Grunt Cleaning | Mission

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Grunt Cleaning | MissionMay 12, 2024 10:59:26 GMT -5
Utagawa Matoi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Utagawa Matoi Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday rank Adv. Genin occupation Genin Team 3
[googlefont="Open Sans"]


[attr="class","lightbluetext"]Matoi stood at the break of dawn, the early morning light casting long shadows across the bustling streets of Kumogakure. The village was awakening, the sounds of shopkeepers opening their shutters and the distant clang of weapons from the training grounds filling the air.

Today was not a day for battle or training for Matoi, however; it was a day dedicated to a less celebrated but equally important task: village maintenance.

In her compact apartment, Matoi meticulously gathered her tools for the day: a sturdy squeegee, several high-absorbency cloths, a bucket, a scraper, and a cleaning solution of her own creation known to cut through grime with ease. She strapped the bucket to her belt, ensuring it hung securely and wouldn't impede her movements.

She donned her gear, a blend of functional attire suited for mobility and the possible minor hazards of her work. The dark gloves were fitted tightly against her hands, and the mask, a familiar and ever-present accessory, covered the lower half of her face, protecting her from the dust and debris she would undoubtedly encounter.

As she stepped out, the cool morning air brushed against her face. Matoi took a moment to appreciate the quiet before the day fully began, her violet eyes scanning the village's landscape, planning her route. The tallest structures would be tackled first while the energy of morning still bolstered her spirits.

With a deep breath, she activated her chakra, feeling the familiar surge through her veins. She anchored her feet with an almost magnetic pull against the stone path. Today, the walls of Kumogakure would be her training ground, each window a checkpoint, each cleared view a small victory in maintaining her home.

With a determined nod to herself, Matoi began her ascent. She scaled the side of the nearest building with ease, her movements fluid and assured. The village might wake to find their views a little clearer, the sunlight entering their homes a bit brighter, thanks to the diligence of a shinobi whose mission today was against, not an enemy, but the everyday wear of time and neglect.


[attr="class","lightbluetext"]01 | Rakurai
Whip Dagger
With a press of a button located beneath the hilt, Rakurai is able to separate its segments and turn into a five foot long bladed whip. It is able to be maneuvered just as a normal whip would be. And with another press of the button, the whip is able to retract back into its dagger form.


lorem ipsum


[attr="class","lightbluetext"]『Divine Lightning Body』
Having accessed the Clan's hijutsu at a rather young age, she's spent her years learning to master The Storm. She is able to transform part or the entirety of her body using the Divine Lightning Body and is able to pass through objects that are reactive to lightning. Practically the embodiment of lightning, she can use her skills to increase the speed, reactions and fighting capability significantly.

She becomes part of The Storm itself, giving her near immunity to other Raiton-based attacks. The caveat of this is she is incapable of learning any other elemental natures outside of her natural Raiton.

『Purple Lightning』
Having spent several years training her ability in using ninjutsu, specifically Raiton, few of her age has reached the level of mastery she has.

Some may call the element erratic and dangerous, but she has complete control over the bolts of energy she can create. Not only are the raiton techniques which Matoi utilizes much more powerful than standard, they're also a bright purple in color.



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last edit by Utagawa Matoi on May 12, 2024 11:00:26 GMT -5
apalooka has written 125 posts
Grunt Cleaning | MissionMay 12, 2024 16:00:40 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Sprinkles Avatar
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    As Matoi was clearing a corner and heading for the first building she was talking today, a person came into view round an opposite corner, with them unintentionally walking side by side. It might have taken a moment, but they both fully noticed one another, and at least the other Genin gave her something between a scowl and a grin.

"Getting started early brushing up on your maid skills huh? Gotta have something to fall back on when they eventually realize you suck at being a ninja."

    The girl laughed with a now familiar sound and voice, someone Mataoi hadn't seen much of at all since their time in the academy, and clearly she hadn't changed one bit. Always quick to tease and bully her despite them being at near the exact same level of skill throughout their academy years. Chikita Mimichi; a name more than a few would be more than happy not to hear any time soon. She wasn't from any prominent shinobi clan, was as general as general got as far as her personal skill, yet her rich parents gave her a sense of entitlement that no amount of cleaning solution was getting rid of.

