Pride Always Comes Before, Never After[C.A/I]

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Pride Always Comes Before, Never After[C.A/I]Apr 11, 2024 4:21:43 GMT -5
Oonakayama Arashi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Oonakayama Arashi Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 23 years old birthday October 11th rank Elite Jounin occupation Kazekage
Pride always comes before


WORDS. xxx


She couldn't see anything...her eyes felt like they were being blocked...unable to visualize the sensations happening around her.

The faint echo of screams in the distance, the harsh smell of smoke and rust wavering around her...the heaviness of her frame as her chest was pulled from one side to the next. The pain was choking her, yet she could not yell out or say anything. It was as if she were being contained in something outside of herself.

As she struggled against this invisible force that prevented all possible sight, it finally became more of an uplifting veil, her gaze becoming more present with where she was. Her body was burning, feeling the intense heat around her as her throat was near shreds. Though the view of the sky, bright with birds and hazy clouds, she'd feel more as if she were looking down from them personally.

Yet...this moment was fleeting, her vision soon sinking back into darkness, her eyes closed as fatigue pulled her once more into slumber. A dream of sky...endless and smells and sounds hardly mattered in that passing observation as she felt herself pulled back in, sleep calling to her like a graceful song and lulling her softly into feel hear nothing...the quiet was much like a comfort that a child received from their mother, a protection from the noise of the world...all of it...

Yet as she drifted, she'd find her mother there...she'd actually see her...her toothy grin as she beckoned for her to come forward, her frame moving on clumsy legs as she darted in her direction. Though just as she neared her, she'd feel the pull against her chest again, this time a voice screaming directly in her ear.


Though as if flung from a balcony, the girl would jolt upward, her body laid across the sand, the sky now dark as she felt her skin and the sting of raw flesh. Her eyes scanned her wrists, the sign of tattered muscle and exposed veins. Panic began to rise within her, her gaze looking to her chest to see remains of her clothes and the sight of blood. She wished to scream, but her throat was bare and felt as if skin was daggling from it's surface. Her fingers were raw, everything hurting...burning...

Attempting to rise, she'd see her legs not respond to the command, laid to rest before her as she laid back down among the chaos and destruction. Everything was on fire...everything..the bodies around her broken or limp, unresponsive to the flames that were consuming them.

"Oh shit...Oh shit....OH SHIT!"

"Get it together! Can ya move at least?!"

Arashi would hear Shukaku in her head, prompting her to try and do so, her body burning with every second that she began to try, releasing a pained groan as she laid there. She felt like she was a piece of raw meat, and it was likely that strong smell of flesh cooking was her. Everything on her felt as if it had been peeled completely.

What the hell happened!?

"You don't know!?"

Eyes straining to see, she'd only manage the sight of flames and the struggling of those that appeared to be trying to unbury themselves. With bodies scattered, her eyes would look to the opposite side of her, seeing what looked to be bandits trying to recover their own dead or what remained of them. At the sight of a fallen structure in the distance, Arashi would try to manage her senses, her gaze shifting as her neck was stiff. It felt as if something was loosely pressed on it, but not enough that she'd not feel the dangling of her skin as she turned it.

It was then that she saw it, the sky showing signs of exposure, as if a firework had crossed through the sky and landed upon impact in the distance.

Kami....what did I do?....WHAT DID I DO?

-S.A Used-
Ultimate Defense

A Skill granted by her continued use and developed relationship with Shukaku over the continued use of his control over sand, Arashi has a stronger connection to the element, allowing her to use it at a much more intensive rate than before. As such, her defenses are much more adapt and capable of taking on stronger attacks and reinforcing itself at faster speed. This adaptation to the sand shield allows for it's reaction time to have increased and make it more challenging for attacks to connect and break through the first layer, while acting still on the natural inclinations of auto-repairing itself for the next strike.
-Jutsu Used-

-Items Used-

-Familiar Used-

Kaze has written 2,878 posts
Pride Always Comes Before, Never After[C.A/I]Apr 12, 2024 15:59:16 GMT -5
Oonakayama Arashi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Oonakayama Arashi Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 23 years old birthday October 11th rank Elite Jounin occupation Kazekage
Pride always comes before


WORDS. xxx


-20 Hours earlier-

Gravel Road

Arashi had managed to infiltrate the group as no more than a girl who had been unlucky enough to have an object these bandits wanted. Still, the journey into the vastness of the desert had not been one she had expected. Granted, she knew that there were many locations that were hidden even from the militia. She wasn't so foolish to think that every corner of Kaze no Kuni had been covered and had people under watch. It was the depths of the surroundings and the endless sands that drew many to using it as a cover for their hideouts and operations that were less than credible.

Though even she was not expecting what she saw before her in the form of a fortress...

It appeared as if it were hidden away, fallen to the decay of time, but still holding enough life that it could host those within. While she couldn't determine how long such a location could have been established within the badlands, it showed enough progress with the movement of people that it had to be some time. She'd wager that some of the supplies likely came out of Sekara.

As the group ventured into the base, she'd feel herself being pushed further ahead, her frame bounding behind the two large men in front of her as she scanned the area. There were even people here...young and old...some almost making a livelihood as if they were in a market.

How the hell did I miss this?

While the thought of poor foresight and knowledge dreaded her, she had to admit that she had dropped the ball in not realizing that it was possible for such a group to have advanced so far and under their nose. But this still didn't answer just what the Jade Vipers would need old blueprints for if not to advance further.

Could they be planning an attack or just defense?

With the bustle of life around her, she'd then feel her body jerked into another direction, this one moving toward what looked to be a large base camp. As she glanced back to see the departure of the more lighthearted streets, the darkness of the alley camp prompted the reminder that she was still dealing with essentially criminals.

No matter how progressive they may have appeared...

-S.A Used-
Ultimate Defense

A Skill granted by her continued use and developed relationship with Shukaku over the continued use of his control over sand, Arashi has a stronger connection to the element, allowing her to use it at a much more intensive rate than before. As such, her defenses are much more adapt and capable of taking on stronger attacks and reinforcing itself at faster speed. This adaptation to the sand shield allows for it's reaction time to have increased and make it more challenging for attacks to connect and break through the first layer, while acting still on the natural inclinations of auto-repairing itself for the next strike.
-Jutsu Used-

-Items Used-

-Familiar Used-

Kaze has written 2,878 posts
Pride Always Comes Before, Never After[C.A/I]Apr 13, 2024 10:17:25 GMT -5
Oonakayama Arashi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Oonakayama Arashi Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 23 years old birthday October 11th rank Elite Jounin occupation Kazekage
Pride always comes before


WORDS. xxx


With the change in setting almost instant, the approach into the camp was mere moments later, prompting them to push Arashi forward as she was knelt before a man within a chair. It was always the man in the chair that seemed to be in control.

Mental note aside, Arashi would continue to play her role as scared civilian as she held her bound hands close to her chest as the bearded individual look her over.

"Hmph...does this look like a scroll to you people? WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!?"

"Boss...the girl apparently has it sealed in her..probably a puppeteer thing!"

Looking at the man closely, Arashi would do her best to make out his features and ensure she had his odor memorized. After all, she intended to come back for him later after all this was done. Though in doing so, the hint of familiarity began to waver over her as she narrowed her eyes briefly. She'd smelled him before....a long time ago...

