A Bandit Has His Day [Kaori]

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A Bandit Has His Day [Kaori]Apr 14, 2022 13:20:05 GMT -5
Sasaki Kaori
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Sasaki Kaori Avatar
age 154 years old birthday December 14 rank E occupation Wanderer

Always and Forever
I Am In Your Debt

The poor boy with her, so helpless~ An amusing notion had it been any other time. Kaori focused on her prayer, needing the blessing placed upon her companion to assist them both. He surely could keep himself from being hurt and dying, right? He bragged enough for it.

So the plan was set, kinda. He didn’t know anything about it, but she wasn’t about to sit there. They would both leap up after her prayer though, able to get into the thick of the battle from the start and she at least getting a first strike on one of the bandits! Success! The girl flashing those in the area having a smile on her face nevertheless, and when feet solidly hit the ground she raced for her belongings. There was one bandit left over there, but she’d be fine! Usually bandits weren’t too high of skill, they were rather ragged ruffians. Maybe that’s why Yugure could take care of himself so well? He seemed of a similar nature just… a little more pure and a lot more handsome.

Not that she paused to look back towards the boy’s dashing good looks, but carried on even as that bandit brandished his dull sword. How inferior… A thunk to her head though, causing her to wince. Yugure, no doubt, but pressing onwards despite that bit of surprising pain.

"By the blessing of Saimu!”

The girl rushing headlong into that bandit and his weapon, a swipe towards her she wouldn’t even hesitate to take on. Her arm raised, meeting it as if she were made of steel herself. The weapon wouldn’t even come close to breaking through her skin, though the force of which throwing her off a little.

"Evil must be vanquished!”

The call of the girl coming again as she’d dip to grasp that polearm, assuming he hadn’t been stepping on it and holding it down. Thrusting it up and twirling it about in her hands, arms above her head and even the thrust of a weapon towards her middle would have done so little as to barely move her body. That wooden staff coming down in hard blow over the man’s head. Or so was the plan.

Sasaki Kaori
Natsu has written 23 posts
A Bandit Has His Day [Kaori]Apr 24, 2022 0:46:57 GMT -5
Sato Yugure
Someone's gotta look out for the little guy.
Sato Yugure Avatar
age 18 years old birthday July 23 rank Chuunin occupation
Who knows if I'll be around tomorrow...

Both of the bandits in front of Yugure were heavily injured, but certainly not out of the fight just yet. Nothing that a swing from his trusty mace couldn't handle though. The one that had been kicked by Kaori was still clearly groggy from the cranial assault, and while he was on his feet, Yugure wasn't going to wait for him to be at full fighting potential. Stepping forward, the mercenary swung his mace overhead before bring it down on the man's head, a sickening thud ringing out as he was knocked completely out, or possibly killed, but that was neither here nor there. The bandit with the broken nose had finally just recovered from the hit, and once again his knife was thrust and slashed in Yugure's direction, forcing him dodge back. He felt practically invincible as he evaded slash after slash, though in his cockiness he suddenly found himself backing straight into a tree, the same one he had cornered Kaori on in fact.

With a twisted grin, the bandit lunged forward with his blade, tripping over his feet in his excitement, but still managing to thrust the blade into Yugure's thigh. He winced, expecting pain to flood through his body, but he felt... nothing. Deciding not to look a gift horse in the mouth, he promptly swung his mace into the bandit's skull with another crunch, dispatching another foe before pulling the knife out of his leg, marveling at how there seemed to be no injury. Then he remembered his newly acquired travel companion, head swiveling frantically in her direction and his legs hastily moving to get him to her side.

