A piece of Cold Steel [Mission]

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A piece of Cold Steel [Mission]Nov 5, 2022 13:24:34 GMT -5
Okada Taki
I'm an Okada First and a Shinobi Second
Okada Taki Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday November 7th rank Jounin occupation Sage

Taki "Bakudan" Okada

A loser like you ain't got no guts!

It had been a long few weeks since Muramasa was recruited and seemed to be coming along quite well as a member of the Okada organization. He’d been passing through Kuwana and showing up for training just like he’d been told to do so and was even given a residence within the gym if he decided he wanted to stay for a while.

Today was training day and Taki and him were working on strength training for the day, as they made their way over towards the weight benches Taki would set up a weight rack for him. The gym itself was packed to the brim with other shinobi who were all here for the same reason and if ever there was a place for him to scope out the competition now was the time.

"Alright we’re raising da stakes today, going for an extra 200lbs.” she’d pat the chair ready for him to take a seat standing over the weight bench. "You’ve been making good progress c’mon you got this.” Taki had been working with Muramasa personally to get him acclimated to the Okada style of doing things and was delighted with the progress he was making but was always looking to push him a bit further she saw that he had a lot of potential and wanted to pull all of it out of him. "Well c’mon you big ol mummy get ova here!” she’d say waiting for him to catch up.





House of Fire

During Taki's training she learns that she has a significant amount of energy and after graduating to the rank of genin she began to learn how to properly make use of them under the tutelage of Midori Chizawa. As a result the girl is now able to perform a bevy of powerful techniques for longer periods of time without tiring as quickly as others.

[Heavyweight: Super Strength SA]

With the rigorous training that Taki's now able to throw down with the best of them boasting monstrous strength fitting for her professional wrestling background, having combined that with the training she performed at the academy has now made her able to performs ridiculous feats such as being able to crush stones in her grip causing concussions and snap bones with her powerful strikes and holds. Taki has also increased the amount of weight she is able to lift by a massive margin in a way that makes her an even more fearsome taijutsu practitioner than before.

[Wrestling Genius]

As a result of her training, and advancements as a genin. Taki's grappling ability has increased even further making her wrestling based techniques far more difficult to deal with and escape from. As a result, her slams, holds, submissions and suplex's are far more damaging and harder to escape from then that of a genin who is not trained in these particular abilities.

[Sage Mode]

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ Gorilla Grip [Grip Strength]

When transforming into Sage Mode Taki's body and overall Taijutsu prowess increase exponentially most notably her grip strength allowing her to take hold of someone with a painful amount of power amplifying her already proficient ability to grapple with an opponent making it significantly harder to be broken out of as well a deal a considerable amount of damage.

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ Gorilla Press [Natural Taijutsu]

When transforming into Sage Mode Taki's body Taki is able to use nature energy to harness her powers in order to make her more physically imposing than normal adding to her natural affinities with Taijutsu allowing her move faster and hit harder heavy items thus adding a good amount of power and heft to her attacks allowing her to snap bones with much less effort and outpace a good majority of her enemies with her monstrous charge.

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ The Immovable Force [Durability]

Due to the coarse strength of a gorilla's skin Taki is able to withstand a good amount of extra punishment allowing her to be able to withstand blows from most enemies that most shinobi wouldn't be able to normally withstand. As such blows from strong fighters are reduced by a considerable amount and when struck feel like colliding with a considerably immovable force.

deltra of gangnam style
Meep has written 1,713 posts
A piece of Cold Steel [Mission]Nov 5, 2022 21:17:09 GMT -5
Muramasa Uemon
By any means.
Muramasa Uemon Avatar
age 19 years old birthday July 21st rank B-Rank occupation Swordsmith

"Mummy?" he grumbled, stretching a bit in an attempt to loosen up. Better limber than hospitalized. "You try living on the road all that time and see if you have time to deal with your hair." She was right though. He did kinda look like a mummy with his headwrap on.

It had been a grueling couple of weeks. Reminded him of when he'd learned the basics of the ninja arts. And by that point he was already older than most who decided to become shinobi. Technically he still wasn't. Yet here he was in a gym surrounded by ninja. Life sure was odd. Taki would have been able to tell from their training so far that he wasn't as feeble as most puppeteers. By no means muscular but this wasn't the first time he'd pushed himself physically.

His dark eyes fell upon the weights and he squinted when he read the numbers for himself. Part of him wished she'd been kidding. "Two hundred?!" his eyebrow twitched slightly but quickly he narrowed his gaze and took position on the bench. A few quick breaths in and he unracked the barbell, slowly taking the weight all the way down to his chest. That was the easy part. With another deep breath he pushed as hard as he could, the bar slowly but surely inching ever higher until... it stopped. Barely halfway.

In a controlled manner he lowered the bar to his chest again and rolled it down his stomach to his hips. Sitting up with a sigh he turned his head to Taki. "Don't have any of that Okada strength." the barbell fell harmlessly to the padded floor as he stood up, rolling his shoulders. Without wasting too much time he dropped to the floor and began a set of push ups. Try as he might he was starting to get the feeling that no amount of training could get him the kind of strength Taki had.
Yenga has written 637 posts
A piece of Cold Steel [Mission]Nov 9, 2022 22:21:25 GMT -5
Okada Taki
I'm an Okada First and a Shinobi Second
Okada Taki Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday November 7th rank Jounin occupation Sage

Taki "Bakudan" Okada

A loser like you ain't got no guts!

The boy would complain about Taki’s teasing comment about his hair which would cause the girl to chuckle a bit as he loosened himself up. "Have you seen my hair...no thank you." he seemed to be in disbelief when Taki mentioned just how much work he’d have to do. To her 200 pounds was child's play and soon enough for him it would be too that was the goal after all. The girl would sit over him as he began to do his reps; she'd watch his form as the two of them would go at it.

"Dere ya gol…Dere ya go…!” the girl was elated with his progress. He struggled with this a few weeks ago but now he seems to really be getting up there, after only a few he seemed to set it down and seemed like he might’ve felt a tinge of the burn commenting that he didn't have that Okada Muscle.

