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AS ABOVE, SO BELOW [C-RANK MISSION]Aug 11, 2024 8:33:28 GMT -5
Gurē Ren
Knowledge is Power
Gurē Ren Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 19 years old birthday January 27th rank Chuunin occupation Medical Corps

   the things we know...

-  -  -  A S  A B O V E,  S O  B E L O W  -  -  -

The events unfolding could be described as stuff from horror novels. The sound of two hundred and forty-eight spider legs scurrying towards the three men was not the loudest but unsettling. The soft touches of arachnid legs and the hairs on them swept sand and small rocks around so it created a constant sweeping sound that was something Ren had never heard before and exposure to it covered his entire body with goosebumps. It wasn’t often that he had felt like food.

When the spiders approached, Ren summoned chakra in his legs and jumped up to one of the walls where he’d attach himself to a higher ground with chakra. Ponytail retreated and performed some entrapment later to be revealed as a surrounded area of spikes. Meantime, Ren noticed a group of spiders climbing up the wall to him, so he stood up sideways on the wall and formed a hand seal and extended his arm forward and again, just like with the moles, a flash of lightning came out. Raijū Hashiri no Jutsu This time, since the distance was larger, it looked like a chain of lightning came from Ren’s hand and hopped around from spider to spider. Upon close inspection one would see it was a lightning canine at the end of the chain leaping from target to target. The lightning wolf bodied five of the spiders that had followed up the wall but there were more coming so Ren continued the jutsu and hit four more that followed. All the spiders hit by lightning recoiled off the wall and most stayed unmoving with their legs crossing over their torsos.

Ponytail had urged them to focus on the big spider and Anaemic used a jutsu that now revealed to extend his own shadow to connect to the large creature and a large pool of shadows grew under him while some thin shadow tendrils stabbed at and wrapped around the spider’s extremities. So that was what had controlled the centipedes. Ren hadn’t seen the cast of the jutsu within the commotion before but now with the high vantage point and added light from above it was clear as day. An interesting technique indeed.

The blonde doctor’s strengths had never lied in brute strength or increased agility or reflexes. Instead, his mind was sharp and he was capable of performing even the most complicated jutsu he came across. He was especially talented in medical ninjutsu and could think of one that, while required at least a quarter of his remaining chakra, could finish the big creature.

Hearing Anaemic struggle with confining the big spider, Ren released his jutsu and ran up the wall to gain more height. He kicked off it and flipped his body once to land legs first on the back of the building-sized spider. The blonde landed right behind the head of the arachnid and turned to run towards the end. Once coming past the torso, he climbed a couple yards onto the top of the abdomen. A thick exoskeleton enhanced with doton chakra covered the creature’s entire body but this time Ren wouldn’t use an elemental jutsu. Instead, he knelt down on the abdomen and formed three hand seals. Gathering chakra in his right arm, the man plunged it shoulder deep in the top of the abdomen and retreated a bloody cluster of a mass. Zōki Tekishutsu: Rippuru There would be no wound on the outside of the body but Ren had retreated a long messy tube of tissue that was bigger than his body and dropped it as soon as he yanked it out (which required stepping back a bit). Now covered in spider blood with his right arm visibly black from it, the man let go of the mass and it toppled to the side and rolled down to the side. The creature itself twitched a little but would go completely numb afterwards. It was unsightly but Ren had made sure the spider would never move again. Now all that was left was to get rid of the very few remaining small spiders and confirm the exit of the labyrinth.

NAME: Raijū Hashiri no Jutsu [Lightning Beast Running Technique]
CHAKRA USAGE: Medium [Continuous] / Exponentially increases beyond 35 meters from user.
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
After a single handseal Raiton chakra is sent to the user's hand. The user then makes lightning expand into the form of a hound or wolf, and remains connected to it by a chain of lighting. The user can make the beast go as far as thirty five meters before the user's direct control of it from such a distance starts to strain the user's chakra pool. This jutsu's deadliness stems from its unpredictability, though if the opponent is struck by the wolf, one will find their body rocked with a powerful charge of lightning, enough to throw a them off their feet and incapacitated.

NAME: Zōki Tekishutsu: Rippuru [Organ Removal: Ripple]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [Medical]
REQUIREMENT: Chakra Control SA, Medical Training SA
Who doesn't want a jutsu to solely take out an organ without having to cut the body of your victim? Search no more, you found it! Now you can murder people without being found out all too fast.

