Going Halvsies [Training]

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Going Halvsies [Training]Sept 20, 2023 17:48:40 GMT -5
Uchiha Miroru
Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!
Uchiha Miroru Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday 7/9 rank Chuunin occupation Jinchuuriki

Uchiha Miroru
Konohagakure No Sato
| 218 | notes



"... wah!"


"... CRUMBS."

Miroru plunked her gunbai, Arashi, into the earth of the grassy training field and sat down, planting her back against it, muttering to herself as she gripped her wrist and kneaded it slowly. This just wasn't going very well. She'd been out here on her own trying to make some progress with one handed seals for what felt like a small eternity, but which had really just been the morning so far. And no good. She was so used to using both hands that forming a halved seal just wasn't working very well.

And it was starting to get to her!

"Mrgh. Hrgnh. Stupid. Seals. Was it this hard to learn to do hand seals in the first place?! I don't remember it being this hard!" She muttered as she opened her bento to eat lunch and nommed on her riceball, frowning mightily at her snacks. "It can't be impossible. People do it. Not a lotta people, but enough! You kinda gotta be good at it to use weapons as a shinobi. Is this why so few shinobi use weapons?!"

"Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!"

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Threnody has written 1,186 posts
Going Halvsies [Training]Sept 21, 2023 8:33:58 GMT -5
Yamanaka Itsuki
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groupLeaf Shinobi
age 13 years old birthday 9/18 rank Chuunin occupation Barrier Corps

Yamanaka Itsuki

Sometimes, just sometimes and definitely not most of the time, it was like Itsuki and Miroru shared braincells. Having found his way over to the same training field as his friend completely unintentionally and in no way absently guided by her distinctive chakra presence in his sensory field, the Yamanaka watched as his friend pulled out something to snack on, her weapon beside her causing him to be equal parts amused and slightly irritated.

Copy cat. Not that she knew that.... oh well.

Circling around the training ground as sneakily as he could, Itsuki began creeping his way towards Miroru with a mind to surprise her. It would be tricky, because Miroru was excellent at such tactics, but she was clearly distracted by both food and a bad mood, which would give him an advantage in his endeavour. Stalk stalk, creep creep aaaaaand....

Silently leaping through the air, he would launch himself at Miroru's back, arms coming to wrap around her torso and enclose her in a hug that was equal parts friendly and difficult to get out of. If he was able to actually catch her of course, it wasn't like she was called Tricky Micky for nothing.

"Whatcha doin so grumpily Mi-chi?"

Word Count: 204
Tags: N/A
Training Count: 1/8
Eleri has written 411 posts
Going Halvsies [Training]Sept 21, 2023 10:12:58 GMT -5
Uchiha Miroru
Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!
Uchiha Miroru Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday 7/9 rank Chuunin occupation Jinchuuriki

Uchiha Miroru
Konohagakure No Sato
| 204 | notes
Perhaps there was, indeed, a shared pool of brain cells the two could access. It'd explain some of the mirrored activities the two undertook, sometimes without even consulting each other. But only Itsuki got to monitor those brain cells for use, so as he approached, she was none the wiser for his route towards her location.

She also, of course, had no idea that her new kit was infringing upon Itsuki copyrights for weapon concepts! Granted, it was a traditional weapon for her family, as well, but it didn't invalidate his irritation in the slightest.

The sneak attack was quite successful, drawing a shocked squawk out of the redhead and a fumbling grab to prevent her snacks from toppling! "H-HEY! BE MORE CAREFUL when there's snacks on the line!!!" She whined, setting her food aside and closing the bento as she did her best to relax again. "I'm tryin' to do the whole one handed thing again. It's super tough. I don't remember the two handed seals being this hard to pick up..."

"Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!"

Template by: Monkey
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Threnody has written 1,186 posts
Going Halvsies [Training]Sept 21, 2023 10:27:55 GMT -5
Yamanaka Itsuki
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Yamanaka Itsuki Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 13 years old birthday 9/18 rank Chuunin occupation Barrier Corps

Yamanaka Itsuki

Success! Swiping a snack before the bento could be closed, the smaller teen munched for a moment while Miroru explained her current dilemma, shaking his head slightly at the situation. It kinda figured she'd have jumped on the ability after he'd mentioned it to her, there was no way she was going to let such a useful trick slip away from her. It was a rare enough one that most people wouldn't expect it, and since she was clearly going to be using the same sort of weapon as him, well...