Though as time with remembering passed, she'd soon find herself begin called to attention as the figure began to speak.

"That right? Ya have it sealed inside you girl?"

"I...I do..."

Keeping up this lie, the Jounin would then find herself staring upward at the man as he loomed over her, his presence larger than most of his men as he then leaned in as he looked over her over.

"Well then...we'll just have to fix that won't we?"

As he seemed to be reading the room, he'd then gesture for her to be taken from his sight, prompting him to then yell out.

"Now where the hell are those damn Ravens!?"

Being pulled out of the camp, she'd soon find herself being moved down yet another street, her eyes scanning the area as this time they began to descend into a stone alley. With the dip leading into an area further below, she'd soon find what looked to be rows of cells and people locked within.

Each face looked less pleasant than the next, and some even appeared lose and caught in a daze of another kind. With one final push, she'd find herself being tossed into one as well, prompting her guard to scuff before gesturing toward one of the cellmates close to her.

"Ya best start praying girl...that's gonna be you soon enough..."

As he left, Arashi would blink as she looked toward her cellmate, the individual unmoving as their body remain fixed toward a wall. With her guard gone, Arashi would collect herself as she began to approach the strange figure with caution.

"What the hell they mean by...."

It was instant when the scent of blood hit her face, causing her to draw back as the soft groaning of the young man before her became more present. As he slowly turned, his eyes were near bloodshot, his features drained of all color or life, the top of his head shaven and what looked to be steel or wood overed it. Seeing this, Arashi would wince before stepping back as the figure lunged forward like a being possessed.

Moving to the side, it appeared to only stumble as it fell face first to the ground. Looking at them, Arashi would narrow her eyes as a voice came from across the hall.

"Yet another new puppet...."

-S.A Used-
Ultimate Defense

A Skill granted by her continued use and developed relationship with Shukaku over the continued use of his control over sand, Arashi has a stronger connection to the element, allowing her to use it at a much more intensive rate than before. As such, her defenses are much more adapt and capable of taking on stronger attacks and reinforcing itself at faster speed. This adaptation to the sand shield allows for it's reaction time to have increased and make it more challenging for attacks to connect and break through the first layer, while acting still on the natural inclinations of auto-repairing itself for the next strike.
-Jutsu Used-

-Items Used-

-Familiar Used-

Kaze has written 2,878 posts
Pride Always Comes Before, Never After[C.A/I]Apr 13, 2024 10:50:34 GMT -5
Oonakayama Arashi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Oonakayama Arashi Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 23 years old birthday October 11th rank Elite Jounin occupation Kazekage
Pride always comes before


WORDS. xxx


The voice in the shadows was femaine by the tone, but Arashi wasn't able to make out just where it was coming from within the cell across from her. Yet, as she began to speak, her current roommate would begin to move again, causing her to pretend to reach in terror, only for her to place a seal upon their back and prompt them to quickly fall once more under the weight pressed against their back.

"Who are you? Where are you?"

"Over here...and keep your voice down..."

In hearing this, she'd see the figure come closer into the light, realizing the teen's face was that of a woman. She appeared no older than she was, but her appearance was far more battered than her own. As the blonde haired woman would hold a finger close to her lips, she'd then look Arashi over as she spoke.

"Ya ain't no gypsy..."

"I'm complicated....where exactly are we?"

"Jade Prison....within a fortress that was used during the war I hear....mostly rumors I thought...but after some time here...ya don't really care where it is...not that it matters..."

Her tone was almost defeated as she leaned her back against the wall, showing what looked to be scars and stitches across the surface of her arm.

"Most people that come in here don't leave or when they do...they come back looking like your new friend..."

As the girl nodded her head back to Arashi's cell mate, the Jounin would frown as she released a breath.

"What did they do to him?"

"Whatcha think? They gutted em...put who knows what inside of him and placed whats left back down here...a few others are like that too..."

Gutted...that was the word for it....whatever was still human he was wearing and it was just skin...

Arashi had seen this before years ago, but any chance of such replication should have been impossible.

It wasn't was Hitokugutsu....a human puppet...

Similar only due to the mechanical parts placed within them, but wearing human flesh. In truth, she'd almost became one due to her own lack of caution and it had been all under the design of someone who had a grudge against her and her father. This was something completely had to be...

Any trace of the ones she had been aware of had been wiped away in the effort to rescue her from capture. It had been a nightmare then....and still gave her chills just thinking about it.

"How long have they been..."

"Hell if I know...I've only been here a few days...chances are a while now..."

Arashi would frown as she began to piece it together...

They were making an army...but not of Shippai...but Hitokugutsu....maybe the reason why needed the blueprints was due to failing at it...

Not that it was able to infiltrate the village without anyone knowing, what would happen if they managed to sneak more in?

"What about the people above? They didn't look like they were being held here against their will?"

"No idea...I'm just a merchant that thought I could sell some stuff here before heading out east...then they locked me"

"I was kidnapped...close to Suna..."

Hearing her laugh, Arashi would frown before rolling her eyes.

"Whats funny bout that?"

"That ya got kidnapped outside of a major village and no one gave two shits..."

"Maybe if we get outta here we can go there! Tell them what their doing here!"

"Yea right...and then we can shop there and get facials! No one leaves...not like themselves anyway..."

-S.A Used-
Ultimate Defense

A Skill granted by her continued use and developed relationship with Shukaku over the continued use of his control over sand, Arashi has a stronger connection to the element, allowing her to use it at a much more intensive rate than before. As such, her defenses are much more adapt and capable of taking on stronger attacks and reinforcing itself at faster speed. This adaptation to the sand shield allows for it's reaction time to have increased and make it more challenging for attacks to connect and break through the first layer, while acting still on the natural inclinations of auto-repairing itself for the next strike.
-Jutsu Used-

-Items Used-

-Familiar Used-

Kaze has written 2,878 posts
Pride Always Comes Before, Never After[C.A/I]Apr 13, 2024 16:23:14 GMT -5
Oonakayama Arashi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Oonakayama Arashi Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 23 years old birthday October 11th rank Elite Jounin occupation Kazekage
Pride always comes before


WORDS. xxx


No one left as themselves...which begged the question just how many Human puppets were moving about and on their own? It didn't look like they had managed to successfully create any that were able to hold some semblance of sentience. If anything, they looked more like drones from what she could gather from her current cellmate. Not that it mattered since she didn't have any intention of allowing it to continue. Though perhaps she'd wait a bit longer before making a move. After all, she still needed to know where to even look for the actual blueprints. If they had assumed that they were close to Sunagakure, then perhaps the Jade Vipers had been just as lost as she had been.

Still, what remained was the Ravens?

The name was starting to become more familiar the more she heard it. Of course, the time since she'd seen the group was just as long as she'd seen the current leader of the Jade Vipers.

Thankfully, due to that length in time, it appeared that he hadn't recognized her. But she knew him....if only by just the passing glance.

When she had a run in with the group in the past, they had been looking to try and cash in on a royal hostage. Though she had managed to outsmart them with the help of her Mo...

Pulling herself from her thoughts, she'd awaken from her brief drifting off to look across the cell room hall toward the female who was sitting there.

"How long does it usually take for them to...well...get started?"

"Ya mean when they gut you? No I said I've only been here a few days...some of these guys were here way longer..."