"Well dats why we'ere ere!” the girl would watch his form and see him go over the push ups she’d squat down in front of him and do them along side him, it was almost intimate as she stared at him face to face. "C’mon! Show me watcha got!” she’d start doing a few push ups at a relatively brisk pace egging him on just to see how far she could push it.

Ever since she’d taken on this job it’s been a nice distraction from everything else she had to deal with being here in the gym was like coming home and a fresh prospect like Muramasa was a breath of fresh air, she was sure he'd make for a great talent. "C'mon Noodles!" she'd say poking fun at how scrawny his arms were.





House of Fire

During Taki's training she learns that she has a significant amount of energy and after graduating to the rank of genin she began to learn how to properly make use of them under the tutelage of Midori Chizawa. As a result the girl is now able to perform a bevy of powerful techniques for longer periods of time without tiring as quickly as others.

[Heavyweight: Super Strength SA]

With the rigorous training that Taki's now able to throw down with the best of them boasting monstrous strength fitting for her professional wrestling background, having combined that with the training she performed at the academy has now made her able to performs ridiculous feats such as being able to crush stones in her grip causing concussions and snap bones with her powerful strikes and holds. Taki has also increased the amount of weight she is able to lift by a massive margin in a way that makes her an even more fearsome taijutsu practitioner than before.

[Wrestling Genius]

As a result of her training, and advancements as a genin. Taki's grappling ability has increased even further making her wrestling based techniques far more difficult to deal with and escape from. As a result, her slams, holds, submissions and suplex's are far more damaging and harder to escape from then that of a genin who is not trained in these particular abilities.

[Sage Mode]

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ Gorilla Grip [Grip Strength]

When transforming into Sage Mode Taki's body and overall Taijutsu prowess increase exponentially most notably her grip strength allowing her to take hold of someone with a painful amount of power amplifying her already proficient ability to grapple with an opponent making it significantly harder to be broken out of as well a deal a considerable amount of damage.

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ Gorilla Press [Natural Taijutsu]

When transforming into Sage Mode Taki's body Taki is able to use nature energy to harness her powers in order to make her more physically imposing than normal adding to her natural affinities with Taijutsu allowing her move faster and hit harder heavy items thus adding a good amount of power and heft to her attacks allowing her to snap bones with much less effort and outpace a good majority of her enemies with her monstrous charge.

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ The Immovable Force [Durability]

Due to the coarse strength of a gorilla's skin Taki is able to withstand a good amount of extra punishment allowing her to be able to withstand blows from most enemies that most shinobi wouldn't be able to normally withstand. As such blows from strong fighters are reduced by a considerable amount and when struck feel like colliding with a considerably immovable force.

deltra of gangnam style
last edit by Okada Taki on Nov 9, 2022 22:35:28 GMT -5
Meep has written 1,713 posts
A piece of Cold Steel [Mission]Nov 10, 2022 20:29:57 GMT -5
Muramasa Uemon
By any means.
Muramasa Uemon Avatar
age 19 years old birthday July 21st rank B-Rank occupation Swordsmith

A strained snicker escaped his lips as he continued his push-ups. Looked like he wasn't the only one with uncooperative hair. Taki's cap made a lot more sense now.

Coaching was something he was used to and as far as those went Taki was far from the worst. Certainly a lot kinder and more welcoming than some of his past mentors. Rogue shinobi and errant chakra users were a mixed bag. At the very least he hadn't yet heard 'Get this jutsu right or die' so... it was a big step up from his previous training for sure.

One set of forty push-ups later and he rose to a crouched position to catch his breath as he watched the Okada girl go at it. She was really into this whole thing which was endearing in a way. She reminded him of his rowdy little sisters but he was the one being guided not the other way around. If he was the insecure type he might've been a little offended at being instructed by a younger girl but that was one of the first lessons he learned when he started on this journey. In this strange Shinobi World of theirs there were people younger than Taki yet stronger than jōnin. No sense in being prideful about something so trivial. For him the only thing that mattered was his mission. Everything else was just noise.

She goaded him on which caused his eyebrow to twitch a bit as he dropped back down to the mat and started in on his next set. "I'm trying, Blondie." he retorted half-playfully between breaths but there was no way he was keeping up. Taki was a beast physically. Of course he would stay as sharp as he could but knowing your limitations was just as important and trying to break them. His mind was his greatest weapon. And it was already going a million miles a minute trying to work out some method of increasing his effectiveness. If great strength was out of the question he'd have to look someplace else. A few ideas had already begun to blossom... but he'd need to think on them some more. For now he'd focus on his workout.
Yenga has written 637 posts
A piece of Cold Steel [Mission]Nov 10, 2022 23:41:49 GMT -5
Okada Taki
I'm an Okada First and a Shinobi Second
Okada Taki Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday November 7th rank Jounin occupation Sage

Taki "Bakudan" Okada

A loser like you ain't got no guts!

As the two would keep the pace of their push ups Muramasa managed to land 40 of em flawlessly. "Oh boo hoo…keep crying Mummymasa” she’d say jokingly. As he finished she'd get up from her push up position and give him his next set of instructions. "Awright dats enough…now dat we’re done here….hit da showa’s and den meet me in the arena and we’ll spar be ready ta bring it.” she herself would stand up and also make her way to the showers to get herself cleaned up and afterwards would head out sporting a new pair of gear.

As she exited out she’d head to the arena and would start with a few warm ups. The room was large and spacious the solid concrete floor and upper windows gave it a lot of natural light that accentuated the flashy colors that punctuated the room. "Wats taking dis guy so long…” the girl would say as she rolled her shoulders and cracked her neck awaiting his arrival. She stood for a few more minutes but moments later footsteps could be heard but they weren’t Muramasa’s.

"Dere you are eh...wait a sec." entering the room was a man that Taki recognized an Iwagakure shinobi who worked with the Tsuchikage. "Taki Sensei.” Taki knew that when he arrived that trouble wasn't too far behind and wondered what it must've been this time, whatever the task she was ready for it. "I have a mission for you from the Tsuchikage…” the girl would be handed a scroll with the rank of the mission scrawled across and would peel back the tape and open it.

