Leap of Faith (Anni. Mission)

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Leap of Faith (Anni. Mission)Aug 22, 2024 15:27:21 GMT -5
Oonakayama Asahi
"Words have more power than the sword...."
Oonakayama Asahi Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday rank Adv. Genin occupation Genin Team 3 Member

Finding things that were lost for others was nice, and all, but after dealing with the Poachers in his home it was nearly as exciting, but this mission though. This was far more his speed, as he heard that they were going to ride air spouts up into the sky, and go scouting out whatever was up there. That to him was way more exciting, especially since he had heard that there were some weird animals up there that could wield wind chakra. A bright smile on his lips as he thought that he might get to do some actual combat for once, and he was happy since he was paired with again!

Though their third this time was someone that he didn't recognize. Still he fiddled with the pendant that was around his neck. It was a fragment of a meteorite that she had given him once, and he considered it to be a good luck charm. Since they were teaming up again it had to mean that he was super lucky. Everyone else from his village were tackling the harder missions, but he didn't know if he was strong enough for those yet, but maybe with a good team, even he could?

Solo has written 85 posts
Leap of Faith (Anni. Mission)Aug 23, 2024 14:58:48 GMT -5
Shinmen Takeshi
Strike with your heart, not your hands.
Shinmen Takeshi Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday January 3rd rank Chuunin occupation Operation Team 3 Member

As Takeshi looked at his strange bedfellows, his eyes fell upon one’s headband. Orange eyes beheld the symbol, ran it through the electric highways of his brain, and came up with a shocking revelation. This boy was supposed to be his enemy.[break]
Huh, he thought with surprise unhidden upon his face, the hell’re you thinkin’, Toru? This must be real important.[break]
He hadn’t asked any questions before striking off on this assignment. It wasn’t a chuunin’s place to ask questions. Instead, he would find something here that could help him achieve his selfish dream. Perhaps that would come in the form of understanding, perhaps in the form of conflict. Either way, he was here, walking along the ground. He had neither jutsu to allow him to fly or special powers born of a bloodline to help him rush or swim faster. No, all he had was his two feet, and that would be enough.[break]
A hand raised to the sky was given towards the first of this strange, never to be seen again three man act. He tried to wave the first one down, urging him to stay close. Whatever happened, whatever came next, there was sure to be danger. He’d rather have his backup close just in case.

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Teddie has written 49 posts
Leap of Faith (Anni. Mission)Aug 23, 2024 19:26:48 GMT -5
namikawa suisei
A fleeting trail, an everlasting memory.
namikawa suisei Avatar
age 16 years old birthday March 7 rank C-Rank / Chuunin occupation
[attr="class","text-space icon"]

Silent member number one and two. Having seen Asahi around not too long ago for a decently successful mission, Suisei barely raises a brow when they wind up being partnered yet again. The pendant he fidgets with is a warm sight, the care he put into keeping it clear as day. Had he been carrying it around on their first mission? He must've been pretty lucky to not have it fly off in the storm.[break][break]

"Don't go engaging the wildlife on sight." She feels like it's common sense, having seen her fair share of dangerous animals on her journey. And yet, she has somewhat of a grasp on the genin's thought process that makes her gut instincts wail. "They're cool and all, but our focus is on mapping the terrain and the path others will take to get further into the zone."[break][break]

Naturally, the warning extends to the other shinobi - A child of the Mist - albeit much more loosely. He carries himself with composure, even in the face of someone she'd assume to be his enemy. Something about bad relations by proxy? Whatever it is, she has no real stake in nor concern for the state of affairs between nations. As long as they all work together and no one gets hurt, she'll take on missions with anyone.[break][break]

"Given the other team found a path through the floating islands, we can either verify their route or search for another one. Preferences?"


+ shinmen

made by gimmick

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myriascope has written 51 posts
Leap of Faith (Anni. Mission)Aug 24, 2024 7:24:18 GMT -5
Oonakayama Asahi
"Words have more power than the sword...."
Oonakayama Asahi Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday rank Adv. Genin occupation Genin Team 3 Member

Asahi was all smiles when the Kiri Nin showed up, and gave them a friendly wave. Apparently he didn't think badly of them at all, he at least had never met one. They did seem strange though, he had heard tales of them always enjoying fighting other opponents from the coastal regions when they visited. As far as he was concerned they were just interesting. When Suisei showed back up he stopped fiddling with his necklace, and he tucked it back up underneath his shirt so it was protected, and he infused a small amount of his chakra into it, so it wouldn't be able to leave his side.