As the blonde moved toward the now glowing light of the moon, she'd release a breath as she sighed.

"When I came old man was in here....he told me that they bought him in after finding him on the streets of this place...set him up with food and then the next day took him...when he came back...he the rest of them..."

Arashi would hear this and then look as hard as she could between her bars. She could see hands attempting to squeeze though, others were simply moaning as she then glanced back at the teen.

"Have ya tried gettin out?"

"Hell ya! But...its not like they leave anything's been days since they've even come here to check on us till ya showed up! Probably busy doing whatever bandits do..."

Likely searching for the Shippai blueprints....

Though as noise could be heard coming down the stairs, Arashi would freeze as she watched a guard approach her cell with a calm expression.

"You! The boss wants ya..."

Arashi would gulp before then feeling herself dragged out by the back of her neck, pushed outward as she began to march down the hall and up the stairs.

Before long, she'd find herself in the camp once again...only this for one man...there was now two....and one of them seemed to be standing beside a chair.

-S.A Used-
Ultimate Defense

A Skill granted by her continued use and developed relationship with Shukaku over the continued use of his control over sand, Arashi has a stronger connection to the element, allowing her to use it at a much more intensive rate than before. As such, her defenses are much more adapt and capable of taking on stronger attacks and reinforcing itself at faster speed. This adaptation to the sand shield allows for it's reaction time to have increased and make it more challenging for attacks to connect and break through the first layer, while acting still on the natural inclinations of auto-repairing itself for the next strike.
-Jutsu Used-

-Items Used-

-Familiar Used-

Kaze has written 2,878 posts
Pride Always Comes Before, Never After[C.A/I]Apr 15, 2024 1:19:05 GMT -5
Oonakayama Arashi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Oonakayama Arashi Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 23 years old birthday October 11th rank Elite Jounin occupation Kazekage
Pride always comes before


WORDS. xxx


"So you have what we're looking for I hear?"

As Arashi looked toward the new individual, she'd see the eye patch that rested across his face, along with the cold demeanor in which he displayed as he rubbed his hands together. Despite not knowing this one, the origins of the Ravens were enough of a familiar name that she could at least identify their work. She'd crossed them before within the desert during her attempts at keeping the peace, mostly from a village burning down where she had encountered a Kusa nin. Granted, they hadn't been involved so much as they were just a symptom to another situation. Still, they weren't exactly known for stealth with their work.

Much of which ended in death...

With her frame being tossed into the chair, her eyes widened as she sat there, seeing them linger around her as the Jade Viper leader would frown.

"Any of your people know a way to get it out of her?"

"No...but our employer should...lady happens to know a thing or two about seals..."

Arashi would remain quiet as she then tried to move, only for straps to be clenched across her wrists. Forced to remain there, she'd then struggle for a moment as she continued to listen.

"Ya gotta admit that their nuts right?"

"I don't judge where the money comes from...I just take it and do the job I'm asked..."

As the leader of the Ravens smirked, he'd then begin to make his way over to the side of the chair, his hand grazing Arashi's face before then pulling back.

"Shame to waste a pretty face though..."

"Ain't like she's goin once we got the prints she'll likely be just another husk like the rest..."

"Husk? So...those people..."

Both men went quiet upon hearing Arashi's speak, though soon laughter followed as one of them began to spin the chair around as they stopped it suddenly in front of them.

"Those ain't people anymore...their puppets without the strings...course...not much can be done bout that...might be able to save ya from that look like you could be useful with your head straight..."

While not the answer she was looking for, Arashi was at least certain that what she was dealing with were indeed living puppets. Of course, with them being capable of movement meant that someone was at least able to give them function. Though these two seemed incapable of using Fuuninjutsu to accomplish such a feat, it seemed like their employer was a different story.

"Maybe I can convince them to keep you around....if you ask me nicely..."

-S.A Used-
Ultimate Defense

A Skill granted by her continued use and developed relationship with Shukaku over the continued use of his control over sand, Arashi has a stronger connection to the element, allowing her to use it at a much more intensive rate than before. As such, her defenses are much more adapt and capable of taking on stronger attacks and reinforcing itself at faster speed. This adaptation to the sand shield allows for it's reaction time to have increased and make it more challenging for attacks to connect and break through the first layer, while acting still on the natural inclinations of auto-repairing itself for the next strike.
-Jutsu Used-

-Items Used-

-Familiar Used-

Kaze has written 2,878 posts
Pride Always Comes Before, Never After[C.A/I]Apr 15, 2024 1:55:26 GMT -5
Oonakayama Arashi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Oonakayama Arashi Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 23 years old birthday October 11th rank Elite Jounin occupation Kazekage
Pride always comes before


WORDS. xxx


"So you have what we're looking for I hear?"

While Arashi found herself reeling back upon hearing the offer, she'd look downward as though defeated as she began to whisper softly.


With the man seemingly accepting this display, the Jade Viper leader would groan before then rolling his eyes.

"Quit playing around! Send out word so that we can get this job done! I'd rather not stomach Ravens in my fort for any longer than I need to!"

As the Raven leader scuffed, he'd then pull away from Arashi as he began to move out the camp to make his message to their employer, hopefully getting her to arrive so that they can get paid and perhaps more for their efforts. This would lead the Jade Viper with Arashi within the Camp, his green eyes narrowing in on her as he began to examine her closely.

"Hmm...ya face..."

Arashi would then look back at him, her eyes holding his as he leaned in and then frowned.

"I know I've seen it before...."

In hearing this, Arashi would blink before feeling the heat of his breath upon her forehead. His eyes would remain on her, as if picturing her in another place. As he continued to look at her, she'd see the recognition in his expression, eyes growing bigger upon coming to his rather late revelation.

"Shit...your the.."

Moment Music

Her hand would lapse though the binding as it shifted through in the form of dust, reforming almost instantly as it took hold of the Viper's shirt and pulled it downward against the side of the chair. With his head slamming against it, Arashi would allow her other arm to shift through next, pulling herself upward as she slid forward and knocked his already stumbling frame against the wall. With his back bouncing off the surface, the Jounin would approach slowly as sand lashed out to pin the man down against the floor, her hand creating seals before placing two fingers against their neck.

"Yea I have that affect...Now who hired you?"

Her demeanor far more natural now, the female would wait for him to speak after placing the seal across the surface of his neck, her head turning to scan the area as she made sure the two of them were alone. She imagined time was limited, but at this point, she needed an answer as to who she needed to find to end all this madness.

While living puppets would be an issue, it was possible that they could save those within this fortress once it was contained. But whomever had brought the two groups together had to be dealt with. Especially if they were seeking ancient information that wasn't theirs to begin with.

-S.A Used-
Ultimate Defense

A Skill granted by her continued use and developed relationship with Shukaku over the continued use of his control over sand, Arashi has a stronger connection to the element, allowing her to use it at a much more intensive rate than before. As such, her defenses are much more adapt and capable of taking on stronger attacks and reinforcing itself at faster speed. This adaptation to the sand shield allows for it's reaction time to have increased and make it more challenging for attacks to connect and break through the first layer, while acting still on the natural inclinations of auto-repairing itself for the next strike.

