Talent: Born or Earned (Kaede)

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Talent: Born or Earned (Kaede)Oct 23, 2023 4:00:25 GMT -5
Nakahara Yuushi
Be Brave, Stay Wild
Nakahara Yuushi Avatar
groupGrass Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday 10/09 rank Sp. Jonin occupation Sage
This was a long overdue trip, one the green haired boy had meant to take when he'd gotten permission from Lady Kanoh, one of her last acts before stepping down. But when she did do it, when the seat was finally empty it felt like he couldn't find the right time to leave. It just felt too soon, too ill-timed. That Kusagakure was simply in too vulnerable a state to go galavanting off to another country, even if it was for the right reasons. Not to mention the person who'd given him permission was no longer in charge, a jurisdictional nightmare. But none of that should've held the boy back, at least not with his position, as he was the Sage of Kusagakure and they were notoriously detached bunch when it came to village connection and hierarchy. Or, at least that's the stereotype.

And the teen couldn't deny he did fit a lot of those stereotypes. He tended to spend as much, if not more time in the forests surrounding the village as he did in the village proper. Trying to balance his dual life, spend time with both his families, his mantid one and his human one. He loved them both, and didn't like the idea of neglecting either so his days were usually pretty full, not leaving a lot of time for missions. But this was normal for Sages, they were never what most would call traditional ninjas, but Yuushi did at least have a deep connection to his home beyond just the nature around it. He was a citizen of Kusagakure, and he was loyal, and the idea of leaving while it was vulnerable was something that couldn't sit well with the older teen. But the throne wouldn't be empty for long, the pale boys own cousin Ichi becoming the next Lord. Of course the fact they'd been through four Lords and Ladies in five years was worrisome. But hopefully with Ichi, that was solved. The boy trusted his cousin.

Which meant it was time to finally do something he did try to make time for, something he held in higher regard than doing missions for the village he cared for. And that was honing his craft, his specialty, his title of Sage. As the teen wasn't just a Sage, but he had been bestowed the title Perfect Sage by the Queen of the Mantises, Narenareshi, a title very few earned. And none had earned as young as him. He was a prodigy, visiting an esteemed person who held the same title he did of Perfect Sage, the Sage of Kumogakure. The Wolf Sage. It would be his first time meeting another sage, let alone a perfect one, and the surprisingly extroverted boy was quite excited to do so. He hadn't even had any of his usual summons join him when he'd arrived at Kaminari no Kuni. He hated being alone, but he really didn't want any distractions upon this meeting. He wanted to see just what another sage looked like, acted like. Was like. Since on top of being a perfect sage, he was also the first sage in Arashi no Kuni's history.
Cheeky Bishie has written 20 posts