Wolf In Sheep's Clothing [Mission]

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Wolf In Sheep's Clothing [Mission]Oct 19, 2022 18:46:41 GMT -5
Muramasa Uemon
By any means.
Muramasa Uemon Avatar
age 20 years old birthday July 21st rank B-Rank occupation Vagabond

Crinkling paper sounded out. Took all of two seconds before the reader's eyebrow began to twitch. "A contract... ?" he did not sound amused. Glancing up at a rotund, fancily dressed merchant who was busy wringing his hands the young man narrowed his gaze. "A simple formality... it's only good business, you see." was the trader's retort but the younger man did not look satisfied.

He was a craftsman at heart so he was no stranger to contracts for commissioned work. It was more so the content of this particular agreement that had irritated him. Clauses on what constituted protection, limits on how far he could travel from the train of goods... even some fine print about a 'percentage of his compensation being forfeit' if certain events transpired. Ridiculous. He had agreed to provide protection to a caravan of merchants traveling through Tsuchi no Kuni that had been consistently harried in the past few weeks. Traders and goods going missing slowly and always one at a time. He had not agreed to be ripped off. "Look, do you want me along or not?" was the wanderer's reply, the agitation in his voice palpable as he dropped the parchment to the ground.. The trader glanced about nervously, walked over to converse with a few of the other peddlers, and then returned with hand outstretched.

He did not shake it. Only placed the large bandaged object he was hauling over his shoulder in the back of the lead wagon and took his place in the passenger seat.
last edit by Muramasa Uemon on Dec 7, 2022 1:52:02 GMT -5
Yenga has written 663 posts
Wolf In Sheep's Clothing [Mission]Oct 19, 2022 20:44:09 GMT -5
Muramasa Uemon
By any means.
Muramasa Uemon Avatar
age 20 years old birthday July 21st rank B-Rank occupation Vagabond

It had only just begun and he was already sick of this gig.

Living rough he was used to so the endless bumping and clattering of the wagon along the road and exposure to the elements didn't bother him. Not even the idea of playing babysitter to rich traders got to him, he was allegedly getting paid at the end of it after all. Even the lead merchant babbling on and on about his travels, how much yen he'd been raking in doing these runs, and talking about all the exotic goods and finery he owned didn't grate on his nerves too bad. No... it was the uneasiness in the air. Despite his client's best efforts to appear unbothered there was a notable look of worry in his eye. And many of the other traders couldn't even bother putting on a front. What started as a large caravan of goods had dwindled considerably in the past few weeks. Only five wagons remained. Under his watch there would be no more.

Or so he hoped.

After several hours of travel the train of goods came to a stop, deciding to make camp in an open clearing for the night. As good a spot as any and the clear sightlines meant his job would be easier. Fires were made, elaborate showy tents were erected, and day became night. The wanderer remained in his seat on the lead wagon having positioned it so that the entire camp was in front of him. He waited. And watched.

Yenga has written 663 posts
Wolf In Sheep's Clothing [Mission]Oct 20, 2022 22:09:30 GMT -5
Muramasa Uemon
By any means.
Muramasa Uemon Avatar
age 20 years old birthday July 21st rank B-Rank occupation Vagabond

Dark eyes kept watch over the camp.

The sun had set some hours ago but he remained in the seat of the lead wagon, watching. From the information he was given by the other traders nobody ever went missing without their wagon and all associated goods disappearing as well. It was so odd. Not many things could vanish a person and an entire cart without anybody noticing... which is why he was along. His mind raced. Chakra maybe? "No point in speculating I guess." he thought to himself as he sighed and propped his chin up with his hands. Wasn't going to be getting much sleep over the next few days.

