Mirror Mirror On The Wall [Azarea & Tokaku]

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Mirror Mirror On The Wall [Azarea & Tokaku]Feb 19, 2023 22:23:12 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot

Broken Glass

The kid had been following her for five blocks, two back turns, three alley cuts, and a quick duck through the crowded markets. Their chakra signature a grey off white like the pale curling edges of burnt paper and choking smoke like being trapped in the heat of a burning building all smothering obsession and too tight focus in the haze of heat. Toshizou for all his devil-may-care attitude didn't strike her as the sort to fail to warn his 'children' to keep far and away from her unless she approached them first. Azarea had been careful in perfecting her prickly persona and she held no warmth or mercy for the man's other hellspawn. Shinde however, had seemed an obedient sort. Which left only the Uchiha.

Turning the corner towards the training grounds the red haired Kumo nin tugged what looked to be a cigarette from her pocket lighting it with a spark of chakra as she dragged in a slow breath. Letting the sweet smelling smoke escape from between her teeth a she finally came to a stop in a small clearing amidst a rocky training ground labeled as 'training ground 17.' The woman flicking a bit of ash from the end of her smoke as she slowly turns on her heel. Her expression cold, cutting, and terrifyingly familiar as Tokaku gets a first hand look at what Toshizou might have looked like had the man been born a woman. For while he gave Shinde the Hatake clan and Tokaku the Dog Summoning Contract, it was Azarea who'd inherited the man's face. For good or ill.

"I'm almost positive your Father warned you against approaching me Uchiha Tokaku or is he getting forgetful in his old age?" Azarea calls out voice like steel clad in velvet lilting, cutting, and amused. The slightest soft rasp to her words likely from the massive scar bisecting her neck where someone had clearly tried to rip the woman's throat out.


Joō no Taikanshiki no Regaria [Queen's Coronation Regalia]
A mutated variant of the Aburame clans Yūdai no Omorejō ["Bewildering Grandeur of the Alpha"] resulting from the subsequent poisoning of Azarea's former Yūdai no Omorejō hive to prevent potential hijutsu theft. While the Joō no Taikanshiki no Regaria lacks the Yūdai no Omorejō size instead Azarea's hive has maintained the ability to produce alpha pheromones and commanding vibrations. Evolving instead to hyperspecialize in these two aspects allowing them to produce pheramones and vibrations strong enough to be detected by human hearing and sense of smell.

Reigning Chakra Control
Fine tuning her chakra control to a razor's edge Azarea is capable of performing delicate techniques with minimal to no wastage of chakra. Allowing her to conserve her reserves in prolonged combat and managed more finickity techniques and jutsu.

Kagura Mind's Eye
Born with a natural affinity towards sensing chakra like her Father before her Azarea has trained herself to become a capable sensory shinobi. Unlocking the Kagura's Mind's Eye, and with it, the ability to passively sense chakra signatures in the distance (when using the technique), thus allowing her to not only track, but also memorize a person's chakra signature, even if barely any chakra is being used. Due to her proficiency with this technique, Azarea can currently passively sense chakra up to 500 meters and actively at 2.5 kilometers.


                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 327 |
Keen has written 1,221 posts
Mirror Mirror On The Wall [Azarea & Tokaku]Feb 20, 2023 0:17:44 GMT -5
Uchiha Tokaku
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Uchiha Tokaku Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday rank Adv. Genin occupation Genin Team Member

Tokaku had been following the women around since they've arrived to this stupid contry for the weak and those who should bow to the superiority of Konohagakure no Sato, as all other villages. She had seen this women around a lot lately. Namely around her father. Was she another one of his dates? She seemed too young though. Not to mention, now that she could see her closely, she didn't look like his type as much as she look like him.

Thinking to herself, her eyes would light up slightly, although her face didn't react beyond her own glare of daggers back at her. Her mother removed fear from her at a young age and her father helped improve it. Azarea wasn't the only one who inherited his cold stare of death. This woman didn't intimidate her. "You know, at first, I assumed you were just another one of his many girls he brings home. But then, you started coming around more and more..." She started, crossing her arms.

"I thought he was trying to give me a new mother yet seemed to not want me to meet you. I am now because if someone was going to be my new mother, I wish to feel them out. Make sure they're good enough for that respect." She continued, watching the cigarrete smoke for a moment. "But, now that I got a better look, you're not a new potential mother or some floosy trying to get perks from him, are you? You're my older sister, aren't you, Azarea?" She finally said.


Tag: @
Weapons Used:


Sharingan [1 Tomoe]
The girl unlocked her Sharingan after teammates died in the last chuunin exams she was in, her mother died after the chuunin exams ended. The trauma has given her One Tomoe in both of her eyes. They allow her to see chakra in color, although not as good as a Byakugan. It also gives her a better view of the actions of her opponent, although not as good as a Two or Three Tomoe Sharingan. It can help her keep track of movements well enough to aid her in combat, nonetheless.

Chakra Control
Tokaku always had good chakra control and only perfected it as she’s now gotten older. It helps her keep up with the toll of jutsus, by using almost just the right amount of chakra.

Jutsu Used:

last edit by Uchiha Tokaku on Feb 20, 2023 0:36:20 GMT -5
Ember has written 177 posts
Mirror Mirror On The Wall [Azarea & Tokaku]Feb 20, 2023 0:54:46 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot


The crimson haired Kumo nin took another long slow drag on her cigarette to ease the spark of irritation that risked setting off her hive. The glare was familiar, but the only thing Azarea saw of Toshizou in Tokaku was she had apparently inherited the man's ability to rub her the wrong way with just his presence alone. The Kunoichi listening her head slightly cocked as she blows a ring of smoke as Tokaku tries to parse through the information at hand mentioning wondering why Azarea had been hanging around Toshizou if she wasn't one of his floozies. "That's an easy one to answer kid. I'm blackmailing him." She states voice flat and not a hint of a lie. After all she doesn't care if Tokaku knows her and Toshizou's business relationship. If anything it would just prove amusing.