To Kaori's credit, she had managed to thoroughly confuse the sword-wielding bandit with her reckless courage, blocking the sword with her arm as if it were nothing but paper. And even as he thrust again, he was once again shocked to see his attack have no effect, the staff suddenly coming down and striking him atop the head, greatly dazing him, but still leaving him conscious. It would be now that the woman would feel the injury that Yugure sustained, though thankfully he'd appear by her side just a moment later, swinging his own weapon and catching her opponent in the jaw, finally dispatching the last of their enemies.
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Yamato has written 45 posts
A Bandit Has His Day [Kaori]Apr 24, 2022 5:19:24 GMT -5
Sasaki Kaori
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Sasaki Kaori Avatar
age 154 years old birthday December 14 rank E occupation Wanderer

Always and Forever
I Am In Your Debt

The staff. It’s all she wanted and needed at that time. Being unarmed, even if invulnerable to damage, was only part of the battle. She was decent in combat, had fluid movement and a lovely step, but she wasn’t unfathomably strong that she thought going against rather rowdy men and her fists was something that would be an easy fight. No, she wanted her big stick.

Got it too! Something so easily twirled and raised into the air as if it were a lovely extension to her. She wasn’t the most practiced girl in the nation, but clear training was in her background. Beginner to some extent, but familiarity no less. Twirled about and thrust down on his head, but with some of that blow not in full force and his skull proving rather durable. Kaori would find herself suddenly and harshly distracted.

Faltering, her weight giving out beneath her as one leg suddenly took a rush of pain. A yelp coming from the girl as she’d buckle and blood immediately seeping from a wound that wasn’t there moments before. Her thigh pierced and red trickling down what was once pristine skin, one hand of the girl crossing her body to hold over that wound and hopefully keep it somewhat closed. The other grasping her staff and thrusting it into the ground as an immediate makeshift crutch so she might not flatten herself to the ground.

Her thoughts on how to get that bandit out of commission… but… Yugure was there. Her breathing a little shaky and obviously in pain, small drops of sweat upon an otherwise beautiful brow as that worry had consumed her along with the unexpected wave of injury. The boy took out the last of those bandits, his mace bashing through the jaw and sending him back. A little sigh from the girl in relief as soon as it would occur, letting herself slide down her staff and crumbling to the ground.

"Are they all taken care of?”

Asking Yugure, looking to him and waiting for confirmation in an almost dangerous play of trust, for she could have looked the other way as well. But natural assumption was he had already taken care of that… only one left for him to check. And upon confirmation a shaky smile would take her lips, and soft prayer to be uttered as she dropped her gaze. Green eyes fluttering over her own wound, blood upon her hand and trickling across her thigh.

"I am forever in your debt… Thank you, Saimu... "

Soft whisper completed and little shimmering lights to glisten across those two bodies again. He’d not gain back that injury though, for such a cruel shield would never be bestowed by Saimu… the blood was hers to bare. And a smile given up to him, hand still holding to her thigh.

"I am glad you are unharmed, though I expected one with your rough skills to stay out of harm’s way. Could you fetch some bandages? I am sure I had some in my pack.”

A little nod towards his feet. SHe had picked some up recently, right? But she couldnt’ be sure… and they had been messing around with her things...

Sasaki Kaori
Natsu has written 23 posts
A Bandit Has His Day [Kaori]Apr 25, 2022 17:22:42 GMT -5
Sato Yugure
Someone's gotta look out for the little guy.
Sato Yugure Avatar
age 18 years old birthday July 23 rank Chuunin occupation
Who knows if I'll be around tomorrow...

As soon as the last bandit was taken care of, Yugure was ready to begin chewing out the green-haired woman for her recklessness. But, before he could even open his mouth the woman was collapsing, and while he didn't catch her, he did immediately follow her to the ground, hands at the ready to stop her if she threatened to fall over.

"Wh- uh, yea, they're all done."

Referring to their attackers of course, but the thought immediately replaced with something far more intriguing: the wound on Kaori's thigh. It was in the exact location where he had been stab- well, would have been stabbed, and it was only now did the gears in Yugure's mind begin turning. Not to be questioned right away, however, with his gaze turning to where Kaori gestured, hands shuffling through her pack in search of the bandages she mentioned. Thankfully, they were easy to find, and he returned to her side, moving to dress her wound for her. He used a surprisingly gentle touch as he tended to the gash, though that didn't stop him from speaking to her at the same time.

