Futago vs Honō, But We're Friends [Kumori]

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Futago vs Honō, But We're Friends [Kumori]Aug 16, 2024 10:03:40 GMT -5
Futago Kumori
"Walk tall and carry a big sword."
Futago Kumori Avatar
groupGrass Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday September 16th 1005 rank Adv. Genin occupation Gate Guard
Kumori has to control herself from laughing when her friend and one-time gate guard now had to avoid her flying blade by very nearly falling backwards to avoid getting quite a haircut, but she manages to avoid giggling as she swings her blade after regaining it from where she'd thrown it towards him. He's able to deflect and parry her attacks, although she's starting to learn to use the "bouncing" nature of his Tategami in order to turn the momentum back around into a second strike, although it's still not as effective as it could be; the rubber armor seems to also absorb some of the force of her attacks, meaning she has to put in even more effort after he blocks it with his armor.

She's surprised when he even manages to make a handseal with one of his hands again, disappearing from view now; the only reason she even knows which direction he moved was that her highly focused eyes caught just a bit of his movement before he used the ninjutsu. She knew the direction, though she had no idea how far he was moving, so when he reappears and immediately re-sheathes his katana, she smiles a bit at his warning to move as fast as she can or his next technique will overwhelm her.

"That's funny, Koji-kun! I was going to make the same warning to you!"

Kumori moves herself off the tar pit quickly, closing the distance to only ten meters as she's pulling her greatsword to her waist, with the majority of the green glowing blade behind her back before she swings her blade hard, unleashing the gathered Fuuton chakra in an arc towards her fellow sword master, which she's fairly certain she's out of range of his own attack, while he's just barely within range of her own Fuuton-based attack, an ability inherent to her sword and not actually a Ninjutsu.
Babs has written 138 posts
Futago vs Honō, But We're Friends [Kumori]Aug 16, 2024 12:09:31 GMT -5
Honō Kojirou
I have an entire world filled with reasons to become stronger!
Honō Kojirou Avatar
groupGrass Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday March 17th rank Chūnin occupation Academy Instructor
Okay… Kumori was now about ten meters away. This could work in his favor, because it’d lessen the destructive power of his technique. However, he’d have to draw in a flash – Kumori wasn’t going to wait for him, already pulling her giant blade back to release her won technique at him… a wave?!


Kojirou’s blood was boiling, but he gathered his focus for an instant… and drew his blade. Swiftly, blurry, and at high speed, it looked like he’d just unsheathed it again right before the Fuuton-wave reached him – and that he did, but the arc slash from Kumori clashed against a sphere of slashes that burst out of Kojirou’s position, cutting in all directions!


The slashes burst out in wide arcs that formed a spherical blast around him, threatening to land their weakening air slashes right at the edge of the 10-meter radius – long enough to at least damage Kumori’s armor or clothes. However, the slashes’ true destructive power was concentrated around the first 3-meter radius, but it was a marvelous Bukijutsu – far grander and imposing than anything Kojirou’s ever performed with the blade before.

NAME: Isshin [One Mind]
CHAKRA USAGE: High (Very High for 10-meter range Isshin Jūren version)
A deadly quickdraw technique. The user draws their blade at blinding speed, but the blade is returned to its sheath just as quickly. If done correctly, arcing slashes forming a sphere will manifest in a 3 meter radius around the user upon sheathing their weapon again. Additional chakra can be used to increase the radius up to 10 meters max as an Isshin Jūren version. Each arcing slash appears as a wave of air pushed by the quickdrawing, each strong enough to tear through the target's body and sever multiple limbs at the same time.
Koji has written 394 posts
Futago vs Honō, But We're Friends [Kumori]Aug 16, 2024 12:58:02 GMT -5
Futago Kumori
"Walk tall and carry a big sword."
Futago Kumori Avatar
groupGrass Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday September 16th 1005 rank Adv. Genin occupation Gate Guard
Kumori sees him start up the movement of drawing his blade, but she doesn't see beyond that point from the intense speed of his attack, even with the adrenaline coursing through her and enhancing her ability to normally be able to see such fast movement. She can absolutely see that her attack has just hit something, though, and it had looked like Koji hadn't even pulled his blade out. Instinctively, she steps back, and that's what saves her from the second burst of sword flashing, only barely moving far enough back that she's not being sliced apart by the flurry that is moving too quickly for even her to see. For a moment, she's completely stunned, but then she laughs a little and puts her greatsword on her back again, raising an eyebrow and clapping for him.

That might have seemed somewhat patronizing to most if one didn't know Kumori that well, but she was clearly quite impressed by the showing of Kojirou's much improved sword skills. It helps that she's also smiling brightly at Koji, showing him that she's awed by his performance.

"Well done, Koji-kun! You gotta show me how that's done once I'm back from the Chuunin Exams!"

She giggles a bit and then approaches him to give him one of her very rare hugs, her strength enough to nearly lift him off his feet when she gives him the embrace.

"Wish me luck, Koji-kun! I'm definitely gonna make good use of this training you've done with me."

With that Kumori lets him go so he can relax again; she knows that he's somewhat awkward with human contact, even among his friends, but she wanted to really show her appreciation towards him. After all, he'd done a lot to help her train, especially while he was still a gate guard. After she lets him go, she gives him a wave on her way out of the training grounds, rushing quickly to get home now that it's nearing noon.
Babs has written 138 posts