Parting gift [Miroru]

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Parting gift [Miroru]Oct 14, 2022 1:50:28 GMT -5
Uchiha Miroru
Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!
Uchiha Miroru Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday 7/9 rank Chuunin occupation Jinchuuriki

Uchiha Miroru
Konohagakure No Sato
| 245 | notes
"SHUT UP!!!"

Their garbled voice sounded as Shigure simply- rolled through the air out of the way. She swiped through empty air, and in an instant, he was back on her, his hand tearing through the chakra shroud-

In a combination of bestial reflex and defensive jutsu, Miroru tore backwards through the air, slamming to the ground in a skid and grabbing the brutal bloodwood staff in her hand, erupting the Raiton chakra through the whole weapon and leaping back into the fight, slamming the electrified stick down with absolutely zero finesse. This wasn't the clever, tricky flexibility Miroru typically used, this was a frantic child trying to use everything she had to save her big brother.

She spun and swiped low again, but this time, the instant his feet left the ground, she screamed a single word- "LOSE ALREADYYYYYYYYY!!!"- and unleashed a torrent of chakra for twenty meters in all directions, scorching the ground flat and flashing the leaves off the innermost trees in the clearing, leaving them black and smoking embers. She even lunged again, trying to move before he landed, before he could maneuver again, swinging the charged staff in a huge, graceless slash through the air to try to catch him off guard!

"Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!"

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Threnody has written 1,193 posts
Parting gift [Miroru]Oct 14, 2022 10:01:15 GMT -5
Hyūga Shigure
the price of freedom is steep
Hyūga Shigure Avatar
age 21 years old birthday August 20 rank Jōnin occupation Genin Team 1 Lead / Interception Team
"parting gift".
"No matter how many people you may lose, you have no choice but to go on living."


His attack started to connect, destroying some of the Nine-Tails chakra as it touched it, but the girl's reflexes increase substantially and she leaped backwards, sailing through the air before slamming into the ground. Shigure turned to face her, using his chakra to keep the Twin Lion Fist there, imposing and ready to clash with whatever she had in stock for him. Her fighting style was completely different and rather brutal now.

She came again, with the same type of attack, and much like before, Shigure leaped out of the way, but this time, her scream came with a torrent of chakra in all directions, scorching the ground. "Dammit!" he grunted in between his teeth, as he pushed both his hands forward, using the chakra on his fists to destroy the chakra coming directly his way, but some of the remaining chakra still grazed him before he landed back on his feet. The injuries were not so bad, as he managed to block most of it, but still, he had to be careful.

Still, when she came with the charged staff, he narrowly dodged it with a quick back step, and then moving to the side. "Playtime is over! You are really forcing my hand, Miroru!" and as he said that, chakra erupted from his hands once again, but this time there was way more than before. The chakra was so concentrated it was no longer blue, but purple, and the lion heads were bigger and more dangerous than before. "Hakke... Soujishi Hougeki!" he exclaimed.

"I commend your new power... You are the first person who forces me to use this technique." he admitted, adjusting his stance and waiting for her next action.

"So what if it seems hopeless? If it were me, I still wouldn't give up. Embrace your dreams. And, whatever happens, protect your honour as a Shinobi, for the price of freedom is steep."

Uses Twin Lion Fist to block most of the attack, but still gets grazed by the leftovers. Dodges the next attack and activates the Twin Lions Crumbling Attack
[309 words]

Technique used:

NAME: Eight Trigrams Twin Lions Crumbling Attack [Hakke Sōjishi Hōgeki]
REQUIREMENT: Hyuuga Clan, Byakugan, Main Branch, Chakra Control SA Gentle Step Twin Lion Fists
An improved version of Gentle Step Twin Lion Fists, requiring extreme chakra control. This technique is increased in both strength and potential from its predecessor. The user changes the shape of chakra released from both hands into large guardian lion-shaped shrouds, greatly increasing the range and destructive power of their Gentle Fist attacks. The lion heads drain the chakra network of those they touch while also causing damage to their inner organs. Once activated the shroud will linger until it is used. This technique can be used in conjunction with other techniques, such as the Mountain Crusher and the Hundred-and-Twenty-Eight Palms.
Ren has written 1,690 posts
Parting gift [Miroru]Oct 14, 2022 10:48:05 GMT -5
Uchiha Miroru
Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!
Uchiha Miroru Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday 7/9 rank Chuunin occupation Jinchuuriki

Uchiha Miroru
Konohagakure No Sato
| 408 | notes
For a moment- just one, brief instant- feral glee fills Miroru’s face as she lands her first ever real blow against Shigure. For a moment, triumph sings inside her, and the Kyuubi reaches to take more control.

