Digging in Your Heels - Two [Mission]

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Digging in Your Heels - Two [Mission]Sept 23, 2023 4:41:55 GMT -5
Nakahara Ichī
Isn't Autumn the prettiest season?
Nakahara Ichī Avatar
groupGrass Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday September 10th rank Chunin occupation Jūdaime Kusa Lord



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]I will lead us to it. Definitely.

[attr="class","skullbody"]A second digsite within a week, Ichi was yet again supervising. Keeping to simple dress and relaxing over his long handled shovel, a gift from an uncle of his who farmed when he had heard his giant of a nephew was going to be doing a lot of construction around the nation, Ichi was content to watch. He had already been here since before dawn having been the one who had laid out the original lines that they were working inside of. Construction parameters were complicated off of maps after all, and while he was no genius in construction he more or less knew the blueprints for what they were doing like a farmer who could tell a good and bad stalk of wheat or rice by glancing over it. That was how he viewed it anyways.

He was rather aggravated, if he were honest with himself, as he had asked for his cousin, the recently minted and named Mantis Sage, Nakahara Yuushi, to help. He had instead sent a girl nearly the same age as them both, Sakiya Zisu, his apprentice sage to help in his stead. Ichi would have figured his cousin would love this after hearing the young man was no longer terminally ill, but no Ichi had no such luxury of catching up over basic shovel work. That was no reason to be mad at getting to spend time with the apprentice though, if Yuushi was fond of someone it usually meant they were of good character as it were.

Down below the boy the Ashigarou on the project were deep into work and chatting, laughing, getting through the slog with a grand level of enthusiasm. This was Nohara, this was the will of grass that he loved. It would always be there, it would never be gone forever, and no amount of scorched earth would ever change that for the young man.

[attr="class","skullinfo"]000 WORDS / @tags!!


[newclass=.skullhover]width:420px;-webkit-filter: grayscale(100%);filter: grayscale(100%);-webkit-transition:all 1s ease;transition:all 1s ease;-webkit-transition-delay:0.1s;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.skullimg]width:380px;height:200px;background-image:url(https://i.pinimg.com/originals/32/4d/20/324d205170561eb455fbc92fd8deab9e.gif); background-repeat:no-repeat;[/newclass]
[newclass=.skulltitle]font-family:verdana;font-weight:700;font-size:50px;position:relative;text-align:center;color:#e68d49;margin-top:-36px;margin-bottom:0px;text-shadow: -1px 0 black, 0 1px black, 1px 0 black, 0 -1px black;[/newclass]
[newclass=.skulloverlap]letter-spacing:1px;font-family:oswald;font-weight:200;font-size:9px;position:relative;text-align:center;margin-top:-0;margin-bottom:-5px;color:#e8e8e8;text-shadow: -1px 0 black, 0 1px black, 1px 0 black, 0 -1px black;[/newclass]
[newclass=.skullbody b]color:#ede8de;[/newclass]


Ichi's SA's and Techniques in Use:[break][break]

『Harvest Moon's Child』
Ichi was born to the Nakahara clan on the night of a Harvest Moon. Born with quite the green thumb he was assumed to be an inheritor of the clan's natural talents with plants. The roots ran deeper, however, as Ichi was born with a Kekkai Genkai, being a rare natural occurance of Wood Release outside of the Senju. In learning of this he has trained his kekkai to the best of his abilities. He is no master, seeing as he has no reference of Mokuton, but he has found a way to bring out techniques along side his own talents in a cohesive manner.

[Cosmetic Only: All Mokuton techniques Ichi uses appear as his favorite trees, though it has no real change as is.]

『Weaver of Wood』
Ichi was born with Mokuton, but he was not graced with the same level of chakra as the Senju would be in his situation. Being roughly average for an individual, Ichi instead focused on the skills his birth clan preferred. Practicing his medical skills, he has gained a higher quality of Chakra Control. Ichi is much less likely to leak chakra than the average shinobi because of this.

『The Festival's Atmosphere』
Having practiced his skills with extending his senses outwards with the use of mokuton chakra, Ichi is particularly adept at sensing life in an area. Capable of finding life through the very nature around people. Within [20 meters] Ichi is capable of passively sensing out plant and animal life in a general sense. Able to differentiate it between plant and animal, but no further. Unlike chakra sensory Ichi can not more or less readily sense others based on their chakra, but instead purely senses the 'vitality' in things, though even those with seemingly boundless vitality will read the same as the elderly or a newborn to him. Also unlike usually sensory to actively search out individuals Ichi requires Mokuton, or the use of his pipe (though using it makes his position much easier to locate), as a catalyst to extend his senses, only going out as far as the technique's range, or twice his passive range in case of the pipe. It is also notable that the deceased, and those that feign death in some fashion, as through a poison or a jutsu, are completely invisible to Ichi. Notably the furthest he can extend his senses is [100 meters].[break][break]