Though that doesn't stop her from gagging a bit and pulling a face at the thought of being romantically involved in any way shape or form with Toshizou. Sure she didn't always want to stab him in the throat anymore, but she wasn't blind to the fact that there was only one dog tied to the Hound contract and it wasn't Pakkun and his pack. "I think you've got your priorities backwards there. You should really be making sure he's good enough for whatever saint would deem to marry that man." Azarea points out and mourns the fact she can no longer use meeting Tokaku against Toshizou. Though technically that means she's not restricted to the 'no stabbing' deal yet should the Uchiha get uppity.

However as Tokaku declares Azarea her older sister cold malice sparks in those scarlet eyes. The woman's countenance shifting to something all together more vicious and dangerous as she smiles showing off the full array of her sharp canine like fangs as she flicks the cigarette right at the Uchiha's face. "Well... guess I gotta kill you now." The crimson haired Kunoichi quips killing intent radiating off of her like a cloud as the silence drags out long enough a pin drop could be heard between them.

Until Azarea laughs straightening as the killing intent abruptly cuts off. "Just kidding~" She teases with a smile that says she wishes she wasn't, "I'm not your sister kid so you can go running back crying to your crappy Father and tell him as much or would you prefer I send you back myself?" Azarea asks with a smirk.


Joō no Taikanshiki no Regaria [Queen's Coronation Regalia]
A mutated variant of the Aburame clans Yūdai no Omorejō ["Bewildering Grandeur of the Alpha"] resulting from the subsequent poisoning of Azarea's former Yūdai no Omorejō hive to prevent potential hijutsu theft. While the Joō no Taikanshiki no Regaria lacks the Yūdai no Omorejō size instead Azarea's hive has maintained the ability to produce alpha pheromones and commanding vibrations. Evolving instead to hyperspecialize in these two aspects allowing them to produce pheramones and vibrations strong enough to be detected by human hearing and sense of smell.

Reigning Chakra Control
Fine tuning her chakra control to a razor's edge Azarea is capable of performing delicate techniques with minimal to no wastage of chakra. Allowing her to conserve her reserves in prolonged combat and managed more finickity techniques and jutsu.

Kagura Mind's Eye
Born with a natural affinity towards sensing chakra like her Father before her Azarea has trained herself to become a capable sensory shinobi. Unlocking the Kagura's Mind's Eye, and with it, the ability to passively sense chakra signatures in the distance (when using the technique), thus allowing her to not only track, but also memorize a person's chakra signature, even if barely any chakra is being used. Due to her proficiency with this technique, Azarea can currently passively sense chakra up to 500 meters and actively at 2.5 kilometers.


                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 410 |
last edit by Aburame Azarea on Feb 20, 2023 0:58:02 GMT -5
Keen has written 1,221 posts
Mirror Mirror On The Wall [Azarea & Tokaku]Feb 20, 2023 16:44:51 GMT -5
Uchiha Tokaku
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Uchiha Tokaku Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday rank Adv. Genin occupation Genin Team Member

This was supposedly her sister? She could at least mark "first time she got angry at a sibling off of her checklist". She had to be joking, blackmailing? Of course she had to be a sibling that hated her father. They just couldn't accept him despite his flaws, could they. Whatever, she didn't care. That was between her and her father. Though blackmailing, weather or not if true was unacceptable. Her hand unsheathed her sword as it grabbed the hilt.

She isgnored the comment on her father being bad with women and ready to take action. While she might have been right to a degree, all the older women's words did was make her activate her Sharingan in the same amound of time it took her to blink. She wasn't used to showing emotions, so Azarea was one of the few people who would see her without a neutral expression no matter what she was feeling. She'd witness her budding hatred and anger spark up.

The cigarette didn't touch her but the action spoke louder than words, she got into a stance and now gripped her blade with both hands. When she was done talking she stood in this stance, her attempt to make her back down failing as she was trained to fear no opponent. "Care you back up those words, you bastard of the Abarame?" Was all Tokaku said with a heavy dose of venom in her words. That were the two things she really knew about this sibling.

That she was her sister and that she was a span of the Abarame.


Tag: @
Weapons Used:


Sharingan [1 Tomoe]
The girl unlocked her Sharingan after teammates died in the last chuunin exams she was in, her mother died after the chuunin exams ended. The trauma has given her One Tomoe in both of her eyes. They allow her to see chakra in color, although not as good as a Byakugan. It also gives her a better view of the actions of her opponent, although not as good as a Two or Three Tomoe Sharingan. It can help her keep track of movements well enough to aid her in combat, nonetheless.

Chakra Control
Tokaku always had good chakra control and only perfected it as she’s now gotten older. It helps her keep up with the toll of jutsus, by using almost just the right amount of chakra.

Jutsu Used:

Ember has written 177 posts
Mirror Mirror On The Wall [Azarea & Tokaku]Feb 20, 2023 18:31:50 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot


Azarea dragged her gaze up and down Tokaku assessing her before arching a brow clearly not impressed with the girl. The blade was of a decent make, but Toshizou's clan was well known for producing solid weapons and armor. The sword likely a gift from Tokaku's Father to her. It was a pity the hands that held the weapon were still clearly new and yet unpracticed in the blade. There was skill there, but the woman wasn't a kenjutsu mistress by any means. "Tall talk from a bastard herself or is your family name Hatake now Uchiha?" Azarea drawls out with a cutting smirk. The woman not even bothering to shift out of the utterly relaxed and casual stance she held. It was clear the ex-Aburame had no intentions of backing down nor apologizing for the truths she'd spilled at Tokaku's feet.

"It really is funny how a kid like you can have eyes like that and still be so blind to what's right in front of you," The red haired Kunoichi quips with an amused snort, "You've drawn steel first. Hell I'll even let you have the first swing, but you'd best make it count. Because I'm only going to give you one shot." Azarea cautioned her scarlet eyes sparking with bloodlust.

"Otherwise I'd put away that pigsticker and turn off your sharingan if I was you," She warned voice light, almost playful as chakra flooded through her coils primed and ready. But not yet released, "Or else I'm going to take them both."