And then the realization that she HURT Shigure sets in, and her expression cracks in half.

Howling, she hurls her staff- away from him and herself. Wordless sounds of grief and frustration leave her as she buries her fists into char and scorched dirt, slamming her forehead into the dirt and leaving it there as she shuts her eyes and dives inwards.


>This isn’t- this isn’t saving him. He’s still going to win, we’re just- hurting him. And he’ll still go fight, but hurt.<


Her screech falters and breaks, the howls devolving to strangled whines, crumbling into sobbed, choked words. "I- I can’t. I can’t stop you.” Half whispered, half forced past tears. "I just wanted to stop you. I thought if I could stop you, then. Then. I could. I could fight for you. If I could beat you, I could beat anyone you could. And then. And then you. Wouldn’t. Have to fight your dad. But I can’t, and I’m just hurting you and making your chances to win worse and I’m so sorry, I just thought I could save you if I tried hard enough! But I couldn’t, cuz I’m not strong enough, even with that stupid, lying fox, I can’t win. All I did was… make it worse.” Her tears drop into the scorched turf below her face, muddying her bangs as she sobs into the dirt. "I’m sorry I hurt you. I’m sorry I let you down. I’m sorry I couldn’t spare you from this. I’m sorry I’m not strong enough. Please forgive me. Please. Please don’t hate me, Shigure, please don’t, I just wanted to…” She breaks off and dissolves into sobs, curling up as she presses her face into the ash and dirt even harder.

"Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!"

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Threnody has written 1,193 posts
Parting gift [Miroru]Oct 14, 2022 17:57:05 GMT -5
Hyūga Shigure
the price of freedom is steep
Hyūga Shigure Avatar
age 21 years old birthday August 20 rank Jōnin occupation Genin Team 1 Lead / Interception Team
"parting gift".
"No matter how many people you may lose, you have no choice but to go on living."


The power flowing in his arms was quite incredible, and with that technique he was sure he could put a stop to Miroru's rampage by destroying the Nine-Tails chakra that was leaking out, before even more came out. He needed to be quick, and as he readied himself to charge against her, he noticed that she seemed to have hesitated, throwing her staff away and burying her fists into the scorched dirt. Shigure arched one of his brows, unsure of what was going on, and rather concerned with her well-being.

Then she started to talk, sobbing and crying, and that made his heart sink. Shigure's expression changed to that of sadness and he lowered his hands, while still keeping the purple lions there, just in case. But as she continued to speak, he decided this battle was likely over, and the chakra from the fox started to fade away as well. In response, the chakra vanished from his arms and he approached her, kneeling beside her and petting the top of her head. "I know you had the best intentions at heart, Miroru. I'm not upset with you. And having witnessed what I have, I can hardly blame you for this... To think they would've placed such a heavy burden upon your shoulders..." he said, sliding his hand down and cupping it on her cheek.

"It has been one of my greatest source of happiness... Being your sensei. I'm glad you came into my life, ya know? I will never hate you. I love you, I told you that already. You are my dear student, and I will be always there, watching over you, even if... Even if it's just my spirit. But hey... I don't intend on losing, so please... Have a little faith in me. I've been working really hard... And this thing I've gotta do. It is really important. It will save a bunch of people, it will give them hope and the ability to smile. So please, don't beat yourself up... And believe in me like I believe in you." he said, trying to bring her in for a hug.

"So what if it seems hopeless? If it were me, I still wouldn't give up. Embrace your dreams. And, whatever happens, protect your honour as a Shinobi, for the price of freedom is steep."

