A Bandit Has His Day [Kaori]

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A Bandit Has His Day [Kaori]Jul 19, 2021 2:00:03 GMT -5
Sato Yugure
Someone's gotta look out for the little guy.
Sato Yugure Avatar
age 18 years old birthday July 23 rank Chuunin occupation
Who knows if I'll be around tomorrow...

Despite his extended time travelling with Esha, being alone wasn't something that had become completely foreign to Yugure, though now it felt... different. In some ways it was objectively better. For one, he could actually get to places in a timely manner, as opposed to stopping to admire and/or smoke every plant and animal along the way. But, it had been nice to have someone to talk to, or to have someone to just ramble as you plodded along the road without a specific destination in mind.

Then again, there was something special about experiencing some things alone. The last breaths of winter were finally dissipating, and life was coming back to the wilds of Hi no Kuni. The snow was slowly melting away, birds were returning to the forest, and the sun was bright in the morning sky, cutting through the brisk air with gentle beams of warmth. Continuing along the narrow path, Yugure took in a deep breath of fresh air: going it alone definitely was the way to go. Reaching down for his waterskin, a slight frown formed on his face when he realized that it was empty, though it returned to a neutral expression after only a moment. Hi no Kuni was a land of plenty, both when it came to natural resources as well as work to be done so finding water was child's play.

Pausing in his tracks, Yugure shut his eyes as he devoted all of his attention to the sounds around him, sorting through the various noises until he heard exactly what it was he was searching for. He stepped into the woods to his left shortly after, making no effort to be stealthy as he pushed aside tree branches and low foliage as he forged on ahead. His stumble through the trees was eventually rewarded with the sight of a small creek, and throwing any last caution he had to the wind, Yugure hastily crouched down just beside the clear water, scooping handfuls of the cool water and splashing his face. He'd fill his waterskin eventually, so why not enjoy himself a bit?

Yamato has written 45 posts
A Bandit Has His Day [Kaori]Jul 31, 2021 13:07:39 GMT -5
Sasaki Kaori
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Sasaki Kaori Avatar
age 154 years old birthday December 14 rank E occupation Wanderer

Always and Forever
I Am In Your Debt


A lilting laugh would have been hard alongside the splashing of water to his face, giggling glee lightly fluttering through the air. A raise of his eyes and down stream would have revealed a girl not far off, sitting on a stone that only rose slightly along the edge of that creek. Tanned shoes sat beside her hip and her feet lazily kicking in the shallow waters. A red dress of smooth fabric cut high on her leg, dipping down nicely at her chest, but loose and flowing as one had to be out in the wilderness. A light colored cloak that likely should have hung around her shoulders would have pooled in a sea of silk around those shapely hips, leaving practically bare shoulders teased with oddly green hair. Sparkling eyes were looking towards him, amused, and hand lifted to her lips as if she had actually meant to stifle her laughter.

My, my~ It must have been a rough day. Do you feel well? Anything I can do to help?”

A thoughtful question and the light hearted laughter would have smoothly transitioned to words that held confidence and regality, a cleverness to even how she spoke that lacked anything that might have reminded one of aggression or coarseness.

And with fluid movements and a little grace, her hands would have dropped to the stone and pressed, her body giving a soft roll to lift herself up and at the last moment sneaking her feet beneath herself in the softest of ‘hops’ Barely there with the fluidity of her lift. Rising to her full height in what was fairly tall for a female, yet most assuredly female in how her attire hugged a rather cute figure.

"Sasaki Kaori~ I am sure it is a pleasure to meet such a cute, lowly nomad like yourself~”

The lilting nature of her voice held true without an ounce of venom. Pleased to meet him, so she said. With a lift of her hand and a singular waving movement from near her then to the side. A greeting given towards the strange male, and if she were afraid, she certainly didn’t seem so.

Sasaki Kaori
Natsu has written 23 posts
A Bandit Has His Day [Kaori]Sept 19, 2021 11:48:42 GMT -5
Sato Yugure
Someone's gotta look out for the little guy.
Sato Yugure Avatar
age 18 years old birthday July 23 rank Chuunin occupation
Who knows if I'll be around tomorrow...

