A piece of Cold Steel [Mission]

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A piece of Cold Steel [Mission]Nov 30, 2022 20:41:02 GMT -5
Muramasa Uemon
By any means.
Muramasa Uemon Avatar
age 19 years old birthday July 21st rank B-Rank occupation Swordsmith

Wasn't long before another shadow of a smirk crossed his face.

His secrets were safe. Plotting on big players within Iron Country was something he had to keep close to the vest, and the less people knew the better. Taki said he was her kind of man in a playful tone and he stopped fussing over his scroll for a moment. "Uemon." he said, glancing over his shoulder. "You can call me Uemon. It's my given name." While it may not seem like a big deal for most for him it was a big show of trust. During his mission to restore his family's name he had been going exclusively by his surname, even refusing to tell people outright if they ever asked. To him it served two purposes. Ensured that whatever actions he took would be attributed to his clan's wrongfully tarnished name. And protected him from any would-be pawns of the Land of Iron.

Only his family called him that... but now a friend would too.

She mentioned having a plan and he finished positioning his scroll and stood up. "Can't say my plans always work perfectly but I'm not half-bad with strategy if you want some input." he responded, glancing over just in time to catch Taki eyeing him. Part of him wondered how long it'd be before some Okada or another jumped him. "Don't think I have the physique to fight any of them off if they do." Maybe he was giving himself too much credit. She asked if he'd seen anything and he shook his head. "Not yet." which was odd. Samurai weren't known for surprise tactics... but a rōnin wouldn't have such scruples. Muramasa pushed open the window just a crack. The fingers on his right hand would begin to subtly glow and slowly but surely several translucent threads would extend from their tips, out of the window and over the rocks outside (Delving String). Searching for any signs of disturbance.

After a few minutes he recoiled slightly, shifting his now smoldering gaze to Taki. "West. Two-hundred fifty yards. About twelve from my count." His strings inched and slithered between the mountainous terrain. Accepting that his strength might never be on par with the Okada was a fact he had to come to grips with. But the beginnings of another idea had started to creep into his mind. Something more subtle. Inconspicuous in nature, like he was. "It's them... the way they're moving I'd say we have about five minutes before they're on us." he spoke gruffly before dispelling his threads and closing the window. Grabbing a nearby lantern he would move to place the light source nearby the window. Hopefully it would attract their attention and lull them into a sense of security. "Like mice to a trap." An occupied outpost with a couple bored guards? Easy pickings for bandits. Moving towards the door it was time for the two to slink away and wait for the right moment to pounce, but he paused momentarily after noticing Taki seem to freeze. "Meditating?" he'd ask as he nodded towards the door. Their foes weren't trained assassins and moving a big force like that quietly, if clumsily, took awhile. She had a little to prepare... but if they didn't want to get caught out in the open they'd have to move soon.


NAME: Onisageru Mojiretsu [Delving String]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [Puppetry]
A simple, but very useful technique; by extending puppetry strings and concentrating on the sensation felt in their fingertips a user can probe to try and manipulate or detect what they can't see. Shinobi commonly use this technique to unlock doors, sliding a string under the door to unlock it from the other side. However, this technique can also be used to try and detect opponents in pitch black or other vision-obscuring scenarios like the Hidden Mist Technique.


NAME: Yamata (Sealed in Summoning Scroll)
CLASSIFICATION: Offensive | Defensive
RESTRICTIONS: Puppet | Personal

A massive thirteen foot tall Beast Puppet fashioned after a white snake, Yamata was named after a famous myth about a multi-headed serpent that wrought havoc on the world. It is constructed of wood and banded iron like all of Uemon's puppets though he took special care to reinforce the inside of its frame, making it by far his most durable creation. Through an opening located atop its head the user and up to one other person are able to enter inside of the puppet, with the puppeteer perfectly capable of controlling it from the interior. The painted white 'scales' on the exterior are all polished to look as lifelike as possible and equally reinforced to provide extra protection for the puppet and whoever may be inside. A red kerchief hands from its neck, obscuring large compartments hidden on either side of it that fold outward.

When opened, two more heads spring outwards from these compartments, each one capable of as much articulation as the main head though not as sturdy due to their collapsible nature. As of now three heads is the limit though Uemon does have plans to upgrade his puppet in the future. Throughout each head and the puppet's body lie a host of hidden weapons, traps, and most importantly poison. Its fangs are forged out of black iron and each one has a hole in the tip through which to envenom targets.


String Theory - E.C.C

Necessary for his Puppet Ninjutsu and applicable to his other techniques, Uemon has trained extensively in order to mitigate the amount of chakra he uses with his techniques. Compensating for his average chakra reserves this allows him to stay in the fight that much longer.

Puppetmaster - U.A.

A natural strategist with a quick mind, Uemon is always observing even in the midst of combat. This allows for him to find gaps and weaknesses in his opponent's techniques easier than some, and allows him to formulate strategies and deceptions to take advantage of these shortcomings. His knack for tactics cues him on which approach should work best depending on his target.

Ashizukai Footwork - E.P.T. (Speed)

Honed after years of fighting and training in jujitsu with samurai as a child in the Land of Iron, Uemon is surprisingly light on his feet and his hand-to-hand strikes are faster than most expect. Able to strike and weave with deft swiftness he is capable of holding his own against Taijutsu specialists of his rank and outright overwhelming those of lower ranks in a straight up slugfest.
last edit by Muramasa Uemon on Dec 3, 2022 4:13:57 GMT -5
Yenga has written 637 posts
A piece of Cold Steel [Mission]Dec 1, 2022 0:13:05 GMT -5
Okada Taki
I'm an Okada First and a Shinobi Second
Okada Taki Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday November 7th rank Jounin occupation Sage

Taki "Bakudan" Okada

A loser like you ain't got no guts!

As the boy would speak he’d give her his name Uemon just how many secrets did this guy have? Hopefully this was the last one. "You are full of surprises, ain’tcha.” the girl would chuckle as she looked him over. "Okay Uemon.” she’d say her words a little softly, her smirk still not leaving her lips. After a minute he’d make a remark about him being able to strategize and giving her some pointers on her plan.

"How good do you think you are with breaking into a prison.” she’d say glancing over at him but before he could answer he’d crack open the small entryway at the top of the structure setting out something was it a string? She couldn’t exactly see, chakra strings were something else. Thankfully she’d watch the motions and keep herself covered with her cloak. "Sheesh good thing I ain’t wearin my leotard today…” the girl would say.

With that the girl would continue her meditation for a moment and then he would move away from his post looking to her with that steely look in his eyes again something about it resonated with her, it reminded her of herself. As he made his way towards the door he would state their distance and the exact amount of time they had about five minutes before they were upon them, urgency was needed but Taki wouldn’t budge.

"You Go awn ahead, I'll see ya in a bit.” the girl would remark as she kept herself still gathering in her energy. She seemed rather cavalier about all of this as if she had something up her sleeve. "But under da shogi table, there’s some ear plugs…take em.” the girl would say as if giving him a hint, with that she’d let him go with a wink as he left keeping to her meditation for one last moment before allowing him to head off.





House of Fire

During Taki's training she learns that she has a significant amount of energy and after graduating to the rank of genin she began to learn how to properly make use of them under the tutelage of Midori Chizawa. As a result the girl is now able to perform a bevy of powerful techniques for longer periods of time without tiring as quickly as others.