Fighting is over
Talking to Miroru
[360 words]
Ren has written 1,690 posts
Parting gift [Miroru]Oct 14, 2022 18:11:02 GMT -5
Uchiha Miroru
Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!
Uchiha Miroru Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday 7/9 rank Chuunin occupation Jinchuuriki

Uchiha Miroru
Konohagakure No Sato
| 326 | notes
"But I didn't!" Miroru whimpered into the dirt about her intentions, as her sensei patted her head like always. "At first I just wanted to help, and I asked the fox to help, but then all I could think about was winning. I wanted to beat you, to show you we were stronger, to make you LOSE. And I got so caught up in it. But then I saw you get hurt and it all... just... fell apart. If I had to work that hard just to hurt you once, how was I going to win? And if I couldn't win, then I was just making it all worse. It was selfish, and short sighted, and I should never have listened to that lying fox, I KNEW I shouldn't have, it just seemed like the only-"

A sob shut her up as he cupped her cheek again. "Somebody had to do it. They said I matched best. So... so for anyone else, it'd... be harder. So I'm doing the right thing, holding him." She sniffled. "I want to be friends. He's just so mean. To me, to everyone else. I don't think he cares about anything." A frown, sharp and defiant. "But I'm still gonna try."

"You're glad..? Really?"
She asked, looking up at her sensei, cheeks and hair stained with tear-wet mud and ash. "I know it has to happen. I just hoped it wouldn't have to be you doing it. It's a cruel thing, that fate. You or your father... what sort of kami let that happen..?"

She plunged into the hug, heedless of the mess her face was gonna leave on his outfit. "I believe in you, sensei. I think you can do this. I just didn't want you to have to."

"Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!"

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Threnody has written 1,193 posts
Parting gift [Miroru]Oct 14, 2022 18:25:22 GMT -5
Hyūga Shigure
the price of freedom is steep
Hyūga Shigure Avatar
age 21 years old birthday August 20 rank Jōnin occupation Genin Team 1 Lead / Interception Team
"parting gift".
"No matter how many people you may lose, you have no choice but to go on living."


Shigure sighed and shook his head. "I don't think the solution to this issue is antagonizing or hating the Nine-Tails. Miroru-chan... I know how hard this is, and how painful it must be. But... Have you ever consider how it must feel? To the Nine-Tails, I mean... Going from one host to another, an endless cycle of imprisonment. All the bitterness and anger that it build up inside of it through all these years... Those feelings... They were leaking into yours, and while I know it is not fair, I feel this world of ours will only improve if we seek some sort of understanding." he said, smiling when she said she was still going to try. "Maybe that's why you are the perfect host... If anyone can reach out to the Nine-Tails, I believe it would be you. We live in this cycle of hatred... And it is up to us to try and break out of it. That's exactly what I'm going to do with my clan." he added, hoping that his plight would inspire her, even if just a bit.

As he held her in his arms, he felt a warm and cozy feeling inside of him. "We have to do what we have to do. As shinobi we know the weight that rest on our shoulders. But... The Will of Fire also burns bright inside of us. And with that we can move mountains, ya know? I may not make it, but I won't lose either. Whatever happens tomorrow, the branch house will be free, and that is all I can ask for. But like I said... I do not intend on throwing my life away. I still gotta be the Hokage one day, right?" he said, chuckling softly as he pulled away from the hug to look the girl in the eyes.

"So what if it seems hopeless? If it were me, I still wouldn't give up. Embrace your dreams. And, whatever happens, protect your honour as a Shinobi, for the price of freedom is steep."

[308 words]
Ren has written 1,690 posts
Parting gift [Miroru]Oct 14, 2022 18:39:35 GMT -5
Uchiha Miroru
Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!
Uchiha Miroru Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday 7/9 rank Chuunin occupation Jinchuuriki

Uchiha Miroru
Konohagakure No Sato
| 228 | notes
"I have, actually," Miroru murmured. "I think it must have started off lonely, and then got bitter so it wouldn't feel lonely. Gotten bitter and mean. If it's mean, it never has to have anyone it'll miss. And who wouldn't be mean to jailors. And to slowly build those relationships just to have them torn away when they leave the role, or die..." She shuddered. "I would be so sad."

"I know you'll manage! You're the strongest person I know! Except for like. Hatake-sama."
She tapped her chin. "Maybe we can tell Hatake-sama that your dad called him a jerk or something. Then you'd have back-up!" It was silly, and she didn't really mean it, obviously.