Yugure managed to splash water on his face a few more times before the laughter began, head snapping up almost immediately which his hand reaching for his mace just as quickly. Still, he didn't move from his position by the creek. Despite the suspicious look in his eyes, he was feeling much more confused than aggressive, at least for the time being. He let his amber eyes travel from the woman's face down her figure, noting with a bit of satisfaction that she didn't seem to be wearing anything that designated her as a shinobi, though there was the occasional ninja that didn't display their affiliation so plainly. The woman's next words were met with even more scrunching up of his eyebrows, some of the confusion bleeding out onto his expression.

The woman's movements were so graceful, it actually took Yugure a moment to even realize she had gotten up, but once he did his body jerked every so slightly, though he remained crouched by the water. And then the woman... introduced herself, as if bumping into a stranger in the middle of the woods was the most normal thing in the woods. There were a few long moments of silence where he simply stared at her, suspicious look never leaving his face before he slowly reached for the creek with both hands once more. Cupping up a small amount of water, Yugure suddenly stood up before flinging the water in Kaori's direction. Due to the distance, and the amount of water, there was no way it would actually soil any of her clothing, but if the droplets made contact, it would be more than enough to confirm that she wasn't just a figment of his imagination.

"I guess that means you're real then. Hm."

For a second, Yugure was afraid that he might have inadvertently consumed some of Esha's weird drugs, or perhaps the creek was laced with some poisonous forest mushroom spores, but nope. This strange, green-haired, pointy eared, woman was in fact real.

"I'm Yugure. You lost or somethin'?"
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Yamato has written 45 posts
A Bandit Has His Day [Kaori]Sept 21, 2021 11:51:48 GMT -5
Sasaki Kaori
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Sasaki Kaori Avatar
age 154 years old birthday December 14 rank E occupation Wanderer

Always and Forever
I Am In Your Debt

If the reach towards his mace was something that would threaten or scare the girl, it wouldnt have shown. All she had intended would still carry through from the giggling to her hopping up. She realized she might catch him off guard but apparently was confident enough in herself that she wasn’t going to fear his reaction. Everything would be set in its place…

Her wave was answered with silence. The smooth way of talking, the smile, and the simple gesture were reciprocated with silence and what she would take as a judgemental stare. Yet she still wouldn’t let herself feel uneasy. A soft chuckle would barely whisper along her lips again, letting her eyes stray off the suspicious figure and tease over the surface of the water at her side. A distraction and a show that he had nothing to fear, even if simple and vague, only for the boy to take matters into his own hands. ANd flung. She would have heard at least the shuffling and lifted her head once more with an inquisitive look, only to find her eyes widening in surprise at water being flung her way.

Little speckles of water droplets to tease bare skin and flecks of her outfit, it would take a moment for her mind to catch up and then hear him express why he had even done so. Another laugh clearly ringing out. Her hand might have lifted to her lips but it was far too late to stifle the cute and open expression. Funny~

"Perhaps it is ironic that I often wonder, myself, if I am real.”

A bit of a smile lingering on her lips and the female taking his splashing her and even the mention of his name for her to take steps towards him. They were light hops, graceful in their own way if there was any way a woman could look elegant hopping from stone to stone along a bank… Her eyes shifting down to her footing and up towards the boy. Yugure~ Lost though?

"It may depend on what you mean by lost. But I no longer find myself stressed or anxious. I would not claim to be lost in these woods, if that is what you are asking~ What of you? You look as if you may need an excessive amount of help. Is there any way I could assist you?”

Even while talking, she would have continued towards him, only to keep distance if he literally moved away. Otherwise, she would have ended up directly with him. Stopping and softly placing hands behind her back and tilting her head gently to one side. So inquisitive and innocent, supposedly.

Sasaki Kaori
Natsu has written 23 posts
A Bandit Has His Day [Kaori]Oct 3, 2021 15:44:25 GMT -5
Sato Yugure
Someone's gotta look out for the little guy.
Sato Yugure Avatar
age 18 years old birthday July 23 rank Chuunin occupation
Who knows if I'll be around tomorrow...

