Overthought [Kazuto]

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Overthought [Kazuto]Sept 17, 2023 10:03:12 GMT -5
Lady Kazui
The sun will always rise after the storm.
Lady Kazui Avatar
age 18 years old birthday December 25th rank Jōnin occupation Jōnin Hanchō | Head Commander of Root

Don’t just weather the storm.
Dance in it.

Gentle rain trickled down over the village, and the streets of Konoha were mostly empty compared to how it normally was. Aside from a few stragglers that were out to run errands and of course on duty shinobi, there weren’t many people to be found. One exception to this observation was the raven haired girl sitting on a park bench underneath a street lamp. In her hands she held a white rose, picking away at its petals one by one. A hint of sadness could be read through her mostly stoic expression.

"Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.” The girl mumbled with each pick of a petal until there weren't any remaining, and the realization of what she had done kicked in soon afterwards. This was the rose Reiashi had given her just earlier in the day, now it was no more and Kazui couldn’t stand herself for that. A sigh escaped her breath as she leaned forwards and began to pick the petals up one by one, cradling them dearly in her palms. Stupid Reiashi. She thought in her mind before quickly correcting herself. No, love is stupid. It was a much more accurate and truthful statement, and it was a subject that Kazui had little experience in. She had only ever truly loved Reiashi, and their time together seemed very limited which left room for the girl to overthink about the simplest things.

Regardless, Kazui placed the rose petals in her pockets before gently resting her cheeks onto her knuckles causing her pout to become more prominent.

Always Passively Active:
NAME: Kagura Shingan [Kagura Mind's Eye]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu // Hijutsu
This ability allows the user to find, sense, and track individuals through their chakra over vast range that exceeds ten kilometers. This is done by focusing and opening the mind's eye, though due to the low chakra cost many users keep it active often. The ability also extends to telling when a person is lying from the fluctuations in a person's chakra made from dishonest emotions or detecting if someone, including the user, is under a genjutsu. Also by focusing on a particular chakra, the user can perceive its location and movement with great detail.

Little Know It All - Extreme Intelligence
It was no secret that Kazui was regarded as a scholar when she was in the academy. One of the smartest in her class, the Uchiha often found herself correcting and/or helping out people older than herself. Many considered her very intellectual then, but that was just only the surface of her potential. Now, the girl is regarded as a genius, her IQ is nothing to be taken lightly or to be taken for granted, even as a young chunin. The teen possesses amazing mental capacity, is able to concentrate flawlessly even in the heat of battle, can calculate things in her head with great speed, and is able to remember many things with perfect recollection, even if it’s just useless information that is meant to be disregarded. In addition to that, Kazui is very deductive, competent, and witted. Her mind is the most dangerous weapon she possesses for many reasons. The girl is highly alert, aware, and very analytical, and she is also very ingenious and is capable of thinking outside of the box as well. Not only is she capable of reading, analyzing, and breaking down a person’s fighting style, but she can also determine what kind of person they are just by the way they speak, the way they carry themselves, and their thoughts on certain things. While doing this, it’s incredibly difficult to deceive the girl, especially if one is not skilled in the art of deception. Furthermore, Kazui can formulate numerous plans to certain situations in mere seconds. She thinks 10 steps ahead, and always has a back up plan just incase.

Gone In The Wind - Blistering Speed
As a child, Kazui was born weaker than others. Her health conditions set the girl at a disadvantage physically since birth, however her constant effort and drive to become the best has pushed her far beyond many others the same rank as herself. Her speed is nothing to be taken lightly, she has pushed herself physically to be able to not only outpace her opponent, but outright force them into keeping up with her and pushing them to the brink with her speed as well. The girl is fast, quick, and agile, even rivaling those who dedicated their entire life to the art of taijutsu to the point where if they haven’t specifically honed their speed, then the girl could outright outclass them in that regard. Those with weak perception often have trouble perceiving the girl’s movements, and to a normal human’s eye perceiving her is nigh impossible. All of her movements are inhumanly quick and hard to keep track of, and when used in conjunction with her sharingan, it can make her a formidable opponent for even the strongest of shinobi.

The Minimalist - Chakra Control
There was a problem that Kazui noticed during her time in the academy and that was the fact that she often found herself tiring out and exhausting herself rather quickly, even when she had just started she could feel herself beginning to wilt. So to counter those measures, the girl studied and asked around, trying to find the reason behind it and if there was a way she could fix it. She wasn’t born with massive reserves so while she utilized her justus, she often did so wastefully. But now, the girl has managed to control the amount of chakra she uses in a technique that allows her to fight much longer than before. She uses the absolute bare minimum of the chakra that’s needed, and not a drop more.

Uchiha Bloodline: Two Tomoe Sharingan
Being born within the Uchiha clan, Kazui has been blessed and/or cursed with a power that only an Uchiha can possess and use to its complete and full potential when they have experienced extreme emotions that causes their chakra to pour into their optic nerves, gifting them with the Sharingan, also known as the eyes that reflect the heart. There are three stages to the sharingan, and it is tracked by the amount of tomoe that appears around an Uchiha’s pupil. One tomoe unlocks the eye of insight, it grants the user the ability to see chakra within an opponent or ally and it also gives an increase to the user’s perceptive abilities. Two tomoe grants the user the eye of hypnotism, while in turn increasing the previous abilities that the ‘Eye of Insight’ grants. The girl’s precognition and perception is heightened well beyond what’s achievable by even the most skilled and elite shinobi, allowing her more of a predictive insight on her opponent as well as the world around her. In terms of her being able to track extremely fast objects and people alike, the eye also allows a natural reactive ability that helps her respond more accurately than a single tomoe could ever allow. As for the ability to see chakra, with a second tomoe the smallest and most faint sources of chakra can easily be spotted by the eye without any issue at all. Assigning color and analyzing the flow of the chakra, Kazui can tell which nature is going to be used as well as where the chakra will be coming from.

The Eye of Hypnotism on the other hand is much different than the previous eye, it allows the girl the ability to cast and break genjutsu with no issue at all, in a way only the Uchiha are capable of. It also gives her access to a set of genjutsu only known to those who possess great visual prowess amongst the clan. These illusions are very powerful in nature and are some of the most dangerous known to the art, they are well beyond standard genjutsu, and in addition the illusions can be casted with just a single glare. Those who met her gaze will find themselves under her spell before they can even realize what happened.

Tiny Dancer - Elusiveness
Kazui is one quick girl, which isn’t hard to tell. Thanks to her training, the girl has amazing agility and reflexes that allow her to keep herself out of harms way. Even without her sharingan being active, Kazui possesses sharp perceptive abilities and reflexes that allows her to become an escape artist of some sort as well as a complete nuisance to those trying to fight her. The girl’s reaction speed is superb and not to be taken lightly as it is, however, when the dojutsu is active, taking into account the girl’s great speed and adding her keen reflexes into the mix, it’s capabilities are much more potent and useful to the Uchiha. With this, not only is Kazui capable of keeping track of even the most renowned speediest opponents and attacks, the girl is able to keep up with, and react to them as well with relative ease.

Wake Up To Reality - KME Genjutsu Prowess
As an Uchiha it is believed that Kazui and many of her clanmen were born with a natural affinity for the art of genjutsu, but of course none of it can ever come to fruition if there is no effort placed behind it. However, since she was constantly reminded by those around her about that fact, the girl began to focus on the art more than ever before.

Although her illusions do become much more elaborate, less flawed in a certain sense, and stronger, the true results come more in the form of defending herself against genjutsu. Her vast knowledge of the art as well as her training and extremely high sensory capabilities allow for the Uchiha’s escape efforts to be significantly stronger than it normally is, allowing her to free herself from genjutsu up to 1 rank above what she is typically capable of via the special ability granted to the Uchiha with The Sharingan’s genjutsu escape. It should be noted however that genjutsu reversal does not receive any additional boosts from this ability.

Sleight of Hand - Seals Master
As Kazui grew older and gained more experience and familiarity with the ninja arts, the girl’s chakra control had essentially been mastered along with her speed and accuracy with forming hand-seals. Countless of hours spent training, learning, and even creating new jutsu has made the girl grow familiar with every seal needed to perform any jutsu, every motion for every combination, her body absorbed and memorized - allowing her to flow through the motions with no given thought or effort. Her speed with forming these seals is insanely quick and precise, she’s even capable of stringing together the lengthiest combinations of hand seals and casting jutsu faster than most can even dream of keeping up with, making it appear as if she hadn’t even tried to use any hand-seals to begin with. Her vast knowledge and familiarity with sealing in addition to her refined chakra control has lead her to being able to utilize only a single hand to form a seal as well, though she only does this under certain circumstances.

word count ● @tag ● notes

[attr="class","cred"]MADE BY VEL OF WW + GS

[newclass=.cred]text-align:center;font-size:6pt;color:rgb(132, 132, 132);letter-spacing:1px;font-family:verdana;margin-top:5px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.cred a]color:rgb(132, 132, 132);font-size:6pt;letter-spacing:1px;font-family:verdana;[/newclass]
Yamori has written 214 posts
Overthought [Kazuto]Sept 17, 2023 22:45:23 GMT -5
Senju Kazuto
No Remorse, No Fear!
Senju Kazuto Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 25 years old birthday 03/20 rank Jōnin occupation ANBU Captain

"What do you have there?" The man asked to his son as the boy splashed on the puddles of water. Draped in a tiny raincoat and boots, the toddler giggled as he made his way towards his parent, finding the shelter of the umbrella that he wielded, his tiny hand holding a brunch of flowers that he had plucked from the soil, dirt holding clinging to the roots. "Ah, I see." He said as he picked up his son, holding him against his chest as the child shook his hand, trying to get the attention of his father. "I see them, are they for mama? I'm sure she will like them." He said as they began making their way back.

What had started as a drizzle had transfigured into proper rain, as sheets of droplets began to their descent. He could picture Miho, wondering if they would arrive soon and worried if their son had been appropriately covered to prevent any illness. Kazuto himself considered that, and in the few instances he had allowed the boy to splash on puddles he made sure he wasn't too far and that he wasn't overly exposed. "Not that some little rain will stop us, eh Toshiro?" He asked the boy and his son responded to him in babbles that each day began to resemble more and more like words, each day.

As they continued, the boy became agitated, enough for Kazuto to take notice his pointing. "Oh, I see." The Senju said, chuckling to himself before he placed the boy on the ground and his son took to run to the person that had caught his attention, finally reaching to where she was, pulling her jacket to get her attention. The Senju followed, until he was close enough that his former student would see that it was him. "I think Toshiro might be a sensor when he grows up. He noticed you almost instantaneously." Kazuto said, holding a faint smile to his student.