    It wouldn't take but a cursory glance to realize Mimichi had a cleaning bucket, a few similar supplies, and was walking in the exact same direction almost certainly headed to do the exact same job. Every step, Mimichi tried to turn it into some small competition, trying to stay just a bit further ahead walking, standing up a bit straighter, and she was every bit the brat she always was. Perhaps Mataoi had herself an opponent, or sorts, after all today.
has written 30 posts
Grunt Cleaning | MissionMay 12, 2024 17:28:20 GMT -5
Utagawa Matoi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Utagawa Matoi Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday rank Adv. Genin occupation Genin Team 3
[googlefont="Open Sans"]


[attr="class","lightbluetext"]Matoi met Chikita Mimichi's gaze with a calm, almost indifferent expression. The jibe about her being a ninja barely registered on her stoic façade, a result of years of disciplined training and personal hardships that had taught her to value her own worth beyond petty taunts.

"Good morning, Mimichi," Matoi responded coolly, her voice devoid of any irritation. She glanced at Mimichi's bucket and tools, noting the near-identical setup. "Looks like we’re both on the same mission today. Let's see if your skills have improved as much as your mouth has."

Without waiting for a response, Matoi turned back to her task, her hands skillfully maneuvering the squeegee over the glass. The sunlight caught the streak-free surface, reflecting a job well done. It was a mundane task, yet she approached it with the same precision and dedication she would a shinobi mission.

As she moved to the next window, she could hear Mimichi huffing behind her, the sound of hurried scrubbing filling the air as the other girl tried to keep up. Matoi couldn’t help but let a small, satisfied smile curve the corners of her lips beneath her mask. Perhaps today wouldn’t be devoid of competition after all - a battle of diligence and effort was in the making.

With each window, the challenge seemed to escalate, Mimichi’s attempts to outdo her growing more desperate and noisy. Matoi remained focused, her movements efficient and quiet.

As she finished another section, Matoi paused and looked down the street where Mimichi was working. She considered for a moment whether to confront her directly, to challenge her to make this competition official, or to simply continue her work and let their results speak for themselves.

The morning was still young, and the streets of Kumogakure were filled with opportunities and potential encounters. Whatever her decision, it was clear that today was shaping up to be more interesting than just a simple day of maintenance.


[attr="class","lightbluetext"]01 | Rakurai
Whip Dagger
With a press of a button located beneath the hilt, Rakurai is able to separate its segments and turn into a five foot long bladed whip. It is able to be maneuvered just as a normal whip would be. And with another press of the button, the whip is able to retract back into its dagger form.


lorem ipsum


[attr="class","lightbluetext"]『Divine Lightning Body』
Having accessed the Clan's hijutsu at a rather young age, she's spent her years learning to master The Storm. She is able to transform part or the entirety of her body using the Divine Lightning Body and is able to pass through objects that are reactive to lightning. Practically the embodiment of lightning, she can use her skills to increase the speed, reactions and fighting capability significantly.

She becomes part of The Storm itself, giving her near immunity to other Raiton-based attacks. The caveat of this is she is incapable of learning any other elemental natures outside of her natural Raiton.

『Purple Lightning』
Having spent several years training her ability in using ninjutsu, specifically Raiton, few of her age has reached the level of mastery she has.

Some may call the element erratic and dangerous, but she has complete control over the bolts of energy she can create. Not only are the raiton techniques which Matoi utilizes much more powerful than standard, they're also a bright purple in color.



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last edit by apalooka on May 13, 2024 19:18:22 GMT -5
apalooka has written 125 posts
Grunt Cleaning | MissionMay 12, 2024 17:53:34 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Sprinkles Avatar
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"Hmph, I volunteered cause I was bored."

    The tone of her voice clearly signaled she was annoyed that her taunts at no effect more than anything, as she sped up to get to the job. She was accustomed to getting her way, even in verbal jousting, but wasn't so accustomed to others flat out refusing to joust with her, or not cowering to her constant comments. Narrowing her eyes with a clear sense of stubborn determination, she started on her work, constantly looking back to see more how Matoi was doing than the job she herself was doing.

    When Matoi moved faster she tried moving faster as well, making a silent competition out of it. The amount of time she was spending looking over her shoulder ended up making her job half-assed as best, which meant having to do it all over again more than once. The faster she tried working, tried paying attention to Matoi, the worst she did, meaning she'd have to yet again clean a spot she missed, wipe down a window covered in streaks and even fingerprints at times, grumbling and huffing loudly the entire time. This wasn't something to compete over, but even then she wasn't doing much of a good job at competing, clearly not accustomed to cleaning anything, let alone the sides of homes and buildings like this.

    Eventually Mimichi would catch up through sheer stubborn anger, which was admirable in a way, but she was unnecessarily tiring herself out trying to keep up with something that Matoi looked to be having no issues doing at all. A few times someone would come outside just to watch their building cleaned, but just watch with an odd curiosity at Mimichi more than anything, eventually wandering off or heading back inside. Mimichi finally made a loud huff and said something that was hard to tell if it was directed or just an annoyed outburst.