"You said you weren't a shinobi, so what the hell was that? The.. the glowing lights and the whole me getting stabbed but not really? That isn't chakra stuff?"

He didn't meet her eyes as the questions spilled out, focused entirely on properly bandaging the woman. His voice only barely betrayed the inner turmoil he was experiencing, a dilemma that shook his own code of ethics.
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Yamato has written 45 posts
A Bandit Has His Day [Kaori]May 12, 2022 12:54:52 GMT -5
Sasaki Kaori
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Sasaki Kaori Avatar
age 154 years old birthday December 14 rank E occupation Wanderer

Always and Forever
I Am In Your Debt

So quick. Kaori expected to see Yugure carry through with the bandit, make sure he was good and out, not be right at her side as she slumped towards the ground and relieved her leg of the weight. The female’s eyes blinking as if to catch up in that surprise, only to smile softly soon after.

"Good job.”

A little praise offered towards the one who had actually taken them all out. She’d still instruct him for bandages though, something she found necessary as she was bleeding and wounded… if they could stop it, then things would be fine. Heal up nice and they could be on their merry way. Kaori really could have worried he’d nix their agreement right away. Having to start out together with her lame was probably very bad on his end, but it took her no time at all to realize that worry was unneeded.

He was far too close… A soft tickling of pink across her features as the boy very literally had his hands running over her thigh. Again and again as he’d bandage her, with care and concern in every touch. A soft swallow given and her eyes lingering only a little before purposefully reverting towards the water. It wasn’t appropriate in the least… but how could she deny such faithful care? He had helped with the bandits and was now dressing her wound.

No even a word to get in edgewise. His voice pouring with questions about what happened and Kaori at least starting to get pulled back in. A smile settling at least little easier upon her features, the regal woman attempting to rein herself back in so she could help answer his questions.

"Do gruff men not know the elation of religion? I had mentioned the blessing of Saimu, my goddess, had I not? Her teachings are that of protection for the weak, to pursue good, and to vanquish evil. I merely worship and she provides my path.”

A hand to tease towards her amulet again, fingers stroking over the jewelry softly as eyes would return to that young boy. Watching his expression for how he might take that non-chakra news, even if he didn’t look back at her. She specifically did not look down… for the touches teasing her leg were still a little much for her to bare.

"Fret not, Yugure. We are companions now. I protected you and you protected me, we just have our own abilities to share with one another.”

A hand reaching out then, leaving her amulet and meaning to tease her fingers at the edges of his messy mop of a head. Not quite petting him due to his diligent work, but flutter the edges of that silvery hair even as it messily came above and beneath that bandana.

Sasaki Kaori
Natsu has written 23 posts
A Bandit Has His Day [Kaori]May 12, 2022 22:28:50 GMT -5
Sato Yugure
Someone's gotta look out for the little guy.
Sato Yugure Avatar
age 18 years old birthday July 23 rank Chuunin occupation
Who knows if I'll be around tomorrow...

Yugure was careful, but still quick with his hands' movements, clearly bandaging wounds was something he was all too familiar with. But the intimacy of his actions weren't lost on the mercenary, especially considering just how high Kaori's dress was cut. As he continued to work, the green-haired women went on, explaining the strange phenomenon he had witnessed, causing his eyebrows to knit together in confusion.

"Religion? Saimu? That stuff isn't real, just some... fairytale nonsense..."

But anybody could tell the words were hollow, spoken more to reassure himself than to truly object to the answer. There was no denying it at this point, but... it was a lot to swallow. The woman spoke up again just as he finished dressing her wound, though he caught her hand before it could reach his head, caressing it softly before guiding it to her injury.

"Keep pressure on it for awhile. Here, drink."

