Summoning: Red Link | Universal

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Summoning: Red Link | UniversalOct 17, 2022 1:37:43 GMT -5
Muramasa Uemon
By any means.
Muramasa Uemon Avatar
age 19 years old birthday July 21st rank B-Rank occupation Swordsmith

Kuchiyose・Aka Setsuzoku [Summoning: Red Link]

NAME: Kuchiyose・Aka Setsuzoku [Summoning: Red Link]


CHAKRA USAGE: Low - Very High



REQUIREMENT: Enhanced Chakra Control SA 

Utilizing their own blood the user inscribes an item with a unique red seal (usually styled in the shape of said item) and infuses it with their own chakra. After the marking is dried and set they are then able to summon this item using fresh blood of theirs as a medium. This allows them to circumvent the need for traditional sealing scrolls and also surprise opponents in battle, making them more versatile overall. Mainly used for transporting puppets or other burdensome objects to carry around but it can be utilized on other tools or weapons as well. Because of the complexity of this fuuinjutsu there is a limit of three total objects that can be bound with this seal at any given time. If one wishes to swap out an item they must first erase the seal from an already inscribed object and redraw a new one.

Depending on the size of the object and the distance summoned from, the amount of chakra and blood needed to perform this jutsu increases. While a simple bite of the thumb can summon a sword or a smaller puppet, larger items would require the cutting of a palm or the utilizing of blood from an already inflicted wound. This technique while complex cannot summon living beings. It also only works one-way to bring the object to the user meaning they cannot reverse summon themselves to any marked object. Another drawback is that the user is unable to summon items in rapid succession as each individual summoned item requires an individual usage of this jutsu along with the conditional chakra and blood. Meaning if used too often the user will quickly find themselves exhausted and quite possibly in a state of shock from blood loss. If the blood seal is broken or washed away on a particular item the summoning won't work until reinscribed by the user.

Chakra Use for Distance:
Short = Low - Med
Medium (across a village) = Med - High
Large (across a country or to another country) = High - Very High

Chakra Per Type of Object:
Small / Regular = Low - Med
Large / Huge = Medium - High
last edit by Muramasa Uemon on Oct 17, 2022 21:11:00 GMT -5
Yenga has written 629 posts
Summoning: Red Link | UniversalOct 17, 2022 6:30:19 GMT -5
farewell, good hunter. may you find your worth in the waking world.
age twenty-seven years old birthday nov 10 rank legendary sannin occupation bad bitch
This is very cool in concept, but there's a few potential problems here.

This falls a little too close to space-time manipulation, one of the items on our banned list, for my personal comfort. It opens a lot of doors for potential silliness, such as:

- reverse summoning yourself to a marked item, essentially replicating a diet FTG;
- summoning a truly absurd amount of prepared explosive tags to your location;
- summoning an oversized weapon/puppet/item that would otherwise be impossible to carry;

You get the idea! Shenanigans!

If this is workable, I would like to see this increased to at least a B-rank and changed to fuinjutsu, as it is more within the realm of sealing than puppetry, as it can be used to summon any item that the seal is placed on. I would also like to see specific chakra costs laid out dependent on the distance from which an item is being summoned similar to how FTG functions, as well as a limit to how many items can be marked for summoning simultaneously. This would also have to be a universal technique, not a personal one.

I'm still not entirely comfortably saying that this would be allowable even after these edits and restrictions are made, but I think it's worth trying to rework and then getting more staffers' eyes on it as well.
owochimawu has written 62 posts
Summoning: Red Link | UniversalOct 17, 2022 17:10:05 GMT -5
Muramasa Uemon
By any means.
Muramasa Uemon Avatar
age 19 years old birthday July 21st rank B-Rank occupation Swordsmith
Makes sense to me I can definitely see the potential for mischief without clearing those things up x_x

Edited it to a B-rank Fuuinjutsu and as to not make it another FTG or LFBC added in some clauses regarding the mentioned topics as well as the Chakra Usage based on size/distance. If it is workable I'm totally willing to shift things around basically just wanted a cool way to lug around puppets and maybe a weapon or two.

Edit: Also added an Enhanced Chakra Control SA req and mentioned that it cannot summon sentient beings for good measure.
last edit by Muramasa Uemon on Oct 17, 2022 17:11:51 GMT -5
Yenga has written 629 posts
Summoning: Red Link | UniversalOct 17, 2022 19:42:10 GMT -5
farewell, good hunter. may you find your worth in the waking world.
age twenty-seven years old birthday nov 10 rank legendary sannin occupation bad bitch
I think seven is arguably too many items to be simultaneously marked; please bring it down to three.

After that edit is made I'm going to refrain from stamping this in either direction in order to allow for more staffers to weigh in on this one, since it does fall close to that space-time ban that I mentioned and I want to get as many eyes on it as possible!
owochimawu has written 62 posts
Summoning: Red Link | UniversalOct 29, 2022 23:52:46 GMT -5
Reflect carefully upon your actions.
cocoa Avatar
groupGlobal Moderator
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Hi Muramasa, sorry this one's been sat on for a while. There's a lot to contemplate with it and I wanted to gather my thoughts before putting out a formal review going through what I'm thinking. I think this does kind of fall under the space time ninjutsu banned clause, though I'm less concerned about that with the distance restrictions placed upon it that would make it pretty unfeasible to summon items from across incredibly vast distances.

My ultimate question with regards to this jutsu is this: Other more efficient methods of achieving the same effect exist, so are we certain this jutsu needs to exist?

Specifically I am referring to the body sealing technique.

NAME: Karada Fuinjutsu [Body Sealing Technique]

An upgrade to the Hikin Fuinjutsu [Generic Sealing Technique], the user creates a seal on their own skin for which a multitude of objects can be stored. If cast on the user themselves, the seals become reactive to the body's own chakra, and it becomes more difficult for others to forcibly draw items from the seal. The closer the mark is made to the center of one's chakra coil, at the pit of their gut, the stronger this protection becomes.

Directly attuned to the user's chakra, seals take up half the space they ordinarily would. And in the case of it being sealed on the user, items can be released via small chakra burst rather than touch.

If you seal your items on your own skin, this provides the look of tattoos and the surprise element of summoning without scrolls that you're looking for, plus you can carry larger items in less space than you would on scrolls. And you don't need to potentially circumvent space-time rules and lose a lot of blood in order to summon these items.

Another reasonable method might just be apping a cloak or other piece of C-rank equipment designed to take seals on the inside/underside of the fabric so that items can be summoned by surprise that way.

Basically speaking, we can keep trying to balance this jutsu if you would like, but I believe there already exist much more efficient methods to accomplish what you would like to do.
Cocoa has written 196 posts
Summoning: Red Link | UniversalNov 2, 2022 19:57:43 GMT -5
Muramasa Uemon
By any means.
Muramasa Uemon Avatar
age 19 years old birthday July 21st rank B-Rank occupation Swordsmith
Totally understandable, I actually completely missed that Body Sealing jutsu when I was looking through techs and I think that'll do what I'm looking for better without the need for this, especially considering the Space-Time rules. Thanks for looking it over though and for the heads up!
Yenga has written 629 posts