[Heavyweight: Super Strength SA]

With the rigorous training that Taki's now able to throw down with the best of them boasting monstrous strength fitting for her professional wrestling background, having combined that with the training she performed at the academy has now made her able to performs ridiculous feats such as being able to crush stones in her grip causing concussions and snap bones with her powerful strikes and holds. Taki has also increased the amount of weight she is able to lift by a massive margin in a way that makes her an even more fearsome taijutsu practitioner than before.

[Wrestling Genius]

As a result of her training, and advancements as a genin. Taki's grappling ability has increased even further making her wrestling based techniques far more difficult to deal with and escape from. As a result, her slams, holds, submissions and suplex's are far more damaging and harder to escape from then that of a genin who is not trained in these particular abilities.

[Sage Mode]

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ Gorilla Grip [Grip Strength]

When transforming into Sage Mode Taki's body and overall Taijutsu prowess increase exponentially most notably her grip strength allowing her to take hold of someone with a painful amount of power amplifying her already proficient ability to grapple with an opponent making it significantly harder to be broken out of as well a deal a considerable amount of damage.

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ Gorilla Press [Natural Taijutsu]

When transforming into Sage Mode Taki's body Taki is able to use nature energy to harness her powers in order to make her more physically imposing than normal adding to her natural affinities with Taijutsu allowing her move faster and hit harder heavy items thus adding a good amount of power and heft to her attacks allowing her to snap bones with much less effort and outpace a good majority of her enemies with her monstrous charge.

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ The Immovable Force [Durability]

Due to the coarse strength of a gorilla's skin Taki is able to withstand a good amount of extra punishment allowing her to be able to withstand blows from most enemies that most shinobi wouldn't be able to normally withstand. As such blows from strong fighters are reduced by a considerable amount and when struck feel like colliding with a considerably immovable force.

deltra of gangnam style
Meep has written 1,713 posts
A piece of Cold Steel [Mission]Dec 1, 2022 2:18:02 GMT -5
Muramasa Uemon
By any means.
Muramasa Uemon Avatar
age 19 years old birthday July 21st rank B-Rank occupation Swordsmith

The sun had begun to set. Darkness was coming fast.

Uemon leaned against the wall near the entrance as he waited. Taki said that he was full of surprises. "Just a few." he responded, but that and his true goal were the biggest ones. The rest all pertained to combat and those had to wait until the time was right. It was nice to hear someone use his first name. How long had it been? Some of his past mentors surely knew it and referred to him as Uemon but still... it had to have been years. Muramasa the Wanderer was starting to become familiar to someone. Unexpected... but not unwelcome.

She mentioned the idea of a prison break and he raised a hand to his chin in thought. "Well it'd be a first for me. But if we could get our hands on some blueprints and troop locations..." His mind was racing. Of course it would be hard to say until he laid eyes on the place. "Not impossible." Was the best he had for the moment. But there'd be time to talk more later. The Okada girl's comment on the weather nearly made him smirk. "Didn't she tell me to bundle up?" he thought as he glanced at her. The cold in the air cut right through most outerwear but he didn't mind it. Being this close to the border of Iron Country brought back memories both good and bad.

He was nearly home... but so far at the same time.

Taki said to leave without her and it gave him pause for a moment. The cold glare he had been maintaining drooped slightly. "I'll wait until you're out to summon my puppet... but if you get boxed in and can't get out just remember— don't breathe. He's poisonous." No protest. Even if he did she was steadfast as they come and he definitely couldn't force her to. Beyond that he knew she could handle herself. Any bandit hoping for easy prey would be in for a bad time. He grabbed the ear plugs at her urging and the binoculars as well. With a solemn nod he turned to leave, opening the chakra seal just long enough to exit the door. "Be careful, Blondie." he would quietly bid her goodbye and leave, re-sealing it once outside.

Dusk and a cloudy sky gave him decent enough cover but his situation was precarious. Clunky footwork could easily get him spotted. He had to be meticulous. Carefully the wanderer made his way across the rocky terrain, making sure not to knock any stones loose on his way. Stealth was on his mind. If he couldn't match others' strength he had to use finesse. And subterfuge would be necessary for his ultimate goal. Step by step he made his way to the other Iwa-nin waiting atop the ridge about seventy yards from the outpost. "Taki-san's still inside. The enemy's near, twelve from my count about three minutes west of the pillbox. We should wait for them to enter and then launch our counter-ambush." his tone was hushed as he lay prone amongst the rocks. His dark gaze locked on Taki's position. "Smoke bombs, flash bombs, use whatever you have. We're outnumbered... we'll need as big of an advantage as we can get." he hoped they would heed his advice but didn't exactly blame them for being suspicious. "Use these." He offered up ear plugs to the ninja, pointing towards Taki's position as he did so. If they didn't take precautions against her scream they'd be in for a world of ringing later. He still got the odd humming every now and then- a souvenir from their first meeting.


NAME: Yamata (Sealed in Summoning Scroll)
CLASSIFICATION: Offensive | Defensive
RESTRICTIONS: Puppet | Personal

A massive thirteen foot tall Beast Puppet fashioned after a white snake, Yamata was named after a famous myth about a multi-headed serpent that wrought havoc on the world. It is constructed of wood and banded iron like all of Uemon's puppets though he took special care to reinforce the inside of its frame, making it by far his most durable creation. Through an opening located atop its head the user and up to one other person are able to enter inside of the puppet, with the puppeteer perfectly capable of controlling it from the interior. The painted white 'scales' on the exterior are all polished to look as lifelike as possible and equally reinforced to provide extra protection for the puppet and whoever may be inside. A red kerchief hands from its neck, obscuring large compartments hidden on either side of it that fold outward.

When opened, two more heads spring outwards from these compartments, each one capable of as much articulation as the main head though not as sturdy due to their collapsible nature. As of now three heads is the limit though Uemon does have plans to upgrade his puppet in the future. Throughout each head and the puppet's body lie a host of hidden weapons, traps, and most importantly poison. Its fangs are forged out of black iron and each one has a hole in the tip through which to envenom targets.


String Theory - E.C.C

Necessary for his Puppet Ninjutsu and applicable to his other techniques, Uemon has trained extensively in order to mitigate the amount of chakra he uses with his techniques. Compensating for his average chakra reserves this allows him to stay in the fight that much longer.

Puppetmaster - U.A.

A natural strategist with a quick mind, Uemon is always observing even in the midst of combat. This allows for him to find gaps and weaknesses in his opponent's techniques easier than some, and allows him to formulate strategies and deceptions to take advantage of these shortcomings. His knack for tactics cues him on which approach should work best depending on his target.

Ashizukai Footwork - E.P.T. (Speed)

Honed after years of fighting and training in jujitsu with samurai as a child in the Land of Iron, Uemon is surprisingly light on his feet and his hand-to-hand strikes are faster than most expect. Able to strike and weave with deft swiftness he is capable of holding his own against Taijutsu specialists of his rank and outright overwhelming those of lower ranks in a straight up slugfest.
Yenga has written 637 posts
A piece of Cold Steel [Mission]Dec 1, 2022 21:53:59 GMT -5
Okada Taki
I'm an Okada First and a Shinobi Second
Okada Taki Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday November 7th rank Jounin occupation Sage

Taki "Bakudan" Okada

A loser like you ain't got no guts!