He took his own waterskin from his hip and uncapped it, slowly bringing it to her lips and holding it for her to drink as much as she liked. Whether it was religious hocus pocus, or chakra shenanigans, Kaori had protected him, and for that he owed her something. She may not have been as helpless as he initially thought, but she certainly could use some extra protection... and, he did truly enjoy having company while traveling the lands, not that he'd ever admit that aloud. For now, she needed to become well enough to travel, at least until they could get her some proper medical treatment.
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Yamato has written 45 posts
A Bandit Has His Day [Kaori]May 26, 2022 15:59:01 GMT -5
Sasaki Kaori
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Sasaki Kaori Avatar
age 154 years old birthday December 14 rank E occupation Wanderer

Always and Forever
I Am In Your Debt

A soft chuckle from the woman at his denial, for he couldn’t possibly mean it. He had witnessed with his own eyes the power of her goddess, yet still denied it. The poor dear couldn’t handle it all at once it seemed, but that was fine enough. They would have time together and she was sure it wasn’t the last that Yugure would witness the glories of Saimu.


Caught red handed, near literally. It was the other hand bloodied from her wound, but he still caught her before contact was made with his hair and made a surprising bit of affection touched across her skin. Things were getting far too familiar too quickly with her new companion… Though he’d release her with her hand at her wound, the other near it as well to press against the outsides of her thigh gently and wince at the additional pressure. But testing and letting a smile softly slip through, despite how she mulled over the shifts in their relationship so quickly and how close the boy kept getting.

"You did well. It makes me worry you get injured too often. Hm?”

Complimenting him, concerned, and then caught her attention. Drink? Eyes flickering up and his waterskin was held out and even brought towards her lips. Pink flushing her features again as she’d suddenly thrust her hand up to take it from him.

"One must not think yo-!”

She missed. A warning meant to be given that if he continued to dote on her in such a way that he’d appear to be her servant, but instead of finishing her thought, the hand meant to take the waterskin from him would have smacked clear into it. The water he had just spent time filling into the container would have been pressed between his hand holding it and hers, bursting water out at first and pouring further. Dousing the young woman in his drinking water and likely speckling him with it as well.

"My apologies. I had been meaning to take it… "

She would have said even helpless people can drink themselves, or that she could handle it. Yet the proof already stood right there that she would pour and spill it across everything. Maybe not true for even any other time, but it was right then that she couldn’t claim herself capable..

Emerald eyed noble still peering up at him with a soft little glimmering of pink touched to her cheeks. He really was handso-ah! What was she even thinking… she just spilled his waterskin.

"Want me to help you get more then?”

Assuming he hadn’t already scooped up the conversation from the girl paused too long, fumbling mentally, she’d have set her elegant words to hold a playful note and banter. If he wasn’t going to let her drink on her own, he wasn’t going to let her go to the water. Which would start to present all sorts of problems… ones that she had intended to keep from him until a while later.

Sasaki Kaori
Natsu has written 23 posts
A Bandit Has His Day [Kaori]Jun 8, 2022 21:54:26 GMT -5
Sato Yugure
Someone's gotta look out for the little guy.
Sato Yugure Avatar
age 18 years old birthday July 23 rank Chuunin occupation
Who knows if I'll be around tomorrow...

Yugure didn't enjoy the soft, subtle noises the woman made, well, he did enjoy them, but he didn't enjoy the fact that he enjoyed them. They were new sounds, but paradoxically familiar, as if though he had been meant to hear them all his life. One thing he was sure he didn't like, though, was her way of mixing compliments in with insults. Every time, it went a bit over his head, but after just a second of thought he'd realized he had just been spoken down to in some capacity.

"Well typically in that situation I would've made a run for it..."

A grumbled complaint, but not said in full seriousness. There was no sense in chastising her decision now, especially seeing as how it had indirectly led to her injury. What did bring some genuine annoyance back to the mercenary was her sudden outburst, hand smacking straight into his offered waterskin and spilling all over herself, with some even landing on him. A growl of irritation, and angry yell rising up in his throat, but ultimately cut off by grit teeth. He waved off her apology as he angrily scooped up the waterskin, stepping towards her belongings and removing a few of his garments that he wanted to keep dry. The gloves were first to go, followed by his prized jacket, revealing well toned arms to the open air. Both pieces of clothing were carefully placed besides the rest of Kaori's things before the mercenary moved back to the creek, pointing an accusing finger at the green-haired woman.