"Yeah! You do! With me as your Jinchuuriki and Yakitsukeru as your Sage! We'll be the next generation of Kono-heroes!"
She said through sniffles. "We just gotta find your village council along the way!"

She took a deep, shuddering breath, holding her hand over her sternum, clutching at her clothes there, like her heart ached. "You'll- make sure someone sends word, right..? When it's over, and you win? I don't... want to wonder. So just... have someone come tell me. Okay..?"

"Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!"

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Threnody has written 1,193 posts
Parting gift [Miroru]Oct 14, 2022 18:54:06 GMT -5
Hyūga Shigure
the price of freedom is steep
Hyūga Shigure Avatar
age 21 years old birthday August 20 rank Jōnin occupation Genin Team 1 Lead / Interception Team
"parting gift".
"No matter how many people you may lose, you have no choice but to go on living."


If anyone could truly break through the shell of hatred of the Nine-Tails, she would just need to be patient, and insistent. In any case, as they talked about the Hyuuga clan, he couldn't help but to laugh at Miroru's suggestion. "Toshizou-sama is not fond of my dad. But he wouldn't fight him without cause. And the politics of the clan are not something he would be willing to interfere with." he admitted, even though he knew Toshizou disliked the division that existed within the clan, and that the Hatake would support Shigure's reforms. He liked to see the happiness returning to her feature as she mentioned herself and Yakitsukeru taking on important roles in the future, and he nodded to her. "I will be very well accompanied." he admitted.

With that being said though, it was about time for them to return to the village, so he would start walking that way once again. "I will get someone to send word to you. Don't worry about that. I want you to focus on your Chuunin Exams, however. You should be departing very soon, right?" he asked her, knowing the exams were going to start by the end of the current month. He was sure she would be okay, even though he thought she was still a bit fresh for such a promotion.

"So what if it seems hopeless? If it were me, I still wouldn't give up. Embrace your dreams. And, whatever happens, protect your honour as a Shinobi, for the price of freedom is steep."

Heading back to the Leaf
[225 words]
Ren has written 1,690 posts
Parting gift [Miroru]Oct 15, 2022 16:42:35 GMT -5
Uchiha Miroru
Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!
Uchiha Miroru Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday 7/9 rank Chuunin occupation Jinchuuriki

Uchiha Miroru
Konohagakure No Sato
| 244 | notes
"No, but that's it, see?! We just- need to tell him that he said something so yucky that he HAS cause!" Miroru already knew it wouldn't work, but comedy was always her safe space. Somewhere she could retreat to make others smile, giggle, or laugh, and keep from having to connect with how she felt herself in that moment.

"Okay. As long as you'll take every precaution you can." Miroru muttered, finally letting go so he can stand up and they could start moving back towards the village again. "Don't worry. Hmph. Are YOU not gonna worry about me at the exams?! People die at the exams, you know! One kid EXPLODED at the last one!"

"Yeah, we're going pretty soon. I'm kinda nervous. I haven't really had a chance to see how any advanced genin are supposed to look. I know some Chuunin, but they're past that point so I'm sorta going in like... "welp, hope I did enough, hope I don't mess up and-"

Miroru went dead white abruptly. "Ohhhhhhh, noooooo, everyone's gonna kill me!!! I'm supposed to be keeping the stupid seal a secret!!! Nobody's supposed to find out about it, and Hatake-sama knew when you almost noticed LAST time!!! He's gonna murder me!"

"Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!"

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Threnody has written 1,193 posts
Parting gift [Miroru]Oct 16, 2022 15:53:56 GMT -5
Hyūga Shigure
the price of freedom is steep
Hyūga Shigure Avatar
age 21 years old birthday August 20 rank Jōnin occupation Genin Team 1 Lead / Interception Team
"parting gift".
"No matter how many people you may lose, you have no choice but to go on living."


Shigure's smile became rather bittersweet when Miroru mentioned the fact that people died during the Chuunin Exams, going as far as to make mention of Nara Yoru, oblivious to the fact that Shigure was his former teammate. "His name was Nara Yoru. I called him Ruru. He was a good kid. A member of my Genin team. His death was a tragedy, it wasn't supposed to happen. Still... He wasn't ready for the exams. I'm not sure if you are, but with this power you have, I'm not concerned about your safety. I believe in you, and I believe you will be okay." he said, trying his best not to sound too gloomy, especially because she should be travelling within the next couple days at the latest. "Well... With the Shadow Clone, you have a technique most of them can't even dream on using. So I think you are okay." he reiterated.

