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Mika's Work BoxNov 20, 2022 21:59:07 GMT -5
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Name: Kyōbō, Akatsuki
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Birthday: October 16
Village: Kyōbō Village (Tsuchi Branch)
Clan: Kyōbō
Rank: B Ranked
Position: Nukenin | Fourth Seat of the Yōkai


Aspect of Hope [Religion]
Akatsuki possesses the violet flame of the Yōkai. Because of her position, others of her religion would recognize her by this title and position.

Bleeding Sun [World]
Named after the blood red of the rising sun, this title is a play on her persona and given name. Akatsuki always wears her heart on her sleeve, and holds such a burning passion in her soul that her emotions seem to bleed out from her heart. Much considered to have a "bleeding heart", Akatsuki is also easily wounded by sharp words of others, and during her vast and wild adventures, she was given this name by a man she'd met. It was a play off of her bleeding heart and personality that shone like the sun, tied together from the aspects of her name. She liked the title and often refers to herself as "Akatsuki, the Bleeding Sun" to those she crosses in her travels, so many across the world would recognize this alias and nickname, though it bears no infamy. If anything, the name is associated with her kind and helpful nature as she's left a positive imprint on many of the lives she's touched.


Height: 5'8" | 173 cm
Weight: 140 lbs | 63 kg

Physical Description

Akatsuki is slightly above average height and has a slender, lithe form. Athletic and flexible by nature, she has a healthy diet and manages to stay thin, healthy, and in shape, with toned muscles and the ability to pack a punch when needed. Her physique possesses the soft curves of a developed woman, and she’s easy on the eyes.
   Ever since her birth, Akatsuki possesses pearly white hair, reflective of slight violet undertones, which she often styles either into two buns near the base of her neck. When she’s feeling more carefree, however, her hair falls down to her waist and is straight in nature. Shorter strands of hair frame her pale face, and her bangs are styled in a way that they often frame her eyes..
   Born to the Kyōbō clan, Akatsuki has heterochromatic eyes. Her left eye is colored a ruby red, while her right eye is a deep violet.
   The girl has a pale complexion, and seems to get sunburned easily if she doesn’t shield herself properly. However, Akatsuki’s body is littered with deep, gruesome scars telling of the horrors she's faced and lived through. Aside from that, though, Akatsuki usually is seen with bloodied bandages on her form, wrapped around whatever recent injuries she received from doing whatever activity.

Religious Attire


Wandering/Combat Attire

Akatsuki has a tendency to wear all black while on her travels. Often times, she will be wearing a black leotard with dark leggings underneath, giving her a dark, but form-fitting appearance. On her lower legs, Akatsuki wears black knee-high leather boots, and on her forearms are dark bracers. Her palms are bare and around her neck is a silver locket. Hugging her hips are two black leather belts, where she keeps her frog and scabbard for her sword attached. Resting on her shoulders is an ebony cloak, with a silver pendant holding it closed. Her hair will often be styled one of three ways in this appearance: Let down and loose, tied up in a high ponytail, or twisted into two buns resting at the base of her neck. Usually, Akatsuki brings with her all of her belongings, which fit neatly into a black leather satchel that she often hangs across her torso.



"When you draw your blade, you become the God of mercy and of wrath, and every action holds a consequence"


Akatsuki, when you first meet her, seems like she's got a few screws loose. She often seems to be focused, though not on rational thought, and is often found in more odd circumstances than not. Often seeming to be on the hunt for something, she can often be seen running around here, there, and everywhere, and she often does this with little communication. When she's not racing around from place to place, climbing trees or awkwardly scaling buildings for no apparent reason, she can be communicated with. However, the girl has no filter and will say whatever comes to her mind. When she rambles, it can sometimes seem like a train-wreck, since she doesn't seem to follow a direct sequence and will blurt out whatever she's thinking, whenever it comes to her mind. Often trailing down rabbit-holes and getting off topic, she can also sometimes bring up topics that seem to come from nowhere, and because her train of thought can be hard to follow, she might also be found mumbling strange, incoherent things to herself. Akatsuki also seems to be fluent in gibberish, thus helping reinforce the perception that she's not quite "all there". It's also worth noting, that Akatsuki is almost religiously against using doors.