Though when she said they couldn't engage the wildlife he pouted a bit.

"But they said the birds were cool!? Suisei I've not seen them before.....Pllleeeasssseee if we see one can I at least pet it if I can trap it? We have Hawks, Vultures ,and Seagulls in my land....They get boring after a while." he pleaded with her, but if she really said no he would acquiesce. She was his senior in this mission after all. He perked up though when she gave the option on what they should do, and he smiled brightly.

"We should find another one, it's not like we can get lost." He explained, but didn't elaborate forgetting that not everyone knew about him, or what he could do.

last edit by Oonakayama Asahi on Aug 24, 2024 7:24:35 GMT -5
Solo has written 85 posts
Leap of Faith (Anni. Mission)Aug 24, 2024 10:23:27 GMT -5
Shinmen Takeshi
Strike with your heart, not your hands.
Shinmen Takeshi Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday January 3rd rank Chuunin occupation Operation Team 3 Member
The younger man, who Takeshi resolved to not use as an example of the whole nation, seemed to enjoy talking. Takeshi did not know which he liked less, the sound of the wind or the sound of that voice. He tried, as best he could, to look calm. He was a chuunin, here to represent his village on a serious matter. Doubtless he had been selected for a reason.[break]
"Seems like the smart move t’verify that other path.” Said Takeshi in his drawl. "But if my Suna pal insists, we can find another way. I ain’t got much in the way of flyin’ jutsu, so we’d better be sure of ourselves ‘fore we take any leaps.”[break]
Such was all he had to say on the matter. He moved to an air spout, one their shared intel indicated hadn’t been tried out yet. Standing before it, he turned and looked at the other two with crossed arms.[break]
"This’un work for you two? Seems just as well.” He stood there, waiting. Takeshi wasn’t going to be the first one into the fray – not until the others confirmed they liked the idea. He didn’t know these two, and he wasn’t about to jump headfirst into danger only to look back and realize he was alone.

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Teddie has written 49 posts
Leap of Faith (Anni. Mission)Aug 24, 2024 11:41:47 GMT -5
namikawa suisei
A fleeting trail, an everlasting memory.
namikawa suisei Avatar
age 16 years old birthday March 7 rank C-Rank / Chuunin occupation
[attr="class","text-space icon"]

"I wouldn't recommend it, we don't really want to draw in aggressive birds. But you can sure try if the chance comes by." Ultimately, she leaves him with a warning and a choice to make. With this being her first venture into the windswept area, she has no real grasp on the situation that awaits them. She has very little room to worry about what the others decide to do when she's busy worrying about herself.[break][break]

"That path works." She's distracted by the unknown. On the other end of this air spout, there may be jagged rocks or a yawning chasm that awaits them. Realistically speaking, it'd be pretty unwise to go first, but she'd trust her own capabilities over Asahi's in times like this.[break][break]

Sheer habit makes her kick a loose pebble into the stream, watching as it begins to fly upwards at a calm and steady pace. Fast enough to ensure they have momentum to make any jumps, slow enough to allow them time to check their surroundings and correct their course. A good few seconds pass and the rock fades from sight, refusing to come crashing back down to the earth.[break][break]

"Whenever you guys are ready then?"[break][break]

As soon as they finish any last minute preparations, she steps into the current, allowing the wind to carry her upwards.



made by gimmick

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myriascope has written 51 posts
Leap of Faith (Anni. Mission)Aug 24, 2024 13:29:35 GMT -5
Oonakayama Asahi
"Words have more power than the sword...."
Oonakayama Asahi Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday rank Adv. Genin occupation Genin Team 3 Member

So that wasn't entirely a no, but before they went up the spout he quirked a brow at the pair of them realizing that they wanted to just go up the spout with no proper protection, and he quirked a brow.

