Yomi Sanada | Tokubetsu Jounin | Kusagakure

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Yomi Sanada | Tokubetsu Jounin | KusagakureOct 30, 2022 21:29:12 GMT -5
Yomi Sanada
There is beauty in death. Art in the blade.
Yomi Sanada Avatar
age 20 years old birthday September 30th rank Sp. Jounin occupation Team Leader
Yomi Sanada


NAME: Yomi Sanada
AGE: 20
BIRTHDAY: September 30th
VILLAGE: Kusagakure
CLAN: Yomi [Heir]
RANK: Sp. Jounin
POSITION: Genin Team 2 Leader
Raiju | Village
    A wolf covered in lightning, a yokai that commands authority, that is what Sanada has shown himself to be to many. And it’s why he’s been given a name such as this among those that respect him. A reference to his intense ferocity in combat as well as his aptitude for lightning chakra.


HEIGHT: 178cm/68in
WEIGHT: 86kg/190lbs

    Sanada is a well built, lean man who obviously takes great care in his outward appearance. He keeps his nails manicured and styled, he keeps his hair neat and tight, and he even wears eyeliner to make his eyes more stunning. He has long white hair that he usually has tied up into a bun. However when it is let down it reaches to the middle of his back. He has bright green eyes.

    He wears a skin tight sleeveless top, primarily green with a golden collar, and brass buttons. He wears two golden armbands around his biceps. He also has two dark green cloth wristbands. Quite the opposite of his shirt he has fairly loose fitting pants, a golden sash worn as his belt. The pants are tucked into black boots. He also wears a fairly elaborate ninja headband, instead of being the normal metal it is made of a stunning silver, the ninja head plate is emblazoned with jewels, hanging from either side is a long series of diamonds and other jewels. It’s held to his head with a simple white cloth. 


NINDO: There is beauty in death. Art in the blade.

    More than most things, Sanada prides himself on his overbearing flamboyance. An incredibly cocky and full of himself young man a lot of his flamboyance comes from a feeling of superiority and skill. He feels like he is genuinely the best swordsman on the planet, and his cage for shiny things and opulence comes from the idea that as the best he should be surrounded by the best. That in turn means that he often pushes people far past their limits, expecting them to get better, to get on his level. If he’s going to spend time training someone then he better be training them to be the best, and if they have a problem with his attitude then they should try and get better than him to shit him up.

    Something he doesn’t show outwardly all that often, is that his drive for others around him to be better is not solely born from his own grandeur. In all reality he wants people to be stronger. He knows from personal experience that the shinobi world is dangerous, and that means that it’s important to be strong enough to overcome those obstacles. If he has to play an antagonist to get people to get stronger, then that’s what he’ll do. He values the lives of others far above his own, and does whatever he can to protect those around him. 


    The grandson of the late, legendary Yomi clan leader Hideki, Sanada has had a great deal of weight placed upon his shoulders from the day he took his first breath. It is said that the day he learned to walk his father, Akimitsu, put a blade in his hand. He had expectations to live up to as a member of the so called 'head family' of his entire clan. He entered the shinobi academy at the age of 6 and did incredibly well in both the physical and theoretical parts of his studies. Not the lead of his class in the more in-class aspects, he was still deemed to be an incredible student. All this primarily due to the incredible pressure that had been placed on his shoulders. His father had been a war hero by the time he was 20, and while no one in the family openly wanted war, the need to show strength was deeply ingrained in the clan, and especially Sanada's Tokoyo family. While he was far from being the heir, the death of both his great and regular grandfather needing to come before that pressure would be on his shoulder, he was the oldest son of the oldest son of the current heir.
    All this is to say that even while in the academy Sanada knew nothing but incredible pressure to be the best. The fact that his grades were good wasn't good enough, his father, and the rest of his elders, expected perfection. And at only the age of 8 he learned even more about the expectations of a Tokoyo member. On his 8th birthday he was introduced to three young girls from his clan, all of them his same age. These were Kana, Io, and Nanoko. He was given a gift from each girl, one sword to represent each of their families. The early versions of Suma, Makio, and Hinatsuru. These blades represented their engagement, for the day that Sanada turned 18. Which meant he had ten years to get to learn his future wife.

    This foreknowledge certainly painted his life in the academy. He was very popular with other students due to his skills in combat, his intelligence in class, and his seemingly natural charisma. For some, what was appealing was the looks of the young shinobi as he grew up closer to his graduation to genin. The boy knew what was expected of him, and avoided dating people no matter how often people decided to pursue him, fully faithful to the women he had been betrothed to. When he turned the age of 12 he was invited into the shinobi ranks proper as a genin. 

    Sanada's expectations were made no lower by his promotion. From the moment he entered the full world of shinobi he was expected to not only grow, but outpace his contemporaries. Sanada was under incredible pressure to be the best and even as a Genin was convinced that he should be taking on the toughest of missions available to him. His incredible ego, his tendency to talk down to his teammates, and just his general attitude of determination would consistently put him at odds with his squad.

    All of these factors and more lead to a tremendous failure his first attempt at the exams. His team was able to get past the first round on their individual merits, but the second round called for teamwork that was simply non existent between the squad.