Brutally Honest

Akatsuki isn't the type to lie, hardly at all if ever. Because she doesn't seem to have a filter, she'll speak her mind (no matter how insane it may sound) and doesn't hesitate to give her honest opinion. Although it's not her usual intention to harm others, she can sometimes say blunt things that may come off in the wrong way.
   However, another aspect of this honesty is how genuine of a person she is. She absolutely can't hide her excitement, curiosity, or emotions, and tends to be bubbling with energy, sadness, or joy for whatever circumstances. Needless to say, she's a very easy person to read, and she can't lie or pretend to be someone she's not to save her life. She's a terrible actor.


Akatsuki is not the most suave person out there. Because of how she was raised, there are many cultural and social things that completely fly over her head. She has a tendency to take things very literally, and this can sometimes lead to confusion, misunderstandings, and very, very awkward situations. Sometimes she's so oblivious to things she'll be embarrassing herself without even realizing it, resulting in everyone around her feeling flustered and awkward for her. There's also many things she doesn't seem to quite understand, which although making her seem like a flustered ball of awkwardness, also helps contribute to her alleged insanity. She can't hold her liquor, and sometimes talks too much and shares a bit too much. She often is on the receiving ends of teasing and the punchline to jokes, because of her apparently awkward personality and tendencies.

All or Nothing

Akatsuki, although appearing quite intimidating, doesn't often come off as very intimidating due to her personality and usual behavior. Usually, she seems quite harmless. However, when the time comes to fight, it's at this time when one must quickly be reminded of her true nature: she is a Kyōbō. When she feels something, her feelings are intense, and because she wears her heart on her sleeve, it becomes quickly apparent. Things can escalate quickly with her, and if she feels any rage, desire to protect, it is with intense passion. Often times, it can be forgotten that she has this hidden rage, but it's always there. Even if it only arises under particular circumstances, Akatsuki feels very strongly about certain types of people, injustices, and protecting those dear to her. Even if not always apparent, when these hidden feelings arise, it seems to come from nowehere, and there seems to be no in-between with her. Wearing her heart on her sleeve, her complete honesty and authenticity with herself, with Akatsuki, her feelings seem to be all or nothing. She appears to either have no temper, or murderous fury.

Possibly Suffers from Multiple Personality Disorder

Although this is not true, Akatsuki can sometimes come off this way. When on the battlefield, fighting for her life or to defend someone she loves, Akatsuki seems almost like an entirely different person than when she's engaging in social, more casual interactions. However, even though Akatsuki doesn't have a personality disorder, she does have memory loss. Now, this selective memory loss is she experiences is probably due to traumatic experiences in her life. Although she usually has good memory, there are just some things she can't recall, and sometimes, if something happens that's too intense for to handle it may result in breaking her mental framework, as a defense mechanism, those moments are sealed from her active mind and she's unable to recall them. The two most grizzly scars on her left arm? She has no memory of how she got those.

Never Plays by the Rules

Akatsuki isn't really the type to follow direct orders if she doesn't agree with them. First and foremost, she serves herself and obeys her own moral compass. This usually isn't a problem considering she's a wandering shinobi who hasn't pledged allegiance to any particular village, but it still comes up with regular activities as well. She doesn't care too much for rules if they get in the way of her own goals, and she's willing to bend or break them if she needs. This isn't always applied to legal activity, however, but sometimes even social rules, what's considered normal, and sometimes even tactics when fighting. Although due to her naïvety she can sometimes be manipulated unknowingly, she's not willing to play other peoples' games and if she catches on that someone is trying to pull certain strings to manipulate her into doing something, she will rebel.

