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Get Close | MissionOct 14, 2024 22:03:44 GMT -5
Minami Sora
"You cannot cage a storm."
Minami Sora Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 33 years old birthday December 23rd rank Jounin occupation Genin Team 2 Leader
Sora took in a slow, deep breath, the taste of salt and a fresh morning sunrise in the air. Mudskipper rocked beneath her feet, the ship tacking through the gentle breeze as it sailed past Sekana Me at a fair distance, the deserted island covered in fog even now. Even so, the pink-haired woman paid the place no mind though, her face lit up with a soft smile as she leaned against the starboard railing, taking in the sight of the open ocean.

"Beautiful, isn’t it?" She said, more to herself than anyone else, right hand brushing a stray strand of hair behind her ear as she glanced off to the side and towards the two Shinobi accompanying her. The first was a younger girl, Funato Yuzuki, a spirited Chuunin who she had helped learn the basics of escaping Genjutsu some weeks ago. The other was someone she had mixed feelings about; Minamoto Raimaa was an enchanting woman, tall and beautiful with a long mane of violet hair and a penchant for being far too flirty for her own good. Their last interaction had been… awkward, to say the least, with her pressing a bit too far, nevermind the entire night of glaring she’d had to endure from the Kunoichi’s wife.

Still, that had been before her trip to Amegakure, before she had uncovered the truth of her heritage and finally put the awful weight of that night behind her. She could still remember it, still sometimes woke up sweating in the middle of the night, heart pounding in terror at the dreams… but it was getting better. The dreams came less and less, the storm actually worked with her now, listening when she quelled it and coming when she called. Maybe things will be different now.

"What do you think, Raimaa, Yuzuki? Are we going to come across any actual resistance?"

Exousia has written 599 posts
Get Close | MissionOct 14, 2024 23:19:54 GMT -5
Funato Yuzuki
Anything goes even in still waters
Funato Yuzuki Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday 16 July 1008 rank Chuunin occupation Ops Team 3 Member
[attr="class","prismatic d-theme"]
[attr="class","prismatic-border prism-one"]
[attr="class","prism-oneheader prism-imgbg"]No crew, nor captain's guiding hand can tame the one the sailors call The Shadow
[attr="class","prism-onebody"]The Mudskipper. She had heard several things about this ship, namely good things regarding the missions it had been involved in. And as usual, Yuzuki takes to hanging out with the crew with ease, cracking jokes and helping hoist the sails and anchors just like she does on every other ship she's been allowed on.

The captain is pretty cool. Bearded, gruff, has a glass eye and wicked scar of which has the craziest story of valiance and pirates attached to it. And she swears she almost gets the chance to hear it, if not for just how busy he is with commanding his crew.

It is only when they sail past Sekana Me that she jolts away from her unofficial duties, her eyes wide as a fish's as she stares at the foggy island. And she skitters over to her companions, wearing that exact same expression as her fingers wrap tight around her fishing rod.

"That's not our island, is it?"

There goes the names of anyone she's met in the last few minutes, replaced by a deep-seated dread as another shiver runs down her spine. Though, as the ship gains distance from that place, she begins to settle, anxiety slowly drummed away by her fingers against her fishing line.

It's better not to dwell on it.

Better to pray that she never gets sent there.

Instead, she takes a deep breath, scuffing her heel against the deck as she tries to regather her thoughts. Right, right, she was meant to check in with the others regarding the mission. The others consisting of that nice jounin-sensei that had taught her the basics of Kai and a rather unfamiliar face that goes by the name of Raimaa.

Or at least, she assumes they do with how confidently the jounin says it.

"Maybe." Nothing visibly sits upon the horizon. While Isonami quietly sings for her, his song best shines when their line of sight is partially obscured. "We're not supposed to fight with the Hi no kuni shinobis, right?
[attr="class","prism-notes"]lil adventure
[attr="class","credits"]made by gimmick

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myriascope has written 169 posts
Get Close | MissionOct 15, 2024 5:21:01 GMT -5
Futago Raimaa
Futago Raimaa Avatar
groupSnow Shinobi
age 35 years old birthday 13/10 rank Jounin occupation Being Awesome
"Yes, it is~" came the teasing, sultry tone in Sora's ear, before gently blowing in it. Raimaa was, always, a menace. Especially when it came to Sora, who she liked to torment as 'Her other partner'. The truth was a lot more intricate than that, and was more a solidary around the fact that she knew how it felt to be adrift, and would always try to be a rock for Sora when she needed that company. But hey, there was no fun in the truth. The truth didn't make her blush and tingle, after all.

