Tranquility Tested (Closed)

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Tranquility Tested (Closed)May 19, 2023 22:01:40 GMT -5
Uchiha Miroru
Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!
Uchiha Miroru Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday 7/9 rank Chuunin occupation Jinchuuriki

Uchiha Miroru
Konohagakure No Sato
Familiar ones, around her. Beneath her.
She could feel the real world working its way back in.

She floated slowly back, hardly aware of the words bandied about. She felt the fox shoving at, stoking, her own upset, and was fully engaged in holding the surface of the lake intact through essentially sheer force of will. It wasn't an argument anymore- it was a screaming match, and slowly subsiding now that she wasn't being actively upset any further.
By the time Miroru really came back to herself, she was in Azarea's hotel room, however Itsuki had set her down, blinking slowly back to herself as the fox stopped stoking flames she wasn't accepting. She was curled in on herself, unfolding only now, staring blearily at the carpet between her feet, working her toes slowly into the shag.
It took her a long time to find something to say. And when she did, it wasn't much.

"I'm sorry."

"Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!"

Template by: Monkey
D - 0 | C - 9c/3i | B - 0 | A - 0 | S - 0
Threnody has written 1,188 posts
Tranquility Tested (Closed)May 29, 2023 8:00:17 GMT -5
Yamanaka Itsuki
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Yamanaka Itsuki Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 13 years old birthday 9/18 rank Chuunin occupation Barrier Corps

Yamanaka Itsuki

Touching down outside the room he had been told to head to, Itsuki didn't let Miroru go even as he fiddled with the key and opened it up, quickly stepping inside and then locking the door behind him before finding the first comfy place to plop down and pull his friend into his lap, holding her comfortingly as he waited for her to come back to herself, however long that would take.

He wasn't sure how long it took, and at some point he found himself humming whatever songs he could think of, things they had sung together as kids doing stupid kid things, songs that they had overheard when sneaking around bars and other less savoury places, and wordless sounds that flowed together in a way that was at least somewhat pleasant to listen to. Whatever he could do to help remind her that she wasn't alone in this, and that he was here with her.

As she began to move, he stayed still, waiting for her to acknowledge him, giving her the space she needed to come back to herself after what felt like a particularly vicious spat with her fuzzy little problem.

"Ara?" he blinked in confusion, chin coming to rest on Miroru's shoulder, "why would you be sorry?"

Word Count: 212
last edit by Yamanaka Itsuki on May 29, 2023 8:01:56 GMT -5
Eleri has written 414 posts

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