『Master of Festival Games』

Ichi is incredibly smart for someone his age, but he lacks the qualifications to be a scholar. This is because his intelligence is not found in understanding of principles and anything so magnificiently deep. It instead lies in his observational talents and ability to react to everything that is going on around him with an absolute calm. Being able to plan and act with just minute details to go off of, Ichi is best described as a schemer and a diplomat rather than a genius. This makes him perfect for roles that are heavy in Tactical and Diplomatic Decision Making, as he grasps larger images and can put together clues better than others. Effectively allowing him to take in the wider picture of everything going on and piece together practical responses in mere moments with little to no hesitation or error.
Toffee has written 297 posts
Digging in Your Heels - Two [Mission]Mar 29, 2024 3:32:24 GMT -5
Jūryoku Azusaki
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Jūryoku Azusaki Avatar
age 17 years old birthday rank Adv. Genin occupation
    What was likely assumed to be a basic mission, finished quickly enough, had seemingly turned into a chore, though not for Azusaki. One shinobi was sent for, another had managed to be sent, and given that he was now being sent in to help, he was far from the first choice. It wasn't as if it bothered him at all, he was the one who asked for "literally anything you have available", and this was what fell into his lap. A few items such as shovels and the like were suggested to be brought, but he knew well enough given the mission at hand he didn't need anything more than the skills he was born with and had since trained. 

    Why bring a shovel when you can not only manipulate the earth but pick it up and sling it out of the way? Showing up in the same clothes he always wore, he was a bit surprised to see just how out of place he looked, but equally surprising was seeing the Lord of Kusa there, likely waiting for him or just as likely overseeing the project, but was this the other person who was there waiting for him the mission mentioned? Why hadn't it mentioned it was Lord Ichi of all people?

    Clearing his throat he walked up, hands in his pockets before pulling them out and giving a respectful bow when he had grabbed the Lord's attention.

"I'm Jūryoku Azusaki, Lord Ichi. I'm here to help with whatever it is you need help with. Just point me to what earth needs moving and this shouldn't be too hard."
Sprinkles has written 73 posts
Digging in Your Heels - Two [Mission]Apr 3, 2024 16:07:50 GMT -5
Futago Kumori
"Walk tall and carry a big sword."
Futago Kumori Avatar
groupGrass Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday September 16th 1005 rank Adv. Genin occupation Gate Guard
Kumori herself seems to have arrived somewhat late, since she's not the first person there. At least she recognizes both of the other shinobi that had arrived before her, so she knows she's not performing the mission entirely among strangers. The Kusagakure kunoichi is still wearing her classic cheongsam, but had decided against the usual armor she'd have worn in a typical dangerous mission, or at least one where she was expecting combat. She had her more simple greatsword with her as well, rather than Osorubeki; after all, such a sword was a treasure for her, and she knows that this mission will not likely involve combat at all, although she's certain to get some sweat in, judging by the summary she'd been given.

She also arrives with a pair of pickaxes, and she can see that Azusaki has brought along shovels, and both are very necessary tools for the job of clearing out a mine and opening it up underground. She just has to wonder about what they'll be using in order to brace the cavern and ensure that it won't collapse on top of them, which is the real danger that the mission is likely to have. For now, though, she simply places the pickaxes down on the ground, letting the handles stick straight up while the heads are used like an anchor to keep them upright and easy to grab up while she gives the Kusagakure Lord a smile. Kumori had been quite busy with a few of the other building renovation missions, but she was really quite happy to be getting more work done for the improvement of Nohara no Hi.

"Ah, hello my Lord. Hello Azusaki. Are there any additional parameters for this mission that we should keep in mind while we work on expanding this cavern?"
Babs has written 138 posts
Digging in Your Heels - Two [Mission]Apr 11, 2024 21:26:42 GMT -5
Nakahara Ichī
Isn't Autumn the prettiest season?
Nakahara Ichī Avatar
groupGrass Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday September 10th rank Chunin occupation Jūdaime Kusa Lord



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]I will lead us to it. Definitely.

[attr="class","skullbody"]A smile crept up his lips at the sound of two more joining the dig. He had been acquainted to Kumori before, and whether they realized it or not he knew both intimately from the files of their work. Having been the Ninth's assistant before taking the role of leader himself Ichi had made sure to make use of his time to learn more about all of his village's shinobi. They only numbered in the tens of thousands compared to most nations after all. Turning towards the two his smile turned into a grin as the unnatural calm seemed to fill the air of the area above the digsite where the three stood. Taking a look over both of his village's prospectives for chunin, Ichi would clap his hands together.

"Ah a pleasant surprise to have more come to join us here. Welcome to the party Azusaki-Kun, Kumori-Chan. This should be a simple enough mission, assuming nothing strange happens we are hoping to have a tunnel starting down another 40 meters today, but for today what I want both of you to focus on is getting out as much as you can from this. I should be doing most of the heavy lifting for about an hour, or two, and from there it will be mostly just physical labor I will be overseeing instead," Ichi would state with his grin never falling. Taking a hit from the pipe that seemed permanently in hand for the young lord he would empty the remains of his bowl into a jar that would get left with the shovel as he waved them over and down the nearly 10 meter tall ledge and to the work site. Whistling out the Ashigaru's captains knew it was time for them to break as Ichi took to the center with his genin companions should they have followed.

Beginning to weave handseals in a methodical fashion Ichi would speak again in an exhale of smoke, "Its about to get very messy for a bit, focus on self-growth while I mostly upheave the area alright? Otherwise your job is luckily just digging," Ichi would state as the lumbering giant of a young man would finish the last handseal and place his hands to the ground. The earth rumbling below as long roots began to explode upwards and wriggle and wrap over one another starting a bit away from the two genin and Ichi himself. Seeming relaxed the roots moved at Ichi's will, what the other two could see would be massive lumbering roots taking to the ground and scrapping against it before finding its way under the earth. Ichi pushing to have the barrier push deeper, to extend the entire time.