Then came the kid. Between this one and Homaru...Homuri....Homer? The Spider One, Sora really was good at getting out there and making friends with the next generation of shinobi. It was good to see.

"Officially, yes. But don't let that mean you stand and let yourself get killed if they attack you" Raimaa would tell the new girl, standing snugglingly close to Sora with a broad grin on her face and just hoping the fisher girl got the wrong impression and voiced it. It was, after all, the source of all her amusement to mess with others. She had been doing it too long, and forgot what was a joke and what was real, so she just rolled with it all.
Lilly/Wan has written 949 posts
Get Close | MissionOct 16, 2024 19:03:06 GMT -5
Minami Sora
"You cannot cage a storm."
Minami Sora Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 33 years old birthday December 23rd rank Jounin occupation Genin Team 2 Leader
"No, it's not our island." Sora said, licking her lips with a nervous souffle as Raimaa drew close, still just as supple and alluring as always; she didn’t say anything when the taller woman spoke, though a soft shudder did crawl down her spine at her antics, which forced the Kiri Jounin to take a step to the side and put some distance between them. A quick glance toward the taller, married woman was all she gave, a tiny frown sprouting across her lips, her expression telling a whole story despite its briefness.

Stop it.

"That’s Sekana Me, it’s… not somewhere you’d want to build a trading post." The pink-haired Jounin said as she turned her attention fully towards the young Chuunin that was accompanying them, her sky-blue gaze softening slightly at the brunette’s enthusiasm. Yuzuki seemed like a good kid, bright and full of life (if a bit thoughtless at times), someone who would have been better at home as a fisherman’s wife than a Shinobi- but she was a Shinobi, and that meant the young Funato had a life of service ahead of her, one that was likely to be cut well short of what she deserved.

Tch. Sekana always makes me grumpy. She thought, closing her eyes for a moment as the ship sailed past the mist-covered isle and out into open waters. Their target island was a magnet for thieves and robbers of all kinds, a mostly barren rock that existed out in the open ocean between Fire Country and Sekana Me, good only for the small cove that sat on the north-eastern side, which protected it from winter storms. Normally, such a place would have been ignored by traders and navies alike- but the order had come down from on high, and that meant they had to clear the place out before setting up a base.

"And no, we’re not supposed to start a fight with any Konoha Shinobi we come across, but you do have a right to defend yourself." Sora said, leaning up against the ship’s railing with a sigh, arms crossing over one another beneath her chest while she went over the plan. "We all understand the plan, right? We’ll insert on the south-eastern end of the island and make our way north, dealing with any pirates we find, then clear out whoever is in control of the main cove and help the crew here start work on a proper base."

A simple enough plan, even if there was likely to be complications on the island itself. There always were, after all.

Exousia has written 599 posts
Get Close | MissionOct 16, 2024 20:36:08 GMT -5
Funato Yuzuki
Anything goes even in still waters
Funato Yuzuki Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday 16 July 1008 rank Chuunin occupation Ops Team 3 Member
[attr="class","prismatic d-theme"]
[attr="class","prismatic-border prism-one"]
[attr="class","prism-oneheader prism-imgbg"]No crew, nor captain's guiding hand can tame the one the sailors call The Shadow
[attr="class","prism-onebody"]Her eyes drift from one woman to the other. Observing the way that the purple-haired jounin seems to throw herself at Shinra-sensei at every turn, only for the latter to back away with the urgency of a cat being greeted by a cucumber. Something malicious is brewing between the two, and her gut instincts tell her that she'd be far safer if she simply kept her mouth shut on the matter.

"South-east to North... got it. So how far are we allowed to go in terms of self-defense? Just asking so I don't, y'know? Mess it up."

And accidentally spark an international issue or something.

Maybe she should just apply herself before she starts asking about irrelevant things. Pulling her fishing rod a slight bit aways from her shoulder, then reeling back and casting it out. A moment of silence as she listens to Isonami's song, his melody melding into the crisp sea foam and echoed by the elusive depths.

"There are 2 other boats." Small ones that the others might pick up as a blur in the distance. "Crews of about... 3 to 4 people.