"Stay, sit. Keep up the pressure."

Once again Yugure filled up the waterskin, silently returning to the woman before taking up the same position as before, offering up the waterskin to her lips while keeping a watchful eye on her hands.

"Don't grab it, just drink. We need to get moving as soon as possible. I'm sure their friends will come looking for them soon if they don't return."
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Yamato has written 45 posts
A Bandit Has His Day [Kaori]Jun 9, 2022 14:13:38 GMT -5
Sasaki Kaori
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Sasaki Kaori Avatar
age 154 years old birthday December 14 rank E occupation Wanderer

Always and Forever
I Am In Your Debt

He was hard to read. One moment there were soft touches along her hand and the next he looked as if he might yell at her. It was fairly easy to deal with him though. The simple vagabond was very emotional and driven, but beneath it all had this lovely heart. Saimu would like him. Perhaps she did like him. For the goddess drew their paths together. All for him to speak against one of her goddess’ beliefs. He would have run rather than vanquish? But they had been taken down so easily?

"But why?”

Clearly not understanding why the would have run off when he clearly could handle those men, the soft title of the pointed eared female would come with that same innocent curiosity, only for other silly notions and blushes to fill her head. He even was going to hold the waterskin for her to drink! All ruined. Herself wet and him too. Apology was set aside as he moved from her and… why was he undressing?!

Eyes wide on the girl and her hands returning to her wound, pressure put on as he said while she watched his gloves and jacket peeled from his body. No wonder he took out those bandits so easily… There was easily some rippling muscle to be seen as he would leave her side and head towards the water again. Her thoughts even slowly straying towards the idea of Yugure on their trip. Would she see him take more off? Bare his chest to her? Take a swim in the water there? He could just ju-

A bright streaming streak of red across her features as she realized what she was thinking. Quickly turning her head away as she squirmed in place. There was no doubt he was attractive, but to let her mind wander like so…. How embarrassing… She had been too caught up in her admiring to even think about him commanding her like a dog. She had simply listened, put pressure on, and let thoughts run wild until she fell into that blushing mess.

Still turned away when he’d return, trying to keep her thoughts subdued even with him so near. And the waterskin offered again. Green eyes to flicker ot him and face at least turned somewhat his way. The touch of waterskin to her lips something that was felt easily enough, natural. It was just a waterskin afterall… one that touched his lips.

A quiet sound uttered by the girl, a moment of surprise and almost ttearing away. Though the moment was quick, but rather than tear away, her lips pressed firmly against the opening as to not let water spill everywhere again, stopping it a moment, then taking a further drink before letting space settle between her blushing face and the waterskin.

Thank you… How many do you think there are?”

A hesitant thanks, but then a question. One that sounded much too eager to be worry. The idea certainly entering her head that they had more evil to vanquish, and moreso showing as her eyes would wander about them. What way had the others come from again?

Sasaki Kaori
Natsu has written 23 posts
A Bandit Has His Day [Kaori]Jun 12, 2022 19:33:05 GMT -5
Sato Yugure
Someone's gotta look out for the little guy.
Sato Yugure Avatar
age 18 years old birthday July 23 rank Chuunin occupation
Who knows if I'll be around tomorrow...

"Why? Why what? Why run away?"

Yugure scoffed, he couldn't tell if it was her hocus pocus religion that made her forget common sense, but he gave her the answer all the same.

"Because in case Saimu doesn't teach basic math, two is less than three. It's no good winning a fight you end up with a knife in your leg. Better to run away and come back to fight on your own terms."