[attr="class","skullinfo"]000 WORDS / @tags!!


[newclass=.skullhover]width:420px;-webkit-filter: grayscale(100%);filter: grayscale(100%);-webkit-transition:all 1s ease;transition:all 1s ease;-webkit-transition-delay:0.1s;[/newclass]
[newclass=.skullhover:hover]-webkit-filter: grayscale(0%);filter: grayscale(0%)-webkit-transition:all 1s ease;transition:all 1s ease;[/newclass]
[newclass=.skullimg]width:380px;height:200px;background-image:url(https://i.pinimg.com/originals/32/4d/20/324d205170561eb455fbc92fd8deab9e.gif); background-repeat:no-repeat;[/newclass]
[newclass=.skulltitle]font-family:verdana;font-weight:700;font-size:50px;position:relative;text-align:center;color:#e68d49;margin-top:-36px;margin-bottom:0px;text-shadow: -1px 0 black, 0 1px black, 1px 0 black, 0 -1px black;[/newclass]
[newclass=.skulloverlap]letter-spacing:1px;font-family:oswald;font-weight:200;font-size:9px;position:relative;text-align:center;margin-top:-0;margin-bottom:-5px;color:#e8e8e8;text-shadow: -1px 0 black, 0 1px black, 1px 0 black, 0 -1px black;[/newclass]
[newclass=.skullbody b]color:#ede8de;[/newclass]


Ichi's SA's and Techniques in Use:[break][break]

『Harvest Moon's Child』
Ichi was born to the Nakahara clan on the night of a Harvest Moon. Born with quite the green thumb he was assumed to be an inheritor of the clan's natural talents with plants. The roots ran deeper, however, as Ichi was born with a Kekkai Genkai, being a rare natural occurance of Wood Release outside of the Senju. In learning of this he has trained his kekkai to the best of his abilities. He is no master, seeing as he has no reference of Mokuton, but he has found a way to bring out techniques along side his own talents in a cohesive manner.

[Cosmetic Only: All Mokuton techniques Ichi uses appear as his favorite trees, though it has no real change as is.]

『Weaver of Wood』
Ichi was born with Mokuton, but he was not graced with the same level of chakra as the Senju would be in his situation. Being roughly average for an individual, Ichi instead focused on the skills his birth clan preferred. Practicing his medical skills, he has gained a higher quality of Chakra Control. Ichi is much less likely to leak chakra than the average shinobi because of this.

『The Festival's Atmosphere』
Having practiced his skills with extending his senses outwards with the use of mokuton chakra, Ichi is particularly adept at sensing life in an area. Capable of finding life through the very nature around people. Within [20 meters] Ichi is capable of passively sensing out plant and animal life in a general sense. Able to differentiate it between plant and animal, but no further. Unlike chakra sensory Ichi can not more or less readily sense others based on their chakra, but instead purely senses the 'vitality' in things, though even those with seemingly boundless vitality will read the same as the elderly or a newborn to him. Also unlike usually sensory to actively search out individuals Ichi requires Mokuton, or the use of his pipe (though using it makes his position much easier to locate), as a catalyst to extend his senses, only going out as far as the technique's range, or twice his passive range in case of the pipe. It is also notable that the deceased, and those that feign death in some fashion, as through a poison or a jutsu, are completely invisible to Ichi. Notably the furthest he can extend his senses is [100 meters].[break][break]

『Master of Festival Games』

Ichi is incredibly smart for someone his age, but he lacks the qualifications to be a scholar. This is because his intelligence is not found in understanding of principles and anything so magnificiently deep. It instead lies in his observational talents and ability to react to everything that is going on around him with an absolute calm. Being able to plan and act with just minute details to go off of, Ichi is best described as a schemer and a diplomat rather than a genius. This makes him perfect for roles that are heavy in Tactical and Diplomatic Decision Making, as he grasps larger images and can put together clues better than others. Effectively allowing him to take in the wider picture of everything going on and piece together practical responses in mere moments with little to no hesitation or error.
last edit by Nakahara Ichī on Apr 11, 2024 21:27:51 GMT -5
Toffee has written 297 posts
Digging in Your Heels - Two [Mission]Apr 11, 2024 23:42:04 GMT -5
Jūryoku Azusaki
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Jūryoku Azusaki Avatar
age 17 years old birthday rank Adv. Genin occupation
"Good to see you again, Kumori. Hopefully no manure to shovel this time, eh?"

    He wouldn't planning on getting knee deep in dirt if he didn't need to, but knew well enough he could at least make this easier for everyone else and that alone would make a big difference. They were both at least somewhat aware of his abilities, even if they were still limited in focus, so he didn't have to explain too much and just wait to be pointed in a specific direction. His eyes moved between Ichi and Kumori, a strange feeling here with two people near his age, yet one far above his status in the village. To think the Kage was only a few years older, it constantly gave him hope he could do something equally as great in such a short amount of time. If he had to get there by shovel dirt and manure, then at least he'd hope to not have to do it for too long.

    Following Ichi down, he made sure to motion for Kumori, even if she was following as well, and as they reached their destination he took a deep breath and exhaled loudly.

"Let me see if I can't make this easier on us all from the start."