"Shit...seriously." after examining it's contents she'd learn that a group of rogue Samurai from the land of steel were leading a group of bandits who were attempting to breach into the Tsuchi no Kunian border. And while actions of the Samurai are usually the job of the land of steel to deal with it was obvious they were turning a blind eye and now with the lives of Tsuchu no Kuni's inhabitants and other border crossers on the line it was up to Iwagakure to stop them. "I’ll take care of it.” the girl would close the scroll and shortly afterwards the Shinobi in question would vanish from sight, by the sounds of things a few shinobi from the land of Steel have been running loose going after the shinobi watch groups that have been keeping tabs on them.

Knowing she needed to head out she’d head to the locker room to notify Muramasa, it was a shame she was looking forward to training him some more. "Yo Masa…sorry but uhh something came up…some assholes from the Land o Steel are causing trouble at da borda and I gotta go snuff em out…" with that the girl would turn before finishing her sentence. "I ain’t schure when I’m coming back but uhh…don’t wait up for me.” with that the girl would prepare to take her leave she didn’t think was something she wanted to involve him in so she opted to handle it on her own.





House of Fire

During Taki's training she learns that she has a significant amount of energy and after graduating to the rank of genin she began to learn how to properly make use of them under the tutelage of Midori Chizawa. As a result the girl is now able to perform a bevy of powerful techniques for longer periods of time without tiring as quickly as others.

[Heavyweight: Super Strength SA]

With the rigorous training that Taki's now able to throw down with the best of them boasting monstrous strength fitting for her professional wrestling background, having combined that with the training she performed at the academy has now made her able to performs ridiculous feats such as being able to crush stones in her grip causing concussions and snap bones with her powerful strikes and holds. Taki has also increased the amount of weight she is able to lift by a massive margin in a way that makes her an even more fearsome taijutsu practitioner than before.

[Wrestling Genius]

As a result of her training, and advancements as a genin. Taki's grappling ability has increased even further making her wrestling based techniques far more difficult to deal with and escape from. As a result, her slams, holds, submissions and suplex's are far more damaging and harder to escape from then that of a genin who is not trained in these particular abilities.

[Sage Mode]

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ Gorilla Grip [Grip Strength]

When transforming into Sage Mode Taki's body and overall Taijutsu prowess increase exponentially most notably her grip strength allowing her to take hold of someone with a painful amount of power amplifying her already proficient ability to grapple with an opponent making it significantly harder to be broken out of as well a deal a considerable amount of damage.

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ Gorilla Press [Natural Taijutsu]

When transforming into Sage Mode Taki's body Taki is able to use nature energy to harness her powers in order to make her more physically imposing than normal adding to her natural affinities with Taijutsu allowing her move faster and hit harder heavy items thus adding a good amount of power and heft to her attacks allowing her to snap bones with much less effort and outpace a good majority of her enemies with her monstrous charge.

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ The Immovable Force [Durability]

Due to the coarse strength of a gorilla's skin Taki is able to withstand a good amount of extra punishment allowing her to be able to withstand blows from most enemies that most shinobi wouldn't be able to normally withstand. As such blows from strong fighters are reduced by a considerable amount and when struck feel like colliding with a considerably immovable force.

deltra of gangnam style
last edit by Okada Taki on Nov 10, 2022 23:42:13 GMT -5
Meep has written 1,713 posts
A piece of Cold Steel [Mission]Nov 12, 2022 15:53:18 GMT -5
Muramasa Uemon
By any means.
Muramasa Uemon Avatar
age 19 years old birthday July 21st rank B-Rank occupation Swordsmith

Once his set was over he stood and let out a sigh of relief.

His arms felt a little wobbly but it was good to be training again. At least he could measure some sort of actual progress. "Yeah, yeah." he would reply to Taki as he turned to head to the showers, a faint smirk on his face. It was funny. He couldn't remember the last time he'd smiled or laughed... even if they were a little muted. Entering the locker room he'd quickly strip out of his training clothes and enter the shower.

Bathing in something other than a cold river was a nice change of pace. At this rate he was going to get spoiled. After drying off with a towel the wanderer changed into his usual dark blue shinobi attire, just barely getting his shirt over his head when Taki walked in. "..." he glanced around the room confusedly. "Are these co-ed?" more thinking aloud than anything. Not like he minded or anything. Especially if that receptionist cousin of hers was aroun- "Focus, Uemon." he thought, shaking his head and lowering his shirt. Distractions, distractions.

It seemed like Taki was being called away on a mission which wasn't surprising being a ninja and all. He nodded as she spoke until the Land of Iron was mentioned. "Wait-... what?" His expression instantly turned grim. With haste he put his boots on and walked towards the Okada girl, glaring a cold gaze all the while. "Are they samurai?" he asked but the answer didn't even really matter. "I'm coming with." Without hesitation he barged out to collect his gear. Something was clearly up.

Yō still wasn't battle ready after his bout with Taki but In was reloaded and ready to go. Muramasa had other tricks up his sleeve too. He threw his bandaged puppet and the katana he carried around over his shoulder and slung a scroll into a holster on his waist. Quickly catching up with the Okada girl afterwards. "Intel?" he would ask bluntly, any small traces of relaxedness were completely gone from his face and voice.
Yenga has written 637 posts
A piece of Cold Steel [Mission]Nov 12, 2022 17:13:28 GMT -5
Okada Taki
I'm an Okada First and a Shinobi Second
Okada Taki Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday November 7th rank Jounin occupation Sage

Taki "Bakudan" Okada

A loser like you ain't got no guts!

Once the girl had passed the information towards him stepping into the locker room she’d note that Muramasa had just gotten dressed but noted that obviously the work outs were working. However as she relayed her information to the boy his expression changed to one that was much more serious asking about who exactly it was they were after and if they were Samurai.

"Yeah why, you got some kinda beef?” the girl would say looking to him with a crooked brow but as soon as she finished her words he’d immediately tag himself in. "Okay…” it was odd that he volunteered himself when he really didn’t need too but by the looks of it he had some beef to squash and she knew how that went all too well.