Harukei has written 2,175 posts
Overthought [Kazuto]Sept 28, 2023 1:21:53 GMT -5
Lady Kazui
The sun will always rise after the storm.
Lady Kazui Avatar
age 18 years old birthday December 25th rank Jōnin occupation Jōnin Hanchō | Head Commander of Root

Don’t just weather the storm.
Dance in it.

In the midst of her gloominess, the slight drizzle that once fell upon the streets of Konohagakure were not being washed with a generous downpour. Luckily enough Kazui was smart enough to bring a raincoat of her own, the yellow hooded cloak draped over the girl’s figure as she continued to sit on the bench. Only a few more moments. She thought to herself. A few more moments alone and she would head back home. That is until a familiar voice began approaching, accompanied with the voice of a baby boy that Kazui had grown to know well.

"Hi there.” She spoke softly with a genuine smile curled over her features. Her gloom-ridden demeanor changed swiftly, however Kazuto himself might’ve caught wind that his student may have been down in the slums. Dark hues looked towards the senju regardless. "Hi Kazuto-sama.” She spoke as her smile faded and her eyes averted towards the earth beneath their feet as the rain pitter pattered against the wet stone below.

"Perhaps so..I wouldn’t put it past the little guy.” She voiced softly before quickly looking back towards the senju. A slight sense of curiosity lingered behind her eyes as she peered up at the man. "Where are you two headed?” She asked as she scooped the little boy up into her arms and placed him onto her lap.

Always Passively Active:
NAME: Kagura Shingan [Kagura Mind's Eye]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu // Hijutsu
This ability allows the user to find, sense, and track individuals through their chakra over vast range that exceeds ten kilometers. This is done by focusing and opening the mind's eye, though due to the low chakra cost many users keep it active often. The ability also extends to telling when a person is lying from the fluctuations in a person's chakra made from dishonest emotions or detecting if someone, including the user, is under a genjutsu. Also by focusing on a particular chakra, the user can perceive its location and movement with great detail.

Little Know It All - Extreme Intelligence
It was no secret that Kazui was regarded as a scholar when she was in the academy. One of the smartest in her class, the Uchiha often found herself correcting and/or helping out people older than herself. Many considered her very intellectual then, but that was just only the surface of her potential. Now, the girl is regarded as a genius, her IQ is nothing to be taken lightly or to be taken for granted, even as a young chunin. The teen possesses amazing mental capacity, is able to concentrate flawlessly even in the heat of battle, can calculate things in her head with great speed, and is able to remember many things with perfect recollection, even if it’s just useless information that is meant to be disregarded. In addition to that, Kazui is very deductive, competent, and witted. Her mind is the most dangerous weapon she possesses for many reasons. The girl is highly alert, aware, and very analytical, and she is also very ingenious and is capable of thinking outside of the box as well. Not only is she capable of reading, analyzing, and breaking down a person’s fighting style, but she can also determine what kind of person they are just by the way they speak, the way they carry themselves, and their thoughts on certain things. While doing this, it’s incredibly difficult to deceive the girl, especially if one is not skilled in the art of deception. Furthermore, Kazui can formulate numerous plans to certain situations in mere seconds. She thinks 10 steps ahead, and always has a back up plan just incase.

Gone In The Wind - Blistering Speed
As a child, Kazui was born weaker than others. Her health conditions set the girl at a disadvantage physically since birth, however her constant effort and drive to become the best has pushed her far beyond many others the same rank as herself. Her speed is nothing to be taken lightly, she has pushed herself physically to be able to not only outpace her opponent, but outright force them into keeping up with her and pushing them to the brink with her speed as well. The girl is fast, quick, and agile, even rivaling those who dedicated their entire life to the art of taijutsu to the point where if they haven’t specifically honed their speed, then the girl could outright outclass them in that regard. Those with weak perception often have trouble perceiving the girl’s movements, and to a normal human’s eye perceiving her is nigh impossible. All of her movements are inhumanly quick and hard to keep track of, and when used in conjunction with her sharingan, it can make her a formidable opponent for even the strongest of shinobi.

The Minimalist - Chakra Control
There was a problem that Kazui noticed during her time in the academy and that was the fact that she often found herself tiring out and exhausting herself rather quickly, even when she had just started she could feel herself beginning to wilt. So to counter those measures, the girl studied and asked around, trying to find the reason behind it and if there was a way she could fix it. She wasn’t born with massive reserves so while she utilized her justus, she often did so wastefully. But now, the girl has managed to control the amount of chakra she uses in a technique that allows her to fight much longer than before. She uses the absolute bare minimum of the chakra that’s needed, and not a drop more.

Uchiha Bloodline: Two Tomoe Sharingan
Being born within the Uchiha clan, Kazui has been blessed and/or cursed with a power that only an Uchiha can possess and use to its complete and full potential when they have experienced extreme emotions that causes their chakra to pour into their optic nerves, gifting them with the Sharingan, also known as the eyes that reflect the heart. There are three stages to the sharingan, and it is tracked by the amount of tomoe that appears around an Uchiha’s pupil. One tomoe unlocks the eye of insight, it grants the user the ability to see chakra within an opponent or ally and it also gives an increase to the user’s perceptive abilities. Two tomoe grants the user the eye of hypnotism, while in turn increasing the previous abilities that the ‘Eye of Insight’ grants. The girl’s precognition and perception is heightened well beyond what’s achievable by even the most skilled and elite shinobi, allowing her more of a predictive insight on her opponent as well as the world around her. In terms of her being able to track extremely fast objects and people alike, the eye also allows a natural reactive ability that helps her respond more accurately than a single tomoe could ever allow. As for the ability to see chakra, with a second tomoe the smallest and most faint sources of chakra can easily be spotted by the eye without any issue at all. Assigning color and analyzing the flow of the chakra, Kazui can tell which nature is going to be used as well as where the chakra will be coming from.

The Eye of Hypnotism on the other hand is much different than the previous eye, it allows the girl the ability to cast and break genjutsu with no issue at all, in a way only the Uchiha are capable of. It also gives her access to a set of genjutsu only known to those who possess great visual prowess amongst the clan. These illusions are very powerful in nature and are some of the most dangerous known to the art, they are well beyond standard genjutsu, and in addition the illusions can be casted with just a single glare. Those who met her gaze will find themselves under her spell before they can even realize what happened.

Tiny Dancer - Elusiveness
Kazui is one quick girl, which isn’t hard to tell. Thanks to her training, the girl has amazing agility and reflexes that allow her to keep herself out of harms way. Even without her sharingan being active, Kazui possesses sharp perceptive abilities and reflexes that allows her to become an escape artist of some sort as well as a complete nuisance to those trying to fight her. The girl’s reaction speed is superb and not to be taken lightly as it is, however, when the dojutsu is active, taking into account the girl’s great speed and adding her keen reflexes into the mix, it’s capabilities are much more potent and useful to the Uchiha. With this, not only is Kazui capable of keeping track of even the most renowned speediest opponents and attacks, the girl is able to keep up with, and react to them as well with relative ease.

Wake Up To Reality - KME Genjutsu Prowess
As an Uchiha it is believed that Kazui and many of her clanmen were born with a natural affinity for the art of genjutsu, but of course none of it can ever come to fruition if there is no effort placed behind it. However, since she was constantly reminded by those around her about that fact, the girl began to focus on the art more than ever before.

Although her illusions do become much more elaborate, less flawed in a certain sense, and stronger, the true results come more in the form of defending herself against genjutsu. Her vast knowledge of the art as well as her training and extremely high sensory capabilities allow for the Uchiha’s escape efforts to be significantly stronger than it normally is, allowing her to free herself from genjutsu up to 1 rank above what she is typically capable of via the special ability granted to the Uchiha with The Sharingan’s genjutsu escape. It should be noted however that genjutsu reversal does not receive any additional boosts from this ability.

Sleight of Hand - Seals Master
As Kazui grew older and gained more experience and familiarity with the ninja arts, the girl’s chakra control had essentially been mastered along with her speed and accuracy with forming hand-seals. Countless of hours spent training, learning, and even creating new jutsu has made the girl grow familiar with every seal needed to perform any jutsu, every motion for every combination, her body absorbed and memorized - allowing her to flow through the motions with no given thought or effort. Her speed with forming these seals is insanely quick and precise, she’s even capable of stringing together the lengthiest combinations of hand seals and casting jutsu faster than most can even dream of keeping up with, making it appear as if she hadn’t even tried to use any hand-seals to begin with. Her vast knowledge and familiarity with sealing in addition to her refined chakra control has lead her to being able to utilize only a single hand to form a seal as well, though she only does this under certain circumstances.

word count ● @tag ● notes

[attr="class","cred"]MADE BY VEL OF WW + GS

[newclass=.cred]text-align:center;font-size:6pt;color:rgb(132, 132, 132);letter-spacing:1px;font-family:verdana;margin-top:5px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.cred a]color:rgb(132, 132, 132);font-size:6pt;letter-spacing:1px;font-family:verdana;[/newclass]
Yamori has written 214 posts
Overthought [Kazuto]Sept 30, 2023 21:43:11 GMT -5
Senju Kazuto
No Remorse, No Fear!
Senju Kazuto Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 25 years old birthday 03/20 rank Jōnin occupation ANBU Captain

His heart filled with warmth at the sight of his son being lifted by his student, the boy laughing as Kazui was had him sit on his lap. But something about his student felt strange, missing. The young Uchiha was always keen to be by herself, not out of contempt but she had always liked to take a moment to step back and take another view of the world. It was something that he respected, for he himself experienced that himself and even now and then he would sit like to have sometime for himself. But, for her, it seemed that there was some distraught.

"Just heading home." He finally replied to his student before his hand would reach for his son's head. "This one likes the rain, and we were by the lake feeding the koi fish. I swear, he and his sister seem adamant jump into any body of water, they'll be the death of me." Kazuto said with a chuckle. His children were rambunctious and energetic, he wondered if he had been anything like that when he had being their age, but at the very least he was glad that they were healthy.

Turning from his son to his student, he tried to gain a glimpse of his apprentice plight, if there was a plight at all. She, very much like him had been rather adept at concealing her emotions and she wasn't exactly the most open person with such topics. "You seem tired. Have you slept well, Kazui?" He asked as his son began to show the flowers that he had plucked, babbling as he tried to get attention of both his father and the former apprentice. "You seem distraught." He added, his tone being one of concern.








