KubomiAug 23, 2019 14:50:47 GMT -5
Tsuruza Ukon
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
age 8 years old
birthday 12/03
rank Academy Student
occupation Student
kubomi degenerative rage BASIC INFORMATION CLAN NAME: Kubomi CLAN TYPE: Hijutsu CLAN ORIGIN: Tsuchi no Kuni RESIDENCE: Iwagakure
CLAN IDEOLOGY Despite being a Clan whose entirely ancestry has relied on rage for combat, the Kubomi are a surprisingly peaceful people. They are a private Clan, tending to keep to themselves and our of the way of political and foreign affairs. In truthfulness, their lack of emotion is just as much of a hinder as their uncontrollable rage. They are loyal only to themselves. While they may not have much emotion, their ideals and sense of morality are still present.
The Kubomi are raised to be lawful citizens and that their sense of worth can be measured in their accomplishments to their country and village. It is expected for anyone capable of surviving a physiological change to enter the Academy and pursue a military life-style. Those who cannot should look to a less demanding life-style where uncontrolled rage will not effect their surroundings. CLAN HIERARCHY There is little to no system of Hierarchy in the Kubomi Clan. Families live independently to themselves. Regardless, respect is always given to those who are capable of living through the procedures change and choose to become a ninja. Those born without malformations are considered lucky to be able to live a normal life, but are often ostracized because of it.
CLAN HISTORY Years of controversy have surrounded the Kubomi Clan. It isn't as much of a Clan at all as much as it is a passing of genes from one generation to the next. The Clan came to be after the discovery of one man whose given name was Kiyotaka. Kiyotaka was prisoner of war, brought in by Tsuchi hundreds of years ago. Even as a slender, malnourished man, he was difficult to handle. Series of rage-like tantrums caused many to look his way. Slight changes in his physiological form were noted.
It was noted that his brain contained almost no activity in a certain area of the brain. This portion of the brain was slowly atrophying and spreading further, which likely contributed to his early death. In addition, the outbursts of rage slowly broke apart at Kiyotaka's muscle. It broke the limit of what his body could handle, severely damaging his muscles and bones.
The dulled emotioned noted in Kiyotaka coupled with the extreme trigger of hostility was something that a scientist by the name of Moriyama Isuzu wished to take full advantage of. Kiyotaka's genes were saved and passed along to three children, all male, in an attempt to essentially 'breed' these genes. Isuzu was obsessed with the idea of creating an army of raging shinobi.
Isuzu's studies were kept a secret. She raised the three boys in silence, placing solid ideals and morals that revolved around the protection of the country. However, because of the outbursts of rage, the only person who could really control them was Isuzu.
One of the boys, the youngest, died early from wear and tear at his muscles. His heart gave in at the age of eight due to the studies. Isuzu decided to take a new approach, performing various tests on the two remaining boys, replacing their arms and legs with pulley-like systems that acted as ligaments. The bones were removed and replaced with metal rods, and their tissue and skin were replaced with steel. Their muscles and blood vessels, the only remaining tissue left, were attached to the device. The metal rods and ligament system acted as a cushion for their own muscles, greatly reducing the stress on their own bodies. It was a brutal process that took many years. The oldest of the two did not many the procedures due to infection.
The last boy, Izo, made it through the procedures and a majority of his his bones were removed and replaced with metal with his muscles and veins attached to them. He was the first official 'creation' that accurately represented what the Kubomi clan resembled today. The name 'Kubomi' (lit. Hollow) was given to the clan after the dulled emotions that was consistent with the malformation.
Isuzu was captured and detained shortly after her completion of the tests. As unethical as they were, Izo never hated Isuzu for her work. In fact, he saw it as his mission to continue it. Izo continued with the creation of the Clan, continuing it with children of his own. However, without Isuzu to alter their bodies with suits, their health and numbers could never be stable.
The Kubomi clan, of course, started out incredibly small because of this. They were uncontrollable by Tsuchi, but kept to themselves as their numbers rose. Their first involvement with politics was during the foundation of Iwagakure in 927. A majority of the Kubomi clan spoke in favor of a unified village where they could live in peace. They sought refuse in Iwa and a chance to let their clan small thrive.
Shortly after arriving and settling in Iwagakure, The Kubomi Clan was approached by a blacksmith of the Tantetsu clan who offered to create a contract with the Kubomi. The man, wanting to further develop prosthetic and bio-mechanical engineering, saw the Kubomi as perfect candidates to test new devices. The Tantestu and Kubomi worked together to advance their suits.
Laws were quickly placed on the surgeries that required several conditions to be met before a Kudomi could replace their bodies with the devices.
1. The Kudomi must be confirmed to being susceptible to violent outbursts as characterized by the Kiyotaka Malformation and the malformation must be characterized as being a Type A.