"It figures only a maid would enjoy doing this. Ugh! This is hell on my nails."
has written 30 posts
Grunt Cleaning | MissionMay 12, 2024 20:53:21 GMT -5
Utagawa Matoi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Utagawa Matoi Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday rank Adv. Genin occupation Genin Team 3
[googlefont="Open Sans"]


[attr="class","lightbluetext"]Matoi glanced over her shoulder, observing Mimichi's visibly increasing frustration and the less-than-satisfactory results of her rushed efforts. The corners of Matoi's lips twitched upwards beneath her mask, a rare moment of amusement breaking through her usually stoic demeanor.

"Perhaps focusing more on the task than what I’m doing might help," Matoi suggested calmly, her voice carrying over the sounds of the bustling street.

Her approach was methodical, each movement precise.

As she got to the top of her current building finishing the final window, Matoi hauled herself up to the roof and jumped to the next building. She reapplied her Wall-Walking and began to work downward.

"Cleaning might not be as glamorous as other missions," the genin continued, "but it teaches patience, attention to detail, and endurance - qualities essential for any shinobi. Maybe you'll actually learn something useful, Mimichi."

The taunt was subtle, wrapped in the guise of advice. She resumed her cleaning, the squeegee moving in smooth, controlled strokes, leaving the windows sparkling clean.

As she finished another section, Matoi paused, contemplating her next move. She could continue to silently outperform Mimichi, or engage more directly, perhaps easing the tension (and getting one up on the spoiled girl).

The streets of Kumogakure were coming alive with more villagers now, some pausing to watch the unusual sight of two genin turning window cleaning into a competitive sport. Their curiosity added an element of performance to the task, and Matoi felt the urge to show off the skills a shinobi could do, no matter how unglamorous the task might seem. She paused in her work and came to a decision.

"Maybe we could make a real challenge out of this," Matoi called out to Mimichi, her tone light. "Whoever finishes their side of the street with the best quality work gets a treat from the other? It's a way to ensure we both give our best effort."

Matoi waited for Mimichi's response, ready to continue her work but curious to see if this offer would change the dynamic of the mundane task the kunoichi had been set to.


[attr="class","lightbluetext"]01 | Rakurai
Whip Dagger
With a press of a button located beneath the hilt, Rakurai is able to separate its segments and turn into a five foot long bladed whip. It is able to be maneuvered just as a normal whip would be. And with another press of the button, the whip is able to retract back into its dagger form.


lorem ipsum


[attr="class","lightbluetext"]『Divine Lightning Body』
Having accessed the Clan's hijutsu at a rather young age, she's spent her years learning to master The Storm. She is able to transform part or the entirety of her body using the Divine Lightning Body and is able to pass through objects that are reactive to lightning. Practically the embodiment of lightning, she can use her skills to increase the speed, reactions and fighting capability significantly.

She becomes part of The Storm itself, giving her near immunity to other Raiton-based attacks. The caveat of this is she is incapable of learning any other elemental natures outside of her natural Raiton.

『Purple Lightning』
Having spent several years training her ability in using ninjutsu, specifically Raiton, few of her age has reached the level of mastery she has.

Some may call the element erratic and dangerous, but she has complete control over the bolts of energy she can create. Not only are the raiton techniques which Matoi utilizes much more powerful than standard, they're also a bright purple in color.



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apalooka has written 125 posts
Grunt Cleaning | MissionMay 13, 2024 16:07:57 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Sprinkles Avatar
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    For all her mocking bluster, Mimichi wanted nothing more than to toss all these cleaning supplies, yell for someone else to do it, and go back home to train. In her mind she was a shinobi, and all these tasks were beneath her, even if it was her own fault she was here doing them. She had only taken this mission after seeing a few of the other names on the list for missions this morning, thinking she'd excel at this like the few other things she did, wanting to rub it in someone's face, and it being Mataoi was a simple coincidence. Now that she was here however, she wanted to be anywhere else, and in her mind it wasn't her fault, but anyone else's she could manifest.

"This kind of task is beneath me anyways, and I'd be embarrassed to be good at it."

    There was no doubt some satisfaction in seeing her struggle and groan and complain, but no doubt that satisfaction would slip away and be eventually replaced with the annoyance of hearing about it. For all of her complaining and pouting, she got the job done, even some of it much faster than expected, getting up to the roof not that far behind Mataoi. She was shooting off glares like fireballs, as she rolled her eyes dramatically, checked her nails, and moved to the next building.

"So does training and sparring. This is just busy work."

