Shadow Boxing! [T | Shun]

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Shadow Boxing! [T | Shun]Dec 21, 2023 14:59:29 GMT -5
Nara Shun
Do what you want but know why you're doing it
Nara Shun Avatar
age 15 years old birthday March 12 rank Academy Student occupation Academy Student


- t h e  t a l e  o f -

S H A D O W  B O X I N G !

”Hehehe…” Shun sheepishly grinned and patted her bicep as if congratulating herself. She even took a stance. It was easy to go along with Raika since she had so much energy. Also, it felt like she had gained valuable experience during this short time.

The girl listened attentively and to her tutor of the hour. *Did she just… agree with herself twice?* That made her think it was really hard to train up to a certain standard. Had Shun just walked into something potentially troublesome? Then again, being a ninja wasn’t exactly "easy” to begin with. Perhaps it was something to prepare for.

”I’ll train like this, yeah. It’s like learning to walk - just have to do it so often it becomes second nature… she trailed off. It wasn’t rare for the Nara to get lost in thought and this time she was considering a bunch of possibilities where and how she could train. It looked like her new friend had to leave so she pulled herself back to reality.

”Oh, ok! Have a good meal! It was nice meeting you, Raika-san. I’ll see you around.” Shun smiled kindly and would wave Raika off. The girl decided she might as well stay behind and train for a while. And later get some orange soda…

Words: 222
Shun: 496b36

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