Shared braincell.

Still clinging to Miroru's back, Itsuki nodded slightly, "Yeah, it's a real tricky thing. It's kinda like learning a whole new language that uses the same alphabet as the one you do, but pronounces everything completely differently." At least, that had been his experience thus far, the Yamanaka having spent numerous days trying to refine the skill that he had first heard of from Kojirou-nii.

"Ne, ne, look though!" with that, he put his left hand around Miroru's waist and held it up near her chest at standard handseal height, his own chest pressed against his back as he moved through a series of half seals with fluidity, a single sphere of air launching out of his mouth and across the training ground. It dispersed before it could hit anything, and wasn't nearly as fast as his combat version of the technique, but it was fairly clear he had gotten further along in the whole one-handed seals thing.

Enough to start applying it to a jutsu at least.

Word Count: 261
Tags: N/A
Training Count: 2/8

Eleri has written 411 posts
Going Halvsies [Training]Sept 22, 2023 0:50:29 GMT -5
Uchiha Miroru
Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!
Uchiha Miroru Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday 7/9 rank Chuunin occupation Jinchuuriki

Uchiha Miroru
Konohagakure No Sato
| 223 | notes
"If I wanted to learn another language, I'd have applied for the Diplomatic Corps," groaned Miroru, leaning roughly back and forth as if flailing her whole body. "I just wanna do the thing! But with my fan! Is that so much to ask?!"

She paused as he called her attention, watching as he signed, and then burped up a bubble of air, and- she shrieked.

"YOU LITTLE NERD! You're leaving me behind! How could you?! What's your secret? Tell me the deets! I wanna do it too! It takes me like a thousand tries every time!" She demonstrated, flashing her seals as best she could, and-

Well, this time it worked, but she picked an AWFUL jutsu to try. One moment, they were both safe and well and dry. The next instant, water exploded up around them, utterly soaking the pair and gleefully swirling the bento box with its snacks a few dozen feet away.

"Th... that's supposed to let me control it..." She coughed out, soaked to the skin, like the rest of the clearing, now hosting a puddle a good two inches deep in all directions...

"Successfully" used Suishouha - [Water Release: Water Colliding Wave] .

"Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!"

Template by: Monkey
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Threnody has written 1,186 posts
Going Halvsies [Training]Sept 22, 2023 19:28:25 GMT -5
Yamanaka Itsuki
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groupLeaf Shinobi
age 13 years old birthday 9/18 rank Chuunin occupation Barrier Corps

Yamanaka Itsuki

"I'm sure the diplomatic corps would love to have you" he snarked back, the mental image of Miroru trying to be diplomatic enough to cause him to snicker. Yeah, that wouldn't go too well, not really. The redhead's shriek of faux fury was enough to have him flinging himself away because it was RIGHT IN HIS EAR, but the snickers turned into full fledge laughter as he landed a few feet away from his friend, he opened his mouth to taunt her...

And promptly swallowed a mouthful of water, his hair and clothes plastered to his body as he started hacking to try and clear his lungs from her failed attempt at a suiton jutsu. Having recently started growing his hair longer, the Yamanaka was forced to push his hair out of his face enough to even see once he had finished spitting up the last of the water, a wheezing breath the only sound coming from him for a moment.

"Mi-chi.... I don't think that was supposed to do that..." he coughed out, wringing water from his clothing as he tried to even his breathing out. "Just what the heck were you doing? Nothin' I tried ever backfired that badly! It either worked or it didn't, it didn't just.... detonate a whole lake everywhere!"

Really, he had no clue why Miroru had gotten that reaction, his own experiences had been partial success or failure, and Koji-nii was the same from what he had seen. Figures Miroru would be different in this too.

Word Count: 253
Tags: N/A
Training Count: 3/8

Eleri has written 411 posts
Going Halvsies [Training]Sept 22, 2023 19:39:55 GMT -5
Uchiha Miroru
Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!
Uchiha Miroru Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday 7/9 rank Chuunin occupation Jinchuuriki

Uchiha Miroru
Konohagakure No Sato
| ### | notes
"They'd be LUCKY to have me, more like! Hmpf!" Miroru declared, sniffing delicately at the implication they'd be cursed with her presence by sarcastic inference.

