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hirana kizumi
death before dishonor.
hirana kizumi Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 37 years old birthday october 13 rank jounin occupation raikage

Amidst the wildly cheering crowd gathered in the pop-up Thunderdome were the rest of the genin watching the ongoing fight, as well as family, friends, mentors, and other various supporters of the participants of the battles to come.

Plenty of seats with fantastic views were available, as well as refreshments of all kinds sold from small stands set up by the Kisei clan of Kusagakure and various Kaminari no Kuni merchants: hot and iced tea, hot and iced coffee, candyfloss, dragon's beard, nuts and jerky and all kinds of snacks to munch on while watching the bouts with bated breath.

The eighth bout was announced with a booming voice from a Fuijyama clan member: "UCHIHA TOKAKU OF KONOHAGAKURE VERSUS HER VERY OWN SISTER, HATAKE SHINDE OF KONOHAGAKURE!"

[This thread is designated for spectators of FIGHT EIGHT, TOKAKU VS. SHINDE.]


tactician has written 457 posts
Live Life In The Fast Lane
Hibana Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 21 years old birthday rank Chunin occupation Gate Guardian

The Pink Blur

Hibana was jumping up and down as Tokaku was announced, her energy had not faltered in the slightest watching the fights. Deep down she hated the idea of sisters fighting but also knew it was natural for siblings to come to blows. She just hoped no ill will would come between the two no matter the outcome. As Tokaku entered the arena Hibana went wild.

"LETS GO BABE YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!" She was gripping the shoulders of a man sitting in front of her as she shook him violently. As the battle began she watched Shinde split into four of the girl. She was not sure if it was the normal shadow clone technique of the one that made them tangible. If Hibana uncovered her right eye she was sure she would know but could not risk the attention.

She was not sure which mixture of clone and genin were throwing the shuriken but could see one behind preparing a jutsu. Even if she called out to Tokaku she knew her voice would be lost in the roar of the crowd. She had to have faith in her lover, faith that she could get through this and win. As the shuriken approached Tokaku Hibana almost covered her eye, she did not want to see Tokaku get hurt.

However knowing her lover like she did, she knew they had something up their sleeve. She most likely would not be able to see and of the Genjutsu they used but would just have to guess.



Yamatsu has written 84 posts
Uchiha Miroru
Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!
Uchiha Miroru Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday 7/9 rank Chuunin occupation Jinchuuriki

Uchiha Miroru
Konohagakure No Sato
@name | ### | notes
"Oh, you've got Tocchan covered for cheers?"

The pipsqueak of a redhead known to the entire village for her pranks and ceaseless energy grinned up at Hibana and thumbed against her own chest. "Awright, then! I'll handle cheering for Shinde!" Taking a deep breath, she howled over the edge of the stands, "GOOOOO SHINDE! SHOW HER THE SKILLS OF THE HATAKE CLAN!"

Seeing Shinde leap to Shadow clones, Miroru cooed in approval. "See, that's what I woulda done too! Good move on her part! Wonder what Tokaku's got to handle that shuriken storm?" There wasn't any degradation or doubt in Miroru's tone, just genuine curiosity. No matter who won here, the village came out on top, so it was more a matter of interest and discovery than anything else!

"Give up? Pff." Miroru snickered wildly. "Tokaku doesn't even give up when she OUGHTTA. She's gonna go hard as she can right up until she can't anymore! Dunno if that'll be because she's not willing to push it with her sis, or because she'll get worn down, but giving up?

Don't think we gotta worry about that!"
The redhead turned and offered Hibana her hand, the clearly early teens girl somehow still sporting both genin headband and chuunin flak vest on proud display. "Sounds like you've got some personal investment in Tokaku, eh? Ehhhhh?" She teased brightly! "Say... have we met? I'm Uchiha Miroru. What's your name?"

"Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!"

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Threnody has written 1,188 posts
Hyūga Honnō
Hesitation is defeat...
Hyūga Honnō Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 26 years old birthday February 18th rank Jōnin occupation Genin Team 2 Leader
Sisters. I’ll be damned.

It was easy to tell that Tokaku didn’t exactly enter with the most enthusiastic drive of all the Genin today – she was set up against her own sister, after all, even if they didn’t share clan names. Shinde bore the Hatake name, and Tokaku carried the Uchiha name… yeah, ‘nuff said. Tokaku did affect Shinde’s chakra system at first, spotted by how Shinde’s chakra fluxed in response as seen by the Byakugan. She’d gotten better at deploying Genjutsu, and more of her Uchiha heritage was shining ou-

Dead-faced, monotone, grey and confused, Hon was suddenly grabbed by the shoulders and flung back and forth by a hyper-excited Hibana. She and Miroru were each cheering on either Tokaku or Shinde… now, Hon didn’t follow up on any romance plots back in Konohagakure, but Miroru apparently had some ideas. "H e r n a m e i s H i b a n a,” Hon answered in her stead, his head still bouncing back and forth after being violently shaken like that. His ghost-like presence was probably not even noticed up until now… he wasn’t that uninteresting. C’mon.

"I haven’t taught Tokaku as much as I’d hoped… but I did teach her not to hesitate. They are sisters, but they’re also shinobi. It’ll be fine as long as she gets to impress the proctors.”
has written 96 posts
Yamanaka Itsuki
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groupLeaf Shinobi
age 13 years old birthday 9/18 rank Chuunin occupation Barrier Corps

Yamanaka Itsuki

It was at this point that Itsuki returned to the stands, a collection of oversized cups in hand as he glanced down at the field where two Hatake-blooded girls went into battle with one another. The Yamanaka frowned slightly and sighed, having trained under their father he couldn't help but compare them both to the highly intimidating and hyper-competent Hatake Toshizou. It was a high measuring stick to be matched against, and the chuunin wasn't sure either of the daughters could meet it.