Disney Princess

Akatsuki is a warrior. She's a fighter at heart, truly. And although her fierce heart is vital to her individuality, that doesn't mean she's inherently evil, cold, or heartless. Even though, due to the nature of her clan, Akatsuki often likes to travel on her own and has a deeply seeded rage just crying to come out, she is usually a very kind, gentle, and loving person. Often seeming to be pure in heart, she cares for what friends she allows herself to make, she'd fight to the death for them and just like with her brother, she'd search every corner of the world to find and aid them in a time of need. Incredibly loyal, she doesn't give up, and always seems to find hope even in the darkest of times. She often tries to touch others with this light as well, offering kindness, assistance when requested, and gentle words of comfort in times of distress. Akatsuki doesn't often seem too fazed by dark times, and cares deeply for the happiness of others--even if she doesn't necessarily want to get too close to them for personal reasons.
   She's durable and can thrive no matter what horrible experiences she endures, and often tries to serve as a beacon of hope for others as well.
   Akatsuki, also, is a relatively pure person. The type to pick flowers for a friend in the hospital, offer assistance to a stranger, talk to animals and appear overly friendly with them, doesn't genuinely wish to inflict harm to others (although she will), and seems to think with empathy over logic. Because of this, she can, at times, almost come off as though she were a princess from a fictional tale.


Akatsuki, although she wears her heart on her sleeve and is very open about her thoughts and feelings, doesn't necessarily trust others easily. Because she is so honest and genuine, most people would assume that she's very trusting of others, but they'd be mistaken for believing it. Although she doesn't tend to lie, Akatsuki does keep some things to herself, and though she seems to bond easily with most people and see the good in almost everyone, that doesn't necessarily mean that she regards herself as being "close" with them. It's not often that she genuinely considers someone to be an important piece to her heart, an adopted member of her family, or a friend she keeps close and loves with the entirety of her soul. She's open about who she is, but that doesn't mean she necessarily considers everything she shares to be "personal". Her definition of "private information" is often kept for herself, and on rare occasion, those few who she's let in.


Akatsuki is deeply religious and shares her religious beliefs openly whenever they come up. She enjoys praying to her deity, and seems to effectively believe in and follow their rules. She lives to the fullest of her ability, not letting a moment or opportunity pass her by. She believes in her own strength and relies on the love and acceptance of her god, meditates often and seems to be in communion with her deity frequently. She often prays and can be found communicating with her god. Her resilience is driven from her religion's belief to fight and never give in until the bitter end, and she holds sacred beliefs and attitudes toward her katana--her only weapon. She seems to bleed hope and wishes to inspire those lives she touches, thus gaining the position in her religion that she has. She is not hateful with her beliefs and neither does she force them upon others, but she is very active in her faith and holds very strongly to her religion.

Fatal Flaw

Akatsuki cannot remember where it came from, or why, but she is absolutely petrified of fire. It is her greatest weakness, and something she holds absolute terror to. How she responds differs, but if she doesn't immediately freeze up and enter a state of PTSD, she will likely try to escape and give up any attempts to fight. It's not something she can help. Lesser forms of fire (like a match) may cause her to panic and immediately try to eliminate it--coming off as an irrational approach--but more often than not, and especially with greater forms, she will seem to enter a complete state of panic and be unable to properly function.
   These, however, do have to be natural appearing fire--the violet "flames" she can produce from her religion do not register to her psyche as actual fire--since they are unnatural in color and although they do and can burn, they technically are more akin to miasma and the essence of a deity (it's technically closer to chakra than it is actual fire), so it doesn't trigger her PTSD. However, regular katon techniques would. If a flame appears unnatural, like chakra taking on the shape but not essence of fire, it won't necessarily trigger her (though even these psuedo fires may still raise some concerns, it's not the same as actual fire so it doesn't have the same effect). Akatsuki's fatal flaw is very specific, but unfortunately commonly found, and very, very effective against her.
   In essence, she's not afraid of chakra or flickering energy. She's afraid of, very specifically, fire.


