In addition to that its burning prowess has increased to the level of causing critical levels of damage. Likely death with a direct hit.
  • ENHANCED SPEED | E.P.T - Issei speed has reached its peak for his current class and as a result there aren't many others who can keep up him. The combination of his raw athleticism and speed make him a nightmare for anyone wishing to take him on in close range combat.
  • ----
  • ----
  • ----
  • NAME: Raikiri [Lightning Cutter]
    RANK: S
    ELEMENT: Raiton
    HANDSEALS: Ox → Rabbit → Monkey
    DESCRIPTION: Being an enhanced and honed version of the original Chidori this jutsu has the same principle and drawbacks which can be negated in the same ways. However, where the Lightning Cutter excels is in it's speed, penetrating ability and mastery. Moving at such a speed the pure chakra of the ability literally radiates from the user, creating a 'tunnel' of lightning around them and leaving a trail of lightning rods off the sides of their feet which makes opponents think twice before approaching the user. This speed is so fast that even the three tomoe sharigan has trouble following it, albeit able to do so. To the naked eye the user is simply a blue blur of lightning zipping past.

    Furthermore, the mastery of the original Chidori hones the lightning into a spike of the pure element. This causes the jutsu to have much more power behind it, allowing the user to punch through almost any material. The jutsu has been witness to punch the user straight through a solid steel wall, leaving a smoldering whole through the crumpled material. As the jutsu is stable the user is able to more easily control the Lightning Cutter, allowing them to perform the jutsu in both hands should they wish, splitting the jutsu's power in half for each. However, each can still punch through boulders without losing power or trajectory.

    The chakra cost for Raikiri is high enough that your standard Jonin without enhanced chakra reserves or enhanced chakra control will only be able to use it 2 times a day before chakra exhaustion sets in, but those with enhanced chakra or enhanced chakra control could easily perform it several more times per day.

| AP has written 653 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jul 12, 2022 22:17:50 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ren Avatar
age 33 years old birthday June 18 rank occupation

Beyond the Horizon [Event]
"advanced outpost contruction"

Wahei could describe the duo attacking them and that helped Issei pinpoint their location in time for his sharingan to give him an edge in the battle. Without a second of hesitation, Issei's hand sparkled in blue lightning and like a flash, the Uchiha closed in with the muscular man and pierced his chest with his Lightning Blade before he could hit the ground. He pierced right through his heart and the man looked at the Uchiha in disbelief, puking some blood as he tried to say something, but it was useless.

Even someone was resilient as the man couldn't really withstand having their heart destroyed completely and after a moment, he felt limp on the ground in a loud thud. "No! Ikki!!" the masked men screamed, gritting his teeth in anger.

Ayukawa, noticing the attack, moved like a blur using her chakra to strengthen her body and snatching it with her foot, using her taijutsu technique, launching it towards the other one. The two Fuuma Shuriken clash midair and they passed beside Wahei, who was too slow to react. The girl had essentially saved his life, or at the very least, saved him from a bad injury. Once she landed back on the ground, she glared at the masked figure.

Not only had the masked man's assault failed, but his partner had also been killed with one hit, so he was far from happy. Now outnumbered, the man glared at Issei and then at Ayukawa, and once their gazes crossed, both of them would feel like their bodies were incapable of movement, feeling like every inch of their bodies was surrounded by hardened cement, unless they had a way of resisting his Genjutsu.

[Muscular Man is killed. Masked man used Genjutsu Binding on Ayukawa and Issei]

Rotation: 10/13 [No progress while under attack]

Next rotation will be posted on July 16th at 11:00 pm EST.

Group 01:

Enemies Info:

Top: Masked man
Specs: ?
SA: ?
Action: Used Genjutsu Binding on Issei and Ayukawa
Technique Used:
NAME: Genjutsu Shibari [Genjutsu Binding]
CHAKRA USAGE: To Use: Medium | To Maintain: Low
As the name suggests, the user binds the opponent in a genjutsu by the opponent viewing the user glare, rendering them incapable of movement; and this genjutsu can be used on more than one target at the same time. Unlike other genjutsu that use illusory objects to stop movements, this genjutsu simply affects the target's sense of touch to make it feel as if every inch of their body surrounded by hardened cement, effectively paralyzing the target. Once the target(s) are bound, the user or an ally can rush up to the enemy and deliver a devastating killing blow.