After a decent amount of time waiting he decided to hop down and take a walk around the perimeter. As he moved a distant murmur caught his attention, and following it to its source led him to two of the merchants talking to each other in hushed tones at the edge of camp. "Not...tonight..." one said the whisper just barely audible on the night breeze. Uemon stepped lightly. "...they...let us be..." The wanderer pulled his cloak closer to his body and slunk off back to his post. He had questions sure but for now he would leave it alone. Just had to make sure to keep an eye on them from now on.
last edit by Muramasa Uemon on Oct 20, 2022 22:38:33 GMT -5
Yenga has written 663 posts
Wolf In Sheep's Clothing [Mission]Oct 20, 2022 22:54:48 GMT -5
Muramasa Uemon
By any means.
Muramasa Uemon Avatar
age 20 years old birthday July 21st rank B-Rank occupation Vagabond

The rest of the night passed without incident.

Aside from the late-night whisperings of a few traders there had been nothing odd to note. All traders and their wagons were accounted for. there hadn't even been so much as a snapped twig in the distance or that odd feeling one gets when they're being watched. It took about an hour after daybreak for the merchants to break camp and before long they were on the road once again. Uemon ever the faithful watchman had worn himself out staying up all night and was looking a little haggard in the passenger seat of the wagon. After much prodding by the lead trader who was driving the wagon he decided to lean back and rest eyes. Wouldn't be much use to anyone if he was falling asleep during the night or mid-battle. And besides he'd always been a light sleeper so if something were to happen he'd be up and alert no sweat.

Or so he thought. The sound of people yelling eventually jarred him from his rest and when he opened his eyes he could see a group of merchants standing around fussing at each other. Striding over he came within earshot to hear "Gone! Just like that." It was one of the men from last night. Glancing past the group he noted that one of the wagons had vanished. And now that he got a look at the group... they were missing a trader.

Five had become four.
Yenga has written 663 posts
Wolf In Sheep's Clothing [Mission]Oct 21, 2022 20:08:39 GMT -5
Muramasa Uemon
By any means.
Muramasa Uemon Avatar
age 20 years old birthday July 21st rank B-Rank occupation Vagabond

Uemon's eyes narrowed on the man.

The merchant stood there seemingly flabbergasted as he filled in the other merchants. Broad daylight amidst the company of everyone else and an entire wagon and its driver go missing? Nonsense. The wanderer strode forward and grabbed the man by the collar of his jacket. "And I'm guessing you don't know anything about it?" the trader shrunk when confronted his eyes wide with genuine confusion. "O-of course not!" Odd. He was no pantomime expert but it seemed like the man was being truthful... either that or he was a great liar. His eyes glanced around once more and noted something he hadn't realized before.

The missing merchant was the other suspicious one from the night before.

Wary glances were shared between the traders and he could feel eyes settling on him. Now wasn't the time to lose his cool and even if this man was the guilty party he wasn't going to squeeze any info out of his this way. Uemon released his grip on the trader, glaring at him once more before turning and making his way back to the lead wagon. His brain was going a thousand miles a minute. How did this happen? How did nobody see or a hear a thing? None of this was making sense.
Yenga has written 663 posts
Wolf In Sheep's Clothing [Mission]Oct 21, 2022 20:38:12 GMT -5
Muramasa Uemon
By any means.
Muramasa Uemon Avatar
age 20 years old birthday July 21st rank B-Rank occupation Vagabond

Before long they were back on the road.

Moving a bit faster than usual to make up for lost ground. They spent a decent amount of time searching the surrounding area but found no trace of the missing trader or his wagon. Try and try as he might he just could not come up with any other explanation for this impossible kidnapping-slash-theft but Ninjutsu. Doton users were common enough and it wasn't unheard of for bandits and highwaymen to be able to use chakra. Hell even some former ninja made their living pillaging goods and he had met a few of them on his travels. Even learned from one or two in his time. "No more rest for me." he snarked to himself as he folded his arms and leaned back in his seat. His eyes scanned the horizon. He had to get to the bottom of this.

"You think Obi has something to do with the disappearances?" the lead merchant asked, the nervousness in his voice audible even with the clattering of wagon wheels. Obi being the one he questioned earlier. "...I'm not sure." It was too soon to say anything for certain and there was no point in spreading rumors, everyone was already on edge as it was. Hopefully tonight his watch would bring some answers. And if not? Well Obi may have some explaining to do...
Yenga has written 663 posts
Wolf In Sheep's Clothing [Mission]Oct 25, 2022 22:25:21 GMT -5
Muramasa Uemon
By any means.
Muramasa Uemon Avatar
age 20 years old birthday July 21st rank B-Rank occupation Vagabond

His guard was up.