Joō no Taikanshiki no Regaria [Queen's Coronation Regalia]
A mutated variant of the Aburame clans Yūdai no Omorejō ["Bewildering Grandeur of the Alpha"] resulting from the subsequent poisoning of Azarea's former Yūdai no Omorejō hive to prevent potential hijutsu theft. While the Joō no Taikanshiki no Regaria lacks the Yūdai no Omorejō size instead Azarea's hive has maintained the ability to produce alpha pheromones and commanding vibrations. Evolving instead to hyperspecialize in these two aspects allowing them to produce pheramones and vibrations strong enough to be detected by human hearing and sense of smell.

Reigning Chakra Control
Fine tuning her chakra control to a razor's edge Azarea is capable of performing delicate techniques with minimal to no wastage of chakra. Allowing her to conserve her reserves in prolonged combat and managed more finickity techniques and jutsu.

Kagura Mind's Eye
Born with a natural affinity towards sensing chakra like her Father before her Azarea has trained herself to become a capable sensory shinobi. Unlocking the Kagura's Mind's Eye, and with it, the ability to passively sense chakra signatures in the distance (when using the technique), thus allowing her to not only track, but also memorize a person's chakra signature, even if barely any chakra is being used. Due to her proficiency with this technique, Azarea can currently passively sense chakra up to 500 meters and actively at 2.5 kilometers.


                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 255|
Keen has written 1,221 posts
Mirror Mirror On The Wall [Azarea & Tokaku]Feb 20, 2023 22:11:51 GMT -5
Uchiha Tokaku
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Uchiha Tokaku Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday rank Adv. Genin occupation Genin Team Member

"Eventually it will be, thanks for reminding me that I need to get a name change, I've dedicated myself to the Hatake now..." She replied taking a breathe and getting into a better stance, trying her best to not be too reckless. She didn't know what she could do, other than that the Abarame clan used bugs to aid them in fights. Whatever that was supposed to mean. She'd find out later. She steadied and adjusted herself again, waiting to see what the woman had to say.

Once she said she had the first move and made her threat, Tokaku said nothing in return, only thinking of action. First she quickly took out a smoke bomb and threw it between them to cause a cloud of smoke to obscure them. Then she did some quick handseals after tossing her blade up into the air for a moment, but high enough to free her hands. After six seals she head one hand up to her mouth and caught the hilt in the other.

Breathing out she shot a large fireball in comet form at Azarea, splitting the smoke screen in two as the hot ball of embers came flying at her, Tokaku putting more chakra into it out of anger to try and make it slightly bigger. Once it got close enough she would wait for an opening in order to eventually jump at Azarea with her blade in a downward strike.


Tag: @
Weapons Used:


Sharingan [1 Tomoe]
The girl unlocked her Sharingan after teammates died in the last chuunin exams she was in, her mother died after the chuunin exams ended. The trauma has given her One Tomoe in both of her eyes. They allow her to see chakra in color, although not as good as a Byakugan. It also gives her a better view of the actions of her opponent, although not as good as a Two or Three Tomoe Sharingan. It can help her keep track of movements well enough to aid her in combat, nonetheless.

Chakra Control
Tokaku always had good chakra control and only perfected it as she’s now gotten older. It helps her keep up with the toll of jutsus, by using almost just the right amount of chakra.

Jutsu Used:

Ember has written 177 posts
Mirror Mirror On The Wall [Azarea & Tokaku]Feb 20, 2023 23:34:00 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot


"You really don't know how clan politics work at all do you?" Azarea quips with a laugh as she gives Tokaku a moment to think, a moment to plan, as the woman herself subtly flexes her chakra the world around her lighting up to her senses as she awaits the Uchiha's first move with surprising patience. "You might be the offspring of a Hatake. You might even be able to sign their clan contract, but you will never lead the clan nor will you ever carry their name. Your dedication to them is pointless." For before she had been an Kumo shinobi, before she had been an exile, Azarea had once been a clan heir. To say she was intimately familiar with such inner workings of shinobi families was a vast over simplification.

As the Uchiha threw the bomb down the smoke billowed out between them giving Tokaku once last glimpse of Azarea as the woman smiled and stomped her foot on the ground the sound echoing. The black smoke expanding out further now laden with chakra as it settles over them both obscuring their vision. Well... Tokaku's vision. Just because the sharingan could see chakra didn't mean it could see through chakra after all as Azarea's presence seemed to have faded completely the chakra of the genjutsu and smoke obscuring all sight.

The Red haired Kunoichi funneling chakra into her legs as she flashes back behind Tokaku ten meters leaving the Uchiha's fireball and sword strike to hit nothing, but open air. The Kumo nin long gone as with a twitch of her fingers she drew two kunai to her hands with her dispenser gloves and sent them hurtling at the backs of the Uchiha's calves aiming to hamstring the younger ninja.


Joō no Taikanshiki no Regaria [Queen's Coronation Regalia]
A mutated variant of the Aburame clans Yūdai no Omorejō ["Bewildering Grandeur of the Alpha"] resulting from the subsequent poisoning of Azarea's former Yūdai no Omorejō hive to prevent potential hijutsu theft. While the Joō no Taikanshiki no Regaria lacks the Yūdai no Omorejō size instead Azarea's hive has maintained the ability to produce alpha pheromones and commanding vibrations. Evolving instead to hyperspecialize in these two aspects allowing them to produce pheramones and vibrations strong enough to be detected by human hearing and sense of smell.

Reigning Chakra Control
Fine tuning her chakra control to a razor's edge Azarea is capable of performing delicate techniques with minimal to no wastage of chakra. Allowing her to conserve her reserves in prolonged combat and managed more finickity techniques and jutsu.

Kagura Mind's Eye
Born with a natural affinity towards sensing chakra like her Father before her Azarea has trained herself to become a capable sensory shinobi. Unlocking the Kagura's Mind's Eye, and with it, the ability to passively sense chakra signatures in the distance (when using the technique), thus allowing her to not only track, but also memorize a person's chakra signature, even if barely any chakra is being used. Due to her proficiency with this technique, Azarea can currently passively sense chakra up to 500 meters and actively at 2.5 kilometers.