Harukei has written 2,175 posts
Overthought [Kazuto]Oct 6, 2023 23:54:06 GMT -5
Lady Kazui
The sun will always rise after the storm.
Lady Kazui Avatar
age 18 years old birthday December 25th rank Jōnin occupation Jōnin Hanchō | Head Commander of Root

Don’t just weather the storm.
Dance in it.

"Hm.” Was the only response Kazui could give. The two were heading home as it was beginning to get late, however there was something lingering on the ravenette’s mind that caused her to grow a bit more silent. As for Toshiro, it seemed as if he were a huge fan of all things water, according to his father. Kazui chuckled, adjusting the raincoat over the boy’s body to ensure he stayed nice and dry. "Can you blame them?” She asked jokingly through her unenergetic tone. She herself was a girl who loved to go swimming, it seemed she and the twins had quite a bit in common already.

From her seated position, scooping the boy into arms again, Kazui stood up on her feet. At the mention of her demeanor coming off as tired, the girl couldn’t help but to fold after realizing that Kazuto still truly cared for her after all she had done. "I am…” She started. Looking into the eye’s of Kazuto’s son before looking up to the Senju clan Head himself. "I am..not feeling my best.” She admitted this fact for the first time in a while - to anyone. Her gaze slowly began to trail off, watching the rain bounce off of her rain boots and onto the ground below.

"Niisan.” She called out almost in a nervous tone, gently kicking at the rain puddle before looking back up towards the man. "Do you think…I can stay the night with you guys?” She finally mustered up the courage to ask. Living on her own wasn’t something that she wanted to return to, especially after spending the majority of her year-long journey sleeping out in the elements by her lonesome.

Always Passively Active:
NAME: Kagura Shingan [Kagura Mind's Eye]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu // Hijutsu
This ability allows the user to find, sense, and track individuals through their chakra over vast range that exceeds ten kilometers. This is done by focusing and opening the mind's eye, though due to the low chakra cost many users keep it active often. The ability also extends to telling when a person is lying from the fluctuations in a person's chakra made from dishonest emotions or detecting if someone, including the user, is under a genjutsu. Also by focusing on a particular chakra, the user can perceive its location and movement with great detail.

Little Know It All - Extreme Intelligence
It was no secret that Kazui was regarded as a scholar when she was in the academy. One of the smartest in her class, the Uchiha often found herself correcting and/or helping out people older than herself. Many considered her very intellectual then, but that was just only the surface of her potential. Now, the girl is regarded as a genius, her IQ is nothing to be taken lightly or to be taken for granted, even as a young chunin. The teen possesses amazing mental capacity, is able to concentrate flawlessly even in the heat of battle, can calculate things in her head with great speed, and is able to remember many things with perfect recollection, even if it’s just useless information that is meant to be disregarded. In addition to that, Kazui is very deductive, competent, and witted. Her mind is the most dangerous weapon she possesses for many reasons. The girl is highly alert, aware, and very analytical, and she is also very ingenious and is capable of thinking outside of the box as well. Not only is she capable of reading, analyzing, and breaking down a person’s fighting style, but she can also determine what kind of person they are just by the way they speak, the way they carry themselves, and their thoughts on certain things. While doing this, it’s incredibly difficult to deceive the girl, especially if one is not skilled in the art of deception. Furthermore, Kazui can formulate numerous plans to certain situations in mere seconds. She thinks 10 steps ahead, and always has a back up plan just incase.

Gone In The Wind - Blistering Speed
As a child, Kazui was born weaker than others. Her health conditions set the girl at a disadvantage physically since birth, however her constant effort and drive to become the best has pushed her far beyond many others the same rank as herself. Her speed is nothing to be taken lightly, she has pushed herself physically to be able to not only outpace her opponent, but outright force them into keeping up with her and pushing them to the brink with her speed as well. The girl is fast, quick, and agile, even rivaling those who dedicated their entire life to the art of taijutsu to the point where if they haven’t specifically honed their speed, then the girl could outright outclass them in that regard. Those with weak perception often have trouble perceiving the girl’s movements, and to a normal human’s eye perceiving her is nigh impossible. All of her movements are inhumanly quick and hard to keep track of, and when used in conjunction with her sharingan, it can make her a formidable opponent for even the strongest of shinobi.

The Minimalist - Chakra Control
There was a problem that Kazui noticed during her time in the academy and that was the fact that she often found herself tiring out and exhausting herself rather quickly, even when she had just started she could feel herself beginning to wilt. So to counter those measures, the girl studied and asked around, trying to find the reason behind it and if there was a way she could fix it. She wasn’t born with massive reserves so while she utilized her justus, she often did so wastefully. But now, the girl has managed to control the amount of chakra she uses in a technique that allows her to fight much longer than before. She uses the absolute bare minimum of the chakra that’s needed, and not a drop more.

Uchiha Bloodline: Two Tomoe Sharingan
Being born within the Uchiha clan, Kazui has been blessed and/or cursed with a power that only an Uchiha can possess and use to its complete and full potential when they have experienced extreme emotions that causes their chakra to pour into their optic nerves, gifting them with the Sharingan, also known as the eyes that reflect the heart. There are three stages to the sharingan, and it is tracked by the amount of tomoe that appears around an Uchiha’s pupil. One tomoe unlocks the eye of insight, it grants the user the ability to see chakra within an opponent or ally and it also gives an increase to the user’s perceptive abilities. Two tomoe grants the user the eye of hypnotism, while in turn increasing the previous abilities that the ‘Eye of Insight’ grants. The girl’s precognition and perception is heightened well beyond what’s achievable by even the most skilled and elite shinobi, allowing her more of a predictive insight on her opponent as well as the world around her. In terms of her being able to track extremely fast objects and people alike, the eye also allows a natural reactive ability that helps her respond more accurately than a single tomoe could ever allow. As for the ability to see chakra, with a second tomoe the smallest and most faint sources of chakra can easily be spotted by the eye without any issue at all. Assigning color and analyzing the flow of the chakra, Kazui can tell which nature is going to be used as well as where the chakra will be coming from.

The Eye of Hypnotism on the other hand is much different than the previous eye, it allows the girl the ability to cast and break genjutsu with no issue at all, in a way only the Uchiha are capable of. It also gives her access to a set of genjutsu only known to those who possess great visual prowess amongst the clan. These illusions are very powerful in nature and are some of the most dangerous known to the art, they are well beyond standard genjutsu, and in addition the illusions can be casted with just a single glare. Those who met her gaze will find themselves under her spell before they can even realize what happened.

Tiny Dancer - Elusiveness
Kazui is one quick girl, which isn’t hard to tell. Thanks to her training, the girl has amazing agility and reflexes that allow her to keep herself out of harms way. Even without her sharingan being active, Kazui possesses sharp perceptive abilities and reflexes that allows her to become an escape artist of some sort as well as a complete nuisance to those trying to fight her. The girl’s reaction speed is superb and not to be taken lightly as it is, however, when the dojutsu is active, taking into account the girl’s great speed and adding her keen reflexes into the mix, it’s capabilities are much more potent and useful to the Uchiha. With this, not only is Kazui capable of keeping track of even the most renowned speediest opponents and attacks, the girl is able to keep up with, and react to them as well with relative ease.

Wake Up To Reality - KME Genjutsu Prowess
As an Uchiha it is believed that Kazui and many of her clanmen were born with a natural affinity for the art of genjutsu, but of course none of it can ever come to fruition if there is no effort placed behind it. However, since she was constantly reminded by those around her about that fact, the girl began to focus on the art more than ever before.

Although her illusions do become much more elaborate, less flawed in a certain sense, and stronger, the true results come more in the form of defending herself against genjutsu. Her vast knowledge of the art as well as her training and extremely high sensory capabilities allow for the Uchiha’s escape efforts to be significantly stronger than it normally is, allowing her to free herself from genjutsu up to 1 rank above what she is typically capable of via the special ability granted to the Uchiha with The Sharingan’s genjutsu escape. It should be noted however that genjutsu reversal does not receive any additional boosts from this ability.

Sleight of Hand - Seals Master
As Kazui grew older and gained more experience and familiarity with the ninja arts, the girl’s chakra control had essentially been mastered along with her speed and accuracy with forming hand-seals. Countless of hours spent training, learning, and even creating new jutsu has made the girl grow familiar with every seal needed to perform any jutsu, every motion for every combination, her body absorbed and memorized - allowing her to flow through the motions with no given thought or effort. Her speed with forming these seals is insanely quick and precise, she’s even capable of stringing together the lengthiest combinations of hand seals and casting jutsu faster than most can even dream of keeping up with, making it appear as if she hadn’t even tried to use any hand-seals to begin with. Her vast knowledge and familiarity with sealing in addition to her refined chakra control has lead her to being able to utilize only a single hand to form a seal as well, though she only does this under certain circumstances.

word count ● @tag ● notes

[attr="class","cred"]MADE BY VEL OF WW + GS

[newclass=.cred]text-align:center;font-size:6pt;color:rgb(132, 132, 132);letter-spacing:1px;font-family:verdana;margin-top:5px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.cred a]color:rgb(132, 132, 132);font-size:6pt;letter-spacing:1px;font-family:verdana;[/newclass]
Yamori has written 214 posts
Overthought [Kazuto]Oct 11, 2023 14:39:56 GMT -5
Senju Kazuto
No Remorse, No Fear!
Senju Kazuto Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 25 years old birthday 03/20 rank Jōnin occupation ANBU Captain

"Of course." Kazuto replied softly, his features looking gently towards his student. "We'll get you something warm to drink and a hot bath." He added as he would gently usher the young Uchiha, shielding both his student and his son from the rain. The trip was a silent one beyond the babbles of his son, their steps on the damp soil and the drops of rain hitting tiles, windows, walls and their path until they finally reached the compound and the manse dedicated to the clan head. Once inside one of the clan attendants greeted them.

"Kazuto-sama." She said with a curt bow. "Miho-sama had to be recalled to the hospital. There is an emergency that requires her expertise. She said she will return in the morning." The attendant said, before detailing that his daughter was now asleep. Offering to help his son to fall asleep too, the Senju shook his head. "No worries, Fumitan, I think this little fellow is about to fall asleep on his own. You can go home." He said, turning once the woman had left Kazuto sighed and turned to Kazui.

"I don't mind them helping." Kazuto said. "But, I'd wish they weren't so fortright with asking if I needed help with everything." He said with a slight chuckle as his son began to stumble as tiredness began to take a hold on the boy. "Tell you what, if you're ok with watching Toshiro, I can prepare you that drink and bath that I promised. And when he's asleep and you're refreshed, we can talk of what troubles you." He said that, placing his hand on her shoulder, resisting the impulsed of messing her hair as he had done when they had met. "Deal, Kazui?"