As Taki meditated in the pillbox Muramasa or as she now knew him Uemon was back towards where the others were, they seemed a bit puzzled. "You were meant to serve as a decoy what’re you doing here…?” an Iwa shinobi would state reminding him of his initial mission, this was Hotaru the man who had given both Taki and Uemon their orders. "Did something happen to Taki, you must be Muramasa I'm Hana, we're waiting for the outpost" the woman who spoke here had brown hair much like Taki her name was Hana a Bukijutsu specialist she wore a modified Iwagukre uniform and seemed to have a brace on her left arm.

However as he mentioned that Taki was still staying down at the hill they’d look to him and then the pillbox. "I see, so that's her plan.” said the voice of a grizzly older shinobi who would make his presence known to the young man he spoke as if he knew exactly what to expect. "Captain Shinzo!" Hotaru would say. "Dad...!"

"She’s really overdoing it…but she also isn’t too certain what kind of enemy she’s up against so she’s pulling out all the stops.” He’d remark not exactly cluing him in on just what it was that Taki had particularly planned, the man in question was the leader of the outpost his name Captain Shinzo of Team 11.

He and Taki had been on a mission some time ago where she had saved them from a Jounin assassin not too long ago. "How many did you spot?" He’d ask, fill us in and then make your way back down past the pill box. "We’ll be right behind you.” with the information having been passed down they’d make their way down as the Ronin and their henchmen would march themselves up the hill.

However this was different rather than their being solely a small contingent there seemed two be two bandit groups each with 8 men and 2 Ronin accompanying them. "Stop where you are, you’ve gotten bold to attack us here.” the captain of the outpost would declare as they made their way towards them they were dressed in cloaks and seemed to mean business. "You’ve gotten to privy to us.” spoke the leader of the ronin. "Now then…” the Iwagakure shinobi would brace themselves, Hana removing her blade and Hotaru keeping a lock on his Kunai holster.

Two pairs of the men from either group would dash towards them charging in at top speed and another man from behind the flank would take advantage of fire style techniques in order to keep them at bay. Whilst the two ronin stayed at the back. Captain Shinzo would use his handseals to craft a seal that would hold the two chargers in place, but would urge the others to move out of the way. "Move now, and get your earplugs in!” As his seal came down the two men would freeze in place and as the attack came from behind by the two opposing Shinobi forces they’d find themselves immolated by their teammates own attacks and set ablaze within the snow.

As the other 2 other Iwa shinobi dispersed the bandits would begin to charge him and Muramasa respectively, the seal destroyed by the flames from the bodies of the two dead bandits allowing three more to charge forward as two others went after Hana and Hotaru. The three that came forward would brandish weaponry a staff by two of them both spinning their weapons to create pinwheels of fire to blast towards both men as the third crafting handseal in order to delve underground making his attack pattern virtually unseeable. Captain Shinzo would craft a kekkai barrier in order to keep the two safe but it wouldn't hold up to the flames and would shatter the flames blasting Captain Shinzo and heading towards Muramasa who was slightly further behind but how would he react. As this happened the two Ronin would close in on Hana and Hotaru Hana would brandish her weapon only for it to be swiftly broken as she is cut down with the weapon and Hotaru not dead but certainly out of the fight and losing a lot of blood.

Iwa Forces: 5 [Counting Taki who is currently not present.]

Muramasa: PC
Hana: Buki/Sole [C - Rank]
Hotaru: Ninjutsu Sole [C - Rank]

Captain Shinzo: Fuin/Ninjutsu [Injured]

NAME: Mahi Shīru [Paralysis Seal] [Destroyed]
Placed on the ground after forming the necessary hand signs it creates a visible seal covering a 5m area in radius around the user. Anything other than the user that tries to cross the seal from outside will be frozen in place for one post unable to move. If combined with a Repulsion Seal it has the effect of not only paralyzing but then sending them flying with great speed in the opposite direction. This seal lasts 5 posts or until removed using a unsealing technique. However unlike the repulsion seal the edge of it shines faintly serving to warn others of the danger of approaching. This does not however reveal the seals nature just that one is in effect.

Ronin: 2 [Attacking Hana and Hotaru]
Ronin #1: Buki Sole [B- Rank]
Ronin #2: Buki Sole [B- Rank]

Bandits: 7 [Initial Charging]

Tai/Nin [D- Rank] [Eliminated]
Tai/Nin [D- Rank] [Eliminated]
Tai sole [D- Rank] [Eliminated]
Tai sole[D- Rank] [Eliminated]

Jutsu Users/Secondary Charging force:

Buki Sole: [C - Rank]

NAME: Enjō kazaguruma [Flaming Pinwheel]
REQUIREMENT: Polearm [Chakra Reactive to Katon]

Using this technique the user will spin their staff around their body in a circular motion whilst walking or rushing forward in order to produce flame like projectiles that are about 4 feet tall and 2 feet wide looking much like a razor blades as the staff is being spun, each one having enough heat to cause a second degree burn if caught. The user can shoot a maximum of up to 4 in one go.

Buki/Nin: [C - Rank]

NAME: Enjō kazaguruma [Flaming Pinwheel]

REQUIREMENT: Polearm [Chakra Reactive to Katon]
Using this technique the user will spin their staff around their body in a circular motion whilst walking or rushing forward in order to produce flame like projectiles that are about 4 feet tall and 2 feet wide looking much like a razor blades as the staff is being spun, each one having enough heat to cause a second degree burn if caught. The user can shoot a maximum of up to 4 in one go.

Generalist [C - Rank]

Name: Dochuu Senkou - [Underground Submarine Voyage]
Rank: C
Chakra Usage: Medium [Continuous]
Type: Ninjutsu [General]
Element: Doton
Dochuu Senkou is a Ninjutsu utilizing the Earth Element. After forming the needed hand seals, the user can sink below ground and quickly travel through the earth. While this is similar to the Underground Fish Projection technique, it should be noted that the chakra usage is much higher.





House of Fire

During Taki's training she learns that she has a significant amount of energy and after graduating to the rank of genin she began to learn how to properly make use of them under the tutelage of Midori Chizawa. As a result the girl is now able to perform a bevy of powerful techniques for longer periods of time without tiring as quickly as others.

[Heavyweight: Super Strength SA]

With the rigorous training that Taki's now able to throw down with the best of them boasting monstrous strength fitting for her professional wrestling background, having combined that with the training she performed at the academy has now made her able to performs ridiculous feats such as being able to crush stones in her grip causing concussions and snap bones with her powerful strikes and holds. Taki has also increased the amount of weight she is able to lift by a massive margin in a way that makes her an even more fearsome taijutsu practitioner than before.

[Wrestling Genius]

As a result of her training, and advancements as a genin. Taki's grappling ability has increased even further making her wrestling based techniques far more difficult to deal with and escape from. As a result, her slams, holds, submissions and suplex's are far more damaging and harder to escape from then that of a genin who is not trained in these particular abilities.

[Sage Mode]

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ Gorilla Grip [Grip Strength]

When transforming into Sage Mode Taki's body and overall Taijutsu prowess increase exponentially most notably her grip strength allowing her to take hold of someone with a painful amount of power amplifying her already proficient ability to grapple with an opponent making it significantly harder to be broken out of as well a deal a considerable amount of damage.

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ Gorilla Press [Natural Taijutsu]

When transforming into Sage Mode Taki's body Taki is able to use nature energy to harness her powers in order to make her more physically imposing than normal adding to her natural affinities with Taijutsu allowing her move faster and hit harder heavy items thus adding a good amount of power and heft to her attacks allowing her to snap bones with much less effort and outpace a good majority of her enemies with her monstrous charge.