Azarea draws 2/15 Kunai with her dispenser gloves.

NAME: Kagura Shingan [Kagura Mind's Eye] [X]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu // Hijutsu
REQUIREMENT: Chakra Control SA, KME or Sensory SA
This ability allows the user to find, sense, and track individuals through their chakra over vast range that exceeds ten kilometers. This is done by focusing and opening the mind's eye, though due to the low chakra cost many users keep it active often. The ability also extends to telling when a person is lying from the fluctuations in a person's chakra made from dishonest emotions or detecting if someone, including the user, is under a genjutsu. Also by focusing on a particular chakra, the user can perceive its location and movement with great detail.

NAME: Nandoku-ka no Jutsu[Obfuscation Technique]
CHAKRA USAGE: Medium (Low drain to maintain)
TRIGGER: The user stomps their foot on the ground.
In order to hide the fact that this is a genjutsu, a vast cloud of black smoke bursts forth from the user's position after they stomp their foot on the ground: enveloping all targets that witnessed the stomp and obscuring the user for a split second before he is completely erased from their senses. Regardless of the direction the targets move, they'll never truly escape this thin black haze, since it's an effect that exists solely in their mind; and the effect will only fade when the technique is broken.

The haze isn't anywhere near thick enough to actually help the user's allies, as it's merely an effect to to hide the true nature of the genjutsu. The "true effect" erases the user completely from the targets' sight, smell, and hearing: hiding their exact location from all who witnessed the trigger. This allows the user to move about freely without being seen, heard, or smelled by any creatures affected by this jutsu. Shinobi with chakra sensory methods that don't rely on sight, smell, or hearing can still locate the user of this jutsu.

NAME: Raiippo [Thunder Step]
The thunder step is a step beyond the wind step. The user will move their body even more faster than that in the wind step, and with their chakra, will cause their body to appear like "lightning" flying around the opponent in circles; there have been instances where the user has also appeared as a hundred sharp pieces of paper that fly around the opponent. This move is far more difficult to predict than the wind step and the user can launch dozens of attacks within seconds to quickly wear the opponent down. (tai primary only)

                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 293 |
last edit by Aburame Azarea on Feb 21, 2023 0:00:36 GMT -5
Keen has written 1,221 posts
Mirror Mirror On The Wall [Azarea & Tokaku]Feb 21, 2023 1:08:54 GMT -5
Uchiha Tokaku
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Uchiha Tokaku Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday rank Adv. Genin occupation Genin Team Member

The white haired Uchiha scoffed. She will become a part of the clan, while heir was a nice idea and she would strive for it, it wasn't her end goal. She only truly cared about dedicating her life to Toshizou, her father and his causes, being a great and useful shinobi for Konohagakure no Sato and striving for the role of Hokage. Vengeance for her fallen comrades and to become strong we right next. Her family was third on the list of her overall priorties.

So Azarea's words would fall on deaf ears. she knew nothing about her. Tokaku saw chakra being built up in the women's foot but couldn't blink in time before she was put under her genjutsu. Suddenly, she was engulfed by back smoke and couldn't see, hear or smell her opponent. 'Tch. Annoying, another genjutsu user. No matter.' Tokaku thought to herself as she started to turn herself in a full one-hundred eighty degrees, after using her fireball.

Luckily, this meant she could activate her own genjutsu now, as it was the second part of her plan. But just as she was getting ready, her thighs were instead cut by the kunai that were thrown by her, causing pain and bleeding. The pain stun, but she stayed firm, holding her sword up and doing her best to ignore it. Since she couldn't see, hear or smell her, she was going to wait to see if she came close and instead focused her energy on feeling through touch.

Weather it be footsteps or vibrations, she would wait and see what would happen.


Tag: @
Weapons Used:


Sharingan [1 Tomoe]
The girl unlocked her Sharingan after teammates died in the last chuunin exams she was in, her mother died after the chuunin exams ended. The trauma has given her One Tomoe in both of her eyes. They allow her to see chakra in color, although not as good as a Byakugan. It also gives her a better view of the actions of her opponent, although not as good as a Two or Three Tomoe Sharingan. It can help her keep track of movements well enough to aid her in combat, nonetheless.

Chakra Control
Tokaku always had good chakra control and only perfected it as she’s now gotten older. It helps her keep up with the toll of jutsus, by using almost just the right amount of chakra.

Jutsu Used:

last edit by Uchiha Tokaku on Feb 21, 2023 1:09:53 GMT -5
Ember has written 177 posts
Mirror Mirror On The Wall [Azarea & Tokaku]Feb 21, 2023 6:22:35 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot


Azarea leaps back putting further distance between them as she and Tokaku's positions on the field are now reversed. With the Kumo nin standing near the training ground entrance 30 meters away and the Uchiha towards it's center as Azarea lets the genjutsu lapse the black clouds dissipating as she picks the kemutagaru stick she'd previously flicked at Tokaku up off the grass. The end still smoldering as Azarea takes a long slow drag waiting for the Uchiha to notice her.

"First bloods mine Uchiha. You should go home before I make good on my promises." Azarea cautioned willing to give one last warning in good faith. "This isn't a fight you can win. There's no shame in an honorable retreat."

"And the majority of my techniques are not designed for 'friendly spars." She adds blowing out a ring of smoke as she lets it drift slowly into the air. There were some opponents she could spar all out against such as the likes of the Hyuuga, but their techniques were by their nature counters to most of her own making the risk of serious injury far less likely. Well... so long as Shigure didn't chuck a Rasengan the size of a house at her. The only response to that sort of technique being to take common senses advice and get out of dodge.

"Why are you so dead set on being a Hatake anyway?" Azarea questioned with a wry tilt of her head her expression curious if cold. "You'd have to give up everything that makes you valuable to Toshizou to even achieve such a thing."