Advice given as she drank the water, her blushing features ignored and unadressed for the time being. She was most likely just suffering from her injury, Yugure supposed. He held the water skin to her lips for as long as she would drink, capping it and hanging it at his hip whenever she indicated that she was done. The green-haired woman was quick to thank him... then immediately ask how many other bandits he thought there were. An angry glare was shot into the green eyes of hers for a moment, though no shouting came quite yet. Instead, the mercenary appraised her body and her wound again, this time noting just how wet she had gotten from the spill. Without any hesitation, he reached up for the bandannas and other cloths tied around his head, resting his other hand on Kaori's shoulder to keep her still.

"I figure... at least seven or eight... if not more. We are not going to go hunting for the rest of them. Hold still."

Without hesitation, the bandanna was gently pressed against Kaori's face, drying up any water that might've escaped his waterskin's spout. And then the cloth was moved lower, picking up the droplets of water that had landed on her neck, and then lower still without any shame, mopping up the water from the exposed part of her chest and cleavage. If allowed, he'd continue on in this fashion, dabbing up any excess water from her form that he could see, going until his bandanna could hold no more water before using the next, and then the next.
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Yamato has written 45 posts
A Bandit Has His Day [Kaori]Jun 24, 2022 12:27:12 GMT -5
Sasaki Kaori
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Sasaki Kaori Avatar
age 154 years old birthday December 14 rank E occupation Wanderer

Always and Forever
I Am In Your Debt

Waiting. Waiting for the brat to get his sass out so he might actually answer her. Which… Kaori was well aware might not even happen. Yugure had a way with just outright not answering what she wanted while he prodded her with question after question. And in the end, his answer wasn’t a good one. Her lips pursed together and she’d look him over. Calculating. But end up deciding she didn’t agree. Shaking her head but mostly ignored. He was having her drink again. Something that was overcome with many emotions. They were so close. It was embarrassing. Borderline inappropriate! Yet it was caring and gentle in its own way;. He was a surprising young man.

Then came her question on how many there were. Clearly, she wanted to clear them out. He glared. And somehow that injured woman seemed to sit taller and look down her nose at him as if she held some grand authority there. Her demeanor easily one of confidence, even with her wound. He wasn’t going to get her to back down that easily! What was he doing? Eyes shot to the hand that gripped her shoulder, wary and even eyeing him soon after as if there was some foul play afoot.

"Did you not say that we could fight them on our own terms?”

Persistently pushing that topic yet… what. What was he doing? The grip on her shoulder was one thing. Familiar, but a little forward for their relationship? But soon he was dabbing her face with his bandana. Hand touching to her skin with nothing more than a cloth to separate them. Her heart felt like it was racing. Beating hard in her chest while bandana dabbed at her face. Then… lower…

"T-that is quite enough!”

A sudden and more shrill means of stress as her hand came across, holding to his wrist with the hand that held a bandana. She meant to stop him, her posture still holding tall and confident despite that waver in her voice.

"Maybe it is due to your casual upbringing, but such intimacy is not appropriate. Perhaps if you were courting me… or an engagement set. But we have newly met, there are boundaries. Modest ones.”

Clarifying why she had meant to stop him in the way only she knew how to do. Bring up inferiority and spin it into whatever she wished. But they shouldn’t be so close and inappropriate… She had just met him!

Sasaki Kaori
Natsu has written 23 posts
A Bandit Has His Day [Kaori]Jun 24, 2022 16:54:55 GMT -5
Sato Yugure
Someone's gotta look out for the little guy.
Sato Yugure Avatar
age 18 years old birthday July 23 rank Chuunin occupation
Who knows if I'll be around tomorrow...

Kaori would be able to hear the grinding of Yugure's teeth as she continued to push the matter of the bandits, his touch becoming just a shade bit less gentle as he continued to wipe the water off of her face and neck. Being stubborn could sometimes be admirable, but in this case he saw it as simple foolhardiness.