    Her sarcastic tone was already turning into a clear whiny one in a hurry, as the spoiled shinobi was too stubborn to simply stop, but too annoyed to not make sure everyone knew how much she didn't want to be out here. A bit of hard work as she was already complaining, which showed her true character, and was exactly why her name was left off the list of recommendations for the upcoming Chuunin Exams for the second time this year already.

    The next building she began cleaning with surprising quiet, more because she couldn't think of anything to say but the same repeated insults about maids and servants, and even she was aware enough to know she was being shown up. Half way up a near building she heard the words ringing out, and had she been the only one to hear it, she might have scoffed and made some excuse to say no. As it was, she felt her competitive spirit nudged enough that she couldn't bring herself to disagree.

"Fine, just don't complain afterwards."
has written 30 posts
Grunt Cleaning | MissionMay 13, 2024 22:56:17 GMT -5
Utagawa Matoi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Utagawa Matoi Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday rank Adv. Genin occupation Genin Team 3
[googlefont="Open Sans"]


[attr="class","lightbluetext"]Matoi, having already resumed her cleaning on the next building, glanced back momentarily, the challenge now clearly defined. Her movements were methodical, a blend of precision and grace that showed her dedication.

As she worked, the rhythmic swish of the squeegee became a meditative sound, her focus narrowed to the clear path she was creating on each window. The sunlight, now bolder and more direct, highlighted her meticulous work, the clean windows shining almost defiantly in the sunlight.

"I hope you're ready to pick out a good treat," Matoi called out, her voice lilting with a playful tone.

It wasn't often that she allowed herself to engage in such direct antagonism, and over something as mundane as cleaning, but Mimichi’s presence, her constant striving for one-upmanship, had drawn out a rare side of Matoi.

The challenge seemed to spur both young women on, pushing them to focus more intently on their tasks. The street below them began to gather a small crowd of curious villagers, their interest piqued by the unusual spectacle of two shinobi transforming a routine chore into a spirited contest.

As Matoi finished another series of windows, she allowed herself a brief look at the street below. The villagers' faces ranged from amused to impressed, and a few younger children pointed excitedly at the spotless windows and the shinobi.

Feeling a slight wind picking up, Matoi adjusted her mask, her eyes scanning the area for Mimichi’s progress. The competition had brought new energy to their work. The day was progressing, and soon the heat of the progressing sun would begin to make the physical effort more demanding. Even with the mist, the sun would heat the area and the humidity would grow. Matoi knew the importance of efficiency and pace, especially as the day grew warmer.

As she approached the final building on her side of the street, Matoi prepared to finish strong, her technique flawless as she cleaned the higher windows, her movements almost acrobatic as she navigated the vertical surfaces with ease.

"Almost done here, Mimichi. How’s it looking over there?" Matoi’s voice was clear and composed.

The contest was nearing its end, and soon they would see whose efforts would be deemed superior. Matoi was curious to see if Mimichi’s pride would push her to match her effort or if the challenge would prove too much for the entitled genin.


[attr="class","lightbluetext"]01 | Rakurai
Whip Dagger
With a press of a button located beneath the hilt, Rakurai is able to separate its segments and turn into a five foot long bladed whip. It is able to be maneuvered just as a normal whip would be. And with another press of the button, the whip is able to retract back into its dagger form.


lorem ipsum


[attr="class","lightbluetext"]『Divine Lightning Body』
Having accessed the Clan's hijutsu at a rather young age, she's spent her years learning to master The Storm. She is able to transform part or the entirety of her body using the Divine Lightning Body and is able to pass through objects that are reactive to lightning. Practically the embodiment of lightning, she can use her skills to increase the speed, reactions and fighting capability significantly.

She becomes part of The Storm itself, giving her near immunity to other Raiton-based attacks. The caveat of this is she is incapable of learning any other elemental natures outside of her natural Raiton.

『Purple Lightning』
Having spent several years training her ability in using ninjutsu, specifically Raiton, few of her age has reached the level of mastery she has.

Some may call the element erratic and dangerous, but she has complete control over the bolts of energy she can create. Not only are the raiton techniques which Matoi utilizes much more powerful than standard, they're also a bright purple in color.



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[newclass=".lightbluetext"]width:400px;text-align:justify;font-family:Open Sans;font-size:12px;color:#111111;margin-top:-20px;[/newclass]
apalooka has written 125 posts
Grunt Cleaning | MissionMay 14, 2024 0:59:22 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Sprinkles Avatar
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    At some point, it looked as if Mimichi was talking to someone, pointing around at who knows what, but as far as could be seen, there was no one close enough for her to be talking to that quietly.