Harukei has written 2,175 posts
Overthought [Kazuto]Oct 20, 2023 3:29:15 GMT -5
Lady Kazui
The sun will always rise after the storm.
Lady Kazui Avatar
age 18 years old birthday December 25th rank Jōnin occupation Jōnin Hanchō | Head Commander of Root

Don’t just weather the storm.
Dance in it.

Kazuto’s answer quickly brought a glimpse of sunshine into the ravenette’s day, although only briefly. It was good to know that the man cared for her enough to shelter her still, with a smile Kazui reluctantly accepted the Senju’s kindness. "If you are willing, then surely I accept.” The girl nodded slowly.Following alongside the veteran jonin, Kazui shielded herself as well as the baby senju, Toshiro from the downpour of rain. Kazuto however continued to shield them both as they eventually made their way to the gate of the Senju compound - a place that Kazui herself had grown rather accustomed to. She naturally walked the path towards Kazuto’s home as if it were her own.

As the girl listened closely, it appeared as if she just missed Miho yet again as the woman was called back to the hospital to help tend to an emergency. She was always so busy, yet Kazui was very understanding of the sacrifices that needed to be taken - especially as the head medic. Regardless, she hoped she would have the opportunity to see the woman soon, it had been ages since the two had last spoken. From the looks of it, it seemed as if baby Kazui had already been placed in bed, and Toshiro was clearly not far behind. The Uchiha smirked as she listened to Kazuto.

"Well it is always good to have more help than needed, rather than not having any whatsoever.” The girl explained with a nod, her gaze falling upon the little boy who proceeded to doze off in the girl’s arms. "Deal..but of course you know that I am willing to watch after both twins. If you or perhaps even Miho desire a break.” The ravenette reminded the man. With a gentle swipe of her finger, Kazui swept the boy’s hair from his face, off towards the side as she watched the child rest peacefully in her embrace.

Always Passively Active:
NAME: Kagura Shingan [Kagura Mind's Eye]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu // Hijutsu
This ability allows the user to find, sense, and track individuals through their chakra over vast range that exceeds ten kilometers. This is done by focusing and opening the mind's eye, though due to the low chakra cost many users keep it active often. The ability also extends to telling when a person is lying from the fluctuations in a person's chakra made from dishonest emotions or detecting if someone, including the user, is under a genjutsu. Also by focusing on a particular chakra, the user can perceive its location and movement with great detail.

Little Know It All - Extreme Intelligence
It was no secret that Kazui was regarded as a scholar when she was in the academy. One of the smartest in her class, the Uchiha often found herself correcting and/or helping out people older than herself. Many considered her very intellectual then, but that was just only the surface of her potential. Now, the girl is regarded as a genius, her IQ is nothing to be taken lightly or to be taken for granted, even as a young chunin. The teen possesses amazing mental capacity, is able to concentrate flawlessly even in the heat of battle, can calculate things in her head with great speed, and is able to remember many things with perfect recollection, even if it’s just useless information that is meant to be disregarded. In addition to that, Kazui is very deductive, competent, and witted. Her mind is the most dangerous weapon she possesses for many reasons. The girl is highly alert, aware, and very analytical, and she is also very ingenious and is capable of thinking outside of the box as well. Not only is she capable of reading, analyzing, and breaking down a person’s fighting style, but she can also determine what kind of person they are just by the way they speak, the way they carry themselves, and their thoughts on certain things. While doing this, it’s incredibly difficult to deceive the girl, especially if one is not skilled in the art of deception. Furthermore, Kazui can formulate numerous plans to certain situations in mere seconds. She thinks 10 steps ahead, and always has a back up plan just incase.

Gone In The Wind - Blistering Speed
As a child, Kazui was born weaker than others. Her health conditions set the girl at a disadvantage physically since birth, however her constant effort and drive to become the best has pushed her far beyond many others the same rank as herself. Her speed is nothing to be taken lightly, she has pushed herself physically to be able to not only outpace her opponent, but outright force them into keeping up with her and pushing them to the brink with her speed as well. The girl is fast, quick, and agile, even rivaling those who dedicated their entire life to the art of taijutsu to the point where if they haven’t specifically honed their speed, then the girl could outright outclass them in that regard. Those with weak perception often have trouble perceiving the girl’s movements, and to a normal human’s eye perceiving her is nigh impossible. All of her movements are inhumanly quick and hard to keep track of, and when used in conjunction with her sharingan, it can make her a formidable opponent for even the strongest of shinobi.

The Minimalist - Chakra Control
There was a problem that Kazui noticed during her time in the academy and that was the fact that she often found herself tiring out and exhausting herself rather quickly, even when she had just started she could feel herself beginning to wilt. So to counter those measures, the girl studied and asked around, trying to find the reason behind it and if there was a way she could fix it. She wasn’t born with massive reserves so while she utilized her justus, she often did so wastefully. But now, the girl has managed to control the amount of chakra she uses in a technique that allows her to fight much longer than before. She uses the absolute bare minimum of the chakra that’s needed, and not a drop more.

Uchiha Bloodline: Two Tomoe Sharingan
Being born within the Uchiha clan, Kazui has been blessed and/or cursed with a power that only an Uchiha can possess and use to its complete and full potential when they have experienced extreme emotions that causes their chakra to pour into their optic nerves, gifting them with the Sharingan, also known as the eyes that reflect the heart. There are three stages to the sharingan, and it is tracked by the amount of tomoe that appears around an Uchiha’s pupil. One tomoe unlocks the eye of insight, it grants the user the ability to see chakra within an opponent or ally and it also gives an increase to the user’s perceptive abilities. Two tomoe grants the user the eye of hypnotism, while in turn increasing the previous abilities that the ‘Eye of Insight’ grants. The girl’s precognition and perception is heightened well beyond what’s achievable by even the most skilled and elite shinobi, allowing her more of a predictive insight on her opponent as well as the world around her. In terms of her being able to track extremely fast objects and people alike, the eye also allows a natural reactive ability that helps her respond more accurately than a single tomoe could ever allow. As for the ability to see chakra, with a second tomoe the smallest and most faint sources of chakra can easily be spotted by the eye without any issue at all. Assigning color and analyzing the flow of the chakra, Kazui can tell which nature is going to be used as well as where the chakra will be coming from.

The Eye of Hypnotism on the other hand is much different than the previous eye, it allows the girl the ability to cast and break genjutsu with no issue at all, in a way only the Uchiha are capable of. It also gives her access to a set of genjutsu only known to those who possess great visual prowess amongst the clan. These illusions are very powerful in nature and are some of the most dangerous known to the art, they are well beyond standard genjutsu, and in addition the illusions can be casted with just a single glare. Those who met her gaze will find themselves under her spell before they can even realize what happened.

Tiny Dancer - Elusiveness
Kazui is one quick girl, which isn’t hard to tell. Thanks to her training, the girl has amazing agility and reflexes that allow her to keep herself out of harms way. Even without her sharingan being active, Kazui possesses sharp perceptive abilities and reflexes that allows her to become an escape artist of some sort as well as a complete nuisance to those trying to fight her. The girl’s reaction speed is superb and not to be taken lightly as it is, however, when the dojutsu is active, taking into account the girl’s great speed and adding her keen reflexes into the mix, it’s capabilities are much more potent and useful to the Uchiha. With this, not only is Kazui capable of keeping track of even the most renowned speediest opponents and attacks, the girl is able to keep up with, and react to them as well with relative ease.

Wake Up To Reality - KME Genjutsu Prowess
As an Uchiha it is believed that Kazui and many of her clanmen were born with a natural affinity for the art of genjutsu, but of course none of it can ever come to fruition if there is no effort placed behind it. However, since she was constantly reminded by those around her about that fact, the girl began to focus on the art more than ever before.

Although her illusions do become much more elaborate, less flawed in a certain sense, and stronger, the true results come more in the form of defending herself against genjutsu. Her vast knowledge of the art as well as her training and extremely high sensory capabilities allow for the Uchiha’s escape efforts to be significantly stronger than it normally is, allowing her to free herself from genjutsu up to 1 rank above what she is typically capable of via the special ability granted to the Uchiha with The Sharingan’s genjutsu escape. It should be noted however that genjutsu reversal does not receive any additional boosts from this ability.

Sleight of Hand - Seals Master
As Kazui grew older and gained more experience and familiarity with the ninja arts, the girl’s chakra control had essentially been mastered along with her speed and accuracy with forming hand-seals. Countless of hours spent training, learning, and even creating new jutsu has made the girl grow familiar with every seal needed to perform any jutsu, every motion for every combination, her body absorbed and memorized - allowing her to flow through the motions with no given thought or effort. Her speed with forming these seals is insanely quick and precise, she’s even capable of stringing together the lengthiest combinations of hand seals and casting jutsu faster than most can even dream of keeping up with, making it appear as if she hadn’t even tried to use any hand-seals to begin with. Her vast knowledge and familiarity with sealing in addition to her refined chakra control has lead her to being able to utilize only a single hand to form a seal as well, though she only does this under certain circumstances.

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[attr="class","cred"]MADE BY VEL OF WW + GS

[newclass=.cred]text-align:center;font-size:6pt;color:rgb(132, 132, 132);letter-spacing:1px;font-family:verdana;margin-top:5px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.cred a]color:rgb(132, 132, 132);font-size:6pt;letter-spacing:1px;font-family:verdana;[/newclass]
Yamori has written 214 posts
Overthought [Kazuto]Oct 22, 2023 14:50:15 GMT -5
Senju Kazuto
No Remorse, No Fear!
Senju Kazuto Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 25 years old birthday 03/20 rank Jōnin occupation ANBU Captain

"Heh, I'll take that into consideration." He said with a chuckle. "After I talk with Miho that is." He said after he headed to the kitchen and began heating the tea kettle, returning after a few minutes with with green tea, mixed with a drop of honey and small leaf of mint floating in the water, alongside with a couple of rice cookies for his young apprentice. As he would the tea before her he noticed that her son had fallen asleep in the girls embrace. "Well, isn't that a sight." He said as he smiled faintly as if he had a wish fulfilled.

"Just promise me when you're watching them over, you won't spoil them too much." He said, jokingly. Sure that Kazui would do her best to dot on them and when the time came she would be willing to to take them under her wing just like he had done with her. "I suppose we need to come up with a way to differentiate you from my daughter." He had come up with ideas about it, but he didn't want to suggest them without asking his beloved student first. "I've considered calling you both, Kazui the Elder and Kazui the Younger." The Senju said with a chuckle. "But, that sounds rather boring."