    Creating two simple handseals, the weight of objects around him in a fifteen meter radius lightened considerably, to the point of causing lighter objects to float.

NAME: Uku [Float]
CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low, Very Low (Drain)
HANDSEALS: 2 - Bird, Hare

A sphere of gravity surrounds the user fifty feet (15 meters) outward. In this zone, objects that don’t weight very much will get picked up by the reduction in gravity. The user will have no control over where things go, but they will float. This jutsu has no effect on humans.

"This should make digging and moving much easier. Don't worry, it won't effect any of you. So, if you dig, I can very easily haul dirt out of the way, and it should be much easier to dig. Just be careful, if I have to move further away things will get heavier instantly."

Sprinkles has written 73 posts
Digging in Your Heels - Two [Mission]Apr 12, 2024 9:59:26 GMT -5
Futago Kumori
"Walk tall and carry a big sword."
Futago Kumori Avatar
groupGrass Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday September 16th 1005 rank Adv. Genin occupation Gate Guard
Kumori gives Azusaki a smile as he expresses a hope that they won't be shoveling manure around this time, showing him her agreement with this assessment. She didn't think there should be much worry for manure in a mining cavern, but one could never be completely sure. Being Genin, their work could realistically include almost anything in order to make the job easier for the miners and their overseers. At least Ichi makes it clear that they will be engaging in expanding the tunnel to a distance of about forty meters, though it seems that they'll be expected to focus on self-improvement as well as on the manual labor in order to get the job done. The kunoichi was fine with this; she'd trained on her strength for quite a long time, and now she had quite an impressive level of strength, or at least she thought it was impressive.

She follows Ichi into the tunnel, a bit surprised to be pulled a bit closer to Azusaki as he explains that he'll be using his old Gravity Release tricks again to make things lighter. It was sure to make the job far easier for all of them, and she smiles at him with appreciation. Before she can verbalize her gratitude for the use of this technique, she feels the earth rumble around them before roots grow through the earth, tearing it apart the way only strong arboreal roots can, and she watches with amazement as stone and earth becomes so much dirt, crushed and ripped apart by the growing tree roots. Kumori makes a mental note not to disappoint their Lord if she can help it, gulping once before she refocuses on her task, reaching forwards to drag that dirt from where the roots have left behind crushed stone and moved earth, finding the task far easier thanks to the fact that the dirt is loosened and lighter because of the jutsu being used to lighten everything around Azusaki.
Babs has written 138 posts
Digging in Your Heels - Two [Mission]Jun 24, 2024 7:03:25 GMT -5
Nakahara Ichī
Isn't Autumn the prettiest season?
Nakahara Ichī Avatar
groupGrass Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday September 10th rank Chunin occupation Jūdaime Kusa Lord



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]I will lead us to it. Definitely.

[attr="class","skullbody"]It was in moments like this that Ichi was able to best remind not just himself, but others that the extents of his personal endeavors did bear fruit. While not powerful in a traditional sense of might and strength Ichi's techniques were expansive, and size came with its own kind of quality that did not translate always to offense. Tangle the Roots of a Tree was one of the more mixed results he had had as far as barriers were concerned. The ever growing mass of what looked like endless tree roots burrowing deeper and deeper yet into the stone before the group of workers. The earth parting as his skill reached its natural edge, and then was pushed to continue, deeper, and deeper. Ichi focusing his control over the massive swell of chakra that the technique devoured to direct its growth to reach full fruition onto the world.

Feeling the weight of the immediate area lighten seemingly relaxing the massive man who was strained to push his own limits. A lord could only expect to be allowed to stay a genin for so long before they were set back in an indefinite fashion. Smiling with his eyes closed Ichi would speak, "The dirt and stone will be pushing back this way, please be ready for it to arrive and begin transporting it. I can only use this to brute force our progress for so long."

That was all he could manage for diverged attention as he focused back on the earth and his massive root system. The earth tremored as Ichi had called for and a sudden almost muscle like flex of the roots began dragging stone and dirt back in mass towards the two genin and the team of Ashigaru. They would need to dig and press the earth back up the tunnel in quick order as it seemed like it was going to simply be ever-coming as long as Ichi was using his technique.

[attr="class","skullinfo"]000 WORDS / @tags!!


[newclass=.skullhover]width:420px;-webkit-filter: grayscale(100%);filter: grayscale(100%);-webkit-transition:all 1s ease;transition:all 1s ease;-webkit-transition-delay:0.1s;[/newclass]
[newclass=.skullhover:hover]-webkit-filter: grayscale(0%);filter: grayscale(0%)-webkit-transition:all 1s ease;transition:all 1s ease;[/newclass]
[newclass=.skullimg]width:380px;height:200px;background-image:url(https://i.pinimg.com/originals/32/4d/20/324d205170561eb455fbc92fd8deab9e.gif); background-repeat:no-repeat;[/newclass]
[newclass=.skulltitle]font-family:verdana;font-weight:700;font-size:50px;position:relative;text-align:center;color:#e68d49;margin-top:-36px;margin-bottom:0px;text-shadow: -1px 0 black, 0 1px black, 1px 0 black, 0 -1px black;[/newclass]
[newclass=.skulloverlap]letter-spacing:1px;font-family:oswald;font-weight:200;font-size:9px;position:relative;text-align:center;margin-top:-0;margin-bottom:-5px;color:#e8e8e8;text-shadow: -1px 0 black, 0 1px black, 1px 0 black, 0 -1px black;[/newclass]
[newclass=.skullbody b]color:#ede8de;[/newclass]


Ichi's SA's and Techniques in Use:[break][break]

『Harvest Moon's Child』
Ichi was born to the Nakahara clan on the night of a Harvest Moon. Born with quite the green thumb he was assumed to be an inheritor of the clan's natural talents with plants. The roots ran deeper, however, as Ichi was born with a Kekkai Genkai, being a rare natural occurance of Wood Release outside of the Senju. In learning of this he has trained his kekkai to the best of his abilities. He is no master, seeing as he has no reference of Mokuton, but he has found a way to bring out techniques along side his own talents in a cohesive manner.