"Whoa, you guys weren't thinking of just stepping into that are you? I mean there is a safer method." He says with an easy smile, and he takes the large sealing scroll of his back, and uses the Sealing Method to undo the seal, and immediately Iron Sand flows around him like darkened water, and roils up into the air like steam from a wet rock. "I can encase us in this, and then we can float up that way if we crash land we won't splat on the ground. Be way less painful." He says with a laugh, and he creates half of the sphere for his Iron Sand Barrier to show them. "Though if you're claustrophobic or something I won't force you. Just if there are dangerous things up there best we be in tip top shape."

At least that is what he thought, he had learned how resilient his Sphere was when he used it with that Hyuga girl from another mission, and launched them over the waterfall. This was the same principle just in reverse. It would be fine....Probably.

Operation Hamsterball is a go! If you guys want to!

Jiton: Kekkai Satetsu [Magnet Release: Iron Sand Barrier]

Solo has written 85 posts
Leap of Faith (Anni. Mission)Aug 24, 2024 14:01:05 GMT -5
Shinmen Takeshi
Strike with your heart, not your hands.
Shinmen Takeshi Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday January 3rd rank Chuunin occupation Operation Team 3 Member
"Huh…” His eyes fell upon the iron sand. Takeshi felt a shiver go down his spine. This technique, simple as it was, was the stuff upon which villages were built. A subtle rise and fall of his throat’s apple is all the evidence of his trepidation. How easy it would be for there to be an accident on the path…[break]
But that was not, he thought, the sort of person Asahi was. It took a rare person to be that cold and efficient at his age, or even Takeshi’s age. They would be fine. Besides, everyone in the world seemed hellbent on seeing this situation resolve itself peacefully. So, with a shrug, he neared the sphere.[break]
"Sounds good t’me. Let’s get this over with. If we get attacked by any birds or bats up there, leave ‘em to me. I’m real good with this sword of mine.” That would be his part, he thought. The other two could cover him from behind, or maybe even shoot that iron sand stuff at people. Squatting near the iron sand, he waited for the other shinobi to launch them up.[break]
"So. How’s this part of the world compare to where y’all are from? Sure feels like a change of pace from Water Country.

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Teddie has written 49 posts
Leap of Faith (Anni. Mission)Aug 25, 2024 5:04:20 GMT -5
namikawa suisei
A fleeting trail, an everlasting memory.
namikawa suisei Avatar
age 16 years old birthday March 7 rank C-Rank / Chuunin occupation
[attr="class","text-space icon"]

"I think I'll be fine." She can't say she enjoys the idea of being enclosed in sand, unable to see what approaches or what lies beneath their feet. "Not the first time I've been tossed into the winds!"[break][break]

Still, she has to commend him for coming up with such an idea. One less thing to worry about whilst making their ascent.[break][break]

"It isn't that different from where I come from." At least, not from what she remembers of her village before they left. "The humidity, chill atmosphere, good food and sights... Well, we didn't have meteor-induced disasters like this, but you get the gist."[break][break]

Perhaps, she should pay a visit sometime after her work in Yugakure is done. With any luck, she'll find a semblance of their passing trace. And if not, she can simply take a long overdue trip down memory lane.[break][break]

With a step, she submits to the whims of the winds. Thankfully, there is nothing dangerous that awaits them at the top, only a rocky ledge that leads further into the maze-like mountains. And upon landing, she channels her Tree-Walking, shifting just that bit to allow her companions enough space to land.[break][break]

"Winds are pretty calm right now, but you'll probably want to hang on tight. One strong breeze and heaven knows where you'll get sent."



made by gimmick

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myriascope has written 51 posts
Leap of Faith (Anni. Mission)Aug 25, 2024 5:17:37 GMT -5
Oonakayama Asahi
"Words have more power than the sword...."
Oonakayama Asahi Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday rank Adv. Genin occupation Genin Team 3 Member

He quirked a brow as Suisei decided to not go along with his plan, though he didn't understand her trepidation. Still he stepped inside of it, and the Kiri Nin came with him, and once he enclosed the top up they went at lightning pace. It was only when he felt the weightlessness of gravity that he exerted his control over his magnetic element, and did his best to guide them down safely. It was a little bumpy of a ride, but they got there safely, and so he dropped the barrier with a bright smile, and then he sealed his Iron Sand back into the large scroll slapping it across his back.