Yugure wasn't sure why he expected a normal response from this stranger, especially after her introduction, but he continued to find himself surprised by her actions, muscles tensing up as she kept that same calm and cheery disposition, spouting off some nonsense about wondering if she was real herself. Yea she'd get along real well with Esha.

At the very least, Yugure didn't back away as the woman gracefully approached him, though that wasn't to say he didn't move at all. His hand hovered closer to his mace again for a moment, but ultimately he pulled it back away, choosing to fold his arms over his chest as the girl hopped closer. The mixture of confusion, suspicion, and irritation never left his face, eyes keeping a firm lock on the woman's hands as she spoke in that singsongy way. She may not have attacked him right from the get go, but it was still too early to trust her. Now that she was closer though, Yugure noticed that it wasn't just her hair, mannerisms, and clothing that were strange, but even her ears. Their pointiness was something that went beyond random oddity, they were nearly inhuman in their shape. A feature of the woman he'd simply stare at for a few seconds before finally responding, ignoring her questions and deflecting the focus back to her.

"Alright, fine, you're not lost. Then what're you doing out here? Are you a shinobi? Are you alone?"

More of an interrogation than a conversation, Yugure never let up on his appraisal of the woman, checking for any possible evidence that she was one of those blasted ninja, any hidden weaponry, and what was the harm in taking a better look at her in general? She was rather easy on the eyes.
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Yamato has written 45 posts
A Bandit Has His Day [Kaori]Oct 13, 2021 12:44:56 GMT -5
Sasaki Kaori
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Sasaki Kaori Avatar
age 154 years old birthday December 14 rank E occupation Wanderer

Always and Forever
I Am In Your Debt

There was at least a little sense of relief in the woman as he’d finally let his hand fall away from his mace. While it obviously hadn’t kept her away from him in any capacity, it’s not like she wanted to face a weapon either. Her approach was easy and light, not any sort of tension to hint that the weapon was though of, and then there before him as if nothing was amiss~ The relatively tall female with a surprisingly bright and stealthily revealing attire interacting with him as if it was one of the most natural things in the world.

Lucky for him, her hands were merely clasped behind her back in a purely innocent way that only a regal young woman like herself could manage~ She was vastly different from the girl she remembered herself to be… but also truly herself. Plus some. Her words flowed though, easily and with refinement while she expected an answer to her question. The tilt of her head and peering to him done without hesitation, only for him to take a few moments to stare. Her ears? It was hard to miss where he would let his gaze linger. ANywhere would have been noticed, but did he have something against her ears? Hands parted from behind her back and a hand raised, fingertips gently striking up along the outer edge of one of those pointed ears. A gentle stroke with affection more than any sort of concern, for she wasn’t embarrassed of the ears she now had to call her own.

A soft chuckle would be given towards his questions, aggressively hounding her for more information despite the obvious lack of threat! These ruffians really were ruthless, even if he had a nice face.

"I’m traveling~ Is that  not what you are doing? I am not part of the current world’s military, no. And I am never alone. The goddess Saimu directs my path in all that I do, her blessing is with me whenever I may call upon it.”

The hand at her ear dropped down to touch fingertips to her heart, grazing along smooth skin to settle there with ease in that natural flow. A soft bow forward, just a bit to drop her head and unintentionally show a little more of those soft curves to her chest as she bent over, even if in the slightest amount. Only to raise again with that regal smile and her hand to draw around the pendant on her neck. Teasing the chain with her fingers and rolling the amulet in her hand.

"What about you, Yugure~ Would you like to tell me anything about why such a ragged vagabond is out and about?”

Still as smooth as ever, like nothing was amiss. Her words held authority and regality, the stunning presence of a princess~ Yet the words that could have bit like a viper had they been said literally any other way.

Sasaki Kaori
Natsu has written 23 posts
A Bandit Has His Day [Kaori]Oct 28, 2021 14:07:40 GMT -5
Sato Yugure
Someone's gotta look out for the little guy.
Sato Yugure Avatar
age 18 years old birthday July 23 rank Chuunin occupation
Who knows if I'll be around tomorrow...