[Cosmetic Only: All Mokuton techniques Ichi uses appear as his favorite trees, though it has no real change as is.]

『Weaver of Wood』
Ichi was born with Mokuton, but he was not graced with the same level of chakra as the Senju would be in his situation. Being roughly average for an individual, Ichi instead focused on the skills his birth clan preferred. Practicing his medical skills, he has gained a higher quality of Chakra Control. Ichi is much less likely to leak chakra than the average shinobi because of this.

『The Festival's Atmosphere』
Having practiced his skills with extending his senses outwards with the use of mokuton chakra, Ichi is particularly adept at sensing life in an area. Capable of finding life through the very nature around people. Within [20 meters] Ichi is capable of passively sensing out plant and animal life in a general sense. Able to differentiate it between plant and animal, but no further. Unlike chakra sensory Ichi can not more or less readily sense others based on their chakra, but instead purely senses the 'vitality' in things, though even those with seemingly boundless vitality will read the same as the elderly or a newborn to him. Also unlike usually sensory to actively search out individuals Ichi requires Mokuton, or the use of his pipe (though using it makes his position much easier to locate), as a catalyst to extend his senses, only going out as far as the technique's range, or twice his passive range in case of the pipe. It is also notable that the deceased, and those that feign death in some fashion, as through a poison or a jutsu, are completely invisible to Ichi. Notably the furthest he can extend his senses is [100 meters].[break][break]

『Master of Festival Games』

Ichi is incredibly smart for someone his age, but he lacks the qualifications to be a scholar. This is because his intelligence is not found in understanding of principles and anything so magnificiently deep. It instead lies in his observational talents and ability to react to everything that is going on around him with an absolute calm. Being able to plan and act with just minute details to go off of, Ichi is best described as a schemer and a diplomat rather than a genius. This makes him perfect for roles that are heavy in Tactical and Diplomatic Decision Making, as he grasps larger images and can put together clues better than others. Effectively allowing him to take in the wider picture of everything going on and piece together practical responses in mere moments with little to no hesitation or error.
Toffee has written 297 posts
Digging in Your Heels - Two [Mission]Jun 30, 2024 9:37:39 GMT -5
Jūryoku Azusaki
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Jūryoku Azusaki Avatar
age 17 years old birthday rank Adv. Genin occupation
    Acting as a sort of reverse assembly line, Ichi was clearing the dirt more than either he or Kumori could, and as he pushed the dirt outward, the two Genin were there to move it completely clear. In truth manual labor wasn't his strong suit, but more hands meant quicker work, and there was a simply way to make things go smoother. One handseal after another, Azu started to create a few earth clones to spread out the work of transporting the earth and stone away. Both clones were a bit stronger than he was anyways, and they didn't get tired in the same way, leaving him to stay in the center of the group to keep up his jutsu.

Name: Iwa Bunshin no Jutsu - [Rock Clone Technique] x2

"My clones can move stuff around better than I can, so just point them where you want them, Kumori."

    He did his best to stay close to Ichi, as even a bit of movement could loosen the dirt and stone enough to make it lighter, making Ichi's job far easier. Given the distance his jutsu spread, it would at least given enough room for both the digging and the actual moving of everything back out of the tunnel.

"Is there anything more I can do? I don't want to move too far from you guys. My range for this jutsu is only about fifteen meters, but I can try to extend it if need be."

Sprinkles has written 73 posts
Digging in Your Heels - Two [Mission]Jul 1, 2024 10:15:56 GMT -5
Futago Kumori
"Walk tall and carry a big sword."
Futago Kumori Avatar
groupGrass Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday September 16th 1005 rank Adv. Genin occupation Gate Guard
The black-haired kunoichi focuses on her job when she can see Ichi looking back towards them and warning them that they're about to have to worry about the dirt and stone that will undoubtedly be falling back towards them. She plants her feet firmly so she can be prepared to catch and guide it as well as she can with her own physical speed and strength, although she's a bit surprised at the use of Earth Release clones from Azusaki. She gives him another bit of a smile when he states that the clones are better for moving stuff around than he is and that she can point them where she wants them.

"Thanks Azusaki, Lord Ichi."

With herself being given the freedom to help by directing the clones and the ashigaru to an extent, she has the workers set up to carry the debris backwards, so that it can be deposited quickly outside of the cave that they're turning into a tunnel with a surprising level of speed, thanks to Ichi's Wood Release and Anzusaki's gravity shifting to make the refuse easier for them to catch and guide back. While the gravity becomes a bit more difficult for the next foot soldiers outside of the gravity range, she figures they actually need it right here, where they have to catch the stuff rather than just handing it back.