They've probably noticed the Mudskipper by now, but there isn't much movement as of yet. None that set any alarms off just yet.

"They're just watching us. Should we ignore them?"
[attr="class","prism-notes"]lil adventure
[attr="class","credits"]made by gimmick

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myriascope has written 169 posts
Get Close | MissionOct 17, 2024 3:02:14 GMT -5
Futago Raimaa
Futago Raimaa Avatar
groupSnow Shinobi
age 35 years old birthday 13/10 rank Jounin occupation Being Awesome
Sora's reaction was delightful. Ohh, she lived for this sort of thing. The day she graced Yuki no Kuni with her presence was one Raimaa would hold in her heart forever. Of course, she tried to give a glare of stopping the whole thing to Raimaa, but she merely got a gremlin grin in return. Raimaa would need a more more sincere request than a short stare to be able to stop when Sora was in arm's reach.

"Self-Defence in...Err...that word that means you do it in equal measure? I'm sorry, my brain isn't working right now. Sora is too beautiful, and all I can think of is painting her likeness all naturale" Raimaa would reply, shaking her head. The woman pulling out her fishing rod was a strange thing, but she decided to let her do her thing. Which turned out to be water sonar or something because she picked up some ships way yonder.

"Hmmm. I'll send an ambassador" Raimaa would comment to Fish Girl's words. Or, Fisher Girl. Not to be confused with the guy who was an actual fish. Raimaa wondered how the two would get on...

Handsigns weaved, and a puff of smoke summoned a giant five foot tall cat. He stretched out, and then nodded to Sora.

"Good morning Raimaa!" came his powerful rumble. Before Raimaa would shift into proper view. Shineko would raise an eyebrow at that and look between the two. "Hmm...And I thought Shadow Clone made identical clones. Hmm"

Raimaa would give a soft snort, and then point out the boats in the distance, asking him to go talk to them and ascertain their nature. With a nod, the great cat would leap off and head towards the boats.

Kuchiyose no Jutsu [Summoning Technique]

last edit by Futago Raimaa on Oct 17, 2024 3:03:20 GMT -5
Lilly/Wan has written 949 posts
Get Close | MissionOct 18, 2024 19:05:26 GMT -5
Minami Sora
"You cannot cage a storm."
Minami Sora Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 33 years old birthday December 23rd rank Jounin occupation Genin Team 2 Leader
Sora let loose a long, slow sigh as Raimaa remained as persistently alluring as ever, her attempt at subtlety either going over the Futago woman’s head or (more than likely) being completely ignored in favor of continuing to see what she could get away with. There wasn’t much she could do about it right now- they were on a mission, and that took precedence over… whatever was between her and the Yuki-nin. She would just have to deal with it until they got back.

Still, the Kiri Jounin didn’t have to simply put up with the woman’s antics without doing anything- she took a good three steps further to the side, putting herself firmly outside of the Futago woman’s immediate reach as Yuzuki sent her fishing line (an all metal line at that) out into the water, only to relay that there were a pair of smaller boats, likely scouting vessels, with no more than eight individuals spread across them. Definitely scouts.

The pink-haired woman didn’t speak as Raimaa summoned her beast, the creature’s size and strength obvious even to someone as ill-versed with summons as she was, but she did raise an eyebrow when the feline, Shineko, seemed to confuse her for his master. Once the great cat had leapt over the railing, however, she did have something to say, her voice calm but focused, the soft tilt gone in favor of the hardened edge of a Kunoichi on the job.

"I wouldn’t be too confident in Mudskipper’s ability to sneak past those ships. If those are enemies, we’ll have to deal with them." Preferably sooner, rather than later. Letting loose a soft, slow sigh, Sora drew Samidare with care, the ancient blade gleaming in the mid-morning sun as the ship drew nearer and nearer to the island they were looking to conquer, her shoulders rolling as she waited for Raimaa’s cat to return… or not. Either way, the time for preparations was over. Soon, they would have to get to work.