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ The Immovable Force [Durability]

Due to the coarse strength of a gorilla's skin Taki is able to withstand a good amount of extra punishment allowing her to be able to withstand blows from most enemies that most shinobi wouldn't be able to normally withstand. As such blows from strong fighters are reduced by a considerable amount and when struck feel like colliding with a considerably immovable force.

deltra of gangnam style
last edit by Okada Taki on Dec 1, 2022 21:59:31 GMT -5
Meep has written 1,713 posts
A piece of Cold Steel [Mission]Dec 2, 2022 20:26:10 GMT -5
Muramasa Uemon
By any means.
Muramasa Uemon Avatar
age 19 years old birthday July 21st rank B-Rank occupation Swordsmith

Uemon narrowed his eyes as the enemy force came into sight.

"We played our part already and I work better from a distance." he would reply hushedly when asked what he was doing there. His sights remained locked on the outpost. A kunoichi introduced herself and glancing over he would merely nod in response. She was easy on the eyes and if they weren't busy he might've made conversation but they needed to focus. Lifting the binoculars to his eyes he saw something that made his heart sink. Another group. "Shit." he cursed himself internally. A pincer move was perfect for attacking fortified locations. He should've predicted it. He quickly dumped his gear and tore the bandages away, revealing a lone white wolfdog puppet. Only barely preparing it and getting his ear plugs in as he filled in the rest of the group and the squad captain began an advance that he followed. Mere seconds passed but by the time he channeled chakra to the tips of his fingers the sounds of battle could already be heard. "Damn it— what part of counter-ambush didn't they understand?!" The outpost captain engaging in conversation threw a wrench into the plan. Frustration. Chaos. Blood. The grim realities of the battlefield were quickly upon them all.

Muramasa moved slowly, attempting to stay low as he sicced his hound on the group of bandits. "In, hunt." he commanded gruffly, his canine opening her mouth to reveal a mechanical fan hidden within. After several hand seals chakra surged through the threads on his hand and a harsh gust of wind was summoned, throwing stones every which way and crashing into the already lit Fire Release technique in an attempt to disperse or even reflect the flames hurtling towards him. (Wind Release: Powerful Wind Wave). Any bandits hit by this technique would be sent crashing backwards into nearby rocks and Uemon wasted no time in shifting toward the charging rōnin. Sloppy movements had given him away but it was too late to withdraw now. He ordered In to charge, unleashing a hail of senbon on one of them and once close enough clamping down on his thigh with her black iron jaws. Once immobilized he'd keep her bite locked, dissolving his threads and performing more pre-emptive hand seals before removing the black katana from his shoulder as he ran forth to meet the other swordsman head-on. In one movement he would draw the blade and deliver five swift strikes to the rōnin, slashing him in several places before locking swords with him face-to-face (Tetsu no Sen). "Rōtetsusen-ryū... are you samurai?" the rōnin asked. Uemon spat in response. "Not on your life." the man chuckled even and pushed the Muramasa boy back, slicing the left side of his abdomen before he was able to parry the follow-up strikes and hop backwards out of range.

Scarlet trickled down his midsection but he did his best to ignore it. Bigger problems. "Who are you kid? Your form needs work but you were able to block my blade. More than I can say for most ninja. You know our ways." Uemon's dark gaze had been twisted into a scowl ever since he laid eyes on the brigands. Hate was plastered all over it. Hana and Hotaru were injured and writhing nearby. He wanted to help but couldn't. Not yet. "My father was Muramasa Iemitsu." genuine surprise flashed across the rōnin's face and a moment later he burst out into laughter. "You're that swordsmith's boy?" Uemon's knuckles turned white as he gripped the hilt of his sword tighter and lowered himself into a middle guard stance. "A traitor crossing blades with a traitor's son, on the border of their homeland no less... the gods sure do have an odd sense of humor." This set him off. The normally composed Uemon grit his teeth and dashed forward, slashing at him wildly. But each blow was deflected. Soon their swords locked once more punctuated by a woman's gasp. "Hana..." he would say, never looking away from his opponent but adopting a frenzied sort of smirk. "Stay with me, it's not over yet." In a flash he would kick pile of stones underfoot at the swordsman and circle around using some deft footwork.

Reappearing in the leader's blindspot he would thrust forward with his sword, piercing the man's right side and promptly tearing through it to create an exit wound (Tsuke). "Underhanded little-!!!" The man instantly retaliated slashing at Uemon's face which he barely avoided by pulling back, instead receiving a shallow wound on his forehead. The two traded more blows before both separating, squaring off once more. "I told you... I'm no samurai." Re-engaging his threads once more he had In shake the other swordsman by the leg to widen his wounds. Pained screams rang out as Uemon returned his grip to his blade. He hoped Taki was okay but right now he could not even blink or he'd be cut down. Truthfully the man was better than him. A straight-up duel would end in loss... but he still had tricks left to play. "Hold on you two." he spoke to Hana and Hotaru both as he backpedaled towards the pillbox. Time was not on their side. This needed to end— fast.


NAME: Fūton: Kyōryokuna Kaze no Nami [Wind Release: Powerful Wind Wave]
After forming the necessary hand seals, the caster releases a powerful gale of wind from their mouth. The gale itself has enough power to lift and push opposing Shinobi off their feet.

NAME: Tetsu no Sen [Iron's Flash]
REQUIREMENT: Slashing/Bludgeoning Weapons
Hallmark of the Rōtetsusen-ryū and the technique for which the entire style was named for. The user grips their weapon tightly before unleashing a flurry of five strikes upon their target. It is said that the only thing that can be seen is the glint of their steel as they attack. While not capable of slicing through armor this onslaught of attacks can apply consistent pressure and leave the enemy with several gashes.

NAME: Tsuke [Thrust]
REQUIREMENT: Slashing/Bludgeoning Weapons
One of the most fundamental moves of the Rōtetsusen-ryū. After drawing one's weapon the user then readies themselves for an instant before delivering a dazzlingly fast stab towards their target. Because of the neutral stance this technique comes out of this single stab can be aimed at many different areas and performed from different directions. Versatile and capable of piercing armor.


NAME: Kawarimi no Jutsu [Body Replacement Technique] (Prepared)
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
After performing the necessary hand seals (one post prior to the technique's use) and locating a nearby object within a 10 meter radius (typically a log or something of similar size to their body.), the user switches places with the said object just before an attack lands, creating an optical illusion. During the small interval where they have left their opponent surprised, they may take the time to attack or flee.


NAME: Yamata (Sealed in Summoning Scroll)
CLASSIFICATION: Offensive | Defensive
RESTRICTIONS: Puppet | Personal

A massive thirteen foot tall Beast Puppet fashioned after a white snake, Yamata was named after a famous myth about a multi-headed serpent that wrought havoc on the world. It is constructed of wood and banded iron like all of Uemon's puppets though he took special care to reinforce the inside of its frame, making it by far his most durable creation. Through an opening located atop its head the user and up to one other person are able to enter inside of the puppet, with the puppeteer perfectly capable of controlling it from the interior. The painted white 'scales' on the exterior are all polished to look as lifelike as possible and equally reinforced to provide extra protection for the puppet and whoever may be inside. A red kerchief hands from its neck, obscuring large compartments hidden on either side of it that fold outward.