"On our own terms would mean with both of us completely healthy, so hold stil-"

And then came the hitched voice, soft hand at his wrist as he apparently crossed some line. Amber eyes flicked to where she had stopped him, and then he rolled them, removing his hand from her chest and pinching her nose with the damp cloth.

"You know, if we're going to be traveling together, you're going to have to be a lot less fussy about these things."

For a moment, he considered continuing to clean her up as he had, he had already proven that he had the strength to overpower her, but in the end he decided he'd respect her wishes, for now at least. The cloth was shoved into her hand before gesture made for her to wipe herself off, meanwhile his other moved to her thigh, taking over the job of keeping pressure on the wound.

"What're you gonna do when we've gotta camp out on a cold night? We'll have to stay close to conserve body heat, you know. Don't tell me you'll be bringing up 'modesty' and 'boundaries' then."

A bit of teasing on the mercenary's part, now that he had found some ammunition to use against her, but with a ring of truth to the words. Wanderer's often had little choice when it came to survival, and ideally he'd like to deal with her fussiness now rather than every time it came up, even if it was kind of cute.
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Yamato has written 45 posts
A Bandit Has His Day [Kaori]Jun 25, 2022 13:32:42 GMT -5
Sasaki Kaori
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Sasaki Kaori Avatar
age 154 years old birthday December 14 rank E occupation Wanderer

Always and Forever
I Am In Your Debt

This ruffian was so aggressive… couldn’t even be nice to his own pleasant feature when he was angry. The point remained though, he had mentioned regrouping and fighting them on their own terms. That meant they could plan out the attack and take them on with his approval! Obviously he didn’t agree, she wasn’t so oblivious as to not clearly understand that. But why was he so insistent upon letting that evil remain? There would be at least some rebuttal from him, pointing out her injury in not so vague terms, and… then she’d have to stop him.

Though his response was somewhat expected, his words weren’t. A narrow line where her lips pressed together, displeased and a bit irritated by the rules he decided to impart upon her after the fact, even if she had arguably done something similar only moments before.

"Are those the terms you plan to set? I will not say I agree, should there not be respect between us? Even if you are not impressed by my standing could you not at least attempt to preserve my image?”

A little more bite to her voice, while not altogether angry, the smooth tone of her voice had little fleks of ice in it. The noble demanding status and power, or something of the sort. She could sound all that same regal, but with her attempting to show her own grasp of social powers. Not that it mattered to a ragged woodsman like him… The cloth given to her and him already having motioned for her to complete the job, she’d let a long and slow exhale come from her lips while she tried to settle her nerves and dry herself off.

Only for a touch to her leg, her green eyes flickering to that touch. Then his words… He’d barely finish before she sat up straighter, taking in a breath that clearly was her composing herself, for she would look to him with a fair amount of disapproval.  Why would she not bring up modesty and boundaries even in times of discomfort?

"I will, indeed. Both of us have traveled and withstood hardship on our own, or so I assume. Why would us being companions suddenly become an excuse to sully our names?”

Her gaze then shifting to his hand, suddenly thinking it over a bit more. Irritated and maybe a little nervous or afraid. Perhaps this was a bad idea.

"Must you touch me? I allowed you to wrap my bandage and I am forever in your debt. But I am not your lover, nor your plaything. If we are unable to remain modest then perhaps this arrangement should be reconsidered.”

It… was partially a threat? Though with Kaori more strongly considering other avenues of her life. It had been her idea that she would be able to step away from him at opportune times. Yet… if a single time she returned to him and he lured her into his devious plots, she worried she might not fight those temptations as she should.

Sasaki Kaori
Natsu has written 23 posts
A Bandit Has His Day [Kaori]Jun 30, 2022 20:26:44 GMT -5
Sato Yugure
Someone's gotta look out for the little guy.
Sato Yugure Avatar
age 18 years old birthday July 23 rank Chuunin occupation
Who knows if I'll be around tomorrow...

