A Bandit Has His Day [Kaori]

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A Bandit Has His Day [Kaori]Jul 12, 2022 17:40:29 GMT -5
Sato Yugure
Someone's gotta look out for the little guy.
Sato Yugure Avatar
age 18 years old birthday July 23 rank Chuunin occupation
Who knows if I'll be around tomorrow...

Yugure was somewhat pleased to see that Kaori was quick to try and smooth out the harshness of her previous words, though he did note her perking up at the mention of her beloved goddess. After a brief inspection of his mace, he found that it passed his standards for cleanliness and readiness, and just as he returned his weapon to its place Kaori seemed to be done cleaning herself up. He brought himself to his feet as she did the same, not directly offering his help in keeping her steady, but remaining close by just in case it was needed. As she explained the rules of the magical power she used in their fight, Yugure tilted his head over so slightly, a fingers clasping his chin as he considered her words.

"So... if you're invulnerable.. then what you did earlier was extra stupid. If you can only get hurt if I get hurt, wouldn't it have made more sense for you to stay with me? Jump in the way of attacks aimed for me?"

If she was practically an unbreakable shield, then their future combat strategies were very straightforward. Either he should remain out of the fight entirely, which Yugure ruled out immediately, or they should stay close to each other, fighting together as an human shield and weapon respectively. And then came a suggestion for where to head, to which he'd pause. Anywhere else in the world he wouldn't have hesitated to go, but that country?

"I... I'd rather not go there. But if your family's there, we can go. First though, a doctor. There's a small village east of here about half a day's travel away, though with your leg it might be longer."

If no objections were made, Yugure would go to retrieve his jacket and gloves, returning them to their rightful place on his body. He was eager to get moving, even if it was slow, the sooner they got away from these bandits, the better.
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