The jutsu basically allows the hand of the user to go through flesh and bone in some sort of ripple movement. Albeit no time-space related jutsu, it may seem so. But instead, the jutsu forces the cells to let the foreign hand to enter the body and to let it go without even a single cut. The organ, on the other hand, is properly ripped out without much fanciness, unless the user finds a way to use the chakra scalpel at the same time: a move only the very best and greatest medics can perform.

The only downside to this jutsu, if used with stealth and goal to kill anonymously, it leaves your chakra signature right where it left the body. So if a sensor already saw your signature before, you are essentially screwed.

TAG : || WORDS : 686 || NOTES : 16/15

simple thread template no jutsu by odango

odango has written 51 posts
AS ABOVE, SO BELOW [C-RANK MISSION]Aug 11, 2024 13:22:39 GMT -5
Yamanaka Tomomi
Learn to recognize poisons before you swallow them.
Yamanaka Tomomi Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 34 years old birthday 6/10 rank Jonin occupation Hokage's Assistant

Shikajin extended his shadow, a massive pool of darkness swallowing up the spider's shadow and working to bind it in place. It thrashed, but it was stilled nonetheless. Tomomi had worked alongside many Nara, but some clan-alliance pride always made her find it an grand feat every time she saw it. It wouldn't hold for long, though. Either she'd need to skewer the spider, or the Kirigakure shinobi would need to act fast.

The ninja of the water did follow through, scaling the side of the cave. He launched himself down on top of the beast and his arm slipped into its carapace, piercing deep before coming back out with the spider's innards. Tomomi had studied medicine, but wasn't proficient enough to be able to identify what it was offhand and was, begrudgingly, impressed.

The large spider stopped moving, dead where it stood, and collapsed to the ground. That only left the small stragglers running about the cave and those were much, much less threatening, especially now that they weren't a massive horde.

Using a few kunai and some elbow grease, Tomomi would clear up some of the spiders, expecting his allies to do the same. It was messy work and Tomomi would be glad to get back to the response center and wash off as soon as possible.

Once things were all clear, Tomomi would lead them that least little bit forward, emerging from the cave on the other side.

Stepping out into daylight again, the path before them was... shocking. The devastation before the caves was striking and obvious, but out here, the world was a swirling nightmare of doton chakra. Sharp rock formations and muddy death pits could be seen in all directions. The ground rumbled, cracking and shifting, rolling over itself like the plates of the planet. The meteor wasn't visible from here, but its ruinous influence certainly was.

If Tomomi was honest, she'd profess to being rattled, but her expression remained impassive.

"Alright, we've found the correct route. Let's head back and map our findings with the response team."

Cocoa has written 763 posts
AS ABOVE, SO BELOW [C-RANK MISSION]Aug 11, 2024 17:04:49 GMT -5
Nara Shikajin
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Nara Shikajin Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 26 years old birthday rank Chuunin occupation Ops Team 3

With his focus squarely on keeping the giant spider locked in place Shikajin couldn't move his field of vision to see what the others were doing, but the familiar sound of raiton above him was a clear sign that the Kiri-nin was doing something and soon enough the smaller spiders would begin to fall from the ceiling, fried hard. That was good and all that the threat of them being over ran was lessened considerably but there was still a pretty big elephant in the room that needed to be dealt with. In time, however, the Gure would find himself on top of the arachnid and via what the medic could not realistically identify his hand emerged holding a sizable portion of the spiders insides; more than enough to topple it apparently.

Removing organs wasn't anything new as far as the medical arts were concerned but doing so without some kind of incision point was a sight to behold. It was a strange but very useful technique. Having killed the largest threat only a few of the small spiders remained which would be simple enough to deal with. Retracting the shadowy tendrils from their original target Shikajin would redirect them to the remaining stragglers, their hides nowhere near strong enough to prevent getting impaled in all the important spots and being put out of what must have been a confusing, hellish existence.

With a sigh the chunin would retract his shadow completely and end the technique, it was the most taxing thing he had done in quite some time and given how things looked out here the Nara had a feeling that it wouldn't be the last time. Moving forward with the group the trio would come to what they assumed was an exit for the cave but in fact had found a route further into the disturbance: an earthen mess of rock crushing against each other and the very ground churning into itself. The situation was a whole lot worse than anyone could have imagined.
Kata has written 302 posts