Digging in Heels Doesn't Sound Safe || Kumori

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Digging in Heels Doesn't Sound Safe || KumoriAug 27, 2024 11:41:10 GMT -5
Futago Kumori
"Walk tall and carry a big sword."
Futago Kumori Avatar
groupGrass Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday September 16th 1005 rank Adv. Genin occupation Gate Guard
Kumori can't quite pinpoint where all the scurrying noises are coming from, and she so she ends up turning around a few times, her eyes searching the darkness for some sign of whatever her opponent could be. That's when she notices that the cave is starting to light up a bit, and she can tell that her cousin is getting closer, having likely explored her side tunnel enough that she had chosen to come back to the main cavern. Then she's told that the thing is behind her, and she turns quickly as she starts to draw her blade, only for Yua to move past her and smash it with her palms, causing it to fly backwards with a gross noise. Now she can see the cockroach, and she feels fairly disgusted by it, but she's also able to steady herself as she can finally see that the one giant bug isn't alone.

Kumori grimaces at the sight of so many scurrying creatures now, and when Yua asks her if she knows how to burn down a cave, she has to admit to herself mentally that she doesn't. But she still knows what else can kill bugs, as she pulls her longsword and its huge scabbard off her back. This might make Yua a bit confused; what was the point of a longsword staying in its sheathe, especially one so heavy as the seemingly decorative metal one for her sword. Kumori breathes out over her sword, coating it with wind chakra and extending the blade to an impressive degree before she takes hold of the handle firmly in both hands, and giving the sword a hard swing, making sure Yua is behind her when she does so in order to avoid cutting her own cousin as the Fuuton blade cuts nearly all of the creatures in front of them, even slicing just a bit through the stone walls, though only by a few centimeters.

"No need."

NAME: Fūton: Shinkūjin [Wind Release: Vacuum Blade]
The user exhales wind-infused chakra onto a weapon in order to increase its sharpness, range and lethality. For example, the user can infuse a kunai to resemble a makeshift scimitar or infuse shuriken to increase their range and cutting power.
Babs has written 138 posts
Digging in Heels Doesn't Sound Safe || KumoriAug 28, 2024 5:36:47 GMT -5
Futago Yua
I’m not just doing this for me, I’ll make you proud
Futago Yua Avatar
groupGrass Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday December 17th rank Advanced genin occupation Gate Guard
"Still doubtin’ that something’ can live down here?” There was a slight teasing tone in Yua’s voice as she asked, but she kept her light steady and honed in on the creatures whenever she caught one scurrying around. There were several of the creatures at first, until Kumori grabbed her weapon and gave a quick demonstration of why she was an effective gate guard. Whatever that technique was, it was an effective skill at taking out the cluster of creatures and making them splatter. There was only one problem with the approach – the creatures were roaches, and even with a head chopped off or only half a body connected to it, they tended to keep scurrying around until their injuries forced them to starve to death.

"These things are SO GROSS!” Yua brought the heels of her boots down on anything that continued moving, shooting guts out of the half-roaches that dared to continue move. Despite her words the purple haired genin was quite calm, her experience on the medical side of things having prepared her for blood, guts, and stench, but it would be a lie to say she was enjoying herself. When half-roaches were finally still she paused for a moment and tilted her head, listening out for the sounds of more of the things while panning her flashlight around the room to try and cause more scurrying in any of the leftover creatures.

"I think these things set up a breedin’ ground in that side chamber. We’re gonna want to clear it out but I think there’s a few more hidin’. There has to be somethin’ more down here I swear. Roaches can’t live of nuthin’!”
Evielution has written 63 posts
Digging in Heels Doesn't Sound Safe || KumoriAug 28, 2024 16:28:17 GMT -5
Futago Kumori
"Walk tall and carry a big sword."
Futago Kumori Avatar
groupGrass Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday September 16th 1005 rank Adv. Genin occupation Gate Guard
Kumori grunts in agreement when her cousin calls them gross, though she continues to swing her sword at the various skittering noises, careful to avoid getting her blade anywhere close to Yua while they're in the cave together. It's actually somewhat restricting her ability to take care of them, but the sounds of scurrying rapidly cease, making Kumori believe that they'd either all left... or that they'd killed all of them. She doubted the second option, but perhaps it would be enough to keep the workers safe. That's when Yua suggests that they take out the breeding ground in a side chamber. She's not sure how many other roaches there might be down in these caves, but she wanted to get rid of all of them if she could. While she didn't think they would be able to eat humans no matter how big they got, it would definitely slow down the work, and that's not something she wanted them to deal with.

"You go and deal with the breeding grounds, I'll take care of any remaining roaches..."