"I think we'll be fine back here, Azusaki. Keep an eye on our Kusa Lord!"
Babs has written 138 posts
Digging in Your Heels - Two [Mission]Jul 30, 2024 23:56:16 GMT -5
Nakahara Ichī
Isn't Autumn the prettiest season?
Nakahara Ichī Avatar
groupGrass Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday September 10th rank Chunin occupation Jūdaime Kusa Lord



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]I will lead us to it. Definitely.

[attr="class","skullbody"]It was all good progress as far as Ichi was concerned. The continued motion of his roots, and the work of his village's two genin and their foot troop was quickly making progress through the unheaval of dirt that the young lord was causing to appear. His roots digging ever deeper in his own feeling as he pushed them. His chakra pool struggled to accommodate the massive technique as it dug for close to half an hour. The stilled giant concentrated purely on his task like one would think he was simply enjoying tea at a shop. The expression on his face tranquil despite the internal control of his chakra demanding his attention.

As the minutes continued to pass, Ichi would exhale a deep shuttered breath and break his contact to the earth. His pool as empty as was plausible for him at this point. Standing up with a stretch he would look around him and the situation as it were in more detail then his sensory had been giving him before, observing his genin as he stood. They're work important given what they were having to do. They had been doing well, assisting the ashigaru and moving the labor along with great success.

"Great work so far today everyone. Please continue your work, given how much loose dirt my barrier managed to make we should be able to stop early today at the rate everyone is going. Should only be two more hours at this rate, which is more then exceptional!" Ichi would call as he produced his pipe from his sleeve and a match, lighting the end of his pipe to take a drag off of it. The roots withering away as he has stopped feeding the particular barrier. Most of his techniques were more... permanent then this, but not Tangle. He had created something that needed to disappear with time, and the easiest way to do that was to leave a hole for it to wither in the jutsu on purpose. It had been how he had learned to close the hole on his other personal barriers in his decade of researching them.

[attr="class","skullinfo"]000 WORDS / @tags!!


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[newclass=.skullbody b]color:#ede8de;[/newclass]


Ichi's SA's and Techniques in Use:[break][break]

『Harvest Moon's Child』
Ichi was born to the Nakahara clan on the night of a Harvest Moon. Born with quite the green thumb he was assumed to be an inheritor of the clan's natural talents with plants. The roots ran deeper, however, as Ichi was born with a Kekkai Genkai, being a rare natural occurance of Wood Release outside of the Senju. In learning of this he has trained his kekkai to the best of his abilities. He is no master, seeing as he has no reference of Mokuton, but he has found a way to bring out techniques along side his own talents in a cohesive manner.

[Cosmetic Only: All Mokuton techniques Ichi uses appear as his favorite trees, though it has no real change as is.]

『Weaver of Wood』
Ichi was born with Mokuton, but he was not graced with the same level of chakra as the Senju would be in his situation. Being roughly average for an individual, Ichi instead focused on the skills his birth clan preferred. Practicing his medical skills, he has gained a higher quality of Chakra Control. Ichi is much less likely to leak chakra than the average shinobi because of this.

『The Festival's Atmosphere』
Having practiced his skills with extending his senses outwards with the use of mokuton chakra, Ichi is particularly adept at sensing life in an area. Capable of finding life through the very nature around people. Within [20 meters] Ichi is capable of passively sensing out plant and animal life in a general sense. Able to differentiate it between plant and animal, but no further. Unlike chakra sensory Ichi can not more or less readily sense others based on their chakra, but instead purely senses the 'vitality' in things, though even those with seemingly boundless vitality will read the same as the elderly or a newborn to him. Also unlike usually sensory to actively search out individuals Ichi requires Mokuton, or the use of his pipe (though using it makes his position much easier to locate), as a catalyst to extend his senses, only going out as far as the technique's range, or twice his passive range in case of the pipe. It is also notable that the deceased, and those that feign death in some fashion, as through a poison or a jutsu, are completely invisible to Ichi. Notably the furthest he can extend his senses is [100 meters].[break][break]

『Master of Festival Games』

Ichi is incredibly smart for someone his age, but he lacks the qualifications to be a scholar. This is because his intelligence is not found in understanding of principles and anything so magnificiently deep. It instead lies in his observational talents and ability to react to everything that is going on around him with an absolute calm. Being able to plan and act with just minute details to go off of, Ichi is best described as a schemer and a diplomat rather than a genius. This makes him perfect for roles that are heavy in Tactical and Diplomatic Decision Making, as he grasps larger images and can put together clues better than others. Effectively allowing him to take in the wider picture of everything going on and piece together practical responses in mere moments with little to no hesitation or error.
Toffee has written 297 posts
Digging in Your Heels - Two [Mission]Aug 1, 2024 12:39:39 GMT -5
Jūryoku Azusaki
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Jūryoku Azusaki Avatar
age 17 years old birthday rank Adv. Genin occupation
    Despite his little movement and physical stress, keeping this up consistently was actually tiring. Standing still for a long period of time was also not as easy as it would seem, as it used a whole different set of muscles that most shinobi didn't train when usually running and jumping in contrast. The more the others dug and moved the dirt out, the longer away they were having to travel, and each time they moved further he strained to force his gravity field to accommodate. He was already past his max comfortable range, so now it was a matter of forcing it to stretch, which was no easy feat.