As the girl headed towards the front entrance she’d grab hold of her jacket as she’d head down the road it would be at that point that he’d ask for Intel. "As far as Intel goes, dere’s a group of bandits bein led by samurai who are making dere towards da borda if dey got dat far chances are dey snuffed out some of our boys.” the girl would slide her jacket over her shoulders and adjust her hat as they made their way towards the entrance to the village.

"The borda ain’t close so we gotta foot it,they could be closin in, if we hurry we might make it dere before sundown chances are we’ll get more info once we get dere, hope you brought a jacket Mura dat place ain't warm.” Taki would do her best to move as quickly as she could once the two of them had reached the exit to Kuwana and made her way through the mountains towards the border, they had a long sprint ahead of them.





House of Fire

During Taki's training she learns that she has a significant amount of energy and after graduating to the rank of genin she began to learn how to properly make use of them under the tutelage of Midori Chizawa. As a result the girl is now able to perform a bevy of powerful techniques for longer periods of time without tiring as quickly as others.

[Heavyweight: Super Strength SA]

With the rigorous training that Taki's now able to throw down with the best of them boasting monstrous strength fitting for her professional wrestling background, having combined that with the training she performed at the academy has now made her able to performs ridiculous feats such as being able to crush stones in her grip causing concussions and snap bones with her powerful strikes and holds. Taki has also increased the amount of weight she is able to lift by a massive margin in a way that makes her an even more fearsome taijutsu practitioner than before.

[Wrestling Genius]

As a result of her training, and advancements as a genin. Taki's grappling ability has increased even further making her wrestling based techniques far more difficult to deal with and escape from. As a result, her slams, holds, submissions and suplex's are far more damaging and harder to escape from then that of a genin who is not trained in these particular abilities.

[Sage Mode]

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ Gorilla Grip [Grip Strength]

When transforming into Sage Mode Taki's body and overall Taijutsu prowess increase exponentially most notably her grip strength allowing her to take hold of someone with a painful amount of power amplifying her already proficient ability to grapple with an opponent making it significantly harder to be broken out of as well a deal a considerable amount of damage.

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ Gorilla Press [Natural Taijutsu]

When transforming into Sage Mode Taki's body Taki is able to use nature energy to harness her powers in order to make her more physically imposing than normal adding to her natural affinities with Taijutsu allowing her move faster and hit harder heavy items thus adding a good amount of power and heft to her attacks allowing her to snap bones with much less effort and outpace a good majority of her enemies with her monstrous charge.

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ The Immovable Force [Durability]

Due to the coarse strength of a gorilla's skin Taki is able to withstand a good amount of extra punishment allowing her to be able to withstand blows from most enemies that most shinobi wouldn't be able to normally withstand. As such blows from strong fighters are reduced by a considerable amount and when struck feel like colliding with a considerably immovable force.

deltra of gangnam style
Meep has written 1,713 posts
A piece of Cold Steel [Mission]Nov 12, 2022 19:34:37 GMT -5
Muramasa Uemon
By any means.
Muramasa Uemon Avatar
age 19 years old birthday July 21st rank B-Rank occupation Swordsmith

Wind rushed through his hair as he kept pace with Taki.

"You could say that." he responded when asked if there was any beef with samurai. The small amounts of warmth that had been blooming in his voice and demeanor in the past few weeks had vanished completely. His blood was ice when it came to this topic. Something the girl would surely pick up on. The Okada girl filled him in on the details as they moved, with each passing word his glare intensified. "Expect the worst if they got their hands on any of them." his voice was dripping with disdain. It sounded like he was familiar with their ways. "'Honorable' my ass." he quipped mentally, spitting as he listened about the raiders. Samurai swore they were noble defenders. Samurai lied.

There were moments as they ran where he started to pull ahead. His zeal to confront these bandits was just barely contained. But he didn't know this area. He had to pull back and allow Taki to guide them. "Samurai are dangerous enough but rōnin are a whole other story. Keep your eyes open." he told the girl as she informed him of the situation. Anything was liable to happen and he wasn't about to get caught off guard. No... he knew this enemy. The air got noticeably more brisk as they traveled and he whipped out his trusty brown cloak from his gear and drew it over his shoulders in response. "If we aren't fast enough it might just be us two against them..." It was obvious from the look on his face that he was already deep in thought. Formulating strategies no doubt.
last edit by Muramasa Uemon on Nov 13, 2022 3:38:21 GMT -5
Yenga has written 637 posts
A piece of Cold Steel [Mission]Nov 16, 2022 10:59:13 GMT -5
Okada Taki
I'm an Okada First and a Shinobi Second
Okada Taki Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday November 7th rank Jounin occupation Sage

Taki "Bakudan" Okada

A loser like you ain't got no guts!

As the two of them would continue to make their way into the mountains, Muramasa seemed to be a wealth of information whatever beef he had with them he knew his enemy well mentioning Ronin and how the dire the situation could’ve become. "No wonder we’re trying to snuff these guys out before they get over here…its mostly bandits but chances are the samurai are their muscle.” as they kept moving through the mountains and got closer to their destination they’d come across an outpost that was right on the edge of the border between the land of Iron and the Land of Earth. "Cavalries here open up!” the girl would knock on the door and after a moment a small eye slit would open up. "Taki-san?” the young man would say.

Sometime later the two of them would enter inside of a large brick layden outpost where a few shinobi reside. "So you’re who we have as backup eh? Lucky us.” Taki would nod to herself. "Yeah, he told us you had a bit of a samurai problem?” the young blonde would state as she kept pace inside of the place, the two being led down a hallway towards another room.

"Yeah…who’s he?” Taki would look to the man beside her who seemed to be moving with a purpose. "This here is Muramasa he’s a friend o mine, puppet usa he's got my clearance.” the girl would say more but now probably wasn’t the time to advertise the clan she had a job to do. "I think you’ll like em he seems to be pretty familiar with how da Samurai operate.” as they headed towards a room where other shinobi seemed to be gathered he’d look back at the boy. "Good because considering the situation we’ll need all the help we can get.”