As he sat down opposite to Kazui, he would serve himself a cup of tea of his own, tasting the subtleties of the flavors of the brew before he would look at his student. "Do you want me to take him up?" He said, nodding to the boy. "I can put him in his crib and then make that bath for you." As much as he was content with her holding his son and having a chance to bond with his children, Kazuto was still worried about the lost look that the girl had. They needed to talk.








Harukei has written 2,175 posts
Overthought [Kazuto]Nov 1, 2023 23:53:01 GMT -5
Lady Kazui
The sun will always rise after the storm.
Lady Kazui Avatar
age 18 years old birthday December 25th rank Jōnin occupation Jōnin Hanchō | Head Commander of Root

Don’t just weather the storm.
Dance in it.

Kazui watched as the Senju chuckled and made his brief exit towards the kitchen. She wasn’t sure of what the man was making exactly, but the girl guessed it would be snacks of some sort. Looking down towards the baby in her arms, the ravenette pulled him closer. The desire of having a child of her own increased as the boy slept innocently. Sigh The teen shook the thought from her head. At least for now. There were things she wanted to do before making such a life changing decision.

Looking back towards Kazuto, dark hues watched as he returned with tea and rice cookies. A slight smile curled over her features as she chuckled and shrugged her shoulders gently as to make sure that she didn’t disrupt Toshiro’s slumber. "I’m not sure I can make that promise, niisan.” Kazui stated jokingly in her typical soft yet dry tone. "As for Kazui..well..” Placing a hand beneath her chin, the ravenette hummed to herself as her eyes were drawn towards the ceiling - her lips pulled to the side as she thought deeply. "I believe that’s something you’ll have to decide on..” She spoke with a giggle, raising her shoulders in a defeated fashion.

Things went quiet briefly before the Senju offered to take hold of the boy again so that he could place him in bed and run a bath for her. With a nod, Kazui passed the baby boy off to his father. With a few brushes of her lap the teen straightened herself up and sat up properly. "I would appreciate that.” She voiced softly with a cheerful nod.

Assuming the man went through with his promise, while he was away Kazui would take the time to look around. Standing and slowly floating from one point of the living area to another - closely intrigued by the paintings and decorations that made their house their home. What she focused on the most however were the family pictures that the Senju had placed about.

Always Passively Active:
NAME: Kagura Shingan [Kagura Mind's Eye]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu // Hijutsu
This ability allows the user to find, sense, and track individuals through their chakra over vast range that exceeds ten kilometers. This is done by focusing and opening the mind's eye, though due to the low chakra cost many users keep it active often. The ability also extends to telling when a person is lying from the fluctuations in a person's chakra made from dishonest emotions or detecting if someone, including the user, is under a genjutsu. Also by focusing on a particular chakra, the user can perceive its location and movement with great detail.

Little Know It All - Extreme Intelligence
It was no secret that Kazui was regarded as a scholar when she was in the academy. One of the smartest in her class, the Uchiha often found herself correcting and/or helping out people older than herself. Many considered her very intellectual then, but that was just only the surface of her potential. Now, the girl is regarded as a genius, her IQ is nothing to be taken lightly or to be taken for granted, even as a young chunin. The teen possesses amazing mental capacity, is able to concentrate flawlessly even in the heat of battle, can calculate things in her head with great speed, and is able to remember many things with perfect recollection, even if it’s just useless information that is meant to be disregarded. In addition to that, Kazui is very deductive, competent, and witted. Her mind is the most dangerous weapon she possesses for many reasons. The girl is highly alert, aware, and very analytical, and she is also very ingenious and is capable of thinking outside of the box as well. Not only is she capable of reading, analyzing, and breaking down a person’s fighting style, but she can also determine what kind of person they are just by the way they speak, the way they carry themselves, and their thoughts on certain things. While doing this, it’s incredibly difficult to deceive the girl, especially if one is not skilled in the art of deception. Furthermore, Kazui can formulate numerous plans to certain situations in mere seconds. She thinks 10 steps ahead, and always has a back up plan just incase.

Gone In The Wind - Blistering Speed
As a child, Kazui was born weaker than others. Her health conditions set the girl at a disadvantage physically since birth, however her constant effort and drive to become the best has pushed her far beyond many others the same rank as herself. Her speed is nothing to be taken lightly, she has pushed herself physically to be able to not only outpace her opponent, but outright force them into keeping up with her and pushing them to the brink with her speed as well. The girl is fast, quick, and agile, even rivaling those who dedicated their entire life to the art of taijutsu to the point where if they haven’t specifically honed their speed, then the girl could outright outclass them in that regard. Those with weak perception often have trouble perceiving the girl’s movements, and to a normal human’s eye perceiving her is nigh impossible. All of her movements are inhumanly quick and hard to keep track of, and when used in conjunction with her sharingan, it can make her a formidable opponent for even the strongest of shinobi.

The Minimalist - Chakra Control
There was a problem that Kazui noticed during her time in the academy and that was the fact that she often found herself tiring out and exhausting herself rather quickly, even when she had just started she could feel herself beginning to wilt. So to counter those measures, the girl studied and asked around, trying to find the reason behind it and if there was a way she could fix it. She wasn’t born with massive reserves so while she utilized her justus, she often did so wastefully. But now, the girl has managed to control the amount of chakra she uses in a technique that allows her to fight much longer than before. She uses the absolute bare minimum of the chakra that’s needed, and not a drop more.

Uchiha Bloodline: Two Tomoe Sharingan
Being born within the Uchiha clan, Kazui has been blessed and/or cursed with a power that only an Uchiha can possess and use to its complete and full potential when they have experienced extreme emotions that causes their chakra to pour into their optic nerves, gifting them with the Sharingan, also known as the eyes that reflect the heart. There are three stages to the sharingan, and it is tracked by the amount of tomoe that appears around an Uchiha’s pupil. One tomoe unlocks the eye of insight, it grants the user the ability to see chakra within an opponent or ally and it also gives an increase to the user’s perceptive abilities. Two tomoe grants the user the eye of hypnotism, while in turn increasing the previous abilities that the ‘Eye of Insight’ grants. The girl’s precognition and perception is heightened well beyond what’s achievable by even the most skilled and elite shinobi, allowing her more of a predictive insight on her opponent as well as the world around her. In terms of her being able to track extremely fast objects and people alike, the eye also allows a natural reactive ability that helps her respond more accurately than a single tomoe could ever allow. As for the ability to see chakra, with a second tomoe the smallest and most faint sources of chakra can easily be spotted by the eye without any issue at all. Assigning color and analyzing the flow of the chakra, Kazui can tell which nature is going to be used as well as where the chakra will be coming from.

The Eye of Hypnotism on the other hand is much different than the previous eye, it allows the girl the ability to cast and break genjutsu with no issue at all, in a way only the Uchiha are capable of. It also gives her access to a set of genjutsu only known to those who possess great visual prowess amongst the clan. These illusions are very powerful in nature and are some of the most dangerous known to the art, they are well beyond standard genjutsu, and in addition the illusions can be casted with just a single glare. Those who met her gaze will find themselves under her spell before they can even realize what happened.

Tiny Dancer - Elusiveness
Kazui is one quick girl, which isn’t hard to tell. Thanks to her training, the girl has amazing agility and reflexes that allow her to keep herself out of harms way. Even without her sharingan being active, Kazui possesses sharp perceptive abilities and reflexes that allows her to become an escape artist of some sort as well as a complete nuisance to those trying to fight her. The girl’s reaction speed is superb and not to be taken lightly as it is, however, when the dojutsu is active, taking into account the girl’s great speed and adding her keen reflexes into the mix, it’s capabilities are much more potent and useful to the Uchiha. With this, not only is Kazui capable of keeping track of even the most renowned speediest opponents and attacks, the girl is able to keep up with, and react to them as well with relative ease.

Wake Up To Reality - KME Genjutsu Prowess
As an Uchiha it is believed that Kazui and many of her clanmen were born with a natural affinity for the art of genjutsu, but of course none of it can ever come to fruition if there is no effort placed behind it. However, since she was constantly reminded by those around her about that fact, the girl began to focus on the art more than ever before.

Although her illusions do become much more elaborate, less flawed in a certain sense, and stronger, the true results come more in the form of defending herself against genjutsu. Her vast knowledge of the art as well as her training and extremely high sensory capabilities allow for the Uchiha’s escape efforts to be significantly stronger than it normally is, allowing her to free herself from genjutsu up to 1 rank above what she is typically capable of via the special ability granted to the Uchiha with The Sharingan’s genjutsu escape. It should be noted however that genjutsu reversal does not receive any additional boosts from this ability.

Sleight of Hand - Seals Master
As Kazui grew older and gained more experience and familiarity with the ninja arts, the girl’s chakra control had essentially been mastered along with her speed and accuracy with forming hand-seals. Countless of hours spent training, learning, and even creating new jutsu has made the girl grow familiar with every seal needed to perform any jutsu, every motion for every combination, her body absorbed and memorized - allowing her to flow through the motions with no given thought or effort. Her speed with forming these seals is insanely quick and precise, she’s even capable of stringing together the lengthiest combinations of hand seals and casting jutsu faster than most can even dream of keeping up with, making it appear as if she hadn’t even tried to use any hand-seals to begin with. Her vast knowledge and familiarity with sealing in addition to her refined chakra control has lead her to being able to utilize only a single hand to form a seal as well, though she only does this under certain circumstances.

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[attr="class","cred"]MADE BY VEL OF WW + GS

[newclass=.cred]text-align:center;font-size:6pt;color:rgb(132, 132, 132);letter-spacing:1px;font-family:verdana;margin-top:5px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.cred a]color:rgb(132, 132, 132);font-size:6pt;letter-spacing:1px;font-family:verdana;[/newclass]
Yamori has written 214 posts
Overthought [Kazuto]Nov 6, 2023 0:18:31 GMT -5
Senju Kazuto
No Remorse, No Fear!
Senju Kazuto Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 25 years old birthday 03/20 rank Jōnin occupation ANBU Captain

Taking the boy into his arms, he would disappear into the innards of his house and placing the boy on his crib, taking a moment to make sure that Toshiro remained asleep before leaning and placing a kiss on his sons forehead. He would take a moment to check on his daughter, Kazui the Younger, still asleep, well tucked in by his one of the attendants. Much like he had done with his son, he placed another kiss on his daughter's forehead before he left and went into the bathroom, preparing all the toiletries that were necessary for a bath.