    That was all the response she gave, which was a bit odd for as much as she was quick to mock and moan just moments earlier, yet she was barely even looking at Matoi now. Mimichi was clearly talking now, though she kept looking over her shoulder as if she was trying to see if the other shinobi was looking at her, then a sly grin that might have been hard to notice at first, before she turned around slowly scrubbing at one of the windows. Between the time that Matoi looked and then looked back a second time, nearly the entire side of the building Mimichi was wiping away at seemed near spotless, as Mimichi was grinning and confidently walking up to the top.

"Oh it's going great."

    Despite the sudden speed that Mimichi seemed to be working whenever Matoi wasn't looking, she was clearly not working any faster. If anything it seemed as if she was moving even slower before, and that snide grin was plastered on her face. The next time Matoi looked over, somehow Mimichi was almost completely done, yet she had barely moved up the building a few feet. Depending on how closely one was to look, someone might have noticed that there was a pair of soapy footprints walking up the side of the building Mimichi was cleaning, but they'd vanish shortly afterwards, then appear, and again vanish. Depending on how long someone was to look, they might also notice parts of the building Mimichi was no where near were getting clean as well.

"Looks like I'm going to win at this rate."
has written 30 posts
Grunt Cleaning | MissionMay 15, 2024 14:04:37 GMT -5
Utagawa Matoi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Utagawa Matoi Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday rank Adv. Genin occupation Genin Team 3
[googlefont="Open Sans"]


[attr="class","lightbluetext"]Matoi's keen observation skills caught the strange pattern in Mimichi's progress. Her violet eyes narrowed slightly as she noted the inconsistent speed and the sporadic appearance of soapy footprints. Something was amiss, and Matoi was not one to overlook such details.

Remaining calm and composed, Matoi continued her meticulous cleaning, ensuring that each window was spotless and streak-free. Her movements were efficient and fluid, a testament to her discipline and focus. Yet, her mind was alert, piecing together the oddities in Mimichi’s approach.

"Interesting technique you have there, Mimichi," Matoi called out, her voice steady but laced with a hint of suspicion. "Seems you’ve gotten quite efficient suddenly."

As she approached the end of her side of the street, Matoi made a swift decision to observe Mimichi more closely. She finished her last window and, with a graceful leap, moved to a vantage point where she could get a better view of Mimichi's work without being too obvious.

From her new position, Matoi watched as areas Mimichi wasn’t even near seemed to get clean. The footprints appeared and vanished mysteriously, suggesting some form of deception. Matoi’s training had honed her ability to detect irregularities, and this scenario was filled with them.

"Hmm," Matoi murmured to herself, considering the situation. She knew that openly accusing Mimichi without concrete evidence would not be wise, especially given Mimichi's tendency to deflect and manipulate situations to her advantage. Instead, Matoi decided to possibly catch Mimichi in the act.

Tyring to be subtle, she waited until Mimichi had turned to supposedly do her work, then tossed a shuriken to land on the sill of one of the windows that hadn’t been cleaned yet over on the other girl’s side. It was a decent distant away from Mimichi, so if she was cheating like Matoi suspected, she wouldn’t be the one to find it.

Matoi resumed her cleaning, but her senses remained heightened, watching for any further anomalies. As she cleaned, she plotted to confront Mimichi, hopefully catching her off-guard and revealing whatever trick she was employing.

"Almost done here," Matoi announced loudly enough for Mimichi and the onlookers to hear. "How about you, Mimichi? It would be a shame if your newfound speed turned out to be less about skill and more about shortcuts."

Matoi’s challenge was clear, and she waited for Mimichi's reaction, ready to act on whatever clue might present itself. The crowd below, now quite entertained by the unfolding competition, watched eagerly, adding pressure to the situation.

She kept her peripheral vision on her shuriken, waiting to see if it would get picked up or moved. The moment she saw the little weapon shit, Matoi would slam her hand against her own wall, pulsing a small amount of chakra through, allowing the electrical currents to travel through the walls and ground to create a lightning cage around whatever or whoever was helping the other genin cheat, paralyzing them and preventing them from moving.

As the day progressed, the true nature of this seemingly mundane task was revealing itself to be as complex and challenging as any shinobi mission. Matoi was prepared to see it through, her determination unwavering, as she awaited Mimichi's next move.


[attr="class","lightbluetext"]01 | Rakurai
Whip Dagger
With a press of a button located beneath the hilt, Rakurai is able to separate its segments and turn into a five foot long bladed whip. It is able to be maneuvered just as a normal whip would be. And with another press of the button, the whip is able to retract back into its dagger form.