An entire wagon and its trader swiped from under his nose. Despite his personal feelings towards these extravagant merchants it irked him to no end that someone was able to outwit him. And from where he was sitting the culprit had to be amongst the party. Who else had the proximity to pull off something like that and return before anyone was the wiser? His client was kind (or scared) enough to part ways with some coffee for his night watch so at least he could help stave off drowsiness for a little while. As the wanderer brewed the dark liquid over a small fire near the lead wagon his eyes remained fixed on Obi. Suspect number one.

But stare as he might... nothing came. When he sat and waited? Nothing. When he patrolled the camp from the shadows? Nothing. It was maddening. A few times he felt like he was being observed but whenever he turned or scanned the area he came up empty. A thought occurred to him after several hours and since nothing else seemed to be working he decided to give it a shot. An essential tool of puppetry that might give him the advantage. Something he utilized whenever he fought. Misdirection.
Yenga has written 663 posts
Wolf In Sheep's Clothing [Mission]Oct 25, 2022 22:56:58 GMT -5
Muramasa Uemon
By any means.
Muramasa Uemon Avatar
age 20 years old birthday July 21st rank B-Rank occupation Vagabond

Taking his seat atop the wagon once more he would lean back and close his eyes.

Mostly, anyway. Leaving just enough of a slit open to see what was going on. In the low light it'd be impossible to tell he was faking his sleep and though he couldn't move, the wagon was positioned once again so that he was facing the entire camp. He'd be able to watch for any changes in behavior this way. Anything off at all. And that's exactly what he was looking for.

After some time Obi seemed to notice that Uemon was 'asleep' and took no time in slinking off behind some of the remaining wagons. This was it. The wanderer hopped down and retrieved his bandaged gear from the back of the coach and began to carefully make his way towards the man when the faint sounds of a scuffle could be heard. He took a step forward to run but just then, a towering winged creature cloaked in shadow appeared from seemingly nowhere. Disbelief flashed across his face but there was no time to waste. He neared Obi's last position just as the beast clamped down atop his wagon with hooked talons and immediately took flight. Thinking fast Uemon swiped a kunai and fuuinjutsu-inscribed seal from his thigh holster, tying the tag to the knife before splicing the weapon through the air towards the shape. It soared and soared... but to no avail, falling harmlessly to the ground as the beast outsped it.
Yenga has written 663 posts
Wolf In Sheep's Clothing [Mission]Oct 26, 2022 21:15:06 GMT -5
Muramasa Uemon
By any means.
Muramasa Uemon Avatar
age 20 years old birthday July 21st rank B-Rank occupation Vagabond

Glancing around frantically he was equal parts shocked and frustrated to see that nobody had stirred. "Are these idiots deaf?!" he opened his mouth to shout but just then something occurred to him.

That massive thing hadn't made any noise.

At all. If it wasn't for him sighting its shadowed form he wouldn't have heard it all. "Ridiculous." was his first thought. Nothing that size could be so silent... and yet it had been. This mystery was getting stranger and stranger. Before rousing anyone else he decided to take a look around. Obi's wagon had been the target and look as he might he wasn't able to find any sign of the suspicious merchant. It could have meant that he had finished his grand heist and made off with the goods but something wasn't sitting right with him.

He was no stranger to thievery. Iron Country had its fair share and during his years on the road some of his mentors had been wayward shinobi who were forced to resort to less-than-lawful means to survive. Even recalled some of his training revolving around swiping things without being seen. To him? That looked more like a snatch job than some master burglar making his getaway. And if Obi was targeted... that meant the culprit was still among them.
Yenga has written 663 posts
Wolf In Sheep's Clothing [Mission]Oct 26, 2022 22:00:24 GMT -5
Muramasa Uemon
By any means.
Muramasa Uemon Avatar
age 20 years old birthday July 21st rank B-Rank occupation Vagabond

Rather than waking the rest of the group he would collect his kunai/tag combo and silently return to the lead wagon. Whoever was responsible was no stranger to masking their presence and he got the distinct impression that if he took another walk around the camp he would find nothing. Again.

