Ēteru Nara | Chuunin | KONOHAGAKURE

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Ēteru Nara | Chuunin | KONOHAGAKUREFeb 2, 2023 11:45:08 GMT -5
Ēteru Nara
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Ēteru Nara


NAME: Ēteru Nara
AGE: 19
BIRTHDAY: November 19th, 1003
VILLAGE: Konohagakure
CLAN: Nara Clan
RANK: Chuunin


HEIGHT: 6'0 | 182.88 CM
WEIGHT: 183 | 83.7 KG

Ēteru stands above average than your typical shinobi, at 6'0 even. His body weight ratios perfectly with his height, weighing 183 pounds. He has a muscular tone throughout his entire body, as people often confuses Ēteru for skinny until seen with his shirt off. Muscles weigh more than fat, as he's in top shape for a shinobi. He has a head full of black hair, which isn't too long. His hair is normal free or in a pony tail, coming down over his face, but always avoids his eyes. Featured by his honey hazel eyes and strong facial structure. He wears some what a similar shinobi clothing, but his are more fitted perfectly for his body, which shows off his muscular definition. His clothes are loose enough to where he moves with no restriction. He wears all black ninja/cargo pants with a few pockets down each side, he normally switches between a lightning blue colored long sleeve, or shirt sleeved shirt. Over his shirt he wears an all black ANBU vest with the Nara clan symbol, the color of lighting blue where his heart his located. He carries a few pouches along his clothing that contains his ninja weapons.

He has a custom made pouch for a items on the back left side of his ANBU vest, as well as, the right side of his cargo pants. His ninja shoes, are black colored as well. his outfix consists of two colors which are his duty clothing. On a normal day he dresses like any other 19 year old. Pants, t-shirts, joggers, flip flops or gym shoes. he really isn't into his appearance much, so he does try to hard to dress himself. His Anbu His mask is typically hanging around his neck like a pendent , which makes it easier to adjust and wear it how he see fit. His village headband he wears tied on the back left side of his hip, which he can easily rotate and show if needed. He wears a hoody poncho, that goes down a bit past the shoulder length wise, which he wears over his ANBU vest, which is a lightning blue color.


NINDO: "We all have our own purpose... Walk in yours."
"All things come from the shadows"

While Ēteru isn't a person who talks about the gods/god, he is definitely a believer in a high power/source. He walks with a demeanor that speaks loudly, some would say cocky, or arrogant, but in all, Ēteru is just highly confident of himself. Ēteru remains level headed at all times, placing judgement on no one and giving everyone equal respect. Ēteru does not believe in judging anyone regardless of their looks or stature. He treats everyone how he would want to treated. That is until proven otherwise.

Ēteru has a mellow personalty as he is a shinobi of few words, he would rather observe and listen, rather then taking action and speaking. While he is Mellow, his fuse is rather short. If he feels the disrespect is blatantly, he will address it, straight forward and blunt. Ēteru is in that stage in life where he's still trying to find his own way of doing things, but he has not problem taking or receiving orders, as he is in no rush to grow up in terms of responsibility.

He's very funny in his own way, often times because of his quiet personality, people do not expect him to crack the jokes he does, or say the things he says. He's has an unexpected personality, you never know what your going to get out of him at the moment. One thing Ēteru dislikes is when people don't want to be themselves. Why try to be the next man or woman, when we were all made differently for a reason.

Ēteru believes everyone has their own purpose in life. It is why some people do things effortlessly, and others struggle. We were sent here to like the thing we like, listen to the music we listen to, love how we love. No one should not be themselves because of what society thinks. Ēteru is quite the people person, even though he doesn't try to be. He's the last one in the group to talk, and rather smile or give a facial expression of disapproval than answering directly. A simple rule he has lived by is, He's not a bully, but we don't get bullied. Simple, no one will think he's a push over. Ēteru has a lethargic personality  must of the time, especially when it comes to things he does not enjoy doing.

His biggest issue is that he cares about people's feelings more then he should, his heart is just set up that way. He working on being disciplined with his emotions toward other people, especially the ones he cares for. Ēteru biggest flaws is his hate for rules, he doesn't know why, but he's always been a rebel at heart. Ēteru doesn't not have pity for anyone who doesn't work hard, to him it seems your rolling over and dying, instead of trying to change your situation. He has had few friends in his life time, as connections are more about the energy given, the vibes present, and the loyalty to match.