Fuuinjutsu Savant

Within her youth, Arashi had always been a natural when it came to the art of sealing techniques. Trained under one of it's great masters, her skill and understanding of this nearly forgotten artform only grew and has become more seasoned over time. With this knowledge, the shinobi is capable of identifying the nature and abilities of a seal just by looking at it, mapping out their structure, strength, and abilities based on previous experience and her own studies with the craft. This skill also allows for her own seals to become much stronger in their usage, extend their duration people(1 post), able to modify them to suit a specific situation or to quickly implement them in the field.

All-Covering Forests and Ten Thousand Things Assimilate Technique

A technique that Arashi learned from Shukaku, it was grafted upon the creativity and consumption of a variety of different environments and adapting them to the needs of the user. When Arashi first learned of this, she used them simply as a means of allowing her to move with the usage of her sand, traveling among the currents of the wind from one place to the next. Though over time, she has adapted to them and made that very nature part of herself and learned to manipulate it to more than just the desert itself.

With this growing understanding, comes her ability to use it to better suit her needs. Such as assimilation of Steel into her skin, or ash to the very minerals that build up the sand she controls to her will. This knowledge grants her the means to take these parts of her environment and impart them into her very being. While this is a short lived experience, they aid her in her ability to control the situation and to protect herself from threats that her Ultimate Sand Defense can not predict and allow for her to better protect herself. (Post Count limit:3)

-Jutsu Used-
NAME: Shinjitsu no In [Truth-Cursing Seal]
A technique devised for interrogation, the user will perform the handseals, then lock their hands around the victims neck.

By doing so, they will apply the seal - several long black lines traveling the length of their neck. While this seal will only last a few days before dissapearing, it's effect is rather active compared to the others that are activated at a later time. Whenever the wearer of the seal speaks a lie, they will feel a burst of pain spreading from their tongue to their insides, only growing in intensity the more they lie.

NAME: Sunao Maisou [Sand Burial
By manipulating sand and dust around them, the user attempts to pull opponents in a large amount of chakra infused sand, beneath them Immobilizing them. It can be used to suffocate enemies or as a preparation for another deadlier technique as a delaying tactic. Though it is limited to a range of only 30 meters

-Items Used-

-Familiar Used-

Kaze has written 2,878 posts
Pride Always Comes Before, Never After[C.A/I]Apr 15, 2024 4:34:28 GMT -5
Chikamatsu Kiyoshi
Your worth is measured by the worth of what you value.
Chikamatsu Kiyoshi Avatar
age 43 years old birthday July 2nd, 980 rank Jounin occupation Godaime Kazekage

You revoked any right to the family name, or any legacy, when you raised a hand against the village - who was Kazekage makes no difference.

Do not show your face in Kaze no Kuni again, and do not spout your divisive rhetoric, or you will be hunted down and-

     Crumpling the letter in her hands, uncrumpling, ripping, shredding, Amaya threw the remains to the dusty ground and trampled on it. "Damn traitor," she spat viciously. Years spent waiting - years! - for 'her' family to resume leadership of the village, all wasted.

     Wasted by a fool, more Ōshi than Chikamatsu. Honesty, diplomacy. A few drops of inferior blood ruined decades. Atsushi and Saburo wouldn't have given the Ichibi to that girl. Amaya chewed a nail, brow furrowed. They'd both given their lives for the village, only for their family to be rewarded by giving the title to their political rivals, the Oonakayama.

     Kiyoshi'd seemed to be a blessing when he took the hat - he'd insisted upon an invasion during the Iwagakure Civil War, and been exiled for it (in her mind) - but the despicable bastard, her 'cousin', had worked with Takato. Her faith and hopes had been shattered immediately, when Takato and the girl had not been put to death upon his inauguration.

     Still, she thought as she wiped the sweat from her brow, all hope is not lost. The woman breathed deeply, let a small smirk creep across her face, and opened her eyes once more. Wind whipped past her vantage point atop the tallest peak of the Kawa no Kuni side of the border.

     Far below sat the fortress - an old, defunct installation from the Second Shinobi War. Before that, it'd been built by one of the nearby clans. Kyokujitsu? She wasn't sure, but the expansive size and quality construction - decayed by time - meant whichever had built it, had likely had access to the gold mines that clan now controlled.

     The Jade Fortress. And beside it, the village which had been founded to support it - though it now outlived the post. Glee flooded her, replacing the anger over her cousin's letter. The blueprints were there. Victory was so, so close. Her father's creation, 192, might've been destroyed - but with those blueprints, she might not even need the Ichibi - so long as that illegitimate fool Kiyoshi didn't have it.

     An army of Hitokugutsu... With that, and the backing of Tanigakure, Kawa no Kuni could overrun Kaze no Kuni and replace Sunagakure - institute a true Chikamatsu-Shirogane dynasty. No more peaceful fools, no more traitors. All the easier if they could involve Amegakure.

     All that was needed now was for the Vipers and the Ravens to do their job. Smoke was rising up from one the fortress chimneys - the signal the capture was complete. Amaya began to slide down the mountainside with chakra, to cross the border and retrieve her prize.

     "I don't know!" yelled the man, stammering. "Older woman, golden eyes - Shiro-something! The Lady..." he closed his eyes shut, opened them, sped up as he saw Arashi wasn't playing around. "Shirogane! The Lady Shirogane!" he yelled, tried to squirm away from the sand. "Help!" he tried to yell as loud as he could, to alert those nearby.

     Armored footsteps rang out from down the hallway, around a turn. A voice boomed out from amidst them, a tall heavy-set man a good half foot taller than the rest, instructing them to take the girl back to a cell in anticipation of the Lady's arrival.

| 595 words
last edit by Chikamatsu Kiyoshi on Apr 15, 2024 4:35:32 GMT -5
Phantasm has written 115 posts
Pride Always Comes Before, Never After[C.A/I]Apr 15, 2024 5:19:35 GMT -5
Oonakayama Arashi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Oonakayama Arashi Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 23 years old birthday October 11th rank Elite Jounin occupation Kazekage
Pride always comes before


WORDS. xxx



Arashi's determined expression shifted into one of horror as she stepped away from the bound figure and was near deaf to his cries for support. Flashes of memories flooded into her. Her capture...months in a living nightmare...192....


"This is why you go for the kill...."

Shaking herself from her thoughts, the tan skinned female would finally allow herself to be made aware of the cry coming from outside, the clamor of heavy armor and the smell of people coming in her direction. If Shirogane Amaya was involved, then this was far more dire than she had thought. Pieces were starting to fit together now, though she'd handle that part later. For now, she needed to deal with the guards outside and also free the people that were being held in the prison below.

Summoning her Sand gourd upon her back, the Jounin would then slam her fist down across the man's face to quiet him, looking out toward the entrance as she released a breath before adjusting her strap across her chest.

"We'll deal with it....but right now those people come first....then Amaya...."

Narrowing her eyes, she'd then grit her teeth before releasing a breath.

"Maybe for the best...I owe her for months of torture..."

"If her man sent word then she'll be here soon enough...what then?"

Arashi would close her eyes before then speaking softly.

Battle Music

"I'll end her myself...."

"Good...then lets get this over with..."

As Shukaku voice returned to the recesses of her mind, Arashi would begin her march out into the open, her eyes opening to see the sight of the guard before her as she raised her hand swiftly, causing the sand in her gourd to rise up and quickly change shape and turn into twelve individual blades and spears. With the floating armaments on display, a small smirk would cross her face before swinging her hand close to her face before slashing it downward as they flew out to strike against the force in front of her.