Joō no Taikanshiki no Regaria [Queen's Coronation Regalia]
A mutated variant of the Aburame clans Yūdai no Omorejō ["Bewildering Grandeur of the Alpha"] resulting from the subsequent poisoning of Azarea's former Yūdai no Omorejō hive to prevent potential hijutsu theft. While the Joō no Taikanshiki no Regaria lacks the Yūdai no Omorejō size instead Azarea's hive has maintained the ability to produce alpha pheromones and commanding vibrations. Evolving instead to hyperspecialize in these two aspects allowing them to produce pheramones and vibrations strong enough to be detected by human hearing and sense of smell.

Reigning Chakra Control
Fine tuning her chakra control to a razor's edge Azarea is capable of performing delicate techniques with minimal to no wastage of chakra. Allowing her to conserve her reserves in prolonged combat and managed more finickity techniques and jutsu.

Kagura Mind's Eye
Born with a natural affinity towards sensing chakra like her Father before her Azarea has trained herself to become a capable sensory shinobi. Unlocking the Kagura's Mind's Eye, and with it, the ability to passively sense chakra signatures in the distance (when using the technique), thus allowing her to not only track, but also memorize a person's chakra signature, even if barely any chakra is being used. Due to her proficiency with this technique, Azarea can currently passively sense chakra up to 500 meters and actively at 2.5 kilometers.

NAME: Kagura Shingan [Kagura Mind's Eye] [X]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu // Hijutsu
REQUIREMENT: Chakra Control SA, KME or Sensory SA
This ability allows the user to find, sense, and track individuals through their chakra over vast range that exceeds ten kilometers. This is done by focusing and opening the mind's eye, though due to the low chakra cost many users keep it active often. The ability also extends to telling when a person is lying from the fluctuations in a person's chakra made from dishonest emotions or detecting if someone, including the user, is under a genjutsu. Also by focusing on a particular chakra, the user can perceive its location and movement with great detail.

                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 267 |
last edit by Aburame Azarea on Feb 22, 2023 23:55:31 GMT -5
Keen has written 1,221 posts
Mirror Mirror On The Wall [Azarea & Tokaku]Feb 22, 2023 22:55:08 GMT -5
Uchiha Tokaku
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Uchiha Tokaku Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday rank Adv. Genin occupation Genin Team Member

Tokaku was simply waiting and aiming to be ready for anything. She made a mental note to learn this genjutsu in a future date as well. Then, her vision came back. She saw her smoking a cigarette again and let her speak. "But I'm having fun and not to mention excerise." Tokaku replied. She always finished a fight once it started, unless it was too risky. She knew that Azarea couldn't kill her or anything, so she wasn't too worried.

She stood and waited some more, thinking of plans to fight. She did pause for a moment when she brought up something interesting. "What are you even talking about? I don't care about being a Hatake that much, I only care about repaying the man who was there for me when I was alone and had nothing. My father was there when my mother and comrades died. I will be useful in any way that seems fit, even if that means giving my life for his own if it comes down to it." She said clearly and confidently.

"But why do you keep trying to tell me these things. You understand nothing about me. You know nothing from what I've been through. I don't care if you and my father have a good or bad relationship. That is between you two. Why do you take it out on people who did nothing to you though? You don't want to be honest, we're sisters weather you like it or not. If you don't want to be, than fine, that's on you. But why are you taking whatever he did you out on me? It's sad energy really." Tokaku said before finally getting ready to attack.

She threw her sword up in the air slightly, doing one handseal and then a short pause before doing the same ones she needed to activate her fireball in comet form. "You can't understand what its like for me, he's the only one to ever truly give my life any meaning!" She said before she caught the blade in one hand and blew another comet form fireball at her.


Tag: @
Weapons Used:


Sharingan [1 Tomoe]
The girl unlocked her Sharingan after teammates died in the last chuunin exams she was in, her mother died after the chuunin exams ended. The trauma has given her One Tomoe in both of her eyes. They allow her to see chakra in color, although not as good as a Byakugan. It also gives her a better view of the actions of her opponent, although not as good as a Two or Three Tomoe Sharingan. It can help her keep track of movements well enough to aid her in combat, nonetheless.

Chakra Control
Tokaku always had good chakra control and only perfected it as she’s now gotten older. It helps her keep up with the toll of jutsus, by using almost just the right amount of chakra.

Jutsu Used:

NAME: Atorasu no Futan [Atlas' Burden]
CHAKRA USAGE: To Use: Medium | To Maintain: Low
This technique causes the target(s) to feel as if they have suddenly had a vast amount of weight, to the point where their body feels as if it might give out to the strain at any moment. Due to this the target(s) are often tricked into moving much more slow and deliberately in the real world where the user can take advantage of their more limited mobility. The technique is triggered by the target(s) seeing the user render a handseal.

NAME: Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu [Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu]
Acquisition of this technique indicates a young Uchiha's transition to adulthood, and has thus become an identifying symbol among themselves. After performing the seals, chakra is kneaded inside the body and converted into fire which is expelled from the mouth either as a expeditious massive orb of roaring flame comparable to a comet or as a continuous flame-thrower. The released flames will engulf their target, and leave a crater in the ground's surface. In its comet form, this technique is capable of going as far as 40 meters. As a flamethrower, its range is shorter at 20 meters, but can engulf several oncoming projectiles and opponents. For those who posses a Katon Ability, this technique possesses the speed, power, and efficiency of a B-ranked jutsu.

last edit by Uchiha Tokaku on Feb 23, 2023 18:12:53 GMT -5
Ember has written 177 posts
Mirror Mirror On The Wall [Azarea & Tokaku]Feb 23, 2023 0:17:11 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot


Azarea slowly arched a brow giving Tokaku an incredulous look, "Kid you literally just said not a minute or two ago and I quote 'thanks for reminding me that I need to get a name change, I've dedicated myself to the Hatake now.' Which would mean abandoning the Uchiha who are your clan and your family." The Kunoichi states her expression hardening as genuine anger sparked in the Kumo nin's bright scarlet eyes. Did she at times hate and fear the head of the Aburame? Yes. Would she give anything, do anything, to reclaim her place in her clan even if it meant facing the very man who'd nearly killed her... also yes.