[attr="class","lightbluetext"]Shōgeki-tekina kēji no Jutsu [Shocking Cage Technique]
Using a conductive weapon, such as senbon or kunai the user will throw it down around the user or in a specific area, anticipating the target's entry to that area. When the Tetsumaki slam their hand to the ground to create a lightning cage around the opponent. The more chakra the Tetsumaki pumps into the conductive apparatus results in the lightning becoming more powerful.When one tries to slip through this jutsu once caught within the cage, they can be paralyzed and even burned by the arcing lightning. If a weaker opponent (for example a student or individuals with a weaker heart) can, just like usual electrical currents, have their hearts stopped by directly touching the cage.

Low -Three posts of a cage that can paralysis momentarily and slow reactions speeds for 1 post if going through.

Medium - Three rounds of a cage that can paralyze 1 round and second degree burns inflicted if going through.


[attr="class","lightbluetext"]『Divine Lightning Body』
Having accessed the Clan's hijutsu at a rather young age, she's spent her years learning to master The Storm. She is able to transform part or the entirety of her body using the Divine Lightning Body and is able to pass through objects that are reactive to lightning. Practically the embodiment of lightning, she can use her skills to increase the speed, reactions and fighting capability significantly.

She becomes part of The Storm itself, giving her near immunity to other Raiton-based attacks. The caveat of this is she is incapable of learning any other elemental natures outside of her natural Raiton.

『Purple Lightning』
Having spent several years training her ability in using ninjutsu, specifically Raiton, few of her age has reached the level of mastery she has.

Some may call the element erratic and dangerous, but she has complete control over the bolts of energy she can create. Not only are the raiton techniques which Matoi utilizes much more powerful than standard, they're also a bright purple in color.



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last edit by Utagawa Matoi on May 15, 2024 14:05:41 GMT -5
apalooka has written 125 posts
Grunt Cleaning | MissionMay 16, 2024 1:53:12 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Sprinkles Avatar
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    It was hard to tell when the shuriken Matoi was watching moved, even as she was watching it, but it was very obviously not Mimichi who moved it. Wherever it had moved to, or whoever had moved it, it was gone completely, or at least for a few moments. Turning around to make a scoffing noise and some sarcastic rebuttal, Mimichi was a bit surprised to see the shuriken returned to its sender, sticking into the brick of the building Mataoi was cleaning, not even a foot away from her. Even Mimichi was a bit caught off guard by it, looking at what was seemingly nothing with a sour stare.

    The paralyzing technique however didn't seem to have any effect, outside of making Mimichi panic for a second time and jump down from the wall she was already in the process of climbing down. Despite the clear suspicious activity, both of them would have finished at near the exact same time, but Mimichi was clearly looking up at something, or perhaps for something. Suddenly she jumped, as a figure stood next to her with a hand on her shoulder, as if they'd been standing there the whole time, but very clearly they hadn't walked up, so where exactly had they come from?

    Depending on how well one's memory might be, they could just about recognize this person as one of Mimichi's older cousins, one known for using stealth in the most obnoxious ways possible. Instead of using it for combat situations or combat missions, they perfected their skills for no other reason than to pull pranks on people. Standing there beside Mimichi, she just grinned wide, but didn't say a word.

has written 30 posts
Grunt Cleaning | MissionMay 17, 2024 23:11:11 GMT -5
Utagawa Matoi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Utagawa Matoi Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday rank Adv. Genin occupation Genin Team 3
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[attr="class","lightbluetext"]Matoi's sharp eyes observed the interaction between Mimichi and her cousin with a mixture of incredulity and disappointment. Her suspicions had been confirmed, but not in the way she had hoped for a clear, honorable competition. The presence of Mimichi's cousin, the prankster, made sense of the inconsistencies she had witnessed.

Her stance relaxed slightly as the situation unraveled, her disappointment clear but her demeanor still composed. The crowd's murmuring grew, a mix of amusement and disapproval humming through the air as they too realized the deceit.

"Seems you brought some unexpected help, Mimichi," Matoi commented. Her tone was light, but the undercurrent of disapproval was unmistakable. The genin finished cleaning up the last remaining spots on her windows before returning her equipment back to their spots on her belt.

She stepped down from the building, her movements graceful and controlled. Approaching Mimichi and her cousin, Matoi's violet eyes flicked between the two, her gaze cool and assessing.

"Being a shinobi is about integrity, even in the smallest tasks. How you approach a simple job says a lot about how you'll handle the bigger challenges." Matoi’s voice was firm, her message clear as she glanced at the windows, her side shining spotlessly in the sunlight, a testament to her diligent work. She was pretty much insulting Mimichi's character, wrapping it up in a pretty bow of teaching a lesson.

Turning back to Mimichi, Matoi tilted her head at the two other girls. "Everyone can have a moment of weakness, Mimichi. What's important is what you do next. Will you own up to this and try to make it right, or will you let it define you?"