"I mean, it WASN'T..! It's supposed to let me control it and do stuff like swirl brats up into the vortex to swirl around and bully them! Or... y'know, just... drown'em, if I need to," she muttered, not as big a fan of the last part. "It's a lot harder to HOLD those effects when you do'em one handed... it did what it was supposed to," she admitted- which also implied that she'd simply PRODUCED all that water just like that. "- it was just the control part that flubbed."

She pushed her own sopping hair out of her face, squinting at Itsuki. "What about you? Didn't any of your jutsus sorta just- half-work? Or break down quick? If they didn't, that sounds... way more convenient. I'd much rather just have a clean "nope" or a firm "success" instead of messes like this..."

Maybe it was a difference in chakra pressure? Itsuki's was tightly controlled, and perhaps he simply kept his in check even in failure. Miroru's was under so much pressure, it was understandable even her failures would have some muscle behind them.

"Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!"

Template by: Monkey
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Threnody has written 1,186 posts
Going Halvsies [Training]Sept 22, 2023 20:52:44 GMT -5
Yamanaka Itsuki
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groupLeaf Shinobi
age 13 years old birthday 9/18 rank Chuunin occupation Barrier Corps

Yamanaka Itsuki

Green eyes just stared at Miroru for a few moments, the wet hair and sopping clothes making him look somewhat like a soaked bird with how slim he was, before his head cocked to the side slightly in consideration, trying to think about just what had happened exactly. He wasn't sure of course, it wasn't like this was an exact science, the two of them were trying to reverse engineer a concept with only the most basic idea of how it might work.

"I didn't exactly try any jutsu until I was pretty sure I had a good idea of what I was doing," he admitted, though that might have just been because the combo of his chakra control and sensory capabilties gave him the luxury of realising that things didn't work properly before he had tried them, "and then once I had a pretty good grasp of it, I did... well, what you saw."

Tugging at one of the damp braids of his hair, he also added another part "I kinda don't know many jutsu that require handseals... so I can't exactly practice with lots of them." He'd opted to focus on techniques that didn't necessarily require such obvious cues to use, preferring to surprise the heck outta anyone he fought.

Word Count: 212
Tags: N/A
Training Count: 4/8
Eleri has written 411 posts
Going Halvsies [Training]Sept 24, 2023 0:48:10 GMT -5
Uchiha Miroru
Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!
Uchiha Miroru Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday 7/9 rank Chuunin occupation Jinchuuriki

Uchiha Miroru
Konohagakure No Sato
| 292 | notes
"Oh." Miroru cleared her throat and glanced away, scratching at her neck with one finger, clearly embarrassed. "I just... sorta... try it til it works. I've got more than enough chakra to spare, so the failed attempts don't use up too much in the long run, and seeing -how- they fail gives me more insight into what I'm doing wrong. Failing to maintain control, using too much or too little chakra, forming the seals poorly..."

The redhead coughed and stood, wringing out the bottom half of her shirt with a scowl. "If I waited until I could do it 100% right, I'd never get anything right. I'm not as good at chakra manipulation as you are, Itsi-chi. I don't get to figure it all out before I try. I have to try a lot and mess up a lot and then it gets comfortable. It's... y'know... work."

Which was pretty on brand for her. She tended to earn her stripes by brute forcing her way past difficulties with determination and inexhaustible motivation (and chakra). She wasn't a good fighter because she was a natural, she was a good fighter because she'd LOST. Over and over and over. And the same went for her jutsus. She'd failed more jutsus than most people had used in their whole lives.

"I know some without many, or any, but those tend to be really brutal... but some are fun! Like Grind Wire! I can skate on lightning! As long as there's no metal or w-"

She went silent and looked around, sighing hard. "-ater..."

"Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!"

Template by: Monkey
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Threnody has written 1,186 posts
Going Halvsies [Training]Sept 24, 2023 21:02:23 GMT -5
Yamanaka Itsuki
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Yamanaka Itsuki Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 13 years old birthday 9/18 rank Chuunin occupation Barrier Corps

Yamanaka Itsuki

"Skate on lightning...." he sputtered, staring at his friend incredulously for long moments, "what the heck Mi-chi! Guess I really do gotta work out how to use Raiton huh..." he rubbed at his chin for a few moments, imagining just how cool it'd be to ride lightning around, though part of him was very glad Miroru wasn't silly enough to try it right now while they were standing toe deep in water. 