Early Life

Akatsuki Kyōbō was never truly alone. She shared a womb with her fraternal twin brother, and ever since she could remember, the two were inseparable. And, especially so in their early life, Yami was an emotional crutch to Akatsuki and the two relied on each-other heavily.
   The twins had come into the world unexpectedly, just like most children. However, even less expected than one children was two, and although having one baby unprepared was enough of a burden alone, their mother was unequipped to care for two at the same time--especially considering they were her first children. When the twins were born, their mother did her best to nurse them, raise them, and care for them, but with her romantic partner and father of the children doing little to nothing to help or offer any assistance, the work became overbearing for her to handle on her own. When the twins were two years old, she left them in the care of their father, and abandoned the family. It's unknown if she's still alive or if she died, as she moved to a different district in the village and cut off all contact with her immediate family and romantic partner.
   From that point onward, the toddlers mostly had to fend for themselves. Just barely able to talk and walk, their father did minimal effort into raising them. He'd spend time to teach them how to get their own meals from the fridge, taught them how to dress themselves, and offered no comfort or emotional support whenever they got scared, hurt, or needed guidance. Because of this, the twins nearly raised themselves, and while they were very young, without being properly taught or raised, the two were left to their own devices, which usually resulted in bad behavior, bickering, and sometimes even fighting.
   Even when they were very young, the twins fought with one-another frequently. Often wrestling or hitting, they were both physically violent with each-other more often than not, and though they yelled and argued a lot, they still both cared for the other deeply--but usually misdirected their frustrations to the person nearest to them. And, even despite how often they quarreled, the two were incredibly close and were quick to defend the other should anybody else try to harm them. They never truly hated each-other, but being born to the Kyōbō clan, possessed a lot of unchecked rage and lashed out without meaning to. Whenever the other was in danger or scared, though, the other twin would immediately be by their side.
   Around the time the two were nine years old, their father, who had neglected them and done next to nothing to raise the twins, decided that living with the rejection of his romantic partner and carrying the burden of two children was too much to bear, and committed suicide.
   The twins were orphaned, which wasn't particularly uncommon in the clan and village. And, as they struggled to survive on the streets, becoming even closer than they had before, the two were taken in by one of the local dojos. They would be given a roof over their heads, a place to rest, and food for sustenance, but in return they had to work and do chores.
   Although the two would still bicker and their fighting turned into sparring with weaponry instead of fists, their bonds strengthened each day.
   While Akatsuki was very loud and outright with her emotions, Yami began to become more and more distant from those around him, and sometimes Akatsuki was the only person he'd talk to for months on end. He grew trust issues and refused to let anyone else in after being abandoned by both of their parents, and although he wanted to protect his only family member, who at this point was the only person he truly trusted and shared every experience with, Akatsuki, undeniably, was the stronger of the two. She was playful and very aggressive, starting fights with anyone who dared to pick on her older twin, and although she was gentle around him, she was always a bit rougher around the edges than he was.
   It was around this time that both of the twins took up the art of swordplay. Although they'd use wooden sticks for practicing, the two grew a passion for the subject, and were able to redirect any frustrations or anger they had in a healthier, less abusive manner. They were able to train with other children at the dojo, and occasionally would test themselves against the shinobi who ran the place. It was a much better outlet for the children than outright hitting or biting, and taught them from a younger age the importance of discipline, which they otherwise hadn't been exposed to previously in their life.