Amber eyes continued to wander up and down the woman's form as she considered his words, a single hand raising to briefly touch her ears. Ultimately, his gaze didn't seem to bother her, and if anything only spurred her into further laughter before joyfully answering his questions. She answered them eagerly, without even the slightest hints of deception, though her continued lax behavior was starting to irk the mercenary. It wasn't an abrupt annoyance, but a slowly creeping one, tickling the back of Yugure's mind and gradually pushing him to that state of aggression he was all to familiar with. Still, the tension in his body did fade away as a pause came into the conversation, eyes once again lingering on the soft form as she made some rather alluring movements, cut abruptly by a straightening of her posture and focus thrown back in his direction.

And a slight twitch to his eyebrow. 'Lowly nomad' had been a rather accurate assessment of his position in life, but vagabond? He... wasn't actually too sure what that meant, but that was a bad thing right? He especially didn't like the 'ragged' that came before it. Keeping his arms folded, the mercenary stepped forward, putting himself unnaturally close to the woman and even nudging her back with his body if she didn't move. He would have liked to glare down at her, but she was surprisingly the same height as him, leaving him to simply glare at her as he continued moving towards her.

"Now listen here you little... I don't know where you're from but you better hurry on back there because being out in the wilderness on your own isn't very wise for someone like you. Just be glad that you ran into a nice guy like me, or this meeting would've gone very differently."

Everything about this woman had put him on edge from the start, and he had had just about enough of her strange, carefree attitude. Rowdy bandits and wild animals he could handle, but this? He wanted nothing of this.
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Yamato has written 45 posts
A Bandit Has His Day [Kaori]Nov 10, 2021 3:00:52 GMT -5
Sasaki Kaori
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Sasaki Kaori Avatar
age 154 years old birthday December 14 rank E occupation Wanderer

Always and Forever
I Am In Your Debt

The young woman couldn’t have known that the effect her natural disposition had on him was a sort of dislike and aggression, though it wouldn’t have changed her anyway. Why would she shift who she was as a person for the lowly individual that stood before her? Oh no~ She would assist him though, if he needed it. He had never actually mentioned whether he was in any sort of need or not…

It was when he stepped forward that she might have seemed a little more pleased, at least at first. Taken as a sign he was opening up to her and then realizing all too quickly how that wasn’t the case. A hand of hers lifted, the one off her pendant with palm out to him. Meeting his arm first and touching to him while keeping roughly a foot between their bodies. Maybe not stopping him, but forcing the woman to take soft steps backwards and lightly touching her toes to the ground and stones to make sure she didn’t topple into the water. But distance with her arm maintained as she looked to him with an almost soft curiousness. He’d speak to answer.

"I am Sasaki Kaori~ My family name is one most prized and treasured, yet I can not return to my own home. What makes you believe that I can not survive in the wilderness?”

If he didn’t press forward any farther, she would have her hand shift to her chin. Fingertips barely touching to herself as she’d tilt her head in delight.

”Is it luck or my Saimu that brought you to me? It is not as if you have been incredibly kind to me though, Yugure~ A gentleman really should possess more manners, though I did assume you were of a lower caste.”

It was all the same. A smile to her lips, gentle and easy. She held herself tall with confidence but with an ease and loveliness that showed off that she was truly feminine at all times. Fluid and graceful, even in word. Even if those words expressed the idea that he was below her…

Sasaki Kaori
Natsu has written 23 posts
A Bandit Has His Day [Kaori]Dec 30, 2021 1:28:02 GMT -5
Sato Yugure
Someone's gotta look out for the little guy.
Sato Yugure Avatar
age 18 years old birthday July 23 rank Chuunin occupation
Who knows if I'll be around tomorrow...

As Yugure gently, but firmly, pushed Kaori back, he couldn't help but feel a bit smug at how little resistance he felt, confirming that she was no threat to him. He noticed that her hand never left her pendant, even as he pushed her back further still, subtley leading her so that eventually she'd feel a tree at her back. Even while he tried to intimidate her away, she continued with that haughty attitude, spouting some nonsense about her family name like it made her immune to the struggles and pain of the world. Again, his eye twitched at her improper response to the situation... maybe he needed to teach her a lesson. As she continued on about Saimu and manners, one of his hands suddenly lashed out to grab her wrist, the one not holding the pendant. A firm grip applied and force used to move the arm to one side, with his other hand soon following suite and taking hold of the hand holding the pendant.