Using this hopeful distraction, the shinobi would begin to move through them, her body walking forward before placing her hands together as she began to kneed together chakra within her hand, extending it outward towards the larger man at the front as a means to push him over and out of her way.

-S.A Used-
Ultimate Defense

A Skill granted by her continued use and developed relationship with Shukaku over the continued use of his control over sand, Arashi has a stronger connection to the element, allowing her to use it at a much more intensive rate than before. As such, her defenses are much more adapt and capable of taking on stronger attacks and reinforcing itself at faster speed. This adaptation to the sand shield allows for it's reaction time to have increased and make it more challenging for attacks to connect and break through the first layer, while acting still on the natural inclinations of auto-repairing itself for the next strike.

Will of Sand

Will of Sand- Adding the element of her own chakra into the mixture of sand, Arashi is capable of faster and stronger sand manipulation and attacks. The extent of this control is due to the supply gathered within her gourd, granting the bonus of power, but limited to only the amount contained within it. This ability makes her constructions more dense and harder to break down, and the swiftness of their creation is instant rather than requiring the prior time of build-up as before due to the strengthened bond between Arashi and Shukaku.

Ichibi Curse Seal
The only ability Arashi has competent control over, this is the ability to utilize the curse seal marks over Shukaku’s body for her own bidding. Arashi can will the seals to cover her own body and control them to form various seals to preform fuuinjutsu from her own skin. As such, she can summon weapons she has sealed within them and rearrange the seals to be able to perform various fuuinjutsu that she has knowledge of without scrolls by using her own skin. She may also seal items within the curse marks and rearrange them to perform an unrelated technique before reforming them to summon the item at a later date.

-Jutsu Used-
NAME: Suna no sōzō: Āsenaruasaruto [Sand Creation:Arsenal Assault]
A technique that requires as much imagination as it does skill, the user is capable of manipulating the density of the sand around them and construct a variety of weapons and defenses. These constructs are made of hardened minerals, capable of taking and dealing considerable damage. The instant creation of these constructs can happen in that of a split second, though the size of these creations slows down their development, along with their regulated weight class, such as the difference between a war-hammer and that of a broad sword. Yet, these can be no bigger than the actual size of their physical design. They can be reshaped though in mid-combat, adjusting to the change in situation.

NAME: Fūton: Reppūshō [Wind Release: Gale Palm]
After charging Fūton chakra into one's hands, the caster will clap their hands to initiate this technique. The clap causes the Fūton to compress and transform into a powerful gale. The gale itself has enough force to knock a human off of their feet; however, this technique's true power shows when used in correlation with shuriken, as it increases the wounding, piercing, and killing potential several times over.

-Items Used-
xSand Gourd
-Familiar Used-

last edit by Oonakayama Arashi on May 13, 2024 22:18:54 GMT -5
Kaze has written 2,878 posts
Pride Always Comes Before, Never After[C.A/I]Apr 15, 2024 5:49:41 GMT -5
Chikamatsu Kiyoshi
Your worth is measured by the worth of what you value.
Chikamatsu Kiyoshi Avatar
age 43 years old birthday July 2nd, 980 rank Jounin occupation Godaime Kazekage
     The left-behind scraps of paper floated off to the northeast, carried by the wind into the all-too-near Arashi no Kuni. The fortress Amaya was approaching had been built at - or came to be at - the junction of all three borders, so if anything climactic were to happen, the eyes of three nations would be upon this place. Amegakure and Tanigakure no doubt kept tabs on it, due to the frequent illicit activity on the border. Sunagakure was willing enough to ignore it, if it meant inconveniencing their rivals in the Rain.

     Amaya skidded to a stop at the base of the mountain, eyes upon the fortress in the distance.

     The group of guards halted at the sight of Arashi and the floating sand around her, the men quickly readying themselves for battle - but too slow. Those in the front tried to protect their leader, who barked orders to one in the back to sound the alarm - but those blocking him were shredded and collapsed, becoming a mound.

     In the chaos, one man escaped back around the corner into the depths of the fortress. The leader braced himself as men fell around him, pulled out his sword and tried to charge Arashi - only to be shoved back and to the side, pinned between his fallen men and the wall. "You'll never make it out alive," he mocked, before the breath was crushed from his lungs.

     Booooong. The man dropped his weapon and pulled his hands to his ears, breathlessly in pain. The guard who'd escaped had ringed the bell - a gargantuan, rusted piece of equipment unused since the war. The ear-splitting noise reverberated throughout the fortress, over the village, and through the mountains into Arashi no Kuni and Kawa no Kuni's borderlands.

     Stone crunched with a crack, like glass. When the weight of the bell had shifted, it hit the bricks and the tower began to crumble, flooding the area with a cacophony of noise like a landfall, before a second, louder ring.

     Panic and chaos took hold of the fortress and village, men and women looking up from their homes at the dust that was rising from the distance. More men appeared behind Arashi, spears at the ready, a thick cloud of chalk-like dust pouring in from the way they'd come.

| 383 words
last edit by Chikamatsu Kiyoshi on Apr 15, 2024 5:56:16 GMT -5
Phantasm has written 115 posts
Pride Always Comes Before, Never After[C.A/I]Apr 15, 2024 6:44:30 GMT -5
Oonakayama Arashi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Oonakayama Arashi Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 23 years old birthday October 11th rank Elite Jounin occupation Kazekage
Pride always comes before


WORDS. xxx


The ancient sound of a bell rattled the area like a wave of war from the past. The sound was enough to freeze even the large man and make him stop in his tracks. Arashi was no different, her hands placed across her ears as she looked on to see the distant tower as it began to fall and crumble into itself at the vibration of the bell being rung. It was similar to that of an old wind, bringing with it chaos as people in the distance could be heard, their voices a faint echo beneath the noise as it sang out through the fortress.

Glancing back towards her position of being surrounded, her eyes would narrow as she then scuffed as she shook her head of the noise, doing her best to regain her awareness.

"I should be flattered....BUT I THINK YA OVER DID IT WITH THE BELL!!"

Yelling out, she'd then slash her hand once more, this time curving the burst of fuuton into an almost blade like shape, releasing it to cut through the force in front of her,attempting to keep the incoming attackers back as she jumped into the air. Applying chakra into her lower limbs, the Jounin would float for a moment as she moved over head, her body taking herself to the opposite end of them as she began to move downward into the fortress itself. She had to at least try and get to those below. At best, to give them a chance to escape. Though she'd be doing so while also covering her own tracks.

Seeing the chalk like cloud flow into the streets from the collapsing tower, her eyes would look toward the distance as she moved forward, her expression calm as she knew her objective. Her hands creating a new set of seals, she'd see the one man who had gotten ahead of her, following swiftly at his heels as descended deeper within.

Drawing closer to them, her eyes would narrow as she slapped him against the back with her palm, creating a seal upon his person as she then increased her sprint as she moved to the side of him, her gaze shifting in his direction before prompting her sand to lash out at him, attempting to cause their fall as she kept going.

Leaving him, she'd continue on her way toward the dungeon, hoping to be able to release those that were still able to be saved. Yet with her seal also marked upon the man's back, it's rupture would at least help to allow for time upon activation.