    It was getting to the point he had to bring back one of his clones to keep an eye on him, making sure he wouldn't push himself too far, leaving only one rock clone moving back and forth. His clones were becoming an entire different issue individually, as they were built for taking damage and taking punishment, not for manual labor over this span of time. They simply didn't have stamina like this, and were at their own limits. As Azusaki began to push now a matter at a time past his range, one of his clones looked to be physically holding onto him, which did in a way help keep his balance, but helped release the physical strain of having to stand. Rarely did standing seem like a straining prospect, but having to do so for hours, while holding a jutsu like this, was pushing his still relatively untrained genin body.
Sprinkles has written 73 posts
Digging in Your Heels - Two [Mission]Aug 3, 2024 10:17:58 GMT -5
Futago Kumori
"Walk tall and carry a big sword."
Futago Kumori Avatar
groupGrass Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday September 16th 1005 rank Adv. Genin occupation Gate Guard
Kumori, in contrast to the two men in the tunnel, was a flurry of activity, both in moving the rocks and dirt while the gravity well of Azusaki was still helping to loosen the stuff from the walls and the ground and making it easier for her to move it back to the ashigaru who would have to push it the rest of the way out of the tunnel. She also seems to be one of the least bothered by the physical activity, as her strength and speed are great enough that she can get things moved about far easier than if she were simply waiting for the ashigaru to do their work.

She's a bit surprised to see the roots already decaying into nothing rather than continuing their work, and she assumes that the help from their Lord's tree roots is over for now, but almost all of the work is already done. There's very little that still needs to be completed for the tunnel to reach its destination, and although Ichi gives an estimation of two hours, the ravenette Genin redoubles her efforts, pushing rock and stone back herself if the ashigaru become sluggish in their work. Kumori is the type to think that leading from the front is sometimes the best, and although it was nice to have the soldiers directed by her, she knows that seeing her work hard as well was going to motivate them to put in that much more effort in order to not be shown up by her. She'd used a similar method to get the ashigaru working hard back on the island when she'd been with Ichi before, and having seen how effective this method was, she felt it necessary to take part in the work herself.

She can see that Azusaki is straining himself to keep the gravity jutsu going, and even pushing its range, getting so exhausted that he's having to rely on one of his earth clones to be able to keep himself upright, and she worries about him for a moment, but returns her attention to her work; if the gravity well isn't going to last much longer, she has to focus on the larger and heavier rocks and get them out of the tunnel first, and she's quick to get her hands on them. The really large ones will have to be rolled out of the tunnel, but the work is being done far faster than if the ashigaru had to do all the work themselves.
Babs has written 138 posts
Digging in Your Heels - Two [Mission]Aug 3, 2024 17:32:25 GMT -5
Nakahara Ichī
Isn't Autumn the prettiest season?
Nakahara Ichī Avatar
groupGrass Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday September 10th rank Chunin occupation Jūdaime Kusa Lord



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]I will lead us to it. Definitely.

[attr="class","skullbody"]Watching the youth of his village work with the well-disciplined hands of the land's people. Something about that site was always amazing to the gentle giant from the hidden grass. A smile on his face as he smoked on his pipe. He needed to at least observe properly if he wasn't capable of doing more, and he really wasn't in this state. His body in every way, despite its size, lagged behind even Azusaki. A young man of similar skillsets to him, completely unfocused to the realm of the physical fighter. That wasn't to say he was useless, but Ichi certainly lagged far behind comparatively.

As time passed in the tunnel the group reached the line of distance that they had been needing to reach today and it was here that Ichi would smile and begin to call out to the group, "Alright everyone, I believe that'll wrap up for today. It has been more then enough progress for us to work with for later. Lets head out for the time being and rest up shall we? From the bottom of my heart, tha-"

A crumbling noise started to sound from behind the group as the area in the very back of the tunnel that they could see caved in, down here nearly 30 meters into the ground a hole dark as night opened. A cavern? Or a cave system? Under the village... Ichi gained an idea, but also a horrible feeling in his chest. They needed to leave for now, and the fact that he could tell whatever was there, something that was there, was looking to them made him straighten and his face lost its calmness in place of a sterner tactical mask as he waited for his following order to begin to be followed to exit with the group, "Everyone out. Now."

[attr="class","skullinfo"]000 WORDS / @tags!!


[newclass=.skullhover]width:420px;-webkit-filter: grayscale(100%);filter: grayscale(100%);-webkit-transition:all 1s ease;transition:all 1s ease;-webkit-transition-delay:0.1s;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.skullimg]width:380px;height:200px;background-image:url(https://i.pinimg.com/originals/32/4d/20/324d205170561eb455fbc92fd8deab9e.gif); background-repeat:no-repeat;[/newclass]
[newclass=.skulltitle]font-family:verdana;font-weight:700;font-size:50px;position:relative;text-align:center;color:#e68d49;margin-top:-36px;margin-bottom:0px;text-shadow: -1px 0 black, 0 1px black, 1px 0 black, 0 -1px black;[/newclass]
[newclass=.skulloverlap]letter-spacing:1px;font-family:oswald;font-weight:200;font-size:9px;position:relative;text-align:center;margin-top:-0;margin-bottom:-5px;color:#e8e8e8;text-shadow: -1px 0 black, 0 1px black, 1px 0 black, 0 -1px black;[/newclass]
[newclass=.skullbody b]color:#ede8de;[/newclass]


Ichi's SA's and Techniques in Use:[break][break]

『Harvest Moon's Child』
Ichi was born to the Nakahara clan on the night of a Harvest Moon. Born with quite the green thumb he was assumed to be an inheritor of the clan's natural talents with plants. The roots ran deeper, however, as Ichi was born with a Kekkai Genkai, being a rare natural occurance of Wood Release outside of the Senju. In learning of this he has trained his kekkai to the best of his abilities. He is no master, seeing as he has no reference of Mokuton, but he has found a way to bring out techniques along side his own talents in a cohesive manner.