"Out here, your 'treasured' family name means nothing. What, did you get tired of your pampered home life and decide to have a bit of fun in the forest? What's stopping me from just taking this pretty little necklace and leaving, hm?"

Fingers would worm their way into her grip if allowed, prying away the hand and moving it so the pendant was left exposed. He'd simply remain that way for an uncomfortably long moment if allowed, pressing her against the tree while keeping her wrists in hand, tightening his grip slowly before suddenly releasing her with a grunt.

"Go home, 'Sasaki Kaori'."

Another look at her form before a sudden turn, stepping back to the creek and crouching by its side to finish what he had come here to do.
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Yamato has written 45 posts
A Bandit Has His Day [Kaori]Jan 17, 2022 18:25:36 GMT -5
Sasaki Kaori
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Sasaki Kaori Avatar
age 154 years old birthday December 14 rank E occupation Wanderer

Always and Forever
I Am In Your Debt

There was distance between them at least, a respectable distance kept thanks to her and her rather impressive upbringing. She wasn’t of the idea that some strange man could simply crowd her immediate personal space without them properly courting. And even then.. That was more the area for a man that was more formally intending to marry! So steps were taken back. Still careful and easy, moving with flowing grace even as she was pressed back farther and farther. He hadn’t let up! Though she still maintained her decency. Until he cornered her, that is. First the curves of her ass to hit and then back following quickly after, a little trickle of color to tease her cheeks as she’d part her lips

"Yugure, it is not decent--?”

Beginning to inform him and his lower self that it wasn’t decent to be this way… his manners surely needed a lot of refinement and were showcased in all their ruggedness further as he grabbed at her wrist. Eyes flickering to where he had grabbed momentarily, only to look back at him almost as if questioning, though following with a short rush of escaping breath and soft vocalization as he surprised her. And was further indecent. That flush of red warming a little more along her cheeks as he grasped at a pendant that hung at her neck, the feeling of smooth skin, her hand, and metallic adornment all things she could have noticed when he pressed himself there.

"This is truly indecent, Yugure. Ah…”

A little more firmness in her words, the boy chastised for his behavior and her standing tall and strong as if she weren’t in some compromising position. He was stronger than she expected. Even as he wormed those fingers out from her pendant as she did indeed try to fight him for that control. Losing out, with a soft swallow given as he shifted their positions and kept unreasonably close. His warmth and body close, strength radiating from the young man as he held her in place and practically helpless. Standing her ground and proud even as a blush still flooded her skin.

No answer was given to him again. Just the chastisement the first time, then staring him down after. What would stop him? Unfortunately not her… she underestimated his strength and the compromising position would have been tough to get out of. Her hands released though and the girl breathing a little easier, her fingers moving to caress her own skin at her wrists where he had held her captive, watching him retreat to the position in which she first met him.

A place she’d watch him for a moment as she nursed her delicate skin. Soft tcouhes over her wrists as those eyes would watch him. He crouched, turned himself form her, put himself in that vulnerable position…. A little sigh and her eyes looking back to where she had been. Her weaponry left there and some supplies… but, she’d move to him again. The young woman to let those light and regal steps take her to his side again, with a hand reaching down to tease through his hair from the back of his scalp forward, likely messing with the flow of his bandana.

"You are much too rough, Yugure. It is cute how you trust me already, even if a little. You did turn your back on someone you just assaulted.”

They were soft and cooing words as she meant to comb and play through his hair. Letting him remain crouched if he wanted and soothing the boy, if he hadn’t already jumped to his feet and stopped her own gentler version of an assault.

Sasaki Kaori
Natsu has written 23 posts
A Bandit Has His Day [Kaori]Feb 9, 2022 19:48:56 GMT -5
Sato Yugure
Someone's gotta look out for the little guy.
Sato Yugure Avatar
age 18 years old birthday July 23 rank Chuunin occupation
Who knows if I'll be around tomorrow...

