You Wa Shock [T | Solo]

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You Wa Shock [T | Solo]Dec 26, 2023 11:24:08 GMT -5
raika hyuga
"If they tell you no, do it anyway."
raika hyuga Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 22 years old birthday June 13th 1001 rank Chuunin occupation ANBU Black Ops
200 words


E-rank jutsu training: 1/8

Raika is back in the training grounds, though she was alone for once. It wasn't often that she would go out to train by herself, but it happens from time to time. This time around, it was to avoid ridicule for training such a simple and basic technique as this, especially since it doesn't normally seem to have many combat applications, but it might come in handy if she wanted to be found, or wanted to actually avoid a big fight by scaring off anyone else she was with. Intimidation could be helpful, though that didn't always make it the best course of action. She'd just need to make sure she was only using it in the right situations.

She breathes in deeply, then out again as she pulls free the scroll from the inside of her coveralls, which she had already unzipped, and was now preparing for her training by tying the dark blue material around her waist so it would stay out of the way. Now her upper body was only covered by a cropped black tank top and the Konohagakure headband that was tied loosely around her neck. The Genin opens the scroll and begins reading rapidly.

NAME: Tōki [Fighting Soul]

Channeling their inner fighting spirit by flexing their musculature, the user exerts a visible, pressurising aura around them with their chakra. The polar opposite of suppressing one's chakra, this technique is used merely for intimidation between duellers, a means to compare each other's wills. Nothing more.

by Pinn @ THQ
Babs has written 262 posts
You Wa Shock [T | Solo]Dec 26, 2023 11:35:15 GMT -5
raika hyuga
"If they tell you no, do it anyway."
raika hyuga Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 22 years old birthday June 13th 1001 rank Chuunin occupation ANBU Black Ops
212 words



The technique was definitely super simple, but that was all the more reason not to want anyone to actually see her trying it and failing even once. It was still important to learn some of the basics before moving on to even more advanced techniques, and so she'd decided to learn something like this. It was part of another jutsu that would allow her to become empowered, if only for a short while, but a short while could be all that's necessary to finish a fight. It would certainly make some of her more lower-ranking jutsu much more dangerous, and that was going to help quite a lot, since she knew so much more of the lower-end techniques. It was perhaps one drawback for a woman that preferred to learn from many different styles instead of learning just the Jyuuken, like most Hyuuga did.

After reading through the scroll, Raika decides she isn't going to really need the Hung Gar rings, so she puts them back in the appropriate weapon pouch, letting them clash a little against the other small throwing weapons in there, which makes her grimace from the noises. After a quick second glance at the technique, she rolls the paper back up and sets it aside for extra room.

by Pinn @ THQ
Babs has written 262 posts
You Wa Shock [T | Solo]Dec 26, 2023 11:43:12 GMT -5
raika hyuga
"If they tell you no, do it anyway."
raika hyuga Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 22 years old birthday June 13th 1001 rank Chuunin occupation ANBU Black Ops
202 words


e-rank jutsu training: 3/8

Raika begins by flooding chakra throughout her pathway system, focusing intently on the flow of her chakra through her own body and letting it build along her tenketsu. In this way, it was somewhat similar to the Kaiten that she'd already learned, but it was obviously completely different in that she wasn't going to be expelling her chakra with force, but simply allowing it to exude from all over her body; that kind of idea took a bit of getting used to, just as it had when she had been training with Miroru to learn how to walk atop the water. With a bit of a push, the chakra expels from her body instead of somewhat slowly draining, and she can feel that she'd released the chakra too quickly, and so she would have to begin again.


At least she could curse under her breath without anyone making fun of her for failing already at the first step of trying to learn to use such a technique. It was still embarrassing, of course, but Raika could only feel embarrassed to herself, since nobody was really ogling her or trying to catch sight of her failing to use such a simple technique.

by Pinn @ THQ
Babs has written 262 posts
You Wa Shock [T | Solo]Dec 26, 2023 11:53:51 GMT -5
raika hyuga
"If they tell you no, do it anyway."
raika hyuga Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 22 years old birthday June 13th 1001 rank Chuunin occupation ANBU Black Ops
201 words


e-rank jutsu training: 4/8

Raika begins again with her training, focusing on just holding that chakra behind her tenketsu and then releasing it much more slowly, but it requires a bit too much concentration for her to consider making any kind of use of it. She does this a few more times before giving up for the moment and checking with the scroll once more. It doesn't help that the technique wasn't really meant for the Hyuuga to use it, and so ironically, her enhanced control over her own tenketsu points as well as her chakra was actually making the technique somewhat more difficult for her to train than it might be for someone without such expertise. It was certainly a conundrum, and one she'd have to figure out before she continues with training the technique.