"You sure have a fair-weather definition of 'family," Azarea spits out her lip curling back in derision and disgust, "Since you seem so quick to forget my actual Imouto's care. Just like you're quick to forget that it was you who stalked me out here, drew steel, and attacked me first."

"If anyone's trying to take anything out on anyone here," She begins feeling Tokaku's genjutsu settle over her senses as she grins bright and toothy like a wolf as she flexes her chakra forming her own handseal as she shatters the illusion like glass. Flowing into the three seals needed for her own technique as water forms about her right arm her left dipping down to her scroll pouch as she hurls both the Mizu Sukurōru [Water Scroll] at the comet along with a pressurize bolt of water. The suiton overcoming the katon and turning the once roaring flame to steam as the scroll alights and detonates. Raining the field around them with water and soaking the earth.

"It's you and your inferiority complex." The Kunoichi quipped her voice cutting and cold as she flashed through the seals not even waiting for the steam to fade as a blade of water lanced up from the ground aiming to impale right through Tokaku's right foot.

"You should have retreated when you had the chance." Azarea warned looping the nin-wire from her pouch into her hands at the ready forming a lasso.


Joō no Taikanshiki no Regaria [Queen's Coronation Regalia]
A mutated variant of the Aburame clans Yūdai no Omorejō ["Bewildering Grandeur of the Alpha"] resulting from the subsequent poisoning of Azarea's former Yūdai no Omorejō hive to prevent potential hijutsu theft. While the Joō no Taikanshiki no Regaria lacks the Yūdai no Omorejō size instead Azarea's hive has maintained the ability to produce alpha pheromones and commanding vibrations. Evolving instead to hyperspecialize in these two aspects allowing them to produce pheramones and vibrations strong enough to be detected by human hearing and sense of smell.

Reigning Chakra Control
Fine tuning her chakra control to a razor's edge Azarea is capable of performing delicate techniques with minimal to no wastage of chakra. Allowing her to conserve her reserves in prolonged combat and managed more finickity techniques and jutsu.

Kagura Mind's Eye
Born with a natural affinity towards sensing chakra like her Father before her Azarea has trained herself to become a capable sensory shinobi. Unlocking the Kagura's Mind's Eye, and with it, the ability to passively sense chakra signatures in the distance (when using the technique), thus allowing her to not only track, but also memorize a person's chakra signature, even if barely any chakra is being used. Due to her proficiency with this technique, Azarea can currently passively sense chakra up to 500 meters and actively at 2.5 kilometers.


1x Mizu Sukurōru [Water Scroll] deployed
Wire String Reel readied

NAME: Kagura Shingan [Kagura Mind's Eye] [X]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu // Hijutsu
REQUIREMENT: Chakra Control SA, KME or Sensory SA
This ability allows the user to find, sense, and track individuals through their chakra over vast range that exceeds ten kilometers. This is done by focusing and opening the mind's eye, though due to the low chakra cost many users keep it active often. The ability also extends to telling when a person is lying from the fluctuations in a person's chakra made from dishonest emotions or detecting if someone, including the user, is under a genjutsu. Also by focusing on a particular chakra, the user can perceive its location and movement with great detail.

NAME: Kagura Shingan Jitsugen Kai [ Kagura Mind's Eye Realization Release ]
CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low- High Depending on the rank of the genjutsu
Building up from the concept of kai this jutsu allows the user the moment he sense foreign chakra invading his body to reverse the flow and expel it thus breaking out of the genjutsu. That is possible due to having impeccable chakra control (Chakra control Sa)and Kagura Shingan being able to sense when the user is under a genjutsu [Allows user to escape genjutsu two ranks higher then what he is able to get away per the chart as if being Kai’ed from it by someone else].

NAME: Suiton: Kōdoken (Water Release: Strong Dart)
After performing the necessary hand seals, the user coats their hand in a layer of water, before thrusting it forward, firing a highly pressurized dart of water capable of piercing straight through flesh and bone. The dart is estimated to travel at around twice the speed of a kunai, so the technique is incredibly useful for a quick assault.

NAME: Suiton: Kageōda (Water Release: Shadow Strike)
Mixing their chakra with the water present in the earth, the user creates a small katana-like blade beneath the surface and causes it to extend upwards from beneath the target at the speed of a kunai. The blade can extent indefinitely, however it cannot move from it's original trajectory.

                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 354 |
Keen has written 1,221 posts
Mirror Mirror On The Wall [Azarea & Tokaku]Feb 24, 2023 2:21:00 GMT -5
Uchiha Tokaku
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Uchiha Tokaku Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday rank Adv. Genin occupation Genin Team Member

Tokaku scoffed and rolled her eyes slightly. "You... you thought I was serious? I really should learn how to tone my voice for sarcasm... My name is Tokaku, it was given to me by my mother. It means 'impossible, shouldn't exist'. Being Hatake or Uchiha are irrelevant, I'm both and neather at the same time. I'm whatever my father or village find useful, at the end of the day... That is my purpose." She said, her voice actually showing some solemn in it.

It was her destiny. It was what she was born for. in reality, she was nothing. The Uchiha and Hatake were family but not it seemed. She dug into her pouch with her right hand as she seemed to be picking up her older sister's style a bit. She started to notice that she never stopped with one attack. Somehow, she was able to get past her genjutsu, which wasn't ordinary, even for someone who practiced genjutsu. 'Does she have an ability like father? Is she the type to be immune to genjutsu? She thought to herself as steam now covered the air by the time Tokaku pulled out two tags and a kunai.

She acted quickly, taking a few leaps back ten feet, using one hand to wrap the paper bombs to the kunai and threw it at Azarea, with them going to go off if they got too close. Her leaping away was enough to avoid the spear of water that would've impaled her foot if she didn't choose to move moments before. Making her lucky more than anything. When the paper bomb would go off, the explosion would be all she needed.

Once the explosion would be heard by her, she would then do four handseals after tossing her sword in the air for a second and grabbed it again. This would be all she needed to activate her next genjutsu.