It was difficult to admit, but there had been a few disconcerting moments where Yugure found himself enjoying his actions. For a few moments, he was his old self, disregarding his morality and simply doing as he pleased, unconcerned with the consequences and starting down the first few steps of that slipper slope. Seeing the blush in Kaori's cheeks, the sudden realization of her helplessness, though it kind of seemed like she was more embarrassed than afraid in all honesty.

Still, the ex-bandit managed to reign in his temper at the very last moment, pulling away from the woman and hoping that she'd finally leave him be. In fact, as he began filling up his waterskin, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in his skills of intimidation. He figured his time with Esha would have dulled his skills, but turns out he- And her hand was on his head. The fury in his chest flared up once more, hand gripping his waterskin so tight that it threatened to break before he simply let out a long sigh, anger leaving him like a deflated balloon. Despite everything, this woman refused to leave him alone, and so he simply ignored her for the time being, finishing his task of filling the waterskin before cupping more water and bringing it to his lips, though, her soft touch on his head was rather pleasant...

A luxury he shouldn't get used to. The mercenary abruptly stood up from the water's edge, growling and pushing her hands away if she continued to pick at his hair.

"Gods you're like a lost dog, whaddya want from me?" Anger flaring up for a brief moment before being brought back under control. A hand raised to rub at his forehead and another sigh. "I mean... What. Is your strange fascination with me? Where are you headed?"

More questions asked, though this time more focused, digging deeper into the mystery of this strange woman and less surface level suspicion.
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Yamato has written 45 posts
A Bandit Has His Day [Kaori]Feb 21, 2022 3:06:21 GMT -5
Sasaki Kaori
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Sasaki Kaori Avatar
age 154 years old birthday December 14 rank E occupation Wanderer

Always and Forever
I Am In Your Debt

The approach to him was as easy as walking could be, he didn’t twitch nor move as she got closer which only solidified her feelings all the more. If he didn’t trust her, how could he be so unguarded with her still around? Fingers slipped into his hair, petting encouragingly to the young man who knelt down and took care of what he had set out to do. Words flowed eloquently and she waited for him to respond, she didn’t find this lowly boy as one to keep his mouth shut in all honesty… Soft presses to his head continued, the young lady actually wondering if he liked it. He had been so brash and stand offish before, was he comforted by touch? Was that why he had pressed so close to her?

That thought alone near had her pulling away. Perhaps her simple encouragement would be misconstrued as something more vile to this hedonistic male… But she never quite managed it, not until he accomplished it on his own at least. Letting her hand flutter easily back to her side as she watched him over. He had knelt there with content only moments before, now he angrily rose. Had she misread him?

An eyebrow raised, almost as if asking him if he was truly serious…. Who was the dog now? She remembered him on his knees and her hand petting his head… But with a little lift of her hand, two delicate fingers covering just barely over her lips, she’d let a smile come back to her face and hold back her gentle laughter.


But he had more to say, sort of. It was like the same thing asked before, just in a slightly different way. Why was she here, what did she want. Questions that she too had asked, but never got an answer to. So why would he keep asking… especially when she thought it was fairly obvious? They had simply crossed paths and were conversing, was that so strange?

"I have lost my home. I have been taking up jobs as I come across them, as my family did teach me some basics of combat. No trouble has befallen me yet.”

Slow and lovely words as always, neatly spoken with lips moving smoothly through each word. Then the noble lady to turn her head back towards him, focused gaze to the male’s eyes with that soft and subtle smile still in place on her face.

"Perhaps Saimu has blessed me with meeting you first. You have already proven your strength over me and I am sure there are many others who could overpower me. Might you tolerate a traveling companion until I find more suitable accommodations?”

There. Maybe he’d take that bait. The prideful and aggressive ruffian here could be presented with the idea of traveling if he wanted, but under the pretense that she wanted it. Oh how weak she was, so helpless, or something. But the young woman to await his answer all the same, innocent smile to her face as she awaited a response.