It was time to get creative. Taking his seat once more atop the coach he would pull his cloak tighter around his figure. Underneath the cloth however the fingers on his right hand extended. Near imperceptible thin blue threads crept outwards and traveled across the ground in all directions, one for each finger. Using his chakra strings the wanderer would begin to scout the campsite hunting for any sign of something wrong. He didn't have perfect sight on the rest of the merchants but the tactile response from his threads would be able to tell him whether or not they were awake. And more importantly... an approximate idea of any movements they might make.

One of the traders appeared to be up and about but like the creature from before made no noise. It wasn't enough to pin the blame on them but it did give him an idea. After several more minutes of prodding he closed his fist and cut off the threads. Tomorrow this game would be at an end.


NAME: Onisageru Mojiretsu [Delving String]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [Puppetry]
A simple, but very useful technique; by extending puppetry strings and concentrating on the sensation felt in their fingertips a user can probe to try and manipulate or detect what they can't see. Shinobi commonly use this technique to unlock doors, sliding a string under the door to unlock it from the other side. However, this technique can also be used to try and detect opponents in pitch black or other vision-obscuring scenarios like the Hidden Mist Technique.

Yenga has written 663 posts
Wolf In Sheep's Clothing [Mission]Oct 27, 2022 19:58:34 GMT -5
Muramasa Uemon
By any means.
Muramasa Uemon Avatar
age 20 years old birthday July 21st rank B-Rank occupation Vagabond

Panic had set in amongst the remaining merchants.

Only three remained now that Obi and his wares had been carried off in the night. Uemon watched everyone's reactions carefully as he broke the news to them the following morning. The lead trader, usually boisterous and upbeat was doing his best to hide the fear in his eyes as he reassured the others. A grizzled trader was furious and pointed an accusatory finger at the wanderer, blaming him for not doing enough to protect them. And lastly a young, waifish looking trader who was moving back and forth between the other two trying his best to calm them and urging themm not to blame anyone. His dark eyes moved to each one in succession as he remained silent.

"We're all that's left." he would finally say, his brow furrowing slightly as he continued to stare. "Which means one of us is the culprit." All this time he'd been looking for some kind of final sign, a giveaway, anything that would point him in the right direction. And he finally found it. He just hoped his instincts were right.

Without another word he flipped his cloak open with his right hand, swiped a shuriken from his hip pouch and sent it buzzing through the air towards his target.
Yenga has written 663 posts
Wolf In Sheep's Clothing [Mission]Oct 27, 2022 20:15:44 GMT -5
Muramasa Uemon
By any means.
Muramasa Uemon Avatar
age 20 years old birthday July 21st rank B-Rank occupation Vagabond

The throwing star came to a sudden stop... caught expertly between the waifish merchant's fingers.

"...how did you know?" the trader asked, a severe but wry smirk slowly spreading across his face. The other two stared on in shock as Uemon squared off with the man, gesturing for them to step back as he moved. "I didn't. At least not fully... until now." The trader mirrored his movements as they circled each other. Now that the facade was up it was clear as day to him. He was trained. "Attacking an innocent merchant on a hunch? Bold." he retorted, now playfully spinning the shuriken on his finger. "What gave me away?"

"You were the only one awake last night when Obi was taken." a faux pout was all he got in return, as if that wasn't sufficient enough. And he was right. If that was the only piece of evidence he had his logic was a little shaky. But there was more. "And your footsteps just now. I was watching, listening. They're completely silent." This merited a small bit of shock from the waifish man who took a moment to think before nodding respectfully. He stopped walking and smiled. "Clever." As soon as the word had escaped his lips a flash of movement occurred. He was gone.
Yenga has written 663 posts
Wolf In Sheep's Clothing [Mission]Oct 31, 2022 17:58:37 GMT -5
Muramasa Uemon
By any means.
Muramasa Uemon Avatar
age 20 years old birthday July 21st rank B-Rank occupation Vagabond

Only for an instant. As fast as he had vanished he reappeared right in front of Uemon. "Shunshin?" was the only word he could think of as a glint of steel shone in the sunlight and he felt the cold bite of metal tearing into his shoulder.