When the twins got older, they started to develop more into responsible, more emotionally stable individuals. Although still young and irrational at times, with the discipline, patience, and control being taught to them daily in the dojo, the two were able to gain much better control of their rage and anger, which otherwise would have been left unchecked. Although, between the twins, Akatsuki seemed to value her emotions more than Yami did. As they got older and older, Yami continued to grow more and more submissive, reserved, and suppressed his emotions more frequently than his counterpart. And Akatsuki, now growing and thriving in a healthier environment, became happier and happier, and was able to find more joy and life in the world around her, and she experienced less anger and bitterness for those near her than ever before. Always more energetic than her brother, it seemed the two's personalities were beginning to grow more distant and contrary to the other. However, even despite their growing differences, one thing never changed between them. The two still cared deeply for the other, unconditionally, despite any differences they may have had. And although they still quarreled and bickered--as most siblings do--they still remained very close and relied heavily on the other. Many times, it still felt like it was them against the world.
   When the twins were around twelve years old, they began to engage in extracurricular activities. The village where they were raised was extremely secretive in nature, and the growing children were ever-curious of the world outside their grounds. Akatsuki, more often, was the instigator of these "adventures" that they'd partake in. Although Yami was often more nervous and skittish, Akatsuki didn't care about the rules and would always push him out of his comfort zone. They usually didn't go far, a lot of times they'd just sneak out to the woods just outside of the village and practice sparring--or sometimes play--there for a few hours before returning to the village. It was mostly harmless, even if they would be severely punished if ever caught. Akatsuki did, after all, understand how secretive their vulture was, but she didn't really care. All she wanted to do was fight with her sword, stay by her brother's side (unless she was fighting with him and wanted some personal space for an hour or so), and live freely. The idea of abandoning her village crossed her mind, but she never acted on it. For now, venturing secretly to the forest outside was satisfactory enough.
   That was, until one day, while venturing outside the village, the twins came across a traveler.
   The woman wasn't necessarily dangerous or a threat, and when she stumbled across the two children she was initially kind and gentle. However, moments after crossing their path, the woman noticed their mix-matched eyes and suddenly grew alarmed. Disgusted, she lashed out at the two of them--spouting words of hatred, saying that they were evil, demon children and would be better off dead. She was quick to flee the area, leaving the twins stunned and in shock.
   Raised in an environment where they were surrounded by other Kyōbō, they'd never once been exposed to such hatred merely because of the color of their eyes. Akatsuki quickly became self-conscious and returned with Yami back to their village.
   Wishing to comfort his sister though not fully knowing how, Yami came up with a solution. Using some leather strips he bought from the market, he cut and crafted them into eye-patches. Giving one to his sister, and one for himself, he said that whenever they snuck out of the village, so long as they hid one of their eyes, they would be able to appear normal. Of course, this wasn't a fool-proof plan, but it was relatively effective. Though, Akatsuki decided that she didn't wish to leave the village as frequently anymore, and Yami didn't fight her for it.
   In her free time, although Akatsuki still enjoyed sparring with her brother and other children in the dojo, she took up other activities to pass the time. She found that she especially loved reading, listening to music, and took up an interest in the craft of jewelry-making. She was much drawn to precious gems, and Yami sometimes joked that they should call her "Ruby" since she seemed to like them so much.
   Akatsuki rejected the idea, no longer wishing to be so associated with the color red--as it reminded her of her red eye which she'd been so ridiculed by the stranger for. Even in her own village, she sometimes would let her bangs hang over that eye to cover it, as she'd been deeply bothered by her treatment even after returning to the familiar environment full of other Kyōbō. Yami insisted that he'd only meant it playfully, and the nickname hadn't been meant to be anything negative, but Akatsuki didn't care. She didn't even wish to be named after the red dawn, anymore, and insisted to go by other names. "Murasaki", or "Shiro", or anything that wasn't red. She no longer even wore red clothing.
   Yami slowly began to grow more and more concerned for his sister, understanding that she'd been upset by the encounter in the forest, but not sharing the same feelings as her. He hadn't been so deeply disturbed by the negative interaction and didn't think it needed to impact her as strongly as it did. However, he didn't wish to upset her so he let her be.