Suddenly, she seemed to have a breakdown of sorts, and it was due to the fact that Shigure had found out she was the Jinchuuriki of the Nine-Tails. "Don't worry about that. Your secret is safe with me. I will, however, request to have you under my wing. What I mean by that is... I want to continue to instruct you and take care of you. But... Maybe I won't have to. If you become a Chuunin." he said, petting her head. "Now... Let's go back? We both need to rest." he added.

"So what if it seems hopeless? If it were me, I still wouldn't give up. Embrace your dreams. And, whatever happens, protect your honour as a Shinobi, for the price of freedom is steep."

Heading back to the leaf
[248 words]
Ren has written 1,690 posts
Parting gift [Miroru]Oct 16, 2022 18:29:45 GMT -5
Uchiha Miroru
Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!
Uchiha Miroru Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday 7/9 rank Chuunin occupation Jinchuuriki

Uchiha Miroru
Konohagakure No Sato
| 269 | nice
Miroru's expression fell immediately to hear that it was an old teammate of his. "Oh. Oh, no. Oh, Shigure-sensei, I'm so sorry, I didn't know, I was just tryin' not to be stressed out. I'll, uh. Lay off the explosive tags, I think. I'm pretty sure I have enough ways to win without murdering anyone. And if I gotta lose, I can lose. It's not that big a deal." She shook her head at the idea of being ready. "I think it's important to try. And I'd be okay even without my roommate!" At the mention of the Shadow Clone technique, she smirked happily. "Exactly. It's really a handicap, them not getting to have you as their sensei~ but them's the breaks~"

Miroru whined under her breath all the same, though the headpats did help. "It's not that I don't trust you, sensei, it's that he sees everything happening. He'll probably like. Read my brain and see I'm feeling guilty and know what occurred. Or maybe he has spies all the way out here?! I DON'T KNOW but HE'S gonna know and maybe it'd be better if I just TOLD him so it doesn't seem like I'm keeping secrets?!"

She'd have to think about that. Either way, she nodded as he asked to head back. "Okay. Let's go. Do you want a cold compress for the burn?" She asked as they headed out. "It's the least I can do..."

"Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!"

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Threnody has written 1,193 posts
Parting gift [Miroru]Oct 17, 2022 9:38:04 GMT -5
Hyūga Shigure
the price of freedom is steep
Hyūga Shigure Avatar
age 21 years old birthday August 20 rank Jōnin occupation Genin Team 1 Lead / Interception Team
"parting gift".
"No matter how many people you may lose, you have no choice but to go on living."


He was not upset with her regarding Yoru, he knew that she didn't mean it that way, so he just kept the smile on his face. "It's okay. I've lost many teammates throughout the years. That's why I decided to become an Academy Instructor, to be honest. My goal was to teach you guys so that you would not share the same fate as my fallen teammates. I wanted to make sure of that personally. And that is also the reason why I want to move on to a Genin Team once I become a full-fledged Jounin." he explained.

On the other matter, he knew that she trusted him, and he understood why that was even kept a secret to begin with. Still, when she mentioned what Toshizou said, Shigure laughed a bit, shaking his head. "That lying dog! Hahaha... He can't see you at all times. Well... Not exactly. He is an user of the Mind's Eye of the Kagura, the strongest sensory technique in the ninja world. And while he has a crazy range and can perceive chakra... That's not exactly like seeing. So he was bluffing. He does have people working for him, but they can't evade my Byakugan. He may suspect, and may eventually find out. But it will be fine." he tried to calm her down on that matter. "Plus, he is friends with my mother. So, she can talk to him if he complains too much." he gave her a playful wink.

Miroru offered him a cold compress, but he shook his head. "Don't worry. I will visit Wahei on my way home. He will patch me up." he told her, giving her a last gentle pet on the top of her head, before entering the village, where the two would part ways.

"So what if it seems hopeless? If it were me, I still wouldn't give up. Embrace your dreams. And, whatever happens, protect your honour as a Shinobi, for the price of freedom is steep."

Taijutsu Training
Exit post
[304 words]
Ren has written 1,690 posts