Allowing the water to fill the tub and dropping scented bath salts that tinted the water from the crystalline clear to a pale emerald, the bathroom being filled with the scent of eucalyptus and citrus. The mirrors became fogged and as the bath was ready, the Senju would march down the stairs, looking for Kazui and finding her in the living room where she had left her. "Your bath is ready, little one." He said, giving her a brief smile before speaking once more. "Take some time to relax, soak in the water. I'll be in my study when you're ready, we can talk there."

He said, allowing his apprentice to his own thoughts. As he entered his study and began looking through the books that had been placed on his desk on a stack. As he tried to go through the contents of the books, he couldn't shake the feeling that the girl was trying to come to terms with something, of what, he couldn't really say. Perhaps, she found the need to have something of a family of her own, not her clan, that would always remain, but something more of what Miho and he had.








Harukei has written 2,175 posts
Overthought [Kazuto]Nov 13, 2023 7:16:11 GMT -5
Lady Kazui
The sun will always rise after the storm.
Lady Kazui Avatar
age 18 years old birthday December 25th rank Jōnin occupation Jōnin Hanchō | Head Commander of Root

Don’t just weather the storm.
Dance in it.

From picture to picture Kazui danced, taking in all the beauty in what usually occurs as a result of a loving family, a happy home, and people caring about one another. This was something that she herself had never truly experienced first hand - only watched from afar. One photo in particular caught the raven’s attention however and it was a simple photo of Kazuto holding his daughter in his embrace. A cute photo nonetheless, but when her eyes stumbled across this portrait, the woman’s expression changed. The bothersome look returning across her features as the love and happiness could nearly be sensed through the picture-frame.

Turning to face the man, she’d give a quick nod before scurrying off to her bath. The amount of time that she spent there however may have been a bit concerning. Tears ran silently down her cheek and into the water below. Family was all that she ever wanted, more importantly a father, yet it seemed as if that wasn’t meant for her. The feeling of wandering the world alone weighed heavy on her as it always had since the moment her grandmother passed. To make matters worse it seems as if she stands completely alone in own morals - there wasn’t much support going around.

But what could she do?

Eventually Kazui re-emerged from her bath with a familiar sakura decorated pajamas. Luckily she still had extra clothes left behind from the brief moment where she lived with both Miho and Kazuto. A quick walk would lead her down the corridor, and at the threshold of his study there stood the young Uchiha. She knocked twice before peeking her head inside.

"You wished to speak with me, niisan?” The girl inquired as she stepped further into the study, her tired and troubled demeanor could still be sensed regardless of how hard she tried to ignore it, the girl wore her feelings on her sleeves.

"Is everything well?” She asked.

Always Passively Active:
NAME: Kagura Shingan [Kagura Mind's Eye]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu // Hijutsu
This ability allows the user to find, sense, and track individuals through their chakra over vast range that exceeds ten kilometers. This is done by focusing and opening the mind's eye, though due to the low chakra cost many users keep it active often. The ability also extends to telling when a person is lying from the fluctuations in a person's chakra made from dishonest emotions or detecting if someone, including the user, is under a genjutsu. Also by focusing on a particular chakra, the user can perceive its location and movement with great detail.

Little Know It All - Extreme Intelligence
It was no secret that Kazui was regarded as a scholar when she was in the academy. One of the smartest in her class, the Uchiha often found herself correcting and/or helping out people older than herself. Many considered her very intellectual then, but that was just only the surface of her potential. Now, the girl is regarded as a genius, her IQ is nothing to be taken lightly or to be taken for granted, even as a young chunin. The teen possesses amazing mental capacity, is able to concentrate flawlessly even in the heat of battle, can calculate things in her head with great speed, and is able to remember many things with perfect recollection, even if it’s just useless information that is meant to be disregarded. In addition to that, Kazui is very deductive, competent, and witted. Her mind is the most dangerous weapon she possesses for many reasons. The girl is highly alert, aware, and very analytical, and she is also very ingenious and is capable of thinking outside of the box as well. Not only is she capable of reading, analyzing, and breaking down a person’s fighting style, but she can also determine what kind of person they are just by the way they speak, the way they carry themselves, and their thoughts on certain things. While doing this, it’s incredibly difficult to deceive the girl, especially if one is not skilled in the art of deception. Furthermore, Kazui can formulate numerous plans to certain situations in mere seconds. She thinks 10 steps ahead, and always has a back up plan just incase.

Gone In The Wind - Blistering Speed
As a child, Kazui was born weaker than others. Her health conditions set the girl at a disadvantage physically since birth, however her constant effort and drive to become the best has pushed her far beyond many others the same rank as herself. Her speed is nothing to be taken lightly, she has pushed herself physically to be able to not only outpace her opponent, but outright force them into keeping up with her and pushing them to the brink with her speed as well. The girl is fast, quick, and agile, even rivaling those who dedicated their entire life to the art of taijutsu to the point where if they haven’t specifically honed their speed, then the girl could outright outclass them in that regard. Those with weak perception often have trouble perceiving the girl’s movements, and to a normal human’s eye perceiving her is nigh impossible. All of her movements are inhumanly quick and hard to keep track of, and when used in conjunction with her sharingan, it can make her a formidable opponent for even the strongest of shinobi.

The Minimalist - Chakra Control
There was a problem that Kazui noticed during her time in the academy and that was the fact that she often found herself tiring out and exhausting herself rather quickly, even when she had just started she could feel herself beginning to wilt. So to counter those measures, the girl studied and asked around, trying to find the reason behind it and if there was a way she could fix it. She wasn’t born with massive reserves so while she utilized her justus, she often did so wastefully. But now, the girl has managed to control the amount of chakra she uses in a technique that allows her to fight much longer than before. She uses the absolute bare minimum of the chakra that’s needed, and not a drop more.

Uchiha Bloodline: Two Tomoe Sharingan
Being born within the Uchiha clan, Kazui has been blessed and/or cursed with a power that only an Uchiha can possess and use to its complete and full potential when they have experienced extreme emotions that causes their chakra to pour into their optic nerves, gifting them with the Sharingan, also known as the eyes that reflect the heart. There are three stages to the sharingan, and it is tracked by the amount of tomoe that appears around an Uchiha’s pupil. One tomoe unlocks the eye of insight, it grants the user the ability to see chakra within an opponent or ally and it also gives an increase to the user’s perceptive abilities. Two tomoe grants the user the eye of hypnotism, while in turn increasing the previous abilities that the ‘Eye of Insight’ grants. The girl’s precognition and perception is heightened well beyond what’s achievable by even the most skilled and elite shinobi, allowing her more of a predictive insight on her opponent as well as the world around her. In terms of her being able to track extremely fast objects and people alike, the eye also allows a natural reactive ability that helps her respond more accurately than a single tomoe could ever allow. As for the ability to see chakra, with a second tomoe the smallest and most faint sources of chakra can easily be spotted by the eye without any issue at all. Assigning color and analyzing the flow of the chakra, Kazui can tell which nature is going to be used as well as where the chakra will be coming from.

The Eye of Hypnotism on the other hand is much different than the previous eye, it allows the girl the ability to cast and break genjutsu with no issue at all, in a way only the Uchiha are capable of. It also gives her access to a set of genjutsu only known to those who possess great visual prowess amongst the clan. These illusions are very powerful in nature and are some of the most dangerous known to the art, they are well beyond standard genjutsu, and in addition the illusions can be casted with just a single glare. Those who met her gaze will find themselves under her spell before they can even realize what happened.

Tiny Dancer - Elusiveness
Kazui is one quick girl, which isn’t hard to tell. Thanks to her training, the girl has amazing agility and reflexes that allow her to keep herself out of harms way. Even without her sharingan being active, Kazui possesses sharp perceptive abilities and reflexes that allows her to become an escape artist of some sort as well as a complete nuisance to those trying to fight her. The girl’s reaction speed is superb and not to be taken lightly as it is, however, when the dojutsu is active, taking into account the girl’s great speed and adding her keen reflexes into the mix, it’s capabilities are much more potent and useful to the Uchiha. With this, not only is Kazui capable of keeping track of even the most renowned speediest opponents and attacks, the girl is able to keep up with, and react to them as well with relative ease.

Wake Up To Reality - KME Genjutsu Prowess
As an Uchiha it is believed that Kazui and many of her clanmen were born with a natural affinity for the art of genjutsu, but of course none of it can ever come to fruition if there is no effort placed behind it. However, since she was constantly reminded by those around her about that fact, the girl began to focus on the art more than ever before.

Although her illusions do become much more elaborate, less flawed in a certain sense, and stronger, the true results come more in the form of defending herself against genjutsu. Her vast knowledge of the art as well as her training and extremely high sensory capabilities allow for the Uchiha’s escape efforts to be significantly stronger than it normally is, allowing her to free herself from genjutsu up to 1 rank above what she is typically capable of via the special ability granted to the Uchiha with The Sharingan’s genjutsu escape. It should be noted however that genjutsu reversal does not receive any additional boosts from this ability.

Sleight of Hand - Seals Master
As Kazui grew older and gained more experience and familiarity with the ninja arts, the girl’s chakra control had essentially been mastered along with her speed and accuracy with forming hand-seals. Countless of hours spent training, learning, and even creating new jutsu has made the girl grow familiar with every seal needed to perform any jutsu, every motion for every combination, her body absorbed and memorized - allowing her to flow through the motions with no given thought or effort. Her speed with forming these seals is insanely quick and precise, she’s even capable of stringing together the lengthiest combinations of hand seals and casting jutsu faster than most can even dream of keeping up with, making it appear as if she hadn’t even tried to use any hand-seals to begin with. Her vast knowledge and familiarity with sealing in addition to her refined chakra control has lead her to being able to utilize only a single hand to form a seal as well, though she only does this under certain circumstances.

word count ● @tag ● notes

[attr="class","cred"]MADE BY VEL OF WW + GS

[newclass=.cred]text-align:center;font-size:6pt;color:rgb(132, 132, 132);letter-spacing:1px;font-family:verdana;margin-top:5px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.cred a]color:rgb(132, 132, 132);font-size:6pt;letter-spacing:1px;font-family:verdana;[/newclass]
Yamori has written 214 posts
Overthought [Kazuto]Nov 13, 2023 11:18:07 GMT -5
Senju Kazuto
No Remorse, No Fear!
Senju Kazuto Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 25 years old birthday 03/20 rank Jōnin occupation ANBU Captain

The Senju kept to his work. With brush and ink he would trace lines upon the linen of the scroll, stopping only when he heard the two gentle knocks on his door, turning to see the head of his student's pocking in. A warm smile appeared on his features, even though ht would see that there was some tension about her. She had. of course taken rather long in her bad, enough to make him think that the water would have turned lukewarm and tepid. "Oh, I'm alright." He said as he would turn his chair to face her. "It is about you I wish to talk." He said gently, showing her the couch that ran paralel with his desk.