Whether or not Mimichi would take up on the offered olive branch remained to be seen, but Matoi had made her stance clear: the integrity of a shinobi was reflected in all their actions, big or small.

The crowd waited, some with bated breath, for Mimichi’s response.


[attr="class","lightbluetext"]01 | Rakurai
Whip Dagger
With a press of a button located beneath the hilt, Rakurai is able to separate its segments and turn into a five foot long bladed whip. It is able to be maneuvered just as a normal whip would be. And with another press of the button, the whip is able to retract back into its dagger form.


[attr="class","lightbluetext"]Shōgeki-tekina kēji no Jutsu [Shocking Cage Technique]
Using a conductive weapon, such as senbon or kunai the user will throw it down around the user or in a specific area, anticipating the target's entry to that area. When the Tetsumaki slam their hand to the ground to create a lightning cage around the opponent. The more chakra the Tetsumaki pumps into the conductive apparatus results in the lightning becoming more powerful.When one tries to slip through this jutsu once caught within the cage, they can be paralyzed and even burned by the arcing lightning. If a weaker opponent (for example a student or individuals with a weaker heart) can, just like usual electrical currents, have their hearts stopped by directly touching the cage.

Low -Three posts of a cage that can paralysis momentarily and slow reactions speeds for 1 post if going through.

Medium - Three rounds of a cage that can paralyze 1 round and second degree burns inflicted if going through.


[attr="class","lightbluetext"]『Divine Lightning Body』
Having accessed the Clan's hijutsu at a rather young age, she's spent her years learning to master The Storm. She is able to transform part or the entirety of her body using the Divine Lightning Body and is able to pass through objects that are reactive to lightning. Practically the embodiment of lightning, she can use her skills to increase the speed, reactions and fighting capability significantly.

She becomes part of The Storm itself, giving her near immunity to other Raiton-based attacks. The caveat of this is she is incapable of learning any other elemental natures outside of her natural Raiton.

『Purple Lightning』
Having spent several years training her ability in using ninjutsu, specifically Raiton, few of her age has reached the level of mastery she has.

Some may call the element erratic and dangerous, but she has complete control over the bolts of energy she can create. Not only are the raiton techniques which Matoi utilizes much more powerful than standard, they're also a bright purple in color.



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apalooka has written 125 posts
Grunt Cleaning | MissionMay 17, 2024 23:30:18 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Sprinkles Avatar
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    With a noise that was some ugly sounding fusion of a scoff and a clicking of her tongue, she brushed and pushed her cousin's arms off of her shoulder and stepped to the side, rolling her eyes.

"I didn't bring anything, I can assure you."

    Though Matoi wouldn't have been aware of it, her cousin didn't show up because she was summoned, but because she simply thought it would be amusing, and no other reason. What Mimichi had been saying to her earlier was to go away, and that she was going to mess things up for her. In truth, she did want to win, and even standing here now after the fact she knew she wouldn't have otherwise, but now she looked like an idiot that she thought her cousin to be.

    For Mimichi's part, what she was cleaning was already done thanks to her cousin, which left her standing here feeling even more annoyed as she watched Matoi finish properly, turning and shooting her cousin a look and saying something out of earshot of Matoi, as she returned to see Mimichi with her arms crossed and turned the other way entirely. It was clear she wasn't any happier to have "won" this way either, but she was certainly happy enough not to say anything while it was happening and she thought she might win, at least not to Matoi anyways.

"Oh don't lecture me, she's the idiot who thought it would be funny to show up. I told the bird brain to leave several times."

    Her cousin just laughed and winked at Mimichi, slapping her on the back as she still said absolutely nothing. Throwing her arms up in the air she turned and waved specifically at Matoi as she put her arms behind her head and casually walked off whistling a tune. Giving another annoyed scoff, Mimichi through her wet sponge at her cousin, who dodged quite easily and kept walking away. Standing there now, both flushed with anger and embarrassment, she clicked her tongue a second time and gave a dismissive wave at Mataoi.

"Whatever. Do what you want and get it over with."

has written 30 posts
Grunt Cleaning | MissionMay 18, 2024 19:21:43 GMT -5
Utagawa Matoi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Utagawa Matoi Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday rank Adv. Genin occupation Genin Team 3
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[attr="class","lightbluetext"]Matoi, having observed the whole spectacle with a critical eye, allowed a moment of silence to settle between them. The day’s stillness reclaimed as the buzz of the crowd began to dissipate now that the spectacle was over. She considered the situation and Mimichi's response, gauging the true measure of her rival's character beneath the bravado and frustration.