"That wasn't so bad. Why better than when I first attempted it over a waterfall." He said with an easy smile, and he listened to Suisei's warning, and he nodded with her. "This place is way different from where I'm from, I've not got to visit many other places. But it's way more colorful than the desert." He nodded to his fellow. "There aren't a bunch of bandits around either, it feels more peaceful out here, though Suna has it's own kind of peace. The nights are super pretty because you can see all the stars! And the horizon is the limit! Sometimes on a good day you can even see the coastal cities!" He explained excitedly to their companion.

Since he was the junior on this mission he waited for one of them to take the lead.

Solo has written 85 posts
Leap of Faith (Anni. Mission)Aug 25, 2024 5:30:59 GMT -5
Shinmen Takeshi
Strike with your heart, not your hands.
Shinmen Takeshi Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday January 3rd rank Chuunin occupation Operation Team 3 Member
And take the lead he did. After the initial burst of fear, Takeshi felt exhilaration. Even if he was naught but a passenger, he could appreciate the precision required for that technique. He found himself, not for the first time in his life, envying one so blessed with a storied bloodline. With no such boon coursing through his veins, the chuunin was left to chart his own course.[break]
Using pitons they had been provided, he charted a course to the edge of the island. When he found another floating close enough for a jump, he would stake it into the ground, look at the others, and nod. Bukijutsu and Taijutsu had enough overlap for the young swordsman to understand his own physical limits. He knew how far he could jump with and without chakra. He would always be the first one over the gap.[break]
Fear gripped his heart as he looked down in the midst of a jump. Below him was air. Far, far below waited the ground. Fear cut deeper than swords, and so he looked ahead. His feet landed on solid ground. Turning, he waved the others forward. Again and again this repeated, until, as they traversed their fourth island…[break]
Bat country.[break]
They swooped down upon them. Takeshi’s hand moved to his katana’s grip in a liquid smooth motion. His blade was a silvery crescent moon. One of the bats cried their anger, a missing wing flapping upon the ground. It fell off the island, screaming the whole way down. Takeshi’s eyes told him there were far more where that came from.

[attr="class","hitoshi-notes"]❖ notes go here
❖ more notes go here

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Teddie has written 49 posts
Leap of Faith (Anni. Mission)Aug 25, 2024 7:34:42 GMT -5
namikawa suisei
A fleeting trail, an everlasting memory.
namikawa suisei Avatar
age 16 years old birthday March 7 rank C-Rank / Chuunin occupation
[attr="class","text-space icon"]

What's this about him trying this trick over a waterfall? Somehow, a part of her just can't find any reason to doubt his willingness to try such a thing.[break][break]

"What were you even doing to wind up throwing yourself down a waterfall?" A mission? Training whilst under the influence of something? If that were some kind of training Sunagakure genin had to undertake, she's kind of lucky that she isn't one. "Just so you know, I'm not gonna jump any waterfalls with you if we wind up travelling together."[break][break]

She'll watch him do so all he wants, but she'd rather fight a dozen bears than try her hand at it.[break][break]

Following in the other teen's footsteps, she does not waste any time hesitating in her run before each leap. Every bit of momentum is important, adjusted as the gaps vary in distance and ensuring she doesn't wind up tumbling off the edge. With every new island travelled to, she makes a note of her surroundings, anything that can serve as a landmark to report back.[break][break]

On the last jump, she too hears the flap of wings. One hand to form the seal, another to hook a kunai out of her pouch. Electricity crackles through the blade, a loose aim sending it sailing through the air. And against all her expectations, it nails and paralyses the next incoming bat.



made by gimmick

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myriascope has written 51 posts
Leap of Faith (Anni. Mission)Aug 26, 2024 3:46:22 GMT -5
Oonakayama Asahi
"Words have more power than the sword...."
Oonakayama Asahi Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday rank Adv. Genin occupation Genin Team 3 Member

At Suisei's seeming outrage he was confused, and then he realized, that she didn't know about the mission he had gone on with all those other people. So as they walked he started talking to fill her in.