Like many young shinobi his age, he has three man interest, training hard, combat and women. They tend to do something to his soul, well the one's for him that he is. He's a very smooth talk, and slick with his tongue, as if words flow effortlessly. His love for woman is surly something he has worked on, not giving them so much attention as he's done in the past. In this time in life Ēteru is all about energy, vibes and loyalty, if you don't bring all three, chances are Ēteru would avoid you. Ēteru IQ is pretty amazing, which is understandable due to his Nara background, his doujustsu also is a plus in that area. He doesn't display it much though, as it seems to rub people the wrong way.


Birth & Earlier Years

Ēteru Nara was born November 19th in the year of 1,003, in the village hidden in the leaves. His parents Baku, and Tsusami both descendants of the Nara clan, Ēteru's shinobi heritage was destined. Ēteru earlier memories of life was filled with joy and happiness, as his mother and father were the example a shinobi family. Once giving birth to Ēteru, his mother retired her life of being a shinobi and focused strictly on raising her child, while his father continued to work as a shinobi to provide for the family. Ēteru spent allot of time with his mother as a small child, learning the basic justu and Nara clan techniques from her. She was his first teacher, and his first bond. While Ēteru mother laid the foundations of being a shinobi, it was his father who inspired him to become a shinobi.

The older Ēteru got, the more his focus became on training and learning. Most kids of the Nara clan possessed a lethargic demeanor, Ēteru was no different than the rest. He only displayed excitement, and energy for Shogi and combat, he wasn't to thrilled with learning, but it's only because it became easy to him. Possessing a higher IQ level as a child wasn't necessarily hyped as you would imagine. His friends were stupid to put it bluntly. Ēteru knew right from wrong at a younger age, often times he got in trouble for tagging alone, rather than doing the foolish actions himself, which caused life to get boring for him.

Academy - Genin Years

This is where Ēteru life became more exciting, and more time was spent with his father than his mother. Ēteru was now on the route to becoming his own shinobi. No longer did he watch his dad, it was now his reality. Academy life was pretty simple and easy for Ēteru, while you can say he was the laziest of his class, his mind was the sharpest. Ēteru progressed through the academy with ease, the main problem he'd face was staying woke, and engaged. After receiving his headband for passing the academy, he was given a team where he spent most of his days and time with.

Friendships were developed; as well as, essentially skills and concepts needed to be a shionbi of his own. While he grew older his excitement and energy still only remained for two things, Shogi and combat. His dad was his partner in crime for both most of the time, while his mother tried, Ēteru skills improved drastically over time, while his mothers deceased being a stay at home mom, which it was just no longer him. Ēteru now had a younger brother and sister whom he loved dearly. After going on missions, facing hardships, gaining a love for woman, Ēteru was now grown in his mind. This is were the next chapter in his life started at the age of 16.

Chuunin promotion & Father time

At the age of 16 is when Ēteru was promoted from Genin to Chuunin, which in his fathers mind could had been sooner if he displayed the effort, but Ēteru liked what he liked, and shinobi work wasn't any where near the top of his list. Due to his intelligence displayed during his genin tenure and missions, Ēteru possessed a mind for battle. Strategically and physically Ēteru was gifted, and it did not go unnoticed by his village. These things lead to being given an offer of a lifetime. His father being a Jouunin classed ninja, and Ēteru being promoted to Chuunin, received a mission that would require them to spend months away at a time from their village. It was hard due to the fact they would leave their family being, but this time was vital for Ēteru as a shinobi.

Not only did him and his father grow a bond stronger than bamboo, he also improved significantly as a fighter, and strategist. Their job was to portray as wandering ninja to gather Intel that proved grave to the village. During this time they traveled village from village, population did not matter. Their mission was to gather the most information about the villages that surrounded them, which would prove useful if ever needed. Ēteru and his father hide their identity, posing as your local journeyman, catching and selling fish.

While the mission was interesting, home began to be missed, comfortability was gone. Ēteru missed being Ēteru Nara, but for the village sake, they had to withstand it. Baku time as a shinobi had been much longer than his, he had been well known as a Jounin. You don't receive that title without putting in work, but it seemed that work had caught up to them. It seemed they had been tracked by a shinobi that was familiar with his fathers face, which caused confusion, because they were positive they covered their tracks perfectly. While this shinobi knew Baku was a leaf shinobi, he did not have much information about him, which had been the only advantage they had.
Escaping using their Nara strategic abilities, they returned home in time so the young Nara could participate in the chuunin exams. With all of his previos mission success and direct training from his father, Ēteru passed with flying colors. His performs in the exams, lead to him getting a offer to join the ANBU squad.