-S.A Used-
Ultimate Defense

A Skill granted by her continued use and developed relationship with Shukaku over the continued use of his control over sand, Arashi has a stronger connection to the element, allowing her to use it at a much more intensive rate than before. As such, her defenses are much more adapt and capable of taking on stronger attacks and reinforcing itself at faster speed. This adaptation to the sand shield allows for it's reaction time to have increased and make it more challenging for attacks to connect and break through the first layer, while acting still on the natural inclinations of auto-repairing itself for the next strike.

Will of Sand

Will of Sand- Adding the element of her own chakra into the mixture of sand, Arashi is capable of faster and stronger sand manipulation and attacks. The extent of this control is due to the supply gathered within her gourd, granting the bonus of power, but limited to only the amount contained within it. This ability makes her constructions more dense and harder to break down, and the swiftness of their creation is instant rather than requiring the prior time of build-up as before due to the strengthened bond between Arashi and Shukaku.

Ichibi Curse Seal
The only ability Arashi has competent control over, this is the ability to utilize the curse seal marks over Shukaku’s body for her own bidding. Arashi can will the seals to cover her own body and control them to form various seals to preform fuuinjutsu from her own skin. As such, she can summon weapons she has sealed within them and rearrange the seals to be able to perform various fuuinjutsu that she has knowledge of without scrolls by using her own skin. She may also seal items within the curse marks and rearrange them to perform an unrelated technique before reforming them to summon the item at a later date.

-Jutsu Used-

NAME: Jūha Shō [Beast Tearing Palm]
CHAKRA USAGE: Medium [Continuous]
A powerful technique of wind nature chakra that can cut and slash through most materials like most wood and stone. The activates it by channeling chakra in their right hand, and then swipes a slicing chakra wave which appears to be controlled by user's will and thoughts. A user is also able to use the technique in a rapid-fire, successive motion.Though the longer it is used for and how many times it used can be very chakra taxing and is not recommended for prolong use.

NAME: Fūton: Jirai [Wind Style: Landmine]
This seal is marked by an insignia for 'Fuuton' drawn inside a tight circle, which can be placed against the ground or drawn along a surface. Once disturbed by outside means other than proper seal disarmament, the seal ruptures, releasing a vast array of cutting wind blades out in a five meter radius. This is enough to shred against skin and cut into armor for anyone caught in the blast, as well as blow away any mist or particles in the air.

NAME: Hachidori no Odori [Dance of the Hummingbird]
CHAKRA USAGE: Low - Medium

Hachidori no Odori is a simple taijutsu technique used to maneuver mid-jump by releasing a burst of fuuton chakra from the body opposite the direction you wish to dodge allowing limited directional control mid-air and with enough force allowing the user to perform a double-jump of sorts.

-Items Used-
xSand Gourd
-Familiar Used-

last edit by Oonakayama Arashi on Apr 30, 2024 11:11:46 GMT -5
Kaze has written 2,878 posts
Pride Always Comes Before, Never After[C.A/I]Apr 15, 2024 8:14:39 GMT -5
Chikamatsu Kiyoshi
Your worth is measured by the worth of what you value.
Chikamatsu Kiyoshi Avatar
age 43 years old birthday July 2nd, 980 rank Jounin occupation Godaime Kazekage
     Coughing her way through the white cloud that had surrounded the crumbling fortress, Amaya approached and blew it away with a gust of Fuuton to reveal white-faced bandits that had gathered outside. "What happened?" she yelled at them. "Where are the blueprints?"

     Carried by another of the men, the man who'd rung the bell was drug out from the interior of the structure - leg horribly mangled. Panting, sweating, he was laid down against the wall carefully - only for Amaya to stomp forward and grab him by the collar and rustle him. "What happened?" she shrieked.

     Crying, half-babbling, he managed "Ichibi," The Shirogane's eyes went wide. The girl? Here? A smile crept across her face. "Where?" she asked excitedly. "Where!" The man cried out as she shook him, a pool of blood spreading from his leg. Faintly, he explained, before she tossed him to the side, unresponsive, and stormed off.

     The man Arashi had chased yelped out as the seal was slapped on him, fell forward after her attack. Arashi rushed past, making her way down into the dungeon, where the chalk had not yet polluted the air. She came out into a wide room, with many branching-off hallways. Prisoners jumped forward and grabbed onto their bars, calling to her for help. Yet a more insidious noise slowly rose in the background - snapping, creaking, the noise of gears locking into place.

     The prisoners slowly backed away from their bars. Creak. The sound of metal whistling through the air filled the hallways, then a loud crash as multiple cell doors fell onto the ground. A loud, frantic clattering echoed as numerous prototype Hitokugutsu rushed into the room and charged at Arashi, flesh splitting open to reveal rudimentary rusted weapons, steel plates on their skulls, terrified expressions as they jittered back and forth to another's command.

| 303 words
last edit by Chikamatsu Kiyoshi on Apr 15, 2024 8:15:53 GMT -5
Phantasm has written 115 posts
Pride Always Comes Before, Never After[C.A/I]Apr 15, 2024 8:58:58 GMT -5
Oonakayama Arashi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Oonakayama Arashi Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 23 years old birthday October 11th rank Elite Jounin occupation Kazekage
Pride always comes before


WORDS. xxx


Coming into the prison room, Arashi only had a few moments to catch her breath as she saw hands reaching out through the cell walls. If she was going to get people out, she'd first have to deal with their bars.

"Hang on! I'll get ya out!"

"The hell is happenin out there!"

Hearing the familiar voice, Arashi prepared to move in toward the teen's cell when she heard the sudden creaking and the loud noise of gears. Backing away, it seemed like the doors of the cells were opening swiftly, and the expression of some of the prisoners shifted. With the others seeming to back away, they'd all stop moving completely as Arashi did the same. She'd continue to listen in for what came next. The faint echo of a whistle, the creaking of gears with the distant sound of wind rustling past. What followed were cell doors opening, prompting her to narrow her eyes as she'd see figures begin to press in on her position.

Numerous Hitokugutsu rushing out and lunging upon her. As she mounted her defense to protect her, she'd see there metal features beneath flaps of flesh. Their lifeless eyes as they leered down upon her. The swarm seemed endless, limbs stretching and breaking what bones they had left to try and strike her. Bodies mounding upon each other like the undead.

Arashi was in felt like she had walked into a literal hell...

Yet, she managed to muster her nerves as she felt her barrier being overwhelmed, her eyes shifting as she began to create a set of hand seals as she could see her field starting to crack before her from the force against it. Their rapid motion withering down against the quickly forming sand shield that defended her, her hands racing to finish her seals before slamming her palms against the ground. As a circle began to form beneath her feet, she'd shift her body out of range, her form turning to dust as she moved outside of the circle that sparked and shimmered along the ground. As she saw it expand, she'd see the large dome form and begin to zap at those that tried to exit it.

Catching her breath at last, she'd see the walking horrors captured before her and then shake her head as she saw how many there were. So many people...dead...and now their bodies were being used like a twisted horde...

"She's insane....or at least crazier than before..."

In saying this, she'd begin to check for who was left, working toward releasing the prisoners that were still alive.

"Avoid the circle! Just keep moving up!"

As the sandy blonde female merchant attempted to assist in helping the others, she'd stop short of touching the electrified field, looking at Arashi before then raising her brow.