"Oh yeah I got to take part in a joint mission sorta thing with Kumogakure. I got to lead a team of Academy Students, and one other Genin who was a bit of a stiff." He shrugged his definition of stiff probably didn't fit others, but that was just how he felt. "There was a girl who was super pretty with these light blue eyes. I think she was from the Leaf, there was a girl from my village as well. Then the other two were from Kumo. We had to camp out in this dangerous forest to complete the test. But we came across this giant waterfall." He said to her with a bright smile as if this was all perfectly normal to him.

"We had to figure out how to get down there, and well....My Iron Sand Ball is technically the fastest if I just use gravity, and my own ability. Besides it's not gonna break from a normal fall." The confidence with which he said that made it sound like he had attempted this tactic a few times to test it. "So me, and the Leaf Girl took my way down, and sure enough we beat the others down easily. Took like five seconds. Then we slept, and woke up to giant wasps....Ugh those were the worst. Took me a week to get their goop outta my clothes." He explained to the pair probably going into a bit to much detail, but Suisei was his friend so he didn't mind.

Then they came across a gap that they were going to have to jump over....Which Asahi was confused by, why would they jump, but they were his seniors so he didn't want to but in. Instead he formed two handseals, and his Iron Sand coiled around him gently. Shapes would begin to form across the gap. Cubes, and so he lightly walked across the gap to the other side, and would keep his shapes formed for each of the further crevices they would have to cross.

If the other two trusted his ability he would of course aid them across as well, but it seemed like they were still iffy on it.

That was when the bats came, and Takeshi took down one, and then Suisei paralyzed another. But there were more coming, so he formed another five handseals as quickly as he could, and fifteen marble shaped pieces of iron sand condensed around him. Thankfully his Shape technique didn't cost alot of chakra, only his Barrier was troublesome to summon at first. When the creature was within range he would fire off one of his bullets, and watch it pierce the creature easily letting it fall.

"Should we stay, and fight or keep on moving?" He asked the other two curiously. They had mapped out four islands thus far, but they could keep going, but if more of those bats were going to come, they should probably go.

Asahi is confused on why all the jumping? Summons fun shapes to cross the gap!
Explains to Suisei about the waterfall incident!
When the bats come he casts his Iron Piercing Bullet Jutsu, and blasts one of the bats out of the sky!

Jutsu Used

NAME: Jiton: Katachi [Magnet Release: Shape]
CHAKRA USAGE: Low with Very Low Sustain
REQUIREMENT: Oonakayama Clan; Iron Sand
A simple form of Jiton that allows the user to manipulate their magnetic chakra to in turn manipulate the iron sand within 10-meters of them. This allows them to lift and begin manipulating the iron sand into shapes that can be used for defense or offense though this technique is neither. This technique allows the user to control the magnetic field of the iron and shape it into geometric shapes such as circles, squares, triangles, and any other basic shape that they can imagine and allowing them to move these shapes within 10-meters of themselves. This technique’s power is the versatility that this affords the user by creating and moving these simple shapes.

NAME:Jiton: Tsuranuku Tetsu no Dangan [Magnet Release: Piercing Iron Bullet]

CHAKRA USAGE: Medium, Low Drain
REQUIREMENT: Oonakayama Clan, Iron Sand, Jiton: Tetsu no Dangan (D Rank)
An upgraded version of the initial Jutsu. After performing the handseals the user condenses their Iron Sand into 15 bullets that hover around them in whatever formation they desire. These bullets are faster, denser, and pack more of a bunch than the previous version. These bullets are powerful enough to pierce through an opponents flesh even at long range, and cause actual harm. These may be fired off as single shots, in groups, or even all at once depending on the users wants. As the user has perfected their use of the previous version, and this one, their range extends to 20 meters, and the speed is more comparable to that of a crossbow bolt.

last edit by Oonakayama Asahi on Aug 26, 2024 3:46:49 GMT -5
Solo has written 85 posts
Leap of Faith (Anni. Mission)Aug 26, 2024 4:29:26 GMT -5
Shinmen Takeshi
Strike with your heart, not your hands.
Shinmen Takeshi Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday January 3rd rank Chuunin occupation Operation Team 3 Member