He didn't still feel a bit sore about his time on Tokaku's team, not at all. What are you talking about.

"Mi-chi, here's your drink," he stated as he casually sat the massive novelty cup on the Uchiha's head, balanced perfectly so long as she didn't lose control of it. He was certain she wouldn't, especially since it was a commemorative cup for this exam, very special, needed to be kept. "And iced coffee with coffee jello dusted with extra coffee for sensei," he added, handing the equally large monstrosity to the Hyuga in the row in front. 

Hon-sensei hadn't been there when Itsuki had left his seat, but the small chuunin wasn't one of the best sensors in the world for nothing, and it hadn't been hard to feel his teacher plop down right near his girlbestfriend.

He blinked at the blonde that Miroru was talking to, shrugging slightly as he slurped his own drink "sorry, I didn't get a drink for you, I didn't know you were here whoeveryouare" he apologised, a genuine look of remorse on his face.

Word Count: 264
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Eleri has written 413 posts
Uchiha Izusa
Duty. Always.
Uchiha Izusa Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 20 years old birthday January 15 rank Chūnin occupation Academy Instructor

A sisterly bout

Kaminari no Kuni had been quite the departure from the norm, thus far. Its mountainous vistas made Hi no Kuni look almost mundane by comparison, and he would've loved to take some time to do some writing while here...

But that wasn't the real reason he'd ventured so far from home. On the surface, the instructor was here simply to spectate and cheer on the kids from Konohagakure. "If only..." He thought as he made his way through the crowd, dark eyes focused on the arena below. Watching, analyzing, and mentally cataloguing the events of the day.

In truth, he was here to keep an eye out for any interesting talent (or potential threats) like many of the other shinobi from the other villages. Specifically for the organization whose orders superseded all else, even the Hokage's.

"We'll have quite a few dossiers to update, after this." Izusa thought, his face wearing the same soft smile that it normally did. So far the Chūnin Exams had been an exciting affair, full of the usual trials, tribulations, and surprises that they tended to contain. As he settled into the stands and the battle was announced, his eyes widened a touch.

Uchiha Tokaku and Hatake Shinde— sisters and comrades both, pitted against one another. "Hm..." It'd be a tough match for many reasons, but he had no doubts that the genin would do their village proud. Soon enough, the match was underway, and though his focus was mainly on the battle itself, a nearby conversation captured some attention.

A few familiar faces from Konoha. "Hey, Miroru-chan." Izusa greeted his relative with a smile as he realized, turning next to the Hyūga amongst them. Tokaku's Team Leader and a shinobi of some renown. "Hon-san." The Uchiha's tone was polite, kind-sounding, and practiced. Authentic to all but the most astute of listeners. His eyes shifted to the others, a Yamanaka whom he recognized from the academy and a Namikaze whom he'd not formally met. The instructor gave a small nod and went to speak before a sudden explosion echoed throughout the arena. "Oh, dear..."

A hand rose to nervously rub at his chin. "It seems she took my advice about pace. Maybe a little too well..." Tokaku wasn't playing around, but it seemed her sister wasn't about to be beaten so easily. For the meantime, he remained fixated on the fight. Dark eyes watching every movement more keenly than his relaxed demeanor might suggest.

last edit by Uchiha Izusa on Feb 15, 2024 12:31:04 GMT -5
Yenga has written 125 posts
raika hyuga
"If they tell you no, do it anyway."
raika hyuga Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 22 years old birthday June 13th 1001 rank Chuunin occupation ANBU Black Ops
400 words

Raika herself is a bit late to her other lover's fight in the Chuunin Exams, although she doubts anyone would actually blame her for her tardiness. After all, she had part of her upper torso wrapped in what looks to be bandages, as she'd needed some medical work immediately after her fight with Yuki in order to keep her rib from continuing to float as it did from that final strike. She had been half-tempted to leave Yuki's tenketsu points blocked off and force her to figure out how to unlock them herself until after the Exams were over, but her own good nature had made her decide that unblocking those chakra points would be the only fair thing to do, and with tensions between Iwagakure and Konohagakure being what they already were, it would have likely led to an international incident had she not done so.

"Ugh... Please tell me I didn't miss the whole thing already!"

She weakly moves closer to Hibana, though she's certain she'll be back to full strength by the time the next round of combat starts as she looks over at the combatants. Miroru, and Honno were already here, as well, in addition to some other shinobi she didn't recognize, but gave them both a curt nod all the same. Even if she didn't immediately recognize them, it wouldn't do to have the other Konoha ninja think she was ignoring them. At least the pain of her rib was no longer causing her so much grief, and she could focus on the fight Tokaku was in. She deftly activates her Byakugan to see that Tokaku has very little left, and she wonders to herself just how much she must have missed in the last few rounds, in addition to this one.

Jeez, Tokaku... I know you're good with a sword, but you shouldn't rely on that alone for the last fight. And wasn't the main challenge of these Exams supposed to involve careful chakra management?

Her hand grips tightly onto the railing as she deactivates her Byakugan and sees Shinde raise her hand and give up the fight as well. She takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly, though that still causes a little wincing of pain from the movement of her rib cage. She really hopes that doesn't become a constant in her life.

I hope you know what you're doing...

by Pinn @ THQ
Babs has written 262 posts