"Complicated she're a goddamn shinobi..."

"Does it matter?"

Arashi would glance back toward the entrance as she nodded her head toward it.

"That barrier won't last forever! Get moving!"

She had brought them some time, but it wasn't a permanant solution. For the moment, she could give the prisoners a chance to escape, and perhaps crash this fortress down on the living puppets during her own exit. That was the hope anyway, but already she could see some of them trying to push their way through, and with them already being dead, the electricity going through them only make more of their mechanical insides show and give more proof of their loss of life.

-S.A Used-
Ultimate Defense

A Skill granted by her continued use and developed relationship with Shukaku over the continued use of his control over sand, Arashi has a stronger connection to the element, allowing her to use it at a much more intensive rate than before. As such, her defenses are much more adapt and capable of taking on stronger attacks and reinforcing itself at faster speed. This adaptation to the sand shield allows for it's reaction time to have increased and make it more challenging for attacks to connect and break through the first layer, while acting still on the natural inclinations of auto-repairing itself for the next strike.

Will of Sand

Will of Sand- Adding the element of her own chakra into the mixture of sand, Arashi is capable of faster and stronger sand manipulation and attacks. The extent of this control is due to the supply gathered within her gourd, granting the bonus of power, but limited to only the amount contained within it. This ability makes her constructions more dense and harder to break down, and the swiftness of their creation is instant rather than requiring the prior time of build-up as before due to the strengthened bond between Arashi and Shukaku.

Fuuinjutsu Savant

Within her youth, Arashi had always been a natural when it came to the art of sealing techniques. Trained under one of it's great masters, her skill and understanding of this nearly forgotten artform only grew and has become more seasoned over time. With this knowledge, the shinobi is capable of identifying the nature and abilities of a seal just by looking at it, mapping out their structure, strength, and abilities based on previous experience and her own studies with the craft. This skill also allows for her own seals to become much stronger in their usage, extend their duration people(1 post), able to modify them to suit a specific situation or to quickly implement them in the field.

All-Covering Forests and Ten Thousand Things Assimilate Technique

A technique that Arashi learned from Shukaku, it was grafted upon the creativity and consumption of a variety of different environments and adapting them to the needs of the user. When Arashi first learned of this, she used them simply as a means of allowing her to move with the usage of her sand, traveling among the currents of the wind from one place to the next. Though over time, she has adapted to them and made that very nature part of herself and learned to manipulate it to more than just the desert itself.

With this growing understanding, comes her ability to use it to better suit her needs. Such as assimilation of Steel into her skin, or ash to the very minerals that build up the sand she controls to her will. This knowledge grants her the means to take these parts of her environment and impart them into her very being. While this is a short lived experience, they aid her in her ability to control the situation and to protect herself from threats that her Ultimate Sand Defense can not predict and allow for her to better protect herself. (Post Count limit:2)

-Jutsu Used-
NAME: Kyōhaku [Fortitude]
A large seal extending from the palms of the user which must be planted onto the ground. Either a single seal to activate, or it can be done immediately. It can stretch for up to fifty meters, which rapidly will be reached in a few seconds of time. Once reached, the circular edge of the giant seal releases lightning at a steady pace. A strong surge of lightning is moving from the seal to a connecting point at the very top. A giant dome of lightning. The walls are incredibly hard to pass, those trying would suffer paralysis, intense shock and becoming disoriented. Excessive voltage, or forced entry can result in death. This field can naturally sustain for seven rounds maximum. A good capturing method.

-Items Used-
xSand Gourd
-Familiar Used-

last edit by Oonakayama Arashi on Apr 30, 2024 11:12:06 GMT -5
Kaze has written 2,878 posts
Pride Always Comes Before, Never After[C.A/I]Apr 23, 2024 5:10:02 GMT -5
Chikamatsu Kiyoshi
Your worth is measured by the worth of what you value.
Chikamatsu Kiyoshi Avatar
age 43 years old birthday July 2nd, 980 rank Jounin occupation Godaime Kazekage
     Footsteps echoed through the clouds of white dust, the escapees coughing as they struggled to make their way to the exit - climbing over fallen stone, finding other ways forward. Though they eventually made it outside, they found themselves encircled by the bandits, waylayed until further notice.

     Amaya stalked the halls, heading for the basement. Even more Hitokugutsu followed behind her, the finest her operation had created thus far - no Shippai, but fine prototypes. She'd throw them all away for the prize that awaited, the despair of this girl, who helped to steal her life and her purpose.

     The girl, and the decrepit village, would pay. But she'd not throw her life away before seeing her goals completed. A shadow clone poofed into existence, took the lead towards the basement while Amaya hung back.

     The Hitokugutsu within the sphere furiously rattled their way out, only interested in Arashi and showing no sign of trying to rush after those who'd escaped. Metal and flesh scraping, they forced themselves out through the electricity and rushed at Arashi, lunging with extended blades and clanking, malfunctioning equipment. Just as they beset her, a voice called out from the side, from the bottom of the stairs: "Arashi-chan!"

| 201 words
last edit by Chikamatsu Kiyoshi on Apr 23, 2024 5:10:21 GMT -5
Phantasm has written 115 posts
Pride Always Comes Before, Never After[C.A/I]Apr 23, 2024 10:47:19 GMT -5
Oonakayama Arashi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Oonakayama Arashi Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 23 years old birthday October 11th rank Elite Jounin occupation Kazekage
Pride always comes before


WORDS. xxx


Arashi remained behind as the others made their attempt at escape. It was her hope that once they got to the surface they would scatter. Better to get as far away as possible than remain in a place they were imprisoned right?

Still, as she could see the sphere weakening with the hordes attacks, she'd narrow her eyes as she could see their lifeless eyes watching her. They didn't seem even remotely aware of those that were moving away from them, only on her. As she paced slowly from one side to the next, she'd see their movement mimic her own, prompting her to stop as she released a slow breath.

They seemed only keen on her...much like predators chomping at the bit...

"Right...No going back..."

Arashi's Last Stand

The curse marks on her palms began to glow as two Fuma Shuriken appeared within her grip, tightening within her hands as the living puppets began to pierce through the electrical sphere and rush at her location yet again. Her gaze would remain upon them as she darted back, arms swinging forward as she slashed outward, the bladed weapons crossing against their forms as a means to drive them back. Yet, they continued to come, more aggressive, more abundant in number as they threatened to surround her.

Arashi was already tired, but considering what had to be done, she needed to try and conserve as much chakra as she could for what came next. Along with buying enough time for the previous occupants of this space to get some distance before she brought this place down.

But the swarm of Hitokugutsu were relentless in their charge, closing the gap just as quickly as she took them down, prompting her to continue to back away to create space. The more she took down, the faster ten more seemed to take their place. Jumping into the air, Arashi would throw the large shuriken downward, creating a single hand seal upon their impact against the ground, the weapons crossing paths briefly in mid-throw before rupturing at the ground below with an burst of Raiton.

With the pulse shocking and even causing a pause in movement for some, the others continued their assault upon the girl's landing, brushing against her sand barrier as it acted in defense, buffering her as she stumbled back, only to begin extending her hand outward as a field from the scattered bits of dust began to form themselves into bullets.