Exousia has written 599 posts
Get Close | MissionOct 18, 2024 22:57:12 GMT -5
Funato Yuzuki
Anything goes even in still waters
Funato Yuzuki Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday 16 July 1008 rank Chuunin occupation Ops Team 3 Member
[attr="class","prismatic d-theme"]
[attr="class","prismatic-border prism-one"]
[attr="class","prism-oneheader prism-imgbg"]No crew, nor captain's guiding hand can tame the one the sailors call The Shadow
[attr="class","prism-onebody"]Equal measure suggests that lethal force is allowed as long as they are attempting to kill her. Works out for her, as long as her sensei has nothing to add on the matter. And for the sake of her own sanity, she chooses to ignore the strange air between the two, watching as the handsigns to a somewhat familiar jutsu is used. All to summon a... giant cat? Or is that meant to be a different genus to those of domestic cats?

Flicker of confusion crossing her expression, there isn't enough time to ask before Se-


Yes, her. Before Sora-sensei speaks up once more on the possibility of engaging in combat.

"We'll just have to see what happens with neko-san, then?" The first point of contact before misunderstandings were cleared or all hell broke loose. As the jounin begins to draw her sword, Yuzuki closes her eyes and carefully scours every inch of the island that comes into view.

"Oh, the boats are trying to split from neko-san."

Indeed, they are. Both ships attempt to buy distance from the approaching cat, both making for the island whilst drawing further and further away from each other. The crews do not seem friendly at first glance, but they most certainly are more frightened than aggressive towards the strange ambassador.

"Two lookouts just retreated from the beach into the forest. Running North-West."
[attr="class","prism-notes"]lil adventure
[attr="class","credits"]made by gimmick

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myriascope has written 169 posts
Get Close | MissionOct 19, 2024 4:12:13 GMT -5
Futago Raimaa
Futago Raimaa Avatar
groupSnow Shinobi
age 35 years old birthday 13/10 rank Jounin occupation Being Awesome
"He's called Shineko, The Iron Giant. Boss of the Cats of Mizaru Glade. My clan has a contract with them, and he's been with me....a long time now. I guess it'd make me a mad cat lady, but those stereotypically are alone. And I am married" Raimaa would reply, pulling out her own sword. Very strangely, a sword made of wood. Nicely made and with good polish, it was a sword that was cared for. And a woman who cared for her sword would care for other people, was the prevailing thought. Didn't work out entirely like that in practice, but honestly so few things did.

"He's good at independent moving, and knows the best outcomes. So we can leave him to it and get onto the island itself. He will meet up with us later"

Raimaa would tap a green bracer on her arm, and summon a suit of thin armour covering her torso, right arm, and legs. They focused on flexibility over durability, but the metal was still exceptionally durable for it's size.

"Let's go greet the neighbours, shall we?" Raimaa asked rhetorically, heading off the boat and onto land, towards the jungle that the lookouts had fled into. 
last edit by Futago Raimaa on Oct 22, 2024 3:59:58 GMT -5
Lilly/Wan has written 949 posts
Get Close | MissionOct 21, 2024 16:25:08 GMT -5
Minami Sora
"You cannot cage a storm."
Minami Sora Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 33 years old birthday December 23rd rank Jounin occupation Genin Team 2 Leader
Sora took in a long, slow breath as Yuzuki relayed her information, closing her eyes for a short moment in order to center her thoughts and feelings. Her hands moved as she exhaled, body twisting around the second she opened her eyes, Fuuton chakra pulsing through her legs and out her feet, accelerating the pink-haired Jounin beyond top speed the second the boat came within range of the shore. She didn’t hesitate, eyes opening as she surged over the water, utilizing water-walking and Kaze Sanpo in order to blitz forwards, sky-blue gaze slitting from one side of the sparse treeline to the other in search of the pair of scouts that her fellow Kunoichi had sensed.

Gotcha. She thought as she spotted the two men, their rough clothes and coarse black hair standing out in the mid-morning sun. The Jounin moved without thought, Samidare singing as she covered the distance between herself and them while Raimaa exited the boat behind her. Two quick cuts were all it took to separate the two men’s heads from their shoulders, their bodies flopping to the ground in a spray of blood that, thankfully, didn’t touch her qipao. It was freshly laundered, after all.

"Scouts are down. We should be good to move in."

Jutsu/SA's/Equipment Used
Wounds: N/a
Chakra: 272 / 300
NAME: Kazesanpo [Wind walk]
DESCRIPTION: The blade is only as deadly as its reach, so maneuvering around the battlefield is important to a swordsman, in order to get close to the target, or avoid attacks. By channeling wind chakra into their feet, the user is able to swiftly run, so quickly that to the naked eye it seems like a blur.