Sasaki Kaori
Natsu has written 23 posts
A Bandit Has His Day [Kaori]Mar 3, 2022 9:31:09 GMT -5
Sato Yugure
Someone's gotta look out for the little guy.
Sato Yugure Avatar
age 18 years old birthday July 23 rank Chuunin occupation
Who knows if I'll be around tomorrow...

Yugure's arms were once again folded across his chest as he faced the woman, the same annoyance on his face as before, if not lesser in intensity. The same, carefree laughter made a return, though he was somewhat pleased to see that she at least made an attempt to stifle it. She once again answered his questions without complaint, though as he listened, he raised one eyebrow dubiously. 'Taking up jobs'? Her? She barely looked like she worked a day in her life, but he didn't have a better explanation for how she hadn't already been robbed blind and kidnapped for ransom, so it'd have to do for now. And then an offer after, to be his traveling companion until she could find more suitable accommodation.

It was just like Esha all over again, though the circumstances then had been different. She had saved his life, and guarding her had been an obligation, nothing more. Though... Looking Kaori over, Yugure found it hard to turn her down, the thought process in his mind reaching a conclusion first, and then fabricating the reasoning after.

"Tch... you are pretty helpless... wouldn't be right to leave you by your lonesome... just until we find a better place for you. Deal."

A hand raised to shake to seal the deal, though as she reached for his hand he'd suddenly take hold of her wrist yet again, tugging her along as he made a break for some nearby bushes. He would hastily pull her behind the foliage crouching down while forcing her to do the same. Any objections would be met with a swift hand to her mouth, though he kept his focus on the clearing where they had just been, eyes narrowing as something made its way towards the creek. After a few moments, it'd be revealed that the disturbance was actually additional human life, as unlikely as it may have been.

"The entirety of Fire Country and everybody and their mother decides to meet up here..."

A low grumble to himself, but still quiet enough that the new arrivals wouldn't be able to hear. There seemed to be three of the strangers by the creek, and for a few moments, Yugure considered introducing himself amiably, until he overheard their conversation.

"Yea I swear I heard her over here, look there's her stuff. Slippery little minx, thought she could get away from us, eh?"

"Shut up, who knows how far away she is? Quick, grab her things and take it back to camp while we look for her, I tell you that necklace will get us a pretty penny... and she oughta be worth something too!"

Despite the earlier warning, the trio of bandits shared a brief round of chuckles before getting back to business, one of them poking around Kaori's supplies while the other two investigated the area, getting dangerously close to their hiding spot. Yugure turned to look at the green-haired woman, eyes shifting towards the men as if asking for an explanation, though he knew well that there really wasn't much to be said.
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Yamato has written 45 posts
A Bandit Has His Day [Kaori]Mar 27, 2022 12:27:51 GMT -5
Sasaki Kaori
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Sasaki Kaori Avatar
age 154 years old birthday December 14 rank E occupation Wanderer

Always and Forever
I Am In Your Debt

It was curious to see the boy meander through the decision to travel with her. Helpless. Something he had already basically said she was and she held back her little bit of laughter behind that smile. He could think that all the same, it was fine with her, and honestly that she appeared as refined and lovely was something of a compliment to her. The most interesting part though was that he found it as a sort of ‘right and wrong’ decision. Leaving helpless her alone wouldn’t be right? That was cute… And a little bit of fondness would have been planted there for the aggressive and gruff little hoodlum. His heart was in the right place. There was just… all of this other stuff going on.

"Great~ A deal it is.”

An honest smile and solidification of their ‘contract,’ she’d hold out her hand to take his as was only natural for this sort of thing. So why’d he surprise her? A short little sound in surprise, small vocalization that he caught her attention and forced her off guard, even stumbling as he pulled her along. Where were they going? Did he misunderstand?

"I think you ha- mmh!”

The eyes of the girl looking up to him with hand slapped over her mouth, almost accusing but softly asking at the same time. Why had he done that? She was merely telling him he had the wrong idea… Silenced and pulled down with him. Not in any particularly close and tight embrace, but enough to guide her. No blush to cross her cheeks but definite suspicion….