They’d head inside of the room where a map was laid out with several X’s marked out on each one. "So what’s going on…” Taki would ask. "The situation in question is as follows…we have reason to believe that the Samurai have learned of the location of our outposts…we’ve allowed them into the nation since they seem to have no reason to suspect them of wrongdoing but they’ve been taking advantage of that, coming into the nation with bandits under the guise of merchants.” the shinobi in question had a rather serious look on his face, Taki would listen intently rubbing her chin while he went over the briefing of information.

"They’re first attack was on a small town not too far from here, we managed to repel the bandits but the Samurai themselves always managed to make a break for it, and receive no punishment from the land of steel when they ran back to their borders almost as if it were deliberate.” Taki hadn’t been too familiar with the inner workings of the Samurai but had heard a great deal about the tension that the two nations.

"Go awn.” the man would continue. "Lately they’ve been getting privy to us and have been attacking the outposts directly…now that we have provocation its time to strike.” "Are dey coming here…?” Taki would wonder. "We aren’t sure but if they are we want to be prepared, its why we asked for your urgency upon arrival.” Taki would then look over at Muramasa. "Well my guy here is a bit of an expert, you got anythin you wanna add?”





House of Fire

During Taki's training she learns that she has a significant amount of energy and after graduating to the rank of genin she began to learn how to properly make use of them under the tutelage of Midori Chizawa. As a result the girl is now able to perform a bevy of powerful techniques for longer periods of time without tiring as quickly as others.

[Heavyweight: Super Strength SA]

With the rigorous training that Taki's now able to throw down with the best of them boasting monstrous strength fitting for her professional wrestling background, having combined that with the training she performed at the academy has now made her able to performs ridiculous feats such as being able to crush stones in her grip causing concussions and snap bones with her powerful strikes and holds. Taki has also increased the amount of weight she is able to lift by a massive margin in a way that makes her an even more fearsome taijutsu practitioner than before.

[Wrestling Genius]

As a result of her training, and advancements as a genin. Taki's grappling ability has increased even further making her wrestling based techniques far more difficult to deal with and escape from. As a result, her slams, holds, submissions and suplex's are far more damaging and harder to escape from then that of a genin who is not trained in these particular abilities.

[Sage Mode]

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ Gorilla Grip [Grip Strength]

When transforming into Sage Mode Taki's body and overall Taijutsu prowess increase exponentially most notably her grip strength allowing her to take hold of someone with a painful amount of power amplifying her already proficient ability to grapple with an opponent making it significantly harder to be broken out of as well a deal a considerable amount of damage.

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ Gorilla Press [Natural Taijutsu]

When transforming into Sage Mode Taki's body Taki is able to use nature energy to harness her powers in order to make her more physically imposing than normal adding to her natural affinities with Taijutsu allowing her move faster and hit harder heavy items thus adding a good amount of power and heft to her attacks allowing her to snap bones with much less effort and outpace a good majority of her enemies with her monstrous charge.

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ The Immovable Force [Durability]

Due to the coarse strength of a gorilla's skin Taki is able to withstand a good amount of extra punishment allowing her to be able to withstand blows from most enemies that most shinobi wouldn't be able to normally withstand. As such blows from strong fighters are reduced by a considerable amount and when struck feel like colliding with a considerably immovable force.

deltra of gangnam style
last edit by Okada Taki on Nov 16, 2022 11:00:17 GMT -5
Meep has written 1,713 posts
A piece of Cold Steel [Mission]Nov 18, 2022 2:47:19 GMT -5
Muramasa Uemon
By any means.
Muramasa Uemon Avatar
age 19 years old birthday July 21st rank B-Rank occupation Swordsmith

The Muramasa boy nodded along as Taki spoke and the duo continued to run. She had the right idea. With these warriors it was better to strike first and ask questions later. Hopefully they could avoid any casualties but... he had his doubts.

Getting to the border was thankfully uneventful. The pair arrived at the outpost and were let inside at Taki's urging. She introduced him to an inquisitive ninja saying that he was familiar with their enemy. "I'm from the Land of Iron." he spoke, his voice even and just barely masking his hate. It was bound to come up sooner and later and he might as well get ahead of it now. As they were led into the planning room he immediately noted a large map and walked briskly over to it, scanning every inch of the document as he listened to the shinobi speak. "Damn." internally he was cursing the situation before it even started. If they already had the location of the outposts there was no end to the kind of havoc they could wreak. Swift decisive action was needed if they wanted to deal with these bandits. He had questions for their leader besides.

After the ninja finished the briefing Taki asked if he had anything to add. A hand was raised to his chin as he was seemingly lost deep in thought. He kept it there as he responded. "I grew up with samurai. Trained with them, forged their arms and armor, listened to their stories. The Land of Iron won't give up one of their own even if he's now a bandit. More likely that whatever daimyō lords over the border wants to handle it themselves... 'honor' and all that." he paused for a moment, leaning forward to squint at the map. "Normally their code demands they fight their enemy head-on, but a rōnin turned thief obviously doesn't have these reservations." Muramasa tapped his finger at several of the red 'X's on the map coming to rest on their current position. "Bad luck for them that we're ninja."

Taking a brush from the table he would circle their outpost on the map and begin scribbling dots indicating their forces. "I'd bet that they are coming here. If so we should turn it on them. A counter-ambush at night. Set up straw decoys inside the outpost while we all lie in wait outside on the ridge. I'll even leave a surprise for them here." he tapped the mid-sized puppet scroll on his hip as his dark eyes scanned the room. He'd be surprised if the Iwa ninja would listen to an outsider without any questions but it at least seemed like he knew what he was talking about. "We could probably manage a skirmish but samurai are most lethal up close. This way we should minimize our losses. A real sentry would help sell it... and I can play that part." There was anger in his gaze but it wasn't fury. He was thinking clearly and strategy was a necessity of his fighting style so he wasn't just riffing here. "Thoughts?" he'd ask. If there was a better plan he'd love to hear it. Every second wasted was precious.
Yenga has written 637 posts
A piece of Cold Steel [Mission]Nov 18, 2022 18:30:31 GMT -5
Okada Taki
I'm an Okada First and a Shinobi Second
Okada Taki Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday November 7th rank Jounin occupation Sage

Taki "Bakudan" Okada

A loser like you ain't got no guts!