When their thirteenth birthday came around, the two decided to celebrate once more in the forest. They hadn't visited in months, and wished to share the important day excluded from the rest of the villagers. Building a campfire, the two spent the day fishing, ate pastries that they'd bought earlier that morning before their departure, and as evening fell, they exchanged gifts. Akatsuki had bought a fancy silk ribbon for her brother--seeing as how he had begun tying his hair in a ponytail, and he'd bought a silver locket for her, since she'd still showed so much fascination with jewelry and shiny things.
   The twins played and sparred around the campfire, enjoying the day and night, and as time crept into the darkest of the night, the two grew weary and rested their heads to sleep.
   Although they were familiar with these woods that had nearly become a second home to them, the twins awoke to a start when they heard twigs snapping. Of course, the two assumed it was just a wild animal and took up their swords, ready to fight off whatever was intruding, but were greatly alarmed when they were approached instead--not by a bear, wolf, or fox, but a human being.
   A hunter, of some sort.
   Not of animals, but of people.
   The two were quickly attacked by the missing ninja, and even though they were very skilled with their weapons and powers for their age, they were still young and far more inexperienced than their attacker. Akatsuki fought mercilessly against the assailant, defending her brother as best as she could, but she was quickly struck down. However, with burning rage and desire to protect her brother, the girl willed herself to keep getting back up, no matter what. It was around this time that she unleashed part of her clan's powers, her anger boiling out of her as she weaponized her chakra to strike back again and again. The man was taken aback by the girl's resiliance and determination, and though he hadn't intended to kill the children--merely capture them and sell them as possible slaves elsewhere--he was realizing the girl was proving far more difficult than he'd initially planned. Not holding back, the nukenin struck the girl as she tirelessly fought back, and though he knocked her out in the blow, he assumed her to be dead.
   When she woke up, her brother and the man were gone.
   Flames had surrounded the area, as their campfire had seemed to spread to the surrounding forest. Smoke filled the air, and Akatsuki knew she had to escape. She didn't know exactly where the flames began, nor where they ended, but she used the best sense of judgement that she could and somehow managed to flee from the burning forest relatively unharmed. It was at this time that she knew her life was going to fundamentally change. If she returned to the village now... it would be without Yami. She didn't know where he was, but she could guess. And she wanted him back--but if she returned to the village to get help, they wouldn't have sent her on one of the special forces to retrieve him. Technically, she wasn't supposed to have even been hanging out with her brother outside of the village, anyway, and so if she came forth with the truth of the situation she'd surely be punished--there was no way they would allow her to hunt down her brother. She was sure of that much. And if they did find Yami after sending out a search party... there was a good chance that he would be seen as a traitor, brought back to the village, and executed. Those who left the village without permission were always seen as criminals, regardless of the circumstances.
   Akatsuki couldn't return to the village, fear told her that doing so would just guarantee her death without a chance of ever seeing her twin again. If she left now before the village shinobi came to put out the fires in the forest, she would also be labeled as a traitor and would likely be hunted as well.
   But did she have a choice?
   She felt that it was all her fault. It was because of her that all of this had happened, and there was no turning back. No matter what path she chose, the future looked bleak. But if she could find her brother, maybe, just maybe, they could survive. They'd be on the run, hunted criminals who had betrayed their village, but at least they'd be together. And for that time, that moment, Akatsuki decided that it was worth the risks.
   And so, she fled.
   She fled from the forest, from her village's origins, and fled from the country with only her weapon by her side.
   She was already familiar with the wilderness and could thrive without much difficulty, and with her great skill with her sword, she was able to defend herself from most other dangers--so long as they weren't powerful nukenin.
