Dual-Bloodlines Guide

fallen blades
Dual-Bloodlines GuideMay 16, 2024 1:35:10 GMT -5
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A Dual-Bloodline is a position/ability on the SA&W list which allows for a character to have the abilities of two separate Hijutsu or Kekkei Genkai clans. Sometimes this will be two Hijutsu, two Kekkei Genkai, or one of each. It is important to understand that these are two separate abilities. While they might potentially be used in conjunction with one another to a limited extent, you will not be able to fuse these together to make some entirely new ability. For example, if someone were to have Dust Release and Blast Release from Iwa, it would not suddenly allow you to make say a Nuclear Release or something of that nature.

Approval of Dual Bloodlines

As stated in the SA&W Positions Thread, any desired Dual-Bloodline must be signed off by a majority of the staff before a character can be reviewed. This is primarily to ensure that one's clan's abilities do not make another clan's ability or both abilities unbalanced for the site. While this is the primary purpose, the staff also are looking for the rationale of the dual-bloodline existing to make sense; if one clan's abilities require a certain portion of their body to be a certain way and another clan's abilities also needed to change that part then they would conflict with one another and not be viable. Just below staff will be keeping a list of combinations that we have determined are too powerful. The first list are clans that we feel are just too powerful to be paired with any other clans and the second list will be specific combinations we feel were too much.

Inherent Bans [as of May 16, 2024]

Previous Denials [as of May 16, 2024]
  • Yamanaka + Nara, Jūryoku, etc
    [No clan with movement control.]
  • Akimichi + Kuishinbou
    [Abilities exponentially increase the potency of each other to the point of being unbalanced.]

Challenges of Dual-Bloodlines

While Dual-Bloodlines can potentially be a powerful ability in itself, it is not without its demerits either. When a player makes a character with the abilities of two separate clans, they should be prepared to face IC challenges; even in the best-case scenarios, they will likely be viewed with some level of suspicion from some of each clan's members as well as have individuals in each of those clans trying to drive wedges to push them away from the other clan and closer to their own clan's members.

In situations where a character has acquired a clan's abilities without the blessings of the clan's leadership, they may even be targeted for mistreatment or even outright grievous injury and death. Clan abilities at the end of the day are much akin to military secrets that allow these families to remain important within their respective villages and gives them some level of edge over other shinobi so naturally someone having these secrets without some sort of approval is a dangerous prospect.

The absolute worst-case scenario is having the abilities of a clan, in a village which that clan harbors animosity towards. As an example, if a character had the abilities of a Kiri Hijutsu clan and was a shinobi of Konoha it is essentially a given that the Kiri clan would have standing orders and potentially even bounties calling for the death of that character. It is also equally in the realm of possibilities that Kiri itself may wish for that individual's death. While this is a reference to dual-bloodline, this is also true in the case of any out-of-village bloodline or hijutsu.

Furthermore, without the support of one or both clans whose abilities the character has, that character might be forced to try and develop or at least further develop their abilities on their own which typically will mean personal jutsu that are often more flawed versions of standard clan techniques. While this may sound like a lot of downsides, the true upside of this position should always be seen as the story that can potentially be told with such characters. Dealing with such situations, overcoming these difficulties, and facing these dangers should all be seen with as much excitement as the abilities themselves are viewed with.

last edit by Yofie on Jul 26, 2024 2:09:40 GMT -5
Yofie has written 281 posts