Tag: @
Weapons Used:

1 kunai, 2 paper bombs


Sharingan [1 Tomoe]
The girl unlocked her Sharingan after teammates died in the last chuunin exams she was in, her mother died after the chuunin exams ended. The trauma has given her One Tomoe in both of her eyes. They allow her to see chakra in color, although not as good as a Byakugan. It also gives her a better view of the actions of her opponent, although not as good as a Two or Three Tomoe Sharingan. It can help her keep track of movements well enough to aid her in combat, nonetheless.

Chakra Control
Tokaku always had good chakra control and only perfected it as she’s now gotten older. It helps her keep up with the toll of jutsus, by using almost just the right amount of chakra.

Jutsu Used:

NAME: Hi no Kabe [Wall of Fire]
A sight based Genjutsu that can catch many opponents. After the opponent has laid eyes on an open flame or an explosion, the user performs the necessary handseals. The opponent will see what may have earlier appeared to be a docile flame slowly grow and expand. This flame will then spread quickly and form a ring of fire around the opponent that is too high to be jumped over. The opponents will experience a feeling of being confined and trapped while surrounded by the flame as well as intense heat. Because it is a mere Genjutsu, attempts to douse the flames will only be met with the sight of the flames being momentarily diminished before they return to their earlier height.

Ember has written 177 posts
Mirror Mirror On The Wall [Azarea & Tokaku]Feb 24, 2023 3:57:21 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot


"I don't care." Azarea cuts the girl off her prior patience and rough kindness spent with the girl's attempt on her life as the Kumo nin holds up a single seal flashing forward with a shunshin even as Tokaku flings her kunai. The weapon impacting the area where the red head had been previously exploding behind the woman harmlessly as she appears just five feet before the Uchiha as Tokaku begins her hand seals. Her crimson eyes gleaming coldly in the bright moonlight as the Kunoichi glared at her. The weight of that stare piercing as bands of steel would feel as though they had encases every inch of the Uchiha mid seal. Azarea wasting not a single second of the girls monologuing as she flicked her fingers forward the lasso of wire moving to loop over the Uchiha's neck as the older girl aims to pulls her arm back drawing the noose taunt and yanking Tokaku's head forward, down...

And right into a brutal upper knee ram as Azarea moves to slam her knee cap right into the Uchiha's nose and utterly shatter it. Before raising her foot aiming to push kick her backwards and away from her letting the wire slide through her gloved fingers to give enough slack to force the girl back, but never let the line go loose keeping it nice and taunt and difficult to breath.

"The only thing I see here is a bitch on a leash." She states voice cutting and cold as Azarea reached out her hand moving to snatch Tokaku's sword right out of the air and bringt it under her boot to drive her heel into the flat of the blade to snap it. Should she succeed she'd toss the handle aside as she releases Tokaku from her genjutsu.


Joō no Taikanshiki no Regaria [Queen's Coronation Regalia]
A mutated variant of the Aburame clans Yūdai no Omorejō ["Bewildering Grandeur of the Alpha"] resulting from the subsequent poisoning of Azarea's former Yūdai no Omorejō hive to prevent potential hijutsu theft. While the Joō no Taikanshiki no Regaria lacks the Yūdai no Omorejō size instead Azarea's hive has maintained the ability to produce alpha pheromones and commanding vibrations. Evolving instead to hyperspecialize in these two aspects allowing them to produce pheramones and vibrations strong enough to be detected by human hearing and sense of smell.

Reigning Chakra Control
Fine tuning her chakra control to a razor's edge Azarea is capable of performing delicate techniques with minimal to no wastage of chakra. Allowing her to conserve her reserves in prolonged combat and managed more finickity techniques and jutsu.

Kagura Mind's Eye
Born with a natural affinity towards sensing chakra like her Father before her Azarea has trained herself to become a capable sensory shinobi. Unlocking the Kagura's Mind's Eye, and with it, the ability to passively sense chakra signatures in the distance (when using the technique), thus allowing her to not only track, but also memorize a person's chakra signature, even if barely any chakra is being used. Due to her proficiency with this technique, Azarea can currently passively sense chakra up to 500 meters and actively at 2.5 kilometers.


NAME: Kagura Shingan [Kagura Mind's Eye] [X]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu // Hijutsu
REQUIREMENT: Chakra Control SA, KME or Sensory SA
This ability allows the user to find, sense, and track individuals through their chakra over vast range that exceeds ten kilometers. This is done by focusing and opening the mind's eye, though due to the low chakra cost many users keep it active often. The ability also extends to telling when a person is lying from the fluctuations in a person's chakra made from dishonest emotions or detecting if someone, including the user, is under a genjutsu. Also by focusing on a particular chakra, the user can perceive its location and movement with great detail.

NAME: Shunshin no Jutsu [Body Flicker Technique]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
By invigorating one's entire body with chakra, a shinobi can seemingly disappear and reappear in another location faster than most people can see. Often times one's movements are disguised with the use of an extra element, be it a smoke bomb, leaves, water, sand, etc. in order to hide the user's trajectory from those with skilled eyes. Though it mimics teleportation, it is important to remember this jutsu merely boosts the agility of its user. As useful as this technique is, it can only be used 4 times in a battle thread, compounding in exertion and difficulty each time. with any more usages beyond that result in muscle tears in the legs from overexertion. The hand seal for this technique must be held until the shinobi reaches their destination, making it impossible to utilize other techniques regardless of any preparation.

NAME: Genjutsu Shibari [Genjutsu Binding]
CHAKRA USAGE: To Use: Medium | To Maintain: Low
As the name suggests, the user binds the opponent in a genjutsu by the opponent viewing the user glare, rendering them incapable of movement; and this genjutsu can be used on more than one target at the same time. Unlike other genjutsu that use illusory objects to stop movements, this genjutsu simply affects the target's sense of touch to make it feel as if every inch of their body surrounded by hardened cement, effectively paralyzing the target. Once the target(s) are bound, the user or an ally can rush up to the enemy and deliver a devastating killing blow.