    Their set back in the exam, however, seemed to only motivate all three to get better. Failing as a group had seemingly brought them together, and Sanada seemed to have a great desire to improve himself. His failure had humbled him, at least partly. Enough that he was willing to accept help, and stopped insulting his teammates. He still seemed plenty cocky in combat itself, however. Often seeing himself as truly untouchable. 


    The most basic creed of Sanada’s fighting style is relentless, unending attacks. His clans 3 sword style lends itself to fast and constant slashing and Sanada has trained to do this to best of his abilities. To this end he has an incredible array of Bukijutsu techniques that allow him to strike at faster and faster speeds which are designed to overwhelm enemies and force them into the defensive. 

    To that end Sanada also has a host of techniques which are designed to allow him to close the distance between him and his opponents. He doesn’t do all that well from abranged distance, but his abilities with the blades have taken him far in his shinobi career so far. He has incredible reserves of stamina, and blistering speed which allows him to attack and attack for as long as necessary. 

    One can usually tell how serious Sanada is taking combat by how many swords he has prepared. He prefers to leave his clans techniques for the most serious and impressive of fights. Using only one sword if he doesn’t view his competition as a threat. getting to two if he views someone has on his level, and only ever pulling out all three if he believes someone to be a truly incredible shinobi. His amount of swords are a sign of how he views ones power, but he doesn't necesarily start with the level he truly needs.

    He likes to ease his way into combat unless there is a clear sign of immediate danger. And the sword that he leads with usually showcases his opinion of the opponent. Suma usually implies some sort of sort of caring. It's what he views as the practice blade. He commonly uses it when training genin, or simply doing training spars with someone he doesn't think of as a superior in the shinobi world. Hinatsuru is used primarily for those that he has a great deal of respect with, especially other swordsman. Makio is used first exclusively if he has a disdain for someone, if he views them as an enemy. 




  • 01 | Hinatsuru - Hip holster X
  • 01 | Suma  - Right Hip Holster X
  • 01 | Makio - Left Hip Holster X
  • 02 | Sutingā [Worn around either Wrist] X
  • 01 | Mesh Armour Shirt [Worn Under Clothing] X
  • 50 | Senbon
  • 40 | Shuriken
  • 30 | Kunai
  • 25 | Explosive Tags
  • 25 | Flash Bombs


Santoryu | Three-Sword Style
    A master of his clans three blade fighting ability, Sanada is able to use a sword in either hand, and even use his mouth to swing an additional blade. An incredible swordsman, he can use all three of these blades at once for a display of incredible kenjutsu. 

The Speed of the Raiju | Enhanced Speed
    If there’s one thing that Sanada trains above all others, it’s his incredible speed. As a Bukijutsu specialist he has focused intensely on teaching speeds that few his age can manage, being able to keep up with many of his superiors even.

Hunters Reserves | Enhanced Chakra Reserves
    Sanda was born with incredibly vast pools of chakra. This allows him to use more jutsu and last longer in combat than your average shinobi. Hitting bigger moves more often than most could manage. An extension of his incredible spirit, it's something he takes great pride in.

Blade Dancer | Agility
    Along with his speed, the agility and movement of Sanda is a major part of his style in combat. He is an incredibly limber individual able to twist and bend in ways many can’t. This allows for quick and agile movement in combat. quick movements, quick changes in directions, all lead to quicker attacks from various angles. 


Technique Name [English Translation]
Technique Name [English Translation]
Technique Name [English Translation]

Soratobu Akuma Hantā [Flying Demon Hunter] X

Rōdō no Seika [Fruits of Labor] X

Hasu Hō [Lotus Gun] X

Meiyo Shūryō Jikan [End Times Honor] X

Kazowaga [Endless Streaming Fang] X

Meiyo Kattā [Honor Cutter] X

Karasu o Kiru [Slashing Crow] X

Shusuiga [Stream Nexus Fang] X

Yousha Nai [Relentless] X

Fukisoku Kaihi [Irregular Dodging] X

Raiton: Kaminari Keri no Jutsu [Lightning Release: Thunder Kicks Technique] X

Raiton: Denki Saku [Lightning Release: Electric Fence] X

Raiton: Tēzā no Jutsu [Lightning Release: Taser Technique] X

Akuma no Sutansu [Devil Stance] X

Tsuikaga [Twin Rivers Fang] X

Totsuzenno Tori [Sudden bird] X

Hibana Entori [Sparking Entry] X

Buki Bunshin no Jutsu [Weapon Clone Technique] X

Kinobori no Waza [Act of Tree Climbing] X

Suimen Hokou no Waza [Act of Water Surface Walking] X

Raiton: Senkō Mosu [Lightning Release: Flash Flare] X

Fūton: Karyu [Wind Release: Stream] X

Fūton: Bushōgoma [Wind Release: Lazy Spinning Top] X


Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]

Bunshin no Jutsu [Clone Technique]

Kawarimi no Jutsu [Substitution Technique]

Kakuremino no Jutsu [Cloak of Invisibility Technique]

Nawanuke no Jutsu [Rope Escape Technique]


HOW'D YOU FIND US?: I live here
FACE CLAIM SERIES: Chain Chronicle

✜ designed by catbug for use on naruto: fallen blades

last edit by Yomi Sanada on Oct 15, 2023 16:54:31 GMT -5
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