On instinct he had already began to backpedal but he was too slow. A modest gout of crimson sprayed outward and painted the ground. After securing some distance from his foe the wanderer could finally spot the offender— a metal claw held in the hand of the waifish merchant now stained red from the attack. A quick glance told him all he needed to know. His cloak and shirt were torn and he was leaking. Nothing vital was hit and for now the adrenaline was doing its job as he didn't feel much aside from a dull burn. "How many more of those can you take?" a taunt came. Uemon didn't respond. Just glared.

"Always with the banter..." he would've shaken his head and sighed but there'd be time for complaining later. For now he had to set up on his enemy. A handheld claw weapon and the Body Flicker Technique were enough of an issue but he knew there was some sort of animal yet to be called too. Likely a summon. And that's to say nothing of the unknown. He needed to end this fast. The wanderer bent his knees and jumped backwards a few feet towards the rear of the lead wagon. The waifish casually merchant followed seemingly proud of his ability to land the first blow. This was good.
Yenga has written 663 posts
Wolf In Sheep's Clothing [Mission]Nov 1, 2022 12:47:54 GMT -5
Muramasa Uemon
By any means.
Muramasa Uemon Avatar
age 20 years old birthday July 21st rank B-Rank occupation Vagabond

He had his opponent right where he wanted him.

With a gesture of his hands the sounds of bandages being shredded could be heard. Two vicious looking half wolves bounded out of the back of the wagon, the black-furred one clamping down on the man's left leg while the more elegant white canine kicked off of his back and over top of him (Puppetry Sudden Ambush). Unfortunately this barely delayed him, with the man quickly swiping some blood from his thigh and running through a series of handseals. Before Uemon could act a large puff of smoke appeared. A massive winged silhouette could be seen and the beating of which completely cleared away any lingering fog. "What the-?!" his thoughts were cut short by the gigantic creature crashing headlong into him.

The hapless puppeteer was carried a ways before being violently thrown parallel to the ground. He didn't even have time to feel the talons that had pierced his left arm as he ragdolled along the ground. The beast ascended and looped around likely preparing for another strike... but all the while silence. Having see it now it was all starting to make sense. Why no one ever heard a thing. His thoughts once again came to a crashing halt as his limp form smashed up against one of the remaining wagons. It took a few seconds to shake the stun off but he eventually struggled to his feet. "An owl..." And a giant one to boot. The perfect cohort for this kind of a heist. Yō had the waifish merchant subdued and In could help but... would the beast disappear if he was taken out? He was no expert on animal summons. "Looks like the end." the man taunted once again, smirking through the pain as the owl circled once more and locked onto its prey. "Call it off." the puppeteer would retort, cradling his wounded arm. A pained laugh echoed throughout the air.

"And why would I-" A shuriken whizzed past the merchant's head, sticking into the wagon behind him. "Shut up and check your back." Craning his neck the half-smug half-wince the merchant held turned to an expression of sheer terror. Dead center on his back was stuck a fuuinjutsu-inscribed piece of paper with red lining (Explosive Tag). It didn't take a genius to know what would be next. "...you wouldn't!" Uemon's only response was to shakily raise his hands and begin to clasp them into a Mi hand seal. Faster than the blink of an eye the waifish merchant raised two fingers to his lips and whistled shrilly in a panic. The owl swooped overhead of the wanderer at the last second, just barely missing his head with its razorlike feet.

It was done.