With that, Kumori actually turns off her flashlight, waiting for the next sound of scurrying, and rapidly turns her flashlight back on to catch sight of the roach scurrying back out of a side cave just in time for the dark-haired Futago to swing her giant wind-enhanced blade in order to slice it apart before she rapidly turns her flashlight back off. If they wanted to avoid the light, she could accommodate it, at least until she can hear them coming. It shouldn't take too long for her to clear them out with this method, as long as Yua keeps up with her job of destroying the eggs, but she'd have to do it quickly. She doesn't know exactly how many there are, but she's sliced a few already, and the scurrying noises aren't nearly as loud or plentiful as they used to be.
Babs has written 138 posts
Digging in Heels Doesn't Sound Safe || KumoriAug 29, 2024 2:56:07 GMT -5
Futago Yua
I’m not just doing this for me, I’ll make you proud
Futago Yua Avatar
groupGrass Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday December 17th rank Advanced genin occupation Gate Guard
Kumori wouldn’t be able to see it, but Yua paled at her suggestion. The only way she knew what those things in the side chamber were was because she saw the actual creatures out here, but now she knew what they were. It was only her professionalism that helped her hold in a shudder at the thought of squishing all those eggs, and her pride pushed her to get the job done, no matter the cost. "We are so going to need to stop by the bathhouse after this.”

With her cousin handling the adults Yua returned down the tunnel and entered the breeding grounds. The eggs were all over the walls, some even on the roof, and without gloves to cover her hands Yua had to wonder how she was going to get the job done comfortably. The low placed eggs were easy, she’d stomp them with her boots, then quickly stomp around on all the malformed little wiggly things that burst out and tried to escape her wrath. It was the higher ones that were tricky. They were up on the walls or roof and she didn’t want to deal with the gross stuff on the inside on her if she could avoid it, but she really didn’t want to get any on her hands.

With a deep sigh, and a moment to mentally prepare herself for the worse, Yua started to channel her chakra through her body. Her greatest power right now was to move, so move she would. Using her variety of jumping techniques, as well as her techniques to speed up and slow to a stop in an instant, Yua put her stomping boots to good work. Bouncing off of walls, spinning in mid-air by slowing and speeding up movements exactly, and generally acting like a human pinball, the purple haired genin would become a blur of movement about the room. Her speed wasn’t the best, but her movement was impeccable.

By the time she was done Yua gave the room a once over, stomping out any wiggling leftovers that may have tried to escape. The place was clear of life, but not clean in the slightest, when they sent the workers down to start using the spaces they were going to have to get some sort of cleaning team down here too. Leaving this mess to fester was a surefire way to lure more critters into the caves and would probably make the men in the main room sick.

"Kumori! Coming back out!” When she reappeared to her cousin Yua looked a mess. Her boots were splattered with who knew what, her protective leggings splattered little better, and the end of her long hair was going to need a wash when they finally got out of the cave. "Please tell me you got them all, I don’t want to stomp around these caverns any longer.”
Evielution has written 63 posts
Digging in Heels Doesn't Sound Safe || KumoriAug 29, 2024 13:24:46 GMT -5
Futago Kumori
"Walk tall and carry a big sword."
Futago Kumori Avatar
groupGrass Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday September 16th 1005 rank Adv. Genin occupation Gate Guard
Kumori sighs with relief as the sounds of skittering seem to have stopped for several minutes after only a few seconds of her swinging her blade around, and she hears and sees no movement as she brings her flashlight around a few times for one last check. She ends the jutsu she'd used to further increase the length and cutting power of her already huge greatsword. She personally agreed with her insistence of a trip to a bathhouse once they were done with the mission, but they had to finish the mission first. She's just about to put her sword on her back once more when she hears movement coming from the tunnel that her cousin had actually disappeared down, and she prepares herself once more to see if it's Yua or another skittering cockroach.

Thankfully, she hears Yua call out that she was coming back out, and she relaxes a bit and tries to hold back a giggle when she sees how messy her cousin was. Then again, she had to look at least as bad as her own little cousin did, all covered in cockroach blood and guts. She'd certainly be cleaning her sword for a long time in order to make absolutely sure it was perfectly polished and clean. At the request to be told that they wouldn't need to stomp around in the caverns any longer, the black-haired kunoichi gives one good and firm nod.

"I slashed at everything else that's appeared, and now I haven't so much as heard any of them scurrying around for the past twenty minutes. There aren't any of them left, so we'll be good to go back up and tell the miners that they will need to get back to work."

She easily begins climbing back up the wall with her chakra on the bottom of her feet allowing her to move upwards again almost effortlessly so she could complete the mission by leaving and giving the workers their needed assurances.
Babs has written 138 posts