Without further comment, Matoi reached into her pouch and retrieved ten ryō, holding them out towards Mimichi with a measured gesture. Her violet eyes, clear and steady, met Mimichi's with a look that was neither forgiving nor accusatory - it was simply neutral, reflecting a decision made without the heat of emotion.

"You technically completed the task first. It was my fault for not creating a stipulation about outside help," Matoi stated plainly, the coins gleaming slightly in the sunlight. "Remember, though, being strong isn't just about physical skills or even ninja techniques. It's about being honest, especially with oneself."

Her words were delivered with a calm clarity, intended not to wound but to impart a lesson that might linger longer than the temporary sting of pride. She strode forward and placed the coins in the other girl’s hand to acknowledge the truth of the victory; deceitfully won, but a victory nonetheless.

Money deposited, Matoi turned from the whole debacle. This challenge, though minor in the grand scheme of things, was yet another stepping stone in the path she walked as a kunoichi.

"Maybe, while you’re getting your treat, you should think about what it really means to win, and what you want your victories to say about you."

With those final words, Matoi collected her tools, ensuring everything was secured and orderly, before nodding courteously to Mimichi and departing from the scene.


[attr="class","lightbluetext"]01 | Rakurai
Whip Dagger
With a press of a button located beneath the hilt, Rakurai is able to separate its segments and turn into a five foot long bladed whip. It is able to be maneuvered just as a normal whip would be. And with another press of the button, the whip is able to retract back into its dagger form.


[attr="class","lightbluetext"]Shōgeki-tekina kēji no Jutsu [Shocking Cage Technique]
Using a conductive weapon, such as senbon or kunai the user will throw it down around the user or in a specific area, anticipating the target's entry to that area. When the Tetsumaki slam their hand to the ground to create a lightning cage around the opponent. The more chakra the Tetsumaki pumps into the conductive apparatus results in the lightning becoming more powerful.When one tries to slip through this jutsu once caught within the cage, they can be paralyzed and even burned by the arcing lightning. If a weaker opponent (for example a student or individuals with a weaker heart) can, just like usual electrical currents, have their hearts stopped by directly touching the cage.

Low -Three posts of a cage that can paralysis momentarily and slow reactions speeds for 1 post if going through.

Medium - Three rounds of a cage that can paralyze 1 round and second degree burns inflicted if going through.


[attr="class","lightbluetext"]『Divine Lightning Body』
Having accessed the Clan's hijutsu at a rather young age, she's spent her years learning to master The Storm. She is able to transform part or the entirety of her body using the Divine Lightning Body and is able to pass through objects that are reactive to lightning. Practically the embodiment of lightning, she can use her skills to increase the speed, reactions and fighting capability significantly.

She becomes part of The Storm itself, giving her near immunity to other Raiton-based attacks. The caveat of this is she is incapable of learning any other elemental natures outside of her natural Raiton.

『Purple Lightning』
Having spent several years training her ability in using ninjutsu, specifically Raiton, few of her age has reached the level of mastery she has.

Some may call the element erratic and dangerous, but she has complete control over the bolts of energy she can create. Not only are the raiton techniques which Matoi utilizes much more powerful than standard, they're also a bright purple in color.



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apalooka has written 125 posts
Grunt Cleaning | MissionMay 19, 2024 1:40:38 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Sprinkles Avatar
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    Mimichi's eyes narrowed as the money was held out towards her, immediately making a dismissive gesture towards her and turning away slightly. She might have been an amazingly spoiled brat, but what she didn't consider herself was a cheat.

"I'm not taking your money. You probably need it more than I do anyways."

    It didn't mean she was a great person all the same, and she was still not above taking jabs at Matoi. She was still  snobby rich girl after all, and it would likely take more than a window washing competition to slap some sense into her. Despite the fact she was the one who made this whole thing a competition, she didn't really get any satisfaction out of winning by her idiot cousin doing what she did. It wasn't as if she was actually trying to help her out anyways, and only kept doing it because she knew it was get under her skin, which to be fair didn't take much.

"Yeah yeah, lectures, morals, blah blah. I get it. As far as I'm concerned neither of us won, which still means you didn't win. Good enough for me."

    Pointing a finger towards Matoi without turning to face her, she took in a deep breath and flexed her cheek muscles as if she was trying to force out words she clearly didn't want to say, before turning around and leaning forward closer. There was a mixture of annoyance and determination on her face as she got even closer still, poking Matoi in the chest.

"You better pass this damned Chuunin Exam. I won't be there to show you up, so I better not hear you failed, got it?"

    Huffing with a hmph, she turned away and walked off.
has written 30 posts