When opened, two more heads spring outwards from these compartments, each one capable of as much articulation as the main head though not as sturdy due to their collapsible nature. As of now three heads is the limit though Uemon does have plans to upgrade his puppet in the future. Throughout each head and the puppet's body lie a host of hidden weapons, traps, and most importantly poison. Its fangs are forged out of black iron and each one has a hole in the tip through which to envenom targets.


String Theory - E.C.C

Necessary for his Puppet Ninjutsu and applicable to his other techniques, Uemon has trained extensively in order to mitigate the amount of chakra he uses with his techniques. Compensating for his average chakra reserves this allows him to stay in the fight that much longer.

Puppetmaster - U.A.

A natural strategist with a quick mind, Uemon is always observing even in the midst of combat. This allows for him to find gaps and weaknesses in his opponent's techniques easier than some, and allows him to formulate strategies and deceptions to take advantage of these shortcomings. His knack for tactics cues him on which approach should work best depending on his target.

Ashizukai Footwork - E.P.T. (Speed)

Honed after years of fighting and training in jujitsu with samurai as a child in the Land of Iron, Uemon is surprisingly light on his feet and his hand-to-hand strikes are faster than most expect. Able to strike and weave with deft swiftness he is capable of holding his own against Taijutsu specialists of his rank and outright overwhelming those of lower ranks in a straight up slugfest.
last edit by Muramasa Uemon on Dec 3, 2022 4:13:18 GMT -5
Yenga has written 637 posts
A piece of Cold Steel [Mission]Dec 3, 2022 1:23:42 GMT -5
Okada Taki
I'm an Okada First and a Shinobi Second
Okada Taki Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday November 7th rank Jounin occupation Sage

Taki "Bakudan" Okada

A loser like you ain't got no guts!

As the team was incapacitated by the enemies that they had faced Muramasa stood up to the challenge, he’d managed to wound one of the Samurai who had been antagonizing the team, Hana was down and Hotaru was seemingly struggling to keep up and was eventually cut down a large gash across his chest and Captain Shinzo seemed to be struggling to get too his feet, the flames he was hit with hotter than one might think. Due to Muramasa’s retaliation the men were blasted back by the wind his heat however only exacerbating the flames but causing them to fizzle out due to the over abundance of oxygen would cause them to suffer from 2nd degree burns as they were blasted back into the rubble.

As he focused on Ronin that was in front of him, he’d find one of them to be trapped by his hounds fierce bite, but would take his blade and thrust it into the head of the mechanical beast in order to try and free himself stumbling back with a wounded leg. "Damn him!" whilst his leg was in a serious amount of pain, the adrenaline coursing through him would allow him to keep moving he was hardened and something like that wouldn't keep him down for long. And with Muramasa pre-occupied it would be hard for him to retaliate And as he clashed blades with the Ronin another one of his henchmen who was hidden underground would grasp the boys leg and pull him under the dirt before eventually revealing himself. "Excellently done..." the Ronin would say as the young puppeteer would find himself trapped in the ground, the Ronin had seemingly won. Walking towards the boy each one brandishing a blade and approaching him. "Fitting a fool like you would go out to such a simple trick." one of the men would say, taking his blade and pulling it back as if to prepare for the coup degras. "Say hello to your father for us."

However just as the Samurai prepared the final blow, a sudden red flash would appear some sort of large creature would spring itself an attack the hapless bandit clawing away at its face, it’s head and arms clad with powerful jets of fire. "What the...a gorilla?" The Ronin would find themselves caught off guard by the attack and there was a stunned stillness in the air, "Don't let up we need to kill the bo--" "RAAAAAAAAH!" would go the sounds of a loud deafening shriek that could be heard from roughly 60 feet away to be heard in this distance the wail loud enough to deafen those without proper protection. With that the two who stood ready to behead Muramasa would find themselves paralyzed and stumbling about, looking in the distance towards what the source of the sound could be.

In that instance Taki would make her way onto the battlefield, her skin a darker shade than normal her hair considerably longer than usual and a wild unkemptness to her overall features as hair was seemingly patched across her abdomen and forearms giving her a monstrous appearance. Taki would emerge from the forest and drop one of the Ronin with a fierce dropkick before they had the chance to properly holster their weapon. The man was stunned to the ground not dead but in considerable pain but was somehow able to stand. "Is that...the gorilla sage!?" the man would state as he got to his feet. The other Ronin had heard of her before, Taki Okada otherwise known as Bakudan for her explosive temperment the gorilla sage of Iwagakure.

And while her presence was fierce the Ronin had no trouble attempting to try and cut her down she'd raise her arm to deflect his blow her, blood seeping from the wound but Taki herself locking eyes with the man as if unphased by his strike even if the pain was clearly causing some degree of discomfort. As she stood there she'd take her head pull back and smash the thug with a powerful headbutt knocking a few of his teeth and rolling onto the ground. She'd shake her head from the force she applied possibly injuring herself to a small degree.

As the man laid on the ground, Taki's gorilla companion would finish off the bandit and turn to face Muramasa only to see the other Ronin still attempting to behead him with a swift strike. "Taki!" Seeing the man from afar and not fully being able to stop him she'd send a burst of chakra from her feet and leap over Muramasa placing her hands on the bandits head electrocuting him with her gloves forcing him to drop his weapon as she sent a high voltage coursing through his body and then snapping his neck kicking his body to the ground. "Damn...dat was close." the girl was somewhat drained, having spent a good amount of chakra in order to summon Fudo whilst also keeping up sage mode was quite the task, she wasn't fully sure what she'd be up against so she opted to have all the fire power she needed. And with her training it was a lesson in endurance she held up for now but would be drained once it was over had she went into this battle with less preparation she'dve surely been drained by now.



NAME: Kuchiyose no Jutsu [Summoning Technique]
CHAKRA USAGE: High [20 rotations]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
One of the most common and beneficial techniques in the known shinobi world. Simply drawing blood and releasing a mass of chakra from one's extended hand is capable of calling an animal or otherwise to one's location. As a Space-Time Ninjutsu, this technique is capable of instantly displacing an intended summon from wherever they may be to the requested location, though there are obstacles that can prevent this. To use this jutsu, one must first make a contract with whatever they are summoning, living creature or not. Both the size and the stamina of what a shinobi calls upon increases the demand of chakra they must spend to perform the jutsu.

NAME: Mimigakikoenai [Deafening Screech] [2 rotations]
The user will basically screech at the top of their lungs. The loud high pitch noise is powerful enough to shake an opponent to the core, leaving them completely deaf and also leaving them with a headache of sorts for a short period of time. The max range this jutsu can go without senjutsu is a 20 meter radius. Taught while learning from the apes, it is said that those who were taught the the great ape sage hold a resistance near immunity to the technique so that the user doesn't harm theirself. The range of this while in sage mode is 45m, and the effects usualy last only for a post.

NAME: Raiton: Denkiyashi [Lightning Release: Electric Palm] [4 rotations]
A simple technique which varies dependent on the amount of chakra used in it, it requires any amount of chakra to be focused into the palm, and then released through touch. One with high reservoirs of chakra may even kill an opponent through mere touch with this technique if they pour enough Chakra into it.



House of Fire

During Taki's training she learns that she has a significant amount of energy and after graduating to the rank of genin she began to learn how to properly make use of them under the tutelage of Midori Chizawa. As a result the girl is now able to perform a bevy of powerful techniques for longer periods of time without tiring as quickly as others.