2. The Kudomi must agree to the surgery and be aware of its complexity. If too young, both parents must consent. This includes future surgeries for repairs, modifications, and adjustments. The child, however, must be over the age of 15.
3. Procedure areas are limited to: legs, arms, and torso. As per contract (post 927), all suits are to be purchased from and regulated and designed by Tantestu clan. No modifications can be made and suits may not be personalized. The blueprints for the suits are final outside of body weight and size modifications and cosmetic appearances.
With the suits being made again, the Kubomi would slowly begin to thrive, and actually have the numbers and health to sustain a decent sized clan.
During the First Shinobi War, the Kubomi Clan promised their weapons. In return for their involvement with the war, the clan was given further funding to better develop their bio-mechanical suits required for living.
Not having repaired fast enough after the First Shinobi War, the Kubomi were excused from the Second Shinobi War in order to repair their suits, despite the attack on Iwa leaders. They joined in on the Second War in 987 and stayed until it was over.
Up until 1004, the Kubomi Clan was unable to manipulate chakra with good control due to the lack of technology at the time. A huge improvement of bio-medical technology then allowed channels to be created within the suits to correct the flow of chakra that had been lost due to the traumatic damage caused by the surgeries.
During the Iwa Civil War, the Kubomi Clan wished to stay neutral, but were drawn into the war after several of their Clan members were kill in the crossfire of another battle. They fully backed Takara after her election as Tsuchikage when the civil war was over.
CLAN ABILITIES Kiyotaka Malformation: A brain malformation consistent with the Kubomi clan. An area of the brain that controls emotion loses all activity and slowly decays over time. The rate of decay and age of onset varies from person to person. Not all clansmen have the malformation, and there are three subtypes of the Malformation. A member of the Kubomi clan can also be born with no Malformation.
Type A: Age of onset occurs during adolescent years with a very slow decay rate. Average Onset: 15-20 years old Life Expectancy: 20-30 years after onset
Type B: Age of onset occurs later in life with rapid decay rate. Average Onset: 20-30 years old Life Expectancy: 5 years after onset
Type C: The age of onset can occur at any age, with no decay and mild symptoms Life Expectancy: 60+ years old
The Malformation removes the limit of the muscles, allowing them to overextend their stamina and strength so much so that it can tear the muscle fiber and permanently damage skeletal tissue as well as soft tissue. Skeletal muscles and the heart are most at risk. The risks of the outbursts of rage are too risky and therefore, given the right type of malformation, the member must undergo a series of painful but lifesaving procedures.
The malformation causes an extremely dulled emotion in addition to easily triggered outbursts of anger. Intelligence, memorization, and personality are otherwise unaffected. The malformation heavily affects the chakra channels within the body as well, causing a burst of chakra that is difficult to control. The Kubomi member can easily waste all of their chakra in one incredibly powerful move, but that in itself can kill them or tear their suit and body apart.
During outbursts of rage, the Kubomi member's irises glow slightly and the whites of their eyes turn dark. Veins pop and they begin to sweat and their face flushes red. They can distinguish between good and bad and can still control their actions, but they are much more likely to act out of rage. It is said that every Kubomi member has at least one way to calm them down if someone were to find it.
Kubomi Suit: The suit given to Kubomi members is always custom made to the person as to not be rejected by the body. The bones are slowly removed and replaced with metal rods where the muscles and veins are intricately attached to these rods. The outer layer of skin is replaced with with. This allows the body to be able to handle the fierce blows. The rods are hollow to create channels for chakra where it can be gathered for jutsu.
The Kubomi must be 15-20 years of age and Type A Malformation. It is recommended that the person be fully grown before the procedure, but not always the safest option. The procedures can take up to 2 years of life to perform and fully recover. During this time, they cannot attend training, missions, or schooling of any kind.
The suits add a layer of defense that can easily protect the ninja from non-enhanced weapons and projectiles as well as Taijutsu. The suit greatly affects the user's ability to gather the correct amount of chakra which causes it to drain quicker than most when using Ninjutsu or Genjutsu. Their physical attacks are quite a bit more powerful than most, even more so during rage outbursts. The suit itself does not allow the user to jump higher or run faster, but the sheer muscle power during a rage outburst can allow for heightened strength and speed, but greatly lowers accuracy, stamina, and chakra control. Chakra can be gathered within the suit and be expelled through the palm of the hand or the soles of the feet. Due tot he amount of pain during the process of implementing the suit, input receptors on nerves are killed, completely eliminating any sense of pain or touch from those areas.
Kubomi are unable to have Chakra control SA and all actions cost a grade higher. The suits add a more susceptibility to lightning and fire attacks.
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✜ designed by catbug for use on naruto: fallen blades
last edit by Phantasm on Apr 16, 2024 8:14:54 GMT -5
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