NAME: Suimen Hokou no Waza [Act of Water Surface Walking]
CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low [Continuous]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
DESCRIPTION: A slightly more advanced version of the Tree Climbing Skill, this technique allows a shinobi to walk on water as if it were a solid surface. What makes this so difficult is a very precise amount of chakra ust be applied, as balance is harder to maintain on a not so tangible and even moving surface.

NAME: Iaigiri - [Iai Beheading]
DESCRIPTION: The user performs a quick and powerful slash with their sword, appearing almost like a blur, in order to cur the intended target before immediately resheating the blade afterwards. In the hands of the right user, this attack can even cut clean through a boulder.

Special Abilities:
The Kunoichi That Goes On And On And On… [Endurance SA]
Perhaps part of her genetics or simply a random quirk of fate, Sora is unnaturally resilient, be it to physical pain or the toils of extended combat. While most Shinobi would collapse in exhaustion at having used all but the smallest sliver of their chakra reserves, she pushes on; while most Shinobi would wilt beneath the weight of sleepless night after sleepless night, she keeps going. This does not mean she does not feel pain/the strain of extended combat, but rather that her threshold for shutting down because of it is far higher than others. To give an example, if she were to be stabbed through her abdomen, she would still feel the pain of the injury, and it would hinder her ability to move/act, but it wouldn’t stop her, whereas a normal ninja might freeze up or shut down from the pain.

Bet You Didn’t See That Coming [Speed SA]
A byproduct of her enhanced endurance, Sora (despite what many would think) dislikes being injured- and with that dislike comes the intense desire to avoid getting hurt, a desire that has pushed her to hone her body until it could move faster than most others of her rank. In short, Sora is fast- very, very fast.

After a lifetime of utilizing nearly every ounce of chakra in her body just to survive, Sora’s chakra reserves have expanded a considerable amount to compensate- while she’s no Jinchuuriki, her ability to toss out jutsu after jutsu and still have enough chakra to keep going is quite remarkable, a testament to just how much of the stuff she actually has.

I Am Not Left-Handed [Kenjutsu Mastery SA]
Sora is not merely a Kenjutsu specialist- she is a master when it comes to the art of the sword; after over two decades of training, her skills are unrivaled within Kirigakure, falling short only to the Seven Swordsman themselves… some of them, anyway. This mastery allows her a distinct advantage when fighting other Bukijutsu specialists of similar or lesser rank.

If You Try For Speed, You Do Not Achieve Speed [Bukijutsu Speed SA]
Beyond being a master of Kenjutsu, Sora has practiced for decades to become the faster swordswoman she can be. As such, her Kenjutsu techniques come out faster and move quicker than those performed by others of her rank.

The Devil’s Storm [Takeda KKG SA]
After much research and intense training, Sora has awakened her Takeda Bloodline, unlocking the fearsome Devil Bringer for her own personal use. Appearing as a blackened arm covered in scales that seem to surge with veins electric-blue energy, Sora’s Devil Bringer is a powerful variant of the Takeda Kekkei Genkai, granting her sword arm a massive boost to its striking strength and speed when the transformation is active, as well as allowing her to exert a kind of low-grade "pressure” on those she fights, which can often result in them growing more afraid or stressed out during a fight. This also comes with a much greater degree of control over her previously turbulent and unruly emotions, which allows her to access the transformation without going utterly berserk.

Equipment: Samidare | Spring Rain Blade (Drawn)
Whatever metal and forging process was used in the creation of Samidare, it worked; Samidare is utterly unbreakable by most any means, capable of being engulfed in an S-Rank Jutsu and remaining unscathed. Though it is possible that the blade could potentially be broken by a sufficiently powerful attack (such as, say, a Bijuu-dama), this has never been tested, so it is not known if it would survive.

Sharper Than Your Average Blade
Due to its nature as an unbreakable blade, Samidare bears a cutting edge that is of particular note, which allows it to slice through even steel with little in the way of resistance, so long as the proper force is applied. Additionally, this edge never needs to be resharpened, as it never grows dull or rolls, thus making it perfect for frontline combat.

Light as Spring Rain
Perhaps a quirk of its forging (or perhaps an intentional feature), Samidare is considerably lighter than a blade its size and length ought to be; while this would normally result in a less effective weapon, Samidare loses none of its integrity or cutting power, as it is somehow able to leverage the same amount of force through less mass. This lightness allows the user to swing the weapon about with much greater speed for the same amount of physical exertion.