   Months after she abandoned her native village, while travelling through Nohara no Kuni, she happened across a shinobi from their village, who was camping after a successful mission and was vacationing in the peaceful lands of grass-filled fields. Although immediately hostile with the presence of the foreigner, the girl was quickly disarmed by the relaxing shinobi and, much to her surprise, instead of being killed or attacked in return... He invited her to sit with him.
   Wanting to get her stolen katana back and refusing to leave without it, the girl begrudgingly obliged.
   Much to her surprise, however, the shinobi wasn't hostile with her. He was, actually, quite kind. He didn't mistreat her or speak to her rudely or with a harsh words (though she didn't appreciate the lack of respect in his humored tone of speaking), and instead of scolding her despite her unprovoked outburst, he instead... tried counselling her. Akatsuki didn't know how to respond to this man, not familiar with such undeserved kindness and hospitality, and responded to his words.
   Through their long conversation, the two bonded and shared personal matters--Akatsuki the woes of being raised with nobody but her brother, who was then stolen away from her, and he with his troubles of a dead wife and horrors of battle. She wondered how he could have stayed so calm and at peace despite his experiences, and he explained that he followed a particular religion--the religion of the Yōkai--and that he was able to have hope even in his dark times, and found peace with the world around him. Intrigued, Akatsuki wanted to learn more and more about his religion, hoping that maybe if she learned from him, maybe she could find peace despite the turmoil that raged in her spirit. He was a strong, powerful shinobi, and Akatsuki greatly admired him.
   He took her under his wing, and although she wasn't an official member of Kusagakure, she was allowed into the village to visit and train under his teachings. Although he did continue to help her perfect her finesse with the sword, he mostly enlightened her of his religious beliefs. He showed her the temple, taught her their core values, and exposed her to a far deeper connection to the blade than she'd ever known.
   After a few years of training under him and exposing herself to the religion, Akatsuki decided to give her life to the Yōkai god. She valued their beliefs, and found peace in the concept that after death, she would nevr be forgotten. A place where she truly belonged. However, she couldn't give up her quest to find her brother, and although she deeply appreciated the years she'd spent with the man, she had to depart. He understood and wished her well on her journey. But, before she left, the shinobi offered her his blade--a token to remember him by, and a gift for her to help her on her travels. It was not a normal katana, she found, but his religious partner that he'd fought decades with. At first she rejected it, not wishing to take such a sacred item from her councellor and adoptive father figure, but he expressed that he was old, wished to retire the life of a shinobi and saw so much hope and determination in her soul, that he wished for her to be his predecessor. To take his blade and let it help her on her journey to find her brother. After some time to think it through, Akatsuki finally accepted the gift, gave her thanks, and left the country.
   From that point on Akatsuki continued on her journey. However, she was a deeply changed person, having been touched by kindness and, although the rage and anger still lingered deep in her soul, she no longer had such a dark outlook on life or the people around her. She knew kindness, she wanted to be a beacon of hope to others, and she never wanted to lose her faith. And so, truly transformed in heart, the wandering shinobi continued to travel from land to land, interacting with all who she crossed, and never ceased to seek out her twin. Though she never formed any other strong ties to any other place or people along the way as of yet, and she enjoyed her moments of solitude, Akatsuki allowed herself to be more open to the world around her, and decided to always be true to herself, no matter the circumstances.
   As the years passed, Akatsuki was no longer able to recall the traumatic event that lead to her brother's kidnapping, and even though her mind blocked out the traumatic experience on its own, Akatsuki found that she was terrified of fire ever since.