"You know, Hon-sensei called us Fujin and Raijin a couple of times, kinda starting to feel accurate," he joked, flipping through the seals for Vacuum sphere again with his left hand, very deliberately underpowering it while concentrating very carefully on the shape manipulation of the elemental jutsu, spitting out a stream of light air currents that would manage to reach Miroru and sorta... try to air dry her. He still didn't have a full grasp on using the jutsu with one handed seals that easily, and so couldn't quite set the power as well as he would like.

Better to be significantly underpowered than risk hurting her.

"Something Koji-nii suggested though, when he was telling me about it, was visualisation. Well, he didn't use those words, but he was trying to make lava shuriken, and he talked about how it helped to have a real shuriken visible for him to make it shaped right. And I found it easier to do when I imagined another hand with my left one forming the other half of the seal. It might help you too?" he offered.

Word Count: 256
Training Count: 5/8

Eleri has written 411 posts
Going Halvsies [Training]Sept 26, 2023 0:25:13 GMT -5
Uchiha Miroru
Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!
Uchiha Miroru Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday 7/9 rank Chuunin occupation Jinchuuriki

Uchiha Miroru
Konohagakure No Sato
| ### | notes
"You should! It's tons of fun! When... it's not... flooded," she admits bluntly, rubbing the back of her head. "It's just like. On the ground though. It's faster than running, but only a bit. Mostly it's just super cool."

"Aw yeh! That's awesome! Raijin! Hwa! Hya!" Miroru took a couple kabuki dance poses, hopping on one leg and splashing in the deep puddle as she did. "I'd make an awesome thunder god! Maybe we should get cool masks! That'd be neWAAAAAH!"

The gusts of wind might have been low powered, but it didn't take a lot of wind to flip skirts, and the well-meaning gesture left Miroru slapping at her sodden skirt as the wind did its best to do what it'd been told to do and air dry her!

"MAYBEVISUALIZENOTFLIPPINGMYSKIRT!!! FOR A START!" shrieked the redhead, kicking a big splash ineffectually towards him in retaliation. His idea did seem to resonate with her, though, and she gave it another shot, holding the fan in one hand and focusing a bit, closing her eyes and trying out the idea of imagining another hand made of chakra matching her own as she tried the seal.

This time, the jutsu worked! She plunged downwards and disappeared into the water, popping back up afterwards, cackling triumphantly and throwing a finger towards Itsuki in triumph! "That's it! That's the..."

She paused, noticing that there was another hand mimicking her movements. And a telltale golden glow around her arm, one she quickly dispersed with a strangled squawk as she realized she'd just completed her jutsu with a chakra arm instead of a normal one.

Sweating and clearing her throat nervously, she scratched her cheek in embarrassment. "... I... might... have imagined that other hand a bit too well..."

"Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!"

Template by: Monkey
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Threnody has written 1,186 posts
Going Halvsies [Training]Sept 26, 2023 8:57:33 GMT -5
Yamanaka Itsuki
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Yamanaka Itsuki Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 13 years old birthday 9/18 rank Chuunin occupation Barrier Corps

Yamanaka Itsuki

Sticking his tongue out at his friend, Itsuki just shook his head "you say that like I haven't seen your shorts before, you should know better than to wear a skirt to train if you don't wanna risk that sort of thing". He was completely unrepetant in this situation, it wasn't the first time they'd had a wardrobe malfunction and it wouldn't be the last. Heck, it barely registered as a problem in his mind.

With that thought in mind, the young Yamanaka grinned widely and went through the seals again, spitting out another deluge of gentle wind orbs that buffeted Miroru's face and head to make sure her hair got all nice and dry... and mostly really messed up. 

He watched with a raised eyebrow as Miroru tried to form the seals for a jutsu again, this time a weird... chakra arm thingy appearing to help her form the seal and successfully complete her jutsu. The fact that his friend could disappear into water and then reappear like that was actually a terrifying thought, but he shelved that nonsense away for another moment while he focused on what she had actually done.

"Well, it's progress right? You went from two real hands to one real and one made of chakra. That means next step is to move to the one handed seals" he encouraged, flipping through a couple of seals somewhat slowly with his left hand before shooting out a Kekkai: Yari at his friend, just to see if he could startle her into working it out.