Her hand would slowly shift up though, he spoke and so she felt it safe to at least move a little. Her fingers curling around the top of his and softly tugging, attempting to get him off of her. She wouldn’t have spoken even if he released her lips though, watching as those bandits came into view. A tilt of her head, even towards Yugure that would even have the top of her ear brush against him unintentionally. And all the more curious when they were looking for a girl. Curious until she heard about her amulet.

A firm line in her lips was taken, eyes narrowing softly, and her hand shifting to curl that pendant in her grip. Light and soft, for she always had some vision of lightness and nobility, but very clearly she was not happy with what was being said. Cruel intentions, lowly standards… evil before her was obvious in its own way of the world. She wasnt pleased in general, and was less so that it was targetted towards her.

A look towards the boy, one of expectance, and then back towards those other men as well. She had no explanation. She didn’t know who they were. But she had no intention of letting them pilfer around her things any longer.

"Saimu, I am in your debt: they know not their fear. Give me their pain as I give you my life. Let me be their shield!

They were coming closer already… encroaching upon their hiding place. And unless Yugure had clapped her mouth shut and tugged her away once more, the woman would have pounced from her spot towards the end of her prayer. They had been quiet words, but ones softly and elegantly spoken with more care than even before. A little flicker of glimmering light. Sparkling magics? That would have fluttered about the two bodies in the bushes and have likely caught attention anyway, though the young woman springing up with a strike upwards using her weight and jump of her legs to land at least a somewhat decisvie blow? But to carry through in her momentum if allowed with a follow through of one of her legs, sure to be an indecent bit of exposure for the young lady as the dark shade of pink flipped around and the toned thighs of the heiress would be flashed about, but foot hopefuly and meant to be firmly colliding with the skull of one of those men before she’d retract and land. Her things in her eye though, she wanted her staff. And if such an opening presented itself, would have made a break towards those items and her weapon.

Blessing Activated - Kaori and Yugure are invulnerable.  Except in the case of Yugure taking damage, Kaori will take his pain and injury.

Sasaki Kaori
Natsu has written 23 posts
A Bandit Has His Day [Kaori]Apr 14, 2022 3:08:25 GMT -5
Sato Yugure
Someone's gotta look out for the little guy.
Sato Yugure Avatar
age 18 years old birthday July 23 rank Chuunin occupation
Who knows if I'll be around tomorrow...

Mind racing, Yugure tried to formulate a plan of attack, barely noticing as the woman removed his hand from her mouth. A single foe he could handle no problem. Two? It would be tough, but still possible. Three was out of the question. And there was the matter of Kaori... as far as he knew, she was nothing more than a liability, a potential hostage if things really went wrong. And then she started started saying some random hocus pocus. Yugure hastily tried to shush the woman, but the damage was already done, the two bandits hearing the noise and approaching while drawing their weapons. If the sound of her weird chant wasn't enough, a shining light suddenly flickered around the two of them, but there was no time for the mercenary to ask what the hell it was with the bandits practically upon them.

He drew his own mace as he suddenly stood, fully revealing himself with his weapon brandished and a grimace on his face. Before he could make the first strike however, Kaori acted first, her form a red blur as she suddenly kicked the closest bandit right in the noggin, knocking him over and into his companion before making a mad dash for her equipment. He took a step in her direction to try and stop her but found his path blocked by a sudden attack from the bandit that she hadn't kicked in the head, flash of steel forcing him to keep his attention on the men in front of him. The injured one was on the ground, but still very much conscious, nursing his head as he tried to gather his bearings. With a growl, Yugure raised his mace, which prompted the bandit before him to launch a counterattack, a knife thrust aimed directly for his chest. Thankfully, the mercenary had no intention of dying today, and his initial attack had been nothing more than a feint. His free hand slapped the arm holding the knife away before gripping the man's shoulder. One swift tug later, and the bandit would feel Yugure's head smashing into his nose, immediately breaking it and sending him reeling back.

Yugure found it curious that he didn't feel the usual pain that came with headbutting someone, but he didn't have time to question it, the other bandit was on his feet and rather eager to get revenge for the kick to the head. Meanwhile, the other thief that had been searching through Kaori's belongings had ample opportunity to arm himself, brandishing a fairly dull sword as she charged directly for him.
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