As Muramasa went over some of his own strategies on how they should handle things, Taki noted that his strategy was rather bold he seemed to be very much in control and had finally gotten something of an answer to how far his history ran. She stayed somewhat silent. "So dats where he’s from, dey musta done something too em?” the girl would say wondering a tad she knew he knew them but didn’t know it was like that Taki was a rather paranoid person. There was a bit of a side-eye, but when she saw his gaze Taki knew exactly what that meant; she had that same look herself too when dealing with scum from Konoha.

As he continued the amount of information he laid out about how to attack was somewhat suspect to the Iwagakurian shinobi, He’d even offer himself up to be a sentry but regardless of it all this information was too good to be true and he had to do his duty. "Taki-san can I speak with you for a moment, in private.” Taki would nod too him gesturing for Muramasa to leave the room. "Classified info ya know how it is.” the girl would say assuring him it wouldn’t take too long. After the boy had left the room the two would talk amongst themselves.

"He sure know an awful lot Taki, how long have you know him?” Taki would look at him and nod. "He’s been training in Kuwana for a few weeks now with my clan he ain’t go near da village, we was watching him for a couple o weeks before we went after em.” the girl would say but their commanding officer wasn’t completely convinced. "Still someone who worked that closely with the land of Iron poses a risk.” he’d say arguing a solid point which had also considered herself especially considering she only found this information out now.

"Look, I wouldn’t bring him if ere if I couldn’t trust him, if he wanted to go after us he woulda already.” the girl would say having faith in her friend. "Don’t be so cavalier, we’ll allow him to help but keep an eye on him.” Taki would nod to him. "Way ahead o ya.” the girl would reply as she headed out back into the hallway with Muramasa. "You two are to act as sentries and repel them if they try to make any moves if I were you I’d hole up in one of the pill boxes and attack as soon as you have visual.” he would state. "I know where ta go, got a key for me?” the girl would be handed a sealing tag and exit out of the room. "Grab some binoculars on your way out, we got woik ta do.” the girl would say.


The two would make their way to a pill box Taki would place down the seal the wind was cold and biting and after a moment the door would open up once it took the chakra for the seal and after a moment the girl would look back at Muramasa before they headed inside. "Ya coulda told me you knew da Samurai?” the girl would say. "I hadn’t read your contract since dat ain’t my job but it woulda been nice to know, guess dats my fault not for askin’” the girl would say as they headed inside there was a small chest and a few tools as well as table with a shogi board atop it, a way to pass the time during long shifts, underneath it a small cache of weapons.

The girl would go over towards the large window that gave them a good view of the pathway in front of them. She'd lean against the wall. "Since your da one with the binoculars you're on foist shift." she'd slump onto the wall looking around the blank room. "We’re not sure when dey’ll get ere…so we’ll take toins watching over da place, so anything else I should know about ya Masa?” Taki wasn't angry but she was a little hurt he wasn't completely forward with her she doesn't exactly trust easy and she had come to trust him quite well so it stands to reason why she'd want some answers.





House of Fire

During Taki's training she learns that she has a significant amount of energy and after graduating to the rank of genin she began to learn how to properly make use of them under the tutelage of Midori Chizawa. As a result the girl is now able to perform a bevy of powerful techniques for longer periods of time without tiring as quickly as others.

[Heavyweight: Super Strength SA]

With the rigorous training that Taki's now able to throw down with the best of them boasting monstrous strength fitting for her professional wrestling background, having combined that with the training she performed at the academy has now made her able to performs ridiculous feats such as being able to crush stones in her grip causing concussions and snap bones with her powerful strikes and holds. Taki has also increased the amount of weight she is able to lift by a massive margin in a way that makes her an even more fearsome taijutsu practitioner than before.

[Wrestling Genius]

As a result of her training, and advancements as a genin. Taki's grappling ability has increased even further making her wrestling based techniques far more difficult to deal with and escape from. As a result, her slams, holds, submissions and suplex's are far more damaging and harder to escape from then that of a genin who is not trained in these particular abilities.

[Sage Mode]

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ Gorilla Grip [Grip Strength]

When transforming into Sage Mode Taki's body and overall Taijutsu prowess increase exponentially most notably her grip strength allowing her to take hold of someone with a painful amount of power amplifying her already proficient ability to grapple with an opponent making it significantly harder to be broken out of as well a deal a considerable amount of damage.

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ Gorilla Press [Natural Taijutsu]

When transforming into Sage Mode Taki's body Taki is able to use nature energy to harness her powers in order to make her more physically imposing than normal adding to her natural affinities with Taijutsu allowing her move faster and hit harder heavy items thus adding a good amount of power and heft to her attacks allowing her to snap bones with much less effort and outpace a good majority of her enemies with her monstrous charge.

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ The Immovable Force [Durability]

Due to the coarse strength of a gorilla's skin Taki is able to withstand a good amount of extra punishment allowing her to be able to withstand blows from most enemies that most shinobi wouldn't be able to normally withstand. As such blows from strong fighters are reduced by a considerable amount and when struck feel like colliding with a considerably immovable force.

deltra of gangnam style
Meep has written 1,713 posts
A piece of Cold Steel [Mission]Nov 20, 2022 18:35:26 GMT -5
Muramasa Uemon
By any means.
Muramasa Uemon Avatar
age 19 years old birthday July 21st rank B-Rank occupation Swordsmith

It seemed the Iwa shinobi wished to talk amongst themselves. Muramasa simply nodded and removed himself from the room.

He didn't take it personally, no doubt they had their suspicions about him. It was part of the reason he kept mostly to himself. No telling what Hidden Villages were feuding with one another or what imagined slight might set someone off. In that way at least ninja and samurai had something in common. It wasn't long before Taki and the CO joined him out in the hall, stating that the two of them would act as decoys. "Right." he said, that fire in his eyes having yet to fade in the slightest. It seemed like they were going with a slightly modified version of his plan. Good. Trying to fight these guys head on was a sure way to get their people killed. He hoped this would avoid that.