[Heavyweight: Super Strength SA]

With the rigorous training that Taki's now able to throw down with the best of them boasting monstrous strength fitting for her professional wrestling background, having combined that with the training she performed at the academy has now made her able to performs ridiculous feats such as being able to crush stones in her grip causing concussions and snap bones with her powerful strikes and holds. Taki has also increased the amount of weight she is able to lift by a massive margin in a way that makes her an even more fearsome taijutsu practitioner than before.

[Wrestling Genius]

As a result of her training, and advancements as a genin. Taki's grappling ability has increased even further making her wrestling based techniques far more difficult to deal with and escape from. As a result, her slams, holds, submissions and suplex's are far more damaging and harder to escape from then that of a genin who is not trained in these particular abilities.

[Sage Mode]

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ Gorilla Grip [Grip Strength]

When transforming into Sage Mode Taki's body and overall Taijutsu prowess increase exponentially most notably her grip strength allowing her to take hold of someone with a painful amount of power amplifying her already proficient ability to grapple with an opponent making it significantly harder to be broken out of as well a deal a considerable amount of damage.

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ Gorilla Press [Natural Taijutsu]

When transforming into Sage Mode Taki's body Taki is able to use nature energy to harness her powers in order to make her more physically imposing than normal adding to her natural affinities with Taijutsu allowing her move faster and hit harder heavy items thus adding a good amount of power and heft to her attacks allowing her to snap bones with much less effort and outpace a good majority of her enemies with her monstrous charge.

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ The Immovable Force [Durability]

Due to the coarse strength of a gorilla's skin Taki is able to withstand a good amount of extra punishment allowing her to be able to withstand blows from most enemies that most shinobi wouldn't be able to normally withstand. As such blows from strong fighters are reduced by a considerable amount and when struck feel like colliding with a considerably immovable force.

872 WORDS[30 rotations remaining]
deltra of gangnam style
last edit by Okada Taki on Dec 3, 2022 1:29:22 GMT -5
Meep has written 1,713 posts
A piece of Cold Steel [Mission]Dec 3, 2022 23:37:04 GMT -5
Muramasa Uemon
By any means.
Muramasa Uemon Avatar
age 19 years old birthday July 21st rank B-Rank occupation Swordsmith

Even the best laid plans go out the window when the first kunai is thrown.

Some military strategist from a bygone era really hit the nail on the head with that one. A katana through his puppet's head and some sneaky usage of an Earth Release technique and he was suddenly in an even bigger bind than before. "Damn it! Careless!" he cursed himself internally but it wouldn't do him much help. Luckily his foes were overconfident and even more smug. Which made the next events all the sweeter. A feral ape attacked one of the bandits and a familiar deafening roar wrought havoc on the enemy's sense of hearing, a fate he was just barely saved from. Some crashing occurred and when they turned to finish him off they would find nothing but an old brown cloak in his place (Body Replacement Technique).

A crunch was heard and soon after a thick black smoke filled the area. Whether this came from his puppet or from Uemon himself was unclear. "Who's the fool now?" his voice would echo from within the cloud as the bandit was assailed by the fiery summon. He was no stealth expert but he was conscious of this, making sure to move carefully as he got into position. The smoke helped mask his maneuver as he crept up behind the lead rōnin and lunged at him. Whether it was instinct from the brigand or more sloppy footsteps on his part he was detected and once again they locked blades. "Looking a little wobbly there." the swordsman taunted, Uemon's arms shook as he struggled to keep this up. A wet feeling had traveled down his left leg... maybe his wound was deeper than he thought. "Doesn't matter." He replied, his strength failing him. "Why do you say-" before he could say anything else a wild-looking Taki leapt over them and grabbed the leader's head, shocking him and promptly breaking his neck.

"Because of that." he muttered, only resisting the urge to spit because of the wounded. Promptly he limped to one of the nearby bandits and began rummaging through his belongings exhaling in relief once he found some rudimentary first aid supplies. Without wasting time he approached Hana and began applying a poultice, helping her to tie some bandages from the stash he kept for his puppets around her wounds. "I'm no med-nin but this will have to do for now." Once finished he would move onto Hotaru and then Captain Shinzo respectively. He could not tell the extent of their wounds but none of them seemed to be critical. Hopefully that was indeed the case.

Blood trickled down the left side of his face as he glanced up at Taki "You said it..." he replied shakily, the smoke now clearing. Her animalistic form began reverting to normal as he squinted at her. "What... was all that hair?" he could only just get the words out before his vision blurred and he collapsed onto the rocky ground. Hopefully when it was his time to go he'd never have the chance to utter last words because boy was that awful. Consciousness was fading but he couldn't do much about it. His darkened vision scanned the area halfheartedly as his face rested on a rock.. "Such a mess..." even his thoughts were hazy. How many ninja had they lost?


NAME: Kawarimi no Jutsu [Body Replacement Technique]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
After performing the necessary hand seals (one post prior to the technique's use) and locating a nearby object within a 10 meter radius (typically a log or something of similar size to their body.), the user switches places with the said object just before an attack lands, creating an optical illusion. During the small interval where they have left their opponent surprised, they may take the time to attack or flee.


NAME: Smoke Bombs
Smoke bombs create a clouds of smoke when it detonates. They may look like small spheres wrapped in paper. Smoke bombs are typically used to blind opponents and make them easier to attack. Alternatively, ninja can use smoke bombs on themselves so that opponents cannot see what they are doing. The smoke itself isn't particularly dangerous, and only induces a slight cough from those trapped in its 5 meter radius.


String Theory - E.C.C

Necessary for his Puppet Ninjutsu and applicable to his other techniques, Uemon has trained extensively in order to mitigate the amount of chakra he uses with his techniques. Compensating for his average chakra reserves this allows him to stay in the fight that much longer.

Puppetmaster - U.A.

A natural strategist with a quick mind, Uemon is always observing even in the midst of combat. This allows for him to find gaps and weaknesses in his opponent's techniques easier than some, and allows him to formulate strategies and deceptions to take advantage of these shortcomings. His knack for tactics cues him on which approach should work best depending on his target.

Ashizukai Footwork - E.P.T. (Speed)

Honed after years of fighting and training in jujitsu with samurai as a child in the Land of Iron, Uemon is surprisingly light on his feet and his hand-to-hand strikes are faster than most expect. Able to strike and weave with deft swiftness he is capable of holding his own against Taijutsu specialists of his rank and outright overwhelming those of lower ranks in a straight up slugfest.
last edit by Muramasa Uemon on Dec 4, 2022 17:30:00 GMT -5
Yenga has written 637 posts
A piece of Cold Steel [Mission]Dec 5, 2022 11:50:33 GMT -5
Okada Taki
I'm an Okada First and a Shinobi Second
Okada Taki Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday November 7th rank Jounin occupation Sage

Taki "Bakudan" Okada

A loser like you ain't got no guts!

After taking out the Ronin the girl would look about at the carnage, Uemon adding to her comment about how close things were and asking about the hair on her body. "Dat…was sage mode…I’d tell ya more but now ain’t da time.” the girl kept it short not fully going into it since the others were clearly in need of medical attention.

