The establishment of his small lab near the border of Bird Country had created a greater opportunity for Ruto to pay his young, ambitious "apprentice" some visits. After aiding him with several cases and doing the best he could to provide support, he had spent some time away, working his own medicinal magic throughout the countryside, and some things had changed. The acquisition of an actual career which helped support his line of work was one such thing.
Usually Ruto travelled by foot, arriving into town with nothing but a bag slung over his shoulder carrying all his earthly goods. This time, he arrived outside Hotaru's orphanage with a small cart. It contained medical supplies he'd used his cut of profits to collect. Though he would need some to keep with him on his travels, it was never a bad thing to deliver these gifts to Hotaru. His aims were noble. Ruto knew this objectively, even if he cared less than his companion did. It was the right thing, helping him whenever he could.
Gathering all the supplies in hand, they entered the hospital, and greeted some of the young patients waiting there. Some were excited to see them again. They asked that someone could go announce their presence to Hotaru. Idly, they wondered if he would require any help today. They seemed to have a knack for being in the area just when Hotaru needed assistance with some treatment or another.