New Journey | | ANBU

Anbu was offered too him a few months after returning home, but also his work he put in for his village earned him the title. A few months has gone past, and Ēteru is still learning the basics of the Anbu. He has taken no missions, but he has received his mask, and meet his follow members. The next chapter in Ēteru's life is just beginning.


Ēteru fighting style is movement based, counter reactive. While fighting his mind is always multitasking, thinking of his opponents moves, based of his actions and vice versa. He looks at battle and combat as a game of Shogi, it's about checkmate, rather than beating the opponent to the punch. He doesn't have a particular style, it's more solution based. Taking the fight to the opponent, or waiting back playing defense, it's always about the best possible outcome. Ēteru's Shadow possession justu is his primary jutsu in battle, followed by his Doton release, which he has just began to work on, because most of his training has gone to the shadow possession jutsu, but his Fuuton release is as used more of a set up in battle.

Ēteru has become potent with different type of weaponry/Bikijutsu a sword to be exact. He has made the sword apart of his shadow, using it for extended range for his shadow possession, he uses it as his main source of close combat.




  • 7 | Kunia
  • 7 | Shuriken
  • 14 | Senbon
  • 7 | Smoke bombs
  • 14 | Explosive Tags
  • ANBU Armor
  • ANBU Mask
  • Shinobi Headband


Shadow Possession Jutsu

Being born of the Naru clan, shadow possession is first nature to Ēteru. Along with his Genius IQ level Ēteru uses his Hijutsu strategically, whether it be offensively, defensively or for support. The Nara clan is known throughout the shinobi world as elite class strategist, often looking at a battle, and tactics as Shogi. This allows Ēteru to always plan ahead in battle effortlessly, seeing his opponents next few moves, no matter the situation. 30 meters is the distance he can control his shadow.

Supreme Strategist


Technique Name [English Translation]
Technique Name [English Translation]
Technique Name [English Translation]

Technique Name [English Translation]
Technique Name [English Translation]
Technique Name [English Translation]

Kage Ashikase [Shadow Trap]
Kage Kubi Shibari no Jutsu [ Shadow Neck Binding Technique]
Tenchikaibyaku [ Earth Style: Creation of Heaven and Earth]
Tsuchi Kairō [Earth Release: Earth Corridor ]

Kage Tansetsu no Jutsu [Shadow Forge Technique]
Kageyose no Jutsu [Shadow Gathering Technique]

Kagemane no Jutsu [Shadow Imitation Technique
Kagemane Kage Shibari no Jutsu [Loose Shadow Possession Jutsu]
Kage ni fureru [Shadow Touching]
Shunshin no Jutsu [Body Flicker Technique]
Suimen Hokou no Waza [Act of Water Surface Walking]
Karyu [Wind Release: Stream ]
Kinobori no Waza [Act of Tree Climbing]

Nekko no shika [Rooted Deer]
Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]
Bunshin no Jutsu [Clone Technique]
Kawarimi no Jutsu [Substitution Technique]
Kakuremino no Jutsu [Cloak of Invisibility Technique]
Nawanuke no Jutsu [Rope Escape Technique]


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last edit by Ēteru Nara on Feb 12, 2023 11:40:20 GMT -5
has written 0 posts
Ēteru Nara | Chuunin | KONOHAGAKUREFeb 11, 2023 16:54:09 GMT -5
Reflect carefully upon your actions.
cocoa Avatar
groupGlobal Moderator
age birthday rank occupation
Welcome to NFB! I'm going to tackle your first review.

Basic Information -
Please link your clan

Appearance -
Could you please also list the height in inches and the weight in kilograms for our international site members?

History -
Chuunin Promotion & Father time
I only have one inquiry here on the Chuunin promotion; did he participate in the Chuunin Exams or was he promoted outside of that structure? If he didn't participate in the Chuunin Exams, could you give us an example of a specific event that caused the Hokage to promote him without him having to do the exams?

Tomokenzangan Doujutsu| All Seeing Eye
This is where our largest edit is going to come in - per the rules on the SA&W page, any ability adding a KKG or Hijutsu to an individual who already has a KKG or Hijutsu is a no-go. To quote the rules directly, "Note 5.0: All slots adding the powers of another kekkei genkai or hijutsu to a character already possessing a kekkei genkai or hijutsu are not allowed. Example, adding an implanted Sharingan into Berry Hozuki's head is a no-go." Unfortunately, a member of the Nara clan who possesses the Nara clan SA cannot have an implanted Tomokenzangan.

This is obviously going to have large impacts on your Fighting Style, SAs, and the jutsu you have listed, so I will pause the first pass review here until these edits are made.
Cocoa has written 295 posts