Bottom: Hulking man
Specs: Taijutsu [Sole]
SA: Enhanced Strength / Enhanced Durability
Action: Dead

last edit by Ren on Jul 13, 2022 9:48:41 GMT -5
Ren has written 286 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jul 13, 2022 16:02:18 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Wahei Avatar
age "15" years old birthday "September 28th" rank Chūnin occupation Iryō (Medic); Ne; 'Scientific'

"beyond the horizon".
"Sometimes we don't get what you want because we deserve better.
And the best is yet to come!"
Kazuhira Tsukuru Wahei

Quid pro quo!

Perhaps Wahei was handling too much. And so rushed and focused on getting their targets that he forget a slightly detail of the shinobi world: duality. As their objetive were to built an advanced post for protection, that would mean a threat for his enemies, which means that their were a "target" too.

Even though Wahei was showing good results with the usage of his byakugan, he was yet far to be comparable to a true born Hyuga. Specially when it meant to watch over a larger area. Or when he was trying to multi-task instead of focus in one thing at time.

"Watch your head!" - As usual, Sloth was too slow to anything. But if he was around, it could only mean one thing: Wahei was being reckless. Though he would even had the time to mental answer him this time, as the boy throw his body aside covering his eyes while the byakugan shut down. - "Damn!"

Ready to feel the agony of a violent strike, his eyes widened when the lousy clash of metal get him by surprise. - "You're lucky. You should be dead by now" - too many things making sense at the same time and a very bad situation for him to simply react accordingly to what was happen. - "Perhaps no dead, but really fucked up".

No time to cry over spilt milk though, as long as he better watch over his own ass, he would be of any trouble for the team. Specially because one of the enemies were already killed by Issei - a very astonishing scene, by the way, that probably contributed to his lack of attention.

- Arigatō [ありがとう, 'Thanks'] - a flash of Shigure telling him how comrades could help us to cover up our weaknesses crossed the genin's mind. But that slightly warm of joy last shortly as he noticed something odd about their comrades.

They were stood still as if they had been frozen. With a single-hand seal, he popped out his byakugan again and their chakra flow was a real mess. - "I knew it, they have been caught in a genjutsu" - "Someone give a genius to this Oscar". - Kai! - he whispered, as he touched Ayukawa body - "Quid pro quo, eh?" - and the boy nodded firmly to the hooded lady. His eyes full of respect.

No time to waste with words though. The 179,5º degree range view of his byakugan would possibly allow him to find the best COA in order to reach and protect Issei along with Ayukawa - Kai! - and so the jonin would be also set free.

- Avoid eye contact. Our target is outnumbered but smart. - he'd let them know his 'clock' position. - Senpai, I'm ready to chase him down. - his tone was confident but serious. Inspired by Issei previous movement, his own hands was now filled with a sharp chakra blade. It was time to get his Yūken to a ground test.

If authorized, or simply engaging Issei movements, according to what the jonin decided, Wahei would add chakra to his legs and advance swiftly against his target. Thanks to the byakugan, it would be easier to avoid eye contact and being aware of his location in a safe but fiercely approach. - "Well, it seems I can get back to my nap".

The boy would give him no chance. His first attempt would be apparently rough and brutal strike, dashing towards him to oblige the foe to using his arms for defense. Doing so, he would enhance his blades just in the striking moment to cut his nerves, preventing him to make any hand seal or even casting more jutsus.

Regardless of this working as planned or not, Wahei would then turn his body - like Kazu did during their CE match but to - strike with a low kick, putting the man down and off guard, just to pierce his thigs, invalidating his legs, lower organs to vanish his core energy and, finally, his shoulders, to make his arms useless. A combo sequence he thought when he finally managed to put Shigure's clone to the ground.

Hopefully with another enemy captured, Wahei would be sure he represent no threat and disarm him, following the same procedure to unable his senses he made with their first prisoner. He'd nod to the comrades, awaiting the order to get back to the QG, but processing that very fighting experience. - "Yeah boy... you should've followed your desire..."

"From the very moment we're thrown into this world, we're fated to bring each other nothing but pain, suffering and misery. I was also blindly obsessed with a trivial and irrational need for vengeance. But I was left behind. Alone. Forgotten. Abandoned. Forsaken. But now, the fog has been truly lifted. One can never run from its ghosts. And that’s exactly all that I am. A lost memory. An undying shadow, in this world of light. From now on, I’ll have to live up to this semi-charmed kind of life. Regardless of this phantom pain. This is my fate. This is my Destiny. It’s not the light which will guide us through the darkness, but the darkness that shall guide us through the light. Never forget. Always remember."

Ra-Ri-Ru-Re-Ro (らりるれろ).

Hold Position ! ! !
- Building up an advance post -
[ | | |  ]
[765 Words]

MissingNo has written 491 posts