Grabbing binoculars at Taki's urging he would follow her outside. Immediately he scanned the horizon, looking for signs of anything suspicious. "Not yet." the words echoed in his head. Clearly from his body language he was getting antsy. When was the last time he was restless like this? He hadn't even seen a samurai in eight years. The Okada girl finished prepping the seal but before they could reenter she would speak. Muramasa simply listened as they walked, his cold glare softening ever so slightly upon hearing her words. He wasn't always the best at emoting but he was no oaf, he understood how keeping secrets could hurt people. After a long silence and some contemplation he nodded. "You're right." and she was. But there was a reason behind every action he took.

First watch was his. He set up near the window but there was still more that needed saying. "I don't like to advertise my past... I need to hold onto the anger. It keeps me sharp. How I need to be." he glanced at the girl but only for a moment. "Samurai took-" he started, stopping himself short as he fought the urge to leave out details. Opening up did not come easy to him. "They... killed someone very important to me." the words hung heavy on the cold still air. Lifting the binoculars to his eyes he gazed out of the window. "Over a lie." Another pause. It would be obvious to Taki that he had not spoken about this in quite some time. Maybe ever. "They branded my family traitors... we never had much but they stole even that. They can never return to the Land of Iron or they'll be executed." The Muramasa boy removed the binoculars from his eyes, adjusting the scopes slightly as he lowered his head. "I'll take them home one day. At any cost." She asked if there was anything else she needed to know and that was about the sum of it. The important parts anyway. He brought the binoculars to his eyes once more and resumed watch in silence. Now it was the waiting game.
last edit by Muramasa Uemon on Nov 30, 2022 14:40:11 GMT -5
Yenga has written 637 posts
A piece of Cold Steel [Mission]Nov 25, 2022 23:35:20 GMT -5
Okada Taki
I'm an Okada First and a Shinobi Second
Okada Taki Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday November 7th rank Jounin occupation Sage

Taki "Bakudan" Okada

A loser like you ain't got no guts!

As the two of them remained within the room the biting cold would become slightly apparent, the girl stood where she lay after she had asked her question he’d reply with "You’re right.” in his usual calm tone of voice. Hearing that she almost took it as somewhat snide she already knew exactly what she wanted to say the words were practically on the tip of her tongue but she’d let him continue. He would go on to speak about how the Samurai had wronged his family and cast him out of the land of iron and that he kept himself sharp and focused on his anger.

And while they’re situations were nowhere near the same she knew what it was like to hold onto a grudge in order to keep yourself on the up and up it keeps you focused keeps you raw and gives you something to fight for but regardless of that fact him being from the land of Iron with such a close affiliation to the Samurai was dangerous and it could’ve put her family in danger how he managed to hide that from them was rather suspect but she couldn’t be too angry at him for it.

Her mother drew up the contract and had to have known so all be water under the bridge. "Look I get why ya had ta do it…but you not telling me dat puts my family in real dainga…but I guess my momma knew what she was doing when she hired ya.” she’d let out a sigh. "But I’d be lying if I’da said dat I don’t know where ya coming from." she’d say as she walked over to the Shogi table and took a seat.

"I got beef too, with Konoha shinobi…damn scum…” she’d look to the pieces rather puzzled her blood boiling as she thought about it. "Almost 3 years ago he was captured in da line o duty…Konoha shinobi was da ones who did it.” the girl would try and move one of the Shogi pieces.

"I had to listen to my auntie cry…and break down from awl a dis. Dhose scum have no right to keep him he’s my family and I’ll be damned if I’ll let anyone put him in dainga…to me dhose scum are obstacles and I’m gonna tear em awl down.” the girls words were bitter and vengeful it was clear there was no love lost between her and them and it’d explain her jacket and the clause in his contract that states he isn’t able to work for any of the enemies of the nation specifically Konoha.





House of Fire

During Taki's training she learns that she has a significant amount of energy and after graduating to the rank of genin she began to learn how to properly make use of them under the tutelage of Midori Chizawa. As a result the girl is now able to perform a bevy of powerful techniques for longer periods of time without tiring as quickly as others.

[Heavyweight: Super Strength SA]

With the rigorous training that Taki's now able to throw down with the best of them boasting monstrous strength fitting for her professional wrestling background, having combined that with the training she performed at the academy has now made her able to performs ridiculous feats such as being able to crush stones in her grip causing concussions and snap bones with her powerful strikes and holds. Taki has also increased the amount of weight she is able to lift by a massive margin in a way that makes her an even more fearsome taijutsu practitioner than before.

[Wrestling Genius]

As a result of her training, and advancements as a genin. Taki's grappling ability has increased even further making her wrestling based techniques far more difficult to deal with and escape from. As a result, her slams, holds, submissions and suplex's are far more damaging and harder to escape from then that of a genin who is not trained in these particular abilities.

[Sage Mode]

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ Gorilla Grip [Grip Strength]

When transforming into Sage Mode Taki's body and overall Taijutsu prowess increase exponentially most notably her grip strength allowing her to take hold of someone with a painful amount of power amplifying her already proficient ability to grapple with an opponent making it significantly harder to be broken out of as well a deal a considerable amount of damage.

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ Gorilla Press [Natural Taijutsu]

When transforming into Sage Mode Taki's body Taki is able to use nature energy to harness her powers in order to make her more physically imposing than normal adding to her natural affinities with Taijutsu allowing her move faster and hit harder heavy items thus adding a good amount of power and heft to her attacks allowing her to snap bones with much less effort and outpace a good majority of her enemies with her monstrous charge.

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ The Immovable Force [Durability]

Due to the coarse strength of a gorilla's skin Taki is able to withstand a good amount of extra punishment allowing her to be able to withstand blows from most enemies that most shinobi wouldn't be able to normally withstand. As such blows from strong fighters are reduced by a considerable amount and when struck feel like colliding with a considerably immovable force.

deltra of gangnam style
Meep has written 1,713 posts
A piece of Cold Steel [Mission]Nov 28, 2022 5:29:25 GMT -5
Muramasa Uemon
By any means.
Muramasa Uemon Avatar
age 19 years old birthday July 21st rank B-Rank occupation Swordsmith

His eyes were fixated on the horizon as he listened to Taki speak, his field of view enhanced by the scope.