Chakra Conduction
Being Chakra Conductive, Samidare is capable of channeling all types of Chakra for use in Bukijustu, and, more particularly, it has a slight affinity for Raiton chakra thanks to Sora’s constant use of the blade for that purpose. This affinity does not do anything of real note, but it does feel as if the blade were more eager to drink in Raiton Chakra than other types.
Exousia has written 599 posts
Get Close | MissionOct 21, 2024 19:45:11 GMT -5
Funato Yuzuki
Anything goes even in still waters
Funato Yuzuki Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday 16 July 1008 rank Chuunin occupation Ops Team 3 Member
[attr="class","prismatic d-theme"]
[attr="class","prismatic-border prism-one"]
[attr="class","prism-oneheader prism-imgbg"]No crew, nor captain's guiding hand can tame the one the sailors call The Shadow
[attr="class","prism-onebody"]"That's so cool! Wish my clan had a contract or something..." If the Yuki kunoichi says that everything will be fine, then who is she to doubt? That just means that she can focus her attention onto sifting through the details of the island rather than the strange chase happening on the water.

Of which, Shineko might just realise that his persistent chasing of the boats have led some men into drawing their weapons and loosing arrows on him.

As the Mudskipper draws nearer to the shore, she watches as Sora begins to wind up for something. Without warning, she leaps right off, skimming the waters and rushing into the forest, catching up with the two men and promptly beheading them. The bodies hit the ground first, then one head after another, the uneven earth causing them to bounce and roll a little off to the sides.

And for a brief moment, there is great relief that surges through her body that they are on the same team.

She is the last to disembark, crunching sand underfoot quickly melting into dirt as she jogs to catch up to the duo.

"Sora-sensei, take two steps towards us before you step on that bear trap." Set just a hair's breadth away from her heel and oh so carefully hidden under a pile of rotting leaves. In her mind, she imagines that these were originally meant to ward off any intruders that ventured a little too deep. "There are quite a lot of traps set all around the area. Bear traps, pitfalls, nets, some trip wires."

Nothing that poses too much of a threat to any of them as of yet, especially to her when the usual methods of hiding these traps simply don't work on her.

"Just watch out for those if you decide to split off."

Now, to deal with the scouts and where they were headed. As soon as Sora steps away from the trap, Yuzuki sets it off with a stick she swipes from the ground. Then she steps to the bodies, kneeling down to prod a little through their equipment.

Binoculars, a machete, some rope and a canteen of... Briefly opening it, the burning scent definitely reminds her of whisky or something akin to it. Nothing of real importance but at least, those who need a drink can take a quick swig.

"There's a small camp if we continue that way." She gestures vaguely in the direction which the scouts were attempting to escape to. "Seems more like a resting spot than a rat nest. 'bout 5 people lazing around. Got radios on them though."
[attr="class","prism-notes"]lil adventure
[attr="class","credits"]made by gimmick

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last edit by Funato Yuzuki on Oct 21, 2024 19:46:17 GMT -5
myriascope has written 169 posts
Get Close | MissionOct 22, 2024 3:44:00 GMT -5
Futago Raimaa
Futago Raimaa Avatar
groupSnow Shinobi
age 35 years old birthday 13/10 rank Jounin occupation Being Awesome
"I can introduce you afterwards, talk about a contract with a cat that cat-ches your attention" Raimaa would try to make a pun, but puns were hard when they were pronounced the same. There was always fun to be found in puns, which was probably why the two words were only one letter away from each other when you wrote them out. And when you spoke them as well. It was nice when words didn't deceive you with how long they were. 

Arrows plinked into Shineko, and then fell off as he was running. Clearly, he was not called 'The Iron Giant' for the fun of it. A growl of anger followed as he sped up and lept onto the boat, starting to...make a mess. Raimaa would casually direct Funato to look anywhere but the bloodbath currently going on on the boat, and give Sora a gremlin smile.