Then Raika has an epiphany: instead of focusing her chakra to all of her tenketsu points at once, like she might use for one of the Hyuuga's Jyuuken techniques, what if she were to simply allow her chakra to regularly expel itself from each of the points more slowly, to seep out of her chakra points rather than exploding outwards. The Genin decides that it's at least worth trying.

by Pinn @ THQ
Babs has written 262 posts
You Wa Shock [T | Solo]Dec 26, 2023 11:59:01 GMT -5
raika hyuga
"If they tell you no, do it anyway."
raika hyuga Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 22 years old birthday June 13th 1001 rank Chuunin occupation ANBU Black Ops
216 words


e-rank jutsu training: 5/8

So Raika begins again with closing her eyes to focus on her own flow of chakra, letting it flow across every part of her body evenly, and causing that slightly purplish glow engulf her, though it wouldn't be visible for most other people, save for those with doujutsu that could actually track and see chakra. Of course, this wouldn't really be enough to do what the technique had been created for, but it was certainly a start. Now she needed to try and get the flow of chakra correct so that it would seep out of her in much greater numbers. This really was shaping up to be just like the water walking training she'd done with Miroru, though at least with this technique she wouldn't have to embarrass herself by falling into a small pond over and over again, and she could just do this training on her own.

Of course, it's simple enough that with Raika's experience with chakra control training, she was able to at least expel her chakra at an even rate, one that would be noticeable for sensory ninja, in any case. She knows that the technique is supposed to work on people even if they don't have the ability to sense chakra, so she stop and checks the scroll again.

by Pinn @ THQ
Babs has written 262 posts
You Wa Shock [T | Solo]Dec 26, 2023 12:05:49 GMT -5
raika hyuga
"If they tell you no, do it anyway."
raika hyuga Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 22 years old birthday June 13th 1001 rank Chuunin occupation ANBU Black Ops
202 words


e-rank jutsu training: 6/8

After reaching down and pulling open the scroll again, Raika begins reading once more on the basics of the technique and feels like palming own face. Of course the technique requires a lot more than just chakra, as that was only a small part of the full jutsu, and it still required the physical act of flexing her musculature in order to release that built-up chakra to show her power. Thankfully, the Genin only has to feel her shame alone, and doesn't need to be told that she's screwing it up by anybody else. She's her own harshest critic, anyway, so a chorus of jeering wouldn't really be all that helpful for her in any case. Raika rolls the scroll back up and sets it aside once more, realizing she'll probably need to let a little less chakra seep out, as it seems that the flexing of her muscles is supposed to help in pushing the chakra out from her body in a much more palpable way.

The Genin closes her eyes once more in order to help her focus, letting chakra out little by little before harshly flexing her muscles, causing a very short-lived and low-quality aura to form around her.

by Pinn @ THQ
Babs has written 262 posts
You Wa Shock [T | Solo]Dec 26, 2023 12:10:43 GMT -5
raika hyuga
"If they tell you no, do it anyway."
raika hyuga Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 22 years old birthday June 13th 1001 rank Chuunin occupation ANBU Black Ops
200 words


e-rank jutsu training: 7/8

Raika is at least elated to have somewhat successfully performed the technique, but she's still somewhat abashed at the weakness of this first attempt at making that pressurized aura that the technique promises for her. She knows she can do a lot better than that, and she wonders what Tokaku would call her if she couldn't even make a terrifying aura that would be expected for a woman of her size and stature. The internalized shame she feels for that thought fuels her to try the technique one more time, with much more feeling for the second attempt. She lets chakra flow out of her tenketsu points, really simulating the technique for surface walking all over her body, and she decides it'd be easier to use this technique if she had a signal of some kind to help her focus on flexing all of her muscles at the same time.

With a stamp of her foot, she performs the technique again, but with far more impressive results this time around, as a terrifyingly hot aura exudes from her entire body when she flexes her muscles, causing the air around her to become engulfed in a purplish haze of fluid chakra.

by Pinn @ THQ
Babs has written 262 posts