Shortly after Uemon would tend to the others. Seeing this the girl would craft a few handseals after biting into her finger and summon another gorilla, one of the medical variety he had white fur and an unusual pattern atop his head. "Riku, Think you can take care o everybody?” the girl would say to him. "Don’t you ever summon me to say hello.” Taki would look to the gorilla with a scowl. "Now ain’t da time Riku!” Riku who understood made his way towards the others using some of his medical techniques in order too mend some of their wounds, alongside Muramasa. Nearby Fudo could be seen skulking about looking over at the fresh corpses on the ground.

"Ronin…?” Fudo would say as he identified the dead men who lay on the ground before them. "Yeah…dey got pretty bold comin past da borda like dat.” the girl would remark, examining one of the dead bodies on the ground. As this went on Riku and Muramasa would tend to the others. "We might have to get em up da hill da cold ain’t good for injuries.” she’d say kneeling down beside them. "How’s the captain?” she’d ask watching as Riku tended to him, looking as the ape would tend to his wounds.

"He’ll be fine…some bad burns but nothing I can’t handle come let’s get them somewhere safe.” Taki would stand up and look towards Muramasa. "You hoid em.” Taki would then lift up the captain over her shoulders with Fudo doing the same to Hana and Hotaru, allowing Riku and Muramasa to walk on their own.

Upon arrival Riku would tend to the others with Taki and Muramasa waiting in the halls, Taki who was particularly tired would slump down along the wall taking a seat on the ground. "Good woik out dhere.” the girls words seemed a little labored the cold from the outside seemingly starting to get to her.





House of Fire

During Taki's training she learns that she has a significant amount of energy and after graduating to the rank of genin she began to learn how to properly make use of them under the tutelage of Midori Chizawa. As a result the girl is now able to perform a bevy of powerful techniques for longer periods of time without tiring as quickly as others.

[Heavyweight: Super Strength SA]

With the rigorous training that Taki's now able to throw down with the best of them boasting monstrous strength fitting for her professional wrestling background, having combined that with the training she performed at the academy has now made her able to performs ridiculous feats such as being able to crush stones in her grip causing concussions and snap bones with her powerful strikes and holds. Taki has also increased the amount of weight she is able to lift by a massive margin in a way that makes her an even more fearsome taijutsu practitioner than before.

[Wrestling Genius]

As a result of her training, and advancements as a genin. Taki's grappling ability has increased even further making her wrestling based techniques far more difficult to deal with and escape from. As a result, her slams, holds, submissions and suplex's are far more damaging and harder to escape from then that of a genin who is not trained in these particular abilities.

[Sage Mode]

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ Gorilla Grip [Grip Strength]

When transforming into Sage Mode Taki's body and overall Taijutsu prowess increase exponentially most notably her grip strength allowing her to take hold of someone with a painful amount of power amplifying her already proficient ability to grapple with an opponent making it significantly harder to be broken out of as well a deal a considerable amount of damage.

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ Gorilla Press [Natural Taijutsu]

When transforming into Sage Mode Taki's body Taki is able to use nature energy to harness her powers in order to make her more physically imposing than normal adding to her natural affinities with Taijutsu allowing her move faster and hit harder heavy items thus adding a good amount of power and heft to her attacks allowing her to snap bones with much less effort and outpace a good majority of her enemies with her monstrous charge.

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ The Immovable Force [Durability]

Due to the coarse strength of a gorilla's skin Taki is able to withstand a good amount of extra punishment allowing her to be able to withstand blows from most enemies that most shinobi wouldn't be able to normally withstand. As such blows from strong fighters are reduced by a considerable amount and when struck feel like colliding with a considerably immovable force.

deltra of gangnam style
last edit by Okada Taki on Dec 5, 2022 12:06:36 GMT -5
Meep has written 1,713 posts
A piece of Cold Steel [Mission]Dec 5, 2022 21:52:41 GMT -5
Muramasa Uemon
By any means.
Muramasa Uemon Avatar
age 19 years old birthday July 21st rank B-Rank occupation Swordsmith

Blackness crept in from the edge of his vision as his breathing slowed.

Was this it? What a dumb way to die... and at the hand of a former samurai no less. His thoughts became erratic and nonsensical as he lie there bleeding but just before he lost consciousness a strange warmth overcame his body. "Huh?" the single word echoed in his mind as he slowly began to stir. Looking up he would see a familiar sharply-dressed gorilla administering care to all of the injured. "Oh, Riku-san. Thanks." he would say, nodding to the primate and using more of his bandages to tie off his midsection. His entire body ached but he was good enough to walk now at least. Uemon collected his sword and cloak and followed behind the others.

Arriving back at the outpost he would retrieve his puppet's summon scroll. "Didn't even get a chance to use this..." he sighed to himself as he placed it back in its holster. He would resume checking the others' injuries alongside Riku, eventually making his way over to Taki and kneeling down and she spoke. "You too, really saved my hide out there." He noted her heavy breathing an squinted a bit, also spotting wounds on her arm and forehead. "Here." he would say, using the final few bandages he had left to bind her injuries. Once he was done he would look at the girl, smirking weakly at the fact that they both looked like messes. "I knew you held back in our fight but... I've never seen anything like that." Sage Mode seemed quite handy indeed. Were all users of senjutsu that ridiculously strong? Something he had to study further. He really had to make sure to never get on Taki's bad side.
Yenga has written 637 posts
A piece of Cold Steel [Mission]Dec 6, 2022 3:19:48 GMT -5
Okada Taki
I'm an Okada First and a Shinobi Second
Okada Taki Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday November 7th rank Jounin occupation Sage

Taki "Bakudan" Okada

A loser like you ain't got no guts!

As the girl laid on the ground awaiting the results of the others, Muramasa would make his way out she’d look to him with a smile remarking about how he didn’t get to use the device he had in his hand, but before she could ask what that was he’d kneel down beside her attempting to bandage up her wounds on her arm, she looked him over noting that he his head was all bandaged up smirking a bit.

"Well if it ain’t the MVP dey couldn’t keep you down eh…thought we lost ya when ya collapsed.” after he bandaged up her arm the boy would then bandage up her forehead. She'd keep her eyes on him examining his features for a brief moment for a guy who used puppets he sure had nimble hands, but maybe that was because he was so used to chakra strings maybe he just had the magic touch?

After he finished he’d look to her for a second after finishing up, before smirking "Eyy, what’s dat smirk for…?” the girl would say, a small smile coming onto her face as she watched him glance at her. As he finished up and rested beside her he would remark how impressed he was with the power of sage mode.

"I mean, I try not to go around telling it ta everybhadi.” she’d say leaning back against the wall only to lift up her cloak and tap the belt on her waist that read the words sage, along with her village emblem and name "But...when dey see dis they know to stay away.'" The girl would say with a confident smile as she lowered her gaze to her title belt, she knew just what kind of power she had and exactly how to use it. But with the mission being over something else was still on the back of her mind.

"Everyone else doin okay…?” the girl would remark, as she dropped her cloak. Uemon was the last one in the room, the base had adequate medical supplies and Riku was an solid doctor and shouldn’t have any trouble treating the others now that they’re safe.





House of Fire

During Taki's training she learns that she has a significant amount of energy and after graduating to the rank of genin she began to learn how to properly make use of them under the tutelage of Midori Chizawa. As a result the girl is now able to perform a bevy of powerful techniques for longer periods of time without tiring as quickly as others.