Hearing their fisher's scouting report, Raimaa would pull a handful of Kunai from her pouch and get them ready.
"I'll take two. Sora is always greedy and wants more more more~ And I'm only around for a specific thing to give her" Raimaa's sultry velvet tone cooed, a gentle laugh at the teasing.
last edit by Futago Raimaa on Oct 22, 2024 4:00:49 GMT -5
Lilly/Wan has written 949 posts
Get Close | MissionNov 1, 2024 17:23:38 GMT -5
Minami Sora
"You cannot cage a storm."
Minami Sora Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 33 years old birthday December 23rd rank Jounin occupation Genin Team 2 Leader
Sora didn’t flinch when Yuzuki told her to step forward, her head turning slightly as she followed the young Chuunin’s instructions and spotted the trap the girl had spoken of, sky-blue gaze calm and unperturbed despite the uncanniness of being directed by someone so much younger than herself. Still, it was a useful skill to have on a mission like this; no matter how dangerous the enemy was, so long as you knew where they were, you could deal with them.

"Appreciate the heads up, Funato-san." The pink-haired Jounin said as she turned in the direction the brunette had indicated- and paused, sky-blue gaze shifting back towards the bodies of the dead scouts, her lips pursing together in a thin line. Radios were neither cheap nor easy to maintain- no normal band of pirates would bother spending the money to buy a single pair, let alone three or more, as these seemed to have done. Which meant…

"Toss me one of those radios." Sora said after a moment, her expression twisting into a dark frown. Radio’s meant money. Money meant backing. And there was only one kind of backing that mattered when it came to islands like this one.


Exousia has written 599 posts
Get Close | MissionNov 1, 2024 21:14:48 GMT -5
Funato Yuzuki
Anything goes even in still waters
Funato Yuzuki Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday 16 July 1008 rank Chuunin occupation Ops Team 3 Member
[attr="class","prismatic d-theme"]
[attr="class","prismatic-border prism-one"]
[attr="class","prism-oneheader prism-imgbg"]No crew, nor captain's guiding hand can tame the one the sailors call The Shadow
[attr="class","prism-onebody"]All it takes is one disturbance. One rock of the boat for her eyes to snap towards the open waters. One moment for her to witness the massacre of every last person on those boats.

Part of the job. Expected of them. Soul-bound to the thin line in her hands that commands life or death, there is no hiding from even the softest pop of bubbling seafoam against blood-soaked decks.

Not once does her expression change as both their words flutter in and out of focus. Something about the Yuki jounin taking on some opponents and a request... One of the radios?

Her mind remains somewhat hazy, but her body moves as directed. Rifling through those pockets once more, she finds the radio and gingerly tosses it over. Judging by her sensei's expressions, the presence of this thing spells far worse news than she'd initially thought them to be.

They'd cut off any communication from these lookouts before they even had a moment to speak. Without static noise to indicate a currently open channel, no one would know they were dead unless they bothered to check in on them. So what about it? The source?

"You're not trying to send them a warning to clear out, are you?"

Regardless of how she feels, allowing them to escape sounds like there'd be more problems awaiting them in the future. Like them regrouping with bigger forces, or alerting other countries to Kiri's attempted takeover of this island.
[attr="class","prism-notes"]lil adventure
[attr="class","credits"]made by gimmick

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myriascope has written 169 posts
Get Close | MissionNov 2, 2024 5:58:49 GMT -5
Futago Raimaa
Futago Raimaa Avatar
groupSnow Shinobi
age 35 years old birthday 13/10 rank Jounin occupation Being Awesome
Well, she failed. But trauma was going to happen sooner or later. Better it happens while Raimaa is here to protect her than out on a mission where she could die at any moment. She put a hand on the shoulder of the woman to show she was here for her. And then attention turned to the pirates and their radios. Which made Raimaa sigh.

"These things are a lot more common since Yukigakure banned mercenaries. We had hordes of them doing all manner of jobs, so when they got turned illegal all of a sudden one day, the pirate clans exploded in size. For every one merc that got thrown in jail, three or four more escaped to the ocean. And that kind of influx of resources and manpower means they can be a lot more daring in their raids. Which means more gear.

That and there is a lot more people for disenfranchised nobles to hire these days. Or people who just wanna stir the pot because it amuses them. Used to be these things were rare among the disenfranchised. But not so much anymore. It's going to take a long time before equilibrium is restored"

Raimaa would shake her head and flick her hair out. No wonder they were rolling with such confidence to throw down with Shineko, setting a load of traps, and all the rest just for a poxy island...
Lilly/Wan has written 949 posts