Giving her some time to sit, he would try to choose the words he would use with Kazui carefully. He took quick glances at her, looking at her eyes and the light redenning of the sclera. There were bags under her eyes and her expression even if looking like a tranquil one had a disquiet that she couldn't truly hide. Ar least not from him. "Are you well Kazui?" Kazuto asked gently, clasping both hands together.

"I mean, when Toshiro found you, you were destroying that flower, plucking its petals." He said with a brief smile before he continued. "I think I know you well, but I think you hated flowers. Unless you didn't tell me you hated gardening when we worked in my garden." Letting the humor slide, Kazuto would lock eyes with his apprentice. "Now, you can be honest with me. Whatever you say here remains in this room." The Senju reassured her and gave her time to come with her thoughts or decide if she wanted to speak with him at all.








Harukei has written 2,175 posts
Overthought [Kazuto]Nov 30, 2023 6:25:04 GMT -5
Lady Kazui
The sun will always rise after the storm.
Lady Kazui Avatar
age 18 years old birthday December 25th rank Jōnin occupation Jōnin Hanchō | Head Commander of Root

Don’t just weather the storm.
Dance in it.

With a huff and puff a gentle sigh escaped her breath at the mention of Kazuto wishing to speak on the girl’s feelings. She knew it was coming eventually, so she couldn’t truly act surprised. If there was anyone who knew anything about Kazui herself, Kazuto was surely that person - so if he wished to speak to her about her problems then who was she to deny him. Quietly the girl sat parallel to her sensei. Her eyes danced around the study, and except for a few changes here and there things still appear the same as they were years ago.

Running a hand softly through her strands of ebony, she wasn’t sure if she wanted to answer the Senju’s question truthfully or not. Dark hues looked towards the Senju, and with a slight shrug of her shoulders the girl responded. "I am alright..” She mumbled softly. Her eyes then trailed off yet again.

"It’s not that!” She voiced with a giggle. As she listened to the man explain, she couldn’t help but find herself smiling and laughing at his jokes, albeit only briefly before her smile eventually faded. "The garden was peaceful. I loved every bit of it..” She nodded. "But I suppose I was a bit down when you two found me…it’s..a lot.” The girl voiced before she turned her gaze back towards the Senju.

"And I don’t wish to bother you with my feelings and problems, niisan.” It was true. Being alone out in the world for nearly a year straight has made the girl highly self-dependent. Solving the problem on her own is the only way, that way if things failed she would only have herself to blame rather than having others disappoint her again.

Regardless, the girl grew silent. As if she were battling with her inner self on if she were doing the right thing or not. She yearned for family, love, and community.. None of which was possible to obtain unless she opened her heart. This was becoming more and more apparent to the girl.

Always Passively Active:
NAME: Kagura Shingan [Kagura Mind's Eye]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu // Hijutsu
This ability allows the user to find, sense, and track individuals through their chakra over vast range that exceeds ten kilometers. This is done by focusing and opening the mind's eye, though due to the low chakra cost many users keep it active often. The ability also extends to telling when a person is lying from the fluctuations in a person's chakra made from dishonest emotions or detecting if someone, including the user, is under a genjutsu. Also by focusing on a particular chakra, the user can perceive its location and movement with great detail.

Little Know It All - Extreme Intelligence
It was no secret that Kazui was regarded as a scholar when she was in the academy. One of the smartest in her class, the Uchiha often found herself correcting and/or helping out people older than herself. Many considered her very intellectual then, but that was just only the surface of her potential. Now, the girl is regarded as a genius, her IQ is nothing to be taken lightly or to be taken for granted, even as a young chunin. The teen possesses amazing mental capacity, is able to concentrate flawlessly even in the heat of battle, can calculate things in her head with great speed, and is able to remember many things with perfect recollection, even if it’s just useless information that is meant to be disregarded. In addition to that, Kazui is very deductive, competent, and witted. Her mind is the most dangerous weapon she possesses for many reasons. The girl is highly alert, aware, and very analytical, and she is also very ingenious and is capable of thinking outside of the box as well. Not only is she capable of reading, analyzing, and breaking down a person’s fighting style, but she can also determine what kind of person they are just by the way they speak, the way they carry themselves, and their thoughts on certain things. While doing this, it’s incredibly difficult to deceive the girl, especially if one is not skilled in the art of deception. Furthermore, Kazui can formulate numerous plans to certain situations in mere seconds. She thinks 10 steps ahead, and always has a back up plan just incase.

Gone In The Wind - Blistering Speed
As a child, Kazui was born weaker than others. Her health conditions set the girl at a disadvantage physically since birth, however her constant effort and drive to become the best has pushed her far beyond many others the same rank as herself. Her speed is nothing to be taken lightly, she has pushed herself physically to be able to not only outpace her opponent, but outright force them into keeping up with her and pushing them to the brink with her speed as well. The girl is fast, quick, and agile, even rivaling those who dedicated their entire life to the art of taijutsu to the point where if they haven’t specifically honed their speed, then the girl could outright outclass them in that regard. Those with weak perception often have trouble perceiving the girl’s movements, and to a normal human’s eye perceiving her is nigh impossible. All of her movements are inhumanly quick and hard to keep track of, and when used in conjunction with her sharingan, it can make her a formidable opponent for even the strongest of shinobi.

The Minimalist - Chakra Control
There was a problem that Kazui noticed during her time in the academy and that was the fact that she often found herself tiring out and exhausting herself rather quickly, even when she had just started she could feel herself beginning to wilt. So to counter those measures, the girl studied and asked around, trying to find the reason behind it and if there was a way she could fix it. She wasn’t born with massive reserves so while she utilized her justus, she often did so wastefully. But now, the girl has managed to control the amount of chakra she uses in a technique that allows her to fight much longer than before. She uses the absolute bare minimum of the chakra that’s needed, and not a drop more.

Uchiha Bloodline: Two Tomoe Sharingan
Being born within the Uchiha clan, Kazui has been blessed and/or cursed with a power that only an Uchiha can possess and use to its complete and full potential when they have experienced extreme emotions that causes their chakra to pour into their optic nerves, gifting them with the Sharingan, also known as the eyes that reflect the heart. There are three stages to the sharingan, and it is tracked by the amount of tomoe that appears around an Uchiha’s pupil. One tomoe unlocks the eye of insight, it grants the user the ability to see chakra within an opponent or ally and it also gives an increase to the user’s perceptive abilities. Two tomoe grants the user the eye of hypnotism, while in turn increasing the previous abilities that the ‘Eye of Insight’ grants. The girl’s precognition and perception is heightened well beyond what’s achievable by even the most skilled and elite shinobi, allowing her more of a predictive insight on her opponent as well as the world around her. In terms of her being able to track extremely fast objects and people alike, the eye also allows a natural reactive ability that helps her respond more accurately than a single tomoe could ever allow. As for the ability to see chakra, with a second tomoe the smallest and most faint sources of chakra can easily be spotted by the eye without any issue at all. Assigning color and analyzing the flow of the chakra, Kazui can tell which nature is going to be used as well as where the chakra will be coming from.

The Eye of Hypnotism on the other hand is much different than the previous eye, it allows the girl the ability to cast and break genjutsu with no issue at all, in a way only the Uchiha are capable of. It also gives her access to a set of genjutsu only known to those who possess great visual prowess amongst the clan. These illusions are very powerful in nature and are some of the most dangerous known to the art, they are well beyond standard genjutsu, and in addition the illusions can be casted with just a single glare. Those who met her gaze will find themselves under her spell before they can even realize what happened.

Tiny Dancer - Elusiveness
Kazui is one quick girl, which isn’t hard to tell. Thanks to her training, the girl has amazing agility and reflexes that allow her to keep herself out of harms way. Even without her sharingan being active, Kazui possesses sharp perceptive abilities and reflexes that allows her to become an escape artist of some sort as well as a complete nuisance to those trying to fight her. The girl’s reaction speed is superb and not to be taken lightly as it is, however, when the dojutsu is active, taking into account the girl’s great speed and adding her keen reflexes into the mix, it’s capabilities are much more potent and useful to the Uchiha. With this, not only is Kazui capable of keeping track of even the most renowned speediest opponents and attacks, the girl is able to keep up with, and react to them as well with relative ease.

Wake Up To Reality - KME Genjutsu Prowess
As an Uchiha it is believed that Kazui and many of her clanmen were born with a natural affinity for the art of genjutsu, but of course none of it can ever come to fruition if there is no effort placed behind it. However, since she was constantly reminded by those around her about that fact, the girl began to focus on the art more than ever before.

Although her illusions do become much more elaborate, less flawed in a certain sense, and stronger, the true results come more in the form of defending herself against genjutsu. Her vast knowledge of the art as well as her training and extremely high sensory capabilities allow for the Uchiha’s escape efforts to be significantly stronger than it normally is, allowing her to free herself from genjutsu up to 1 rank above what she is typically capable of via the special ability granted to the Uchiha with The Sharingan’s genjutsu escape. It should be noted however that genjutsu reversal does not receive any additional boosts from this ability.

Sleight of Hand - Seals Master
As Kazui grew older and gained more experience and familiarity with the ninja arts, the girl’s chakra control had essentially been mastered along with her speed and accuracy with forming hand-seals. Countless of hours spent training, learning, and even creating new jutsu has made the girl grow familiar with every seal needed to perform any jutsu, every motion for every combination, her body absorbed and memorized - allowing her to flow through the motions with no given thought or effort. Her speed with forming these seals is insanely quick and precise, she’s even capable of stringing together the lengthiest combinations of hand seals and casting jutsu faster than most can even dream of keeping up with, making it appear as if she hadn’t even tried to use any hand-seals to begin with. Her vast knowledge and familiarity with sealing in addition to her refined chakra control has lead her to being able to utilize only a single hand to form a seal as well, though she only does this under certain circumstances.

word count ● @tag ● notes

[attr="class","cred"]MADE BY VEL OF WW + GS

[newclass=.cred]text-align:center;font-size:6pt;color:rgb(132, 132, 132);letter-spacing:1px;font-family:verdana;margin-top:5px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.cred a]color:rgb(132, 132, 132);font-size:6pt;letter-spacing:1px;font-family:verdana;[/newclass]
last edit by Lady Kazui on Nov 30, 2023 6:25:39 GMT -5
Yamori has written 214 posts
Overthought [Kazuto]Dec 1, 2023 11:00:29 GMT -5
Senju Kazuto
No Remorse, No Fear!
Senju Kazuto Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 25 years old birthday 03/20 rank Jōnin occupation ANBU Captain

"Hmmmm." Kazuto shitfted on his chair, bringing his fingers to support his chin in thought before he would turn to his student again. "What makes you think that is a bother to me?" The Senju finally asked, leaning forward, hands coming together as he smiled empathetically at her. If he were honest with himself, he probably wasn't the best person to deal with something like this, Miho had more tact that he could ever hope to amass, but if he was certain of anything was that he wasn't bothered when someone approached him to vent, specially someone that he held in esteem.