Akatsuki has a quick and fluid fighting style. She is flexible and light on her toes, moving with grace and skill with her katana. She's headstrong and will fight opponents head-on, not wishing to play games or beat around the bush, and she hits quickly with powerful blows. She relies solely on her bukijutsu techniques, not feeling any desire or need to rely on chakra or other sources of power. However, she can also take a hit, and her body is covered in scars that serve as testament to all of the battles she's won. She mostly focuses on close-ranged combat, getting close up and personal with her opponents, and fights relentlessly until one of them either gives up or drops dead. However, due to her beliefs, she will not fight needlessly, and only goes for the kill if she believes her adversary is worthy of death. It's something she considers with serious caution, and she often tries to act merciful if she believes the situation calls for it.
   However, if her opponent has evoked her wrath, she will fight until the bitter end and hold no remorse for taking their life.





◦ Chinkonka no gekido | 鎮魂歌の激怒 [Requiem's rage]
◦ Nyokawaga [Wild Inlet Fang]


◦Kaisuikaga [Running Current Fang]
◦Kazowaga [Endless Streaming Fang]
◦Chinkonka no shizukesa | 鎮魂歌の静けさ [Requiem's stillness]
◦Chinkonka no tatsumaki | 鎮魂歌の竜巻 [Requiem's Tornado]


◦Kumo-Ryu Mikazukigiri - [Cloud-Style Three days' Moon Beheading]
◦Iaigiri - [Iai Beheading]
◦Kudoga [Vortex Waltz Fang]
◦Chikawaga [Thousand Rill Fang]
◦Kagami Yaiba [Mirror Blade]
◦Chinkonka no kaze | 鎮魂歌の風 [Requiem's wind]


◦Kumo-Ryu Uragiri - [Cloud-Style Reverse Beheading]
◦Chinkonka no iki | 鎮魂歌の息 [Requiem's Breath]


Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]
Bunshin no Jutsu [Clone Technique]
Kawarimi no Jutsu [Substitution Technique]
Kakuremino no Jutsu [Cloak of Invisibility Technique]
Nawanuke no Jutsu [Rope Escape Technique]


『Great Strength』
Although she already was a strongly-built child due to her training from a young age, Akatsuki was gifted with exceptional strength from her deity once she devoted her life to him. Akatsuki is able to deal greater damage than what would be considered normal by any means. Although this adds more punch to her techniques and offers her the ability to lift more weight without assistance, she can also inflict far more damage with her strikes even if they aren't in the form of jutsu. Her body's muscles are more compacted than usual, offering her superior and surprising strength that would be considered surprising and unusual for her apparent physique.

『Enduring Durability』
A second gift blessed to her by her god, Akatsuki is able to withstand a tremendous amount of damage and pain. With ridiculous durability, she seems to be able to keep standing even when struck down countless times by destructive force. Not only does this mean she can take more hits than what would be considered possible for someone of her physique, but she has more tolerance to pain itself as well. This unique ability especially comes in handy when utilizing her religious miasma, which would otherwise cause serious harm to her body if she didn't have such a strong resilience to destruction.

『Violet | HOPE』
Holding the fourth seat of the yōkai, Akatsuki is able to utilize the religion's violet flames, which will engulf her body and give her the ability to jump higher, float, and even fly, but at a painful cost.
   Because of her prowess as a shinobi, she is able to endure the C, B, and A ranked gifts with the corresponding pain of minor, moderate, and major.
   Although she has a high enough tolerance to pain to utilize these flames, to any opponents, these flames will cause some serious burns--the more hope lost in the opponent's hearts, the hotter the flames.

   [T1] Increases speed by 25%

A further descent into the use of the Yōkai aspect, the Yōki accesses a larger amount of their flames to the point that it shrouds their form. After a few seconds the flames will simmer around the Yōki, revealing a form more resembling the aspect of the Yōkai the flames belong to. This form increases the Yōki's strength and endurance by 25% and reduces the pain cost for techniques by 1 level. Jounin would then have no pain cost for B rank and below, low pain for A rank, medium pain for S rank, and high pain for S+. Special Jounin can hold this form 12 posts. Jounin can hold this permanently.

   [T2] Increases speed by another 25%

Becoming less a human and more a Yokai aspect in human form, the Yōki in question is shrouded once again as they are seemingly consumed by the fire before the fire swirls around them, revealing their final form. This form increases the Yōki's strength and endurance another 25% and reduces the pain cost for techniques by 1 more level. Once this transformation is attained, the Yōki gain the ability to immediately undergo the first transformation. This form can be initially only be held for 8 posts but can be increased with experience.

*Lightness by Rank
D | Water/Tree Walk C | Sky Jumps B | Air Walk/Hover
A | Cloud Walk/Hover S | Flight


LOCKER COMBO: 32 - YK - 110
last edit by Mika on Nov 20, 2022 23:17:51 GMT -5
has written 119 posts