The Muramasa boy understood how she felt. "Thought you all read my contract. I didn't know but that's no excuse, I should have told you." If she didn't get a chance to look it over she never would have known. Friends were few and trust wasn't something he gave easily. But the Okada had been nothing but accommodating to him since he'd arrived. "No more secrets... just don't go telling everyone, yeah?" he would say, his stern expression softening slightly as he glanced towards Taki. He hadn't known her long but he had no reason to suspect any ulterior motives which was something he prided himself on. He catalogued everything. And surveillance was a two-way street. From what intel he'd gathered so far the Okada and Iwagakure both seemed to be on the up-and-up. If only a tad bit suspicious of his presence, but that was to be expected.

Returning to his scan he listened as she recounted the tale of her uncle. "Explains a lot." he thought to himself. Her vitriol for Konoha, the wording of his contract... it was all starting to come together. He let the words hang in the air for a moment before responding. "I know the feeling." For the past eight years hatred was the only thing keeping him going. Out of all the muted emotions he felt it was by far the strongest. "There are some things I have to do. I don't know what will happen to me after." he paused, considering his next words carefully. "I need more power if I want to succeed... and for that to happen I need to push myself." another pause as he adjusted the binoculars. His goal was always at the forefront of his mind... but he couldn't accomplish it as he was. A detour was needed.

"So I'll help in any way I can. With your Konoha problem. Two birds with one stone... besides I figure I owe you and your family for hosting a shifty vagrant like myself." A faint smirk flashed across his face briefly. Sure theirs was a contracted agreement but he still felt obligated. Time passed as his watch proceeded uneventfully and once it was done he would hand the binoculars to Taki. Removing the scroll from its holster he would place it underneath a table in the center of the room and unfurl it. "When they show we should wait until they enter to spring our trap, but we need to make sure we get outside— fast." His 'surprise' was a nasty one and didn't exactly discriminate between friend or foe.
Yenga has written 637 posts
A piece of Cold Steel [Mission]Nov 30, 2022 9:52:02 GMT -5
Okada Taki
I'm an Okada First and a Shinobi Second
Okada Taki Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday November 7th rank Jounin occupation Sage

Taki "Bakudan" Okada

A loser like you ain't got no guts!

As the boy spoke he had figured that all of them had read their contracts. "Right now I’m just a promoter in training I haven’t been really briefed on the whole legality side yet.” the girl would say as she looked over him, he’d then say for her to not go telling everyone which the girl would make a sarcastic remark. "Me…? Nah…” she’d say in jest, taking shots at her very overt way of being her bright colors and her title belt that practically broadcast her presence.

"Don’t worry your secret’s safe wit me.” After she went on to explain herself he would state that he knew the feeling and that the only thing that kept him going was hatred he wasn’t sure what would happen to him but it didn’t matter he had drive and that was something Taki had liked about him. "You know Masa…you are my kinda man.” the girl would say her tone almost flirtatious a smirk crossing her face.

He offered to help her with her vendetta, something she appreciated, smiling to him softly. "Thanks dat means a lot…ya know you might be just the man I need for something I’ve got planned.” she’d say again eyeing the boy up and down with a smirk, before looking towards the open windows that had small deposits of snow upon them. "Anyway you got eyes on anything out dere…?” the girl would say as she looked over towards the windows the biting cold started to seep into the pill box from the outside.

She’d sit against the chair in front of her pushing a foot off of the shogi table, at that point he’d make note of the plan that he had and how he was going to pull it off stating that they needed to get out of there fast. "Gotcha…” with that the girl would keep herself still for the moment gathering senjutsu energy it’d look a little odd to an outsider but she didn’t know what these Samurai had up their sleeves and was going to need all the stopping power she had at her disposal.





House of Fire

During Taki's training she learns that she has a significant amount of energy and after graduating to the rank of genin she began to learn how to properly make use of them under the tutelage of Midori Chizawa. As a result the girl is now able to perform a bevy of powerful techniques for longer periods of time without tiring as quickly as others.

[Heavyweight: Super Strength SA]

With the rigorous training that Taki's now able to throw down with the best of them boasting monstrous strength fitting for her professional wrestling background, having combined that with the training she performed at the academy has now made her able to performs ridiculous feats such as being able to crush stones in her grip causing concussions and snap bones with her powerful strikes and holds. Taki has also increased the amount of weight she is able to lift by a massive margin in a way that makes her an even more fearsome taijutsu practitioner than before.

[Wrestling Genius]

As a result of her training, and advancements as a genin. Taki's grappling ability has increased even further making her wrestling based techniques far more difficult to deal with and escape from. As a result, her slams, holds, submissions and suplex's are far more damaging and harder to escape from then that of a genin who is not trained in these particular abilities.

[Sage Mode]

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ Gorilla Grip [Grip Strength]

When transforming into Sage Mode Taki's body and overall Taijutsu prowess increase exponentially most notably her grip strength allowing her to take hold of someone with a painful amount of power amplifying her already proficient ability to grapple with an opponent making it significantly harder to be broken out of as well a deal a considerable amount of damage.

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ Gorilla Press [Natural Taijutsu]

When transforming into Sage Mode Taki's body Taki is able to use nature energy to harness her powers in order to make her more physically imposing than normal adding to her natural affinities with Taijutsu allowing her move faster and hit harder heavy items thus adding a good amount of power and heft to her attacks allowing her to snap bones with much less effort and outpace a good majority of her enemies with her monstrous charge.

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ The Immovable Force [Durability]

Due to the coarse strength of a gorilla's skin Taki is able to withstand a good amount of extra punishment allowing her to be able to withstand blows from most enemies that most shinobi wouldn't be able to normally withstand. As such blows from strong fighters are reduced by a considerable amount and when struck feel like colliding with a considerably immovable force.

deltra of gangnam style
Meep has written 1,713 posts

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