"Whatever you think about me, or about Miho, or my children." He began, considering his words carefully as he understood that he was trying to undo the armor that she had wore since she had taken her sojourn through the world. "Whatever you think about us, is that we love you." He added, raising from his seat to take a place next to her on the couch, still giving space to allow herself to feel comfortable. "We were saddened when you left, but we grew to understand and we held out hope you would return. We named our daughter after you in the hopes she would grow to be a kind and steadfast girl like you're."

He said all this, knowing that she probably would have gathered that much by herself, after all she was always a sharp and intuitive individual. "When you call me niisan, I feel happy, I know I'm not the brother you wanted... But I tried my best. I failed, I know I did. And for that I'm sorry. But I trained you since you were a small girl, I've seen you grown into a splendid woman. I thought you everything I know, and you will become a far better shinobi that I can ever hope to be. You're my pride Kazui, you're part of this family and I love you dearly." He said and reached for the top pf her head, neatly ruffling the onyx locks of hairs in a show of affectiom.








Harukei has written 2,175 posts
Overthought [Kazuto]Dec 22, 2023 12:18:49 GMT -5
Lady Kazui
The sun will always rise after the storm.
Lady Kazui Avatar
age 18 years old birthday December 25th rank Jōnin occupation Jōnin Hanchō | Head Commander of Root

Don’t just weather the storm.
Dance in it.

Kazui remained seated across from the Senju as he spoke. The young woman was silent the entire time, her gaze drifting towards the hardwood flooring as Kazuto’s words of affirmation resonated deeply within the girl’s spirit. She had no true reason to think that her problems would be a bother to the man, however it was just what she was used to. Kazui’s shoulders sank lower and lower in defeat the more that Kazuto continued along.

It was evident that the senju family loved Kazui, but there happened to be a disconnect somewhere along the way that caused her to distance herself. The misunderstanding with the situation concerning her biological brother, chasing his love and acceptance may have blinded her along the way. Sigh Kazui’s gaze returned to Kazuto.

"I apologize for leaving you guy’s behind, especially so abruptly. That wasn’t my intention..” She explained, straightening herself upright in her chair as she took a deep breath. "My heart yearned out for an actual family…so much so that I became blinded to the one that cared for me the most.” That family being Kazuto’s own, as well as the majority of the hidden leaf village. Despite knowing this Kazui still felt as if her journey was more a necessity for her own mental health and well being. She was faced with a lose lose situation.

"I am still very appreciative of you Kazuto, Miho as well. You accepted me with open arms, I could never question your love.” As she explained this to the man, a smile curled across her lips and any tension or stress that encumbered the Uchiha seemed to be lifted from her shoulders as her eyes averted towards the side.

"Besides..the reason I’m upset is..stupid.” Her focus returned to the Senju. "I thought I saw Reiashi..spending time with another woman..” She explained as her chippier demeanor quickly flattened and with a deep breath the woman’s shoulders would rise and fall slowly. "They were laughing and walking with one another…is he cheating on me?” She asked.

Always Passively Active:
NAME: Kagura Shingan [Kagura Mind's Eye]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu // Hijutsu
This ability allows the user to find, sense, and track individuals through their chakra over vast range that exceeds ten kilometers. This is done by focusing and opening the mind's eye, though due to the low chakra cost many users keep it active often. The ability also extends to telling when a person is lying from the fluctuations in a person's chakra made from dishonest emotions or detecting if someone, including the user, is under a genjutsu. Also by focusing on a particular chakra, the user can perceive its location and movement with great detail.

Little Know It All - Extreme Intelligence
It was no secret that Kazui was regarded as a scholar when she was in the academy. One of the smartest in her class, the Uchiha often found herself correcting and/or helping out people older than herself. Many considered her very intellectual then, but that was just only the surface of her potential. Now, the girl is regarded as a genius, her IQ is nothing to be taken lightly or to be taken for granted, even as a young chunin. The teen possesses amazing mental capacity, is able to concentrate flawlessly even in the heat of battle, can calculate things in her head with great speed, and is able to remember many things with perfect recollection, even if it’s just useless information that is meant to be disregarded. In addition to that, Kazui is very deductive, competent, and witted. Her mind is the most dangerous weapon she possesses for many reasons. The girl is highly alert, aware, and very analytical, and she is also very ingenious and is capable of thinking outside of the box as well. Not only is she capable of reading, analyzing, and breaking down a person’s fighting style, but she can also determine what kind of person they are just by the way they speak, the way they carry themselves, and their thoughts on certain things. While doing this, it’s incredibly difficult to deceive the girl, especially if one is not skilled in the art of deception. Furthermore, Kazui can formulate numerous plans to certain situations in mere seconds. She thinks 10 steps ahead, and always has a back up plan just incase.

Gone In The Wind - Blistering Speed
As a child, Kazui was born weaker than others. Her health conditions set the girl at a disadvantage physically since birth, however her constant effort and drive to become the best has pushed her far beyond many others the same rank as herself. Her speed is nothing to be taken lightly, she has pushed herself physically to be able to not only outpace her opponent, but outright force them into keeping up with her and pushing them to the brink with her speed as well. The girl is fast, quick, and agile, even rivaling those who dedicated their entire life to the art of taijutsu to the point where if they haven’t specifically honed their speed, then the girl could outright outclass them in that regard. Those with weak perception often have trouble perceiving the girl’s movements, and to a normal human’s eye perceiving her is nigh impossible. All of her movements are inhumanly quick and hard to keep track of, and when used in conjunction with her sharingan, it can make her a formidable opponent for even the strongest of shinobi.

The Minimalist - Chakra Control
There was a problem that Kazui noticed during her time in the academy and that was the fact that she often found herself tiring out and exhausting herself rather quickly, even when she had just started she could feel herself beginning to wilt. So to counter those measures, the girl studied and asked around, trying to find the reason behind it and if there was a way she could fix it. She wasn’t born with massive reserves so while she utilized her justus, she often did so wastefully. But now, the girl has managed to control the amount of chakra she uses in a technique that allows her to fight much longer than before. She uses the absolute bare minimum of the chakra that’s needed, and not a drop more.

Uchiha Bloodline: Two Tomoe Sharingan
Being born within the Uchiha clan, Kazui has been blessed and/or cursed with a power that only an Uchiha can possess and use to its complete and full potential when they have experienced extreme emotions that causes their chakra to pour into their optic nerves, gifting them with the Sharingan, also known as the eyes that reflect the heart. There are three stages to the sharingan, and it is tracked by the amount of tomoe that appears around an Uchiha’s pupil. One tomoe unlocks the eye of insight, it grants the user the ability to see chakra within an opponent or ally and it also gives an increase to the user’s perceptive abilities. Two tomoe grants the user the eye of hypnotism, while in turn increasing the previous abilities that the ‘Eye of Insight’ grants. The girl’s precognition and perception is heightened well beyond what’s achievable by even the most skilled and elite shinobi, allowing her more of a predictive insight on her opponent as well as the world around her. In terms of her being able to track extremely fast objects and people alike, the eye also allows a natural reactive ability that helps her respond more accurately than a single tomoe could ever allow. As for the ability to see chakra, with a second tomoe the smallest and most faint sources of chakra can easily be spotted by the eye without any issue at all. Assigning color and analyzing the flow of the chakra, Kazui can tell which nature is going to be used as well as where the chakra will be coming from.

The Eye of Hypnotism on the other hand is much different than the previous eye, it allows the girl the ability to cast and break genjutsu with no issue at all, in a way only the Uchiha are capable of. It also gives her access to a set of genjutsu only known to those who possess great visual prowess amongst the clan. These illusions are very powerful in nature and are some of the most dangerous known to the art, they are well beyond standard genjutsu, and in addition the illusions can be casted with just a single glare. Those who met her gaze will find themselves under her spell before they can even realize what happened.

Tiny Dancer - Elusiveness
Kazui is one quick girl, which isn’t hard to tell. Thanks to her training, the girl has amazing agility and reflexes that allow her to keep herself out of harms way. Even without her sharingan being active, Kazui possesses sharp perceptive abilities and reflexes that allows her to become an escape artist of some sort as well as a complete nuisance to those trying to fight her. The girl’s reaction speed is superb and not to be taken lightly as it is, however, when the dojutsu is active, taking into account the girl’s great speed and adding her keen reflexes into the mix, it’s capabilities are much more potent and useful to the Uchiha. With this, not only is Kazui capable of keeping track of even the most renowned speediest opponents and attacks, the girl is able to keep up with, and react to them as well with relative ease.

Wake Up To Reality - KME Genjutsu Prowess
As an Uchiha it is believed that Kazui and many of her clanmen were born with a natural affinity for the art of genjutsu, but of course none of it can ever come to fruition if there is no effort placed behind it. However, since she was constantly reminded by those around her about that fact, the girl began to focus on the art more than ever before.

Although her illusions do become much more elaborate, less flawed in a certain sense, and stronger, the true results come more in the form of defending herself against genjutsu. Her vast knowledge of the art as well as her training and extremely high sensory capabilities allow for the Uchiha’s escape efforts to be significantly stronger than it normally is, allowing her to free herself from genjutsu up to 1 rank above what she is typically capable of via the special ability granted to the Uchiha with The Sharingan’s genjutsu escape. It should be noted however that genjutsu reversal does not receive any additional boosts from this ability.

Sleight of Hand - Seals Master
As Kazui grew older and gained more experience and familiarity with the ninja arts, the girl’s chakra control had essentially been mastered along with her speed and accuracy with forming hand-seals. Countless of hours spent training, learning, and even creating new jutsu has made the girl grow familiar with every seal needed to perform any jutsu, every motion for every combination, her body absorbed and memorized - allowing her to flow through the motions with no given thought or effort. Her speed with forming these seals is insanely quick and precise, she’s even capable of stringing together the lengthiest combinations of hand seals and casting jutsu faster than most can even dream of keeping up with, making it appear as if she hadn’t even tried to use any hand-seals to begin with. Her vast knowledge and familiarity with sealing in addition to her refined chakra control has lead her to being able to utilize only a single hand to form a seal as well, though she only does this under certain circumstances.

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