Yugure had been half teasing, half serious in his words, but Kaori's response showed that she took this topic with the utmost certainty. Several times now, she had shown a strange split in reaction to their brief moments of closeness, a blushing face but words that demanded he keep his distance. This time, however, there was no blush to her cheeks, and her words held a cold that she hadn't let loose before.

As his hands met her thigh again, another cold look was sent his way, followed by increasingly sharp words that teetered on the edge of threats. Yugure's frustrations bubbled inside his chest, though admittedly he now fully understood where her objections came from. They simply had a difference of standards. To him, there was nothing scandalous about the way he touched her now: she had a wound, he was tending to it. But to a noble woman like her? He'd need to jump through hoops before it was 'proper' to touch her in this way. In the end though, he did want her company, and he was also reluctant to leave her in this state, and so his hands left her thigh, palms open and raised to chest height apologetically.

"Fine, fine. Boundaries, modesty, whatever you say. Just get dried up so we can get out of here."

Words spoken with dry tone, but conceding the point nonetheless. In the meantime, he took a seat just a meter or so away from her, not fully turned away from the woman but also not directly facing her. He pulled his weapon from his hip, inspecting it for any dents or dirtiness that may have come from the recent brawl, before speaking up with more questions that lingered in his mind.

"So, this... blessing of Saimu thing how does it work exactly? I don't get hurt, but you take it instead? What about the other way, if you get hit, do I get hurt?"
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Yamato has written 45 posts
A Bandit Has His Day [Kaori]Jul 11, 2022 13:21:27 GMT -5
Sasaki Kaori
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Sasaki Kaori Avatar
age 154 years old birthday December 14 rank E occupation Wanderer

Always and Forever
I Am In Your Debt

He caved so easily… The breath and power she had been exuding was released slowly in an exhale with her eyes falling and hand dabbing at her chest and down her dress to absorb what water she could.

"Perhaps I was too coarse. I am in your debt and appreciate much you have done for me even in this little time.”

Not meeting his eye during that apology, but obviously very busy with cleaning herself up, the cloth kept and worked with until she felt he would be satisfied. He wanted to go, something she felt easier said than done in her current state. She wasn’t the worst off, sure, but an injury to the leg was the most annoying yet surefire way to slow progress. An injured arm didn’t slow the pace, but her leg would….


Quiet hum in questioning as she caught his words, Saimu being asked about stirring her attention easily in a more positive way. The gentle smile returning and a small cant of the head in a brief closing of her eyes in gladness. It was cute that he didn’t understand and asked so innocently. Though her eyes to open up, a brief inspection of the wound and bandages so carefully done…. And then tucking that damp cloth at her hip, just at the bow of fabric that hugged her skin and kept her surprisingly small outfit just a little more appropriate. Her legs was probably good enough to hold her weight. So hands pressed to either side of her to try and lift her body, test where her leg was, and get her other beneath her to take most of the burden.

"No… ah. Saimu grants me the ability to protect, to be a shield for others. It is my duty to protect you, so any injury that befalls you I will shoulder in your stead.”

Getting herself to her feet, or at least trying to, a little exhale with effort to thrust herself up and onto her feet, the grace of the woman almost nearly there in those movements, though with little and tiny hitches that should be expected…. Though to answer while testing her leg a bit, if possible. Then looking up to him with a smile. It hurt… but wasn’t something that would destroy all means of movement.

"As for me, the only thing that can injure me while I shield you is if I fail that task. I am invincible during her blessing, unless something harms you. So don’t get hurt~ "

A soft laugh at the end. The innocent giggle that would have been mirroring some of those first moments she met him. He hadn’t known the rules, but did now. So perhaps he’d try to protect himself for her sake. Or even take more convenient injuries..

"Did you have a destination you desired? I know that my family resided within your Forest Country… so if you wished to start there right away that is an option as well.”

Asking what they’d do, and only pausing to contemplate with a hand risen to her chin and eyes to focus down in thought as she tried to remember where she was supposed to be from… Only to look back up and try to gauge what he wanted to do.

Sasaki Kaori
Natsu has written 23 posts