NAME: Kugutsu Totsuzen no Machibuse [Puppetry Sudden Ambush]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [Puppetry]
HANDSEALS: 5 (Boar, Horse, Dog, Monkey, Snake)
A variation of the puppet summoning technique, this ability requires a few moments of set up and is generally used when the opponent is unaware of the user. First the user places their puppet scrolls or seals infront of them. Next they spread their chakra threads so that they surround the "target" of the ambush, usually forming a circle but any shape is possible depending on the terrain and where the most advantageous placement of the appearing puppets would be. Once the threads are in place, the user performs the hand signs. Once completed, the puppets to be summoned appear in the designated area, rather than near the summoner. This technique requires the user be able to see the target area, and the area must be within range of their chakra threads. As it's name implies, this ability allows for the creation of an ambush as the target finds themselves suddenly surrounded by puppets. If done properly, the user may be able to set up this ambush without revealing their position, allowing a hasty retreat should the sneak attack fail.


NAME: Explosive Tag
Explosive Tags are pieces of sticky papers with calligraphic kanji on their front that create powerful explosions. After the user dedicates some chakra and performs the 'Snake Handseal' a single Explosive Tag will turn into a 5 meter radius ball of fire with strong concussive force. The tags can be attached to a surface or wrapped around a weapon to be thrown at an enemy. They are very versatile and one of the basic ninja tools. They are even capable of working under heavy rain.


String Theory - E.C.C

Necessary for his Puppet Ninjutsu and applicable to his other techniques, Uemon has trained extensively in order to mitigate the amount of chakra he uses with his techniques. Compensating for his average chakra reserves this allows him to stay in the fight that much longer.

Puppetmaster - U.A.

A natural strategist with a quick mind, Uemon is always observing even in the midst of combat. This allows for him to find gaps and weaknesses in his opponent's techniques easier than some, and allows him to formulate strategies and deceptions to take advantage of these shortcomings. His knack for tactics cues him on which approach should work best depending on his target.

Ashizukai Footwork - E.P.T. (Speed)

Honed after years of fighting and training in jujitsu with samurai as a child in the Land of Iron, Uemon is surprisingly light on his feet and his hand-to-hand strikes are faster than most expect. Able to strike and weave with deft swiftness he is capable of holding his own against Taijutsu specialists of his rank and outright overwhelming those of lower ranks in a straight up slugfest.
last edit by Muramasa Uemon on Nov 1, 2022 20:28:35 GMT -5
Yenga has written 663 posts
Wolf In Sheep's Clothing [Mission]Nov 1, 2022 20:22:42 GMT -5
Muramasa Uemon
By any means.
Muramasa Uemon Avatar
age 20 years old birthday July 21st rank B-Rank occupation Vagabond

It didn't take long to wrap the thief up with copious amounts of ninja wire and retrieve his bomb.

"Thank you, oh thank you!" the lead merchant shouted as he grabbed Uemon's left hand and shook it vigorously. A wince followed by an annoyed glare shut that down quick. The traveling puppeteer was a little worse for wear but luckily he always carried basic medical supplies with him. Bandages especially, it was how he transported In and Yō around after all. "I had no idea Miura-san was so devious..." he said, giving a 'stern' look to the waifish merchant who looked a bit sullen after being caught. Uemon simply shook his head as he began preparing his puppets for transport. "That's probably not his real name. Wouldn't be surprised if he had some friends helping him, either." For an instant a hint of panic flashed across the bandit's face. Right on or close enough, anyway. Still that wasn't within his purview. He would accompany the remaining traders to their destination and then he was gone.

Clattering wagon wheels filled the air with sound once more as they moved on from their camp. This frustrating journey was nearly at an end and though they lost a few merchants he was glad to have caught the culprit at least. Miura proved reticent upon questioning and he was no interrogator. Earth Country's shinobi could have him. Probably better equipped to deal with a group of bandits anyway. Before collecting his pay and parting ways with the caravan the waifish merchant did offer a few parting words to the traveler however. Words that would linger in the depths of his mind for days to come...

"He'll get you." Echoed in his head as he walked. Probably just a meaningless bluff. The sun shone high in the midday sky as he once again took to the road.
Yenga has written 663 posts