[Heavyweight: Super Strength SA]

With the rigorous training that Taki's now able to throw down with the best of them boasting monstrous strength fitting for her professional wrestling background, having combined that with the training she performed at the academy has now made her able to performs ridiculous feats such as being able to crush stones in her grip causing concussions and snap bones with her powerful strikes and holds. Taki has also increased the amount of weight she is able to lift by a massive margin in a way that makes her an even more fearsome taijutsu practitioner than before.

[Wrestling Genius]

As a result of her training, and advancements as a genin. Taki's grappling ability has increased even further making her wrestling based techniques far more difficult to deal with and escape from. As a result, her slams, holds, submissions and suplex's are far more damaging and harder to escape from then that of a genin who is not trained in these particular abilities.

[Sage Mode]

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ Gorilla Grip [Grip Strength]

When transforming into Sage Mode Taki's body and overall Taijutsu prowess increase exponentially most notably her grip strength allowing her to take hold of someone with a painful amount of power amplifying her already proficient ability to grapple with an opponent making it significantly harder to be broken out of as well a deal a considerable amount of damage.

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ Gorilla Press [Natural Taijutsu]

When transforming into Sage Mode Taki's body Taki is able to use nature energy to harness her powers in order to make her more physically imposing than normal adding to her natural affinities with Taijutsu allowing her move faster and hit harder heavy items thus adding a good amount of power and heft to her attacks allowing her to snap bones with much less effort and outpace a good majority of her enemies with her monstrous charge.

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ The Immovable Force [Durability]

Due to the coarse strength of a gorilla's skin Taki is able to withstand a good amount of extra punishment allowing her to be able to withstand blows from most enemies that most shinobi wouldn't be able to normally withstand. As such blows from strong fighters are reduced by a considerable amount and when struck feel like colliding with a considerably immovable force.

deltra of gangnam style
last edit by Okada Taki on Dec 6, 2022 3:28:50 GMT -5
Meep has written 1,713 posts
A piece of Cold Steel [Mission]Dec 6, 2022 23:01:18 GMT -5
Muramasa Uemon
By any means.
Muramasa Uemon Avatar
age 19 years old birthday July 21st rank B-Rank occupation Swordsmith

Uemon rested his head against the wall next to Taki, sighing from exertion.

The strangest part about it was that he didn't know how to feel. No killing blow was his that day. Even if it had been would that have made him feel any better? Played any part in quelling the sea of hate he held in his heart? He doubted it and still... the idea of vengeance was the only thing that kept him going. "Maybe you would have lost me if you hadn't stepped in." he responded to Taki's statement, shaking his head slightly. "I got tunnel vision out there as soon as I saw those vermin and their katana... need to make sure that doesn't happen again." Keeping a cool head was something he did at all times, especially in the midst of battle. He couldn't even remember the last time he got blindsided like that. 

Taki asked what his smirk was for and he glanced over at her again, the remnant of it still on his face. "We're both mummies now." he would reply, letting out the closet thing to a chuckle that he had in years. What a chaotic job but at least the hard part was through. She responded to his musings about her senjutsu to which he nodded. "I get it." he said, looking towards her once more. "I know a thing or two about keeping things close to the vest." Secrets were a necessity of the shinobi way of life. And everybody had them. Especially in the matter of combat he'd never begrudge someone for playing it safe. Which is why he wasn't entirely disappointed about not using his other puppet. Best kept under wraps.

Speaking of her belt he nodded. After what he saw today what he suspected was all but confirmed. Taki could have snapped him in half in their first bout if she wanted to. "Woe to the enemies of Iwagakure." he thought, standing up and checking on the others as Taki asked how they were doing. His body was sore but he was able to get around well enough and help Riku where he was able, mostly by just handing him supplies. After they were done Uemon activated his threads, allowing In to limp in sword still lodged in her head. He prepared her for travel and afterwards would walk over to Taki to extend a hand. "Let's head back." he said. It was a long trek back to Kuwana and he wouldn't be moving as briskly as the first time.
Yenga has written 637 posts
A piece of Cold Steel [Mission]Dec 7, 2022 9:53:32 GMT -5
Okada Taki
I'm an Okada First and a Shinobi Second
Okada Taki Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday November 7th rank Jounin occupation Sage

Taki "Bakudan" Okada

A loser like you ain't got no guts!

As the girl leaned against the wall, Muramasa would state that she might’ve lost her if she hadn’t stepped in. "I had too, you know how pissed my mudda woulda been if you died on my watch, you’re da MVP da most valuable puppeteer.” the girl would say responding to his morbidness with a bit of humor. He shook his head saying that he had gotten tunnel vision and lost his focus.

"I get dat, it’s good to be angry but ya gotta wield dat anga, I can teach you a thing or two about dat…” the girl would say recalling her sage mode training and how she had learned to sublimate her anger in order to allow it to explode onto her enemies, Muramasa seemed a bit out of touch with the idea but she’d be willing to give him a pointer or two.

When he laughed at his joke the girl would smile back to him she’d never seen him like that before he seemed to be lightening up. "Shut up man…” the girl would say at his cheesy comment. He would speak once more about keeping things close to the vest. "No kidding…” she’d recalling how he’d kept a secret about his origin from her.

"But hey no more…secrets…okay…?” the girl was obviously tired and ended up falling asleep on his shoulder for the short time he was there, shortly after some time she’d wake up as he came over towards her he'd extend out a hand hand she’d take it to stand herself up, and smirk too him. "We're off." she'd say to the others ready for the walk home.





House of Fire

During Taki's training she learns that she has a significant amount of energy and after graduating to the rank of genin she began to learn how to properly make use of them under the tutelage of Midori Chizawa. As a result the girl is now able to perform a bevy of powerful techniques for longer periods of time without tiring as quickly as others.

[Heavyweight: Super Strength SA]

With the rigorous training that Taki's now able to throw down with the best of them boasting monstrous strength fitting for her professional wrestling background, having combined that with the training she performed at the academy has now made her able to performs ridiculous feats such as being able to crush stones in her grip causing concussions and snap bones with her powerful strikes and holds. Taki has also increased the amount of weight she is able to lift by a massive margin in a way that makes her an even more fearsome taijutsu practitioner than before.

[Wrestling Genius]

As a result of her training, and advancements as a genin. Taki's grappling ability has increased even further making her wrestling based techniques far more difficult to deal with and escape from. As a result, her slams, holds, submissions and suplex's are far more damaging and harder to escape from then that of a genin who is not trained in these particular abilities.

[Sage Mode]

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ Gorilla Grip [Grip Strength]

When transforming into Sage Mode Taki's body and overall Taijutsu prowess increase exponentially most notably her grip strength allowing her to take hold of someone with a painful amount of power amplifying her already proficient ability to grapple with an opponent making it significantly harder to be broken out of as well a deal a considerable amount of damage.

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ Gorilla Press [Natural Taijutsu]

When transforming into Sage Mode Taki's body Taki is able to use nature energy to harness her powers in order to make her more physically imposing than normal adding to her natural affinities with Taijutsu allowing her move faster and hit harder heavy items thus adding a good amount of power and heft to her attacks allowing her to snap bones with much less effort and outpace a good majority of her enemies with her monstrous charge.

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ The Immovable Force [Durability]

Due to the coarse strength of a gorilla's skin Taki is able to withstand a good amount of extra punishment allowing her to be able to withstand blows from most enemies that most shinobi wouldn't be able to normally withstand. As such blows from strong fighters are reduced by a considerable amount and when struck feel like colliding with a considerably immovable force.

deltra of gangnam style
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