Word Count: 258
Training Count: 6/8

Eleri has written 411 posts
Going Halvsies [Training]Sept 27, 2023 1:37:48 GMT -5
Uchiha Miroru
Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!
Uchiha Miroru Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday 7/9 rank Chuunin occupation Jinchuuriki

Uchiha Miroru
Konohagakure No Sato
| ### | notes
"That's not the poiiiiiiiiiiiiint!" Miroru whined, kicking water at him again without effect. "It's the principle of the thFFMMPMMPPHHPHHBNBBLLLLBBBBPPPPPBT" She sputtered and flailed, hair in her face and mouth as she was air dried, swinging her arms at nothing for a moment. "IZKI," she snapped, huffing frantically. "WARN. A GIRL. WOULDJA."

She fussed with her hair in a fruitless attempt to tame it back down and let out a frustrated huff after- followed by a helpless snicker. Then a giggle. "Ughhhhh. I must look like such a dweeb right now." Deeeeeep breath. Sigh. "Oh, well, let's just keep gooOOIIING?!?!?"

The redhead squealed in shock and threw her hand upwards, flashing a hand seal as she brought it down in a comical chop, bonking the spear with a Barrier Gauntlet, bopping it out of the way with a frantic smack!!! "WHAT DID I JUST SAY ABOUT WARNINGS?! You're gonna kill me with a heart attack if you don't run me through first!!!" Miroru shook her barrier'd fist at Itsuki without making a move to actually go after him.

"Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!"

Template by: Monkey
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Threnody has written 1,186 posts
Going Halvsies [Training]Sept 27, 2023 20:52:19 GMT -5
Yamanaka Itsuki
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Yamanaka Itsuki Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 13 years old birthday 9/18 rank Chuunin occupation Barrier Corps

Yamanaka Itsuki

"Life doesn't give warnings!" Itsuki crowed with laughter, keeping his eyes and his sensory skill open just in case she chose to retaliate, "besides that, Mi-chi, didn't you notice? You managed to do it, one handed seals, like I knew you could~" He'd figured that the redhead was either too focused on what she was doing, and that was what caused the weird chakra arm, or too unfocused and just... throwing chakra at the problem to see what would stick.

"And I knew you'd be fine, no way something like that was going to hit you" he added, nodding sagely. He couldn't imagine that his friend wouldn't be able to avoid or block such a simple jutsu, and ultimately it had succeeded in exactly what he wanted to achieve, so he was quite pleased.

"So, the real question then is, can you do it again on purpose?" he asked, "or can the 'dweeb' only manage it when I throw jutsu at her? That would be super inconvenient after all~" he teased, nose slightly in the air in challenge even though he knew he really shouldn't be challenging Miroru to anything. She could fold him like laundry any day of the week after all.

Word Count: 203
Training Count: 7/8

Eleri has written 411 posts
Going Halvsies [Training]Sept 28, 2023 22:20:33 GMT -5
Uchiha Miroru
Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!
Uchiha Miroru Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday 7/9 rank Chuunin occupation Jinchuuriki

Uchiha Miroru
Konohagakure No Sato
| 227 | notes
"A LOT of times, life gives warnings! The tide goes out before tsunamis, you can hear thunder from storms that haven't reached you, or behind mountains, animals scatter before earthquakes- don't gimme that "no warnings" nonsense, you're just rude!" Miroru protested, pointing a glowing finger at him. "And don't change the subject, young man, just because it worked doesn't mean you're not IT WORKED?!"

Miroru rounded back on herself and hooted in success, dancing a few splashy steps in the puddle, grinning brightly.

Challenged to do it again, Miroru thought for a second, and then smirked wickedly, flashing a single half-sign- one that spelled doom for Itsuki! In an instant, a half-dozen Miroru's, all armed with that huge paddle, all appeared and slammed their gunbai into the water with mischievous smirks!


The clones swung their fans and sent GUSHING waves of water cascading towards Itsuki, bringing to mind the words of a legendary Konoha Academy Student, Ryunida. Faced with the rest of the school armed with water ballons, they cried out that their assault would blot out the sun. To which he replied simply- "Then I shall swim in the shade~"

"Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!"

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Threnody has written 1,186 posts