"This ain’t nothin’.” Perhaps it would be a boast, if said by another boy his age. Takeshi did not overestimate himself, nor did he underestimate himself. He simply estimated. As the bats flew down, asking a hundred chittering questions, he found himself impressed by his fellows but drawn to stand out, drawn to strike, to end this and end it so well that more bats would not molest them on their way across.[break]
Breath was the basis of all things. Air entered the lungs. His mind cleared. Takeshi opened his eyes and saw the descending bats with perfect clarity. Metal shot up, some by muscle and some by magnetism. His eyes caught the spark of electricity in the kunai.[break]
Fiery chakra poured into his sword. His whole will in that flame. His whole will into ending this fight. He did not strike out with his arm. His sword was a part of him. One blow became two which soon turned into many. A wall of fire danced before the chuunin. Those bats who drew close did not survive long. They fell down, and their path was clear.[break]
Takeshi jumped across, sheathing his sword and noticing how no more bats seemed to be intruding upon their expedition.[break]
"Looks like there ain’t much more to it. We’ve got ‘nother path ready t’go, and I don’t think these bats’d pose any threat to a chuunin strike team. Y’all ready to head back?

[attr="class","hitoshi-notes"]❖ Hien: The user funnels their chakra into a blade which can absorb chakra easily. The materialized chakra is shaped like a blade whose length can change with the right chakra control. The chakra is dense enough that it becomes visible and can cut through solid rock and iron. What makes this jutsu so versatile is that one can apply elemental chakra into it, which can greatly change the effects of the technique.
❖ Kazowaga: By increasing the velocity behind the Thousand Rill Fang, the user can create a virtual wall of slicing steel in front of his or herself. With a second blade in hand, or with a rotational movement, the user can turn the wall of blades into a dome of daggers, cutting all things around them. One cannot risk reaching striking range without being struck down by dozens of knife-like cuts, deterring foes from getting too close to the user.

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Teddie has written 49 posts
Leap of Faith (Anni. Mission)Aug 26, 2024 21:19:00 GMT -5
namikawa suisei
A fleeting trail, an everlasting memory.
namikawa suisei Avatar
age 16 years old birthday March 7 rank C-Rank / Chuunin occupation
[attr="class","text-space icon"]

"We can clear them out."[break][break]

They probably should, if they want to report this as an alternative path. Everything about this has been manageable thus far. Far better than the shared experience between villages of throwing oneself off a waterfall, and fighting giant wasps.[break][break]

Correction to her previous statement. She'd rather fight a dozen bears or hundreds of bats than do what he did.[break][break]

6 handseals. Left hand to focus on forming them, scarred right to simply point at the approaching swarm. The kiri shinobi has already culled the half that's gotten too close, she can deal with the other half. Electricity ripples through her arm, unable to excite nor cause her aim to waver as it courses through nerves that have long lost their function.[break][break]

A crackle.[break][break]

She exhales.[break][break]

A spark.[break][break]

Like lightning from a storm, raiton flows towards the heavens. It latches onto the first bat, then splits and arcs to the next: A wave of untameable energy weaving itself into existence like an intricate spiderweb. Pouring more chakra into her creation turns the sharp flick of electricity into a rippling tide that burns on contact. And one by one, the bats will fall, their smoking remains nearly indistinguishable from the victims of the fire technique.[break][break]

Another leap to make. No amount of shaking her right arm out will remove the numbness. Looking over the edge of the island, she can just about spy a path heading towards the centre of the wind zone. One that she suspects they can't chart out at their current level.[break][break]

"I think we can turn back, yeah. Stick around for too long and we'll probably have to face scavengers next."[break][break]


Raiton: Jibashi [Lightning Release: Electromagnetic Murder]
This technique allows the user to create a wave of electricity from their hands up to 20 meters away from them. The user can vary its power from a small surge to lightly shock an opponent to a powerful stream of lightning capable of ripping through solid rock and badly electrocuting opponents. It is ideal to use in conjunction with a water technique.



made by gimmick

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last edit by namikawa suisei on Aug 26, 2024 21:20:06 GMT -5
myriascope has written 51 posts