As the rounds were released against the controlled frames, more would begin to fall, but others would rise to meet it as they took the beating with no end, their limbs collapsing but still pushing forward without stopping.

In seeing this, Arashi would revert to her backfoot, her eyes seeing a flash of an image...a smiling face, a clear determined expression that seemed to bring her focus as she released a gut wrenching scream from the deepest part of her soul. The roar was almost akin to that of a lion, echoing and shaking the very foundations of the structure around her. Crackling the floor, rumbling the fortress inwardly and pushing the forces back into a mangled mess as their remains hit the walls, cells and bars that were around them.

In seeing their remains only struggle to remain stand, some even scampering against the ground only to rise again, Arashi would feel her breathing hasten, her eyes scanning their coming force as she felt herself feeling something she hadn't in some time...


The black rings beneath her eyes were fully exposed, her frame hunched as she was struggling just to remain on her feet.

Yet as she prepared to renew her efforts, she'd hear her name being called and there at the bottom of the stairs....was her....

Her eyes widened, her teeth grit as she saw the woman there....and then it all came rushing back to her.

Her months of hell, being trapped, being controlled, being left in a state that she felt that she couldn't come back from.

The nights of paranoia in her rescue, the memory of the woman's father....his unwanted touch against her skin....his actions in warping her will to his design and desire.

All of it...rushing to her as she found herself screaming.


A burst of chakra would emerge from around Arashi, her eyes flaring up within their golden hue as she began to rush forward, her body moving as if on it's own as chakra propelled her on. Her hands clenched as she moved in, extending themselves into a talon-like shape. She'd see the human's puppets in her path, and she'd charge through them, hands slashing into them like claws as she moved toward her clear target. It was as if a maddening rage had possessed the young woman, her own impulses moving like that of a demon as she tore through the opposition in her way.

The bodies seemed endless as they were brought down around her, the strength of her attacks just as relentless as their own. Arms, legs, heads, ripped from their frames as they crossed her path, blood dripping from her fingertips, her eyes filled with rage as it felt the only energy driving her berserk barrage.

Drawing closer and closer to the figure that had tormented her for three years. The daughter of the man who had raped her and stolen something more than just physical...innocence...something that she could never get back.

The pent up emotions of the loss of her mother....everything...coming out at this exact moment...and all directed toward the woman that stood before her, behind the wall of bodies she had imprisoned and stripped of life...

It ended here...all of it...

-S.A Used-
Ultimate Defense

A Skill granted by her continued use and developed relationship with Shukaku over the continued use of his control over sand, Arashi has a stronger connection to the element, allowing her to use it at a much more intensive rate than before. As such, her defenses are much more adapt and capable of taking on stronger attacks and reinforcing itself at faster speed. This adaptation to the sand shield allows for it's reaction time to have increased and make it more challenging for attacks to connect and break through the first layer, while acting still on the natural inclinations of auto-repairing itself for the next strike.

Will of Sand

Will of Sand- Adding the element of her own chakra into the mixture of sand, Arashi is capable of faster and stronger sand manipulation and attacks. The extent of this control is due to the supply gathered within her gourd, granting the bonus of power, but limited to only the amount contained within it. This ability makes her constructions more dense and harder to break down, and the swiftness of their creation is instant rather than requiring the prior time of build-up as before due to the strengthened bond between Arashi and Shukaku.

Fuuinjutsu Savant

Within her youth, Arashi had always been a natural when it came to the art of sealing techniques. Trained under one of it's great masters, her skill and understanding of this nearly forgotten artform only grew and has become more seasoned over time. With this knowledge, the shinobi is capable of identifying the nature and abilities of a seal just by looking at it, mapping out their structure, strength, and abilities based on previous experience and her own studies with the craft. This skill also allows for her own seals to become much stronger in their usage, extend their duration people(1 post), able to modify them to suit a specific situation or to quickly implement them in the field.

Mark of the Beast

Feral Taijutsu techniques created through her influence and time among her Canine companions, Arashi has relied on these skills to get her through the streets and outskirts of Sunagakure for years during her time among them. While capable of keeping her alive among some of the worst people the Desert has to offer, overtime, she had to refine them and her usage of them due to her dependence of her Sand Shield and her lack of real physical contact over the years.

With her growing connection to Shukaku, she has better utilized these abilities in her Chakra mode states and has only recently implemented them in her overall combat strategy as they come in situations. Her training with her mother has also worked toward her developing and using her enhanced strength through her ties to her Tailed beast to better implement these techniques in her combat. This makes her much more versatile.

In this, her strikes are more impactful, though unchanneled like most Taijutsu Specialist. Wild as they are, they remain unpredictable and give a small advantage in their usage as they can come from any direction and at anytime, much like that of an attack Dog. Her endurance and agility are also improved upon taking on a more feral approach and taking much of her evasion to not just experience, but instinct. As the creator of this style, she has the knowledge of what each technique can do, and how to properly throw each attack, making her attacks more likely of success, despite their more than unorthodox approach.

-Jutsu Used-

NAME: Soshi Bakudan [Elemental Bomb]
A technique that allows the user to inscribe the seal onto a physical surface. The seal then can be activated manually, or automatically when another(not his own) chakra signature comes within' five meters or closer. In this case, it's Raiton. Which explodes in an electrifying burst, creating stuttering in movements(muscle spasms), potentially disorientating them and shocking them into a weakened paralysis. (This lasts for a single post, nothing prolonged. ICly it's only five seconds or so realistically.)

NAME: Satetsu Shigure [Sand Drizzle]
A gunshot-like attack which uses small clomps of Sand, hardened into minuscule grains to attack simultaneously across a range of 10 meters. The bullets are incredibly difficult to see but not impossible. The moment the user has finished preparing the attack, evading it becomes extremely difficult. Using the repellent force of magnetism, the speed of the bullets is rapidly increased after they are shot. Furthermore, the user can also use an attack pattern where the sand bullets are shaped into sharp needles, increasing their ability to wound or kill the opponent.

NAME: O-jū no shōgekiha [Tailed Beast Shockwave]
A tailed beast or Jinchuuriki taps into their large reserves in a burst of emotion. By either roaring, or a violent wave of the arms, the can send a powerful force of pressure and destruction that moves outward in a circular motion, with their body being its epicenter. For those who have minimal control, these are usually brought about when they are enraged in their Initial Jinchuuriki Form, or their Version 1 Chakra Cloak. The C-ranked version is capable of moving away Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, and projectile attacks of similar power, while serving as successful Kai due to the rush of chakra for a range in all directions for 20 meters. The B-ranked version of the jutsu is attainable when they are in their Version 2 Chakra cloak, which pushes everything mentioned above in all directions for 35 meters. When in Full Bijuu Mode, the S-ranked version can do 100 meters.

NAME: Kemono no shirushi

[Mark of Beast]






The technique created as a combination of strikes, it is intended for use upon multiple targets. With a boost of speed granted from the application of chakra into the lower limbs, the user charges forwards and lashes out against their targets. Their movements are difficult to track, as they will dash from one person to another, attempting to close the distance between themselves and their intended, striking at them with the use of the full impact granted by the temporary increase given by Fuuton application.

-Items Used-
xSand Gourd
x2 Fuma Shuriken
-Familiar Used-

last edit by Oonakayama Arashi on May 1, 2024 20:36:47 GMT -5
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