[Cosmetic Only: All Mokuton techniques Ichi uses appear as his favorite trees, though it has no real change as is.]

『Weaver of Wood』
Ichi was born with Mokuton, but he was not graced with the same level of chakra as the Senju would be in his situation. Being roughly average for an individual, Ichi instead focused on the skills his birth clan preferred. Practicing his medical skills, he has gained a higher quality of Chakra Control. Ichi is much less likely to leak chakra than the average shinobi because of this.

『The Festival's Atmosphere』
Having practiced his skills with extending his senses outwards with the use of mokuton chakra, Ichi is particularly adept at sensing life in an area. Capable of finding life through the very nature around people. Within [20 meters] Ichi is capable of passively sensing out plant and animal life in a general sense. Able to differentiate it between plant and animal, but no further. Unlike chakra sensory Ichi can not more or less readily sense others based on their chakra, but instead purely senses the 'vitality' in things, though even those with seemingly boundless vitality will read the same as the elderly or a newborn to him. Also unlike usually sensory to actively search out individuals Ichi requires Mokuton, or the use of his pipe (though using it makes his position much easier to locate), as a catalyst to extend his senses, only going out as far as the technique's range, or twice his passive range in case of the pipe. It is also notable that the deceased, and those that feign death in some fashion, as through a poison or a jutsu, are completely invisible to Ichi. Notably the furthest he can extend his senses is [100 meters].[break][break]

『Master of Festival Games』

Ichi is incredibly smart for someone his age, but he lacks the qualifications to be a scholar. This is because his intelligence is not found in understanding of principles and anything so magnificiently deep. It instead lies in his observational talents and ability to react to everything that is going on around him with an absolute calm. Being able to plan and act with just minute details to go off of, Ichi is best described as a schemer and a diplomat rather than a genius. This makes him perfect for roles that are heavy in Tactical and Diplomatic Decision Making, as he grasps larger images and can put together clues better than others. Effectively allowing him to take in the wider picture of everything going on and piece together practical responses in mere moments with little to no hesitation or error.
Toffee has written 297 posts
Digging in Your Heels - Two [Mission]Aug 5, 2024 6:33:00 GMT -5
Jūryoku Azusaki
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Jūryoku Azusaki Avatar
age 17 years old birthday rank Adv. Genin occupation
    There was a ripple of energy that everyone with his area of influence could feel has his concentration wavered, before it immediately lowered once more, but the range was pulled back. It might not have seemed drastic to increase a range of a jutsu by a meter or even two, but it was incredibly straining as it wasn't simply in one direction, but every direction around him. Thankfully it looked as if things were wrapping up, as everyone was moving fairly quickly, and Lord Ichi was winding down as well. Motioning away and towards the entrance more, Azusaki's clone nodded and ran off, trying to make sure no one else there needed help, as he began slowly moving back out of the passage. He hadn't quite dropped his jutsu yet, as people were still moving earth and stone, and thankfully he hadn't, given what happened as he was already backing out.

    A cave in turned into a collapsed tunnel, which thankfully wasn't quite as dramatic as it seemed at first sight, but he held his jutsu all the same, at least ensuring anyone that needed to get out quickly could absolutely do so, and and falling rocks wouldn't fall as fast. He watched as people were running past, and finally he was able to drop his jutsu and completely leave the area, as he doubled over putting his hands on his knees and breathing heavily, giving a thumbs up towards everyone.
Sprinkles has written 73 posts
Digging in Your Heels - Two [Mission]Aug 5, 2024 10:30:06 GMT -5
Futago Kumori
"Walk tall and carry a big sword."
Futago Kumori Avatar
groupGrass Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday September 16th 1005 rank Adv. Genin occupation Gate Guard
Kumori starts to feel some relief when she hears their village leader and the leader of their mission start to call out to them that the job was done for now, and she could see from the progress they'd made that it would likely be finished completely tomorrow, only for a change in the atmosphere with a sudden shift in the earth. Luckily, although Kumori was closest to the collapse, she was also the fastest of the group, and she even manages to grab the two ashigaru closest to her to pull them away from the dangerous cave-in. When she looks back, she can see that the cave had not collapsed in on itself, but had instead collapsed away, further into the earth.

She was curious about the opening they'd just exposed, but she's also not one to disobey orders, especially if the rest of their tunnel might fall into the opening as well, and so she puts the opening out of her mind and turns her focus to leading the rest of the ashigaru out, as well as Azusaki, and once they're all clear of the tunnel, she counts heads, making sure that they've managed to get all of the ashigaru out. It seems that they hadn't lost any, at least, although now she wondered what exactly it was that had been discovered. Then again, she figured if she needed to know, that their leader would tell her about it, so she turns back towards Azusaki and gives him a grin.

"Good work! That gravity jutsu you use is really amazing, Azusaki."
Babs has written 138 posts