                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 300 |
Keen has written 1,221 posts
Mirror Mirror On The Wall [Azarea & Tokaku]Feb 24, 2023 12:07:09 GMT -5
Uchiha Tokaku
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Uchiha Tokaku Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday rank Adv. Genin occupation Genin Team Member

Tokaku narrowed her eyes at the women when she was cut off. 'Now she wants to stop talking? Fine.' She thought to herself. However, Azarea was able to avoid her kunai with exploding tags tied around it, causing them both to go off. But the speed of her was enough to narrowly avoid the decent sized boom. Even her Sharingan wasn't enough to keep up with Azarea's movements and the next thing she knew, the red head was close and their equally glaring red eyes met.

She wasn't able to complete the rest of her seals as she was frozen, another genjutsu was cast onto her. She "wasn't able to move" or more, she would have to force movement in spite of the genjutsu. Which was easier said than done. She managed to make her body quiver as she tried to force it to move. She was going to try again and almost got an arm moving slightly but it wasn't fast enough as the wire came gripping around her neck like she was going to be hung.

Tokaku gritted her teeth and was kneed in the face, breaking her nose. Not as much as the one lacking true taijutsu skill or physical poweress thought, but it did cause it to come out of place and start to bleed from under her mask, which farther enraged the girl. Her mask was a gift and the last thing her mother gave her, now covered in blood. Pain from her nose being broken and the pain from the previous cuts was enough to help her move and made the genjutsu weaver in strength.

The kick was all she needed to break the genjutsu as she was kicked back, using instinct and tensing her muscles just enough to not have the wind completely knocked out of her. The wire would cut off oxygen, but Tokaku took a deep breathe. Hatred started to boil up to the extreme, as she gained a bit of tunnel vision of pure rage. She hadn't felt this much hatred and rage before. Azarea's Kagura Mind Eye would be able to sense the pure sinister emotions radiating from the younger girl.

The level of dark emotions and intent that only a Uchiha could probably emit, at least to her knowledge. Her sword was taken from her, but it wouldn't be broken as it was a lot more well-made than most basic katana. It was newer and came from Toshizou's personal arsenal, so even if it was a basic katana, it would take more than an angry Abarame to simply break without true strength or taijutsu behind her moves.

She struggled but managed to sit up to the best of her ability, despite looking like she wasn't in good enough shape. Using pure determination to breathe and will power, she did the same six handseals Azarea should be familiar now. She was going to try to force out a fireball with the air she managed to save, not even thinking of how it could harm her instead. She wasn't thinking much of her own safety nor of others at this point. Her hatred demanded blood.


Tag: @
Weapons Used:


Sharingan [1 Tomoe]
The girl unlocked her Sharingan after teammates died in the last chuunin exams she was in, her mother died after the chuunin exams ended. The trauma has given her One Tomoe in both of her eyes. They allow her to see chakra in color, although not as good as a Byakugan. It also gives her a better view of the actions of her opponent, although not as good as a Two or Three Tomoe Sharingan. It can help her keep track of movements well enough to aid her in combat, nonetheless.

Chakra Control
Tokaku always had good chakra control and only perfected it as she’s now gotten older. It helps her keep up with the toll of jutsus, by using almost just the right amount of chakra.

Jutsu Used:

Attempting to prepare another fireball.

Ember has written 177 posts
Mirror Mirror On The Wall [Azarea & Tokaku]Feb 24, 2023 12:42:40 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot


Azarea smiles wide and toothy showing off her fangs as her scarlet eyes glint with cold fury in the soft moonlight. When the katana fails to break she instead stabs the blade into the ground. She'll have a use for it momentarily after all and it will be returned to Tokaku soon enough. As she waits, watching the Uchiha form the seals for their fireball technique as she feels the katon build before release as Tokaku's chakra tenses. Then right as the Uchiha forms their last seal and aims drawing in a strained breath to release their fireball jutsu...

Azarea grasps the wire noose with both hands and jerks it. Aiming to drag Tokaku forward onto her face and pull her head down. Disrupting and changing the trajectory of the Uchiha's fireball directly onto the Uchiha herself to give the girl a taste of her own medicine. "Heel~" The Red Headed Kunoichi snaps out the command.


Joō no Taikanshiki no Regaria [Queen's Coronation Regalia]
A mutated variant of the Aburame clans Yūdai no Omorejō ["Bewildering Grandeur of the Alpha"] resulting from the subsequent poisoning of Azarea's former Yūdai no Omorejō hive to prevent potential hijutsu theft. While the Joō no Taikanshiki no Regaria lacks the Yūdai no Omorejō size instead Azarea's hive has maintained the ability to produce alpha pheromones and commanding vibrations. Evolving instead to hyperspecialize in these two aspects allowing them to produce pheramones and vibrations strong enough to be detected by human hearing and sense of smell.

Reigning Chakra Control
Fine tuning her chakra control to a razor's edge Azarea is capable of performing delicate techniques with minimal to no wastage of chakra. Allowing her to conserve her reserves in prolonged combat and managed more finickity techniques and jutsu.

Kagura Mind's Eye
Born with a natural affinity towards sensing chakra like her Father before her Azarea has trained herself to become a capable sensory shinobi. Unlocking the Kagura's Mind's Eye, and with it, the ability to passively sense chakra signatures in the distance (when using the technique), thus allowing her to not only track, but also memorize a person's chakra signature, even if barely any chakra is being used. Due to her proficiency with this technique, Azarea can currently passively sense chakra up to 500 meters and actively at 2.5 kilometers.

NAME: Kagura Shingan [Kagura Mind's Eye] [X]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu // Hijutsu
REQUIREMENT: Chakra Control SA, KME or Sensory SA
This ability allows the user to find, sense, and track individuals through their chakra over vast range that exceeds ten kilometers. This is done by focusing and opening the mind's eye, though due to the low chakra cost many users keep it active often. The ability also extends to telling when a person is lying from the fluctuations in a person's chakra made from dishonest emotions or detecting if someone, including the user, is under a genjutsu. Also by focusing on a particular chakra, the user can perceive its location and movement with great detail.

                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 156 |
Keen has written 1,221 posts

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